Hitachi MK-96RD626-07 User Manual

Hitachi Universal Storage Platform V
Hitachi Universal Storage Platform VM
Hitachi Universal Volume Manager User’s Guide
Document Organization
Product Version
Getting Help
Copyright © 2008 Hitachi Data Systems Corporation, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
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Hitachi Universal Storage Platform V/VM Universal Volume Manager User’s Guide


Intended Audience ...............................................................................................x
Product Version....................................................................................................x
Document Revision Level ......................................................................................x
Source Documents for this Revision ...................................................................... xi
Changes in this Revision ...................................................................................... xi
Document Organization .......................................................................................xi
Referenced Documents....................................................................................... xii
Document Conventions...................................................................................... xiii
Convention for Storage Capacity Values .............................................................. xiv
Getting Help ...................................................................................................... xv
Comments......................................................................................................... xv
Overview of Universal Volume Manager.................................................. 1-1
Hitachi Universal Volume Manager......................................................................1-2
Unifying Copy Operations between Different Storage Systems ..............................1-3
Unifying Connections from a Host to Different Storage Systems ............................1-4
About Universal Volume Operations Manager.......................................... 2-1
Connecting External Storage System...................................................................2-2
Universal Volume Manager Components..............................................................2-4
Storage Systems and Cross-subsystem Paths.......................................................2-5
Volumes and Mapping Paths ..............................................................................2-5
Universal Volume Manager Operations ................................................................2-7
Configuring Universal Volume Manager ...............................................................2-8
Choosing External Port ......................................................................................2-8
Choosing and Mapping External Volumes ............................................................2-8
Registering a Volume to an External Volume Group (ExG) ....................................2-9
Configuring External Volume Attributes ...............................................................2-9
Cross-subsystem Paths ....................................................................................2-11
Contents iii
Hitachi Universal Storage Platform V/VM Universal Volume Manager User’s Guide
Connecting Mainframe Volumes....................................................................... 2-19
Connecting Open Systems Volumes ................................................................. 2-19
Choosing Mapping Policy................................................................................. 2-20
Difference between Automatic Mapping and Manual Mapping............................. 2-20
Port Discovery and Volume Discovery............................................................... 2-20
Using a Mapped External Volume from a Connected Host .................................. 2-22
Storing New Data in the Mapped External Volume............................................. 2-22
Using Existing Data in the Mapped External Volume .......................................... 2-23
Interoperability with other Products and Functions ............................................ 2-25
LUN Manager and Configuration File Loader ..................................................... 2-25
LUN Expansion............................................................................................... 2-25
Virtual LVI/LUN .............................................................................................. 2-25
Cache Residency Manager............................................................................... 2-26
Performance Manager..................................................................................... 2-26
TrueCopy and TrueCopy for z/OS..................................................................... 2-26
Universal Replicator and Universal Replicator for z/OS....................................... 2-26
ShadowImage and ShadowImage for z/OS ....................................................... 2-26
Copy-on-Write Snapshot ................................................................................. 2-26
Dynamic Provisioning...................................................................................... 2-27
SNMP Agent................................................................................................... 2-27
Examples of Using External Volumes with Other Products .................................. 2-28
Volume Migration Operations........................................................................... 2-28
TrueCopy Operations ...................................................................................... 2-30
Universal Replicator Operations ....................................................................... 2-32
ShadowImage Operations ............................................................................... 2-34
Copy-on-Write Snapshot Operations................................................................. 2-36
Preparing for Universal Volume Manager Operations ............................... 3-1
System Requirements ....................................................................................... 3-2
Storage Systems Supported as External Storage Systems .................................... 3-2
Universal Volume Manager Requirements ........................................................... 3-5
Guidelines for Universal Volume Manager Operations .......................................... 3-6
Mapping Guidelines .......................................................................................... 3-6
Recommended Applications according to the HDD Type....................................... 3-7
Capacity Guidelines........................................................................................... 3-8
Guidelines for Mainframe Volumes ..................................................................... 3-9
Volume Attribute Guidelines ............................................................................ 3-10
Creating LUSE Volume Guidelines .................................................................... 3-10
Maintenance Guidelines for an External Storage System .................................... 3-11
Performance and Status Guidelines .................................................................. 3-11
RAID Level Considerations .............................................................................. 3-12
Thunder 9500V Series Guidelines..................................................................... 3-12
Installing and Uninstalling Universal Volume Manager........................................ 3-13
iv Contents
Hitachi Universal Storage Platform V/VM Universal Volume Manager User’s Guide
Installing Universal Volume Manager ................................................................3-13
Uninstalling Universal Volume Manager .............................................................3-13
Starting Universal Volume Manager ..................................................................3-14
Using the Universal Volume Manager GUI............................................... 4-1
Volume Operation Window.................................................................................4-2
Volume Operation Tree......................................................................................4-4
Volume Operation List (When Subsystem or Product Name is Clicked)...................4-5
Volume Operation List (When Path Group is Clicked)............................................4-6
Preview Dialog Box..........................................................................................4-10
Path Operation Window ...................................................................................4-12
Path Operation Tree ........................................................................................4-14
Path Operation List (When Subsystem is Clicked)...............................................4-15
Path Operation List (When Product Name is Clicked)..........................................4-17
Path Operation List (When Port or WWN is Clicked) ...........................................4-18
Port Operation Window....................................................................................4-19
Port Operation Tree.........................................................................................4-20
Port Operation List ..........................................................................................4-21
Performing Universal Volume Manager Operations .................................. 5-1
Overview of Setting Operations ..........................................................................5-2
Setting Port of External Storage System..............................................................5-3
Setting Port Attribute for Local Storage System....................................................5-3
Mapping an External Volume Automatically .........................................................5-4
Mapping an External Volume Manually ................................................................5-6
Add Volume Dialog Box .....................................................................................5-8
Set External Volume Parameter Dialog Box........................................................5-10
LDEV Mapping (Auto) Dialog Box......................................................................5-11
LDEV Mapping (Manual) Dialog Box..................................................................5-13
SSID Dialog Box..............................................................................................5-14
Example: How to Map LDEVs Automatically.......................................................5-16
Example: How to Map LDEVs Manually..............................................................5-17
Setting the Cross-subsystem Paths ...................................................................5-18
Configure Cross-subsystem Paths Dialog Box.....................................................5-19
Configuring Cross-subsystem Path....................................................................5-21
Changing the Configured Cross-subsystem Path Priority .....................................5-23
Canceling the Cross-subsystem Path Configuration.............................................5-24
Changing the Cross-subsystem Path .................................................................5-25
Replacing All the Cross-subsystem Paths with Newly-added Cross-subsystem
Checking the External Volume Details ...............................................................5-26
LDEV Information Dialog Box ...........................................................................5-27
Mapping Path Information Dialog Box ...............................................................5-28
Contents v
Hitachi Universal Storage Platform V/VM Universal Volume Manager User’s Guide
Turning On or Off the Storage System ............................................................. 5-30
Commands for Turning On or Off Only the External Storage System................... 5-30
Turning On or Off Only the External Storage System ......................................... 5-31
Turning On or Off Only the Local Storage System ............................................. 5-32
Turning On or Off Both Storage Systems .......................................................... 5-33
Disconnecting External Storage System or Disconnecting External Volume .......... 5-34
Disconnecting All External Volumes (Disconnect Subsystem) .............................. 5-36
Disconnecting an Individual External Volume (Disconnect Volume)..................... 5-36
Checking Connection Status and Resuming External Volume Operation............... 5-37
Resuming All External Volumes (Check Paths & Restore Volume)........................ 5-38
Resuming an Individual External Volume (Check Paths & Restore Volume).......... 5-38
Stopping the Use of Paths to the External Volume (Disconnect Paths)................. 5-39
Restoring the Paths to the External Volume (Check Paths)................................. 5-40
Changing the Cache Mode Setting of the External Volume ................................. 5-41
Changing the Inflow Control Setting of the External Volume............................... 5-42
Changing the Port Setting of the External Storage System ................................. 5-42
Change WWN Parameter Dialog Box ................................................................ 5-43
Editing Mapping Policy .................................................................................... 5-44
Edit Policy Dialog Box ..................................................................................... 5-44
Deleting the External Volume Mapping ............................................................. 5-45
Remote Command Devices.................................................................... 7-1
Overview of Remote Command Devices ............................................................. 7-2
Guidelines for Remote Command Devices........................................................... 7-3
Mapping a Command Device as a Remote Command Device................................ 7-6
Using TrueCopy or Universal Replicator with Remote Command Device................. 7-6
Procedure to Use Initiator/External MIX Mode..................................................... 7-8
Restrictions on Initiator/External MIX Mode ........................................................ 7-9
Troubleshooting ................................................................................... 8-1
Troubleshooting ............................................................................................... 8-2
Calling the Hitachi Data Systems Support Center................................................. 8-6
Connecting External Storage Systems .................................................... A-1
TagmaStore AMS/WMS Storage System ............................................................. A-1
System Parameters for Connecting TagmaStore AMS/WMS Storage
System ............................................................................................... A-
Relationship between Serial Number and AMS/WMS Model............................ A-2
Relationship between WWN of Port and Controller (AMS/WMS) ..................... A-3
Path Status and Examples of Recovery Procedure (AMS/WMS) ..................... A-4
Thunder 9500V Storage System......................................................................... A-5
System Parameters for Connecting Thunder 9500V....................................... A-5
vi Contents
Hitachi Universal Storage Platform V/VM Universal Volume Manager User’s Guide
Relationship between Serial Number and 9500V Model ................................. A-6
Relationship between WWN of Port and Controller(9500V)............................ A-6
Path Status and Examples of Recovery Procedure(9500V)............................. A-8
USP V/VM Storage System ................................................................................ A-9
Path Status and Examples of Recovery Procedure(USP V/VM) ....................... A-9
TagmaStore USP/NSC Storage System ..............................................................A-10
Setting the Host Mode Option When a Volume of More Than 2 TB Is Used
Path Status and Examples of Recovery Procedure (USP/NSC).......................A-10
Lightning 9900V Storage System ......................................................................A-11
Path Status and Examples of Recovery Procedure(9900V)............................A-11
Lightning 9900 Storage System ........................................................................A-12
Path Status and Examples of Recovery Procedure (9900).............................A-12
SVS200 Storage System...................................................................................A-13
Path Status and Examples of Recovery Procedure(SVS200)..........................A-14
EVA Storage System........................................................................................A-15
System Parameter Settings for Connecting EVA Storage System...................A-15
Identifying Logical Volume of EVA Storage System
(Using Characteristic 2) ......................................................................A-15
Note on Behavior of Alternate Path when EVA Storage System is
System Parameter Settings for Connecting Sun StorEdge 6120/6320...................A-17
System Parameter Settings for Connecting Sun StorageTek FlexLine 380.............A-18
System Parameter Settings for Connecting Sun StorageTek 2540........................A-18
Cross-Subsystem Paths for Connecting Sun StorageTek V2X2 .............................A-18
System Parameter Settings for Connecting EMC CLARiiON CX600........................A-19
System Parameter Settings for Connecting IBM DS4000 Series ...........................A-19
Non-Hitachi Storage Systems ...........................................................................A-19
Required Volume Capacity for Each Emulation Type ................................ B-1
How to Figure Out Required External Volume Capacity........................................ B-1
Capacity List for Each Emulation Type................................................................ B-4
Adjusting Volume Capacities for Pairs..................................................... C-1
Acronyms and Abbreviations
Contents vii
Hitachi Universal Storage Platform V/VM Universal Volume Manager User’s Guide
viii Contents
Hitachi Universal Storage Platform V/VM Universal Volume Manager User’s Guide


This document describes and provides instructions for using the Universal Volume Manager software to configure and perform Hitachi Universal Volume Manager Operations on the Hitachi Universal Storage Platform V and Hitachi Universal Storage Platform VM storage system.
Please read this document carefully to understand how to use this product, and maintain a copy for reference purposes.
This preface includes the following information:
Intended Audience
Product Version
Document Revision Level
Changes in this Revision
Document Organization
Referenced Documents
Document Conventions
Convention for Storage Capacity Values
Getting Help
Notice: The use of Universal Volume Manager and all other Hitachi Data Systems products is governed by the terms of your agreement(s) with Hitachi Data Systems.
Preface ix
Hitachi Universal Storage Platform V/VM Universal Volume Manager User’s Guide
Intended Audience
This document is intended for system administrators, Hitachi Data Systems representatives, and Authorized Service Providers who are involved in installing, configuring, and operating the Hitachi Universal Storage Platform V and Hitachi Universal Storage Platform VM storage systems.
This document assumes the following:
The user has a background in data processing and understands RAID
storage systems and their basic functions.
The user is familiar with the Hitachi Universal Storage Platform V and
Hitachi Universal Storage Platform VM storage systems and has read the
Universal Storage Platform V and Universal Storage Platform VM User and Reference Guide.
The user is familiar with the Storage Navigator software for the Universal
Storage Platform V and Hitachi Universal Storage Platform VM storage systems and has read the Storage Navigator User’s Guide.
Product Version
This document revision applies to USP V/VM microcode 60-02-4x and higher.
Document Revision Level
Revision Date Description
MK-96RD626-P February 2007 Preliminary Release
MK-96RD626-00 April 2007 Initial Release, supersedes and replaces MK-96RD626-P
MK-96RD626-01 May 2007 Revision 1, supersedes and replaces MK-96RD626-00
MP-96RD626-02 July 11, 2007 Revision 2, supersedes and replaces MK-96RD626-01
MP-96RD626-03 September 2007 Revision 3, supersedes and replaces MK-96RD626-02
MP-96RD626-04 September 2007 Revision 4, supersedes and replaces MK-96RD626-03
MK-96RD626-05 November 2007 Revision 5, supersedes and replaces MK-96RD626-04
MK-96RD626-06 January 2008 Revision 6, supersedes and replaces MK-96RD626-05
MK-96RD626-07 March 2008 Revision 7, supersedes and replaces MK-96RD626-06
x Preface
Hitachi Universal Storage Platform V/VM Universal Volume Manager User’s Guide
Source Documents for this Revision
Changes in this Revision
Added a chapter about spreadsheets (see Using Spreadsheets for Universal
Volume Manager Operations)
Added descriptions about the spreadsheets in Universal Volume Manager
Added descriptions about the VMA of Data Retention Utility in VMA of Data
Retention Utility
Added descriptions about the default setting of the cache mode in
Configuring External Volume Attributes.
Clarified information in Table 5-4 about the operation required before
disconnecting external volumes in
Added the GET_ALL parameter in Saving Storage System Information.
Deleted some parameters from Table 6-5 and Table 6-7.
Document Organization
The following table provides an overview of the contents and organization of this document. Click the chapter title The first page of each chapter provides links to the sections within that chapter.
Chapter / Appendix Description
Overview of Universal Volume
About Universal Volume Operations
Preparing for Universal Volume
Manager Operations
Using the Universal Volume Manager
Performing Universal Volume Manager
Using Spreadsheets for Universal
Volume Manager Operations
7 Remote Command Devices Describes remote command devices.
in the left column to go to that chapter.
Provides an overview of Universal Volume Manager.
Explains the functions and applications of Universal Volume Manager.
Describes the requirements and preparations for Universal Volume Manager operations.
Explains the Universal Volume Manager windows.
Describes setting the external volume using Universal Volume Manager.
Explains how to use spreadsheets for Universal Volume Manager operations.
Preface xi
Hitachi Universal Storage Platform V/VM Universal Volume Manager User’s Guide
Chapter / Appendix Description
8 Troubleshooting
A Connecting External Storage Systems Describes configuration for external storage systems.
Required Volume Capacity for Each
Emulation Type
C Adjusting Volume Capacities for Pairs
- Acronyms and Abbreviations
- Index Lists the topics in this document in alphabetical order.
Referenced Documents
Hitachi Universal Storage Platform V/VM:
Hitachi Command Control Interface (CCI) User and Reference Guide,
Hitachi Copy-on-Write Snapshot User’s Guide, MK-96RD607
Hitachi Dynamic Provisioning User's Guide, MK-96RD641
Hitachi LUN Expansion User’s Guide, MK-96RD616
Provides troubleshooting information for Universal Volume Manager and instructions for calling technical support.
Describes the capacity list for each emulation type.
Describes how to adjust the volume capacity when creating a pair.
Defines the acronyms and abbreviations used in this document.
Hitachi Performance Manager User’s Guide, MK-96RD617
Hitachi ShadowImage User’s Guide, MK-96RD618
Hitachi ShadowImage for IBM
z/OS® User’s Guide, MK-96RD619
Hitachi Storage Navigator User’s Guide, MK-96RD621
Hitachi Storage Navigator Messages, MK-96RD613
Hitachi TrueCopy for IBM z/OS User’s Guide, MK-96RD623
Hitachi TrueCopy User’s Guide, MK-96RD622
Hitachi Universal Replicator for IBM z/OS User’s Guide, MK-96RD625
Hitachi Universal Replicator User’s Guide, MK-96RD624
Hitachi Virtual LVI/LUN and Volume Shredder User's Guide, MK-96RD630
Hitachi Virtual Partition Manager User’s Guide, MK-96RD629
xii Preface
Hitachi Universal Storage Platform V/VM Universal Volume Manager User’s Guide
Document Conventions
The terms “Universal Storage Platform V” and “USP V” refer to all models of the Hitachi Universal Storage Platform V, unless otherwise noted.
The terms “Universal Storage Platform VM” and “USP VM” refer to all models of the Hitachi Universal Storage Platform VM, unless otherwise noted.
This document uses the following typographic conventions:
Convention Description
< > angled brackets
[ ] square brackets
{ } braces
| vertical bar
underline Indicates the default value. Example: [ a | b ]
Indicates text on a window, other than the window title, including menus, menu options, buttons, fields, and labels. Example: Click OK.
Indicates a variable, which is a placeholder for actual text provided by the user or system. Example: copy source-file target-file
Note: Angled brackets (< >) are also used to indicate variables.
Indicates text that is displayed on screen or entered by the user. Example:
Indicates a variable, which is a placeholder for actual text provided by the user or system. Example:
Note: Italic font is also used to indicate variables.
Indicates optional values. Example: [ a | b ] indicates that you can choose a, b, or nothing.
Indicates required or expected values. Example: { a | b } indicates that you must choose either a or b.
Indicates that you have a choice between two or more options or arguments. Examples:
# pairdisplay -g oradb
# pairdisplay -g <group>
[ a | b ] indicates that you can choose a, b, or nothing.
{ a | b } indicates that you must choose either a or b.
Preface xiii
Hitachi Universal Storage Platform V/VM Universal Volume Manager User’s Guide
This document uses the following icons to draw attention to information:
Icon Meaning Description
Note Calls attention to important and/or additional information.
Provides helpful information, guidelines, or suggestions for performing tasks more effectively.
Warns the user of adverse conditions and/or consequences (e.g., disruptive operations).
Warns the user of severe conditions and/or consequences (e.g., destructive operations).
Convention for Storage Capacity Values
Physical storage capacity values (e.g., disk drive capacity) are calculated based on the following values:
1 KB = 1,000 bytes 1 MB = 1,000 1 GB = 1,000 1 TB = 1,000 1 PB = 1,000
Logical storage capacity values (e.g., logical device capacity) are calculated based on the following values:
1 KB = 1,024 bytes 1 MB = 1,024 1 GB = 1,024 1 TB = 1,024 1 PB = 1,024
1 block = 512 bytes
xiv Preface
Hitachi Universal Storage Platform V/VM Universal Volume Manager User’s Guide
Getting Help
If you need to call the Hitachi Data Systems Support Center, be sure to provide as much information about the problem as possible, including:
The circumstances surrounding the error or failure.
The content of any error messages displayed on the host system(s).
The content of any error messages displayed by Storage Navigator.
The USP V/VM Storage Navigator configuration information obtained by
using the FD Dump Tool
The service information messages (SIMs), including reference codes and
severity levels, displayed by Storage Navigator and/or logged at the host.
The Hitachi Data Systems customer support staff is available 24 hours/day, seven days a week. If you need technical support, please call:
United States: (800) 446-0744
Outside the United States: (858) 547-4526
Please send us your comments on this document. Make sure to include the document title, number, and revision. Please refer to specific section(s) and paragraph(s) whenever possible.
Fax: 858-695-1186
Technical Writing, M/S 35-10 Hitachi Data Systems 10277 Scripps Ranch Blvd. San Diego, CA 92131
Thank you! (All comments become the property of Hitachi Data Systems Corporation.)
Preface xv
Hitachi Universal Storage Platform V/VM Universal Volume Manager User’s Guide

Overview of Universal Volume Manager

This chapter provides an overview of Universal Volume Manager.
Universal Volume Manager
Unifying Copy Operations between Different Storage Systems
Unifying Connections from a Host to Different Storage Systems
Overview of Universal Volume Manager 1-1
Hitachi Universal Storage Platform V/VM Universal Volume Manager User’s Guide

Universal Volume Manager

Universal Volume Manager software provides the virtualization of a multi­tiered storage area network comprised of heterogeneous storage systems. It enables the operation of multiple storage systems connected to a USP V/VM as if they were all in one storage system and provides common management tools and software. The shared storage pool comprised of external storage volumes can be used with storage system-based software for data migration and replication, as well as any host-based application. Combined with Hitachi Volume Migration software, Universal Volume Manager provides an automated data lifecycle management solution, across multiple tiers of storage.
The key features and benefits of Universal Volume Manager include:
Universal Volume Manager virtualizes external storage attached to the
USP V/VM storage system
Enables deployment of multi-tiered storage
Integrates heterogeneous systems
Creates pools of storage independent of physical location
Creates new opportunities based on enhanced capability of existing
business continuity software and management tools to external storage devices
1-2 Overview of Universal Volume Manager
Hitachi Universal Storage Platform V/VM Universal Volume Manager User’s Guide

Unifying Copy Operations between Different Storage Systems

When you copy data between different storage systems, the copy operations are usually different depending on the storage system which you use.
If you install Universal Volume Manager, you can perform the following copy operations in the same way as when you copy data between volumes in the USP V/VM storage system.
To copy data between a volume in the USP V/VM storage system and a
volume in an external storage system.
To copy data between a volume in an external storage system and a
volume in another external storage system.
Without UVM, different copy operations are required.
External Storage System USP V/VM Storage System
UVM allows you to perform all copy operations in the same way.
Volumes installed in the storage system
Virtual volumes that do not have physical memory space
Copy operation
Lines showing the concept of virtualization
External Storage System USP V/VM Storage System
Figure 1-1 Unifying Copy Operations between Different Storage
Overview of Universal Volume Manager 1-3
Hitachi Universal Storage Platform V/VM Universal Volume Manager User’s Guide

Unifying Connections from a Host to Different Storage Systems

When a system has multiple storage systems, a host usually needs to connect all storage systems. When a system administrator configures the connections from a host to volumes, they need to follow the different instructions depending on the storage systems.
If you install Universal Volume Manager, a system administrator only needs to configure the connection from a host to the USP V/VM storage system. After the configuration is completed, a host can manipulate volumes in the external storage system in the same way as volumes in the USP V/VM storage system.
Without UVM, a host needs to connect all storage systems.
USP V/VM Storage System
External Storage System
UVM allows you to unify the connections from a host
to different storage systems.
USP V/VM Storage System
Volumes installed in the storage system
Virtual volumes that do not have physical memory space
Lines showing the concept of virtualization
External Storage System
Figure 1-2 Unifying Connections from a Host to Different Storage
1-4 Overview of Universal Volume Manager
Hitachi Universal Storage Platform V/VM Universal Volume Manager User’s Guide
About Universal Volume Operations
This chapter explains the functions and applications of Universal Volume Manager.
Connecting External Storage System
Universal Volume Manager Components
Universal Volume Manager Operations
Configuring Universal Volume Manager
Choosing Mapping Policy
Using a Mapped External Volume from a Connected Host
Interoperability with other Products and Functions
Examples of Using External Volumes with Other Products
About Universal Volume Manager Operations 2-1
Hitachi Universal Storage Platform V/VM Universal Volume Manager User’s Guide

Connecting External Storage System

Universal Volume Manager enables you to use Hitachi storage systems, original equipment manufacturer (OEM) storage systems, and other vendors' storage systems (such as IBM or EMC) as connectable external storage systems. Hosts will recognize these volumes as internal volumes of the USP V/VM storage system. In this user's guide, the original USP V/VM storage system is called "local storage system" and a connected storage system is called the "external storage system".
External volume mapping is required for manipulating external volumes from local storage system. “Mapping” means assigning the management numbers to the external volumes. This management numbers are required for manipulating external volumes from local storage system. By assigning the management numbers to the external volumes, the system administrator will be able to manipulate not only internal volumes of local storage system but also external volumes using Storage Navigator. The management numbers consist of "external volume group number - sequential number" (Example: E2­1, E50-3).
Figure 2-1 shows the idea of connection between a local storage system and an external storage system which are connected by the Universal Volume Manager function. In the to the external port of the local storage system via a switch using the fibre­channel interface. The external port is a kind of port attribute, which is used for Universal Volume Manager. In the mapped as internal volumes.
Figure 2-1, the external storage system is connected
Figure 2-1, the external volumes are
Make sure that you do not access the external volume, which has been mapped as an internal volume, from the host that is connected to the external storage system. Also make sure that you do not access the mapped external volume using the function (e.g., copy function) of the external storage system. Once you have mapped an external volume as an internal volume, you have to access the mapped external volume only from the local storage system side.
From the host, you can access the external storage system volumes that have not been mapped as the internal volumes. There is no restriction.
2-2 About Universal Volume Manager Operations
Hitachi Universal Storage Platform V/VM Universal Volume Manager User’s Guide
Host 1
Host 2
Local Storage System
Vol umes
Volumes installed in the storage system
Virtual volumes that do not have physical memory space
Lines showing the concept of mapping
Figure 2-1 Concept of Universal Volume Manager
External Storage System
By mapping an external volume as an internal volume using Universal Volume Manager as shown in
Figure 2-1, it becomes possible to operate the external volume using Storage Navigator as if it is a volume in the local storage system.
About Universal Volume Manager Operations 2-3
Hitachi Universal Storage Platform V/VM Universal Volume Manager User’s Guide

Universal Volume Manager Components

System using Universal Volume Manager usually contains the following components:
Local storage system (USP V/VM storage system)
External storage system
Storage Navigator computer
Universal Volume Manager
External volume
Internal volume, which is a virtual representation of an external volume
LDEVs (Logical Devices) in an external volume
Cross-subsystem path
Mapping path
The following figure illustrates the relations of the Universal Volume Manager components.
Local Storage System
Set or View
(Web Server)
Volumes installed in the storage system
Virtual volumes that do not have physical memory space
Lines showing the concept of mapping
LDEVs in the
External Volume
External Storage System
Cross-subsystem Path
Mapping Path
Vol ume
Figure 2-2 Universal Volume Manager Components
This section describes the details of the storage systems, cross-subsystem paths, volumes and mapping paths as shown in the above figure.
2-4 About Universal Volume Manager Operations
Hitachi Universal Storage Platform V/VM Universal Volume Manager User’s Guide
Storage Systems and Cross-subsystem Paths
Before using Universal Volume Manager, connect the fibre channel port of the local storage system to the external storage system port with the fibre cable. The route between ports, which is connected with the cable, is called the "cross-subsystem path".
The fibre channel port of the local storage system is set to connect to the host by default. The fibre channel port can be connected to an external storage system if you change the attribute of the fibre channel port so that it is an external port, which can be connected to an external storage system. The external storage system port can be a target port, which can be connected to a host.
To manipulate Universal Volume Manager, you need to install Universal Volume Manager by using the license key. Use your Storage Navigator computer to access the local storage system via SVP (web server) and perform the Universal Volume Manager operations.
Volumes and Mapping Paths
Volumes in the external storage system (see C in Figure 2-2) are called "external volumes". Mapping is necessary to manipulate an external volume from the local storage system. The system administrator maps an external volume as an internal volume (see B in After the mapping, you can manipulate the external volume from the local storage system in the same way as manipulating an internal volume.
Figure 2-2) in the local storage system.
Note: When external volumes in external storage systems are mapped as internal volumes in your USP V/VM storage systems, the external volumes can be accessed and copied by hosts connecting to your USP V/VM storage systems, but not by hosts connecting to the external storage systems.
This document sometimes uses the term "an external volume" or "a mapped external volume" to mention an internal volume where an external volume is mapped (see B in representation of an external volume.
When you perform mapping, a path is automatically created between an internal volume and an external volume. This path is called "a mapping path", which connects one volume with another volume. A cross-subsystem path is a part of a mapping path.
About Universal Volume Manager Operations 2-5
Figure 2-2), because this internal volume is a virtual
Hitachi Universal Storage Platform V/VM Universal Volume Manager User’s Guide
To use the external volumes, which you mapped as an internal volume (see B in
Figure 2-2), from the host or other program products, the system
administrator needs to create LDEVs in the external volume (see A in
Figure 2-2). To create LDEVs, use Universal Volume Manager at the time of mapping, or use VLL function to an internal volume where an external volume is mapped after mapping. The LDEVs created by these methods are called “LDEVs in the external volume” in this document. These LDEVs are usually called “external volumes” in other documents.
An external volume corresponds to a VLL VDEV (Virtual Device). An LDEV in the external volume corresponds to a VLL LDEV. Therefore, you can use VLL function to create custom-sized volumes in an external volume after mapping, in the same way as creating custom-sized volumes in the normal internal volumes. For details on VDEVs and LDEVs, see the Virtual LVI/LUN and Volume Shredder User's Guide.
2-6 About Universal Volume Manager Operations
Hitachi Universal Storage Platform V/VM Universal Volume Manager User’s Guide

Universal Volume Manager Operations

Universal Volume Manager enables you to execute the following operations.
Preparing to use external volumes
You can map external volumes, set port attributes, and set cross­subsystem paths.
Preparing to manipulate the power supply of the storage systems
You must follow specific procedures if you want to manipulate the power supply of the storage systems when external volumes are used. To turn on or off the power supply of the external storage system after starting to use the external volumes, you need to execute the commands of Universal Volume Manager.
Setting up and removing the cross-subsystem paths
When you set up or remove the path (cable) connecting the storage systems, you need to use the Universal Volume Manager to make settings on the path.
Referring to the status of external volumes
You can refer to the status and the configuration of external volumes.
Stopping the use of external volumes
You can cancel mapping of external volumes.
Mapping external volumes by using spreadsheets
Universal Volume Manager supports the Configuration File Loader spreadsheets. Spreadsheets allow you to configure the mapping of multiple external volumes at one time, which is efficient when mapping a large number of volumes.
Setting the remote command device
By using the remote command device, you can manipulate volumes in the external storage system from the Command Control Interface on host computers.
About Universal Volume Manager Operations 2-7
Hitachi Universal Storage Platform V/VM Universal Volume Manager User’s Guide

Configuring Universal Volume Manager

Before configuring the Universal Volume Manager settings, you need to answer the following:
Which ports can be connected to external storage systems
Which external storage system and volumes should be mapped as the
internal volumes
How to configure external volume groups
What external volume attributes to be configured
How to configure cross-subsystem paths
How to make volume usable from the local storage system
Choosing External Port
The port used for Universal Volume Manager must be set as the external port. When the external storage system is connected to the external port of the local storage system, you can view the information on the external storage system from the Storage Navigator computer. The external storage system cannot be connected to the ports other than the external port.
In order to set the port attribute to external, the LU paths set to the port must be released. The attribute of the port where the LU paths are already set cannot be changed to external. Therefore, you must identify ports whose attributes can be changed to external before starting the Universal Volume Manager operations.
Note: The ports whose attributes are set for remote copy software (e.g., RCU target, initiator) or other features cannot be used as external ports for Universal Volume Mana the port attribute is set to other than external.
er. In addition, change the port attribute to external if
Choosing and Mapping External Volumes
When you connect an external storage system to an external port, volumes in the external storage system (external volumes) become available for mapping as volumes in the local storage system (internal volumes). Identify the volumes in each external storage system that should be mapped as internal volumes.
You cannot access the data that is stored in an external volume beyond the
maximum available capacity.
2-8 About Universal Volume Manager Operations
Hitachi Universal Storage Platform V/VM Universal Volume Manager User’s Guide
For example, if an external volume of 100 GB was mapped as an internal volume of 70 GB, then 30 GB of the external volume would not be accessible from the local storage system side.
You cannot map an external volume whose capacity is smaller than the
minimum available capacity.
For example, you cannot map an external volume of 10 GB as an internal volume which requires at least 30 GB.
The maximum or minimum available capacity of an external volume depends on the emulation type that is set when the volume is mapped.
Registering a Volume to an External Volume Group (ExG)
When you map an external volume as an internal volume, you need to register the external volume to an external volume group.
External volumes, which are set by Universal Volume Manager, can be classified into groups by usage. Any group of this type is called an external volume group (ExG). For instance, you can register multiple volumes in one external storage system to one external volume group. Or you can register the volumes in one external volume group and manage them in block, even though the data you want to manage in a lump is stored in volumes in the different external storage systems.
You need to assign numbers to external volume groups.
Configuring External Volume Attributes
When you map an external volume as an internal volume, you set the attributes of the external volume. External volume attributes can be set using the mapping policy or the Set External Volume Parameter dialog box of the Universal Volume Manager.
The attributes of the external volume are as follows:
Emulation type
Select an emulation type for the mapped external volume from the drop­down list.
The emulation type OPEN-V must be selected if, after the mapping, you are planning to use the existing data in the external volume from the local storage system. For example, if you want to migrate the existing data in the external volume to the local storage system volume, you have to set the OPEN-V emulation type when the external volume is mapped.
If you select the emulation type other than OPEN-V, the volume requires a specific area provided for management data. Once this area is provided, volume capacity after the mapping becomes less than the actual external volume capacity for the area (volume).
About Universal Volume Manager Operations 2-9
Hitachi Universal Storage Platform V/VM Universal Volume Manager User’s Guide
Cache Mode (Enable or Disable)
Cache mode specifies whether the write data from the host to the external storage system is propagated synchronously (Disable) or asynchronously (Enable). By default, cache mode is set to Enable. All I/O to and from the local storage system (either Enable or Disable) always uses cache. Write operations are always backed up in duplex cache.
If you select Enable, after receiving the data into the local storage
system cache memory, the local storage system signals the host that an I/O operation has completed and then asynchronously destages the data to the external storage system.
If you select Disable, the local storage system signals the host that an
I/O operation has completed only after the local storage system has synchronously written the data to the external storage system.
If you perform the Cache Residency Manager operation on the external volume, which the Cache Mode is set to Disable, the bind mode of Cache Residency Manager cannot be specified. For the Cache Residency Manager operation, see the Cache Residency Manager User’s Guide.
Note: When you set the cache mode, note the following:
Data that is not written by the host (for example, data written by ShadowImage) is asynchronously destaged to the external storage system regardless of the Cache Mode setting.
If you set the emulation type for a mainframe system (such as 3390­x), data that is written by a host using a command such as Format Write is asynchronously destaged to the external storage system regardless of the Cache Mode setting. Data that is written by a host using a command such as Update Write is destaged to the external storage system as configured in the Cache Mode setting.
Inflow Control (Enable or Disable)
Inflow control specifies whether the writing operation to the cache memory is stopped (Enable) or continued (Disable) when the writing operation to the external volume is impossible. By default, inflow control is set to Disable.
If you select Enable, the writing operation to cache is stopped and the
I/O from the host is not accepted when the writing operation to the external volume is impossible.
If you select Disable, the I/O from the host during the retry operation
is written to the cache memory even after the writing operation to the external volume is impossible. Once the writing operation to the external volume becomes normal, all the data in the cache memory is written to the external volume (all the data is destaged).
2-10 About Universal Volume Manager Operations
Hitachi Universal Storage Platform V/VM Universal Volume Manager User’s Guide
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