Hitachi HUS103030FL3600, HUS103030FL3800, HUS103014FL3600, HUS103014FL3800, HUS103073FL3600 Quick Installation Guide

HHiittaacchhii GGlloobbaall SSttoorraaggee TTeecchhnnoollooggiieess
QQuuiicckk IInnssttaallllaattiioonn GGuuiiddee HHiittaacchhii UUllttrraassttaarr 1100KK330
HHUUSS110033003300FFLL33660000 HHUUSS110033003300FFLL33880000 HHUUSS1 HHUUSS110033007733FFLL33660000
10033001144FFLL33660000 HHUUSS110033001144FFLL33880000

Handling precautions

Do not open the electrostatic discharge (ESD) bag containing the drive until required.
Do not apply pressure on the drive during handling and installation.
To prevent damage from impact or vibration always set the drive down gently.
Handle the drive carefully by the edges. Do not touch the exposed printed circuit board or any electronic components.
Do not cover the breather hole! Covering the breather hole may result in loss of data.
Save the packaging materials including the ESD bag in the event that the drive must be returned.

Installing the drive

1. Record the serial number and part number of your hard drive for future reference
2. Turn off the computer and remove the computer system cover
3. Before handling the hard disk drive, discharge any static electricity from yourself and your clothing. With one hand touch an unpainted metal surface on the computer chassis, and then touch the ESD bag with the other hand for a minimum of two seconds.
4. Remove the hard drive from the ESD bag.
5. Unplug the computer.
6. Assign a SCSI address if necessary.
Wide LVD 68pin-16bits (NW)
Option Jumper Conne ctor (C3)
Note: The SCSI ID setting is to be set via the eC3 connector (not by the C4.) In case the SCSI ID setting is done by remote switch via the C4 connector and remote cable, remove all Jumper Sockets from the C3 connector to avoid ID control conflicts.
Signal Name Pin
1 ID3 2 GND 3 ID2 4 GND 5 ID1 6 GND 7 ID0 8 GND
Disable Auto
Start Force Single
Ended mode Enable
Delayed Start 15 Write Protect 16 GND 17 Reserved 18 GND 19 Reserved 20 GND
LED(with 0 21
Term. Power 22
to SCSI bus
Signal Name
5Vwith 150 ohm Term Power to SCSI bus
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Auxiliary Connector C4

Pin Signal Name Pin
1 ID0 2 Reserved 3 ID1 4 Reserved 5 ID2 6 Reserved
7 ID3 8 9 N.C. 10 GND 11 5V 12
Signal Name
LED (with 150 0hn)
Term Power to SCSI bus

No Jumpers required on the 80 Pin Connector

7. Mounting Orientation
The drive may be installed horizontally or Vertically. Provide adequate airflow to cool drive. Use 4 mounting screws(6x32UNC). Maximum screw penetration 3.8mm(0.15 in) into drive.
© © Copyright Hitachi Global Storage Technologies 2004
8. For a 68-pin drive attach the power cable and ensure that one end of the SCSI cable is connected to the host adapter. The cable should be terminated. (The 80-pin drive is plugged
into the server backplanes and requires no cables)
9. Ensure that all cables are connected and
properly routed.
13. Turn on your computer.
If the system boots be sure the drive is
recognized. If it is turn off the computer and replace the cover. Proceed to install your operating system.
If your system does not boot up, turn off
your computer and check all connections and settings. Turn on and boot the system.
If the system fails to boot, turn off your system. Contact the Hitachi
GST Technology Support Center for assistance.
Special Notes:
For this drive to operate in LVD mode all SCSI devices including the SCSI bus host adapter must be LVD devices.
The drive is designed to detect if the SCSI bus is LVD or SE. The drive will function based upon the mode that it detects. To force SE ended mode on the 68-pin drive, place a jumper across pins 11&12 connector C3
For 68 pin drives termination power must provided. In most cases the host adapter provides it. It is not install a jumper on pins 23&24 on option jumper C3. If using the Auxiliary connector C4 jumper pins 11&12. (
Hitachi Global Storage Technologies 5600 Cottle Road San Jose, CA 95193
Produced in the United States 2/04
All rights reserved Utrastar is a trademark of Hitachi Global Storage Technologies.
Other product names are trademarks or regist ered trademarks of other respective companies.
References in this publication to Hitachi Global Storage Technologies products, programs or services do not imply that Hitachi Global Storage Technologies intends to make these available in all countries in which Hitachi Global Storage Technologies operates.
Product information is provided for information purposes only and does not constitute a warranty.
Information is true as of the date of publication and is subject to change. Actual results may vary.
This publication is for general guidance only . Photographs may show design models.
18 February 2004
The 80-pin drive does not provide termination
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