HOBO® RX3000 RXW Manager (RXMOD-RXW-xxx) Quick Start
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Important: If you have not already registered the RX3000 station with HOBOlink® and set up the station communications, follow the
instructions in the HOBO RX3000 Remote Monitoring Station Quick Start before continuing (go to www.onsetcomp.com/manuals/rx3000-qsg).
Stop the RX3000 station and connect to
Press the Stop button if the station is currently logging and
then press the Connect button to upload the latest data to
Power down the RX3000 station.
Disconnect the battery and unplug any charging device.
Install the RXW Manager module.
Power up the RX3000 station.
Plug in the battery and then the charging device, and wait for
the station to power up. Verify that the new module is listed
on the LCD screen with a checkmark. The station should
automatically connect to HOBOlink (press the Connect
button on the station if it does not).
Update the RX3000 station firmware.
If you added the module to an RX3000 station that was
previously in use, you will need to update the station
firmware. If you have a new station, go to step 7.
a. In HOBOlink, go to Devices > List and click the station name.
b. On the station page, click Overview and scroll down to
Device Information.
c. On the General tab under the Firmware Version, click the
firmware upgrade link.
d. Select Upgrade on Next Connection and click Save.
e. Press the Connect button on the station to connect to
HOBOlink and start the firmware upgrade.
f. Wait for the firmware upgrade to complete. The upgrade
icon should be gone in HOBOlink once the upgrade is
successful. If the station firmware is not successfully
installed, it could be because there is an interruption in
cellular service or poor signal strength. Contact Onset
Technical Support for help.
Insert the connector on the back of the module into the
receptacle in the left or right module slot. Use a Phillips-head
screwdriver to tighten the screw at the bottom of the module.
Connect the RXW Manager module to the
Plug the cable from
the RXW Manager
mote into the jack on
the module, making
sure the cable is
inserted through the
bottom of the station
case. Do not
reconnect the power
on the station until
the mote is plugged
in as shown.
Configure the module in HOBOlink.
Set the logging interval for the module in HOBOlink. Go to
Devices > List, select the icon next to your station, and
select Module/Sensor Configuration. Select Module <1 or 2>:
Wireless Sensors Logging, enter a logging interval (how often
the sensor motes will record data), and click Save.
Press the Start button on the RX3000 station to begin logging.
See the HOBOlink Help for details on how to change
connection intervals, view data, check mote status, and more.
Mount the manager mote and add sensor
motes and repeaters to the network.
• Close the mote and use a padlock to keep it secure.
• Mount the mote vertically using cable ties or screws.
• Mount the manager as high as possible above the RX3000
station to increase the radio signal and line of sight.
• Add sensor motes and any repeaters to the wireless
network and then deploy them.
Follow the tips on the reverse side for setting up the network.
Note: Make sure that the RXW Manager cable and all other
cables and wires are routed through weatherproof cable
channels. Refer to the RX3000 manual at
www.onsetcomp.com/manual/rx3000 for details.
Distributed by MicroDAQ.com, Ltd. www.MicroDAQ.com (603) 746-5524
Tips for Setting up the RX Wireless Sensor Network
• Stay close to the RX3000 station when adding motes to the wireless network because
you will need to access both the station and the mote at the same time. After the mote
has successfully joined the wireless network, you can then move it to its deployment
• Check the signal strength on the mote LCD on the location where you want to place the
mote. If there is only one or two bars on the signal strength indicator, consider moving
the mote to a location where the signal strength is stronger.
• Make sure motes are mounted a minimum of 1.8 m (6 feet) above the ground or
vegetation to help maximize distance and signal strength as shown at right.
• Consider using plastic poles such as PVC to mount the motes.
• Make sure each sensor mote and repeater is positioned so that the built-in solar
panel receives optimal sunlight throughout each season as shown at right. It may be
necessary to periodically adjust the mote position as the path of the sunlight
changes throughout the year or if tree and leaf growth alters the amount of sunlight
reaching the solar panel.
• There should not be more than five motes in any direction at their maximum
transmission range from the RXW Manager. Data logged by a wireless sensor must
travel or “hop” across the wireless network from one mote to the next until it
ultimately reaches the RXW Manager at the RX3000 station. To make sure the data
can successfully travel across the network, the sensor mote should not be more than
five hops away from the manager.
• Obstructions between motes can prevent reliable network communication. If the mote is blocked by a small obstruction (e.g. a pole,
the RX3000 station, shrubbery), then move the mote to a location where the obstruction is not blocking the path to the nearest
mote. If there is a change in elevation between motes or a large obstruction is in the way (e.g. a building as shown in the example
below or tree), then either reposition the mote until there is full line of sight to the next mote or add a repeater between them.
• Use the Map feature in HOBOlink for a bird’s eye view of the network and wireless paths. See the HOBOlink Help for details on this
and other ways to monitor the status of your network and sensor data.
For instructions on adding a mote to the network and complete details on the RX3000 station, scan the code at left or go to
For specifications and other details about the RXW Manager, refer to the full product manual. Scan the code at left or go to
For all RXW Wireless Sensor Network product manuals including specific sensor motes, go to www.onsetcomp.com/support/manuals.
© 2018 Onset Computer Corporation. All rights reserved. Onset, HOBO, and HOBOlink are registered trademarks of Onset
1-800-LOGGERS (564-4377) • 508-759-9500
Computer Corporation. All other trademarks are the property of their respective companies.
This product has been manufactured by Onset Computer Corporation and in compliance with Onset’s ISO 9001:2015 Quality
Management System.