Hirschmann PTN-2-C37.94 User Manual

Installation PTN-2-C37.94 with E1/PTN-2-C37.94 with T1 Technical support
Release 01 02/2018 https://hirschmann-support.belden.com
User Manual
Installation Dragon PTN Interface Module PTN-2-C37.94 with E1/PTN-2-C37.94 with T1
2 Installation PTN-2-C37.94 with E1/PTN-2-C37.94 with T1 Release 01 02/2018
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Hirschmann Automation and Control GmbH Stuttgarter Str. 45-51 72654 Neckartenzlingen Germany
Installation PTN-2-C37.94 with E1/PTN-2-C37.94 with T1 3
Release 01 02/2018
1. INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................................... 6
1.1 General ............................................................................................... 6
1.2 Manual References ............................................................................. 7
2. MODULE DESCRIPTION .............................................................................................. 8
2.1 Front Panel ......................................................................................... 8
2.1.1 Handle ........................................................................................................ 8
2.1.2 LEDs ............................................................................................................ 8
2.1.3 C37.94 SFP Port (Fiber) ............................................................................ 10
2.1.4 E1/T1 RJ-45 Ports (Copper) and Cables ................................................... 10
2.2 Functional Operation ........................................................................ 10
2.2.1 General .................................................................................................... 10
2.2.2 E1 Framing ............................................................................................... 11
2.2.3 T1 Framing ............................................................................................... 12
2.2.4 C37.94 Framing ........................................................................................ 12
2.2.5 AMI, HDB3 and B8ZS Coding ................................................................... 13
2.2.6 CES: SAToP ............................................................................................... 14
2.2.7 CES: CESoPSN ........................................................................................... 15
2.2.8 Start Sending Data ................................................................................... 19
2.2.9 SAToP Compared With CESoPSN ............................................................. 19
2.2.10 Hitless Switching ...................................................................................... 19
2.2.11 Single Path ............................................................................................... 20
2.2.12 Delay Comparison in CES (Features) ....................................................... 22
2.2.13 I/O with the Central Switching Module (=CSM) ...................................... 22
2.2.14 Synchronization / Clock Distribution / Network Timing .......................... 22
2.2.15 Short Haul/Long Haul on E1/T1 Ports ...................................................... 25
2.2.16 Test and Loopback Selftests .................................................................... 25
2.3 Onboard Interfaces ........................................................................... 25
2.3.1 Straps ....................................................................................................... 26
2.3.2 DIP Switches ............................................................................................ 26
3. TDM FRAMES/PACKET ............................................................................................. 26
3.1 General ............................................................................................. 26
3.2 Bandwidth ........................................................................................ 27
3.3 Delay ................................................................................................ 27
3.3.1 General .................................................................................................... 27
3.3.2 Delay Parameters .................................................................................... 28
3.3.3 Estimated Delay Calculation and Formulas ............................................. 29
3.3.4 Estimated Delay Examples ....................................................................... 29
3.3.5 Differential Delay ..................................................................................... 29
3.4 Tuning CES = Tuning TDM Frames/Packet .......................................... 30
4. COMPATIBILITY ........................................................................................................ 30
5. MODULE SPECIFICATIONS ........................................................................................ 31
4 Installation PTN-2-C37.94 with E1/PTN-2-C37.94 with T1 Release 01 02/2018
5.1 General Specifications ....................................................................... 31
5.2 Other Specifications .......................................................................... 31
5.3 Ordering Information ........................................................................ 31
6. ABBREVIATIONS ...................................................................................................... 31
List of figures
Figure 1 Common Example with C37.94, E1, T1............................................................................ 7
Figure 2 Front Panel ...................................................................................................................... 8
Figure 3 C37.94 SFP Connector ................................................................................................... 10
Figure 4 E1/T1 RJ-45 Connector .................................................................................................. 10
Figure 5 Detailed Function C37.94/E1/T1 Example..................................................................... 11
Figure 6 E1 Framing ..................................................................................................................... 12
Figure 7 T1 Framing ..................................................................................................................... 12
Figure 8 C37.94 Framing .............................................................................................................. 13
Figure 9 HDB3 Encoding .............................................................................................................. 13
Figure 10 T1: B8ZS Encoding ....................................................................................................... 13
Figure 11 General SAToP Example .............................................................................................. 14
Figure 12 Detailed E1 SAToP Example ......................................................................................... 14
Figure 13 General CESoPSN via C37.94 Port Example ................................................................. 15
Figure 14 Detailed C37.94 to C37.94 CESoPSN Example ............................................................. 16
Figure 15 General CESoPSN via E1/T1 Port Example .................................................................. 16
Figure 16 Detailed E1 CESoPSN Example .................................................................................... 17
Figure 17 General CESoPSN via C37.94 to E1 Port Example ....................................................... 18
Figure 18 Detailed C37.94 To E1 CESoPSN Example ................................................................... 18
Figure 19 Hitless Switching .......................................................................................................... 20
Figure 20 Single Path Enabled ..................................................................................................... 21
Figure 21 Single Path Disabled .................................................................................................... 21
Figure 22 Clocking: Application D Slaves to Application A via Dragon PTN ................................ 23
Figure 23 Clocking: Both Application A and D Slave to Dragon PTN Clock Master ..................... 23
Figure 24 2-C37.94: Side View ..................................................................................................... 25
Figure 25 Hardware Edition ......................................................................................................... 26
Figure 26 E1/T1 Configuration .................................................................................................... 26
Figure 27 SAToP, CESoPSN Bandwidth ........................................................................................ 27
Figure 28 Delays .......................................................................................................................... 28
Figure 29 Differential Delay ......................................................................................................... 30
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List of Tables
Table 1 Manual References ........................................................................................................... 7
Table 2 LED Indications In Boot Operation ................................................................................... 9
Table 3 LED Indications In Normal Operation ............................................................................... 9
Table 4 E1/T1 RJ-45 Connector: Pin Assignments ....................................................................... 10
Table 5 Comparison: SAToP  CESoPSN ................................................................................ 19
Table 6 Difference Between Hitless and Protection Switching ................................................... 20
Table 7 Clocking Parameters on Port & Service Level ................................................................. 24
Table 8 TDM Frames/Packet ....................................................................................................... 27
Table 9 Estimated Delay Formulas .............................................................................................. 29
Table 10 Estimated Delay (µs) Examples ..................................................................................... 29
Table 11 Other Specifications ...................................................................................................... 31
6 Installation PTN-2-C37.94 with E1/PTN-2-C37.94 with T1 Release 01 02/2018
1.1 General
This document is valid as of Dragon PTN Release 3.0DR.
E1 and T1 links are used worldwide to implement synchronous TDM links between two end points. These links typically transport voice and/or data using TDM. The application of E1 or T1 is country related. T1 is primarily used on the North American continent and Japan whereas E1 is used in most other areas. Both carriers differ with respect to the physical interface, the framing algorithm, signaling and network management.
An E1 service bundles together 32 TDM (Time Division Multiplex) channels whereas a T1 service bundles together 24 TDM channels. This results in an E1 service having a total bandwidth of 2.048 Mbps and a T1 service a total bandwidth of 1.544 Mbps.
C37.94 is a standard for transmitting N times 64 kbps on an optical fiber, where N=1,2,…12.
It is a protocol used in the power industry between teleprotection and multiplexer equipment. Teleprotection makes sure that faulty parts within a power system will be disconnected very fast to prevent further damage within that power system. A C37.94 frame also has a bandwidth of 2.048 Mbps and all its information is also transported in 32 timeslots, just like E1. But C37.94 is a special kind of E1 framing. Within these 32 E1 timeslots, C37.94 has its own timeslot mapping and uses N (=1 to 12) timeslots for real data, see §2.2.4.
HiProvision (=Dragon PTN Management System) has two variants of this IFM (see also
2-C37.94-E1-L = 2-C37.94 IFM in E1 mode; 2-C37.94-T1-L = 2-C37.94 IFM in T1 mode;
This IFM converts the C37.94/E1/T1 framing from a C37.94/E1/T1 link into MPLS-TP packets over the Dragon PTN network, and vice versa. The destination IFM must also compensate for possible jitter and network delays to keep everything synchronized. A packetized TDM service is called a Circuit Emulation Service (=CES). A maximum of 16 CESs can be configured per 2-C37.94 module.
2-C37.94 refers to ‘2 C37.94 ports and 2 E1/T1 ports’. This IFM can be used in any IFM slot of any node. An IFM slot overview can be found in Ref. [3] in Table 1.
The main supported features are:
Packetizing of E1/T1 Framing LAN function Services
SAToP (=Structured Agnostic TDM over Packet) all channels transparently; CESoPSN (=CES over Packet Switched Network) customized channel transport; Hitless Switching / Single Path;
A common example with C37.94, E1 and T1 can be found in the figure below:
Installation PTN-2-C37.94 with E1/PTN-2-C37.94 with T1 7
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Figure 1 Common Example with C37.94, E1, T1
1.2 Manual References
Table 1 is an overview of the manuals referred to in this manual. ‘&’ refers to the language code, ‘*’ refers to the manual issue. All these manuals can be found in the HiProvision
(=Dragon PTN Management System) Help function.
Table 1 Manual References
Dragon PTN and HiProvision Operation
Dragon PTN Installation and Operation
Dragon PTN Nodes: PTN2210, PTN2209, PTN2206, PTN1104
Dragon PTN Switching Module: PTN-CSM310-A
Dragon PTN Interface Module: PTN-4-E1-L/PTN-4-T1-L
Dragon PTN TRMs (Transmit Receive Modules: SFP, XFP)
Dragon PTN General Specifications
Dragon PTN Switching Module: PTN-16-E1-L/PTN-16-T1-L
MPLS-TP Dragon PTN Network
WAN (via SFP on fiber)
Dragon PTN
Packetized C37.94/E1/T1 via
Fiber Links
Fiber Links
8 Installation PTN-2-C37.94 with E1/PTN-2-C37.94 with T1 Release 01 02/2018
2.1 Front Panel
Figure 2 Front Panel
2.1.1 Handle a. Insert the Module into the Node
Take the front panel handles to insert or slide the module into the Dragon PTN node. Push
the module thoroughly into the node’s backplane. Next, tighten the two fastening screws in
the front panel corners.
b. Remove the Module from the Node
Untighten the two fastening screws in the front panel corners. Take the front panel handles to pull out and finally remove the module from the Dragon PTN node.
2.1.2 LEDs
The meaning of the LEDs depends on the mode of operation (= boot or normal) in which the 2-C37.94 module currently is running. After plugging in the module or rebooting it, the module turns into the boot operation, see Table 2. After the module has gone through all the cycles in the table below (=rebooted successfully), the module turns into the normal operation, see LEDs in Table 3.
2 E1/T1
2 C37.94
Fastening screw
Installation PTN-2-C37.94 with E1/PTN-2-C37.94 with T1 9
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Table 2 LED Indications In Boot Operation
Spare LED
1 x ---
Slow blinking
2 x ---
Fast blinking
3 x ---
4 x --- x --- x x
x : LED is lit
--- : LED is not lit The sub cycle times may vary. The entire boot cycle time [14] takes approximately 2 minutes.
Table 3 LED Indications In Normal Operation
PI (=Power Input)
Not lit, dark
+12V power input to the board not OK
+12V power input to the board OK
PF (=Power Failure)
Not lit, dark
power generation on the board itself is OK
power generation on the board itself is erroneous
FLT (=FauLT)
Not lit, dark
no other fault or error situation, different from PF, is active on the module
a fault or error situation, different from PF, is active on the module
Not lit, Green
RDI<port n°> (=Remote Defect Indication)
Not lit, dark
- no service on this port
- service on this port: no alarms detected on backplane (=network) side, everything fine
Orange, lit
service on this port: no network traffic or RDI detected on backplane (=network) side
Orange, blinking
other errors different from RDI detected on backplane (=network) side
AIS<port n°> (=Alarm Indication Signal)
Not lit, dark
- no service on this port
- service on this port: no alarms detected on backplane (=network) side, everything fine
Red, lit
service on this port: no network traffic or TX AIS detected on backplane (=network) side
Red, blinking
other errors different from TX AIS detected on backplane (=network) side
LOS<port 1-2°> (C37.94 ports) (Loss of Signal)
Not lit, dark
- no service on this port
- service on this port: local C37.94 traffic on this front port is OK
Red, lit
service on this port: LOF on this front port
Red, blinking
other errors different from LOF received on this front port
LOS<port 3-4°> (E1/T1 ports) (Loss of Signal)
Not lit, dark
- no service on this port
- service on this port: local E1/T1 traffic on this front port is OK
Red, lit
service on this port: local E1/T1 signal is lost on this front port
Red, blinking
AIS, LOF or RAI received on this front port
10 Installation PTN-2-C37.94 with E1/PTN-2-C37.94 with T1 Release 01 02/2018
2.1.3 C37.94 SFP Port (Fiber)
The 2-C37.94 module provides two SFP ports for long distance communication over optical fiber. The SFPs that can be used for this port can be found in Ref. [6] in Table 1.
Figure 3 C37.94 SFP Connector
2.1.4 E1/T1 RJ-45 Ports (Copper) and Cables
The 2-C37.94 module provides two ports and each port connector has eight pins. Each port provides one tip/ring pair. See the table and figure below for an overview and description. Both the ports act as E1 or T1 port. This behavior can be configured via a DIP switch, see
§2.3.2b. The cables below can be ordered to connect these ports.
E1 cable (120 Ω): ordering number 942 256-201; T1 cable (100 Ω): ordering number 942 256-200;
Figure 4 E1/T1 RJ-45 Connector
Table 4 E1/T1 RJ-45 Connector: Pin Assignments
Pin Number
Cable Wire Colors
Rx (Receive) RING
OG 2 Rx (Receive) TIP
Not connected
Tx (Transmit) RING
Tx (Transmit) TIP
6, 7 ,8
Not connected
2.2 Functional Operation
2.2.1 General
A teleprotection network (e.g. Teleprotection1) can be connected to the MPLS-TP Dragon PTN network via one of the two C37.94 interface ports. An external LAN (e.g. LAN1) can be connected to the MPLS-TP Dragon PTN network via one of the two E1/T1 interface ports. The 2-C37.94 module can interface with 2 C37.94 and/or 2 E1/T1 lines. In Figure 1, a common functional setup is shown.
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