n object to an outgoing voltage, which is correlated to
Thermopile system
TSEM 0108-L
Linear array thermopile system with digital output
TSEM 0108-L
• Home appliances (Microwave oven)
• Medical (Skin temperature)
• Automotive (Air conditioning)
• Security ( Presence detection)
Object temperature range1) 0 +150 °C
Accuracy 2 % of FS
Resolution (digital) 0.5 °C
Data output rate 10 Hz
FOV 20 °
Power voltage supply 4,75 5 5,25 VDC
Current consumption 6 mA
Operation temperature range
Storage temperature range -40 +105 °C
Dimensions W x D x H 25 x 25 x 19 mm
Subject to change
Function principle:
Thermopiles transform incoming heat radiation from
the object temperature. This IR sensor is based on an
8 element linear array thermopile chip. The integrated
silicon lens generates 8 individual FOV (field of view)
to measure the temperature profile along a straight
line at 8 separate points. The can integrated
multiplexer connects selected pixels to the output
channel. The object temperature is calculated digitally
by a microcontroller. The calculated temperature are
transmitted by an I2C output interface. The system is
calibrated and compensated for ambient temperature
effects and can be adapted for different emissivity
• Small size
• Easy to integrate
• Low cost unit
Low vibration sensitivity
Conditions Min Typ Max Unit
0 +85 °C
HL-Planartechnik GmbH
Hauert 13, 44 227 Dortmund, Tel.: +49 (0) 231/97400, Fax.: +49 (0) 231/974020
Internet: http://www.hlplanar.com E-Mail: service@hlplanar.de