Hioki ST5520-01, ST5520 Instruction Manual

ST5520 ST5520-01
Instruction Manual
Introduction ........................................................................................1
Verifying Package Contents .............................................................1
Safety Notes .......................................................................................3
Usage Notes .......................................................................................7
1 Overview 15
1.1 Product Overview and Features ...........................................15
■Overview ............................................................................................15
■Features .............................................................................................16
1.2 Parts Names and Functions ..................................................17
1.3 MeasurementWorkow .........................................................19
1.4 ScreenCongurationandOperationOverview ..................20
■Measurement screen..........................................................................20
■Settings screen...................................................................................21
2 Preparations 23
2.1 Connecting the Power Cord ..................................................23
2.2 Connecting the Measurement Leads ...................................24
■Removing and attaching the sleeves .................................................25
2.3 ConnectingtotheEquipmenttobeMeasured ....................26
2.4 Turning the Power On and Off ..............................................26
■Turning on the power .........................................................................26
■Turning off the power..........................................................................26
2.5 Pre-OperationInspection ......................................................27
■Checking the insulation resistance test ..............................................28
■Checking the contact check function ..................................................29
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3 Basic Settings 33
3.1 Setting the Test Voltage .........................................................34
3.2 Setting the Range ...................................................................36
3.3 SwitchingtheMeasurementSpeed(FAST/SLOW) .............38
3.4 SettingtheTestDurationandResponseTime ....................39
■Setting how long to apply the test voltage ..........................................39
■Setting the response time...................................................................41
3.5 JudgingMeasuredValues(Comparatorfunction) ..............44
3.6 Setting the Test Mode ............................................................46
3.7 AnnouncingtheJudgmentResultsUsingaBeepSound .47
4 Testing 49
4.1 Starting Measurements .........................................................49
4.2 During Measurement .............................................................51
4.3 MeasuredValueDisplay ........................................................52
4.4 CompletingMeasurement .....................................................53
4.5 AutomaticDischargeFunction .............................................54
5 Useful Functions 55
5.1 CheckingFaultyContactandContactStatus(Contact
checkfunction) .......................................................................56
■Connecting test leads .........................................................................58
■Example of connection to equipment to be measured .......................58
■2-terminal contact check function .......................................................59
5.2 CheckingShortCircuitbeforeApplyingtheSetVoltage
(Shortcircuitcheckfunction) ...............................................60
5.3 Enabling/DisablingtheKeyOperations ...............................65
5.4 SettingtheKeyOperationSound .........................................67
5.5 PreventingOperationErrorsattheStartofTesting
(Doubleactionfunction) ........................................................68
5.6 AdjustingtheScreenContrast .............................................69
5.7 AdjustingtheBacklight .........................................................70
5.8 SettingtheFrequencyofPowerSupplyManually ..............71
5.9 InitializingtheSystem(Reset) ..............................................72
5.10 Default Setting List ................................................................73
6 Saving and Loading Measurement Conditions
(Memoryfunction) 75
6.1 Saving the Measurement Conditions
(Panelsavefunction) .............................................................76
6.2 Loading the Measurement Conditions
(Panelloadfunction) ..............................................................77
6.3 Changing the Panel Name .....................................................78
6.4 Deleting the Panel Data .........................................................79
7 ExternalControl(EXT.I/O) 81
7.1 ExternalInput/OutputTerminalandSignals........................82
■Switching between current sink (NPN) and current source (PNP) .....82
■Connector type and signal pinouts .....................................................83
■Signal descriptions .............................................................................86
7.2 Timing Chart ...........................................................................88
7.3 InternalCircuitConguration ...............................................96
■Electrical specications ......................................................................98
■Connection examples .........................................................................99
7.4 Setting the TEST Signal OFF Timing ..................................101
7.5 Checking External Control ..................................................103
■Performing an I/O test (EXT.I/O test function) ..................................103
7.6 UsingAnalogOutput ...........................................................104
■Connecting the output cord ..............................................................105
■Setting the analog output .................................................................105
7.7 Interlock Function ................................................................106
7.8 UsingtheSwitchedProbe ...................................................108
■Connecting the 9299 Switched Probe ..............................................109
7.9 AccessoryConnectorAssembly ........................................111
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8 Communications(RS-232Cinterface) 113
8.1 Interface Overview and Features ........................................113
8.2 Using the RS-232C Interface ...............................................114
■Setting communications conditions ..................................................114
■Connecting the RS-232C cable ........................................................115
8.3 AutomaticallyExportingMeasuredValuesattheEnds
ofTests(Dataoutputfunction) ...........................................117
8.4 ControllingtheInstrumentandAcquiringDatawith
Commands ............................................................................119
■Remote and local states ...................................................................119
■Displaying communications commands (Communications monitor
8.5 DataFormatTable ................................................................125
8.6 Command Reference ...........................................................126
9 Specications 151
■Environment and safety....................................................................151
■Output (output accuracy) ..................................................................151
■Resistance measurement ................................................................153
■Input .................................................................................................154
■Guaranteed accuracy .......................................................................154
■Test duration ....................................................................................155
■Response time .................................................................................156
■Functions ..........................................................................................156
■External interface .............................................................................159
■Other specications ..........................................................................162
■Accessories ......................................................................................164
■Options .............................................................................................164
10 Maintenance and Service 165
10.1 Maintenance .........................................................................165
10.2 Troubleshooting ...................................................................167
■Error display and solutions ...............................................................171
Appendix Appx.1
Appx.1 BlockDiagram .......................................................Appx.1
Appx.2 ContactCheckFunction .......................................Appx.2
Appx.3 OutputVoltageandMeasurementResistance ...Appx.3
Appx.4 InuenceofCapacitiveLoad ...............................Appx.4
Appx.5 InuenceofCableLength ....................................Appx.6
Appx.6 InuenceofNoise .................................................Appx.7
Appx.7 RackMounting ....................................................Appx.10
Appx.8 DimensionalDiagram .........................................Appx.14
Index Ind.1
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Thank you for choosing the HIOKI ST5520/ST5520-01 Insulation Tester. To obtain
maximum performance from the product, please read this manual rst, and keep it
handy for future reference. The ST5520-01 is equipped with the BCD output function of the ST5520. The artwork
of the ST5520 is used in this manual.

Verifying Package Contents

When you receive the instrument, inspect it carefully to ensure that no damage occurred during shipping. In particular, check the accessories, panel switches, and connectors. If damage is evident, or if it fails to operate according to the
specications, contact your authorized Hioki distributor or reseller.
Check the package contents as follows.
ST5520 or ST5520-01
Insulation Tester .........................................1
Power cord .................................................1
Instruction Manual ......................................1
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
EXT.I/O connector (pin contacts) ................1
EXT.I/O connector cover.......................1 set
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Verifying Package Contents
The following options are available for ST5520/ST5520-01. Contact your authorized
Hioki distributor or reseller when ordering.
L2200 Test Lead L9257 Connection Cord
9299 Switched Probe 9094 Output Cord (analog output)
9637 RS-232C Cable (9pin-9pin/1.8 m) 9638 RS-232C Cable (9pin-25pin/1.8 m)

Safety Notes

Safety Notes
This instrument is designed to conform to IEC 61010 Safety Standards, and has been thoroughly tested for safety prior to shipment. However, using the instrument in a way not described in this manual may negate the provided safety features.
Before using the instrument, be certain to carefully read the following safety notes.
Mishandling during use could result in injury or death, as well as damage to the instrument. Be certain that you understand the instructions and precautions in the manual before use.
With regard to the electricity supply, there are risks of electric shock,
heat generation, re, and arc discharge due to short circuits. If
persons unfamiliar with electricity measuring instruments are to use the instrument, another person familiar with such instruments must supervise operations.
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Safety Notes
In this manual, the risk seriousness and the hazard levels are classied as follows.
[ ]
Indicates an imminently hazardous situation that will result in death or
serious injury to the operator.
Indicates a potentially hazardous situation that may result in death or
serious injury to the operator.
Indicates a potentially hazardous situation that may result in minor
or moderate injury to the operator or damage to the instrument or malfunction.
Indicates information related to the operation of the instrument or maintenance tasks with which the operators must be fully familiar.
Indicates a high voltage hazard.
If a particular safety check is not performed or the instrument is
mishandled, this may give rise to a hazardous situation; the operator
may receive an electric shock, may get burnt or may even be fatally injured.
Indicates prohibited actions.
Indicates the action which must be performed.
Additional information is presented below. Indicates set items and buttons on the display in [ ].
Bold-faced alphanumeric characters in the text indicate characters shown on the operation keys.
Symbols afxed to the instrument
Indicates cautions and hazards. When the symbol is printed on the instrument,
refer to a corresponding topic in the Instruction Manual.
Indicates that dangerous voltage may be present at this terminal.
Safety Notes
Indicates the power “ON”.
Indicates the power “OFF”. Indicates DC (Direct Current).
Indicates AC (Alternating Current).
Symbols for various standards
Indicates the Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment Directive (WEEE Directive) in EU member states.
Indicates that the instrument conforms to regulations set out by the EC Directive.
We dene measurement tolerances in terms of f.s. (full scale), rdg. (reading), and
dgt. (digit) values, with the following meanings:
(Maximum display value, scale length)
The maximum display value or the full length of the scale. This is usually the maximum value of the currently selected range.
(Reading or displayed value) The value currently being measured and indicated on the measuring instrument.
(Resolution) The smallest displayable unit on a digital measuring instrument, i.e., the input
value that causes the digital display to show a “1” as the least-signicant digit.
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Safety Notes
Measurement categories
To ensure safe operation of measuring instruments, IEC 61010 establishes safety
standards for various electrical environments, categorized as CAT II to CAT IV, and
called measurement categories.
• Using a measuring instrument in an environment designated with a higher-numbered category than that for which the instrument is rated could result in a severe accident, and must be carefully avoided.
• Using a measuring instrument without categories in an environment designated with the CAT II to CAT IV category could result in a severe accident, and must be carefully avoided.
CAT II: When directly measuring the electrical outlet receptacles of the primary
electrical circuits in equipment connected to an AC electrical outlet by a power cord (portable tools, household appliances, etc.)
CAT III: When measuring the primary electrical circuits of heavy equipment (xed
installations) connected directly to the distribution panel, and feeders from the distribution panel to outlets
CAT IV: When measuring the circuit from the service drop to the service entrance,
and to the power meter and primary overcurrent protection device (distribution panel)
Service entrance
Service drop
Power meter
Distribution panel
Internal wiring
Fixed installation

Usage Notes

Usage Notes
Follow these precautions to ensure safe operation and to obtain the full benets of
the various functions.
Preliminary checks
If the probe or the instrument is damaged, there is a risk of electric shock. Before using the instrument, perform the following inspection.
• Before using the instrument, check that the coating of the probes
are neither ripped nor torn and that no metal parts are exposed.
Using the instrument under such conditions could result in electric
shock. Replace the probes with those specied by our company.
Before using the instrument the rst time, verify that it operates normally to ensure that no damage occurred during storage or
shipping. If you nd any damage, contact your authorized Hioki
distributor or reseller.
Installing the instrument in inappropriate locations may cause a malfunction of instrument or may give rise to an accident. Avoid the following locations.
For details on the operating temperature and humidity, refer to the specications. (p. 151)
• Exposed to direct sunlight or high temperature
• Exposed to corrosive or combustible gases
• Exposed to water, oil, chemicals, or solvents
• Exposed to high humidity or condensation
• Exposed to high quantities of dust particles
• Susceptible to vibration
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Usage Notes
Installation precaution
Do not position the instrument on an unstable table or inclined surface. If the instrument falls or tips, a malfunction of the instrument or injury may be caused.
Handling the instrument
To avoid electric shock, do not remove the instrument's case. The internal components carry high voltage and high temperature.
Customers are not allowed to modify, disassemble, or repair the
instrument. Doing so may cause re, electric shock, or injury.
• To avoid damage to the instrument, protect it from vibrations and physical shock when transporting and handling. Be especially careful to avoid physical shock from dropping.
• To avoid damage to the instrument, do not apply voltage or current to EXT.SW terminal, analog output terminal, or maintenance terminal.
This instrument may cause interference if used in residential areas. Such use must be avoided unless the user takes special measures to reduce electromagnetic emissions to prevent interference to the reception of radio and television broadcasts.
Handling the cords and leads
Usage Notes
To avoid electric shock, be careful to avoid shorting live lines with the test leads.
Before using the instrument, check that the coating of the cords are
not either ripped or torn and that no metal parts are exposed. If any damage is found, contact your authorized Hioki distributor or reseller
to prevent electric shock.
• To avoid damage to the instrument, do not short connectors or output components or input voltage.
• To avoid damage to the instrument, do not apply voltage or current to the analog output terminal or EXT.SW terminal.
• Avoid stepping on or pinching the cables, which could damage the cable insulation.
• To avoid breaking cables or lead wires, do not bend or pull them at the base.
• Bare conductors could be exposed if the insulation melts. Do not touch the heat sources.
To avoid electric shock and damage to the instrument, observe the cautions listed below when connecting the analog output terminal, RS-232C connector, and EXT.I/O terminal.
• Always turn off the power on the instrument and on any devices to be connected before making connections.
• Be careful to avoid exceeding the rating of the analog output terminal, RS-232C connector, or EXT.I/O terminal signal.
• During operation, a wire becoming dislocated and contacting another
conductive object can cause serious hazard. Use screws to secure the
external connectors.
• Properly isolate the devices and equipment to which the analog output terminal, RS-232C connector, and EXT.I/O terminal are connected.
• To avoid damaging the cord, grasp the plug, not the cord, when unplugging the output connector.
• The cables can become hard in the environment at a temperature of 0°C or lower. When the cables are bent or pulled, the coating of the cables may become damaged or may break.
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Usage Notes
When using the instrument, be sure to use the connecting lead wires, etc.
specied by our company. When other cords and lead wires are used, accurate
measurement may not be possible because the connection becomes poor, etc.
Before connecting the power cord
To avoid electric shock and to maintain the safety specications of this instrument, connect the power cord provided only to a 3-contact (two-conductor + ground) outlet.
• Use only the designated power cord with this instrument. Use of
other power cords may cause re.
To avoid damaging the power cord, grasp the plug, not the cord, when unplugging it from the power outlet.
Turn off the power before disconnecting the power cord.
Before connecting measurement leads
To avoid electric shock and short circuit accidents, turn off all power of the measurement target before connecting measurement leads.
To avoid electrical accidents, use the designated wires or ones with more than enough dielectric strength and current capacity.
UL1032 AWG18 Twisted wires 75 wires × φ0.12 mm
Before connecting switched probes
Usage Notes
To avoid damage to the probes, do not bend or pull the probe base.
To ensure safe operation, use only the probes specied by our company.
Residual risk
The test leads generate high voltage. To avoid electric shock, do not touch the metal ends of the test leads.
The ends of the probes are sharp. Be careful to avoid injury.
Before connecting data cables
• Failure to fasten the connectors properly may result in sub-
specication performance or damage to the equipment.
• Always turn off both devices when connecting and disconnecting an interface connector. Otherwise, an electric shock accident may occur.
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Before switching between current sink (NPN) and current source (PNP)
Do not operate the EXT.I/O mode switch (NPN/PNP) while the instrument is on.
Congure the NPN/PNP setting to accommodate externally connected
Appx. Ind.
Usage Notes
Before connecting EXT.I/O
External power cannot be supplied to the instrument’s EXT.I/O
connector. Do not apply external power. (The ISO_5V pin of the EXT.
I/O connector is a 5 V (NPN)/-5 V (PNP) power output.)
To avoid electric shock or damage to the equipment, always observe
the following precautions when connecting to the EXT.I/O connector.
• Always turn off the main power switch on the instrument and on any devices to be connected before making connections.
Be careful to avoid exceeding the ratings of external terminals.
(p. 159) During operation, a wire becoming dislocated and contacting another conductive object can cause serious hazard. Use screws to secure the external connectors.
To avoid damage to the instrument, observe the following cautions:
• Do not short circuit ISO_5V and ISO_COM.
• When connecting the relay coil to the EXT.I/O output terminal, be sure to install diodes to absorb current-electromotive force.
Before turning the power on
• While insulation resistance is being measured or the START key is
pressed, hazardous voltage may be generated in the measurement
terminal. To avoid electric shock, do not touch the measurement leads.
• Before turning the instrument on, make sure that the supply voltage matches that indicated on its power connector. Connection to an improper supply voltage may damage the instrument and present
electrical hazard.
• Avoid using an uninterruptible power supply (UPS) or DC/AC inverter with rectangular wave or pseudo-sine-wave output to power the instrument. Doing so may damage the instrument.
Usage Notes
• When connecting to the measurement object or not using the instrument, be sure to unplug the power cord from the instrument and completely disconnect it from the power supply for safety.
• Do not connect a wrong power voltage. Doing so may damage the internal circuit.
• Turn off the power before disconnecting the power cord.
• To suppress noise, it is necessary to switch the power frequency setting on the instrument. Set the frequency to the frequency of the commercial power supply to be used before starting the measurement.
In the manual setting, a measured value does not stabilize unless the power
frequency setting is switched properly.
1 2 3 4
Precautions during shipment
Observe the following during shipment. Hioki cannot be responsible for damage that occurs during shipment.
When shipping the instrument, use the packaging materials used when the instrument is delivered.
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Usage Notes


1.1 Product Overview and Features


The HIOKI ST5520/ST5520-01 Insulation Tester is an insulation resistance tester that performs insulation resistance testing on components and equipment using direct current voltage. The test duration is 50 ms at the fastest and high speed testing can be performed. Because this Insulation Tester is equipped with selectable test voltages and EXT.I/
O, RS-232C interface, and analog output terminal, it can be used in various elds
including production and inspection lines as well as laboratories.
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Product Overview and Features


Test duration
50 ms (fastest)
Selectable test voltage
Easy-to-read display
Saved setting
External interface
Equipped with
RS-232C interface
Judgment results can be displayed in 50 ms at the fastest.
The test voltage can be selected from 25 V to 1000 V in increments of a resolution of 1 V. The comparator function
(p. 44) and test duration function (p. 39) support a wide
variety of insulation resistance testing according to safety standards.
High denition LCD display for a high level of visibility
Up to ten patterns of test conditions can be saved. When the power is turned on again after it is turned off, the settings
before the power is turned off are replicated. (p. 76)
EXT.I/O outputs a signal according to the ST5520/ST5520­01 status. The start/stop signal input and test conditions can
be selected. Extended insulation resistance uctuation can be recorded when analog output is used. (p. 81)
A personal computer (PC) can be connected for automated testing and recording test results. (p. 119)
Switched probe
discharge function
The optional 9299 Switched Probe enables efcient manual
Any charge remaining in pieces of equipment to be measured is released inside the instrument after tests. As the TEST lamp blinks during discharge, the discharge status can be checked. Equipment can be protected from possible damage during successive insulation resistance testing.

1.2 Parts Names and Functions

Parts Names and Functions
Front panel
terminals (p. 24)
Refer to p. 10.
EXT.SW terminal (p. 109)
For 9299 Switched Probe
MENU key
Switching of pages
F keys
Rear panel
TEST lamp
(p. 49)
Selection of settings displayed on the screen
Display screen
(Monochrome graphical LCD)
COMP lamps (p. 44)
Upper limit value ≤ Measured value
Within judgment standard
Lower limit value ≥ Measured value
Cursor keys
STOP key
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Power switch (p. 26)
Maintenance terminal
(Do not use.)
Manufacturer’s serial No.
Power inlet (p. 23)
Refer to p. 10.
RS-232C connector (p. 115)
EXT.I/O mode switch (NPN/PNP) (p. 82)
Left: Current sink (NPN), Right: Current source (PNP)
EXT.I/O terminal
(p. 82)
Measurement terminals (p. 24)
Contact check
terminals (p. 58)
Analog output terminal (p. 105)
For 9094 Output Cord
Refer to p. 11.
Refer to p. 11.
8 9
Appx. Ind.
Parts Names and Functions
Bottom panel
Side panel
This instrument can be rack-mounted.
Refer to “Appx. 7 Rack Mounting” (p. Appx.10).
The parts removed from this instrument should be stored in a safe place for future reuse.
When using the stand
Extend the legs all the way. Make sure to extend both legs of the stand.
When collapsing the stand
Do not collapse the stand partway. Be sure to
collapse it all the way.
When the instrument is set on the stand, do not apply a strong force from
above. Doing so may damage the stand.
1.3 Measurement Workow
Measurement Workow
Be sure to refer to “Usage Notes” (p. 7) before use.
Preparing for measurement (p. 23)
(Use the measurement terminals on the rear
panel in case of 4-terminal measurements.)
Checking before measurement (p. 27)
Setting measurement conditions (p. 33)
Item Description Reference
Test voltage
Resistance range
Measurement speed
Test duration
(upper/lower limit values)
Test mode
Beep sound
Select from 25 V to 1000 V. Select either manual range (2 M
2000 M
Select either FAST or SLOW.
Set how long to apply the test voltage (test duration
Set the response time. Set the upper/lower resistance values.
Select from continuous mode, FAIL STOP mode, PASS
STOP mode, or forced termination judgment mode. Set the conditions to announce the judgment result
with a beep sound.
, 4000 MΩ) or auto range.
, 20 MΩ, 200 MΩ,
p. 34
p. 36
p. 38
p. 39
p. 41
p. 44
p. 46
p. 47
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Performing measurement
Turning off the power after use
Appx. Ind.
Screen Conguration and Operation Overview
1.4 Screen Conguration and Operation Overview
This instrument consists of a measurement screen and various settings screens.
The screen examples in this manual appear reversed (black on white) for best
visibility. The instrument screens, however, can actually be displayed only as white characters on a black background.

Measurement screen

Displays the test voltage setting.
Displays the resistance range setting.
Displays the measurement speed setting.
Voltage monitor value
Test duration
Upper limit value
F key set items
SET Moves to the Settings screen. (p. 33)
VOLT Moves to the Test Voltage Settings screen. (p. 34) COMP Moves to the Comparator Settings screen. (p. 44) LOCK Executes the key lock function. (p. 65)
The auto range is set. (Nothing is displayed in
the manual range.)
Measured value
Lower limit value
Moves to various settings screens. Use the F keys at the bottom of the screen to select a screen.

Settings screen

Screen Conguration and Operation Overview
(MEAS screen)
Setting the test voltage (p. 34)
Setting the measurement speed (p. 38)
(SYS screen)
Setting the contact check function (p. 56)
Setting the short circuit check function (p. 60)
Setting the double action function (p. 68)
Setting the screen contrast (p. 69)
Setting the power frequency (p. 71)
(PANEL screen)
Setting the range (p. 36)
Setting the test duration (p. 39)
Setting the response time (p. 41)
Setting the test mode (p. 46)
Setting the beep sound (p. 47)
Setting the key beeper (p. 67)
Setting the backlight (p. 70)
Initializing the system (p. 72)
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Setting the panel save/panel load (p. 75)
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Appx. Ind.
Screen Conguration and Operation Overview
(I/O screen)
Setting the analog output range (p. 104)
Setting the Switched Probe operation (p. 108)
Setting the test signal OFF timing (p. 101)
Setting the INTERLOC test function (p. 108)
Setting the EXT.I/O test function (p. 103)
(IF screen)
Setting the RS-232C interface (p. 114)
Setting the data output function (p. 117)
Setting the communications monitor function
(p. 120)
(INFO screen)
Manufacturer's serial No.
Model name
+ 171 hidden pages