Hiwin D2 User Manual

D2 Drive User Guide v1.8
D2 Drive User Guide
Version 1.8
December 7, 2016
HIWIN Mikrosystem Corp.
D2 Drive User Guide v1.8 Table of Contents

Table of Contents

1. About the User Guide ....................................................................................................... 1
1.1. Instructions before use ................................................................ ........................... 2
1.2. Safety instructions .................................................................................................. 4
2. Specifications ................................................................................................................... 7
2.1. Drive information .................................................................................................... 8
2.1.1. Safety certification ........................................................................................ 8
2.1.2. Nameplate information .................................................................................. 8
2.1.3. Model number ............................................................................................... 9
2.2. Drive specifications .............................................................................................. 10
2.3. Drive dimensions .................................................................................................. 14
2.4. Drive installation ................................................................................................... 21
2.5. Computer requirements ........................................................................................ 22
3. Operation Principles ....................................................................................................... 23
3.1. Operation modes .................................................................................................. 24
3.1.1. Position mode ............................................................................................. 24
3.1.2. Velocity mode ............................................................................................. 24
3.1.3. Force/torque mode ..................................................................................... 25
3.1.4. Stand-alone mode ...................................................................................... 25
3.2. Encoder type ........................................................................................................ 26
3.3. Encoder signal output ........................................................................................... 27
3.4. Path planning ....................................................................................................... 28
3.5. Servo loops and gains .......................................................................................... 30
3.6. Gain margin and phase margin ............................................................................ 31
3.6.1. Nyquist diagram .......................................................................................... 31
3.6.2. Bode diagram ............................................................................................. 32
3.7. Move and settling ................................................................................................. 34
3.8. Error compensation .............................................................................................. 35
3.9. Velocity ripple ....................................................................................................... 36
3.10. Enable .................................................................................................................. 37
3.11. Common physical quantities ................................................................................. 38
4. Wiring ............................................................................................................................. 39
4.1. System configuration and wiring ........................................................................... 40
4.1.1. System wiring diagram ............................................................................... 40
4.1.2. CN1 power ................................................................................................. 43
4.1.3. CN2 brake/motor power .............................................................................. 47
4.1.4. CN3 USB communication ........................................................................... 48
4.1.5. CN4 Modbus communication ...................................................................... 48
4.1.6. CN5 Modbus communication/safety function .............................................. 49
4.1.7. CN6 control signal ...................................................................................... 50
4.1.8. CN7 encoder .............................................................................................. 52
4.1.9. CN8 EtherCAT communication ................................................................... 52
4.1.10. CN13/CN14 extension I/O signal ................................................................ 53
4.2. Drive accessories ................................................................................................. 54
4.3. Main power wiring ................................................................................................ 58
4.3.1. AC power wiring (single-phase) .................................................................. 58
4.3.2. AC power wiring (three-phase) ................................................................... 59
4.4. Multiple drives connection .................................................................................... 60
4.5. I/O signal wiring .................................................................................................... 62
4.5.1. Digital input wiring....................................................................................... 62
4.5.2. Digital output wiring .................................................................................... 63
4.6. Wiring examples for control commands ................................................................ 65
D2 Drive User Guide v1.8 Table of Contents
4.6.1. System wiring diagram for pulse command................................................. 65
4.6.2. System wiring diagram for voltage command .............................................. 73
4.6.3. System wiring diagram for PWM command ................................................ 75
5. Drive Configuration ......................................................................................................... 79
5.1. Installation and communication ............................................................................ 80
5.1.1. Setup files ................................................................................................... 80
5.1.2. Communication setup ................................................................................. 81
5.1.3. HMI main window ....................................................................................... 83
5.2. Configuration center ............................................................................................. 86
5.2.1. Motor configuration ..................................................................................... 86
5.2.2. Encoder configuration ................................................................................. 88
5.2.3. Operation mode configuration ..................................................................... 94
5.2.4. Modbus communication configuration ......................................................... 96
5.2.5. Completing configuration procedure ........................................................... 97
5.3. Auto phase center ................................................................................................ 98
5.3.1. Function description .................................................................................... 98
5.3.2. Pre-operation .............................................................................................. 98
5.3.3. Setting procedure ....................................................................................... 99
5.3.4. Troubleshooting ........................................................................................ 100
5.4. Auto tune center ................................................................................................. 101
5.4.1. Function description .................................................................................. 101
5.4.2. Announcements ........................................................................................ 104
5.4.3. Troubleshooting ........................................................................................ 104
5.5. I/O center ........................................................................................................... 106
5.5.1. Digital input ............................................................................................... 106
5.5.2. Digital output ............................................................................................. 117
5.5.3. Analog output ........................................................................................... 122
5.5.4. Extension I/O ............................................................................................ 123
5.6. In-position signal setting ..................................................................................... 124
5.7. Homing configuration ......................................................................................... 126
5.7.1. Go left and right for homing ...................................................................... 128
5.7.2. Use near home sensor/index for homing .................................................. 130
5.7.3. Use multi-turn absolute encoder for homing.............................................. 132
5.7.4. Use homing methods in CiA 402 protocol ................................................. 133
5.8. Save parameters to Flash and recover to factory default .................................... 138
5.8.1. Save parameters to Flash ......................................................................... 138
5.8.2. Recover to factory default ......................................................................... 138
5.9. Parameter setting examples via HMI .................................................................. 140
5.9.1. Position mode ........................................................................................... 140
5.9.2. Velocity mode ........................................................................................... 142
5.9.3. Force/Torque mode .................................................................................. 143
5.9.4. Stand-alone mode .................................................................................... 145
6. Drive Tuning ................................................................................................................. 147
6.1. Status display and quick view ............................................................................. 148
6.1.1. Status display ........................................................................................... 148
6.1.2. Quick view ................................................................................................ 148
6.1.3. Software shortcuts .................................................................................... 149
6.2. Performance center ............................................................................................... 150
6.3. Scope ................................ ................................................................ ................. 153
6.4. Data collection .................................................................................................... 155
6.4.1. Function description .................................................................................. 155
6.4.2. Data collection via PDL ............................................................................. 156
6.5. Plot view ............................................................................................................. 157
6.5.1. Graphic display mode ............................................................................... 157
6.5.2. Save/open file ........................................................................................... 161
HIWIN Mikrosystem Corp. iii
D2 Drive User Guide v1.8 Table of Contents
6.5.3. Mathematical operation ............................................................................ 162
6.6. Advanced gains .................................................................................................. 165
6.6.1. Filter ......................................................................................................... 165
6.6.2. Acceleration feed-forward ......................................................................... 167
6.6.3. Schedule gains and velocity loop gain ...................................................... 169
6.6.4. Analog input.............................................................................................. 172
6.6.5. Current loop .............................................................................................. 173
6.6.6. Vibration suppression feature ................................................................... 173
6.6.7. Friction compensation ............................................................................... 177
6.7. Loop constructor................................................................................................. 179
6.7.1. Load/Save file ........................................................................................... 180
6.7.2. Tool .......................................................................................................... 181
6.7.3. Filter ......................................................................................................... 184
6.7.4. Gain tuning ............................................................................................... 185
6.7.5. Spectrum analysis .................................................................................... 186
6.8. Encoder signal confirmation ............................................................................... 187
6.9. Error map function .............................................................................................. 188
6.9.1. Set error map ............................................................................................ 188
6.9.2. Enable error map ...................................................................................... 190
6.9.3. Save/open error map ................................................................................ 190
6.9.4. Change start position ................................................................................ 191
6.10. Backlash compensation ...................................................................................... 196
7. LCD Operation .............................................................................................................. 197
7.1. LCD function ...................................................................................................... 198
7.1.1. Panel description ................................................................ ...................... 198
7.1.2. Operation page description ....................................................................... 198
7.2. Parameter initialization via LCD .......................................................................... 200
7.3. Home page ......................................................................................................... 202
7.4. Display parameters page .................................................................................... 204
7.5. Change parameters page ................................................................................... 206
7.5.1. Save to Flash ............................................................................................ 207
7.5.2. Parameter edit function ............................................................................. 208
7.5.3. Advanced parameter zone ........................................................................ 211
7.6. Actions page ...................................................................................................... 219
7.6.1. Enable/Disable ......................................................................................... 220
7.6.2. JOG .......................................................................................................... 221
7.6.3. Absolute coordinate motion ...................................................................... 222
7.6.4. Auto tune .................................................................................................. 222
7.6.5. Set position to zero ................................................................................... 223
7.7. Parameter setting examples via LCD ................................................................. 224
7.7.1. Position mode ........................................................................................... 224
7.7.2. Velocity mode ........................................................................................... 227
7.7.3. Force/torque mode ................................................................................... 229
7.7.4. Stand-alone mode .................................................................................... 231
8. Protection Function ....................................................................................................... 233
8.1. Motion protection ................................................................................................ 234
8.2. Position and velocity errors protection ................................................................ 237
8.2.1. Position error limit ..................................................................................... 237
8.2.2. Position error and velocity error warnings ................................................. 237
8.3. Brake output ....................................................................................................... 238
8.4. Limit protection ................................................................................................... 242
8.4.1. Hardware limit protection ................................ .......................................... 242
8.4.2. Software limit protection............................................................................ 242
8.5. Over temperature protection ............................................................................... 244
8.5.1. Soft-thermal protection ............................................................................. 244
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D2 Drive User Guide v1.8 Table of Contents
8.5.2. Drive over temperature protection ............................................................. 244
8.6. Over voltage protection ...................................................................................... 245
9. Troubleshooting ............................................................................................................ 249
9.1. Drive’s status indicator ....................................................................................... 250
9.2. Drive’s errors and warnings ................................................................................ 251
9.2.1. Status display area on Lightening HMI ...................................................... 251
9.2.2. LCD status ................................................................................................ 251
9.2.3. Errors and warnings log ............................................................................ 252
9.2.4. Error at loading PRM file ........................................................................... 254
9.3. Error codes and troubleshooting ......................................................................... 255
9.4. Warning codes and troubleshooting ................................................................... 258
9.5. Troubleshooting for common issues ................................................................ ... 262
A. Axis Enable Setting ....................................................................................................... 265
A.1. Start enable method .............................................................................................. 266
A.2. Confirm enable status via HMI .............................................................................. 267
B. Parameter Comparison ................................................................................................. 269
B.1. Comparing parameters in RAM and Flash ............................................................ 270
C. Update Firmware & Load PDL ...................................................................................... 273
C.1. Update drive’s firmware ........................................................................................ 274
C.2. Load PDL program into drive ................................................................................ 277
D. Modbus Communication ............................................................................................... 279
D.1. Modbus communication specification .................................................................... 280
D.2. Function code ....................................................................................................... 281
D.3. Modbus objects ..................................................................................................... 285
D.3.1. Input register .............................................................................................. 285
D.3.2. Holding register .......................................................................................... 289
E. EMC Solution ................................................................................................................ 291
E.1. Common-mode motor filter .................................................................................... 292
E.2. Motor power cable with magnetic rings ................................................................. 295
HIWIN Mikrosystem Corp. v
D2 Drive User Guide v1.8 Table of Contents
D2-series drive
Frist release.
D2-series drive
Renew Figure 2-1 and Figure 2-2. Renew CN6 connector part number.
D2-series drive
(1) Update the description of LCD operation. (2) Update the description according to motor model.
D2-series drive
(1) Add the information for D2T drive. (2) Renew the dimension of D2 drive. (3) Add the dimension of D2 drive with EtherCAT
(CoE/mega-ulink). (4) Remove the brake wiring without a relay. (5) Remove the input function of clear position error. (6) Add the description of mega-ulink
communication. (7) Add the description of using PDL to assist with
data capture. (8) Add motor models with HIWIN 17 encoder to
Table 4.1.
D2-series drive
(1) Modify the model number by combining
D2-model and D2T-model drives. (2) Add the description of ZeroTune. (3) Add the description of setting parameters to
factory default. (4) Renew the description of LCD operation. (5) Add LCD common parameters table. (6) Add the input range of LCD parameters. (7) Add the PDL information to drive specifications. (8) Add the description of VSF operation.
D2 MDP 0.043 or above D2COE MDP 0.119 or above Lightening 0.189 or above
Re-write and re-organize this User Guide based on Chinese version of D2 Drive User Guide v1.8.
Revision History:
HIWIN Mikrosystem Corp. vi
D2 Drive User Guide v1.8 1. About the User Guide

1. About the User Guide

1. About the User Guide ....................................................................................................... 1
1.1. Instructions before use ................................................................ ........................... 2
1.2. Safety instructions .................................................................................................. 4
HIWIN Mikrosystem Corp. 1
D2 Drive User Guide v1.8 1. About the User Guide
Maximum ambient temperature for this series drives is 55 ℃. This product can be installed only on the environment with the pollution level being
The rated input voltage of drive is 240 V. Hence, the power supply voltage cannot be
over than 240 V. A short-circuit current shall not exceed 5,000 A.
The drive does not provide a motor over-temperature sensing, while not have a motor
over-temperature protection.
The short-circuit protection of drive cannot be used as a shunt-circuit protection. The
shunt-circuit protection must be chosen in accordance with US National Electrical
Code (NEC) and local regulations.
Before starting to inspect the product, turn off the power and wait at least five
minutes. Then, use a multi-meter or a similar instrument to check that the residual
voltage between P and N terminals has dropped to the safety level (50 Vdc or lower)
to avoid electric shock.

1.1. Instructions before use

This document is suitable for D2-series drives, included D2 model and D2T model. Read the User Guide carefully before using the product. HIWIN Mikrosystem Corp. (“the Company”) will not take any responsibility for damages, accidents, or injuries caused by the installation or use that is not performed according to these instructions.
Do not dismantle or modify the product. The product has been subject to structural
calculations, computer simulations, and physical tastings to verify its design. Do not dismantle or modify the product without the consent of the professional technician of the Company. The Company does not take any responsibility for accidents or damages resulting from such dismantling or modification.
Before installing or using the product, check the external appearance and ensure that there
is no damage on the product surface. If any damage is identified, contact the Company or one of the Company’s distributors immediately.
Refer to performance specifications on the product label or manufacturer's document before
using the product. Install the product based on these performance limits and installation instructions indeed.
Read the specification of power voltage on the label before using the product and confirm
that the power supply meets the product requirement. The Company does not take any responsibility for product damages or personal injuries resulting from the incorrect power supply.
Do not use the product over the rated load. The Company does not take any responsibility
for damages or injuries resulting from such misuse.
Do not use the product in an environment where shocks may occur. The Company does not
take any responsibility for damages, accidents, or injuries resulting from such shocks.
If the drive has any error, refer to Section 9.5. Troubleshooting for common issues. Follow
instructions to turn off drives power to perform troubleshooting. After the error is eliminated, turn on drives power again.
Do not try to repair any produces malfunction. The product can only be repaired by the
qualified technician.
The warranty period is one year from the ex-factory date. The Company does not take any responsibility for product replacement or repair caused by the inappropriate use or natural disasters. (Refer to notes and installation instructions in the User Guide.)
HIWIN Mikrosystem Corp. 2
D2 Drive User Guide v1.8 1. About the User Guide
At installing or exchanging motor power cables, if the correct sequence of connection is not followed, the motor may run abnormally. It is possible to cause injury to persons or damage to equipment. Please use correctly labelled cables.
Each motor model has its own rated maximum payload. If applying more than such payload to the motor, it may cause abnormal motion, damage to equipment, or injury to persons.
If users select to use own made motor encoder cables, please check the User Guide carefully or contact our service department. The wrong connection of such cable may cause abnormal motion or injury to persons.
During the usage of motor, in case of the careless removal of encoder connector from the drive, please do not hot plug it back to the drive. It may cause abnormal motion, damage to equipment, or injury to persons.
Applying the open type of optical feedback system (e.g. optical scale), please note that if the scale is stained or scratched, it may cause abnormal motion, damage to the motor or equipment, or injury to persons.
When the motor is regularly under the operation, and careless touch or collision to the encoder connector on the drive, it is recommended to power cycle the drive, or it may cause abnormal motion, damage to equipment, or injury to persons.
Applying the open type of magnetic feedback system (e.g. magnetic scale), please note that if the strong magnetic object comes close to the scale, it may cause abnormal motion, damage to the motor or equipment, or injury to persons.
During the usage of motor, please do not unplug the encoder connector when it is not powered off, move the motor, and then plug it back to the drive, or it may cause abnormal motion, damage to equipment, or injury to persons.
Risks specifically identified:
HIWIN Mikrosystem Corp. 3
D2 Drive User Guide v1.8 1. About the User Guide
Inappropriate operations may cause dangers resulting in the serious injury or death. Inappropriate operations may cause dangers resulting in the disability, minor injury, or material damage.
Actions marked Attention may have serious consequences under different situations. All such instructions are important and must be followed.
Indicate that the action is forbidden and must not be done.
Indicate that the action is compulsory and must be done.
Always ensure that the drive is correctly earthed by using PE bar in the switch
cabinet as reference potential. Safety is not guaranteed if there is no low-ohm earthing.
Power connections may be live even if the motor does not move. Never disconnect
electrical connections of motor and drive as live. In the worst case, electric arcs may form and cause personal injury and damage contacts.
After disconnecting the drive from the power supply, wait at least five minutes
before touching live parts (e.g. contacts, threaded bolts etc.) or breaking connections. For your own safety, measure the voltage in the intermediate circuit and wait until it has fallen below 40 Vdc.

1.2. Safety instructions

Read the User Guide carefully before the installation, transportation, maintenance, and
inspection. Ensure that the product is used correctly.
Users should read the EM information, safety information, and all related instructions before
using the product.
The safety instructions in the User Guide are categorized into “Warning”, “Attention”,
“Prohibited”, and “Required”.
HIWIN Mikrosystem Corp. 4
D2 Drive User Guide v1.8 1. About the User Guide
Usage instructions
Do not touch the terminal or inside part when it is powered to
avoid electric shock.
Do not touch the terminal or inside within 10 minutes from the
power off. The residual voltage may cause electric shock.
Do not change the wiring when it is powered to avoid electric
Do not cut the cable, apply too much stress to it, or place heavy
objects on it. Laying the cable between objects may cause fire or electric shock.
Do not install the product in the place exposed to moisture or
erosion, or in an environment containing ignitable gas. Do not use the product close to any flammable objects.
Do not store the product in the place exposed to water, moisture,
direct sunlight, harmful gas, or liquids.
Be careful of handling the product and avoid damaging it.
Use appropriate handling methods and do not apply too much
pressure to the case.
The product shall not be stacked too high to avoid collapsing.
Installation location
Do not install the product in the place exposed to high
temperatures, high humidity or flying dust, iron powder, or cutting powder.
Install the product in the place where the ambient temperature
meets the specification of User Guide. Use one cooling fan if the temperature is potentially high.
Do not install the product in the place exposed to direct sunlight.
Since the product does not have one waterproof or
moisture-proof case, do not use it outdoors or install it in the place where water or other liquid exists.
Install the product in the place with the low vibration.
When the motor continues moving, the heat is generated due to
the use frequency. Use one cooling fan, or set to standby status when the motor stops. So that, the ambient temperature of motor does not exceed its specific value.
HIWIN Mikrosystem Corp. 5
D2 Drive User Guide v1.8 1. About the User Guide
Do not place any heavy objects on the product to avoid damage.
Do not mix with debris to avoid fire.
Ensure that the product is installed in the required direction to
avoid fire.
Protect the product from the strong impact to avoid collapse or
The weight of mounting body must be taken into account during
installation. Inappropriate installation may cause damage.
Install the product on a metal or noncombustible object to avoid
Be correct and reliable wiring, otherwise it may cause motor to
out of control or burn out, and make damage or fire.
Operation and transportation
Ensure that the specification of power source is correct to avoid
damage or fire.
The motor may suddenly start after the power is recovered
instantly. Do not come too close to machine.
Wire an external line for emergency stop to stop the operation
and to cut off the power at any time.
Do not dismantle or modify the product.
Do not attempt to repair any product malfunction. Please send it
back to the professional technician of the Company for repair.
HIWIN Mikrosystem Corp. 6
D2 Drive User Guide v1.8 2. Specifications

2. Specifications

2. Specifications ................................................................................................................... 7
2.1. Drive information .................................................................................................... 8
2.1.1. Safety certification ........................................................................................ 8
2.1.2. Nameplate information .................................................................................. 8
2.1.3. Model number ............................................................................................... 9
2.2. Drive specifications .............................................................................................. 10
2.3. Drive dimensions .................................................................................................. 14
2.4. Drive installation ................................................................................................... 21
2.5. Computer requirements ........................................................................................ 22
HIWIN Mikrosystem Corp. 7
D2 Drive User Guide v1.8 2. Specifications
EN 61800-3: 2004 (Category C2)
EN 61000-3-2: 2006/A1: 2009/A2: 2009
EN 61000-3-3: 2008
IEC CISPR 11: 2009/A1: 2010
IEC 61000-4-2: 2008
IEC 61000-4-3: 2006/A1: 2007/A2: 2010
IEC 61000-4-4: 2004
IEC 61000-4-5: 2005
IEC 61000-4-6: 2008
IEC 61000-2-1: 1990
IEC 61000-2-4: 2003
IEC 60146-1-1: 1993
IEC 61800-5-1: 2007 (2nd Edition)
EN 61800-5-1:2007
Model No.
Input/output voltage
Rated input/output current
Input/output frequency

2.1. Drive information

2.1.1. Safety certification

The drive complies with the following safety regulations.
CE Compliance
Table 2-1

2.1.2. Nameplate information

Fig. 2-1
HIWIN Mikrosystem Corp. 8
D2 Drive User Guide v1.8 2. Specifications
1 2 2a 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
D 2 - 0 4 2 3 - S - B 0

2.1.3. Model number

D2-series drives:
D2-series drive= D2
17-bit encoder only…….= T
13-bit encoder only........=Blank
Rated output
100 W…………………...........………….= 01
400 W……………………...……………..= 04
1.0 KW………….……….....................= 10
2.0 KW……………………………………= 20
Voltage range
1/3-phase 110/220 Vac….....………..…….…………..= 23
3-phase 220 Vac…………….……………..........……..= 32
Standard………………………………………………………………….= S EtherCAT (CoE)………………………….…………….….….………...= E EtherCAT (mega-ulink)…………………..…………………………..= F
Standard with extension I/O module...……..……………………....= K
Standard with Modbus………………………………………………….= T
Frame size
A frame (suggestion: 100 W rated output)…….…………..…………..…………..= A
B frame (suggestion: 400 W rated output)……….……………………..………....= B
C frame (suggestion: 1.0 KW rated output)…………………………..…………...= C D frame (suggestion: 2.0 KW rated output)…………………………..…………...= D
Encoder type
13-bit less-wire incremental encoder.....…………………...…………….….……....= 0
17-bit serial incremental encoder (HIWIN17)……………………………………………..= 4 Dual loop (full closed loop) and 17-bit serial absolute encoder………..……………….= 5
(1) The standard model supports the pulse and +/- 10 V input interfaces. (2) The EtherCAT (CoE) and EtherCAT (mega-ulink) models do not have the extension I/O
module and Modbus module. (3) The frame D model requires the voltage range of 3-phase 220 Vac. (4) D2 model does not support the extension I/O module and the rated output of 2.0 KW. (5) D2T frame A, B, and C models do not have the Modbus module. (6) For the dual-loop model, the rotary encoder should be the 17-bit serial absolute
encoder and the linear encoder should be the digital AqB encoder. (7) The EtherCAT (CoE) model does not support the dual-loop control.
Fig. 2-2
HIWIN Mikrosystem Corp. 9
D2 Drive User Guide v1.8 2. Specifications
Basic specifications
Input power
Main power
Single/three-phase, 200 - 240 Vac 50/60Hz
Three-phase, 200 - 240 Vac 50/60Hz
Single-phase, 200 - 240 Vac 50/60Hz
Output power
Frame A: 100 W; frame B: 400 W; frame C: 1.0 KW; frame D: 2.0 KW.
Continuous current
Frame A: 0.9 A
; frame B: 2.5 A
frame C: 5.1 A
; frame D: 11 A
Peak current
Frame A: 2.7 A
; frame B: 7.5 A
frame C: 15.3 A
; frame D: 33 A
Sustainable duration
of peak current
1 second maximum.
Operation temperature: 0°C to 45°C (if over 55°C, the forced ventilation is needed) Storage temperature: -20°C to 65°C
0 to 90% RH (non-condensing)
Below 1,000 meters
1G (10 to 500Hz)
Installation pollution level
Control method
IGBT PWM space vector control
Encoder input
13-bit (10,000 count/rev) less-wire incremental encoder; 17-bit (131,072 count/rev) serial incremental encoder (5 lines).
5M pulse/sec (Before Quadrature); 20M count/sec (After Quadrature).
For the dual-loop model, the rotary encoder should be the 17-bit serial absolute encoder and the linear encoder should be the digital AqB encoder.
Parallel I/O
Control signal
9 (general purpose) for D2 model 10 (general purpose) for D2T model
4 (general purpose) for D2 model 5 (general purpose) for D2T model
Analog signal
1 (12-bit A/D)
2 (analog monitor: 2 outputs)
Pulse signal
2 (low-speed channel, high-speed channel)
4 (line driver: 3 outputs; open collector: 1 output)
Control signal
Used to connect with brake (1 Adc max). Also, it is programmable for general-purpose output.
Dynamic brake
Frame D model has one built-in dynamic brake resistor (line resistance: 2.6 Ω ± 5%; continuous power: 120 W; peak power: 600 W).
Communication function
Used to connect with PC, 115,200 bps
Front panel
LCD status display: dot matrix 8*2 characters with 4 buttons; LED status indicator lights (green, red)

2.2. Drive specifications

Table 2-2 Drive specification
HIWIN Mikrosystem Corp. 10
D2 Drive User Guide v1.8 2. Specifications
Control mode
Switchable control modes (1) Position control; (2) Velocity control; (3) Torque control ; (4) Position/velocity control; (5) Position/torque control ; (6) Velocity/torque control;
Function specifications
Position control
Control input
(1) Inhibit pulse command; (2) Axis enable; (3) Switch between primary and secondary CG; (4) Electronic gear selection; (5) Left limit switch; (6) Switch between primary and secondary mode; (7) Clear error; (8) Right limit switch, etc.
Control output
(1) Servo ready; (2) Errors; (3) In-position; (4) Zero speed detected, etc.
Pulse input
Maximum input
pulse frequency
Photo-coupler interface (single-ended input): 500 Kpps; Line driver interface (differential input): 4 Mpps (16M count/s with AqB).
Signal format of
input pulse
(1) Pulse/direction (Pulse/Dir); (2) Pulse up/pulse down (CW/CCW); (3) Quadrature (AqB).
Electronic gear
Multiplication of
command pulse)
Gear ratio: pulses/counts Pulses: 1 - 2,147,483,647; counts: 1 – 2,147,483,647.
Smoothing filter
Smooth factor: 1 - 500 (0: no smoothing filter)
Vibration suppression feature (VSF)
VSF can remove the vibration frequency that occurs during movement. It can reduce the vibration caused by the systems structure and improve the machines productivity.
Velocity control
Control input
(1) Zero speed clamp; (2) Axis enable; (3) Switch between primary and secondary CG (4) Left limit switch (5) Switch between primary and secondary mode (6) Clear error (7) Right limit switch, etc.
Control output
(1) Servo ready; (2) Errors; (3) In-velocity; (4) Zero speed detection, etc.
PWM input
Velocity command
Velocity commands can be provided by the duty cycle of PWM input. Parameters are used to set the scale and command direction.
Analog input
Velocity command
Velocity command can be provided by the analog voltage. Parameters are used to set the scale and command direction.
Zero speed clamp
The input of zero speed clamp is possible.
Control input
(1) Axis enable; (2) Switch between primary and secondary CG; (3) Left limit switch; (4) Switch between primary and secondary mode; (5) Clear error; (6) Right limit switch, etc.
HIWIN Mikrosystem Corp. 11
D2 Drive User Guide v1.8 2. Specifications
Control output
(1) Servo ready; (2) Errors; (3) In-velocity; (4) Zero speed detected, etc.
PWM input
Torque command
Torque commands can be provided by the duty cycle of PWM input. Parameters are used to set the scale and command direction.
Analog input
Torque command
Torque commands can be provided by the analog voltage. Parameters are used to set the scale and command direction.
Speed limit function
The parameter for speed limit can be set.
Auto tune
The auto tune procedure runs automatically after start and identifies the load inertia. Users do not set by themselves. All necessary gains are set by clicking one button on the LCD panel.
Emulated encoder feedback output
Can be arbitrarily set (The maximum frequency of frame A
- C models is 18M count/s; while that of frame D model is 9M count/s).
Protective function
(1) Motor short detected; (2) Over voltage detected (> 390 Vdc ± 5%); (3) Position error too big; (4) Encoder error; (5) Soft-thermal threshold reached; (6) Motor maybe disconnected; (7) Amplifier over temperature (IGBT > 80 ± 3);
(8) Under voltage detected; (9) 5V for encoder card fail; (10) Phase initialization error; (11) Serial encoder communication error.
Error log
Errors and warnings are saved in the non-volatile memory.
Process description language (PDL)
Maximum code capacity: 32 KBytes
Variable storage capacity: 800 Bytes
Supported variable type: (1) Float type: 32 bits; (2) Integer type: 16 and 32 bits; (3) Array and pointer supported.
Execution cycle: 66.67 us
4 tasks can be executed simultaneously.
Support if, else, while loop, for loop, goto, till, and other commands to control program flow.
Support arithmetic operators, logical operators, and
comparison operators.
Support lock and unlock commands to control the synchronization of multi-tasks.
Maximum length of user-defined name: (1) variable: 17 characters (2) label: 24 characters (3) proc: 24 characters
Error mapping
Method: Establish compensation table to compensate the encoder error by using the linear interpolation.
Samples: Maximum 5,000 points.
Storage location: Flash ROM; disc file.
HIWIN Mikrosystem Corp. 12
D2 Drive User Guide v1.8 2. Specifications
Unit: um, count.
Enable method: it is activated after the internal homing is completed, or by an external input signal.
Frame A - C: need external connection (option), and have no built-in regenerative resistor. Frame D: need external connection (option), and also have one built-in regenerative resistor (resistance: 13 Ω ± 5%; continuous power: 120 W; peak power: 600 W).
Cut-in voltage
+HV > 370 VDC
Drop-out voltage
+HV < 360 VDC
DC link capacity
Frame A: 560 uF; frame B: 820 uF; frame C: 1,410 uF; frame D: 2,000 uF.
Friction compensation, backlash compensation.
HIWIN Mikrosystem Corp. 13
D2 Drive User Guide v1.8 2. Specifications

2.3. Drive dimensions

Dimensions and mounting holes of D2-series drives, D2-series drives with the EtherCAT (CoE/ mega-ulink) module, and D2-series drives with the extension I/O module are shown in the following figures. The dimension unit is in mm, and the diameter of mounting hole is 4 mm.
Fig. 2-3 Dimensions of frame A model
HIWIN Mikrosystem Corp. 14
D2 Drive User Guide v1.8 2. Specifications
Fig. 2-4 Dimensions of frame B model
Fig. 2-5 Dimensions of frame C model
HIWIN Mikrosystem Corp. 15
D2 Drive User Guide v1.8 2. Specifications
Fig. 2-6 Dimensions of frame D model
Fig. 2-7 Dimensions of frame A model with the EtherCAT module
HIWIN Mikrosystem Corp. 16
D2 Drive User Guide v1.8 2. Specifications
Fig. 2-8 Dimensions of frame B model with the EtherCAT module
Fig. 2-9 Dimensions of frame C model with the EtherCAT module
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D2 Drive User Guide v1.8 2. Specifications
Fig. 2-10 Dimensions of frame D model with the EtherCAT module
Fig. 2-11 Dimensions of frame A model with the extension I/O module
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D2 Drive User Guide v1.8 2. Specifications
Fig. 2-12 Dimensions of frame B model with the extension I/O module
Fig. 2-13 Dimensions of frame C model with the extension I/O module
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D2 Drive User Guide v1.8 2. Specifications
Fig. 2-14 Dimensions of frame D model with the extension I/O module
HIWIN Mikrosystem Corp. 20
D2 Drive User Guide v1.8 2. Specifications
50 mm
or more
20 mm
or more
20 mm
or more
50 mm
or more
Electric cabinet
50 mm
or more
50 mm or more

2.4. Drive installation

To fix drive in the used environment (e.g. electric cabinet), conductive screws must be used to secure drive to electric cabinet. Moreover, insulating materials (e.g. paint) on the contact surface of electric cabinet must be removed, so that the drive can connect to ground through the machine. If the main power of drive is 220 V, the grounding resistance must be less than 50 Ω; if 110 V, it must be less than 100 Ω. Installing drive must be careful, not to shut suction hole and vent, and not place it in the inclined position. Otherwise, it will cause drive failure. In order to ensure that the effect of cooling circulation is well, installing drive should keep an enough space between the drive and the adjacent article or baffle. If more than one drive is installed, keep the space between drives more than 20 mm, such that the drive has an enough space for heat dissipation. Fans can be set in the electric cabinet to facilitate the heat dissipation of drives.
Fig. 2-15
Fig. 2-16 Space between drives
HIWIN Mikrosystem Corp. 21
D2 Drive User Guide v1.8 2. Specifications
1.0 GHz or more
512 MB or more
Available space on the hard disk
50 MB or more
Communication port
Operating system
Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows 7
Screen resolution
1024 x 768 pixels or more

2.5. Computer requirements

Table 2-3
HIWIN Mikrosystem Corp. 22
D2 Drive User Guide v1.8 3. Operation Principles

3. Operation Principles

3. Operation Principles ....................................................................................................... 23
3.1. Operation modes .................................................................................................. 24
3.2. Encoder type ........................................................................................................ 26
3.3. Encoder signal output ........................................................................................... 27
3.4. Path planning ....................................................................................................... 28
3.5. Servo loops and gains .......................................................................................... 30
3.6. Gain margin and phase margin ............................................................................ 31
3.7. Move and settling ................................................................................................. 34
3.8. Error compensation .............................................................................................. 35
3.9. Velocity ripple ....................................................................................................... 36
3.10. Enable .................................................................................................................. 37
3.11. Common physical quantities ................................................................................. 38
Position mode ............................................................................................. 24
Velocity mode ............................................................................................. 24
Force/torque mode ..................................................................................... 25
Stand-alone mode ...................................................................................... 25
Nyquist diagram .......................................................................................... 31
Bode diagram ............................................................................................. 32
HIWIN Mikrosystem Corp. 23
D2 Drive User Guide v1.8 3. Operation Principles
Pulse input
Dir input
A-phase input
B-phase input
CCW input
CW input
Forward Forward

3.1. Operation modes

The following operation modes can be used to implement the interface between the standard D2 drive and the host controller.
(1) Position mode; (2) Velocity mode; (3) Force/torque mode; (4) Stand-alone mode.
Each mode is described as follows.

3.1.1. Position mode

The host controller sends pulses to drive. These pulses are equal to position commands. When the drive receives a pulse, it moves the motor with a corresponding distance. The host controller is responsible for path planning. The pulse is sent faster and faster at the acceleration, and is sent with a fixed frequency at the constant speed. As shown in Fig. 3-1, there are three formats of pulse signal: pulse/direction (pulse/dir), pulse up/pulse down (CW/CCW), and quadrature (AqB). Based on the hardware wiring, the pulse signal can be classified into the differential and single-end TTL logic signals. The electronic gear can be set in the position mode. One input pulse is normally set to be equal to one encoder count. For example, the gear ratio of 2:3 means that 2 input pulses is equal to 3 encoder counts.
Fig. 3-1

3.1.2. Velocity mode

The drive can receive the command from the host controller via voltage, so as called V command. The input voltage range is from -10 V to +10 V. The drive converts the received external voltage to the corresponding velocity command to drive the motor. Besides the voltage, the host controller can also send the velocity command via PWM signal, so as called PWM command. It utilizes different duty cycles to correspond to different velocity commands. There are two types of PWM command: single-line type (PWM 50%) and dual-line type (PWM 100%). The single-line type (PWM 50%) takes the duty cycle of 50% as the basis. If the duty cycle of PWM command is less than 50%, the motor performs the reverse motion; while if greater than 50%, the motor performs the forward motion. In addition to using one pin to transmit PWM command, the dual-line type (PWM 100%) needs another pin to control motion
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