Hirschmann PTN-2-OLS T1, PTN-2-OLS E1 User Manual

User Manual
Installation Dragon PTN Interface Module PTN-2-OLS with E1
PTN-2-OLS with T1
Interface Module PTN-2-OLS with E1/PTN-2-OLS with T1 Technical Support
Release 01 02/2018 https://hirschmann-support.belden.com
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Hirschmann Automation and Control GmbH Stuttgarter Str. 45-51 72654 Neckartenzlingen Germany
2 Interface Module PTN-2-OLS with E1/PTN-2-OLS with T
Release 01 02/2018
1. INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................................. 5
General ........................................................................................ 5
Manual References ...................................................................... 6
2. MODULE DESCRIPTION ...................................................................................................... 6
Front Panel .................................................................................. 6
2.1.1 Handle ............................................................................................ 7
2.1.2 LEDs .................................................................................................. 7
2.1.3 Optical Serial Port (Fiber) ................................................................ 8
2.1.4 E1 RJ-45 Ports (Copper) and Cables ................................................ 8
Functional Operation ................................................................... 9
2.2.1 General ........................................................................................... 9
2.2.2 E1 Framing ....................................................................................... 9
2.2.3 E1 Coding: AMI, HDB3 ..................................................................... 9
2.2.4 FM0 Coding (Biphase Space Encoding) ......................................... 10
2.2.5 Short Haul/Long Haul on E1 Ports ................................................. 10
2.2.6 Service: Optical Low Speed Serial .................................................. 10
2.2.7 I/O with the Central Switching Module (=CSM) ............................ 11
2.2.8 Test and Loopback Selftests .......................................................... 11
Onboard Interfaces .................................................................... 12
2.3.1 Straps ............................................................................................ 12
2.3.2 DIP Switches ................................................................................... 12
3. MODULE SPECIFICATIONS ............................................................................................. 13
General Specifications ............................................................... 13
Other Specifications .................................................................. 13
Ordering Information ................................................................ 13
4. ABBREVIATIONS ........................................................................................................... 13
List of figures
Figure 1 2-OLS - SDH Example .......................................................................................................... 5
Figure 2 Front Panel ......................................................................................................................... 6
Figure 3 Optical Serial ST Connector ................................................................................................ 8
Figure 4 E1 RJ-45 Connector ............................................................................................................ 8
Figure 5 E1 Framing .......................................................................................................................... 9
Figure 6 HDB3 Encoding ................................................................................................................... 9
Figure 7 FM0 Coding ....................................................................................................................... 10
Figure 8 2-OLS IFM Side View: Local Loopbacks ............................................................................ 11
Figure 9 Hardware Edition ............................................................................................................. 12
Figure 10 E1/T1 Configuration ....................................................................................................... 12
Interface Module PTN-2-OLS with E1/PTN-2-OLS with T
Release 01 02/2018
List of Tables
Table 1 Manual References .............................................................................................................. 6
Table 2 LED Indications In Boot Operation ...................................................................................... 7
Table 3 LED Indications In Normal Operation .................................................................................. 7
Table 4 E1 RJ-45 Connector: Pin Assignments ................................................................................. 8
Table 5 Other Specifications .......................................................................................................... 13
4 Interface Module PTN-2-OLS with E1/PTN-2-OLS with T
Release 01 02/2018
1.1 General
This document is valid as of Dragon PTN Release 3.0DR.
The 2-OLS interface module (=IFM) is an Optical Low Speed Serial interface module with four ports: two Optical Serial ports (=port1, port2) and two E1 ports (=port3, port4). Each optical port has two ST connectors: one Rx (=Receive) and one Tx (=Transmit) ST. Each E1 port is an RJ-45 connector. This IFM will be used in point-to-point connection and:
converts the incoming serial signal on port1 into E1 on port3 and vice versa;
converts the incoming serial signal on port2 into E1 on port4 and vice versa;
This IFM can be used in any IFM slot of any node. An IFM slot overview can be found in Ref. [3] in Table 1.
The E1 links provide synchronous TDM links between two end points that can be used to transport over an external network e.g. SDH. The optical ports are the access ports whereas the E1 ports are the SDH interconnection ports. At the destination side, the 2-OLS receives the E1 traffic and converts it back to an optical low speed serial signal towards the end application.
In HiProvision (=Dragon PTN Management), an 'Optical Low Speed Serial' service can be configured between two optical ports, each port located in a different node. This service bundles together 32 TDM (Time Division Multiplex) connections resulting in a total bandwidth of 2.048 Mbps. The E1 side can slave its clock for example to the E1 clock from the external network.
NOTE: HiProvision can be configured redundantly.
Figure 1 2-OLS - SDH Example
PTN Node
Optical Serial
Fiber Links
Optical Serial
Fiber Links
External Network
Example: SDH
External E1 Links
External E1 Links
'Optical Low Speed Serial' Service
CAUTION: This IFM is only a convertor module that needs to be powered via the
node. It will not have backplane or Dragon PTN network access. The MPLS-TP Drag­on PTN network is not required (or optional) for this IFM to operate.
Interface Module PTN-2-OLS with E1/PTN-2-OLS with T
Release 01 02/2018
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