Hitachi SF-110LJS Instruction Manual

Thank you for purchasing Hitachi Fully Automatic Washing Machine.
Please read this instruction manual carefully for proper operation of the machine.
Please keep this instruction manual for future reference.
¢Õ∫§ÿ≥∑ÿ°∑à“π∑’ˉ¥â‡≈◊Õ°´◊ÈÕ ‡§√◊ËÕß´—°ºâ“Œ‘µ“™‘√–∫∫Õ—µ‚π¡—µ‘
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Contents / “√∫—≠
Before Washing /
Washing & Spin Programmes /
Detergents and Keen Washing /
Precautions / ¢âÕ§«√√–«—߇æ◊ËÕ°“√„™âß“πÕ¬à“ߪ≈Õ¥¿—¬..................................3
Technical Descriptions /
√“¬≈–‡Õ’¬¥¢Õß™‘Èπà«π ..........................................7
Control Panel /
·ºßÀπ⓪í∑¡å§«∫§ÿ¡ ...................................................................8
Before You Start Washing /
°àÕπ‡√‘Ë¡∑”°“√´—°............................................. 10
Child Lock /
√–∫∫≈ÁÕ§ªÑÕß°—π‡¥Á° .......................................................................10
Easy to Wash Course (FUZZY Course) /
√Ÿª·∫∫°“√´—°Õ—µ‚π¡—µ‘ (‚ª√·°√¡Õ—µ‚π¡—µ‘) ................................................11
Washing Course for clothes with DRY Cleaning label
(WOOL Course) /
ç”À√—∫´—°·Àâßé (‚ª√·°√¡°“√´—°ºâ“¢π—µ«å) .............................................
Washing Heavily Stained Clothes (JEANS Course) /
‚ª√·°√¡°“√´—°ºâ“∑’Ë°ª√°¡“° (‚ª√·°√¡°“√´—°ºâ“∑’Ë°ª√°)............ 12
Rapid Washing (SPEEDY Course) /
‚ª√·°√¡°“√´—°ºâ“·∫∫√«¥‡√Á« (‚ª√·°√¡‡√Á«) ...........................................12
Washing delicate clothes (DELICATE Course) /
√Ÿª·∫∫°“√´—°ºâ“∫Õ∫∫“ß (‚ª√·°√¡∂πÕ¡ºâ“) ...........................................13
Washing Comforters, Blanket, Bedspread (BLANKET Course) /
¢—ÈπµÕπ°“√´—°ºâ“Àà¡, ºâ“§≈ÿ¡‡µ’¬ß·≈–ºâ“™‘Èπ„À≠à,
(‚ª√·°√¡°“√´—°ºâ“Àà¡) .......................................................................................
Using the Washing NET (Sold separately) /
°“√„™â∂ÿßµ“¢à“¬„π°“√ªíòπ·Àâß (“¡“√∂—Ëß´◊ÈÕ‰¥â®“°µ—«·∑π®”Àπà“¬)...
Detail Washing (SOAK Course) /
√“¬≈–‡Õ’¬¥„π°“√∑”ß“π (‚ª√·°√¡°“√·™àºâ“) ...........................................15
Spinning with blowing air (Air Jet Course) /
°“√ªíòπ·Àâß‚¥¬°“√∂à“¬‡∑¢Õß≈¡ (‚ª√·°√¡°“√ªíòπ·Àâß摇»…)............ 15
How to use Spin Control /
«‘∏’°“√‡≈◊Õ°®”π«π√Õ∫°“√ªíòπ·Àâß.............. 16
Laundry Load and Detergent Amount /
ª√‘¡“≥°“√„™âºß´—°øÕ°·≈–πÈ”Àπ—°¢Õߺâ“∑’Ë®–´—°...................................... 16
Using the Timer for Washing /
°“√µ—È߇«≈“´—°≈à«ßÀπâ“ ............................ 17
Washing Process /
¢—ÈπµÕπ„π°“√∑”ß“π .......................................................18
Manual Operation /
°“√„™âß“π‚¥¬ºŸâ„™âª√—∫µ—È߇Õß........................................ 20
When Using Liquid Detergent, Bleach and Fabric Softener /
¢—ÈπµÕπ„π°“√„™âπÈ”¬“´—°ºâ“, πÈ”¬“øÕ°ºâ“¢“« ·≈–πÈ”¬“ª√—∫ºâ“πÿà¡ .....22
Using Powder Detergent (Natural oils and fats) /
°“√„™âºß´—°øÕ°™π‘¥æ‘‡»… (πÈ”¡—π∏√√¡™“µ‘·≈–∫Ÿà´—°ºâ“) .....................23
Reusing Cleansing Water /
°“√„™âπÈ”´È”‡æ◊ËÕ´—°Õ’°§√—Èß.............................. 23
How to Change Sound (Melodious) of Buzzer /
«‘∏’°“√‡ª≈’ˬπ‡’¬ß¢Õß—≠≠“≥‡µ◊Õπ ..............................................................24
Using Starch /
¢—ÈπµÕπ„π°“√„™âºßÕ—¥°≈’∫ ..................................................... 24
Helpful Tips /
§”·π–π”„π°“√´—° ....................................................................... 24
Troubleshooting Guide /
ªí≠À“·≈–°“√·°â‰¢ ..............................................25
Repair and Maintenance /
°“√´àÕ¡·≈–°“√∫”√ÿß√—°…“ .............................26
Install the machine /
°“√µ‘¥µ—È߇§√◊ËÕß´—°ºâ“ ................................................... 28
Where to Install, How to Install /
∂“π∑’˵‘¥µ—Èß, «‘∏’°“√µ‘¥µ—Èß................ 29
How to Adjust the Legs /
«‘∏’°“√ª√—∫¢“µ—Èß .................................................... 29
Safety Check /
¢âժؑ∫—µ‘‡æ◊ËÕ§«“¡ª≈Õ¥¿—¬„π°“√„™âß“π .......................... 30
How to Install The Rat Guard and Take Off The Drain Hose /
«‘∏’°“√ª√–°Õ∫∞“π°—πÀπŸ·≈–°“√π”∑àÕπÈ”∑‘ÈßÕÕ°....................................... 30
How to Install the Joint /
«‘∏’°“√µ‘¥µ—ÈߢâÕµàÕ°äÕ°πÈ”................................... 31
How to Install Water Supply Hose /
«‘∏’°“√µ‘¥µ—Èß∑àÕ®à“¬πÈ” ...................31
Washing Machine Repair /
°“√´àÕ¡‡§√◊ËÕß´—°ºâ“.......................................... 32
Specifications /
√“¬≈–‡Õ’¬¥¢Õ߇§√◊ËÕß .............................................................32
Instruction Manual
HITACHI Fully Automatic Washer
Model SF-110LJS
Repair, Maintenance and
Customer Service /
Before operating the machine, please read the precautions carefully for proper operation. / °àÕπ°“√„™âß“π‡§√◊ËÕß´—°ºâ“ °√ÿ≥“Õà“π·≈–∑”§«“¡
‡¢â“„® ç¢âÕ§«√√–«—߇æ◊ËÕ°“√„™âß“πÕ¬à“ߪ≈Õ¥¿—¬é „À⥒°àÕπ ‡æ◊ËÕ°“√„™âß“π∑’Ë∂Ÿ°µâÕß
Precautions and warnings in this manual / ”À√—∫¢âÕ§«√√–«—ß §”‡µ◊Õπµà“ßÊ ∑’Ë·¥ß‰«â ≥ ∑’Ëπ’È Classification and description of types of damages and dangers caused by incorrect operation. / ·∫àߪ√–‡¿∑ ·≈–Õ∏‘∫“¬∂÷ß√–¥—∫¢Õß
This appliance is not intended for use by persons (including children) with reduced physical, sensory or mental capabilities, or lack of experience and knowledge, unless they have been given supervision or instruction on how to use the appliance safely. /
‰¡à‰¥â¡’„Àℙ₥¬‡¥Á°, ∫ÿ§§≈∑’ˉ¡à·¢Áß·√ß À√◊Õÿ¢¿“殑µ‰¡àª°µ‘ ¬°‡«âπ®–‰¥â√—∫°“√¥Ÿ·≈Õ¬à“ß„°≈♑¥®“°∫ÿ§§≈∑’Ë√—∫º‘¥™Õ∫
Children should be supervised to ensure that they do not play with the appliance. / ‡æ◊ËÕ„Àâ¡—Ëπ„®«à““¡“√∂„™â‡§√◊ËÕ߉¥âÕ¬à“ߪ≈Õ¥¿—¬
This means there is a risk of injury or death. / §«“¡À¡“¬„π™àÕßπ’ȧ◊Õ çÕ“®®–°àÕ„À⇰‘¥Õ“°“√∫“¥‡®Á∫À√◊Õ‡’¬™’«‘µ‰¥âé
This means there is a risk of injury or damage. / §«“¡À¡“¬„π™àÕßπ’ȧ◊Õ çÕ“®®–°àÕ„À⇰‘¥°“√∫“¥‡®Á∫À√◊Õ‡’¬À“¬
This means warning or precaution. / À¡“¬∂÷ß ç°“√‡µ◊ÕπÀ√◊Õ¢âÕ§«√√–«—ßé
This means something that cannot or must not be done. / À¡“¬∂÷ß ‘Ëß∑’ˉ¡à§«√°√–∑”
This means something that must be done. / À¡“¬∂÷ß ‘Ëß∑’˧«√ªØ‘∫—µ‘µ“¡
Examples of pictures
Do not open, modify or change. / Àâ“¡∂Õ¥à«π
ª√–°Õ∫ ¥—¥·ª≈ß ·°â‰¢‡Õß‚¥¬‡¥Á¥¢“¥
This could cause fire, electric shock or injury. / ‡ªìπ“‡Àµÿ¢Õ߇æ≈‘߉À¡â ‰ø¥Ÿ¥
For repair, please contact our stores. / °“√´àÕ¡·´¡·°â‰¢ °√ÿ≥“µ‘¥µàÕµ—«·∑π
Use 220V alternating current, and do not connect another plug at the same socket. /
220V ‡∑à“π—Èπ ·≈–‰¡à§«√„™âª≈—Í°‰ø√à«¡°—∫
Using the washing machine plug together with other electrical systems may cause over heating in the plug and result in fire. /
∂â“„™âª≈—Í° √à«¡°—∫‡§√◊ËÕß„™â‰øøÑ“Õ◊ËπÊ ·≈â«Õ“®‡°‘¥§«“¡√âÕπ º‘¥ª°µ‘¢÷Èπ∫√‘‡«≥ª≈—Í°µàÕ ·≈–Õ“®‡°‘¥‰ø‰À¡â‰¥â
Use electricity
safely /
Do not open
or remove /
If the machine is not earthed and current is leaking, there may be an electric shock hazard. To earth your machine please contact our shops or customer service centre. /
∂Ⓡ°‘¥°√–·‰øøÑ“√—Ë« ‚¥¬∑’ˉ¡à‰¥âµàÕ“¬¥‘πÕ“®∑”„À⇰‘¥‰ø¥Ÿ¥‰¥â °“√µàÕ “¬¥‘π°√ÿ≥“µ‘¥µàÕµ—«·∑π®”Àπà“¬ À√◊Õ»Ÿπ¬å∫√‘°“√
Do not install in a damp place such as a bathroom or a place exposed to rain. / §«√À≈’°‡≈’ˬ߉¡àµ‘¥µ—Èß
„π∫√‘‡«≥∑’Л¡’§«“¡™◊ИπŸЯ ‡™аπАвХЯХ“∫πИ” А√◊Х∫√‘‡«≥∑’Л Ωπ“¥∂чЯ
Keep dry /
Ground /
Do not use the cable or socket which is damaged or loose. / ‰¡à„™âß“π“¬‰øÀ√◊Õª≈—Í°‰ø∑’Ë™”√ÿ¥‡’¬À“¬
Do not insert plug with a wet hand. / „π¢≥–∑’Ë¡◊Õ
‡ªï¬°πÈ” Àâ“¡‡’¬∫À√◊Õ¥÷ߪ≈—Í°
This can cause an electric shock or a short circuit which may start a fire. /
Õ“®‡ªìπ“‡Àµÿ¢Õ߉ø¥Ÿ¥ ‰ø™ÁÕµ ‰ø‰À¡â‰¥â
This could cause an electric shock. / Õ“®‡ªìπ“‡Àµÿ¢Õ߉ø¥Ÿ¥‰¥â
Do not touch
with wet hands /
Don’t do this /
Earth wire must be properly connected. / §«√∑”°“√
Earth Wire /
Risk of fire, electric shock, current leakage or product damage. /
‡’ˬß∑’Ë®–‡°‘¥‰ø‰À¡â, ‰ø¥Ÿ¥, ‰ø√—Ë« À√◊Õ‡°‘¥§«“¡‡’¬À“¬µàÕº≈‘µ¿—≥±å‰¥â
Precautions (Cont.)
¢âÕ§«√√–«—߇æ◊ËÕ°“√„™âß“πÕ¬à“ߪ≈Õ¥¿—¬ (µàÕ)
This could cause an explosion or fire. /
Do not mark, cut or damage the power cable. Do not cut, modify, bend or fold it. /
‰¡à∑”„À⇰‘¥√Õ¬ ©’°¢“¥∑’Ë“¬‰ø ‰¡à∑”„À⇰‘¥√Õ¬©’°¢“¥ ¥—¥·ª≈ß·°â‰¢ æ—∫ßÕÕ¬à“ß·√ß ¥÷ß ¡â«π
«“ß∑—∫¥â«¬¢ÕßÀπ—° Àπ’∫
Damaged power cable can cause fire or an electric shock. / “¬‰ø∑’ˇ’¬À“¬
®–‡ªìπ“‡Àµÿ¢Õ߉ø‰À¡â ‰ø¥Ÿ¥‰¥â
Don’t do this /
This could cause an electric shock. / Õ“®‡ªìπ“‡Àµÿ¢Õß°“√™ÁÕµ ‰ø¥Ÿ¥‰¥â
Clean off all the dust on the plug. / §«√∑”§«“¡–Õ“¥
ª≈—Í°‰ø ‰¡à„ÀâΩÿÉπ®—∫
A dirty or dusty plug may cause a fire. / Õ“®‡ªìπ“‡Àµÿ¢Õ߉ø‰À¡â‰¥â
Cleaning /
Always disconnect the plug before cleaning it. /
°àÕπ∑”§«“¡–Õ“¥ °√ÿ≥“¥÷ߪ≈—Í°ÕÕ°∑ÿ°§√—Èß
Leaving the plug connected during cleaning could cause an electric shock or injury. /
Take off plug /
Don’t do this /
Do not put your hand into the drum while it is washing or spinning. / ‰¡à¬◊Ëπ¡◊Õ≈߉ª„π‡§√◊ËÕß´—°ºâ“
„π¢≥–∑’Ë∑”°“√´—° À√◊Õªíòπºâ“Õ¬Ÿà
Even when the drum is spinning gently, your hand could get stuck in the spinning clothes (so please press pause before opening the drum). /
∂÷ß·¡â ∂—ß®–À¡ÿπ§àÕ¬Ê °Áµ“¡ ºâ“∑’Ë´—°Õ¬ŸàÕ“®®–æ—π‡¢â“°—∫¡◊Õ§ÿ≥®π∑”„À⇰‘¥°“√∫“¥‡®Á∫¢÷Èπ‰¥â (°√ÿ≥“°¥ªÿÉ¡ PAUSE „ÀâÀ¬ÿ¥∑”ß“π™—Ë«§√“« ·≈â«®÷߇ªî¥Ω“‡§√◊ËÕß)
During washing and draining, the drum is still spinning at low speed, so please be careful. /
„π√–À«à“ß°“√´—° (WASH) À√◊Õ‡√‘Ë¡µâπ°“√ª≈àÕ¬πÈ”∑‘Èß (DRAIN)
π—Èπ ∂—ß´—°®–À¡ÿπ¥â«¬§«“¡‡√Á«µË” ®÷ßµâÕß√–¡—¥√–«—߇ªìπ摇»…
Don’t do this /
Do not let a child climb onto the washing machine or open the drum lid. Do not leave a box or chair near the washing machine which could enable a child to climb onto it. /
Õ¬à“𔇰â“Õ’ÈÀ√◊Õ°≈àÕß∑’ˇ¥Á° “¡“√∂ªïπ¢÷Èπ‰¥â¡“«“߉«â∫√‘‡«≥„°≈â°—∫‡§√◊ËÕß´—°ºâ“ ªÑÕß°—π‡¥Á°®–ªïπ≈߉ª¿“¬„π∂—߇§√◊ËÕß´—°ºâ“‰¥â
A child could fall into the drum and get injured. /
‡¥Á°Õ“®®–µ°≈߉ª„π∂—ß ·≈–∫“¥‡®Á∫‰¥â
Do not put anything inflammable in or near the machine (gas, diesel, petrol, thinner, alcohol or clothes stained with these substances). /
‰¡àπ” «—µ∂ÿ‰«‰ø„à≈ß„π∂—ß´—° À√◊Õπ”‡¢â“„°≈âÕ¬à“߇¥Á¥¢“¥ (πÈ”¡—π°ä“¥ πÈ”¡—π¥’‡´≈ πÈ”¡—π‡∫π´‘π ∑‘π‡πÕ√å
·Õ≈°ÕŒÕ≈å À√◊Õ‡◊ÈÕºâ“∑’Ë¡’“√‡À≈à“π’Ȫπ‡ªóôÕπ)
Don’t do this /
Do not pour water on the machine when it is running. / Õ¬à“√“¥πÈ”‚¥¬µ√ß∑’˵—«‡§√◊ËÕß ¢≥–∑’ˇ§√◊ËÕß
Don’t do this /
Do not place fire sources such as a candle or cigarette near the machine. / ‰¡à«“ß«—µ∂ÿµâπ‡æ≈‘ß
‡™àπ ‡∑’¬π‰¢ ¬“®ÿ¥°—π¬ÿß À√◊Õ∫ÿÀ√’Ë∫π‡§√◊ËÕß´—°ºâ“
Risk of fire. / ¡’§«“¡‡’Ë¬ß«à“®–‡°‘¥‰ø‰À¡â¢÷Èπ‰¥â
No naked flame /
Don’t do this /
Don’t do this /
Do not install on a board with castors or an unstable place. / ‰¡à§«√µ‘¥µ—È߇§√◊ËÕß∫πæ◊Èπ∑’Ë¡’≈âÕ
Do not put too much detergent into the tub. /
This may cause injury or malfunction due to abnormal vibration. / Õ“®∑”„Àâ
This may cause malfunction by excess foam and result in water leakage or electric shock. /
It may cause damage or break down of the machine. / Õ“®∑”„À⇧√◊ËÕ߉¥â√—∫
It may cause deformation or fire. / Õ“®∑”„Àâ‡’¬√Ÿª∑√ßÀ√◊Õ‰ø‰À¡â‰¥â
Grip the body of the plug when pulling it out of a socket. / „Àâ®—∫∑’ËÀ—«ª≈—Í°∑ÿ°§√—È߇¡◊ËÕµâÕß°“√∂Õ¥ª≈—Í°
Failure to disconnect a plug properly could cause a short circuit, electric shock or fire. /
À“°¥÷ߪ≈—Í°º‘¥«‘∏’Õ“®‡°‘¥°“√™ÁÕµ À√◊Õ‰ø¥Ÿ¥∑”„Àâ ‡°‘¥°“√≈ÿ°‰À¡â¢÷Èπ‰¥â
Must be done /
If you don’t use the machine for a long time, please remove the plug from the socket. / ‡¡◊ËÕ‰¡à‰¥â„™âß“π
‡ªìπ‡«≈“π“π °√ÿ≥“¥÷ߪ≈—Í°ÕÕ°®“°‡µâ“‡’¬∫
Failure to do so may cause a fire, leaking current or electric shock due to an ineffective insulator. /
À“°‰¡àªØ‘∫—µ‘µ“¡Õ“®‡ªìπ“‡Àµÿ¢Õ߉ø‰À¡â ‰ø√—Ë«À√◊Õ ‰ø¥Ÿ¥®“°°“√‡◊ËÕ¡¿“æ¢Õß©π«π‰¥â
Take off plug /
This could create a risk of an electric shock or leaking current due to damaged plastics. /
Don’t do this /
Don’t do this /
After turning off the water, or removing or fitting a water hose, turn off the water tap before pressing the start button, then turn on the tap. (The same applies if you do not use the machine for a long time.) /
ª√–°Õ∫‡¢â“‰ª„À¡àÕ’°π—Èπ „Àâªî¥°äÕ°πÈ” ®“°π—È𰥪ÿÉ¡
START ·≈â«®÷ߧàÕ¬‡ªî¥°äÕ°πÈ” (‡À¡◊Õπ°—π°—∫°√≥’∑’Ë
Must be done /
Must be done /
If there is air in the water pipe, the air pressure could damage the machine, causing leaking water or an injury. /
‡π◊ËÕß®“°¿“¬„π“¬∑àÕ®à“¬πÈ”∑àÕª√–ª“¡’ Õ“°“»¢—ßÕ¬Ÿà¿“¬„π ®÷ß¡’§«“¡‡’Ë¬ß«à“§«“¡¥—πÕ“°“»∑’Ë∂Ÿ°Õ—¥π—Èπ Õ“®∑”§«“¡‡’¬À“¬ „Àâ°—∫µ—«‡§√◊ËÕß ‡°‘¥πÈ”√—Ë«À√◊Õ°“√∫“¥‡®Á∫¢÷Èπ‰¥â
Do not press the button with pointed objects. /
Do not install machine around fire sources such as heater or cigarettes. /
·À≈àß°”‡π‘¥§«“¡√âÕ𠇙àπ‡§√◊ËÕß∑”§«“¡√âÕπ À√◊Õ∫ÿÀ√’Ë
Don’t do this /
Don’t do this /
Do not use water hotter than 50°C when washing. /
Àâ“¡„™âπÈ”∑’Ë¡’Õÿ≥À¿Ÿ¡‘Ÿß°«à“ 50 Õß»“‡´≈‡´’¬„π°“√´—°
Must be done /
If you find any abnormal situations such as malfunction, smoke, peculiar smell, etc., stop using the machine immediately and contact an authorized service dealer or a service agent for repair. /
∂â“æ∫‘Ëߺ‘¥ª°µ‘∫“ßÕ¬à“ß ‡™àπ‡§√◊ËÕß∑”ß“π º‘¥ª°µ‘, §«—π, °≈‘Ëπ·ª≈°Ê À√◊ÕÕ◊ËπÊ „ÀâÀ¬ÿ¥°“√„™âß“π ‚¥¬∑—π∑’ ·≈–µ‘¥µàÕ‰ª¬—ßµ—«·∑π®”Àπà“¬ À√◊Õ»Ÿπ¬å∫√‘°“√ ‡æ◊ËÕ∑”°“√·°â‰¢
It may cause electric shock or fire. / Õ“®∑”„Àâ‰ø™ÁÕµÀ√◊Õ‡°‘¥‡æ≈‘߉À¡â‰¥â
Do not wash fabrics or sheets which cannot be permeated by water. Do not use washing machine other than washing clothes. /
Àâ“¡π”ºâ“À√◊Õ·ºàπ™’∑ ∑’Ë¡’≈—°…≥–°—ππÈ”¡“´—°À√◊Õªíòπ·Àâß Àâ“¡„™â‡§√◊ËÕß´—°ºâ“ „™âß“πÕ¬à“ßÕ◊ËππÕ°®“°°“√´—°ºâ“
Fabrics of this type may be ejected, or the machine might not work properly. This may cause injury or damage the machine, the floor, the wall, or the clothes. Examples of this type of fabrics include: raincoats, swimming costumes, wet suits, ski suits, sleeping bags and etc. /
ºâ“∑’Ë´—°Õ¬ŸàÕ“®®–°√–‡¥ÁπÕÕ°¡“ À√◊Õ‡°‘¥°“√—ËπÕ¬à“ߺ‘¥ª°µ‘
¢ÕߺŸâ„™â À√◊Õ§«“¡‡’¬À“¬°—∫‡§√◊ËÕß´—°ºâ“ ºπ—ß æ◊Èπ µ≈Õ¥®πºâ“∑’Ë´—°
‡’¬À“¬‰¥â (‡™àπ ‡◊ÈÕ°—πΩπ ™ÿ¥Õ∫´“«πà“ ™ÿ¥°’Ó∑“ßπÈ” (WET SUIT) ™ÿ¥°’ ∂ÿßπÕπ)
If detergent, softener or bleach spills on the surface of the machine, clean it up with a damp cloth immediately. /
„π°√≥’∑’˺ߴ—°øÕ°, πÈ”¬“ª√—∫ºâ“πÿà¡À√◊Õ πÈ”¬“øÕ°ºâ“¢“«À°„à∑’˵—«‡§√◊ËÕß „Àâ„™âºâ“™ÿ∫πÈ”æÕÀ¡“¥Ê ‡™Á¥ÕÕ°∑—π∑’
Otherwise this could damage the plastics or steel parts. / ¡‘©–π—Èπ Õ“®®–‡°‘¥
Don’t do this /
Do not close the front lid as shown in the picture because doing so may damage the plastic parts. /
Àâ“¡ªî¥Ω“¥â“πÀπ⓵“¡¿“æ∑’Ë·¥ß‰«â‡æ√“–®–∑”„Àâ ™‘Èπà«πæ≈“µ‘°‡°‘¥§«“¡‡’¬À“¬‰¥â
It may cause damage. / Õ“®∑”„À⇧√◊ËÕ߉¥â√—∫§«“¡‡’¬À“¬‰¥â
Precautions (Cont.)
¢âÕ§«√√–«—߇æ◊ËÕ°“√„™âß“πÕ¬à“ߪ≈Õ¥¿—¬ (µàÕ)
Do not climb over the machine or put heavy objects on it. /
‰¡à§«√ªïπ¢÷Èπ∫π‡§√◊ËÕß´—°ºâ“ À√◊Õ«“ß
Do not place your hand or foot under the machine while it is working. /
∫√‘‡«≥„µâ‡§√◊ËÕß´—°ºâ“ „π¢≥–∑’ˇ§√◊ËÕß´—°ºâ“¬—ߧß∑”ß“πÕ¬Ÿà
This may cause injury or damage the machine. / ¡’§«“¡‡’ˬß∑’Ë®–‡°‘¥
Spinning fan may cause injury. / ‡π◊ËÕß®“°¡’à«π∑’ËÀ¡ÿπÕ¬Ÿà®÷ß¡’§«“¡‡’ˬ߫à“
Don’t do this /
Don’t do this /
Check if there is leakage before starting to wash. /
°àÕπ°“√´—°ºâ“ µâÕßµ√«®Õ∫¥Ÿ°àÕπ«à“‰¥â‡ªî¥°äÕ°πÈ”·≈â«
Turn off the water tap when the machine is not in use. / ‡¡◊ËÕ‰¡à„™â‡§√◊ËÕß´—°ºâ“·≈â« °√ÿ≥“ªî¥°äÕ°πÈ”‰«â
If a screw has become loose, water may leak from the machine and cause damage. /
∂â“°√ŸÀ≈«¡·≈â« ®–‡°‘¥πÈ”√—Ë« ·≈–∑”„À⇰‘¥§«“¡‡’¬À“¬µà“ßÊ ‰¥â
This will prevent any leaking. / ‡æ◊ËÕ‡ªìπ°“√ªÑÕß°—ππÈ”√—Ë«∑’ËÕ“®‡°‘¥¢÷Èπ‰¥â
Water leakage /
Water leakage /
Check /
Screw union nut tightly. / ¢—ππäÕµ‡™◊ËÕ¡µàÕµ—«‡§√◊ËÕß
A loose nut may cause a leak. / πäÕµ∑’ËÀ≈«¡Õ“®‡ªìπ“‡Àµÿ¢ÕßπÈ”√—Ë«‰¥â
Check union nut regularly because it may cause leaking and damage a machine. If the nut has become loose, screw it tight. /
®“°°“√„™âß“π‡ªìπ‡«≈“ π“π ∂⓬Ÿ‡π’¬ππ—∑‡°‘¥°“√À≈«¡·≈â«®–‡°‘¥πÈ”√—Ë« ·≈–∑”„À⇰‘¥§«“¡‡’¬À“¬µà“ßÊ ∑’˧“¥‰¡à∂÷ߢ÷Èπ‰¥â ¥—ßπ—Èπ ®÷ߧ«√µ√«®‡™Á§‡ªìπ√–¬– „π°√≥’∑’ËÀ≈«¡§≈Õπ·≈â« °√ÿ≥“ ¢—π‡¢â“„Àâ·πàπ
Use only one connecting element B and screw it firmly in place. /
If you use any other type of joint than the accessory we supply, it may cause the leakage. /
‡™◊ËÕ¡µàÕÕ◊ËπÊ ∑’ËπÕ°‡Àπ◊Õ®“°Õÿª°√≥å‡√‘¡ Õ“®∑”„À⇰‘¥πÈ”√—Ë«‰À≈‰¥â
Check connectors regularly because a loose connector may cause leaking and damage the machine. Screw it tightly. /
®“°°“√„™âß“π‡ªìπ‡«≈“π“π ∑—Èß°√Ÿ À√◊Õ¢âÕµàÕÕ“®‡°‘¥°“√À≈«¡·≈â«®–‡°‘¥πÈ”√—Ë« ·≈–∑”„À⇰‘¥§«“¡‡’¬À“¬µà“ßÊ ∑’˧“¥ ‰¡à∂÷ߢ÷Èπ‰¥â ¥—ßπ—Èπ ®÷ߧ«√µ√«®‡™Á§‡ªìπ√–¬–„π°√≥’∑’ËÀ≈«¡§≈Õπ·≈â« °√ÿ≥“¢—π‡¢â“„Àâ
Water leakage /
When installing the machine, fit the concertina­shaped end of the drain hose firmly to the rim of the machine. /
¢≥–µ‘¥µ—È߇§√◊ËÕß´—°ºâ“ „Àⵑ¥µ—Èßà«π∑’ˇªìπ
A loose hose inside a machine may cause damage or leaking. / ∂â“∑àÕ‡°‘¥
À¬àÕπÕ¬Ÿà¿“¬„π·≈â« ‰ª—¡º—∂Ÿ°°—∫™‘Èπà«πÕ◊ËπÊ ∑”„Àâ∑àÕ‡°‘¥‡’¬À“¬ ‡°‘¥πÈ”√—Ë« ·≈– ∑”„À⇰‘¥§«“¡‡’¬À“¬µà“ßÊ
Proper care after use. / °“√¥Ÿ·≈À≈—ß°“√„™âß“πÕ¬à“ß
1Turn off the tap. / ªî¥°äÕ°πÈ” 2 Unplug the unit. / ∂Õ¥ª≈—Í°ÕÕ°
Otherwise water leakage or fire may occur. / Õ“®∑”„ÀâπÈ”√—Ë«À√◊Õ‰ø‰À¡â‰¥â
Must be done /
Must be done /
Concertina-shaped part /
Check /
Union nut / πäÕµ¢âÕµàÕ
not more than 2 mm. /
‰¡à‡°‘π 2 ¡¡.
Connector B /
¢âÕµàÕ B
Water leakage /
Technical Descriptions
Automatic Fabric Softener Dispenser (Concentrated Type)
22 /
™àÕß„àπÈ”¬“ª√—∫ºâ“πÿà¡ (™π‘¥‡¢â¡¢âπ) (¥Ÿ√“¬≈–‡Õ’¬¥Àπâ“ 22)
Level /
Liquid Detergent and Bleach Dispenser
22 /
™àÕß„àπÈ”¬“´—°ºâ“·≈–µ—«øÕ° ¢“« (¥Ÿ√“¬≈–‡Õ’¬¥Àπâ“ 22)
Control Panel ☞ 8-9 /
·ºßÀπ⓪í∑¡å§«∫§ÿ¡ (¥Ÿ√“¬≈–‡Õ’¬¥Àπâ“ 8-9)
Start/Pause Button (One touch Button) /
ªÿÉ¡‡√‘Ë¡/ªÿÉ¡À¬ÿ¥ (·∫∫—¡º—)
Adjustable Leg
How to use the Adjustable Leg page
29 (To adjust the height of front leg) /
¥Ÿ«‘∏’°“√„™â·≈–°“√ª√—∫¢“µ—Èß„πÀπâ“ 29
Lid /
Wash T ub /
Check that the following is contained in the washer package.
Õÿª°√≥å·∂¡ µ√«®‡™Á§«à“¡’¢Õß·∂¡‡À≈à“π’ÈÀ√◊Õ‰¡à
Water supply hose (1) /
™ÿ¥∑àÕ®à“¬πÈ”‡¢â“ (1 ™ÿ¥)
One touch joint (1) /
¢âÕµàÕ°äÕ°πÈ” (1 Õ—π)
Leg Cap /
2 mm. (2) /
2 ¡¡. (2 ™‘Èπ)
If the washing machine is to be connected to the water mains, please use new water supply hose. / ∂⓵âÕß∑”°“√µàÕ‡§√◊ËÕß´—°ºâ“‡¢â“°—∫°äÕ°πÈ”„Àâ„™â
Pulsator /
Water Inlet Hose /
Detergent Dispenser /
Upper Lint Filter ☞ 27 /
µ—«°√Õß„¬ºâ“¥â“π∫π (¥Ÿ√“¬≈–‡Õ’¬¥Àπâ“ 27)
Power Switch /
Power Cord /
Drain Hose /
Plug spacer (1) /
∞“π√Õߢ“ª≈—Í° (1 ™‘Èπ)
Earth Wire /
Jet Filter ☞ 26 /
µ–·°√ß°√Õß„¬ºâ“ (¥Ÿ√“¬≈–‡Õ’¬¥Àπâ“ 26)
Indicator will light up when lid is locked. / ‡¡◊ËÕ√–∫∫≈ÁÕ§ªÑÕß°—π‡¥Á°∑”ß“π®–¡’
Indication of child lock /
When you press the WASH, RINSE, SPIN, WATER LEVEL, DELAY TIMER, ECO, PROGRAM, SPIN CONTROL Button, you will hear two beeping sounds which is to inform you of actual selected mode. /
‡¡◊ËÕ§ÿ≥∑”°“√°¥ªÿÉ¡ WASH, RINSE, SPIN, WATER LEVEL, DELAY TIMER, ECO, PROGRAM, SPIN CONTROL ·≈⫉¥â¬‘π‡’¬ßªïöª 2 §√—Èß π—ËπÀ¡“¬∂÷ß§à“‡√‘Ë¡µâπ¢Õß mode °“√∑”ß“π¢ÕߪÿÉ¡π—ÈπÊ
Push this button when setting wash, rinse and spin according to your need or change preset data. /
°¥ªÿÉ¡π’ȇ¡◊ËÕµâÕß°“√µ—Èß°“√´—°, °“√≈â“ß ·≈–°“√ªíòπ·Àâß
Should you change a course to another one after cycle starts, be sure to stop the cycle and make the change. Remember that you will no longer change a washing course after the currently selected washing course is completed. (However, some
courses cannot be changed.) /
·≈â« µâÕßÀ¬ÿ¥°“√∑”ß“π°àÕπ·≈â«®÷߇ª≈’ˬπ√–∫∫ (∫“ß‚ª√·°√¡‰¡à“¡“√∂‡ª≈’ˬπ‰¥â)
ªÿÉ¡§«∫§ÿ¡°“√´—° ≈â“ß ªíòπ·Àâß
Lighted washing lamps indicate the corresponding progress in washing process. /
Flashing of lamps indicates the progress of the washing process when the machine is on. /
‰ø°–æ√‘∫·¥ß¢—ÈπµÕπ°“√´—° ‡¡◊ËÕ‡ªî¥‡§√◊ËÕß
Indication of progress in washing process /
For timed washing ☞ 17. Washing can be set to finish at any hour within 12-3 hours. /
”À√—∫‡«≈“„π°“√´—° ☞ 17 “¡“√∂µ—È߇«≈“´—°≈à«ßÀπⓉ¥â 12-3 ™—Ë«‚¡ß
Push to select spin speed. ☞ 16 / °¥ªÿÉ¡π’ȇæ◊ËÕ‡≈◊Õ°®”π«π§«“¡‡√Á«√Õ∫„π°“√
ªíòπ·Àâß ☞
Control Panel
After the washing starts, the control panel shows detergent level (approx.), water level, and time remaining. If you press DELAY TIMER button, the panel will show time set (finished in 12-3 hours). /
¿“¬À≈—ß®“°°“√‡√‘Ë¡∑”ß“π (START) ·≈â«®–·¥ß√–¥—∫ºß´—°øÕ°
(ª√–¡“≥) √–¥—∫πÈ”·≈–‡«≈“∑’ˇÀ≈◊Õ ∂â“°¥ªÿÉ¡µ—È߇«≈“≈à«ßÀπâ“·≈â« ®–·¥ß‡«≈“µ—Èß≈à«ßÀπâ“ (‡√Á®‘Èπ„π 12-3 ™¡.)
Detergent level shows powder detergent (compact type). / √–¥—∫ºß´—°øÕ°π—Èπ®–·¥ß∂÷ߺߴ—°øÕ°™π‘¥ºß (™π‘¥‡¢â¡¢âπ)
After checking detergent level, it will show detergent level (approx.) for about 5 seconds. After that, when you close the lid, it will show time remaining and show water level while opening the lid. / À≈—ß®“°µ√«®Õ∫∂÷ß√–¥—∫ºß´—°øÕ°·≈â«π—Èπ ®–·¥ß√–¥—∫ºß´—°øÕ° (‚¥¬ª√–¡“≥) ª√–¡“≥
5 «‘π“∑’ À≈—ß®“°π—Èπ‡¡◊ËÕªî¥Ω“®–·¥ß‡«≈“∑’ˇÀ≈◊Õ ·≈–∂Ⓡªî¥Ω“®–·¥ß√–¥—∫πÈ”
Press WATER LEVEL button, and the panel will show detergent level (approx.) for about 5 seconds. / ‡¡◊ËÕ°¥ªÿÉ¡√–¥—∫πÈ” (WATER LEVEL) ·≈â«
®–·¥ß√–¥—∫ºß´—°øÕ° (‚¥¬ª√–¡“≥) ª√–¡“≥ 5 «‘π“∑’
While you are using the SPIN program, will be shown alternatively with the spinning time. / „π¢≥–∑’ˇ¢â“Ÿà‚À¡¥°“√ªíòπ·Àâß®–·¥ß—≠≈—°…≥å
When the wash tub starts spinning, the control panel shows speed level up until the level is reached by the specified level. This time, the control panel shows alternate spin speed and time of spinning. /
The abbreviation of SPIN. / §”¬àÕ¢Õß SPIN (°“√ªíòπ·Àâß)
After spinning process is done, the control panel shows illuminated moving up lights to indicate the corresponding process in Tangle Free Finish process. /
À≈—ß®“°‘Èπÿ¥°“√ªíòπ·Àâß ∂â“Àπ⓪í∑¡å¢Õ߇§√◊ËÕß·¥ß—≠≈—°…≥å‰ø°“√‡§≈◊ËÕπµ—«‰ª„π∑‘»∑“ߥâ“π∫ππ—Èπ·¥ß«à“
µ—«‡§√◊ËÕß°”≈—ß∑”°“√§≈’˺â“∑’ËÕ¬Ÿà„π∂—ß´—° (Tangle Free Finish)
The control panel shows alternate left time and illuminated moving down lights to indicate the corresponding process in washing process. /
Àπ⓪í∑¡å¢Õ߇§√◊ËÕß·¥ß—≠≈—°…≥å‰ø°“√‡§≈◊ËÕπµ—«‰ª„π∑‘»∑“ߥâ“π≈à“ß≈—∫°—∫µ—«‡≈¢¢Õ߇«≈“∑’ˇÀ≈◊ÕÕ¬Ÿàπ—Èπ ·¥ß«à“µ—«‡§√◊ËÕß°”≈—ß∑”°“√´—°
The control panel shows illuminated lights moving in rectangle shape to indicate the corresponding process in checking the quantity of laundries process. / Àπ⓪í∑¡å¢Õ߇§√◊ËÕß·¥ß—≠≈—°…≥å‰ø°“√‡§≈◊ËÕπµ—«‡ªìπ√Ÿª’ˇÀ≈’ˬ¡º◊πºâ“π—Èπ ·¥ß«à“‡§√◊ËÕß°”≈—ß∑”°“√µ√«®Õ∫ª√‘¡“≥ºâ“
The control panel shows illuminated lights in a blink to indicate that spin will finish shortly. / Àπ⓪í∑¡å¢Õ߇§√◊ËÕß·¥ß—≠≈—°…≥å‰ø°–æ√‘∫
Power On indicates stand-by status. / §◊Õ Power On ·¥ß∂“π–¢Õßµ—«‡§√◊ËÕßæ√âÕ¡„™âß“π (‡ªî¥‡§√◊ËÕß)
Power Off indicates pause status. / §◊Õ Power Off ·¥ß∂“π–°“√À¬ÿ¥°“√∑”ß“π¢Õßµ—«‡§√◊ËÕß (ªî¥‡§√◊ËÕß)
Indicated show mode ECO (WATER SAVE, ENERGY SAVE, SMALL LOAD). / ·¥ß—≠≈—°…≥å«à“Õ¬Ÿà„π‚À¡¥¢Õß√Ÿª·∫∫°“√ª√–À¬—¥
(ª√–À¬—¥πÈ”, ª√–À¬—¥‰ø, ‡◊ÈÕºâ“πâÕ¬)
·¥ß‡«≈“∑’ˇÀ≈◊Õ, µ—È߇«≈“≈à«ßÀπâ“, ºß´—°øÕ°, √–¥—∫πÈ”, ®”π«π§«“¡‡√Á«√Õ∫¢Õß°“√ªíòπ·Àâß
Level /
Use this level as a guide to place the machine in a horizontal position. / „™â‡§√◊ËÕßÀ¡“¬·¥ß
If the air bubble stays in the center circle, no adjustment of legs is required. /
Caution /
Never push two or more buttons simultaneously. Otherwise, it may result in malfunction. /
‰¡à§«√°¥ªÿÉ¡ÕߪÿÉ¡æ√âÕ¡°—π Õ“®∑”„Àâ√–∫∫
Indication of program /
Indicator of the selected course lights up. Each time the PROGRAM button is pressed, a different course indicator lights up accordingly. /
START/PAUSE Button (“One Touch” Button) /
ªÿÉ¡‡√‘Ë¡/À¬ÿ¥°“√∑”ß“π (—¡º—‡¥’¬«)
This button is used to start the operation or temporarily pause the operation. /
°¥ªÿÉ¡π’ȇæ◊ËÕ‡√‘Ë¡°“√∑”ß“π À√◊ÕÀ¬ÿ¥°“√∑”ß“π™—Ë«¢≥–
PROGRAM Button /
8 courses are available, depending on the type of washing and the level of dirtiness and include tub clean, tub dry course for cleaning of basket. /
√–∫∫ °“√´—° 8 ‚ª√·°√¡¢÷ÈπÕ¬Ÿà°—∫™π‘¥¢Õß°“√´—° ·≈–√–¥—∫¢Õߧ«“¡°ª√°¢Õߺâ“æ√âÕ¡ ‚ª√·°√¡°“√∑”§«“¡–Õ“¥∂—ß´—° ·≈–‚ª√·°√¡∑”„Àâ∂—ß´—°·Àâß
Button to select the ECO mode. / ªÿÉ¡„™â”À√—∫‡≈◊Õ°√Ÿª·∫∫°“√ª√–À¬—¥
ECO Button /
Push this button when setting water level according to your needs. / °¥ªÿÉ¡π’È
Press the water level button when you wish to add water during the washing and rinsing processes. While the button is pressed, water is continuously fed. (When the water level reaches 94s, the water feed will stop.) /
‡µ‘¡πÈ”„π√–À«à“ß°“√´—°·≈–°“√≈â“ß„π¢≥–∑’˪ÿÉ¡∂Ÿ°°¥®–¡’°“√‡µ‘¡πȔլà“ßµàÕ‡π◊ËÕß (‡¡◊ËÕ√–¥—∫ πÈ”∂÷ß√–¥—∫ ç94 ≈‘µ√é πÈ”®–À¬ÿ¥‡µ‘¡‚¥¬Õ—µ‚π¡—µ‘)
Power Switch /
Button to turn the machine ON or OFF. Do not keep the button pushing for a long time. Otherwise it may cause malfunction. /
ªÿÉ¡°¥‡ªî¥-ªî¥ °“√∑”ß“π
Àâ“¡∑”°“√°¥ªÿÉ¡∑‘È߉«âπ“π ¡‘©–π—ÈπÕ“®∑”„À⇧√◊ËÕߺ‘¥ª°µ‘‰¥â
When the operation finishes, the buzzer beeps and the machine will be turned off automatically. /
‡¡◊ËÕ‘Èπÿ¥°“√∑”ß“π®–¡’‡’¬ß‡µ◊Õπ ·≈–®–ªî¥°“√∑”ß“π‚¥¬Õ—µ‚π¡—µ‘
Indicator of the selected mode ECO lights up. Each time the ECO button is pressed, a different mode indicator lights up accordingly. /
Water save LED lights up when FUZZY, SOAK or AIR JET is selected. / ‰ø LED
·¥ß°“√ª√–À¬—¥πÈ”µ‘¥«à“ߢ÷Èπ‡¡◊ËÕ‡≈◊Õ°‚ª√·°√¡ FUZZY, SOAK À√◊Õ AIR JET
ECO indicator /
SPIN CONTROL indicator /
The indicator lights to indicate the spin speed. / ‰ø·¥ß∂“π–®”π«π§«“¡‡√Á«
1. Load the laundry, connect power and press the
START/PAUSE button. / „à‡◊ÈÕºâ“∑’˵âÕß°“√®–´—°
≈߉ª ‡’¬∫ª≈—Í° ·≈–°¥ªÿÉ¡‡√‘Ë¡°“√∑”ß“π
2. Pulsator rotation around 15 seconds. /
·°π´—°∑”°“√À¡ÿπª√–¡“≥ 15 «‘π“∑’
Be sure to remove sharp edged objects (hair pin, coin, etc.) from the pockets of laundry before washing. / §«√π”‡Õ“‡»…µ“ß§å ·≈–
«—µ∂ÿ¡’§¡Õ◊ËπÊ ‡™àπ ‡¢Á¡°≈—¥µà“ßÊ ÕÕ°®“°°√–‡ªÜ“‡◊ÈÕ ·≈–°√–‡ªÜ“ °“߇°ß°àÕπ´—°
This is to avoid damaging the washing tub and clothes, or obstructing the drain pipe. / ‡æ◊ËÕÀ≈’°‡≈’ˬߧ«“¡‡’¬À“¬°—∫
∂—ß´—°·≈–ºâ“ À√◊ÕÕ“®‰ªÕÿ¥µ—π∑àÕ√–∫“¬πÈ”∑‘È߉¥â
Check laundry load before filling in water into the wash tub. (It will not cause damages to the clothes) / µ√«®‡◊ÈÕºâ“∑’Ë„à≈߉ª°àÕπ∑’Ë®–ª≈àÕ¬πÈ”≈߉ª„π∂—ߪíòπ
Before Y ou Start Washing
Indication of amount of detergent / °“√·¥ßª√‘¡“≥ºß´—°øÕ°„π°“√´—°
Process from commencement of operation to indication of detergent amount. (approximate amount) / °√–∫«π°“√‡√‘Ë¡¢Õß°“√∑”ß“π®π∂÷ß°“√·¥ßª√‘¡“≥ºß´—°øÕ° (§à“∑’Ë·¥ß‰«â
3. Indication of amount of detergent.
(Approximate amount) / µ—«·¥ßª√‘¡“≥
ºß´—°øÕ° (‚¥¬ª√–¡“≥)
Child Lock
To prevent any injury or accident to child during washing, the lid is automatically locked and will only unlock when the washing cycle is finished. / ‡æ◊ËÕ§«“¡ª≈Õ¥¿—¬¢Õ߇¥Á°‡≈Á°
À√◊ÕÕ—πµ√“¬®“°°“√∫“¥‡®Á∫∑’ËÕ“®‡°‘¥¢÷Èπ‰¥â „π√–À«à“ß∑’Ë∂—ß´—° ∂—ߪíòπ·ÀâßÀ¡ÿπÕ¬Ÿàπ—Èπ Ω“®–∂Ÿ°≈ÁÕ§‚¥¬Õ—µ‚π¡—µ‘ ·≈–‡¡◊ËÕ∂—ß´—°À¬ÿ¥À¡ÿπ°Á®–ª≈¥≈ÁÕ§‚¥¬Õ—µ‚π¡—µ‘‡™àπ‡¥’¬«°—π
To open the lid / ‡¡◊ËÕµâÕß°“√‡ªî¥Ω“
Press START/PAUSE t After pausing, you can open the lid after the washing has stopped. / °¥ªÿÉ¡ START/PAUSE t À≈—ß®“°∑’ˇ§√◊ËÕßÀ¬ÿ¥æ—°™—Ë«§√“« ∑à“π“¡“√∂‡ªî¥Ω“‰¥â
The lid will be locked / „π°√≥’µàÕ‰ªπ’È Ω“®–∂Ÿ°≈ÁÕ§
During rinsing / ¢≥–∂—ß´—°À¡ÿπ∑”°“√≈â“ß
During spinning / ¢≥–°”≈—ߪíòπ·Àâß
After washing starts and water is pumped into the drum, the lid is not locked. /
„π¢≥–∑’Ë°”≈—ßÀ¡ÿπ®à“¬πÈ”„π°“√‡√‘Ë¡µâπ°“√ ç´—° (WASH)é Ω“®–‰¡à≈ÁÕ§
Indicator lights up to show appropriate amount of detergent, water amount and water level according to laundry load. / ‰ø®–·¥ßª√‘¡“≥¢Õߺߴ—°øÕ°, πÈ” ·≈–
√–¥—∫πÈ”∑’Ë®–∑”°“√‡´Á∑ ¢÷ÈπÕ¬Ÿà°—∫ª√‘¡“≥¢Õߺâ“∑’Ë´—°
Step 1 / ¢—ÈπµÕπ∑’Ë 1 : Dissolve detergent in a small amount of water, and start washing with water with a high detergent content. / „™âπÈ”ª√‘¡“≥
‡≈Á°πâÕ¬≈–≈“¬ºß´—°øÕ° ·≈â«´—°¥â«¬ ºß´—°øÕ°‡À≈«‡¢â¡¢âπ
Step 2 / ¢—ÈπµÕπ∑’Ë 2 : Add water. Wash in a strong flow of water to remove all the dirt from the fabrics. /
‡µ‘¡πÈ” ·≈â«´—°¥â«¬°√–·πÈ”‰À≈·√ß ‡æ◊ËÕ¢®—¥§√“∫°ª√°ÕÕ°®“°ºâ“„ÀâÀ¡¥
Step 3 / ¢—ÈπµÕπ∑’Ë 3 : Add water up to the next level and continue the washing cycle. / ‡æ‘Ë¡ª√‘¡“≥πÈ”¢÷ÈπÕ’°
√–¥—∫ ·≈â«∑”°“√´—°µàÕ
Step 4 / ¢—ÈπµÕπ∑’Ë 4 : Add more water and wash in regular water level. / ‡æ‘Ë¡ª√‘¡“≥πÈ” ·≈–´—°
1 Wash /
4 Tangle free finish /
3 Spin (last time) /
ªíòπ (§√—Èßÿ¥∑⓬)
2 Rinse /
Tangle Free Finish after spinning action of FUZZY (WATER SAVE, ENERGY SAVE), JEANS, SPEEDY and AIR JET courses. /
°“√§≈’˺â“À≈—ß®“°°“√ªíòπ·Àâß„π°“√„™âß“π„π‚ª√·°√¡ FUZZY (WATER SAVE, ENERGY SAVE), JEANS, SPEEDY ·≈– AIR JET
Washing actions of FUZZY (WATER SAVE), JEANS, SPEEDY and AIR JET courses. /
°“√´—°ºâ“„π‚ª√·°√¡°“√´—°·∫∫ FUZZY (WATER SAVE), JEANS, SPEEDY ·≈– AIR JET
* This process activates only if the above courses are selected. / °√–∫«π°“√∑”ß“ππ’È®–¡’‡©æ“–‚ª√·°√¡∑’Ë√–∫ÿ‰«â∑“ߥâ“π∫π
Preparation / °“√‡µ√’¬¡‡§√◊ËÕß´—°ºâ“
1. Set the drain hose. (see page 30) /
µ‘¥µ—Èß∑àÕπÈ”∑‘Èß (¥Ÿ§”Õ∏‘∫“¬ √“¬≈–‡Õ’¬¥Àπâ“ 30)
2. Connect water supply hose and turn water tap on. (see page 31 for joint installation) /
µàÕ∑àÕπÈ”‡¢â“°—∫¢âÕµàÕ¢Õß°äÕ°πÈ” ·≈⫇ªî¥πÈ” (¥Ÿ√“¬≈–‡Õ’¬¥
°“√µ‘¥µ—ÈߢâÕµàÕ°äÕ°πÈ”Àπâ“ 31)
1. Press the ring down (four steel bearings should be exposed) and fit it into the joint. / °¥·À«π≈ß
2. Release the ring and push it up into the water supply hose until it clicks. / ª≈àÕ¬·À«πÕÕ°·≈â«
Water supply hose / ∑àÕπÈ”‡¢â“
Screw / °√Ÿ
Joint / ¢âÕµàÕ
Ring / ·À«π
3. Connect the power by plugging in the socket. /
+ 22 hidden pages