Hochiki FB-1 User Manual

esp FIREbeam
This manual details the installation of: ESP FIREbeam Reflective Optical Beam Smoke Detector If you have any queries regarding these products or their functionality please contact: Hochiki Europe (UK) Limited
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2011 Hochiki Europe (UK) Ltd. All rights reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, without the prior permission in writing of Hochiki Europe (UK) Ltd.
Hochiki Europe (UK) Limited reserves the right to alter the specifications of its products from time to time without notice. Although every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information contained in this document it is not warranted or represented by Hochiki Europe (UK) Limited to be a complete and up-to-date description.
Document Details: Title: ESP FIREbeam Reflective Optical Beam Smoke Detector - Installation Manual
Issue 2.0 Issue Date December 2011 Part No. 2-3-0-1340
ESP FIREbeam – Installation Manual Page 3 of 19
Table of Contents
1 Distance and Position Guidelines ..................................................................................................................... 4
1.1 Distance ...................................................................................................................................................... 4
1.1.1 5 to 40 metres - The Standard ESP FIREbeam ..................................................................................... 4
1.1.2 40 to 80 metres - The Standard ESP FIREbeam + Mid Range 40 to 80m Kit ....................................... 4
1.1.3 80 to 100 metres - The Standard ESP FIREbeam + Long Range 80 to 100m Kit ................................. 4
1.2 Position ....................................................................................................................................................... 5
2 Installing, Commissioning and Testing ............................................................................................................ 6
2.1 Step 1 - Mounting the Head ........................................................................................................................ 6
2.2 Step 2 – Programming the Analogue Address ........................................................................................... 6
2.3 Step 3 - Mounting the Controller ................................................................................................................. 7
2.4 Wiring Configuration ................................................................................................................................... 7
2.5 Step 4 - Commissioning .............................................................................................................................. 8
2.5.1 Stage One - Language and Commissioning Speed ............................................................................... 8
2.5.2 Stage Two - Pre-alignment ..................................................................................................................... 8
2.5.3 Stage Three – Manual Alignment ........................................................................................................... 9
2.5.4 Stage Four - Auto-Alignment ................................................................................................................ 11
2.6 Step 5 - Testing ......................................................................................................................................... 11
2.6.1 Fault Test .............................................................................................................................................. 11
2.6.2 Fire Test ................................................................................................................................................ 11
3 Screen and Menu Systems ............................................................................................................................... 12
3.1 Home Screen ............................................................................................................................................ 12
3.2 How To Use the Menu System ................................................................................................................. 13
3.3 Individual Menu Items ............................................................................................................................... 14
3.3.1 Language .............................................................................................................................................. 14
3.3.2 Commissioning ..................................................................................................................................... 14
3.3.3 Mode Change ....................................................................................................................................... 15
3.3.4 Beam Maintenance ............................................................................................................................... 17
3.3.5 Diagnostics ........................................................................................................................................... 18
4 Technical Specifications .................................................................................................................................. 19
2011 Hochiki Europe (UK) Ltd
Page 4 of 19 ESP FIREbeam – Installation Manual
1 Distance and Position Guidelines
These guidelines are recommendations only and it is important that you refer to your appropriate governing standards at all times.
When positioning your ESP FIREbeam there are important factors that you should consider, mainly what distance you are covering and the optimal position in the building.
1.1 Distance
The standard ESP FIREbeam is suitable for distances of 5m to 40m to the reflector. If you require 40m to 80m you will need to use the mid range reflector extension kit. For ranges of 80m to 100m you will require the long range reflector extension kit.
1.1.1 5 to 40 metres - The Standard ESP FIREbeam
The standard ESP FIREbeam comes boxed with the head unit, low level controller, one reflector, 3mm allen key and quick start installation guide, this should be used for distances over 5m and up to 40m.
1.1.2 40 to 80 metres - The Standard ESP FIREbeam + Mid Range 40 to 80m Kit
For distances of 40 to 80 metres you will need to use the standard ESP FIREbeam and a mid range extension kit (the mid range kit comes with a backing plate and 3 extra reflectors, you will need to add the reflector from the standard kit to the mid range kit with the screws provided).
1.1.3 80 to 100 metres - The Standard ESP FIREbeam + Long Range 80 to 100m Kit
For distances of 80 to 100 metres you will need to use the standard ESP FIREbeam and a long range extension kit (the long range kit comes with a backing plate and 8 extra reflectors, you will need to add the reflector from the standard kit to the long range kit with the screws provided).
2011 Hochiki Europe (UK) Ltd
ESP FIREbeam – Installation Manual Page 5 of 19
1.2 Position
A roof is considered flat unless the height of the apex is greater then 0.6m. If the roof is flat the ESP FIREbeam system can be placed anywhere under the roof between 0.3m and 0.6m below the roof, up to a maximum height of 40m from the floor. The ESP FIREbeam has a detection area of 7.5m either side of the beam. If the roof is considered to have an apex, place the ESP FIREbeam system 0.3m to 0.6m down from the top of the apex, up to a maximum height of 40m from the floor. The maximum protected area either side of the beam can be extended by 1% for every degree of roof pitch, see the example below:
NOTE: Careful design consideration should be made when positioning
beams and reflectors in environments that can be susceptible to condensation i.e. warehouses near to water that have areas open to the outside environment or that are exposed to quick extreme changes in temperature. To assist with this problem that can affect all beam detectors we produce an anti-fog kit comprising of a specially coated reflector and lens cover. Individual reflectors are also available. The standard ESP FIREbeam and range kits can be supplied as anti-fog sets as a special order.
2011 Hochiki Europe (UK) Ltd
Page 6 of 19 ESP FIREbeam – Installation Manual
2 Installing, Commissioning and Testing
2.1 Step 1 - Mounting the Head
Screw the head backing plate to the wall - always try to use as sturdy a location as possible, such as bric k or major structural steels (avoid mounting to outer metal cladding etc). Avoid mounting the head where direct sunlight can shine directly into the ‘eyes’ of the beam (care should be taken when mounting in glass atriums). Ambient sunlight will not affect the beam.
Also available - unistrut adapter plate
Use this accessory for easy mounting to unistrut fabrication. Holes are pre-drilled to the correct pitch of the head and conveniently positioned for use with unistrut.
2 knock-outs are provided on both sides. Take care when
using drills not to damage the circuit board.
Wire to low level controller using bottom colour coded terminals.
Wire into system as required (see “Wiring Configuration” on page 7). Ensure that all wiring
is below the level of the front edge of the box.
Screw in through holes provided outside of the rubber seal.
2.2 Step 2 – Programming the Analogue Address
The FIREbeam is programmed via the integral FIREbeam Control Module situated on the main PCB within the head unit. To program an address you will require a TCH-B100 Hand Held Programmer and a PL-3 Programming Lead (both provided separately). Connect the PL-3 Programming Lead to the TCH-B100 Hand Held Programmer and then to the blue programming socket on the FIREbeam Control Module. Refer to the TCH-B100 Instructions for further details on programming addresses. The programmed address can be written on the module label in the space provided.
Once the unit is programmed connect the head to the base plate by first plugging in the connector.
Do not force in, white
wires should be uppermost. Should
you forget to connect this the controller screen will read ERROR.
Screw the head screws down with the 3mm allen key provided.
Your wiring should be flush and not flattened by tightening down screws.
2011 Hochiki Europe (UK) Ltd
+ 13 hidden pages