HMS OCPP User Manual

Modbus Server
Open Charge Point Protocol (OCPP)
Intesis® Modbus – OCPP User Manual r1.2 eng
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Important User Information
The information in this document is for informational purposes only. Please inform HMS Industrial Networks of any inaccuracies or omissions found in this document. HMS Industrial Networks disclaims any responsibility or liability for any errors that may appear in this document.
HMS Industrial Networks reserves the right to modify its products in line with its policy of continuous product development. The information in this document shall therefore not be construed as a commitment on the part of HMS Industrial Networks and is subject to change without notice. HMS Industrial Networks makes no commitment to update or keep current the information in this document.
The data, examples and illustrations found in this document are included for illustrative purposes and are only intended to help improve understanding of the functionality and handling of the product. In view of the wide range of possible applications of the product, and because of the many variables and requirements associated with any particular implementation, HMS Industrial Networks cannot assume responsibility or liability for actual use based on the data, examples or illustrations included in this document nor for any damages incurred during installation of the product. Those responsible for the use of the product must acquire sufficient knowledge in order to ensure that the product is used correctly in their specific application and that the application meets all performance and safety requirements including any applicable laws, regulations, codes and standards. Further, HMS Industrial Networks will under no circumstances assume liability or responsibility for any problems that may arise as a result from the use of undocumented features or functional side effects found outside the documented scope of the product. The effects caused by any direct or indirect use of such aspects of the product are undefined and may include e.g. compatibility issues and stability issues.
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Gateway for the integration of OCPP Charging Points into Modbus TCP or RTU enabled systems and external OCPP Central Systems
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1 Introduction .............................................................................................................................................. 5
2 System configuration ................................................................................................................................ 6
Charger(s) configuration ................................................................................................................... 6
Intesis Gateway configuration using MAPS ..................................................................................... 6
Working with a BMS as a Central System: Integration into a Modbus BMS .................................. 10
2.3.1 Available Operations ............................................................................................................... 10
Working with an External OCPP Central system: Read-only Modbus registers ............................ 17
2.4.1 Available Operations ............................................................................................................... 17
Appendix 1 – UML Sequence diagrams ..................................................................................................... 18
SEQ_SyncDateTime ............................................................................................................................... 18
SEQ_Authorize ........................................................................................................................................ 19
SEQ_StartTransaction ............................................................................................................................. 20
SEQ_StopTransaction ............................................................................................................................. 21
SEQ_RemoteStartTransaction ................................................................................................................ 22
SEQ_RemoteStopTransaction ................................................................................................................ 22
SEQ_SendLocalList ................................................................................................................................ 23
SEQ_GetLocalListVersion ....................................................................................................................... 23
Appendix 2 – Modbus register map ............................................................................................................ 24
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1 Introduction
This document describes the integration process of OCPP devices (EV Chargers) into Modbus TCP and RTU compatible systems and external OCPP Central Systems, using the Intesis Modbus Server – OCPP gateway.
For details about the gateway, how to install and set up the device, please refer to the User Manual. The configuration tool for this gateway is Intesis® MAPS software This document assumes that the user is familiar with Modbus and OCPP technologies and their technical terms.
Fig 1.1 Use case 1: Integration of OCPP EV Charging points into a Modbus BMS (TCP or RTU)
Fig 1.2 Use case 2: Modbus gateway acting as an bridge between an external OCPP Central System and
OCPP chargers
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2 System configuration
In the following chapter it´s described a set of general rules to perform the integration of EV charging points (chargers) and their connectors to the Intesis gateway.
Please keep in mind each charger is different and must have access to OCPP 1.6 networks to enable communication with Intesis gateway.
The configuration of the chargers must be applied when working in both OCPP modes: BMS Central System and External Central system.
Charger(s) configuration
In order to work with Intesis gateway, each charger connected must be enabled to work in an OCPP network. To do so, check on the User Manual or documentation of the EV charger´s manufacturer. Once the OCPP connection
is enabled, you should be able to change or copy the charger´s ID and configure IP settings of the OCPP network and some other parameters of the charger. When changing the IP settings, note that the Intesis gateway uses the not secure version of OCPP 1.6J WebSocket, therefore the URL should be set in the form: ws:// The TCP port by default is 9000, but it can be changed in MAPS as described in point 2.2.
Important: Note down the ChargerID to use it later when configuring Intesis MAPS.
Intesis Gateway configuration using MAPS
1. Start-up MAPS software in your PC and use the project template: IBOX-MBS-OCPP-template.
2. Go to Configuration, General tab and configure the networks details. Keep in mind the configuration used in the Charger(s)
3. Configure the Modbus slave/server details as required by your network on the Modbus Slave tab.
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4. Use the OCPP tab to configure the Chargers in your network. Please note that this configuration must be done, and it is the same, for both OCPP working modes. There are 2 different options to perform the set-up:
a. Manually
Gateway Configuration: a choice is given for the OCCP Central System to be implemented on the BMS interface (select BMS) or on an OCCP external Central System (select External) Chargers Configuration: Select as many Chargers and Connectors as you require to integrate (Note Intesis gateway is offered in 2 versions: 1 charger + 7 connectors or up 20 chargers + 7 connector each)
Use the Charger ID previously noted when configuring the chargers to identify each of the units.
This option will list as many chargers in the network that are trying to connect to Intesis gateway. IMPORTANT! Keep in mind that the Scan option will only list the chargers that are already configured
to connect to the Intesis gateway (same network)
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Once the setup is done, you can use the Heartbeat interval to adjust the time the chargers use this parameter to communicate with the Central System. Furthermore, the TCP configuration can be adapted to change the port enabled for OCPP communication. By default, it is always 9000.
5. Go to Connection tab to connect MAPS/PC to the Intesis gateway.
6. Use the Signals tab to activate the signals required for the project. This tab will be updated according the number of Chargers and Connectors defined in the OCPP tab and the OCPP operation mode.
a. When working as BMS Central system: All signals are available as Modbus registers to implement
the necessary operations to work as an OCPP central system with the Modbus BMS.
b. When working with an External OCPP Central system: Only measurements and information signals
are available as Modbus registers for integration and supervision from a Modbus BMS.
IMPORTANT! Not all the available charger signals are active by default. User might require activating some signals according to each project needs. Max limit is 10.000 signals per project.
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7. Go to Receive/Send and send the project to the Intesis gateway.
8. After 30 seconds, connect again to the Intesis gateway and go to Diagnostic tab to visualize the communication status in both sides: Modbus and OCPP.
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Working with a BMS as a Central System: Integration into a Modbus BMS
This section describes the sequences and workflows required to transmit information from OCPP to a Modbus client/master using all the available OCPP operations in the Intesis gateway.
2.3.1 Available Operations Time synchronization
The Central System (Modbus BMS or PLC) can synchronize periodically the time with the Intesis gateway, so this one can do the same with the EV´s charger.
Considering that the synchronization between the BMS and the gateway happens periodically, the synchronization between the Intesis gateway and the charger though, only happens during the charger´s start up process. Check with the manufacturer´s manual to verify this functionality in the charger.
It is possible to change the date from a Modbus client/master using the dedicated Modbus registers, however these registers must be written in the gateway within 15 seconds time in between writing commands; after this time the gateway will take this actual registers as valid and update its internal clock. Note that all time registers must be written, partial dates are not valid.
Moreover, the time synchronization between the gateway and the charger it´s only performed with the message BootNotification.req, triggered by the charger, so the gateway responds with the date information. The charger should only launch the BootNotification.req in two cases:
- Charger´s reboot process
- When requested by the Central System using the registers of the command TriggerMessage, requesting the BootNotification.req.
Check the diagram SEQ_SyncDateTime in Appendix 1 to review the communication workflow between the 3 systems and check the Modbus registers involved. Local start charging operation
Typically, the start of a charging operation can be done locally when the user initiates the charge using a RFID card at the charging point.
After this action, the charger initiates the operation to validate the user, checking the card ID´s number with its local authorization list (in case this option is available in the charger) If the local authorization method cannot be performed, an authorization message is triggered to the Central System (BMS) so this one can authorize or not the user´s ID card.
If the user is not authorized, the charging operation is cancelled. If the user is authorized, the charger initiates another operation with the user´s information and sends a notification to the Central system (BMS) to initiate the charging operation.
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Check the following diagram and SEQ_StartTransaction in Appendix 1 to review the communication workflow between the 3 systems and check the Modbus registers involved.
Not Author ized
Not Accepted
Check idTag in Local
Local Cache Disabled
Local Cache Enabled
Check idTag in Local
Authorization List
List Enabled
Local Authorization List
idTag Pres ent
idTag NOT present
idTag NOT present
User passes a card throught card reader
Connector is charging
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A user can stop the charging operation locally from the charging point. This is typically done by the charging point when the user passes a RFID or ID card over the charger´s reader.
After this action, the charger will check if the user that is requesting the stop operation is the same that initiated it. If that is the case, the stop operation is triggered directly without starting any other authentication method. If that is not the case, the charger should check if the user that is requesting the stop operation belongs to the same user´s group (parentIdTag) through the local cache list, the local authorization list and lastly through the standard authorization process with the Central system (BMS)
If after this authentication process the user is denied, the stop operation will be cancelled. If the user is accepted, the charger will send another message to the Central system so it can be accepted and stop the charging operation.
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Check the following diagram and SEQ_StopTransaction in Appendix 1 to review the communication workflow between the 3 systems and check the Modbus registers involved.
Not Authorized
Not Accep te d
Check idTag in Local
Local Cache Disabled
Local Cache Enabled
Check idTag in Local
Authorization List
Authoriza tion
List Enabled
Local Autho rization List
Disable d
idTag Pres ent
idTag NO T present
idTag NO T present
idTag != tra nsactionId.idTag
Check if
idTag.Par entIdTag == transactionId.idTag.ParentIdTag
idTag == tr ansactionId.idTag
User passes a card throught card reader
Connector stops charging
and goes to available
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