HiRO H50147 User Manual

HiRO 3-In-1 2.4GHz WiFi Presenter,
Laser Pointer, and Wireless Mouse
Information in this document is subject to change without notice. No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, for any purpose, without the express written prior permission of the seller. The seller provides this document without warranty, or condition of any kind. The seller may make improvements or change in the product described in this documentation at any time.
© 2011 All rights reserved.
Intr oduction
Making your presentation easier and more successful
With this Presenter, you don't need to stand beside your notebook computer or have an additional person to assist you, nor do you need to aim at the receiver of the remote control. We provides you with a single tool to manage your presentations.
Multi-function Design
This Presenter combines the features of the presentation controls, wireless mouse and laser pointer into one ergonomic device. Excellent 2.4GHz RF technology enables you to control the computer up to 328 feet (100 meters) in open space away from the receiver and the laser pointer functions up to 130 feet (40 meters) from the target.
Easy to use
HiRO 3-In-1 2.4GHz WiFi Presenter, Laser Pointer, and Wireless Mouse is a USB plug-and-play device with no additional software required. The laser beam safety switch provides protection against unintentional laser beam into human eyes.
System Requirements
Windows® 2000 / XP / Vista / 7 Mac® OS X (10.1) or later An available USB port.
What 's included
HiRO 3-In-1 2.4GHz WiFi Presenter, Laser Pointer, and Wireless Mouse......
USB receiver...........................................................
AAA Battery.............................................................
User's Manual..........................................................
Init ial set up
1. Open the battery cover and insert the supplied batteries.
2. Connecting the USB receiver to your computer.
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Laser beam can cause permanent damage to eyes. Do not look into the laser beam or shine the laser beam into your eyes, other peoples' eyes, or pet's eyes.
Keep this device away from Children. This is a working tool, not a toy or entertainment device. It should only be used by adults.
Microsoft, Windows, Windows Vista and PowerPoint are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. Mac and Mac OS are registered trademarks of Apple, Inc. Other trademarks and registered trademarks are used herein for identification purpose only and belong to their respective companies.
This product compl ies w ith 2 1 CFR .
3. Activate the laser function : Press and hold both Fn and On/Off key on the right side for two seconds until the laser mode indicator blanking to activate the laser.
How to r e-pair the Pr esenter
Note: Imp le ment re-pai ring ONLY when seri ou s RF interf er ence caus es t he presen te r malfunc ti on.
1. Click the “ID Link” button on the USB receiver first, the “Link Indicator” lights up.
2. Press and hold " Fn " and " Link " buttons on the presenter simultaneously for 3 seconds until the Link indicator on the USB receiver blinks, the paring is completed.
How to o perate
Main mouse bu tton
1.Left mo us e button
2. Black sc re en
Laser mode in dicator
Laser mode
Main mouse
1.Right mouse
2.White screen
1.Left mouse
2.Black screen
Laser beam
1. Laser
2. Laser On /O ff
1. F5/ESC
1. Down
2. Alt+Tab
1.Right mou se button
2.White s cr een
USB Plug
ID link butto n
Link indica tor
How to o perate
1. Press and hold Fn + On/Off together for 2 seconds until the laser mode indicator start blinking to activate the laser function. Do the same process to turn off the laser function.
2. When laser function is on, press Laser key to shoot the laser beam. Note: Las er f unction w il l auto shut dow n after press t he laser butt on more
than 30 sec on ds or after 3 0 mi nutes idl in g time.
No blink: Laser function off Blinking: Laser function on
Slightly put your thumb on the main mouse button, rotating the thumb to control the mouse cursor.
1. Click as right mouse function.
2. Press Fn and Right mouse button simultaneously to turn the whole screen white. Do the same process to return to normal slide screen.
1. Click as left mouse function.
2. Press Fn and Left mouse button simultaneously to turn the whole screen black. Do the same process to return to normal slide screen.
Push up the switch and go back to the previous slide.
1. Click to start the slide show. Press and hold more than three seconds to exit the slide show.
2. To link the presenter with receiver, please see“How to re-pair the
Presenter" .
1.Pull down the switch and go to the next slide.
2.Press and hold Fn button, pull down the switch(Alt+Tab) to select the file, then release Fn button to swap to the file selected.
The Fn key is used in combination with another key to perform a specific function.
Note: The F n key shoul d be p ressed be fo re clicki ng t he other de si red key.
Prod uct Specifi cations
Frequency range : 2400~2483MHz (16 channels and 65,535 IDs per channel) Remote range : Approx. 100 ft (30m) indoors, 328 ft (100m) outdoors Operating voltage : Remote Control 2.4V~3.3V Laser Pointer 2.6V~3.3V Power : AAA battery * 2 Very low power consumption : Normal operation < 10mA Laser operation <20mA Sleep < 10uA Output power : Under 1mW Presenter dimension : 130(l) x 38.2(w) x 21.2(h) mm Receiver dimension : 68.15(l) x 13(w) x 10.3(h) mm Presenter weight : Approx. 60 grams (include batteries) Receiver weight : Approx. 8 grams
Operating temperature : 0(32) ~60(140) Operating humidity (non-condensing) : 10%~85% RH laser : Wav el en gt hλ= 65 0 nm , em is si on d uration: continuous Laser output powerMax. 0.95mW
Note: Design and specifications are subject to change without notice.
Othe r information
This device c omplies wit h Part 15 of the FC C Rules. Oper ation is subj ect to the foll owing two condition s: (1) this dev ice may not cau se harmful in terferenc e, and (2) this d evice must ac cept any interfe rence recei ved, includ ing interfe rence that ma y cause undes ired operat ion.
This equipm ent has been te sted and foun d to comply wit h the limits fo r a Class B digit al device, pursuant to P art 15 of the FCC R ules. The se limits a re d esigned t o pr ovide rea so nable pro te ction against har mful interf erence in a res idential in stallatio n. This e qu ipment gene rates, uses a nd can radiated ra dio frequen cy energy and , if not instal led and used in a ccordance w ith the instr uctions, may cause har mful interf erence to rad io communic ations. How ever, there is n o guarantee t hat interfere nce will not oc cur in a partic ular instal lation If thi s equipment d oes cause har mful interfere nce to radio or t elevision r eception, w hich can be det ermined by tu rning the equ ipment off and o n, t he user is en co uraged to t ry t o correct t he i nterfer en ce by one or mo re o f the follo wi ng measures:
-Reorient o r relocate th e receiving a ntenna.
-Increase t he separati on between th e equipment a nd receiver.
-Connect th e equipment i nto an outlet o n a circuit differen t fr om that to wh ic h the recei ve r is connected .
-Consult th e dealer or an ex perienced r adio/TV tec hnician for h elp. Changes or mo dificatio ns not expres sly approve d by the party re sponsible f or complian ce could void the user ‘s authorit y to operate th e equipment .
This de vi ce and it s anten na (s) mus t not be co -l ocate d or oper at ing in co njunc ti on with a ny othe r antenna o r trans mitte r.
This produc t is carrying t he CE-Mark in a ccordance w ith the relat ed European D irectives .
Doc No.: EB -A 1050-202