HB28C048C6, HB28C032C6, HB28C016C6 are CompactFlash™. This card complies with CompactFlash™
specification, and is suitable for the usage of data storage memory medium for PC or any other electric
equipment and digital still camera. This card is equipped with Hitachi 128 Mega bit Flash memory. This
card is suitable for ISA (Industry Standard Architecture) bus interface standard, and read/write unit is 1 sector
(512 bytes) sequential access. By using this card it is possible to operate good performance for the system
which have CompactFlashTM slots.
Note: CompactFlash™ is a trademark of SanDisk Corporation and is licensed royalty-free to the CFA which
in turn will license it royalty-free to CFA members.
*CFA: CompactFlash™ Association.
• CompactFlash™ specification standard
50 pin two pieces connector and Type I (3.3 mm)
• 3.3V / 5V single power supply operation
• Card density is 48 Mega bytes maximum
This card is equipped with Hitachi 128 Mega bit Flash memory
• 3 variations of mode access
Memory card mode
I/O card mode
True IDE mode
• Internal self-diagnostic program operates at VCC power on
• High reliability based on internal ECC (Error Correcting Code) function
18, 19, 20Address bus is A10 to A0. Only A2 to A0 are used,
I/O46BVD1 outputs the battery voltage status in the card.
I/O45BVD2 outputs the battery voltage status in the card.
O26, 25-CD1 and -CD2 are the card detection signals. -CD1
I7, 32-CE1 and -CE2 are low active card select signals.
Address bus is A10 to A0. A10 is MSB and A0 is
A10 to A3 should be grounded by the host.
This output line is constantly driven to a high state
since a battery is not required for this product.
-STSCHG is used for changing the status of
Configuration and status register in attribute area.
-PDIAG is the Pass Diagnostic signal in Master/Slave
handshake protocol.
This output line is constantly driven to a high state
since a battery is not required for this product.
-SPKR outputs speaker signals. This output line is
constantly driven to a high state since this product
does not support the audio function.
-DASP is the Disk Active/Slave Present signal in the
Master/Slave handshake protocol.
and -CD2 are connected to ground in this card, so
host can detect that the card is inserted or not.
Byte/Word/Odd byte mode are defined by combination
of -CE1, -CE2 and A0.
-CE2 is used for select the Alternate Status Register
and the Device Control Register while -CE1 is the chip
select for the other task file registers.
Signal nameDirection Pin No.Description
(PC Card Memory mode)
(PC Card I/O mode)
(True IDE mode)
D15 to D0
(PC Card Memory mode)
D15 to D0
(PC Card I/O mode)
D15 to D0
(True IDE mode)
(PC Card Memory mode)
(PC Card I/O mode)
(True IDE mode)
(PC Card Memory mode)
(PC Card I/O mode)
Input Acknowledge
(True IDE mode)
(PC Card Memory mode)
(PC Card I/O mode)
(True IDE mode)
I39This signal is not used.
This signal is used to configure this device as a
Master or a Slave when configured in the True IDE
mode. When this pin is grounded, this device is
configured as a Master. When the pin is open, this
device is configured as a Slave.
I/O31, 30, 29, 28,
27, 49, 48, 47, 6,
5, 4, 3, 2, 23, 22,
—1, 50Ground
O43This signal is not used and should not be connected
I34This signal is not used.
Data bus is D15 to D0. D0 is the LSB of the even byte
of the word. D8 is the LSB of the odd byte of the
at the host.
This signal is asserted low by this card when the card
is selected and responding to an I/O read cycle at the
address that is on the address bus during -CE and
-IORD are low. This signal is used for the input data
buffer control.
This signal is not used and should not be connected
at the host.
-IORD is used for control of read data in I/O task file
area. This card does not respond to -IORD until I/O
card interface setting up.
-IORD is used for control of read data in I/O task file
area. This card does not respond to -IORD until True
IDE interface setting up.
Signal nameDirection Pin No.Description
(PC Card Memory mode)
(PC Card I/O mode)
(True IDE mode)
(PC Card Memory mode)
(PC Card I/O mode)
(True IDE mode)
(PC Card Memory mode)
(PC Card I/O mode)
(True IDE mode)
(PC Card Memory mode)
Attribute memory select
(PC Card I/O mode)
(True IDE mode)
I35This signal is not used.
-IOWR is used for control of data write in I/O task file
area. This card does not respond to -IOWR until I/O
card interface setting up.
-IOWR is used for control of data write in I/O task file
area. This card does not respond to -IOWR until True
IDE interface setting up.
I9-OE is used for the control of reading register’s data in
attribute area or task file area.
-OE is used for the control of reading register’s data in
attribute area.
To enable True IDE mode this input should be
grounded by the host.
O37The signal is RDY/-BSY pin. RDY/-BSY pin turns low
level during the card internal initialization operation at
VCC applied or reset applied, so next access to the
card should be after the signal turned high level.
This signal is active low -IREQ pin. The signal of low
level indicates that the card is requesting software
service to host, and high level indicates that the card
is not requesting.
This signal is the active high Interrupt Request to the
I44-REG is used during memory cycles to distinguish
between task file and attribute memory accesses.
High for task file, Low for attribute memory is
-REG is constantly low when task file or attribute
memory is accessed.
This input signal is not used and should be connected
to VCC.
Signal nameDirection Pin No.Description
(PC Card Memory mode)
(PC Card I/O mode)
(True IDE mode)
(PC Card Memory mode)
(PC Card I/O mode)
(True IDE mode)
-VS1, -VS2
(PC Card Memory mode)
-VS1, -VS2
(PC Card I/O mode)
-VS1, -VS2
(True IDE mode)
(PC Card Memory mode)
(PC Card I/O mode)
(True IDE mode)
(PC Card Memory mode)
(PC Card I/O mode)
(True IDE mode)
I41This signal is active high RESET pin. If this signal is
asserted high, the card internal initialization begins to
operate. During the card internal initialization
RDY/-BSY is low. After the card internal initialization
RDY/-BSY is high.
This signal is active high RESET pin. If this signal is
asserted high, the card internal initialization begins to
operate. In this mode, RDY/-BSY signal can not be
used, so using Status Register the Ready/Busy status
can be confirmed.
This signal is active low -RESET pin. If this signal is
asserted low, all the register’s in this card are reset.
In this mode, RDY/-BSY signal can not be used, so
using status register the Ready/Busy status can be
—13, 38+5 V, +3.3 V power.
O33, 40These signals are intended to notify VCC requirement
to host. -VS1 is held grounded and -VS2 is
nonconnected in this card.
O42This signal is active low -WAIT pin. In this card this
signal is constantly high level.
This output signal may be used as IORDY. In this
card this signal is constantly high impedance.
I36-WE is used for the control of writing register’s data in
attribute memory area or task file area.
-WE is used for the control of writing register’s data in
attribute memory area.
This input signal is not used and should be connected
to VCC by the host.
Signal nameDirection Pin No.Description
(PC Card Memory mode)
Write Protect
(PC Card I/O mode)
(True IDE mode)
O24WP is held low because this card does not have write
protect switch.
-IOIS16 is asserted when task file registers are
accessed in 16-bit mode.
This output signal is asserted low when this device is
expecting a word data transfer cycle. Initial mode is
16-bit. If the user issues a Set Feature Command to
put the device in Byte access mode, the card permits
8-bit accesses.
-CE1, -CE2, -OE, -WE, -IORD, -IOWR, -REG pins are schmitt trigger type input buffer.
Card Function Explanation
Register construction
• Attribute region
Configuration register
• Configuration Option register
• Configuration and Status register
• Pin Replacement register
• Socket and Copy register
CIS ( C ard I nformation S tructure)
• Task File region
Data register
Error register
Feature register
Sector Count register
Sector Number register
Cylinder Low register
Cylinder High register
Drive Head register
Status register
Alternate Status register
Command register
Device Control register
Drive Address register
Host access specifications
1. Attribute access specifications
When CIS-ROM region or Configuration register region is accessed, read and write operations are executed
under the condition of -REG = "L" as follows. That region can be accessed by Byte/Word/Odd-byte modes
which are defined by PC card standard specifications.
Word access (16-bit)LLL×LHinvalideven byte
Odd byte access (8-bit)LLH×LHinvalidHigh-Z
Note: ×: L or H
Attribute Write Access Mode
Mode-REG-CE2-CE1A0-OE-WED8 to D15D0 to D7
Standby mode×HH×××Don’t careDon’t care
Byte access (8-bit)LHLLHLDon’t careeven byte
LHLHHLDon’t careDon’t care
Word access (16-bit)LLL×HLDon’t careeven byte
Odd byte access (8-bit)LLH×HLDon’t careDon’t care
Note: ×: L or H
Attribute Access Timing Example
A0 to A10
D0 to D15
read cyclewrite cycle
2. Task File register access specifications
There are two cases of Task File register mapping, one is mapped I/O address area, the other is mapped Memory address
area. Each case of Task File register read and write operations are executed under the condition as follows. That area can
be accessed by Byte/Word/Odd Byte mode which are defined by PC card standard specifications.
(1) I/O address map
Task File Register Read Access Mode (1)
Mode-REG -CE2-CE1A0-IORD -IOWR -OE-WED8 to D15 D0 to D7
Mode-REG -CE2-CE1A0-OE-WE-IORD -IOWR D8 to D15 D0 to D7
Standby mode×HHЧЧЧЧЧDon’t care Don’t care
Byte access (8-bit)HHLLHLHHDon’t care even byte
HHLHHLHHDon’t care odd byte
Word access (16-bit)HLL×HLHHodd byteeven byte
Odd byte access (8-bit) HLH×HLHHodd byteDon’t care
Note: ×: L or H
Task File Register Access Timing Example (2)
A0 to A10
D0 to D15
read cyclewrite cycle
3. True IDE Mode
The card can be configured in a True IDE mode of operation. This card is configured in this mode only when the -OE
input signal is asserted GND by the host. In this True IDE mode Attribute Registers are not accessible from the host.
Only I/O operation to the task file and data register are allowed. If this card is configured during power on
sequence, data register are accessed in word (16-bit). The card permits 8-bit accesses if the user issues a Set Feature
Command to put the device in 8-bit mode.
True IDE Mode Read I/O Function
Mode-CE2-CE1A0 to A2 -IORD-IOWRD8 to D15 D0 to D7
Invalid modeLL×××High-ZHigh-Z
Standby modeHH×××High-ZHigh-Z
Data register accessHL0LHodd byteeven byte
Alternate status accessLH6HLHHigh-Zstatus out
Other task file accessHL1-7HLHHigh-Zdata
Note: ×: L or H
True IDE Mode Write I/O Function
Mode-CE2-CE1A0 to A2 -IORD-IOWRD8 to D15 D0 to D7
Invalid modeLL×××don’t caredon’t care
Standby modeHH×××don’t caredon’t care
Data register accessHL0HLodd byteeven byte
Control register accessLH6HHLdon’t carecontrol in
Other task file accessHL1-7HHLdon’t caredata
Note: ×: L or H
True IDE Mode I/O Access Timing Example
A0 to A2
D0 to D15
read cyclewrite cycle
Configuration register specifications
This card supports four Configuration registers for the purpose of the configuration and observation of this
card. These registers can be used in memory card mode and I/O card mode. In True IDE mode, these
registers can not be used.
1. Configuration Option register (Address 200H)
This register is used for the configuration of the card configuration status and for the issuing soft reset to the
Note: initial value: 00H
R/WSetting this bit to "1", places the card in the reset state (Card Hard Reset). This
operation is equal to Hard Reset, except this bit is not cleared. Then this bit set to "0",
places the card in the reset state of Hard Reset (This bit is set to "0" by Hard Reset) .
Card configuration status is reset and the card internal initialized operation starts when
Card Hard Reset is executed, so next access to the card should be the same sequence
as the power on sequence.
R/WThis bit sets to "0" when pulse mode interrupt is selected, and "1" when level mode
interrupt is selected.
R/WThis bits is used for select operation mode of the card as follows.
When Power on, Card Hard Reset and Soft Reset, this data is "000000" for the purpose
of Memory card interface recognition.
INDEX bit assignment
5 4 32 1 0 Card modeTask File register addressMapping mode
0 0 00 0 0 Memory card0H to FH, 400H to 7FFHmemory mapped
0 0 00 0 1 I/O cardxx0H to xxFHcontiguous I/O mapped
0 0 00 1 0 I/O card1F0H to 1F7H, 3F6H to 3F7Hprimary I/O mapped
0 0 00 1 1 I/O card170H to 177H, 376H to 377Hsecondary I/O mapped
2. Configuration and Status register (Address 202H)
This register is used for observing the card state.
RThis bit indicates that CRDY/-BSY bit on Pin Replacement register is set to "1". When
CHGED bit is set to "1", -STSCHG pin is held "L" at the condition of SIGCHG bit set to
"1" and the card configured for the I/O interface.
R/WThis bit is set or reset by the host for enabling and disabling the status-change signal (-
STSCHG pin). When the card is configured I/O card interface and this bit is set to "1", STSCHG pin is controlled by CHGED bit. If this bit is set to "0", -STSCHG pin is kept
R/WThe host sets this field to "1" when it can provide I/O cycles only with on 8-bit data bus
(D7 to D0).
R/WWhen this bit is set to "1", the card enters sleep state (Power Down mode). When this
bit is reset to "0", the card transfers to idle state (active mode). RRDY/-BSY bit on Pin
Replacement Register becomes BUSY when this bit is changed. RRDY/-BSY will not
become Ready until the power state requested has been entered. This card
automatically powers down when it is idle, and powers back up when it receives a
RThis bit indicates the internal state of the interrupt request. This bit state is available
whether I/O card interface has been configured or not. This signal remains true until the
condition which caused the interrupt request has been serviced. If interrupts are
disabled by the -IEN bit in the Device Control Register, this bit is a zero.
3. Pin Replacement register (Address 204H)
This register is used for providing the signal state of -IREQ signal when the card configured I/O card interface.
This register is used for identification of the card from the other cards. Host can read and write this register.
This register should be set by host before this card's Configuration Option register set.
Note: initial value: 00H
R/WThis bit is set to "1" when the RRDY/-BSY bit changes state. This bit may also be
written by the host.
R/WWhen read, this bit indicates +READY pin states. When written, this bit is used for
CRDY/-BSY bit masking.
R/WThis fields are used for the configuration of the plural cards. When host configures the
plural cards, written the card’s copy number in this field. In this way, host can perform
the card’s master/slave organization.
CIS informations
CIS informations are defined as follows. By reading attribute address from "0000 H", card CIS informations
can be confirmed.
Address Data 76 543210Description of contentsCIS function
000H01H CISTPL_DEVICEDevice info tupleTuple code
002H04H TPL_LINKLink length is 4 byteLink to next tuple
004HDFH Device typeW
006H4AH EXT Speed
008H01H 1x2k units2k byte of address spaceDevice size
00AHFFH List end markerEnd of deviceEND marker
00CH1CH CISTPL_DEVICE_OCOther conditions device info
00EH04H TPL_LINKLink length is 4 bytesLink to next tuple
010H02H EXT ReservedV
012HD9H Device typeW
014H01H 1x2k units2k byte of address spaceDevice size
016HFFH List end markerEnd of deviceEND marker
018H18H CISTPL_JEDEC_CJEDEC ID common memory Tuple code
01AH02H TPL_LINKLink length is 2 bytesLink to next tuple
01CHDFH PCMCIA’s manufacturer’s JEDEC
ID code
01EH01H PCMCIA JEDEC device code2nd byte of JEDEC ID
020H20H CISTPL_MANFIDManufacturer’s ID codeTuple code
022H04H TPL_LINKLink length is 4 bytesLink to next tuple
024H07H Low byte of PCMCIA
manufacturer’s code
026H00H High byte of PCMCIA
manufacturer’s code
028H00H Low byte of product codeHITACHI code for PC CARD
02AH00H High byte of product codeHigh byte of product code
Device speed Device type = DH: I/O device
MWAIT 3 V, wait is not usedOther conditions info field
Device speed Device type = DH: I/O device
WPS = 1: No WP
Device speed = 7: ext speed
400 ns if no waitExtended speed
WPS = 1: No WP
Device speed = 1: 250 ns
Manufacturer’s ID codeJEDEC ID of PC Card ATA
manufacturer’s ID
Code of 0 because other byte
is JEDEC 1 byte
manufacture’s ID
Device type, WPS, speed
Tuple code
Device type, WPS, speed
Low byte of manufacturer’s
ID code
High byte of manufacturer’s
ID code
Low byte of product code
Address Data 76 543210Description of contentsCIS function
02CH15HCISTPL_VERS_1Level 1 version/product infoTuple code
02EH15H TPL_LINKLink length is 15h bytesLink to next tuple
030H04H TPPLV1_MAJORPCMCIA2.0/JEIDA4.1Major version
032H01H TPPLV1_MINORPCMCIA2.0/JEIDA4.1Minor version
034H48H‘ H ’Info string 1
036H49H‘ I ’
038H54H‘ T ’
03AH41H‘ A ’
03CH43H‘ C ’
03EH48H‘ H ’
040H49H‘ I ’
042H00HNull terminator
044H46H‘ F ’Info string 2
046H4CH‘ L ’
048H41H‘ A ’
04AH53H‘ S ’
04CH48H‘ H ’
04EH00HNull terminator
050H35H‘ 5 ’Vender specific strings
052H2EH‘ . ’
054H30H‘ 0 ’
056H00HNull terminator
058HFFH List end markerEnd of deviceEND marker
05AH21H CISTPL_FUNCIDFunction ID tupleTuple code
05CH02HTPL_LINKLink length is 2 bytesLink to next tuple
05EH04H TPLFID_FUNCTION = 04HDisk function, may be silicon,
may be removable
060H01H ReservedR PR = 0: No BIOS ROM
P = 1: Configure card at
power on
PC card function code
System initialization byte
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