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Hitachi Data Systems reserves the right to make
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This document contains the most curren t information
available at the time of publication. When new and/or
revised inform ation bec omes ava ilable, th is entire
document will be updated and distributed to all
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All other brand or product names are or ma y be
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This Hitachi TagmaStore® USP and NSC Cross-OS File Exchange (FX) User’s
Guide describes and provides instructions for installing and using the FX
feature of the Hitachi TagmaStore Universal Storage Platform V (USP V) and
Network Storage Controller (NSC) disk array subsystems.
Please read this document carefully to understand how to use this product,
and maintain a copy for reference purposes.
This preface includes the following information:
Intended Audience
Product Version
Document Revision Level
Changes in this Revision
Document Organization
Referenced Documents
Document Conventions
Convention for Storage Capacity Values
Getting Help
Notice: The use of Cross-OS File Exchange and all other Hitachi Data Systems
products is governed by the terms of your agreement(s) with Hitachi Data
Preface vii
Hitachi USP V Cross-OS File Exchange User’s Guide
Intended Audience
This document is intended for system administrators, Hitachi Data Systems
representatives, and Authorized Service Providers who are involved in
installing, configuring, and operating the Hitachi Universal Storage Platform V
storage system.
This document assumes the following:
• The user has a background in data processing and understands RAID
storage systems and their basic functions.
• The user is familiar with the Hitachi Universal Storage Platform V storage
system and has read the Universal Storage Platform V User and Reference
• The user is familiar with the Storage Navigator software for the Universal
Storage Platform V and has read the Storage Navigator User’s Guide.
• The user is familiar with the operating system and web browser software
on the system hosting the Storage Navigator software.
Product Version
This document revision applies to Universal Storage Platform V microcode
60-03-x and higher.
Document Revision Level
Revision Date Description
MK-96RD647-P February 2007 Preliminary Release
MK-96RD647-00 April 2007 Initial Release, supersedes and repl aces MK-96RD647-P
MK-96RD647-01 May 2007 Revision 1, supersedes and repl aces MK-96RD647-00
Changes in this Revision
Not applicable to this release.
viii Preface
Hitachi USP V Cross-OS File Exchange User’s Guide
Document Organization
The following table provides an overview of the contents and organization of
this document. Click the chapter title
The first page of each chapter provides links to the sections in that chapter.
Chapter Description
in the left column to go to that chapter.
Overview of Cross-OS File
About FX Operations
Preparing for FX Operations
Using FX Software
Performing FX OperationsThis chapter describes how to operate FX.
Performing FAL OperationsThis chapter describes how to perform FAL operations using FX.
TroubleshootingThis chapter provides descriptions of error codes and supp ort desk contact data.
Acronyms and AbbreviationsDefines the acronyms and abbreviations used in this document.
IndexLists the topics in this document in alphabetical order.
Referenced Documents
Hitachi Universal Storage Platform V:
•Command Control Interface (CCI) User and Reference Guide, MK-90RD011
This chapter provides a brief overview FX functions, features, and benefits.
This chapter describes how FX operates in typical system configurations and
describes the operations a user may perform using FX.
This chapter describes the system requirements and volume configuration
necessary to run and operate FX. It also provides instructions on how to install
This chapter describes the user interface and the commands available to an FX
Device Manager Web Client User’s Guide, MK-91HC001
Hitachi USP V Cross-OS File Exchange User’s Guide
Document Conventions
The terms “Universal Storage Platform V” and “USP V” refer to all models of
the Hitachi Universal Storage Platform V, unless otherwise noted.
This document uses the following typographic conventions:
Typographic Convention Description
< > angled brackets
[ ] square brackets
{ } braces
| vertical bar
underline Indicates the default value. Example: [ a | b ]
Indicates text on a window, other than the window title, including menus, menu
options, buttons, fields, and labels. Example: Click OK.
Indicates a variable, which is a placeholder for actual text provided by the user or
system. Example: copy source-file target-file
Note: Angled brackets (< >) are also used to indicate varia bles.
Indicates text that is displayed on screen or entered by the user. Example: #
pairdisplay -g oradb
Indicates a variable, which is a placeholder for actual text provided by the user or
system. Example:
Note: Italic font is also used to indicate variables.
Indicates optional values. Example: [ a | b ] indicates that you can choose a, b, or
Indicates required or expected values. Example: { a | b } indicates that you must
choose either a or b.
Indicates that you have a choice between two or more options or arguments.
[ a | b ] indicates that you can choose a, b, or nothing.
{ a | b } indicates that you must choose either a or b.
# pairdisplay -g <group>
This document uses the following icons to draw attention to information:
Icon Meaning Description
Note Calls attention to important and/or additional information.
ESD Sensitive
Provides helpful information, guidelines, or suggestions for performing tasks more
Warns the user of adverse conditions and/or consequences (e.g., disruptive
Warns the user of severe conditions and/or consequences (e.g., destructive
Dangers provide information about how to avoid physical injury to yourself and
Warns the user of electric shock hazard. Failure to take appropriate precautions
(e.g., do not touch) could result in serious injury.
Warns the user that the hardware is sensitive to electrostatic discharge (ESD).
Failure to take appropriate precautions (e.g., grounded wriststrap) could result in
damage to the hardware.
x Preface
Hitachi USP V Cross-OS File Exchange User’s Guide
Convention for Storage Capacity Values
Physical storage capacity values (e.g., disk drive capacity) are calculated
based on the following values:
If you need to call the Hitachi Data Systems Support Center, make sure to
provide as much information about the problem as possible, including the
circumstances surrounding the error or failure and the exact content of any
messages displayed on the z/OS and/or open-system hosts. Please collect the
following information before you call for technical support:
• Error codes: FCU error code, FAL error code, SYS error code. Use the FCU
GUI to check recent error information (Help-Error command for UNIX,
View-Error information command for NT).
• FCU parameters: direction (mto or otm), input and output files, and FCU
options (code conversion, padding, delimiter, empty file, RDW, VSE
• FAL error logs. The FAL logs for UNIX are /tmp/fal_error and
/tmp/fal_error.bak, and /tmp/fal_dump and /tmp/fal_dump.bak. The FAL
logs for Windows 2000/2003/Windows NT systems are c:\fal_error and
c:\fal_error.bak, and c:\fal_dump and c:\fal_dump.bak.
• Windows 2000/2003/Windows NT systems only: FCU log file (e.g.,
fcudata.prm.log), and Dr. Watson’s log file (e.g.,
• Syslog: error information and other applicable contents
Preface xi
Hitachi USP V Cross-OS File Exchange User’s Guide
The Hitachi Data Systems customer support staff is available 24 hours/day,
seven days a week. If you need technical support, please call:
• United States: (800) 446-0744
• Outside the United States: (858) 547-4526
xii Preface
Hitachi USP V Cross-OS File Exchange User’s Guide
Please send us your comments on this document. Make sure to include the
document title, number, and revision. Please refer to specific section(s) and
paragraph(s) whenever possible.
• E-mail:
• Fax: 858-695-1186
• Mail:
Technical Writing, M/S 35-10
Hitachi Data Systems
10277 Scripps Ranch Blvd.
San Diego, CA 92131
Thank you! (All comments become the property of Hitachi Data Systems
Preface xiii
Hitachi USP V Cross-OS File Exchange User’s Guide
Overview of Hitachi Cross-OS File
Exchange (FX)
This chapter provides a brief overview FX functions, features, and benefits.
The Hitachi Cross-OS File Exchange (FX) feature enables data stored on the
and open-system platforms and between different open-system platforms. The
FX mainframe-to-open (FXmto) capability enables you to transfer data from
z/OS (mainframe) datasets to open-system files. The FX open-to-mainframe
(FXotm) capability enables you to transfer data from open-system files to z/OS
datasets. The FX open-to-open (FXoto) capability enables you to transfer data
between open-system platforms without being attached to a z/OS host. FX
utilizes special FX volumes which are dedicated to data exchange operations
and are accessed as raw devices to provide the greatest platform flexibility for
multiplatform data exchange.
The Hitachi TagmaStore USP and NSC subsystems support concurrent
attachment to z/OS hosts and multiple open-system platforms, including
platforms (e.g., Windows NT, Novell
NSC subsystems provide high-speed response, continuous data availability,
scalable connectivity, and expandable capacity for both z/OS and open-system
storage. The TagmaStore USP and NSC subsystem can operate with multihost
applications and host clusters, and is designed to handle very large databases
as well as data warehousing and data mining applications that store and
retrieve terabytes of data.
USP subsystems to be converted and transferred between z/OS®
based platforms (e.g., Solaris, HP-UX, IBM® AIX®) and PC server
NetWare®). The TagmaStore USP and
The Hitachi TagmaStore USP and NSC subsystems provide the following host
connectivity options:
• Multiplatform: Both fibre-channel (FC) ports and ExSA™ (ESCON) ports.
• All open: All fibre-channel (FC) ports (no ExSA). This type of subsystem is
called an all-open subsystem. FX can be used on the all-open TagmaStore
subsystems for FXoto file transfers.
Overview of Hitachi Cross-OS File Exchange (FX) 1-1
Hitachi USP V Cross-OS File Exchange User’s Guide
• All mainframe. The TagmaStore subsystems can be configured with all
ExSA (no FC ports). This type of subsystem is called an all-mainframe
subsystem. FX is not used on the all-mainframe TagmaStore subsystem.
Note: The Hitachi Multiplatform Backup (MBU) feature of the TagmaStore USP
and NSC subsystem enables you to implement z/OS-based backup/restore
operations (device-level only) for the open-system data stored on the
multiplatform TagmaStore USP and NSC. For further information on HMBR,
please refer to the Hitachi Multiplatform Backup (MBU) (MK-94RD209) or
contact your Hitachi Data Systems account team.
Note: For FAL/FCU versions earlier than 01-XX-50, Multiple Volume Dataset is
not supported. When a dataset is spanned over multiple volumes, only the
portion of the dataset within one volume will be processed. For FAL/FCU
versions 01-XX-50 or later, Multiple Volume Dataset is supported only for
Note: FAL/FCU supports two kinds of mainframes, MVS
and VSE®. For
Multiple Volume Dataset, FAL/FCU is only supported on MVS.
Note: When the mainframe OS is VSE, the supported version is 2.3 or earlier.
FX provides the following benefits for the user:
• FX provides a centralized data management and disaster recovery
environment for both z/OS and open-system data.
• FX provides high-speed data transfer over ExSA™ (ESCON ®) and fibre
channels, freeing up valuable network resources and communication links
for application use.
• FX’s high-speed data exchange enables you to implement file-level backup
of open-system data to z/OS storage (e.g., using Harbor).
1-2Overview of Hitachi Cross-OS File Exchange (FX)
Hitachi USP V Cross-OS File Exchange User’s Guide
Overview of Hitachi Cross-OS File Exchange (FX) 1-3
Hitachi USP V Cross-OS File Exchange User’s Guide
About Cross-OS File Exchange
This chapter describes how FX operates in typical system configurations and
describes the operations a user may perform using FX.
FCU File Transfer Options
FXmto Operations
FXotm Operations
FXoto Operations
Host Access and I/O Contention
AIX Shared Open Function
AIX Reserve Function
Bidirectional Data Transfer
About Cross-OS File Exchange Operations 2-1
Hitachi USP V Cross-OS File Exchange User’s Guide
Figure 2-1 illustrates the typical system configurations required for FXmto and
FXotm operations. FXmto/otm operations are performed using the File
Conversion Utility (FCU) and File Access Library (FAL), which are installed on
the open-system host(s).
Application program
Utility program
ExSA (ESCON®) interface
Database 1
(e.g., DB2/XD)M)
(CKD format)(FBA format)(FBA format)(CKD format)
Volume dedicated
to S/390®
by S/390 and UNIX/PC server
file 1 (SAM
Volume shared
File Conversion Utility
File Access
Library (FAL)
OS (UNIX, PC server)
Fibre-channel interface
file 2 (UNIX/PC
Volumes dedicated to open system
Application program
Utility program
Database 2
(e.g., ORACLE)
Figure 2-1 FXmto and FXotm System Configuration
Figure 2-2 illustrates the typical system configurations required for FXoto
operations, which are performed using the Formatter (FMT) and Allocater
(ALC) utilities in addition to FCU and FAL.
2-2About Cross-OS File Exchange Operations
Hitachi USP V Cross-OS File Exchange User’s Guide
Utility program
File Conversion
Utility (FCU)
File Access
File Conversion
Utility (FCU)
File Access
Utility program
OS (UNIX, PC server)
Fibre-channel interface
(FBA format)
Volume dedicated to open system
Intermediate File
(SAM dataset)
Shared volume (initialized as mainframe
CKD format by FMT/ALC)
OS (UNIX, PC server)
Fibre-channel interface
(FBA format)(CKD format)
Volume dedicated to open system
Figure 2-2 FXoto Syst em Configuration
The FCU program provides the commands and graphical user interface (GUI)
for FX file transfer operations as well as several important options for data
exchange, including EBCDIC-ASCII code conversion and data record padding
and delimiters. The FAL is a library of C functions (Visual C++
), which provides an application-programming interface for data exchange.
for Windows
The FAL functions can be called by user application programs to read and write
data in z/OS datasets on the TagmaStore USP and NSC. There are two types
of FAL, the 32bitFAL and the 64bitFAL. The latter is provided by the
TagmaStore USP and NSC. The FMT and ALC utilities enable the all-open
TagmaStore USP and NSC user to format OPEN-x logical units (LUs) and
create intermediate datasets for FXoto operations, without having to be
attached to any z/OS hosts. OPEN-x is defined as a standard LU type. The
TagmaStore USP and NSC subsystem currently supports OPEN-3, OPEN-8,
OPEN-9, OPEN-E, OPEN-L and OPEN-V devices. Please contact your Hitachi
Data Systems account team for the latest information on supported LU types.
About Cross-OS File Exchange Operations 2-3
Hitachi USP V Cross-OS File Exchange User’s Guide
FX Volume Types
The FXmto and FXotm volumes are z/OS devices that can only be accessed by
open-system hosts using the FAL/FCU software. The FXoto volumes are opensystem devices that cannot be accessed by z/OS hosts. FX operations are
performed using the following types of FX volumes on the TagmaStore USP
and NSC subsystems:
•FXmto, FXotm. The FX -A volumes can be used for FXmto and FXotm
operations. z/OS hosts have normal read/write access to -A volumes. Opensystem hosts have read/write access to -A volumes but must use FAL/FCU to
access these volumes as raw devices (no mount operation).
the structure of the FX -A volumes.
Note: The -A volumes are not write-protected. Do not execute any opensystem write operations to -A volumes (except disk partitioning and
labeling). Do not create a file system on an -A volume; this will overwrite
the data exchange files on the volume.
• FXmto. The FX -B volumes can only be used for FXmto operations. z/OS
hosts have normal read/write access to -B volumes. Open-system hosts have
read-only access to -B volumes and must use FAL/FCU to read these volumes
as raw devices (no mount operation). The -B volumes are write-protected
from open-system access. The TagmaStore subsystem will reject all opensystem write operations to -B volumes (except disk partitioning and labeling)
to protect the z/OS data on these volumes.
the FX -B volumes.
Figure 2-4 shows the structure of
2-4About Cross-OS File Exchange Operations
Hitachi USP V Cross-OS File Exchange User’s Guide
l# 0
Label area
Cyl# 0
Cyl# MAX.
Management area
Read only
Cyl# max.
Figure 2-4 3390-3B/9B/LB Volume Structure (FXmto)
Note: The open-system host accesses only the volume table of contents
(VTOC) area on -B volumes. Catalog or security control functions cannot be
used to provide access control for these volumes.
• FXotm. The FX -C volumes can only be used for FXotm operations. Open-
system hosts have read/write access to the -C volumes but must use
FAL/FCU to access these volumes as raw devices (no mount operation). z/OS
hosts have read-only access to the -C volumes. The TagmaStore subsystem
will reject all z/OS write operations to -C volumes (except VTOC) to protect
the open-system data on these volumes.
the FX -C volumes.
• FXoto. OPEN-x volumes that are formatted with the FX Formatter (FMT)
utility can only be used for FXoto operations. Open-system hosts have
read/write access to the OPEN-x FMT volumes but must use FAL/FCU to
access these volumes as raw devices (no mount operation). z/OS hosts do
not have any access to the OPEN-x FMT volumes.
structure of the FX OPEN-x FMT volumes.
About Cross-OS File Exchange Operations 2-5
Hitachi USP V Cross-OS File Exchange User’s Guide
Figure 2-6 shows the
Cyl# max.
Cyl# 0
No Access
Cyl# MAX.
Label area
Management area
Figure 2-6 OPEN-x FMT Volume Structure (FXoto)
Note: When the mainframe OS is VSE, DFSORT cannot be used after an FX
volume is copied to another volume. Use the DITTO function for this
2-6About Cross-OS File Exchange Operations
Hitachi USP V Cross-OS File Exchange User’s Guide
Note for AIX: When installing FX devices in an AIX environment, the following
notes apply:
• When the UserID is not the root, a patch is required.
• AIX V5.1 can be used with 64bitFAL.
Please contact your IBM technical representative for assistance.
Note for Microsoft Cluster Server: When installing FX devices in a Microsoft
Cluster Server (MSCS) environment, you must write signatures on the FX
volumes before configuring MSCS.
• The MSCS server cannot connect volumes that do not have signatures.
• The volume on which a signature is written cannot be accessed from another
• The volume on which a signature is written cannot be shared.
• Only the mainframe and the server that wrote the signature can access the
volume that has the signature.
• Signatures cannot be written to FX volumes for which the emulation type is
3390-3X, 3390-9X 3390-LX , or 3380-KX, 3380-3X (X = A, B, C), when the
OS server is Windows 2000/2003/Windows NT.
• When configuring MSCSand the server OS is Windows 2000/2003/Windows
NT, FXotm and FXmto cannot be started.
Notes for Windows 2000/2003/Windows NT:
• Service Pack 1 must be installed when MSCS is configured
• A signature is not necessary for the MSCS configuration. A Write Error will
occur if a signature is attempted.
Warning: Do not write a signature on FX Volumes having emulation types
3390-3X, or 3390-9X, 3390-LX, or 3380-KX, 3380-3X (X=A,B,C) in a Windows
2000/2003/Windows NT environment. If a signature-writing attempt is made
by the Disk Administrator with Windows 2000/2003/Windows NT, a Write Error
will appear in order to stop the signature from being written. When the
Windows 2000/2003/Windows NT Disk Administrator starts again, a request
will be made again to write the signature. Do not write the signature.
FCU File Transfer Options
For each FX operation, FCU requires that the transfer direction (mto or otm)
and the source and target files be identified. (An FXoto operation consists of
one FXotm operation followed by one FXmto operation.) In addition to these
required parameters, FCU provides the following options for FX file transfer
About Cross-OS File Exchange Operations 2-7
Hitachi USP V Cross-OS File Exchange User’s Guide
• Code conversion (CC)
• Padding (PAD)
• Delimiters (DEL)
• Record description word (RDW)
• VSE record (VSE)
• Empty file (Emp)
Note: For FAL/FCU versions earlier than 01-XX-50, Multiple Volume Dataset is
not supported. When a dataset is spanned over multiple volumes, only the
portion of the dataset within one volume will be processed. For FAL/FCU
versions 01-XX-50 or later, Multiple Volume Dataset is supported only for
Note: FAL/FCU supports two kinds of mainframes, MVS and VSE. For Multiple
Volume Dataset, FAL/FCU is only supported on MVS.
Code Conversion (CC) Option
The code conversion option can be used for FXmto and FXotm operations. The
code conversion option enables you to specify either the default EBCDIC-ASCII
code conversion table included with FCU (see
conversion table (see
performs EBCDIC-to-ASCII code conversion for FXmto operations and ASCIIto-EBCDIC code conversion for FXotm operations as specified in
also Appendix C). The user-defined code conversion table must be a binary
data file created by placing the target code values in the offset positions that
correspond to the source code values.
Table 2-2). When the default table is specified, FCU
Table 2-1), or your own code
Table 2-1 (see
Always use code conversion when transferring text files between mainframe
and open systems. Do not use code conversion when transferring binary data
files. Code conversion is available (EcA option) but not recommended for
FXoto file transfers.
Note: FCU versions 01-01-40 and later support the user-defined code
conversion table.
Note: The default EBCDIC-ASCII code conversion table is the ACM standard
table (not CACM). Appendix C provides the code conversion information for the
default table which is shown in
does not yield the desired results, create your own code conversion table.
Please refer to the IBM code tables for detailed information on EBCDIC-ASCII
code conversion.
2-8About Cross-OS File Exchange Operations
Hitachi USP V Cross-OS File Exchange User’s Guide
Table 2-1. If the default code conversion table
Table 2-1 Default EBCDIC-ASCII Code Conversion Table for FCU
(91) (A0) (A9) / (2F) (BB) a (61) j (6A) (E5) (D9) A (41) J (4A) (9F) 1 (31)
6 7
8 9 A B C D E
(16) (A1) (AA) (B2) (BC) b (62) k (6B) s (73) (DA) B (42) K (4B) S (53) 2 (32)
(13) (83) (93) (A2) (AB) (B3) (BD) c (63) l (6C) t (74) (DB) C (43) L (4C) T (54) 3 (33)
(94) (A3) (AC) (B4) (BE) d (64) m (6D) u (75) (DC) D (44) M (4D) U (55) 4 (34)
(95) (A4) (AD) (B5) (BF) e (65) n (6E) v (76) (DD) E (45) N (4E) V (56) 5 (35)
(96) (A5) (AE) (B6) (C0) f (66) o (6F) w (77) (DE) F (46) O (4F) W (57) 6 (36)
(04) (A6) (AF) (B7) (C1) g (67) p (70) x (78) (DF) G (47) P (50) X (58) 7 (37)
(18) (88) (98) (A7) (B0) (B8) (C2) h (68) q (71) y (79) (E0) H (48) Q (51) Y (59) 8 (38)
(89) (99)
(15) ( (28) ) (29) _ (5F) ’ (27)
(06) (9E)
(2E) $ (24)
(7E) ? (3F) “ (22)
(60) i (69) r (72)
(25) @ (40)
(E1) I (49) R (52)
(E2) (E8) (EE) (F4) (FA)
(E3) (E9) (EF) (F5) (FB)
(F0) (F6) (FC)
(F1) (F7)
(F2) (F8) (FE)
(F3) (F9) (FF)
Note: Appendix C shows the EBCDIC-ASCII code conversion information for
this binary table.
Legend for Table 3-1
About Cross-OS File Exchange Operations 2-9
Hi Lo
8765 4321
Hitachi USP V Cross-OS File Exchange User’s Guide
0123 4567
2-10About Cross-OS File Exchange Operations
Hitachi USP V Cross-OS File Exchange User’s Guide
Table 2-2 User-Defined Code Conversion Table
Item Requirement(s)
Size 256 bytes
Format Binary data
Code length One byte (two-byte codes cannot be converted)
File name
The following sequences of characters cannot be used in the file
If the file name for the code conversion table contains any of these
sequences, FCU will ignore the file and use the default table instead.
PIPE Function
This function transfers data entries from the mainframe to the application
program or the utility program for UNIX systems using a “named pipe”. When
this function is used, a mainframe dataset can be transferred to an open
system. This is a much faster way to transfer data than the Code Conversion
A "named pipe" is a special file that is used to transfer data between unrelated
processes. One (or more) processes writes to it, while another process reads
from it. Named pipes are visible in the file system and may be viewed with ‘ls’
like any other file. (Named pipes are also called "fifo"s; this term stands for
`First In, First Out'.) Named pipes may be used to pass data between
unrelated processes, while normal (unnamed) pipes can only connect
parent/child processes (with some exceptions). Named pipes are strictly
unidirectional, even on systems where anonymous pipes are bidirectional (fullduplex).
Using the PIPE function in UNIX Systems
A "named pipe" is a special file that is used to transfer data between unrelated
processes. One (or more) processes write to it, while another process reads
from it. Named pipes are visible in the file system and may be viewed with `ls'
like any other file. (Named pipes are also called "fifo"s; this term stands for
`First In, First Out'.) Named pipes may be used to pass data between
unrelated processes, while normal (unnamed) pipes can only connect
parent/child processes (unless you try *very* hard). Named pipes are strictly
unidirectional, even on systems where anonymous pipes are bidirectional (fullduplex).
About Cross-OS File Exchange Operations 2-11
Hitachi USP V Cross-OS File Exchange User’s Guide
FAL/FCU Pipe Function Details
FCU can carry out data transmission to a pipe file. A user application opens
and reads this pipe file, and a direct data transmission is attained between the
application and FCU. There is no need for it to be output as a file on an HDD.
A named-pipe name is specified in a parameter definition file as the output file
name. “PIPE=Yes” needs to be specified as an option. Under these
conditions, FCU will open a pipe file with the specified output file name, and
will transmit data to it.
If the specified file exists as a standard UNIX file, FCU re-creates a pipe file
using the same name (the UNIX file is deleted.) Since FCU only inputs in data
to a pipe, the FCU function needs to obtain the data via a user application. If
data remains in the pipe, FCU will stop and processing does not progress to
the next step. The FCU function has an inbuilt timer. If the application does
not continue receiving data, FCU will send an error message after a certain set
time, and it will progress to the next logical process.
Note: This function is only supported for UNIX systems. It is not supported for
Windows 2000/2003/Windows NT. It is supported for mainframe to open
systems data transfer only. This function requires an application program or a
utility program to receive data entries using a named pipe.
Pipe Function Time-Out Value
• FCU waits for a “Read Data Entries” status message. A time-out error will be
reported if the TIME OUT VALUE is not set appropriately. The TIME OUT
VALUE should be set in the WAIT_TIME_VALUE environment variable. The
limits are 0~1440 seconds (0 = unlimited). The default value is 10 when the
timeout value is undefined.
• The following examples illustrate the use of the WAIT_TIME_VALUE
environment variable.
Note: After setting the variable, log out and log in again to establish the
variable’s value.
•Example 1: For C shell:
– Add “setenv WAIT_TIME_VALUE 300” to the file“.cshrc” in the home
– If “.cshrc” does not exist, create it and add the “setenv” line.