HHMM--SSeerriieess EElleeccttrriicc AAccttuuaattoorr
IInnssttaallllaattiioonn aanndd OOppeerraattiioonn MMaannuuaall
Note : Read carefully the following information as it is critical to the user’s understanding of the
actuator installation and operation procedures. This manual contains important safety
information. Please ensure it is thoroughly read and understood before installing, operating
or performing maintenance procedures for equipment.
1. Do not open cover during operation
in case of electrical shock
This manual contains critical information related to the operation of the
. It
is crucial that only trained personnel who understands thoroughly the setup, operations,
controls and inspection procedures due to safety concerns. Follow the manual guidelines
before setup. When misused, the Actuator can cause harm, severe injury or even death due
to high voltages and forces involved. It is highly recommended to request for training prior to
Take extreme care when operating environments exceeds the range of -20°C~80°C. The
Actuator is intended to operate between the given ranges on the nameplate of each actuator.
In the case where products are exposed to temperature ranges that exceed the allowed
range, do not check for damage as it could result in severe injury. Consult with the
manufacturer as soon as possible. Do not attempt to alter the Actuator physically as this
could lead to leakage and malfunction of the product. Before performing maintenance in
potentially hazardous areas, make sure all electrical supplies are shutdown and actuator
relocated to an environmentally safe location.
Housing Material:
Up to the HM010~035 of the
, Aluminium is processed
to manufacture the housing. Bolts etc are manufactured of stainless steel and base
from Cast Iron. The Models from HM40 ~ IQ90 are a mixture of Aluminium and
Ductile Iron. Before operating an
the user must verify environmental
compatibility to avoid chemical corrosion. Study to determine safety must be
conducted before use.
Self-heating motor temperature:
In normal operation mode the temperature of the
Actuator cover may exceed 60⁰C and advise great caution when handling.
Motor thermal protection (By Pass):
Whenever the configurations are set to
bypass the Actuator cover temperature, any Hazardous area handling certificates
becomes invalid. Keep in mind hen using this mode that the risk of electrical danger