這些可 減 輕對製 冷 功率的 負 荷,降 低 電力的 消 耗。
而且抑 制 變色或 生 銹等。
避免陽光 直 射 和高溫。
地毯、 榻 榻米( 日 式草蓆 地 板)、 木 板地、 塑 膠地板 等 恐怕會 有 變形、 變 色的可 能 ,請墊 一 塊板( 1 cm厚 ) 。
堅固.水 平 的 地板。
空氣流通 , 避 免潮濕。
The floor should be sturdy and flat.
Lay the board which has 1cm thickness on the floor if the refrigerator is installed on the carpet, tatami mat, flooring or PVC sheet
flooring which may hollow or discolor.
A location away from direct sunlight and heat is recommended.
A location is not damp and has good air flow.
This will reduce adverse effects to refrigerating power and keep electricity cost down.
This will also prevent the refrigerator from discoloring and rusting.
Install the refrigerator in a place meeting the following requirements.
٨ It may take more than 4㨪24 hours to fully cool depending on the temperature around the refrigerator or the
amount of the stored food.
٨ Clean the Automatic Ice Maker by using "Cleaning the Ice Maker" when using it for the first time. ( Pg. 37)
٨ A series of ice-making procedures which is automatically performed starts after the refrigerator cools enough.
(It may take more than 24 hours to make ice for the first time.)
٨ Minimize the number of times of opening and closing the door to cool it quickly.
٨ Allow clearance between each food in each compartment.
٨ It may smell like plastic for the first time. Ventilate the room well to make sure that the room is not filled with the
smell. The smell gradually disappears.
When using the refrigerator for the first time after purchasing
It is recommended to ground the refrigerator to prevent
possible electrical shock.
About Grounding
Allow enough space around the refrigerator for radiating heat.
A minimum of 1cm on both sides and 5cm above.
The refrigerator releases heat in order to keep the food cold. For efficient cooling,
allow enough space around the refrigerator.
Dimension of the center part of the side of the main body is slightly larger than
the displayed dimension. Extra dimension should thus be allowed when installing
the refrigerator for better radiation efficiency.
由於冰箱 是 用 來冷藏食 品 , 因此會從 周 圍 散熱。若 要 有 效發揮冷 藏 效
果,則請 讓 周 圍保有充 裕 的 空間。
本體側面 中 央 比顯示尺 寸 稍 大,為了 提 高 散熱效率 , 請 準備較富 裕 的
安裝尺寸 。
雖 然 背 面 會 貼 壁 , 但 出現 震 動 音 或 者 壁 材 變 黑 時, 請 讓 冰 箱 遠 離 壁 面 。
The back of the refrigerator can be placed next to a wall; but if there is a
vibrating sound or the wall color blackens, then move the refrigerator away.
٨ Water pipe (Danger of electric shock)
٨ Gas pipe (Danger of explosion)
٨ Telephone line or the earth of lighting rod
Must not connect
※ 若安裝於有硫化物產出的溫泉地區,有需要對配管進行防鏽處理時,請預先與指定的經銷商聯絡。
If you wish to install the refrigerator in a hot spring area exposed to sulfide gas, you may need to apply anti-rust treatment
to the piping. Contact your dealer in advance. Failure caused by gas damage will not be covered under guarantee.
٨根據電 冰 箱 的環境溫 度 、 食物的儲 放 狀 態,庫內 完 全 冷卻需要 約 4 小時長至 2 4 小時以上 。
٨初次使 用 自 動製冰時 , 請 進行自動 製 冰 的清掃「 製 ބ 機清潔」 。 ( 37 頁 )
٨自動進 行 一 連串的製 冰 運 轉是要在 庫 內 充分冷卻 後 才 開始。
(使用開 始 時 ,最初的 成 冰 要花24 小 時 以上。)
٨為了儘 快 冷 卻,請盡 量 少 開關門。
٨食品之 間 請 空開間隙 儲 放 。
٨使用開 始 時 ,會有塑 料 的 氣味。請 注 意 不要讓氣 味 悶 著,弄好 房 間 的通風。 氣 味 自然會消 失 。
٨ Contact your dealer to ground the refrigerator or install
٨ Option : "Earth wire(2.5m)”
٨如設置 地 方 特別潮濕 , 請 與經銷店 協 商 ,接地線 或
٨可選配 件 : 地線(2 . 5 m) 產 品 型號
請避免放 置 於 容易漏電 的 地 方。
Minimum of 5cm
or above
Minimum of 5cm
or above
Minimum of 1cm or
above on both side
Minimum of 1cm or
above on both side