Hitachi VM-H38A User Manual

HITACHI Instruction Manual
8mm Video Camera/Recorder
Hitachi Home Electronics (America), Inc. HITACHI (HSC) CANADA INC.
3219 Koapaka Street, Honolulu, Hawaii 96819 Tel. 808-836-3621
E145554/E72118 P4707229 © Hitachi, Ltd. 1992 Printed in Japan KF-TF(N)
TABLE OF CONTENTS............................................................................................................................2
IMPORTANT SAFEGUARDS.....................................................................................................................3
FEATURES .................................................................................................................................................5
ACCESSORIES ..........................................................................................................................................5
IMPORTANT SAFEGUARDS.....................................................................................................................6
IMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS FOR AC ADAPTER/ CHARGER...............................................9
Hi8 .............................................................................................................................................................10
ELECTRONIC VIEWFINDER (EVF) POSITION ADJUSTMENT ............................................................10
HOW TO ATTACH THE SHOULDER STRAP.........................................................................................11
LOADING BATTERIES FOR DATE/TIME AND REMOTE CONTRO L ...................................................11
POWER SOURCES..................................................................................................................................12
CHECKING THE BATTERY .....................................................................................................................13
CHARGING THE BATTERY.....................................................................................................................15
INSERTION AND REMOVAL OF CASSETES ........................................................................................16
MAKING A SAMPLE CAMERA RECORDING.........................................................................................17
IDENTIFICATION AND OPERATION OF CONTROLS ........................................................................... 19
DATE/TIME SETTING ..............................................................................................................................22
AUTO FOCUS...........................................................................................................................................24
EXPOSURE CORRECTION.....................................................................................................................25
POWER ZOOM.........................................................................................................................................26
DIGITAL ZOOM.........................................................................................................................................27
FADE-IN/FADE-OUT ................................................................................................................................28
DIGITAL FILTER.......................................................................................................................................29
ELECTRONIC IMAGE STABILIZER (EIS)...............................................................................................30
SECOND CLOCK SETTING.....................................................................................................................32
DISPLAY BUTTON...................................................................................................................................33
LINEAR TIME COUNTER.........................................................................................................................33
MEMORY ..................................................................................................................................................34
INSTANT REVIEW.................................................................................................................................... 35
QUICK EDIT..............................................................................................................................................35
EYEPIECE ADJUSTMENT.......................................................................................................................36
TITLE RECORDING .................................................................................................................................36
WIRELESS REMOTE CONTROLLER.....................................................................................................39
AUDIO/VIDEO DUBBING.........................................................................................................................40
RECORDING TV PROGRAMS ................................................................................................................41
VIEWING THE PICTURE PLAYED BACK ON YOUR TV.......................................................................42
FORWARD AND REVERSE SEARCH ....................................................................................................44
ATTACHING THE TELE OR WIDE CONVERTER..................................................................................45
CAMERA/RECORDER TO VCR DUBBING.............................................................................................45
FLYING ERASE HEAD.............................................................................................................................46
PROGRAMME AE (Auto Exposure).........................................................................................................46
SYNCHRO EDIT.......................................................................................................................................46
ATTACHING THE OPTIONAL DC CAMERA LIGHT (VM-CP4).............................................................. 48
HEAD CLEANING.....................................................................................................................................51
PERIODIC MAINTENANCE .....................................................................................................................51
SPECIFICATIONS ....................................................................................................................................52
ACCESSORY TO ADD MORE EXCITEMENT ........................................................................................53
HOW TO ORDER......................................................................................................................................53
This symbol warms the user that uninsulated voltage within the unit m ay have sufficient magnitude to cause electric shock. Therefore, it is danger ous t o m ake any kind of contact with any inside part of this unit.
This symbol alerts the user that impor t ant literature concerning the operat ion and maintenance of this unit has been included. T her efore, it should be read caref ully to avoid any problems.
This digital apparatus does not exceed the Class B limits for radio noise emissions from digital apparatus set out in the Radio Interference regulations of the Canadian Depar tment of Communications.
Caution to the user: Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user's authority to operate the equipment.
Moisture may occur if the video camera/recorder is moved f r om a cold area to a warm humid area. A flashing "DEW" indication in the viewfinder indicates that moisture has condensed on the recorder mechanism, which could result in tape damage. Since condensation builds up gradually, the indication does not appear immediately when condensation start s. When the temperature or humidity of t he room changes abruptly, turn the power on and check that the "DEW" indication does not appear, then wait for about an hour for safety before using the camera/recorder. When the "DEW" indication in the viewfinder is flashing the unit will not operate. When this happens, slide the "EJECT" switch, remove the tape, and wait for the moisture to dry... the "DEW" indication in the viewfinder will stop flashing.
Any problems that occur as a result of any of t he following conditions will not be covered by our warranty.  Be careful that no water, dust or sand enter s t he cam era/recorder.  When you are not using t he cam er a/recorder, switch off the power and att ach t he lens cap.  When you shoot at a scene which contains an extremely bright object such as the sun or a light source, a bright vertical bar may appear in the picture. Your camera/r ecor der is functioning properly, but the solid-state pickup device (C.C. D. ) usually causes this as an inher ent characteristic. Try to avoid shooting an excessively bright object directly.  Be sure not to leave it in a place where the temperature exceeds 120ºF, or t he pickup device may be damaged. Dangerous includes:
• Inside a car with the windows closed and in direct sunshine.
• Near heating appliances.  Do not leave the viewfinder lens facing sunlight for a prolonged period, or the phosphorescent surface of the cathode ray tube m ay be damag ed.
Thank you for buying the
video camera/recorder. For maximun pleasure and convenience
please read these simple instructions before operating your camera/recorder.
WARNING: Many television programs and films are copyrighted. In cer t ain circumstances, copyright law may apply to private in-home video taping of copyrighted mat er ials.
Hi8 Fade-in/Fade-out
• Electronic Image Stabilizer (EIS) • Auto Focus Power Zoom Lens with macro feature
• Digital Filter • Flying Erase Head
• Digital Zoom up to X16 • Time and date
• Solid-state camera pickup • Titler
• Program AE (Auto Exposure) • Wireless Remote Control
Check that you have the following components and accessories (besides the camer a/ r ecor der unit itself) befor e disposing of the packing material.
1. AV Stereo Output Cord with S plug
2. Battery Pack
3. AC Adapter/Charger
4. Wireless Remote Controller
5. Shoulder Strap
6. External Power Adapter
7. Batteries for Date/Time and Wireless Remote Controller
8. RF Output Adapter
9. 75-ohm Coaxial Cable
10. Video Owner's Manual
• This is a VHS cassette tape which includes instruction on how to operate your VM-H38A camera/recorder. This tape covers the basic operations of this model and some ideas on how to make better recordings.
• This unit uses video format cassettes.
• It records and plays back in the SP mode (14.3 mm /sec.).
• It cannot record and play back in the LP mode (7.2 m m/sec.).
• This camera/recorder uses a Hi-Fi ster eo sound system . When a tape recorded by this camera/recorder is played by a conventional 8mm camera/recorder , monaural sound is output. When a tape recorded by a conventional 8mm camera/recorder is played by this machine, monaural sound is output.
In addition to the careful att ent ion devoted t o quality standards in the manufacture of your video product, safety is a major factor in the design of every instrument. But, safety is your responsibility too. This page lists important information that will help to assure your enjoyment and pr oper use of a Video Camera/Recorder and accessory equipment. Please r ead it carefully before operating your video product and keep it in a handy place for futur e r eference.
1 Read and Follow Instructions -- All the safety and operating inst ructions should be read before the video product is operated. Follow all operating and use inst r uctions.
2 Retain Instructions -- The safety and operating inst r uct ions should be r etained for future reference. 3 Heed Warnings -- Comply with all warnings on the video product and in the operating instructions. 4 Polarized Plug -- This video product is eq uipped with a polarized alter nat ing-current line plug (a plug having one blade wider than the other). T his plug will fit into the power outlet only one way. This is a safety feature. If you are unable to insert the plug fully into the outlet, try reversing the plug. If the plug should still fail to fit, contact your electrician to replace your obsolete outlet. To prevent electric shock do not use this polarized plug with an extension cord, r ecept acle or other outlet unless the blades can be fully inserted without blade exposure. I f you need an extension, use a polarized cord.
5 Power Sources -- This video product should be operated only from the type of power source
indicated on the marking label. I f you are not sure of the type of power supply to your home, consult your video dealer or local power company. For video products intended to operate from battery power, or other sources, refer to the operating instructions. 6 Overloading -- Do not overload wall outlets and extension cords as this can result in a risk of fire or electric shock. O verloaded AC out let s and extension cords are dangerous, and so are frayed power cords, damaged or cracked wire insulation and broken plugs. They may result in a shock or fire hazard. Periodically examine the cord and have it replaced by your service technician if appearance indicates damage or det er ior ated insulation.
7 Power-Cord Protection -- Power-supply cords should be r out ed so t hat they are not likely to be walked on or pinched by items placed upon or against them, paying par t icular at tention to cords at plugs, convenience receptacles, and the point where they exit fr om the appliance. 8 Ventilation -- Slots and openings in the cabinet are provided for ventilation to ensure reliable operation of the video product and to protect it from overheating. These openings must not be blocked or covered. The openings should never be blocked by placing t he video product on a bed, sofa, rug or ot her sim ilar surface. This video product should never be placed near or over a radiator or heat register. This video product should not be placed in a built-in installation such as a bookcase or rack unless proper ventilation is provided or the video product m anufacturer's instructions have been followed.
9 Attachments -- Do not use attachments unless recommended by the video product manufacturer as they may cause hazards.
Caution: Maintain electrical safety. Powerline operated eq uipm ent or accessories connected to this unit should bear the UL listing mark or CSA certification mark on the accessory itself and should not have been modified so as to defeat the safety features. This will help avoid any potential hazard from electric shock or fire. If in doubt, cont act qualified service personnel.
10 Water and Moisture -- Do not use this video product near water - for example, near a bath tub, wash bowl, kitchen sink, or laundry tub, in a wet basement, or near a swimming pool, and the like. 11 Accessories -- Do not place this video product on an unstable card, stand, tripod, brack et , or table. The video product may fall, causing serious injury to a child or adult, and serious damage to the appliance. Use only with a cart, stand, tr ipod, bracket, or table recomm ended by the manufacturer, or sold with the video product. Any mounting of the product should follow the manufacturer's instruct ions, and should use a mounting accessory recommended by the manufacturer. 11A An appliance and cart combination should be moved with care. Quick stops, excessive force, and uneven surfaces may cause the appliance and cart com binat ion to overturn.
12 Outdoor Antenna Grounding -- If an outside antenna or cable system is connected to the video product, be sure the antenna or cable system is grounded so as to provide some protection against voltage surges and built-up static charges. Section 810 of the National Electrical Code, ANSI/NFPA No. 70, provides inf or mation with respect to proper grounding of the mast and supporting structur e, grounding of the lead-in wire to an ant enna dischar ge unit, size of grounding conductors, locat ion of antenna-discharge unit, connection t o grounding electrodes, and requirements for the grounding electr ode. See example below: EXAMPLE OF ANTENNA GROUNDING
13 Power Lines -- An outside antenna system should not be located in the vicinity of overhead power lines or other electric light or power circuits , or where it can fall into such power lines or circuits. When installing an outside antenna system, extreme car e should be t aken to keep from touching or approaching such power lines or circuits as cont act with them m ight be fatal. Installing an outdoor antenna can be hazardous and should be left to a professional antenna installer.
14 Cleaning -- Unplug this video product from the wall outlet before cleaning . Do not use liquid
cleaners or aerosol cleaners. Use a damp cloth for cleaning. 15 Object and Liquid Entry -- Never push objects of any kind int o t his video product through openings as they may touch dangerous voltage points or short - out parts that could result in a fire or electric shock. Never spill liquid of any kind on the video product.
16 Lightning -- For added protection for this video product during a lightning storm, or when it its left unattended and unused f or long periods of time, unplug it from the wall outlet and disconnect the antenna or cable-system. This will prevent damage t o the video product due to lightning and power-line surges.
17 Servicing -- Do not attempt t o ser vice this video product yourself as opening or removing covers may expose you to dangerous voltage or other hazards. Refer all ser vicing t o qualified service personnel. 18 Conditions Requiring Service -- Unplug this video product from the wall outlet and refer servicing to qualified service personnel under t he following conditions. a. When t he power-supply cord or plug is damaged b. If liquid has been spilled, or obj ects have fallen into the video product. c. If the video product has been exposed to rain or water. d. If the video product does not operate nor m ally by following the operating instructions. Adjust only those controls that are covered by the operating instruct ions. Improper adjustment of other controls may result in damage and will often r equire extensive work by a qualified technician to restore the video product to its normal operation. e. If the video product has been dropped or the cabinet has been dam aged. f. When the video product exhibits a distinct change in perf or m ance - this indicates a need for service. 19 Replacement Parts -- When replacement parts are required, have the service technician verify that the replacements he uses have the same safet y charact er ist ics as t he or iginal parts. Use of replacements specified by the video product manufacturer can prevent fire, elect r ic shock or other hazards. 20 Safety Check -- Upon completion of any service or repairs to this video product, ask the service technician to perform saf et y check s r ecom m ended by the m anufacturer to determine that the video product is in safe operating condit ion.
1. Save these instructions -- This page cont ains im por tant safety and operating instructions for AC Adapter/Charger Model VM-AC 82A.
2. Before using AC Adapter/ Char ger, read all instructions and cautionary mar kings on (1) AC Adapter/Charger, (2) bat tery and (3) product using battery.
3. Also read all instructions on pages 4 and 5.
4. Caution -- To reduce r isk of injury, charge only rechargeable battery, VM-BP82G or VM-BP82. Other types of batteries may burst causing personal injury and damage.
5. Do not expose charger to rain or snow.
6. Use of an attachment nor recommended or sold by the battery charger manuf acturer may result in a risk of f ir e, electric shock, or injury to persons.
7. To reduce risk of dam age to electric plug and cord, pull by plug rat her t han cord when disconnecting charger.
8. Make sure cord is located so that it will not be stepped on, tr ipped over, or otherwise subjected to damage or stress.
9. Do not operate charger with damaged cor d or plug - replace them immediately.
10. An extension cord should not be used unless absolutely necessary. Use of improper extension cord could result in a risk of fire and electric shock. If extension cord must be used, make sure: A. The pins on plug of extension cord are t he sam e num ber , size, and shape as those of plug on charger. B. That extension cord is properly wired and in good electrical condition; and C. That wire size should be met below: Minimum AWG size Length of extension cord (f eet) 18 Equal to or less than 100 16 Equal to or less than 150
11. Do not operate charger if it has received a sharp blow, been dropped, or otherwise damaged in any way; take it to a qualif ied ser viceman.
12. Do not disassemble charger: take it to a qualified serviceman when service or repair is required. Incorrect r eassem bly may result in a r isk of electric shock or fire.
13. To reduce risk of elect r ic shock, unplug charger f r om outlet before attempt ing any maintenance or cleaning.
"Note to CATV system installer: This reminder is provided to call the CATV system installer's attention to Article 820-40 of the NEC that provides guidelines for proper grounding and, in particular, specifies that the cable ground shall be connected to the grounding system of the building, as close to the point of cable ent r y as pract ical" .
 Compatibilty with conventional video camera/recorder
• camera/recorder is set to "AUTO", and r ecor ded in t he
has realized high resolution and high picture qualit y when compared to t he st andar d
video cassettes are recorded in the format when the switch of this
format when it is set to "OFF".
video cassettes are recorded in the format regardless of the position of the switch.
• During playback, the recording format is discriminated automatically and video cassettes are played back correctly regardless of t he posit ion of the
• Video cassettes recorded in the
format cannot be played back by an VCR.
• Adjust the electronic viewfinder to a position where you can see through it easily.
NOTE: Put the viewfinder back to the orig inal position when storing the camera/recorder int o the carrying case or carrying the camera/recorder.
Attach the shoulder strap (provided), as illustr at ed.
You may want to install the date/time and remote cont r ol batteries (provided) immediately to prevent misplacing them.
 For date/time
1. Pull the battery holder.
2. Insert the date/time bat tery with the "+" terminal facing up.
3. Fully insert the battery hjolder into the cam er a / r ecor der.
 For remote control
1. Pull the battery holder from the remote control (provided).
2. Place the battery as illustrated, and then at tach the holder to the remote contr ol.
• When replacing the batteries, use 3V micro lithium cell such as Maxell CR2025 or equivalent.
• Instructions for sett ing the date and time are on page 22. You can do that lat er if desired after you're more familiar with your camera/r ecor der .
• Dispose of battery safely and in accordance with local laws.
• Do not dispose of in fire.
Keep this battery away from children. If swallowed, consult a physician immediately f or emergency treatment.
NOTE: The battery must be charged before it can be used for the first time. Refer t o "CHARGING THE BATTERY" on page 14.
1. Push the "BATT EJECT" lever in the direction of the arrow and hold it, then open the grip cover.
2. To attach the battery, align the "
" mark on the battery with that of the camera/recorder.
3. Hold the battery flush against the camera/recorder and slide it in the direction of the arrow.
4. Close the grip cover.
 To remove the battery
1. Push and hold "BATT EJECT" lever, then open the grip cover.
2. Slide the battery downward and off.
1. Plug the AC adapter/charg e r power cord int o an AC electrical output; the "POWER" indicat or on the AC adapter/charger will come on.
2. Attach the external power adapter (provided) to the camer a/recorder as shown in the figure. Align the marks and hold the external power adapter flush against the camera/recor der . Then attach it using the same procedure used when attaching the battery.
3. Connect the external power adapter plug to the "DC OUTPUT" jack of the AC adapter/charger.
4. To remove the external power adapter from the camera/recorder, perform the same procedure as when removing the battery.
• This AC adapter/charger is universal ar ound t he world. I f you use the camera/recorder in some foreign countries, an AC plug adapt er (not supplied) may be necessary.
• When using the AC adapter/charger to power the camera/recorder, the battery level indicator m ay display " " . This indicator is used for battery operation and has no meaning when using the Ac adapter/charger to power the camera/ recorder.
 WHEN USING WITH THE CAR BATTERY (by using optional car battery cord Hitachi VM­CC80A)
1. Connect the car battery cord to the car' s cigarette lighter socket.
2. Connect the external power adapter (provided) to the camera/recorder, as illustrated.
• Attach it by the same procedure as when attaching the battery.
3. Connect the small plug of t he exter nal power adapter t o "DC OUTPUT" of the car battery cord.
• The car battery cord is designed to be used only with automobiles having a 12/24- volt negative ground system.
• To prevent fire or shock hazard or dam age to your camera/recorder, please use only Hitachi's car battery cord model VM-CC80A.
NOTE: Be sure to set the power switch to "OFF" position when attaching or detaching a power supply (battery, AC adapter/charger, et c.) to the camera/recorder.
When the " " indication appears in the viewfinder and flashes while the camera/recorder is being operated with a battery (provided), it indicates t hat the battery charge is low. Charge it or replace it with a charged battery.
NOTE: Whenever t he linear time counter is present in the viewfinder, the batt er y level indicator " " is displayed in the viewfinder indicating the condition of camera/recorder battery power. When the battery is fully charged, " " is displayed.
After several minutes, the symbol will change to " ". When the battery is very near empty, the symbol will change to "
" and start blinking. You should find an alternative power source or
recharge the battery befor e cont inuing to use your camera/recorder.
1. Plug the AC adapter/charger power cord into AC electrical outlet.
2. Attach the battery to the AC adapt er /charger. Align the "
" mark on the battery with that of AC adapter/charger and push the battery flush with the AC adapter/charger and slide it in the direction of arrow.
• You must remove the external power adapter from the AC adapter/charger to charge the battery. If the external power adapter is connected, "CHARGE" light will flash.
• Before charging a battery that has been used once, press the refresh button to refresh the battery. After refr eshing is completed, the "CHARGE" light comes on instead of the "REFRESH" light and charging will start automatically.
3. The "CHARGE" light will be lit while the battery is accepting a charge, and will go out when the battery is fully charged.
Skillful use of batteries
Use batteries continuously until " " flashes. If you use a battery for a short time and charge it immediately, the usable time of t he bat tery will be shortened.
1. The time required for charging the battery is approx. one hour.
2. When fully charged, the battery should supply approx. 50 minutes of oper ating time (depending on how much you use zoom and pause).
3. If you repeatedly charge a batter y which is not completely discharg ed the useable time of the battery will become shorter. Refresh such a battery before charging it.
4. It takes about 4 hours to r efresh a fully charged batter y (VM-BP82G).
5. Charge the battery before use and store it at normal room tem per ature.
6. The battery should be charged at a tem per at ur e of 32°F - 95°F (0°C - 35°C) to prevent damag e.
7. Do not operate the battery at temperatures below 14°F (-10°C) or above 95°F (35°C). The battery may be damaged if operated at temperatures above 122°F (50°C). Operation time will decrease at extremely low temperatures.
8. After repeated shargings and use, the operation time will gradually decrease. When operation time becomes too short to be useful, it is time to replace the battery.
9. If the "POWER" light on the AC adapter/char ger starts flashing, remove the battery and then reattach it. If after several attempts the "POWER" light contimues to flash, this means your battery cannot take a charge and must be replaced with a new one. The "POWER" light will also flash it a hot battery is attached to the AC adapter/charger. Attaching an extr em ely hot battery to the AC adapter/charger is not recom m ended; it should be allowed to cool down before being attached.
10. Do not short the battery's terminal.
11. Do not attempt to disassemble or modify the battery. There are no user serviceable parts inside.
12. Throwing the battery into a fire or exposing the battery to excessive heat - over 149°F (65°C) could be hazardous.
13. Set the mark switch of any batter y which has already been charged to r ed as shown in the figure. This lets you discrim inat e between charged and uncharged batteries easily.
Before inserting or rem oving a casset t e, be sure to connect the power source. When a power source is connected, the cassette can be ejected and rem oved whether the power is on or off.
 Insertion
1. Slide the "EJECT" switch. The cassette door will open.
2. Insert a cassette so the transparent window is toward you and the arrow toward the cassette holder. Slide the cassette into cassette holder as far as it will go.
3. Press the cassette holder. Push the section of the holder marked "PUSH" until a click is heard.
The camera/recorder will automatically close the top of the cassette compartment. D o not press the door down, or you may damage your camera/recorder.
 Removal Slide the "EJECT" switch and remove the cassette.
8mm Video Cassette
An 8mm Video Cassette has a record-protect t ab on t he side of the cassette that can be slid to prevent accidental erasure of recorded mat er ial.
To prevent accidental erasure, slide the record-protect tab in the direction of the arrow until the red tab is completely visible.
To record on the cassette again, slide the record-protect tab in the direct ion of the arrow. The red tab will disappear behingd the cassette case.
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