hisky HMX280 Instruction Manual

Read this manual carefully before use
Instruction Manual v1.0
Thank you for purchasing our HiSKY-brand products
www.op enpil ot.or g
Table of Contents
1. Definition of Flight Direction
2. Box Contents
3. Instructions of Charger
3.1 Instructions of Charger
3.2 Charging Procedure
5. Install the Landing Gear
5.1 Installation Procedure of the Landing Gear
6. Install the Motors
6.1 Installation Procedure of Rotors
7. Preparing the HMX280 for Flight and Unlock the Motors
7.2 Steps of Flight
7.3 Unlock the Motors
7.4 Lock the Motors
7.5 Caution
8. Selection of Flight Modes
8.1 3-axis Flight Mode
8.2 6-axis Flight Mode
9. Flight Control Diagram
9.1 Flight in Normal Status
9.2 Practice Flips
10. End the Flight
12. HMX280 Data Ports
11. Exploded View
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10 11
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11.1 Parts of HMX280
4. Low-voltage Protection of the Battery
A.Keep away from obstacles and people
B. Keep away from Humidity
Proper operation and maintenance
D. Avoid Flying alone
Safe operation
F. Away from highly spinning parts
G. Protect from heat
Caution before Flight
Age Recommendation
Dear Customers: Thanks for purchasing a HiSKY radio control aircraft product. In order to quickly and safely master the operation of the HMX120, please read the manual carefully and then
A. Ensure the battery packs both transmitter and receiver are fully charged.
B. Ensure the throttle stick of your transmitter stay at the lowest position before operation.
keep it properly for future consultation and reference.
HMX 280 qua dcopt er h as p ot en tial da nger .P le as e op er ate it in t he open spa ce s aw ay f rom peo ple. Im prope r as se mb ly, d amage o f th e ai r fr am e, mal -per fo rmanc e of the ra di o, m al -operat ion wil l re su lt i n in jury o r da ma ge to th e pr od uc t, p eople u nexpe ctedl y. Th e pi lo t sh ould op erate t he mode l in a saf e manne r and kno w the res po ns ib il ity he/ she nee ds to tak e af te r if a ny fai lure of f ol lo wing the ma nner.
HMX 280 qua dcopt er c an f ly a t un ce rt ai n sp ee d, whic h pos es pote nt ia l da ng er s. Plea se keep y ou r HM X280 awa y from pe op le , hi gh b uildi ngs, hi gh-te ns io n li ne s, etc ., a nd a vo id oper ating i n rain, s torms , th un de r an d lig hteni ng .
HMX 280 sho uld be ke pt a wa y from hu midit y and vap or bec ause it s compl ex and pr ec is e el ec troni c compo nents and m echan ical pa rts ma y be dama ged.
Ple ase use H iSKY or igina l part s to upgr ad e, mo di fy o r mai ntain y ou r HM X2 80 w ithin t he rang e or func tions per mitte d. It is fo rb id de n to u se it aga inst of t he s af et y law s or regu la ti on s.
At th e be gi nn ing of le ar ni ng a bout ra dio-c ontro ll ed fligh t, th er e are some di ff ic ul ti es to ove rc om e. P le ase avo id f ly in g al one. In vite ex perie nced pi lots to g ui de you (t wo of the m ost eff ectiv e me th od s to p racti ce are v ia a P C fl ig ht s im ulato r and/o r un de r th e sup ervi si on of a ski lled pi lot).
Ple ase fly y ou r HM X2 80 a ccord ing to yo ur p hy si cal sta tus and f light s kills . Fatig ue , listl essne ss and mis -oper ation w ill the i nc re as e th e possi bilit ies of acc ident al haza rd .
Ple ase kee p pi lo t, peopl e and obj ects aw ay from t he spi nning b lades o f hi gh m ain rot ors and t ail rot or s.
HMX 280 qua dcopt er i s ma de f ro m metal ,fibe r,pl as ti c and e lectr on ic c om po nents,e tc. Ple as e ke ep away f rom hea t and sun shine i n or de r to a voi d disto rtio n an d dam age cau sed by hi gh t em pe ra tures .
Ple ase str ictly o bey the o rder of t ur n on a nd t urn off b ef or e op erati on.Wh en sta rtin g your flig ht, ple ase tur n on your t ra ns mi tter fi rst, and co nnect t he powe r cab le of you r HM X2 80 last . When fi nishi ng your f li gh t, pl ease di sconn ect the p ower cab le of you r HM X2 80 first an d turn of f yo ur t ransm itter l as t. Pl ea se cult ivate a cor rect ha bi t of t ur n on and tu rn off.
Con tinuo us shak es a nd f ie rce mov em en t ma y cause the d iscon ne ct o f th e bat te r y and r es ul t in t he l ose contr ol o f th e model . Pleas e ensur e th e fa st en ed conn ectio n of ba tt er y an d mo to rs b ef ore f light.
Not f or chil dren un de r 14 y ea rs,This i s not a toy.
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