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HMC-T2200 Synthesized Signal Generator Family User Manual
1.0 Introduction
The HMC-T2200’s are SCPI based signal generators supporting CW and stepped sweep operation
through USB, GPIB and Ethernet.
Note: The programming capability outlined in this manual is for the HMC-T2200 Synthesized Signal
Generator Family. For simplicity only the HMC-T2240 will be referenced throughout the document.
2.0 Quick Start
2.1 USB Quick Start
The HMC-T2240 presents its USB port as a serial port. The serial port interface is easy to control
from virtually any programming language or environment and requires no drivers other than the ones
distributed with Windows and a Hittite provided .INF to use. Any application which can access a serial
port (ie. Windows COM port) can talk directly to the HMC-T2240.
Where is the automobile.
2.1.1 HyperTerminal
You can use an application like HyperTerminal to send SCPI commands directly to it to try things out
and for debug. HyperTerminal is no longer available on Windows 7®. See the section below on Tera
Term Pro or use any terminal program you prefer.
HyperTerminal is part of the standard Windows distribution (prior to Windows 7®) and can be found
under the Start button:
The serial port settings that Windows and HyperTerminal present (baud rate, parity, stop bits) are
unused. However, you may want to “Echo typed characters locally” so you can see what you are
From within HyperTerminal:
File -> Properties
On the Properties dialogue box, select the Settings tab.
Click the ASCII Setup… button.
Check the Echo typed characters locally box.
You may also want to check the Send line ends with line feeds and Wrap lines that exceed ter-
minal width boxes. (The HMC-T2240 doesn’t need them, but they make the output more readable.)
2.1.2 Tera Term Pro Terminal Emulator
Tera Term Pro is a free terminal emulation program which can connect to the HMC-T2240 over USB,
Telnet, and RS-232.
It can be downloaded from many websites, including:
While the above website did not claim Windows 7® support when this document was written, Tera
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HMC-T2200 Synthesized Signal Generator Family User Manual
Term Pro was used under Windows 7® to generate some of the examples.
A strictly minimal installation (“Tera Term & Macro”) is sufficient.
Once Tera Term (version 4.67 for this example) is running, use
Setup -> Terminal...
and verify the following:
Receive: LF
Transmit: CR+LF
Local echo Checked (Unchecked for Telnet)
Coding UTF-8
Terminal size 80 x 24
Term size = win size Checked
Terminal ID: VT100
Auto switch Unchecked
locale: american
CodePage: 65001
Setup -> Serial port...
and verify the following:
Port: <Don’t Care>
Baud rate: 115200
Data: 8 bit
Parity: none
Stop: 1 bit
Flow Control: none
To select a connection:
File -> New Connection...
For USB, select Serial, then Port: should have an option for:
COMn: HMC-T2240 Signal Generator (COMn)
If you do not see the option listed, you may already be connected.
File -> Disconnect
You should now be able to type commands like “*IDN?” and see the response.
Once it is working, save the settings using:
Setup -> Save setup...
Hittite Microwave Corporation is not involved in the development or distribution of Tera Term Pro and
Order On-Line: www.hittite.com. For technical application questions: Phone: 978-250-3343 or TE@hittite.com
cannot guarantee it or provide technical support for it; it is merely identied as a possible alternative to
HyperTerminal. See the Tera Term Pro software and websites for terms of license and documentation.
The HMC-T2200 install CD contains a graphical interface called HMCT2XXXGUI which allows you to
program Frequency, Power, RF Output, and sweep related parameters.
The display has a pull-down list of synthesizers which can be selected. Note that if another application has a synthesizer open, you will not be able to open it from HMCT2XXGUI.
There is a right click menu which allows you to
• Refresh the display without having to go up to the button at the top.
• Remap Hardware to update the pull-down list of signal generators when units have been
added or removed.
• Close a HMC-T2240 so it will be available for other applications to use.
• Show Sweep Parameters can be unchecked to make the display smaller if you aren’t
HMC-T2200 Synthesized Signal Generator Family User Manual
• About… shows revision information.
You can bring up multiple copies of HMCT2XXXGUI if you have multiple synthesizers to control.
HMCT2xxxGUI only works over USB.
2.2 GPIB
The HMC-T2240 IEEE 488.2 (GPIB) interface supports all of the applicable 488.2 and SCPI commands supported over USB and Ethernet plus a number of IEEE 488.1 specic features including
service requests, serial polls, parallel polls, group execute trigger, and high speed operation.
2.2.1 GPIB Quick Start
The HMC-T2240 GPIB Address can be set by pressing and holding the front panel knob for 2 seconds. When the “GPIB Addr:” screen appears, turn the knob to change the value, then press and
hold the knob again to get the screen with the serial number (SN), hardware version (HW VER), and
software version (SW VER), and press and hold the knob again to get back to the normal display. The
GPIB Address can also be set through any of the programming interfaces.
No drivers beyond the ones that come with your GPIB controller should be necessary.
2.2.2 GPIB Feature Set and Other Implementation Information
This section includes various information related to GPIB (IEEE 488.1(E):2003/IEC 60488-1(E):2004)
standard compliance.
The HMC-T2240 supports the following GPIB functions:
Source HandshakeSH1
Acceptor HandshakeAH1
Talker, no “talk only” modeT6
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HMC-T2200 Synthesized Signal Generator Family User Manual
Listener, no “listen only” modeL4
Service RequestSR1
Parallel Poll, Remote congurationPP2
Device ClearDC1
Device TriggerDT1
No Controller capabilityC0
Source Handshake, ExtendedSHE1
Acceptor Handshake, ExtendedAHE1
Three State Drivers (open collector during parallel poll)E2
The HMC-T2240’s hardware input buffer holds 16 bytes. The maximum input string length is 256
bytes. New input beyond what will t in the hardware buffer is not accepted until all the commands
in the current string have been parsed (translated into an executable form) but not necessarily
executed. The IEEE 488.2 dened INTERRUPTED and UNTERMINATED errors will be issued if
new commands are sent before the output of previous queries has been read or if a read is started
before a complete command line has been sent.
For best performance, read output as soon as it becomes available. MAV (Message Available) does
not get set until output is ready to send. If there are multiple queries on one line, MAV may be dropped
between queries, particularly if there is a slow operation between them. Queries generally collect
their information in the execution phase to preserve FIFO order relative to the commands that go
before or come after them, but error messages are put into the error queue in the order they are
detected. See SCPI Tips, section 3.2, for query message length information.
The HMC-T2240 accepts input lines terminated with EOI (a GPIB signal which can be asserted
with the last character of a string,) newline (10, 0x0A, \n,) or both. The carriage return character (13,
0x0D, \r,) is not recognized by the IEEE 488 standard and is treated as whitespace.
The HMC-T2240 output lines are terminated with both EOI and newline.
Serial Polls and Parallel Polls can be used at “any” time, including while *WAI and *OPC? are in effect, and are unlikely to introduce signicant jitter.
(As the unit is addressed and unaddressed over GPIB, small delays are incurred, but they will not affect sweep timing, for instance.)
Normal commands (such as *STB?) are blocked by *WAI and *OPC? until the sweep is completed.
Commands which affect the RF output (FREQuency, POWer, OUTPut) may interfere with sweep
Note: Local Lockout (LLO) does not lock out the USB and Ethernet interfaces. This is contrary to the
IEEE 488 specs which consider anything other than GPIB to be a “local” control.
If Local Lockout is active and the user presses and holds the front panel knob, the URQ (User Request) bit in the ESR will be set, and, if *ESE and *SRE are set appropriately, a service request can
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be generated so the controlling program can restore local control when it is safe to do so.
The GPIB Address is in the range 0 to 30. Attempting to program it outside this range will result in
an error. The HMC-T2240 does not use secondary addressing. *AAD and *DLF, which allow automatic address assignment, are not supported. It is not necessary to power cycle the HMC-T2240 after
changing the GPIB Address. However, changing it during a GPIB operation may result in undesirable
The HMC-T2240 goes into its *RST state after power on. The *PSC command is not supported at
this time.
The following commands are coupled: STARt, STOP, CENTer, SPAN (frequency and power.)
2.3 Ethernet
The HMC-T2240 supports Socket and Telnet connections over Ethernet with the same functionality
as USB. The Socket interface is a programming interface; Telnet is for typing commands in by hand
for setup or debug. Any of the SCPI commands can be sent from any interface, so you can use USB
or Telnet to set the Socket Port number, for instance. In order to use a Socket or Telnet, the address
of the HMC-T2240 must be congured.
HMC-T2200 Synthesized Signal Generator Family User Manual
No drivers beyond the ones that come with normal networked computers should be necessary.
2.3.1 Ethernet Addressing
The goal of conguring the HMC-T2240’s Ethernet settings is to get it to work on your network. Consulting your network administrator about how to congure this device can save a lot of time.
The easiest way to congure the HMC-T2240’s Ethernet address is with DHCP. If your network is
congured for DHCP (Dynamic Host Conguration Protocol), you should1 be able to connect to the
HMC-T2240 to the network and access it through its host name like any other computer.
The HMC-T2240’s host name (machine name) is:
HMCT2240-<serial number>
where <serial number> is the 6 digit serial number shown when the unit turns on. You can also nd
the serial number by pressing and holding the front panel knob twice; the rst press and hold takes
you to the GPIB address screen and the second shows the serial number and rmware revisions.
Press and hold the knob again to go back to the main display.
Reasons you might not want to use DHCP include:
• You are connecting a PC directly with a cable, and most PCs are not set up as DHCP servers. (The HMC-T2240 has auto-MDIX; crossover cables not required.)
• Routers or other network hardware do not support or are not congured for DHCP or name
• You have multiple equipment racks, each of which has its own router. Rather than refer to
the instruments by name (which is different for each unit, or may not work) the IP Address
is the same for each instrument within a rack so the same software with hard coded IP Ad-
1. A name server must also be set up. Some network congurations will support DHCP but not looking up devices by name.
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HMC-T2200 Synthesized Signal Generator Family User Manual
dresses can be run on any rack. (This is commonly done with GPIB addresses. Note that
IP Addresses must be unique within a subnet. The router within the rack denes each subnet. The subnets can be connected to the building network through the router or a second
network connection in a PC, depending on the level of isolation desired for the equipment
rack.) Ethernet Addressing: Turning DHCP ON
To turn DHCP ON, send the following command through the USB or GPIB interfaces (assuming the
Ethernet connection isn’t working.)
SYSTem:COMMunicate:ETHernet:DHCP ON
You must power cycle the HMC-T2240 before this setting will take effect. You may also want to set
the socket port number (discussed below) before power cycling.
You will also need to power cycle the HMC-T2240 when you move it from one network to another to
re-start the DHCP address assignment process.
v02.1110 Ethernet Addressing: Static IP Address Assignment
If your address strategy is to use static IP addresses, turn DHCP off and set the ADDRess, NETMask,
and GATeway. (You will need to substitute the correct values for your network.)
syst:comm:eth:DHCP OFF
You must power cycle the HMC-T2240 before these settings will take effect. You may also want to set
the socket port number (discussed below) before power cycling. Telnet Example
The following example comes from running the Windows telnet client from the command line. Replace the 000000 with the actual serial number from your unit. You can also type in the IP Address
instead of hmcT2240-000000.
HMC-T2200 Synthesized Signal Generator Family User Manual
The range of legal PORT values is 0 to 65535. Pick a value consistent with your existing applications.
If you do not already have a standard port number, pick one from the range 49152-65535. Lower
number ports may already be in use (23 = Telnet) or be used in the future (80 = HTTP, 111 = VXI-11,
5044 = LXI, for example) or may be used by common network protocols. (See http://www.iana.org/
assignments/port-numbers for details.)
You must power cycle the HMC-T2240 to make this change take effect. Example: Sockets with VISA drivers
The following code opens a socket connection to an HMC-T2240 and reads the *IDN? string. (This
code was tested with LabWindows 8.1.)
err = viWrite(vihdl, cmd, sizeof(cmd)-1/*ignore NULL*/, &byt);
err = viRead (vihdl, readbuf, 255, &byt);
readbuf[byt] = 0; // input not null terminated
printf(“%s\n”, readbuf);
viClose (vihdl);
return err; // set breakpoint here to prevent output window from going away
2.3.4 Ethernet Security
The HMC-T2240 is intended to be used within a “safe” network environment such as a company network or a private subnet within an equipment rack.
The HMC-T2240 does NOT have password protection or other mechanisms to prevent unauthorized
The HMC-T2240 does not run Windows or any UNIX variant and does not support rmware updates
over Ethernet so it is not considered vulnerable to infection by viruses.
3.0 SCPI Command Reference
3.1 SCPI Conformance Information
The HMC-T2240 (SW Ver 2.02) command set is based on the SCPI standard, version 1999.0, but is
not SCPI compliant because of the following:
• SYSTem:VERSion? - SCPI version - not compliant à not implemented
• UNIT:POWer – Only dBm supported.
• This document does not meet all SCPI documentation requirements.
3.2 SCPI Tips
The following tips may be helpful for understanding the SCPI instrument behavior.
• SCPI commands are not case sensitive. *IDN? and *idn? are considered the same command.
• CAPitalized letters indicate the “short form” of a command. FREQ is the short form of FRE-
• Words in [brackets] are optional. OUTPut[:STATe] means you can use OUTPut:STATe if you
2. The software version may be found by pressing and holding the front panel knob to get the GPIB address menu and then pressed again to get the serial
number and revision information. It is labeled with SW VER:.
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HMC-T2200 Synthesized Signal Generator Family User Manual
want to, but OUTPut or OUTP is sufficient. The leading [SOURce:] in front of FREQuency,
POWer, and SWEep is also optional.
• Commands ending in question marks (?) are called queries and return results.
• Separate multiple commands on a line with semicolons (;). FREQ 3e9;POW -3.3; OUTP ON is a legal command. Multiple queries on the same line result in all the query results
coming back on the same line, separated by semicolons. FREQ?;POW?;OUTP? returns
3000.00e6;-3.3;1. (The trailing “1” corresponds to Boolean “true” for ON; 0 means OFF.)
When you specify a “:” for a command, subsequent commands on the same line are expected to start at the same level of the command tree as the previous command. This allows
you to say FREQ:STAR 1e9;STOP 2e9;STEP 10e6 without repeating FREQ every time.
However, to change from a command with one command path ([SOURce:]FREQuency)
to another (SWEep), it is necessary to start the following command with a “:” to indicate
that the next command is starting as if it were the rst command. FREQ:MODE SWE; SWE:DWEL 0.1s results in the error -113,”Undened header” because there is no command “FREQ:SWE:DWEL.” FREQ:MODE SWE; :SWE:DWEL 0.1s works as expected.
• If you send a command and it does not affect the hardware or return a value, check for errors. SYST:ERR? will return an error message or 0,”No error” if there are no errors left to
read back. You can read back multiple errors at one time with SYST:ERR:ALL?.
• Input lines are limited to 256 characters, including the carriage return and/or line feed. (HMCT2240 specic)
• Output from any one query is limited to 256 characters, including the carriage return and/or
line feed, or the “;” separating it from the output of another query on the same line. If multiple
queries are on the same line, the total output on one line can exceed 256 characters, up 256
characters per query. An important exception is SYST:ERR:ALL? which can return 10 error
messages of up to 256 characters each plus -350, “Queue overow” for a total of 2583
characters from one query.
• The only “overlapped” operation supported by the HMC-T2240 is sweeping. All other operations must complete their execution (but not necessarily hardware settling or having their results read back) before the next command can execute. If a command takes time to execute
and you need to synchronize with other instruments, use *OPC? or *OPC. To delay the next
command (sent only to the HMC-T2240) until a sweep completes, use *WAI.
• Expressions (FREQ 3GHz + 10 kHz, for example) are not supported.
3.3 SCPI Command Reference
This section describes the commands supported by the HMC-T2240.
3.3.1 ABORt - Stop Sweeping
ABORt stops a running sweep.
If SWEep:CONTinuous ON, the sweep will restart (INITiate) immediately; turn SWEep:CONTinuous
OFF before issuing ABORt to prevent sweep from restarting.
ABORt will not interrupt *OPC? or *WAI. See SDC.
ABORt is an event and does not have a query form.
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HMC-T2200 Synthesized Signal Generator Family User Manual Example: Shut Off a Continuous Sweep
3.3.2 *CLS - Clear Status
*CLS clears the following status registers:
• ESR (488.2 Standard Event Status Register)
• STATus:OPERation:EVENt
• STATus:QUEStionable:EVENt
It also empties the Error Queue and clears the ag set by *OPC.
See Also: *RST, STATus:PRESet, SDC, *ESR?.
*CLS is an event and does not have a query form. Example: Reset Status
To “fully” reset the instrument according to SCPI-99 Vol 2-20.2 (PRESet)
*CLS;*SRE 0; *ESE 0; STATus:PRESet
Note that *RST is required if you also want to reset hardware state.
3.3.3 DCL - Device Clear - See SDC
DCL is a GPIB (488.1) command used to gain control of the instruments on the bus. See SDC.