HIT HB288064MM1 Datasheet

64 MByte
ADE-203-1191 (Z)
Rev. 0.0
The Hitachi MultiMediaCard HB288064MM1 is a highly integrated flash memory with serial and random access capability. It is accessible via a dedicated serial interface optimized for fast and reliable data transmission. This interface allows several cards to be stacked by through connecting their peripheral contacts. The HB288064MM1 is fully compatible to a new consumer standard, called the MultiMediaCard system standard defined in the MultiMediaCard system specification [1]. The MultiMediaCard system is a new mass-storage system based on innovations in semiconductor technology. It has been developed to provide an inexpensive, mechanically robust storage medium in card form for multimedia consumer applications. MultiMediaCard allows the design of inexpensive players and drives without moving parts. A low power consumption and a wide supply voltage range favors mobile, battery-powered applications such as audio players, organizers, palmtops, electronic books, encyclopedia and dictionaries. Using very effective data compression schemes such as MPEG, the MultiMediaCard will deliver enough capacity for all kinds of multimedia data: software/programs, text, music, speech, images, video etc.
Note: MultiMediaCard is a trademark of Siemens AG.
64 MByte memory capacity
On card error correction
Preliminary: The specifications of this device are subject to change without notice. Please contact your nearest Hitachi’s Sales Dept. regarding specifications.
MultiMediaCard system standard compatibilitySystem specification version 2.11 compliantSPI interface supportedBlock and partial block read supported (Command classes 0 and 2)Stream read supported (Command class 1)Block write and erase supported (Command classes 4 and 5)Group write protection (Command classes 6)Stream write supported (Command classes 3)Password data access protectionSmall erase block size of 512 bytes, tagged erase supportedRead block size programmable between 1 and 2048 bytesVCC = 2.7 V to 3.6 V operation voltage range (VCC = 2.0 V to 3.6 V for the interface)  No external programming voltage requiredDamage free powered card insertion and removal4kV ESD protection
High speed serial interface with random accessRead speed: sustained: 13.7 Mbits/s (multi-block read)
burst (one block): 20 Mbit/s
Write speed: sustained: 2.8 Mbit/s (multi-block write to pre-erased sectors)
burst (one block): 20 Mbit/s
Up to 10 stacked card (at 20 MHz, VCC = 2.7 to 3.6V)  Access time: 300 µs (max) (at 20 MHz, VCC = 2.7 to 3.6V, random byte access (Typical case))
Low power dissipationHigh speed: 95 mW (max) (at 20 MHz, VCC = 2.7 V)
Block Diagram
Flash control
Internal clock
OCR[31:0] CID[127:0]
Interface driver
Core control
Memory core
Power on reset unit
All units in the HB288064MM1 are clocked by an internal clock generator. The Interface driver unit synchronizes the DAT and CMD signals from external CLK to the internal used clock signal. The card is controlled by the three line MultiMediaCard interface containing the signals: CMD, CLK, DAT (refer to Chapter “Interfaces”). For the identification of the HB288064MM1 in a stack of MultiMediaCards a card identification register (CID) and a relative card address register (RCA) is foreseen. An additional register contains different types of operation parameters. This register is called card specific data register (CSD). The communication using the MultiMediaCard lines to access either the memory field or the registers is defined by the MultiMediaCard standard (refer to Chapter “Communication”). The card has its own power on detection unit. No additional master reset signal is required to setup the card after power on. It is protected against short circuit during insertion and removal while the MultiMediaCard system is powered up (refer to Chapter “Power Supply”). No external programming voltage supply is required. The programming voltage is generated on card. HB288064MM1 supports a second interface operation mode the SPI interface mode. The SPI mode is activated if the CS signal is asserted (negative) during the reception of the reset command (CMD0) (refer to Chapter “SPI Communication”).
The HB288064MM1 interface can operate in two different modes:
MultiMediaCard mode
SPI mode
Both modes are using the same pins. The default mode is the MultiMediaCard mode. The SPI mode is selected by activating (= 0) the CS signal (Pin1) and sending the CMD0.
MultiMediaCard Mode
In the HB288064MM1, all data is transferred over a minimal number of lines:
CLK: with each cycle of this signal an one bit transfer on the command and data lines is done. The frequency may vary between zero and the maximum clock frequency. The MultiMediaCard bus master is free to generate these cycles without restrictions in the range of 0 to 20 MHz.
CMD: is a bidirectional command channel used for card initialization and data transfer commands. The CMD signal has two operation modes: open drain for initialization mode and push pull for fast command transfer. Commands are sent from the MultiMediaCard bus master to the HB288064MM1 and responses vice versa.
DAT: is a bidirectional data channel with a width of one line. The DAT signal of the HB288064MM1 operates in push pull mode.
Interface driver
MultiMediaCard Host
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
MultiMediaCard Mode Interface
All MultiMediaCards are connected directly to the lines of the MultiMediaCard bus. The following table defines the card contacts.
MultiMediaCard Mode Pad Definition
Pin No. Name Type*
1 RSV NC No connection 2 CMD I/O/PP/OD Command/Response 3V
S Ground 4VCCS Power supply 5 CLK I Clock 6V
S Ground 7 DAT I/O/PP Data
Note: 1. S: power supply; I: input; O: output; PP: push-pull; OD: open-drain; NC: No connection or V
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Interface driver
MultiMediaCard Mode I/O-drivers
MultiMediaCard interface controller
Memory core interface
SPI Mode
The Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) is a general-purpose synchronous serial interface originally found on certain Motorola microcontrollers. The MultiMediaCard SPI interface is compatible with SPI hosts available on the market. As any other SPI device the MultiMediaCard SPI interface consists of the following four signals:
CS: Host to card Chip Select signal.
CLK: Host to card clock signal
Data in: Host to card data signal.
Data out: Card to host data signal.
The MultiMediaCard card identification and addressing methods are replaced by a hardware Chip Select (CS) signal. There are no broadcast commands. For every command, a card (slave) is selected by asserting (active low) the CS signal (refer to Figure “SPI Bus System”). The CS signal must be continuously active for the duration of the SPI transaction (command, response and data). The only exception occurs during card programming, when the host can de-assert the CS signal without affecting the programming process. The bidirectional CMD and DAT lines are replaced by unidirectional data in and data out signals. This eliminates the ability of executing commands while data is being read or written and, therefore, makes the sequential and multi block read/write operations obsolete. Only single block read/write commands are supported by the SPI channel. The SPI interface uses the same seven signals of the standard MultiMediaCard bus (refer to Table “SPI Interface Pin Configuration”).
Power supply
SPI bus (CLK, Datain, Dataout)
SPI Bus System
SPI bus master
SPI cardSPI card
SPI Interface Pin Configuration
MuitiMediaCard SPI
Pin No. Name Type*
1 RSV NC Reserved for future use CS I Chip select (neg true) 2 CMD I/O/PP/OD Command/Response DI I Data in 3V
S Ground V 4VCCS Power supply V 5 CLK I Clock SCLK I Clock 6V
S Ground V 7 DAT I/O/PP Data DO O/PP Data out
Note: 1. S: power supply; I: input; O: output; PP: push-pull; OD: open-drain; NC: No connection or V
Description Name Type Description
S Ground S Power supply
S Ground
The HB288064MM1 contains the following information registers:
Name Width Type Description
OCR 32 Programmed by the
Read only for user CID 128 Programmed by the
Read only for user RCA 16 Programmed during
initialization, not readable CSD 128 Programmed by the
manufacturer. Partially
programmable by the user.
CID and RCA are used for identifying and addressing the HB288064MM1. The third register contains the card specific data record. This record is a set of information fields to define the operation conditions of the HB288064MM1.
Supported voltage range, card power up status bit
Card identification number, card individual number for identification.
Relative card address, local system address of a card, dynamically assigned by the host during initialization.
Card specific data, information about the card operation conditions.
For the user the CID and the CSD are read only registers. They are read out by special commands (refer to Chapter “Commands”). The RCA registers are write only registers. Unlike CID and CSD, RCA looses its contents after powering down the card. Its value is reassigned in each initialization cycle. The MultiMediaCard registers usage in SPI mode is summarized in Table “MultiMediaCard Registers in SPI Mode”:
MultiMediaCard Registers in SPI Mode
Name Available in SPI mode Width (Bytes) Description
OCR Yes 32 Operation condition register. CID Yes 16 Card identification data (serial number, manufacturer ID
etc.) RCA No CSD Yes 16 Card specific data, information about the card operation
Card Identification (CID)
This register contains the card identification information used during the card identification procedure. It is a 128 bit wide register, one-time programmable by the provider. The CID is divided into eight slices:
CID Fields
Name Field Width CID-slice
Manufacturer ID MID 8 [127:120] OEM/Application ID OID 16 [119:104] Product name PNM 48 [103:56] Product revision PRV 8 [55:48] Product serial number PSN 32 [47:16] Manufacturing date MDT 8 [15:8] CRC checksum CRC 7 [7:1] not used, always 1 1 [0:0]
The CID has to be error free. To ensure the correctness of the CID a CRC checksum is added to the end of the CID. The CRC checksum is computed by the following formula:
CRC Calculation: G(x) = x7 + x3 + 1
M(x) = CID[127]x
CRC[6...0] = Remainder [(M(x)x7)/G(x)]
+...+ CID[8]∗x
Relative Card Address (RCA)
The 16-bit relative card address register carries the card address assigned by the host during the card identification. This address is used for the addressed host to card communication after the card identification procedure. The default value of the RCA register is 0x0001. The value 0x0000 is reserved to set all cards in Standby State with the command SELECT_DESELECT_CARD (CMD7). The RCA is programmed with the command SET_RELATIVE_ADDRESS (CMD3) during the initialization procedure. The content of this register is lost after power down. The default value is assigned when an internal reset is applied by the power up detection unit of the HB288064MM1.
Card Specific Data (CSD)
The card specific data register describes how to access the card content. The CSD defines card operating parameters like maximum data access time, data transfer speed.
The CSD Fields
Name Field Width CSD-slice Value Type
CSD structure CSD_STRUCTURE 2 [127:126] 1 read only Spec version SPEC_VERS 4 [125:122] 2 read only Reserved 2 [121:120] 0 read only Data read access-time-1 TAAC 8 [119:112] 0x0E (1 ms) read only Data read access-time-2 in
CLK cycles (NAC*100) Max. data transfer rate TRAN_SPEED 8 [103:96] 0x2A (20 Mbit/s) read only Card command classes CCC 12 [95:84] 0x0FF (class 0, 1,
Max. read data block length READ_BLK_LEN 4 [83:80] 0x9 (512 bytes) read only Partial blocks for read
allowed Write block misalignment WRITE_BLK_MISALIGN1 [78:78] ‘0’ (Disabled) read only
NSAC 8 [111:104] 0x01 (100 cycles) read only
read only
2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7)
READ_BLK_PARTIAL 1 [79:79] ‘1’*1 (Enabled) read only
Read block misalignment READ_BLK_MISALIGN 1 [77:77] ‘0’ (Disabled) read only DSR implemented DSR_IMP 1 [76:76] ‘0’ (Disabled) read only Reserved 2 [75:74] 0 read only Device size C_SIZE 12 [73:62] 0x7A7
(64 MByte)*
read only
Max. read current at VDD min VDD_R_CURR_MIN 3 [61:59] 0x5 (35 mA) read only Max. read current at VDD max VDD_R_CURR_MAX 3 [58:56] 0x5 (45 mA) read only Max. write current at V Max. write current at V Device size multiplier C_SIZE_MULT 3 [49:47] 4 (64 MByte)*
min VDD_W_CURR_MIN 3 [55:53] 0x5 (35 mA) read only
max VDD_W_CURR_MAX 3 [52:50] 0x5 (45 mA) read only
read only Erase sector size SECTOR_SIZE 5 [46:42] 0 (512 Bytes) read only Erase group size ERASE_GRP_SIZE 5 [41:37] 0x0F (8 kByte) read only
Name Field Width CSD-slice Value Type
Write protect group size WP_GRP_SIZE 5 [36:32] 0x01 (16 kByte) read only Write protect group enable WP_GRP_ENABLE 1 [31:31] ‘1’ read only Manufacturer default ECC DEFAULT_ECC 2 [30:29] 0 read only Write speed factor R2W_FACTOR 3 [28:26] 2 (4) read only Max. write data block length WRITE_BLK_LEN 4 [25:22] 9 (512 Bytes) read only Partial blocks for write
allowed Reserved 5 [20:16] 0 read only File format group FILE_FORMAT_GRP 1 [15:15] × read/write Copy flag (OTP) COPY 1 [14:14] ×* Permanent write protection PERM_WRITE_PROTECT1 [13:13] × read/write
Temporary write protection TMP_WRITE_PROTECT1 [12:12] × read/write/
File format FILE_FORMAT 2 [11:10] × read/write ECC code ECC 2 [9:8] × read/write/
CRC CRC 7 [7:1] × read/write/
Not used, always 1 0 [0:0] 1 read only Notes: 1. Access time from block to block within sector is 1 µs. For blocks smaller than 256 Byte, it is 62
2. This field is depended on the model. Refer to also C_SIZE_MULT
3. This field is depended on the model. Refer to also C_SIZE
4. × means user programmable
WRITE_BLK_PARTIAL 1 [21:21] ‘0’ read only
Some of the CSD fields are one-time or multiple programmable by the customer or provider. All other field values are fixed. The following section describes the CSD fields and their values for the HB288064MM1:
CSD Register Structure
CSD_STRUCTURE CSD register structure
‘01’ CSD version No. 1.1
The CSD version of the HB288064MM1 is related to the “MultiMediaCard system specification, Version
2.11”. The parameter CSD_STRUCTURE has permanently the value 1.
Defines the Spec version supported by the card. It includes the commands set definition and the definition of the card responses. The card identification procedure is compatible for all spec versions!
SPEC Version
SPEC_VERS System specification version number
‘0010’ System specification version 2.11
The Spec version of the HB288064MM1 is related to the “MultiMediaCard system specification, Version
2.11”. The parameter SPEC_VERS has permanently the value 2.
Defines the asynchronous data access time:
TAAC Access Time Definition
TAAC bit Description Values
2:0 time exponent 0 = 1 ns, 1 = 10 ns, 2 = 100 ns, 3 = 1 µs, 4 = 10 µs,
5 = 100 µs, 6 = 1 ms, 7 = 10 ms
6:3 time mantissa 0 = reserved, 1 = 1.0, 2 = 1.2, 3 = 1.3, 4 = 1.5,
5 = 2.0, 6 = 2.5, 7 = 3.0, 8 = 3.5, 9 = 4.0, A = 4.5, B = 5.0, C = 5.5, D = 6.0, E = 7.0, F = 8.0
7 reserved always ‘0’
The value for the asynchronous delay for the HB288064MM1 is 1 ms. The coded TAAC value is 0x0E (= 1 ms). For more details refer to Chapter “Operating Characteristics”.
Defines the worst case for the synchronous data access time. NAC is defined as 100*NSAC clock cycles, where NSAC presents a binary value. Max. value for the data access time NAC is 25.6k clock cycles. The total access time is the sum of both TAAC and NAC*clock period. The value of NSAC for the HB288064MM1 is 0x01 (100 cycles). For more details refer to Chapter “Operating Characteristics”.
The following table defines the maximum data transfer rate TRAN_SPEED:
Maximum Data Transfer Rate Definition
TRAN_SPEED bit Description
2:0 transfer rate exponent 0 = 100 kbit/s, 1 = 1 Mbit/s, 2 = 10 Mbit/s, 3 = 100
Mbit/s, 4...7 = reserved
6:3 time mantissa 0x0 = reserved, 0x1 = 1.0, 0x2 = 1.2, 0x3 = 1.3, 0x4 = 1.5,
0x5 = 2.0, 0x6 = 2.5, 0x7 = 3.0, 0x8 = 3.5, 0x9 = 4.0, 0xA = 4.5, 0xB = 5.0, 0xC = 5.5, 0xD = 6.0, 0xE = 7.0, 0xF = 8.0
7 reserved = ’0’
The HB288064MM1 supports a transfer rate between 0 and 20 Mbit/s. The parameter TRAN_SPEED is 0x2A.
The MultiMediaCard command set is divided into subsets (command classes). The card command class register CCC defines which command classes are supported by this card. A set CCC bit means that the corresponding command class is supported. For command class definition refer to Table “HB288064MM1 Command Classes”.
Supported Card Command Classes
CCC bit Supported card command classes
0 class0 1 class1
...... ......
11 class11
The HB288064MM1 supports the command classes 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7. The parameter CCC is permanently assigned to the value 0x0FF.
The data block length is computed as 2
Data Block Length
READ_BLK_LEN Block length Remark
02 12
...... ......
11 211 = 2048 bytes 12–15 reserved
= 1 byte
= 2 bytes
The block length might therefore be in the range 1, 2, 4...2048 bytes. This parameter defines the block length if READ_BLK_PARTIAL is not set. If READ_BLK_PARTIAL is set this parameter contains the maximum allowed value of the block length in bytes. All block lengths between one and this value are permitted. The actual block size is programmed by the command SET_BLOCKLEN (CMD16). The HB288064MM1 supports block lengths from 1 byte up to 2048 bytes. The parameter READ_BLK_LEN is permanently assigned to the value 0x9.
READ_BLK_PARTIAL defines whether partial block sizes can be used in block read and block write commands. READ_BLK_PARTIAL = 0 means that only the block size defined by READ_BLK_LEN can be used for block-oriented data transfers. READ_BLK_PARTIAL = 1 means that smaller blocks can be used as well. The minimum block size will be equal to minimum addressable unit (one byte). The HB288064MM1 supports partial block read. The parameter READ_BLK_PARTIAL is permanently assigned to the value ‘1’.
Defines if the data block to be written by one command can be spread over more than one physical blocks of the memory device. The size of the memory block is defined in WRITE_BLK_LEN. WRITE_BLK_MISALIGN is permanently assigned to the value ‘0’, signalling that crossing physical block boundaries is not allowed.
Defines if the data block to be read by one command can be spread over more than one physical block of the memory device. The size of the data block is defined in READ_BLK_LEN. READ_BLK_MISALIGN = 0 signals that crossing physical block boundaries is not allowed. READ_BLK_MISALIGN = 1 signals that crossing physical block boundaries is allowed. The HB288064MM1 does not support read block operations with boundary crossing. The parameter READ_BLK_MISALIGN is permanently assigned to the value ‘0’.
Defines if the configurable driver stage option is integrated on the card or not. If implemented a driver stage register (DSR) must be implemented also.
DSR Implementation
0 no DSR implemented 1 DSR implemented
The HB288064MM1 output drivers are not configurable. The parameter DSR_IMP is permanently assigned to the value ‘0’.
This parameter is used to compute the card capacity. The memory capacity of the card is computed from the entries C_SIZE, C_SIZE_MULT and READ_BLK_LEN as follows:
memory capacity = BLOCKNR*BLOCK_LEN
MULT = 2
, (READ_BLK_LEN < 12)
Therefore, the maximal capacity which can be coded is 4096*512*512 = 1 GBytes.
Example: A 64 MBytes card with BLOCK_LEN = 512 can be coded with C_SIZE_MULT = 4 and C_SIZE = 1959.
The card capacity is 64 MBytes.
The value of the parameter C_SIZE used in the formula above for the HB288064MM1 is 0x7A7.
The maximum supply current at the minimum supply voltage V
Maximum Supply Current Consumption at V
VDD_R_CURR_MIN VDD_W_CURR_MIN Code for current consumption at 2.7 V
2:0 0 = 0.5 mA; 1 = 1 mA; 2 = 5 mA; 3 = 10 mA; 4 = 25 mA; 5 = 35 mA; 6
= 60 mA; 7 = 100 mA
= 2.7 V
(2.7 V) is coded as follows:
The parameter VDD_R_CURR_MIN and VDD_W_CURR_MIN are permanently assigned to the value 5 (35 mA).
The maximum supply current at the maximum supply voltage VCC (3.6 V) is coded as follows:
Maximum Supply Current Consumption at V
VDD_R_CURR_MAX VDD_W_CURR_MAX Code for current consumption at 3.6 V
2:0 0 = 1 mA; 1 = 5 mA; 2 = 10 mA; 3 = 25 mA; 4 = 35 mA; 5 = 45 mA; 6 =
80 mA; 7 = 200 mA
= 3.6 V
The parameter VDD_R_CURR_MAX and VDD_W_CURR_MAX are permanently assigned to the value 5 (45 mA). For more details refer to Chapter “Characteristics”.
This parameter is used for coding a factor MULT for computing the total device size (refer to “C_SIZE”). The factor MULT is defined as 2
Multiply Factor for the Device Size
02 12 22 32 42 52 62 72
= 4
= 8
= 16
= 32
= 64
= 128
= 256
= 512
The card capacity is 64 MBytes. The value of the parameter C_SIZE_MULT used in the formula to calculate the card capacity (refer to parameter “C_SIZE”) for the HB288064MM1 is 4 (multiplier = 64).
The size of an erasable or write protection sector. The content of this register is a binary coded value defining the number of write blocks (refer to “WRITE_BLK_LEN”) of a sector. The sector size of the HB288064MM1 is set to 0 (= one write block = 512 bytes).
The size of an erasable group. The content of this register is a binary coded value defining the number of sectors (refer to “SECTOR_SIZE”) of a group. This parameters value is 15 which means a group size of (15+1)*512 bytes = 8 kByte.
The size of a write protection group. The content of this register is a binary coded value defining the number of sectors (refer to “SECTOR_SIZE”) of a group. This parameters value is 1 which means a group size of (1+1)*(ERASE_GROUP_SIZE) = 16 kByte.
The value is set to ‘1’, meaning group write protection is enabled.
Set by the card manufacturer and defines the ECC code which is recommended to use (e.g. the device is tested for). The value is set to ‘0’, indicating that no designated ECC is recommended.
Defines the typical block program time as a multiple of the read access time. The following table defines the field format.
R2W_FACTOR Multiples of read access time
01 1 2 (write half as fast as read) 24 38 416 532 6, 7 reserved
This parameter value is 2 for the HB288064MM1.
The data block length is computed as 2
Data Block Length
WRITE_BLK_LEN Block length Remark
02 12
...... ......
11 211 = 2048 bytes 12–15 reserved
= 1 byte
= 2 bytes
The block length might therefore be in the range 1, 2, 4...2048 bytes. This parameter defines the block length if WRITE_BLK_PARTIAL is not set. If WRITE_BLK_PARTIAL is set this parameter contains the maximum allowed value of the block length in bytes. All block lengths between one and this value are permitted. The actual block size is programmed by the command SET_BLOCKLEN (CMD16). The HB288064MM1 supports blocks with the length 512 bytes. The parameter WRITE_BLK_LEN is permanently assigned to the value 0x9.
WRITE_BLK_PARTIAL defines whether partial block sizes can be used in block read and block write commands. WRITE_BLK_PARTIAL = 0 means that only the block size defined by WRITE_BLK_LEN can be used for block-oriented data transfers. WRITE_BLK_PARTIAL = 1 means that smaller blocks can be used as well. The minimum block size will be equal to minimum addressable unit (one byte). The HB288064MM1 supports no partial block write. The parameter WRITE_BLK_PARTIAL is permanently assigned to the value ‘0’.
Indicates the selected group of file formats. This field is read-only for ROM. The usage of this field is shown in table “File_Formats”.
Defines if the contents are an original (COPY = “0”) or a copy (= “1”). The COPY bit for OTP and MTP devices, sold to end consumers, is set to “1” which identifies the card content as a copy. The COPY bit is a one time programmable bit, being set by the customer
Permanently protects the whole card content against overwriting or erasing (all write and erase commands for this card is permanently disabled). This parameter is one-time programmable by the customer. The default value is ‘0’ (not protected).
Temporarily protects the whole card content from being overwritten or erased (all write and erase commands for this card are temporarily disabled). This parameter is programmable by the customer. The default value is ‘0’ (not protected).
Indicates the file format on the card. This field is read-only for ROM. The following formats are defined:
0 0 Hard disk-like file system with partition table 0 1 DOS FAT (floppy-like) with boot sector only (no partition table) 0 2 Universal File Format 0 3 Others/Unknown 1 0, 1, 2, 3 Reserved
Defines the ECC code that was used for storing data on the card. This field is used by the host (or application) to decode the user data. The following table defines the field format.
ECC Type
ECC ECC type Maximum number of correctable bits
0 none (default) none 1 BCH (542,512) 3 2–15 reserved
The content provider or customer defines which kind of error correction may be used to protect the contents of the HB288064MM1. This value is programmable.
The CRC register contains the check sum for the CSD content. The check sum is computed by the following formulas: Generator polynomial:
G(x) = x7 + x3 + 1
M(x) = CSD[127]x
+...+ CSD[8]∗x0 CRC[6...0] = Remainder [(M(x)x7)/G(x)]
The user has to recalculate a new CRC after defining a new CSD.
MultiMediaCard Communication
All communication between host and cards is controlled by the host (master). The host sends commands and, depending on the command, receives a corresponding response from the selected card. In this chapter the commands to control the HB288064MM1, the card responses and the contents of the status and error field included in the responses, are defined.
Memory Array Partitioning
The basic unit of data transfer to/from the MultiMediaCard is one byte. All data transfer operations which require a block size always define block lengths as integer multiples of bytes. Some special functions need other partition granularity. For block-oriented commands, the following definition is used:
Block: is the unit which is related to the block-oriented read and write commands. Its size is the
number of bytes which will be transferred when one block command is sent by the host. The size of a block is either programmable or fixed. The information about allowed block sizes and the programmability is stored in the CSD.
For devices which have erasable memory cells, special erase commands are defined. The granularity of the erasable units is in general not the same as for the block-oriented commands:
Sector: is the unit which is related to the erase commands. Its size is the number of blocks which will
be erased in one portion. The size of a sector is fixed for each device. The information about the sector size (in blocks) is stored in the CSD.
Group: is a number of sectors. Its size is the number of consecutive sectors which will be erased at
once. The size of a group is fixed for each device. The information about the size is stored in the CSD.
For devices which include a write protection:
WP-Group: is the minimal unit which may have individual write protection. Its size is the number of
sectors which will be write protected by one bit. The size of a WP-group is fixed for each device. The information about the size is stored in the CSD.
Each erasable unit (group and sector) has a special “tag” bit. This bit may be set or cleared by special commands to tag the unit. All tagged units will be erased in parallel by one erase command following a number of tag commands. All tag bits are cleared by each command except a tag or untag command. Therefore, immediately after a sequence of tag commands an erase command has to be sent by the host. Commands others than tagging or erasing abort a tag-erase cycle irregularly.
Block 0 Block 1 Block 2 Block 3 Block n
Sector 0.0
Sector 0.1
Sector 0.2
Sector tagging
Group tagging
Sector 0.3
Sector 0.n
Erase Tagging Hierarchy
Each WP-group may have an additional write protection bit. The write protection bits are programmable via special commands (refer to Chapter “Commands”). Both functions are optional and only useful for writable/erasable devices. The write protection may also be useful for multi type MultiMediaCards (e.g. a ROM - Flash combination). The information about the availability is stored in the CSD.
Group write protection
Write Protection
The command set of the MultiMediaCard system is divided into classes corresponding to the type of card (see also [1]). The HB288064MM1 supports the following command classes:
HB288064MM1 Command Classes (Class 0 to Class 2)
Supported commands
Card command class (CCC) Class description
Class 0 basic ++++++++ +++ Class 1 stream read + Class 2 block read + + +
HB288064MM1 Command Classes (Class 3 to Class 8)
Card command class (CCC) Class description
Class 3 stream write + Class 4 block write ++++ Class 5 erase +++++++ Class 6 write protection + + + Class 7 lock card +
Supported commands 20 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 42
Class 0 is mandatory and supported by all cards. It represents the card identification and initialization commands, which are intended to handle different cards and card types on the same bus lines. The Card Command Class (CCC) is coded in the card specific data register of each card, so that the host knows how to access the card. There are four kinds of commands defined on the MultiMediaCard bus:
broadcast commands (bc) sent on CMD line, no response
broadcast commands with response (bcr) sent on CMD line, response (all cards simultaneously) on
CMD line
addressed (point-to-point) commands (ac) sent on CMD line, response on CMD line
addressed (point-to-point) data transfer commands (adtc) sent on CMD line, response on CMD line,
data transfer on DAT line
The command transmission always starts with the MSB. Each command starts with a start bit and ends with a CRC command protection field followed by an end bit. The length of each command frame is fixed to 48 bits (2.4 µs at 20 MHz):
0 start bit1host
Note: 1. (Cyclic Redundancy Check)
bit5...bit0 command
bit31...bit0 argument
bit6...bit0 CRC*
end bit
The start bit is always ‘0’ in command frames (sent from host to MultiMediaCard). The host bit is always ‘1’ for commands. The command field contains the binary coded command number. The argument depends on the command (refer to Table “Basic Commands (class 0) and Table “Block-Oriented Read Commands (class 2)”). The CRC field is defined in Chapter “Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC)”. The HB288064MM1 supports the following MultiMediaCard commands:
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