HK Audio PR:O 10 XD, PR:O 12 D, PR:O 18 SUB A, PR:O 210 SUB A, PR:O 12 XD User Manual

Manual 1.0
• English • Deutsch
PR:O 10 XD • PR:O 12 D • PR:O 12 XD • PR:O 15 D • PR:O 15 XD PR:O 18 SUB A • PR:O 210 SUB A
Versio n 2. 4 07/20 15
Thi s pro duct has b een built by t he ma nufact urer in a ccorda nce w ith IEC 6006 5 and left the facto ry i n saf e wor king order. To main tain thi s con ditio n and ensu re no n-ris k ope ratio n, th e use r mus t fol low t he ad vice and w arnin g com ments foun d in the o perat ing ins tructi ons. If t his p roduc t sha ll be used in vehic les, ships or air craft or a t alt itude s exc eedin g 200 0 m above sea level , tak e car e of the r eleva nt sa fety regul ation s whi ch ma y exc eed t he I EC 60 065 req uireme nts. WARN ING: To preve nt th e ri sk of fire and shock haza rd, do no t exp ose t his a pplia nce t o moi sture or rain. Do n ot op en ca se – no use r ser vicea ble p arts insid e. R efer servi ce to qual ified ser vice per sonnel .
Thi s sym bol, where ver i t app ears, aler ts yo u to the pre sence of u ninsu lated dang erous volta ge i nside the enclo sure – vol tage that may b e su fficie nt to con stitut e a risk of sh ock.
Thi s sym bol, where ver i t app ears, aler ts yo u to the pre sence of e xtern ally access ible hazar dous volta ge. E xtern al wi ring con nected to any t ermin al ma rked with this symbo l mu st be a “re ady m ade c able” comp lying with the manu factur ers rec ommend ation s, or must be a wir ing instal led b y in struct ed per sons only.
Thi s sym bol, where ver i t app ears, aler ts yo u to impor tant ope rating and main tenanc e ins truct ions in t he ac compan ying lit eratur e. R ead t he ma nual.
Thi s sym bol, where ver i t app ears, tell s you : Take c are! Hot sur face! To preve nt bu rns y ou mu st no t tou ch.
• Re ad th ese instru ction s.
• Ke ep th ese i nstru ction s.
• Fo llow all warnin gs an d in struct ions marke d on the produ ct an d
in this manua l.
• Do not use this produ ct ne ar wa ter. D o no t pla ce th e pro duct near
wat er, ba ths, wash basin s, ki tchen sink s, we t are as, s wimmi ng poo ls or damp room s.
• Do not plac e obj ects conta ining liqu id on the produ ct – vases ,
gla sses, bottl es e tc.
• Cl ean only with dry cloth.
• Do not remo ve an y cov ers o r sec tions of the h ousin g.
• The set oper ating volta ge o f the prod uct m ust m atch the local
mai ns su pply volta ge. I f you are not sure of th e ty pe of powe r ava ilable cons ult y our d ealer or local power com pany.
• Be fore conne cting the devic e, pl ease ensur e tha t the mai ns su pply
you are using is equip ped w ith a dequa te pr otecti on a gainst shor t cir cuitin g an d gro unding faul ts wh en t he de vice is pl ugged in.
• To r educe the risk of e lectri cal shock, the grou nding of t his
pro duct must be ma intai ned. Use o nly the p ower suppl y cor d pro vided with this prod uct, and m ainta in th e fun ction of the cen ter ( ground ing) pin of th e ma ins c onnect ion at an y tim e. Ma ke sur e the main s out let used provid es a prop er pr otect ive g round con nectio n.
• Do not defea t th e saf ety p urpos e of the polari zed o r gr oundin g-
typ e plu g. A polar ized plug has two b lades with one wider tha n the othe r. A g round ing t ype p lug has t wo bl ades and a thi rd gro unding pro ng. The wid e bla de or the third pro ng ar e pro vided for your safet y. If the provi ded p lug d oes not f it in to yo ur ou tlet, con sult an el ectri cian for r eplac ement of t he ob olete outl et.
• Pr otect the power cor d fro m bei ng wa lked on or pin ched
par ticul arly at pl ugs, conve nience rece ptacl es, a nd th e po int w here the y exi t fro m the dev ice! Power supp ly co rds s hould alwa ys be han dled caref ully. Period icall y che ck co rds for c uts o r sig n of str ess, especi ally at t he pl ug an d the poi nt wh ere t he co rd e xits the devi ce.
• Ne ver use a dama ged p ower cord.
• Un plug this produ ct d uring light ning storm s or when unus ed fo r
lon g per iods of ti me.
• Thi s pro duct can be fu lly d iscon necte d fro m mai ns on ly by pull ing
the main s plu g at the unit or t he wa ll so cket. The p roduc t mus t be pla ced i n suc h a way a t any time , th at di sconne cting from main s is easil y pos sible .
• Fu ses: Repla ce wi th IE C127 (5x20 mm) type and r ated fuse for b est per forman ce on ly! It is proh ibite d to use “patch ed fu ses” or t o sho rt th e fus e-hol der. R eplac ing a ny ki nd of fuse s mu st on ly be car ried out b y qua lifie d ser vice pers onal.
• Re fer a ll se rvic ing t o qua lifie d ser vice perso nnel. Ser vicin g is req uired when the unit has been damag ed in any way, such as:
- Wh en th e pow er c ord o r plu g is damag ed o r fra yed.
- If liq uid h as be en sp illed or object s hav e fal len i nto t he p roduct .
- If the prod uct h as be en ex posed to rain or mo istur e.
- If the prod uct d oes n ot op erate norm ally when the operat ing ins tructi ons are f ollowe d.
- If the prod uct h as be en dr opped or the c abine t has been dama ged.
• Do not conn ect e xtern al sp eaker s to this produ ct wi th an imp edance low er th an th e rat ed im pedan ce gi ven o n the pro duct or in t his m anual. Use only cabl es wi th su ffici ent c ross secti on acc ording to the l ocal safet y reg ulati ons.
• Ke ep aw ay fr om d irect sunli ght.
• Do not inst all n ear h eat s ource s suc h as radia tors, heat regi sters , sto ves o r oth er de vices that prod uce h eat.
• Do not bloc k any vent ilati on op ening s. In stall in a ccord ance with man ufactu rer’s ins tructi ons. T his produc t mus t no t be place d in a b uilt- in in stalla tion such as a rack unle ss pr oper venti latio n is pro vided.
• Al ways allow a co ld d evice to w arm u p to ambie nt t empera ture, whe n bei ng mo ved i nto a roo m. Con densa tion can f orm i nside it and dama ge th e pro duct, when bein g us ed wi thout warm ing u p.
• Do not plac e nak ed fl ame s ource s, su ch as lig hted candle s on the pro duct.
• The dev ice m ust b e pos ition ed at leas t 20 cm/8“ away fro m wal ls.
• Us e on ly wi th th e car t, s tand, tripo d, b racket or table spec ified by the manu factur er or sol d wit h the prod uct. When a car t is used , use caut ion w hen m oving the cart /produ ct co mbina tion to av oid inj ury from tip-o ver.
• Us e on ly ac cessor ies r ecomm ended by t he m anufac turer, this app lies for a ll ki nd of acce ssori es, f or ex ample prot ective cov ers, tra nsport bag s, st ands, wall or c eilin g mou nting equi pment . In cas e of attac hing any k ind of ac cessor ies t o the pro duct, alway s fol low t he in struc tions for use, provi ded b y the manu factur er. Nev er us e fix ing p oints on the p roduc t oth er th an sp ecifi ed by the man ufactu rer.
• Thi s ap plianc e is NOT s uitab le to be used by an y pe rson or per sons (incl uding child ren) with limi ted p hysica l, se nsori cal o r men tal a bilit y, or by p ersons wit h ins uffic ient exper ience and/o r kno wledge to opera te su ch an appl iance . Chi ldren unde r 4 y ears of age must be kept away from this appli ance at a ll ti mes.
• Ne ver push object s of any kind into this produ ct t hrough cabi net slo ts as they may touc h dan gerous vol tage points or short out par ts th at co uld r esult in risk of fi re or ele ctric shock .
• Thi s pro duct is c apabl e of deliv ering soun d pre ssure level s in exc ess o f 90 dB, which may cause perm anent hear ing d amage ! Exp osure to e xtrem ely h igh noise level s ma y cau se a perma nent hea ring loss. Wear heari ng pr otecti on i f con tinous ly e xposed to suc h hig h lev els.
• The man ufactu rer o nly g uaran tees the s afety, reli abili ty an d eff icienc y of this prod uct i f:
- As sembly, ext ension , re -adjus tment , mod ifica tions or r epair s are car ried out b y the man ufactu rer o r by perso ns a uthori zed t o do so.
- The ele ctrica l ins talla tion of th e re levant area comp lies with the
req uireme nts of IE C (AN SI) s pecif icatio ns.
- The uni t is used in a ccorda nce w ith the o perati ng in struc tions .
• Thi s pro duct is o ptimi zed fo r us e wit h mus ic an d spe ech signal s.
Usi ng th is pr oduct with sine wave , sq uare wave or ot her k ind o f mea suring sig nals at hi gher level may lead to s evere dama ge of the prod uct.
General Notes on Safety for Loudspeaker Systems
Mou nting syst ems m ay on ly be used for thos e lou dspeak er sys tems autho rized by t he ma nufact urer and only with the mou nting acce ssorie s spe cifie d by the manufa cture r in the ins tallat ion instru ction s. Re ad an d hee d the man ufactu rer’s ins tallat ion instru ction s. The indi cated load -bear ing c apaci ty ca nnot be guara nteed and the m anufa cturer will not be l iable for damag es in the event of i mprope r in stalla tion or t he us e of unaut horiz ed mou nting acce ssorie s.
The syst em’s load-b earin g cap acity cann ot b e gua rantee d and the manu factur er wi ll n ot be liab le fo r dam ages in th e ev ent t hat lou dspeak ers, mount ing a ccess ories, and conn ecting and atta ching com ponent s ar e mod ified in a ny wa y. Comp onent s aff ecting safe ty m ay on ly be repa ired by t he man ufactu rer o r aut horiz ed ag ents, othe rwise the oper ating permi t wil l be voide d.
Ins tallat ion may b e per forme d qua lified per sonnel only , and the n onl y at pick- point s wit h suf ficie nt lo ad-ca rryin g cap acity and in compl iance with loca l bui lding regu latio ns. U se on ly th e mou nting har dware spec ified by t he ma nufact urer in t he in stalla tion ins tructi ons (screw s, an chors , etc .). Take all the preca utions nec essar y to ensur e bol ted connec tions and other thre aded locki ng dev ices will not l oosen .
Fix ed an d por table inst allat ions (in t his c ase, speak ers a nd mou nting acce ssorie s) mu st be sec ured by tw o ind epend ent s afeti es to preve nt th em fr om fa lling. Safe ties must be a ble t o cat ch acc essori es or par ts th at ar e loo se or may beco me lo ose. Ensur e com plianc e wi th th e giv en na tiona l reg ulati ons w hen u sing con nectin g, at tachi ng, a nd ri gging devi ces. Factor pote ntial dyna mic for ces ( jerk) into the equa tion when deter minin g the prop er si ze and load -bear ing c apacit y of safe ties.
Be sure to o bserv e spe aker stand s’ ma ximum load -bear ing cap acity. Note that for reaso ns of des ign a nd co nstru ction, most spe aker stand s are appr oved to be ar ce ntric load s onl y; th at i s, th e spe akers’ mass has to b e pre cisel y cen tered and balan ced. Ensur e spe aker stand s are set up s tably and secur ely. Take appr opria te add ed me asure s to secur e spe aker stand s, fo r exa mple when:
- t he f loor or gr ound surfac e do es no t pro vide a sta ble, secur e bas e.
- t hey are e xtend ed to heig hts t hat i mpede stab ility.
- h igh wind pressu re ma y be expe cted.
- t here is t he ri sk th at th ey m ay be knoc ked o ver b y peo ple. Spe cial measu res m ay be come neces sary as pr ecaut ions again st uns afe a udienc e beh avior. Do not s et up spea ker s tands in eva cuatio n rou tes and e mergen cy e xits. Ensu re co rridor s ar e wid e eno ugh a nd pu t pro per barrie rs an d ma rkings in place when sett ing spe aker stand s up in pa ssage ways. Moun ting and d ismou nting are espe ciall y haz ardous tas ks. U se ai ds su itabl e for this purp ose. Obs erve the given nati onal regula tions when doin g so.
Wear prop er pr otect ion ( in pa rticu lar, a helm et, gloves , and safe ty s hoes) and use o nly suitab le me ans of as cent (ladd ers, sca ffolds , etc .) d uring insta llati on. C omplia nce w ith this req uireme nt i s the sole resp onsib ility of t he c ompany per formin g the inst allat ion.
Afte r in stalla tion, insp ect t he s ystem compr ised of t he mo unting fix tures and louds peaker s to ensu re it is proper ly s ecured . The oper ator of lo udspe aker syste ms (f ixed or po rtabl e) mu st reg ularly ins pect or ta sk a third par ty to regu larly insp ect a ll s ystem com ponent s in acco rdance with the give n cou ntry ’s re gulat ions and hav e pos sible defec ts r epaire d imm ediat ely. We also strong ly r ecomme nd ma intai ning a log book or t he li ke to doc ument all inspe ctions . Whe n ins talli ng sp eakers for long er la sting or p erman ent o utdoo r ope ration , be sure to t ake into accoun t th e sta bilit y and load ­bea ring capac ity o f pla tform s and surf aces; loads and force s ex erted by wind, snow , and ice; as well as th ermal infl uence s. Als o be sure to provi de su ffici ent s afety marg ins f or th e rig ging point s use d for flo wn sy stems . Obs erve the given nati onal regula tions when doin g so.
• As k the manu factur er i f your pro duct is al lowed for outdo or
usa ge !
Pro fessio nal l oudsp eaker syste ms c an pr oduce harm ful vol ume l evels . Eve n pro longe d exp osure to s eemin gly h armle ss lev els ( starti ng a t abo ut 95 dBA SPL) can cause perm anent hear ing dam age! T herefo re w e rec ommend tha t eve ryone who is e xpose d to hig h vol ume l evels prod uced by lo udspe aker syste ms we ars pro fessio nal h earin g pro tectio n (ea rplug s or earmu ffs). Man ufactu rer: Stame r Mus ikanl agen GmbH, Magd eburge r Str. 8, 666 06 St . Wend el, G erman y
Welcome to the HK Audio family!
Thank you for choosing a brand-name product made by our company. Rest assured, we engineered and built it with the greatest care so it will serve you well for many tomorrows to come.
Even if your experience with sound systems runs deep, some things about this product are sure to be new to you. This is why we ask that you do not set this manual aside without reading it first. Be sure to keep it in a safe place for later reference.
Here‘s wishing you the best sound at every occasion!
Your HK Audio team
Register each powered PREMIUM PR:O speaker separately to extend your warranty to five years free of charge! Use the convenient online registration option at
If you are unable to register online, please fill out the enclosed warranty card, ensuring all information is legible and complete, and mail or fax it to us.
The registration is only valid if the warranty registration card is filled out and returned to HK AUDIO or the device is registered via Internet within 30 days of the date of purchase.
We are also interested in learning where and by whom our devices are used. This information will help us design future products. Your data are of course protected by German privacy laws.
Thank you!
Technischer Service Postfach 1509 66959 St. Wendel, Germany Fax: +49 6851 905 100
• English • Deutsch
1 PREMIUM PR:O Self-powered Cabinets
PR:O 10 XD • PR:O 12 D • PR:O 12 XD • PR:O 15 D • PR:O 15 XD
1.1 Control Features
Musi c Spee ch
Boos tFlat
Mic Line
Stan d-by
Gree n=On
Limi t/Error
On O
Gain Tone
Ca uti on : Ris k of el ec tr ic sh ock ! Do no t op en! Re fer s er vi cin g to qu al if ied se rv ice p er son ne l.
Ca uti on : To r ed uce t he ri sk of el ec tr ic sh oc k, gr ou ndi ng of th e ce nte r pi n o f th is pl ug mu st be m ai nta in ed .
22 0-240 V~ 50 -60 Hz 3 A ra ted curre nt
3 8
This is the PREMIUM PR:O powered cabinet’s on/o button. The Limiter/ Status LED lights up green to indicate the cab is powered up.
Use this knob to adjust the input gain to match the incoming signal‘s level.
Adjusting volume levels with the Gain knob:
The +4 dBu (center-notched) position is the factory default setting. It is tuned to achieve the right balance of levels between the mid/ high unit and subwoofer. If necessary, turn the Gain knob to adjust the balance of levels between the mid/ high unit and subwoofer(s) to suit the incoming line signals.
Mic/Line Selector
When connecting a microphone, you can optimize the input‘s gain level by setting this switch to Mic. This setting provides a 30 dB boost.
When connecting a line-level source such as a mixer, audio playback device, or electronic musical instrument, set this switch to Line.
Route the incoming audio signal into this electronically balanced, combination XLR/ 6.3 mm (1/4”) input (pin 1 = ground, 2 = +, 3 = -).
Limiter/Status LED
This dual-color LED serves as a status indicator for the PREMIUM PR:O powered cabinet (green = power on, red = limit/error). The LED briefly flashes red to tell you the limiter is responding to signal peaks.
Caution! If the Status LED stays red during operation, the cabinet is being overloaded. Turn down the signal level! If you are not routing a signal in and the Status LED stays red, the system has detected a fault.
Auto Standby
PREMIUM PR:O mid/ high units have a power-saving function that can be activated and deactivated. The power amp switches to standby mode when the button is set to On and the unit does not receive a signal for about four hours (consumption <0.5 watts). To power the PREMIUM PR:O cabinet back up again, simply set its Power button to O for five seconds and then back to On. Mid/ high units will remain up and running if you disable Auto Standby by setting this button to O.
The Tone knob adjusts the frequency response to suit the given application. Setting the knob to the center position defeats the filter.
Turning the Tone knob counterclockwise towards Music attenuates by up to -6 dB a broad midrange band with a center frequency of 2500 Hz, thereby taking the edge o the sound. The overall volume is not aected.
Turning the Tone knob clockwise towards Speech activates a 80-to-200 Hz low-cut filter, which enhances clarity for speech applications and reduces subsonic noise.
The X models (PR: O 10 XD, PR: O 12 XD, PR: O 15 XD) are also tuned to minimize feedback and distortion at high volume levels.
Flat/Boost Selector
Setting this switch to Flat conjures the optimum linear frequency response for live performances and for operation in combination with subwoofers.
Setting this switch to Boost pumps up the bass. This boosts a broad band of bass frequencies in the kick-drum range between 70 Hz and 80 Hz and extends the low-end response.
This passive parallel output routes the signal routed into the front-end Input back out again (pin 1 = ground, 2 = +, 3 = -).
Use the factory-included power cord to connect this socket to a wall outlet.
1.2 Connecting Cords
Music Speech
Mic Line
Stand-b y
Green=O n
Limit/E rror
On O
Gain Tone
Caut io n: Ri sk of e le ctr ic shoc k! D o n ot op en ! Refe r ser vi ci ng to q ua lif ie d serv ic e per so nn el.
Caut io n: To red uc e the r is k of e le ctr ic s hoc k, g rou nd in g of t he ce nt er pi n of th is plug m us t b e mai nt ai ned .
220- 240 V~ 50-6 0 H z 3 A rate d c urre nt
• When operating the PREMIUM PR:O speaker cabinet as a standalone unit or monitor without an added subwoofer, use a balanced cord equipped with XLR connectors or 6.3 mm (1/4”) jack plugs to route the signal from the mixer (via a monitor out, line out, or a similar output) or microphone to the Input.
• When operating the cabinet in combination with PREMIUM PR:O series powered subwoofers, use a cord equipped with XLR connectors to connect the subwoofer‘s Line Out Mid/High to the cabinet‘s Input.
• Plug a cord equipped with XLR connectors into the Thru port to route the input signal out again.
Go to page 18-21 for illustrations of cable connections.
1.3 Operating the Cabinet
• Ensure the PREMIUM PR:O cabinet is switched o.
Caution! Always make sure the local mains voltage matches the voltage specified on the PREMIUM PR:O unit. You may destroy powered cabinet‘s electronic components if you connect it to the wrong mains voltage.
• When patching in line signals, ensure all other connected components are switched on before powering up. The connected mixer as well as all signal sources connected to it—keyboards, instrument amps, eects and the like—should be switched on first. Always switch on the PREMIUM PR:O last, after you power up all connected devices, and switch it o first; that is, before you switch o all connected devices.
• When you flip on the Power switch, the fan will start up briefly for a system check and switch o after around five seconds. After that, the cabinet‘s circuitry controls the fan. It kicks in only at very high volume levels and is regulated according to the temperature. The Status LED lights up red during the system check. It will turn green if there is no error and the system is getting mains power.
• The Gain knob‘s default setting is the 12 o‘clock position (+4 dBu / center­notched). This is the preferred level if you have connected a mixer to the PREMIUM PR:O cabinet. If you plug a CD player or keyboard straight into the cabinet, you may have to turn this knob to adjust the gain to match it to the device‘s signal level.
Caution! Turn the Gain knob counterclockwise all the way down to the far left when switching the input sensitivity from Line to Mic.
• If you hear distortion or clipping occurs, first check the signal sources and, if possible, reduce the output signal level there.
1.4 Aiming the Cabinet
DuoTilt™ 3/7
The HK Audio DuoTilt 3/7 pole mount lets you align PREMIUM PR:O cabinets vertically on a speaker stand or mounting pole to prevent or reduce troublesome ceiling reflections. The front aperture of the HK Audio DuoTilt provides a 7° angle, the rear aperture a 3° angle of tilt.
Rule of thumb: We recommend that you opt for the 7° angle if the audience close by and you place cabinets at an elevated position—for example, on stands on the stage—or if the audience is seated. This way the sound and particularly the high frequencies are distributed more uniformly right on up to the front face of the speakers.
If you wish to address more listeners at a greater distance from the speakers, opt for the 3° angle on the HK Audio DuoTilt 3/7.
In both situations, you can vary the speakers‘ reach by adjusting their height. They throw sound over a greater distance as their elevation increases.
Rigging Points
Every PREMIUM PR:O model comes with three countersunk M8 rigging points. They lets you fly the speaker on steel cables or chains at inclinations from 0° up to 45°. When flying the cabinet, for example, from a truss, use the rear rigging point to determine the degree of inclination.
We recommend using our secure AP-8 suspension points to rig the speaker to the mounting hardware.
• English • Deutsch
2 PREMIUM PR:O Self-powered
PR:O 18 Sub A • PR:O 210 Sub A
2.1 Control Features
Line Out Mid/High L/R
Two electronically balanced XLR outputs for connecting PREMIUM PR:O mid/ high units (pin 1 = ground, 2 = +, 3 = -).
Input L/R
These two electronically balanced XLR / 1/4“ combi inputs accept signals from mixing consoles (pin 1= ground, 2= +, 3= -).
Thru L/R
These two parallel outputs patch incoming line signals through, for example, to other PREMIUM PR:O active speakers or monitors (pin 1= ground, 2= +, 3= -).
Gain Bass
This knob adjusts the input level (center position = 0 dBV). The 12 o’clock position is the ideal starting point when operating the subwoofer in combination with a PREMIUM PR:O active cabinet. Then you can simply twist the knob to the left or right to cut and boost bass frequencies. If you connect a PREMIUM PR:O satellite, first set the Gain knob to the center detent and then adjust the level to suit the given sound reinforcement situation.
X-Over Bass
The active crossover can serve to vary the top cuto frequency of the subwoofer with a range of 75 to 150Hz. The best cuto frequency for the given application depends on the surroundings and satellite, so you will have to experiment.
Note: If you set the cuto to a frequency higher than 100 Hz, the subwoofer will render mostly the lower frequencies of signals generated by bass guitars, kick drums, and low-end keyboard sounds. If you set the cuto to a frequency higher than 100 Hz, the subwoofer will also render the lower frequencies of voices and other sound sources.
The Phase switch changes the subwoofer’s phase position to match it to the connected satellite’s phase position (0° – 180°). Set the switch to 0° when operating the PR:O 18 SubA in combination with a PREMIUM PR:O active cabinet. The PR:O 210 Sub A‘s phase has to be reversed 180° to ensure it is in phase with PREMIUM PR:O mid-/high-range units.
You may have to invert the phase for combinations with other enclosures. If you are unsure, simply try the 180° setting. If the bass response changes and the signal sounds weak and washed out, the phase setting is incorrect.
Limiter/Status LED
This dual-color LED serves as a status indicator for the PREMIUM PR:O powered cabinet (green = power on, red = limit/error). The LED briefly flashes red to tell you the limiter is responding to signal peaks.
Caution! If the Status LED stays red during operation, the cabinet is being overloaded. Turn down the signal level! If you are not routing a signal in and the Status LED stays red, the system has detected a fault.
This is the PREMIUM PR:O powered cabinet’s on/o button. The signal LED lights up green to indicate the cab is powered up.
Mains Input
Use the factory-included power cord to connect this socket to a wall outlet.
Note: All PREMIUM PR:O self-powered subwoofers are equipped with V-Lock mains sockets. If you use a VOLEX locking mains cord or another optionally available brand with the same design, you can fix the mains cord in place to prevent accidental disconnection..
2.2 Setting Up and Connecting the Cabinet
Use a balanced cord equipped with XLR connectors or 6.3 mm (1/4”) jack plugs to route the signal from the mixer (via a monitor out, line out, or a similar output) to the Input. Then connect the active satellites to the XLR outputs labeled Line Out Mid/High. Use the two Thru ports to feed the fullrange signal to other enclosures. Make sure the XLR connectors’ terminals are configured as follows: 1= ground, 2= +, 3= -.
2.3 Operating Speakers
• First make sure the powered cabinet is o.
Caution! Connect the cabinet to the mains supply only after you are certain the local mains voltage matches the voltage specified on the rear panel. If you connect the system to the wrong mains voltage, you may destroy the electronic components of the PREMIUM PR:O active cabinet.
• Back the Gain knobs all the way o, turning them counterclockwise as far as they will go.
Ensure you first switch on all other connected components, for example, a connected mixing console as well as all signal sources patched into it, such as keyboards, instrument amps, eects and so forth. Always connect PREMIUM PR:O active cabinets to Line Out Mid/High, and always switch them on last; that is, after you switch on all other connected components. When you powering down, first turn the Gain knobs to the far left and switch active cabinets o first, before switching o any connected devices.
After you power the system up by engaging the Power switch, a system check prompts the fan to briefly kick on and back o again in about five seconds. The fan is temperature-controlled, actuating only at very high volumes and temperatures requiring cooling.
• The Limiter/Status LED lights up green when the cabinet receives mains power.
Set the Gain knob to the center or 12 o’clock position (= 0 dBV). This is the preferred level if you have connected a mixer to the PREMIUM PR:O active cabinet. You can boost the input level 6 dB by turning up the Gain knob.
For the best audio results, ensure the Limiter/Status LED does not light up continuously red.
2.4 Settings
Adjusting volume with the Gain knob
Twist this knob to adjust the line signal levels.
If you hear distortion or saturated signals, first check the signal sources and, if possible, reduce the output signal level there. If you cannot adjust the level of the signal routed to the PREMIUM PR:O active cabinet at the source, match it to the power amps by backing o the Gain knob to lower the input level.
3 Tips and Tricks
1 Do not expose electronic circuitry to moisture! Protect cabinets against
rain when you set them up outdoors. Keep soft drinks, beer, and any other liquids away from the electronic components to prevent short circuits.
2 PREMIUM PR:O active enclosures provide optimum sound to you, so be
sure to provide optimum input signals to them! Noise such as humming is generally caused by defective cables, the wrong type of cords, or unbalanced signals routed into the mixing console. Check all signal and mains cables.
3 Prevent distortion! Not only is it unpleasant to your audience’s ears, it also
endangers your equipment. Make sure all components that are connected directly and indirectly to PREMIUM PR:O active cabinets have sucient power ratings, and that they don’t distort because they‘re running at their respective limits. Ensure all sources deliver clean audio signals.
4 Avoid ground loops! Annoying humming can arise even within audio
systems with balanced circuits, for example, when the mixing console’s mains cord isn’t connected and grounded to the same mains circuit as PREMIUM PR:O active enclosures. Using two dierent ground circuits can create a ground loop. To prevent this problem, always connect PREMIUM PR:O active enclosures and the mixing console to the same electrical circuit; that is, the same phase!
CAUTION: Never tape over the plug’s ground terminal - this endangers lives!
• English • Deutsch
4 Troubleshooting
The Limiter/Status LED does not light up when the power switched on.
• Check if the power cord is plugged into the Mains input.
• Check if the mains power supply is providing current.
The Limiter/Status LED lights up red, flashing intermittently.
• The Limiter has actuated; lower the input level if necessary.
The Limiter/Status LED lights up red continuously, but no sound is issuing from the cabinet.
• The enclosure’s protective circuit has tripped. Please contact your dealer.
The rendered music sounds distorted.
• Check your mixing console’s LED meters. They should not be constantly in the red. If necessary, back o the volume at the mixer.
• If the LED displays on your mixer are in the green, back o the PREMIUM PR:O active cabinet’s Gain knob.
• Observe the Limiter/Staus LED on the PREMIUM PR:O active enclosure’s control panel. These may light up red, but only intermittently. The red light may not illuminate continuously. If it does, turn down the Gain knob.
5 Applications
Go to page 18-21 for illustrations of cable connections.
6 Technical Specifications
Model PR:O 10 XD PR:O 12 D
Max SPL 122 dB half space* 124 dB half space*
Max SPL peak 131 dB half space* 132 dB half space*
Max SPL calculated 133 dB half space 133 dB half space
Frequency response +/- 3 dB
81 Hz – 16 kHz 72 Hz – 16 kHz
Frequency response
-10 dB
69 Hz – 18 kHz 62 Hz – 18 kHz
Output power 1200 W 1200 W
Amp type Class D - biamped Class D - biamped
Active protective circuits
Peak and RMS Sound Limiter (separate for HF and LMF)
Peak and RMS Sound Limiter (separate for HF and LMF)
Bass woofer
Low/Mid speaker 1x 10" 1x 12"
HF driver 1" 1"
Horn directivity 90° x 55° CD horn 90° x 55° CD horn
Active x-over frequency 2.5 kHz FIR X-Over with
48 dB/oct.
2.5 kHz FIR X-Over with 48 dB/oct.
Audio ports 1x XLR–1/4"-Combo In,
bal., 1x XLR-Through
1x XLR–1/4“-Combo In, bal., 1x XLR-Through
Equalizer Tone knob (Music /
Speech) Bass Boost
Tone knob (Music / Speech) Bass Boost
Angles up 35°
Pole mount DuoTilt 3/7 DuoTilt 3/7
Suspension points 3x M8 3x M8
Grips 1, integrated 2, integrated
Housing MDF MDF
Front grille 2 mm metal grille backed
with black acoustic foam
2 mm metal grille backed with black acoustic foam
Finish Acrylic enamel, black Acrylic enamel, black
Optional accessories Protective cover, Satellite
Protective cover, Satellite Add-on
Dimensions (WxHxD) 38 x 49 x 29 cm 39 x 57 x 36 cm
Weight 13.2 kg / 29.1 lbs. 18.7 kg / 41.2 lbs.
*@10% THD
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