Hioki MR8904 Instruction Manual

Instruction Manual
Sept. 2018 Revised edition 3 MR8904A981-03 18-09H
Introduction ..................................................1
Confirming Package Contents....................1
Safety Notes..................................................2
Usage Notes..................................................4
Chapter 1 Product Overview 7
1.1 Features .............................................. 7
Chapter 2 Names and Functions of Parts 9
Chapter 3 Connections 11
3.1 Installing and Removing the MR8904 into and from a Memory
HiCorder ............................................ 11
3.2 Connecting the Unit to the
Measurement Target ........................12
3.3 Connecting the Unit to a PC ...........14
Chapter 5 Settings 23
5.1 Launching and Exiting the
Software ............................................23
• To connect a Memory HiCorder after
launching the MR8904 CAN Editor ............... 24
5.2 Screen Types ....................................25
5.3 Creating a CAN Definition Data File 26
• How to count the bit position .........................28
• Calculating the start bit (data start position).. 28
• Byte order ................... ...................................29
• To read a saved CAN definition data file .......29
• To load an existing CANdb file ......................30
• To set a password when opening a saved
CAN definition data file.................................. 30
• To delete, edit, or duplicate registered CAN
definition data ................................................30
5.4 Creating Condition Settings Files ...34
Loading a CAN definition data file ............ 34
• To edit the [CAN Definition Data List] ............35
Registering CAN definitions
(creating an MR8904 register list) ............ 36
Installing the USB driver ...........................14
Connecting the Memory HiCorder and PC 17
Uninstalling the USB Driver ......................19
Chapter 4 Preparing the MR8904 CAN Editor 21
4.1 Operating Environment ...................21
4.2 Installing the MR8904 CAN Editor ..21
4.3 Uninstalling the MR8904 CAN
Editor .................................................22
• To edit the [MR8904 Register List]................ 37
Setting CAN communications conditions . 38Allocating channels (Creating MR8904
analog/logic assign lists) .......................... 40
• What is an ID trigger? ....................................41
• Deleting data from an assign list ...................41
Configuring transmission
(creating an MR8904 Send list) ............... 42
• To edit the [MR8904 Send List] .....................42
Saving a list
(saving a condition settings file) ............... 44
• To load a previously saved condition settings
file ..................................................................44
5.5 Printing a Condition Settings File ...45
5.6 Sending and Receiving Condition
Settings .............................................46
Sending condition settings ....................... 46
Receiving condition settings .................... 47
5.7 Window Menu Commands ...............48
Launch window....................... ... ... .... ....... 48
CAN Definition Data File Settings window 49
Condition Settings window ....................... 50
Chapter 6 Configuring Settings with the Memory
Chapter 8 Maintenance and Service 63
8.1 Troubleshooting .............................. 63
8.2 Cleaning ............................................64
HiCorder 51
6.1 Checking and Editing Settings .......51
6.2 Checking Analog Channel
Allocation ..........................................52
6.3 Checking Logic Channel
Allocation ..........................................54
6.4 Setting the Transmission Timing ....55
Chapter 7 Specifications 57
7.1 Model MR8904 Specifications .........57
7.2 Model 9713-01 CAN Cable Specifications (Terminates in Bare
Wires on One End) ...........................58
7.3 Model 9713-02 CAN Cable Specifications (for Onboard Vehicle
Connectors) ......................................59
7.4 MR8904 CAN Editor General
Specifications ...................................60


Thank you for purchasing the Hioki Model MR8904 CAN Unit. To obtain maximum performance from the MR8904, please read this manual first, and keep it handy for future reference.
Registered trademarks
• Windows is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or othe
r countries.
• CANdb is a registered trademark of
Vector Infomatik in Germany.

Confirming Package Contents

When you receive the MR8904, inspect it carefully particular, check the accessories and connectors. If damage is evident, or if it fails to operate according to the specifications, contact your dealer or Hioki representative.
to ensure that no damage occurred during shipping. In
Model 9713-01 CAN Cable
(No connector on one end; approx. 2 m)
Model 9713-02 CAN Cable
(For vehicle equipment connectors; approx. 2 m; made to order; check specifications and availability)

Safety Notes

Safety Notes
This manual contains information and warnings essential for safe operation of the MR8904 and for main- taining it in safe operating condition. Before using it, be sure to carefully read the following safety precau­tions.
This MR8904 is designed to comply with IEC 61010 Safety Standards, and has been thoroughly tested for safety prior to shipment. However, mishandling during use could result in injury or death, as well as damage to the MR8904. Using the MR89 04 in a way not described in this manual may negate the provided safety feat ures. Be certain that you unde rstand the instructions and precautions in the manua l bef ore use. We disclaim any responsibility for accidents or injuries not resulting directly from MR8904 defects.
Safety Symbols
In the manual, the symbol indicates particularly important information that the user should read before using the MR8904.
The symbol printed on the MR8904 indicates that the user should refer to a corresponding topic in the manual (marked with the symbol) before using
the relevant function.
Hazard Labeling
The following symbols in this manual indicate the relative importance of cautions and warn­ings.
Indicates that incorrect operation presents an extreme hazard that could result in serious injury or death to the user.
Indicates that incorrect operation presents a significant hazard that could result in serious injury or death to the user.
Indicates that incorrect operation presents a po damage to the MR8904.
ssibility of injury to the user or
Indicates advisory items related to performance or correct operation of the MR8904.
Safety Notes
• Unless otherwise specified, “Windows” represents Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, or Windows 8.
• Menus, commands, dialogs, buttons in a dialog keys are indicated in brackets.
(p. ) Indicates the location of reference information.
Indicates quick references for operation and remedies for troubleshooting.
Mouse action terminology
, and other names on the screen and the
Click Right-click Double click
Press and quickly release the left button of the mouse. Press and quickly release the right button of the mouse. Quickly click the left button of the mouse twice. While holding down the left button of the mouse, move the mouse and then
release the left button to deposit the chosen item in the desired position. Click on a window on the screen to activate that window.
Blank panel

Usage Notes

Usage Notes
Follow these precautions to ensure safe ope ra tio n an d to obtain the full benefits of the various functions.
Operating temperature and humidity: As per Memory HiCorder specifications Storing temperature and humidity: Temperature: -20C to 60C (- 4 to 140°F) Humidity : -20 C to 40C (-4 to 104°F) 80%RH or less (non-condensating)
40C to 45C (104 to 113°F) 60%RH or less (non-condensating) 45C to 60C (113 to 140°F) 50%RH or less (non-condensating)
Avoid the following locations that could cause an accident or damage to the instrument.
Exposed to direct sun­light Exposed to high tem-
Exposed to water, oil, o
ther chemicals, or solvents Exposed to high hu­midity or condensa­tion
In the presence of cor­rosive or explosive gas­es
Exposed to high levels o
f particulate dust
When Installing and Removing the MR8904 into and from the Memory HiCorder
• To avoid electric shock accident, before removing or replacing an MR8904, confirm that the instrument is turned off and that the power cord and connection cables are disconnected. The mounting screws must be firmly tightened or the MR8904 and the Memory HiCorder may not perform to specifications, or may even fail.
• To avoid the danger of electric shock, never operate the Memory HiCorder with an input
module removed. To use the Memory HiCorder after removing an input mod-
ule, install a blank panel over the opening of the removed module.
Measurements made without a blank panel installed may fail to meet specifications because of temperature instability within the input modules.
See: "3.1 Installing and Removing the MR8904 into and from a Memory HiCorder" (p.11)
Usage Notes
When Connecting the MR8904 and the Object under Measurement
This device is designed to collect messages being transferred on the CAN bus and to send messages to the CAN bus. Do not connect it to anything other than a CAN bus. In addition to damaging the Memory HiCorder, CAN Unit, and measurement target, doing so may cause bodily injury.
Use of the CAN Unit may affect the operation of the CAN bus as well as systems con­nected to the CAN bus. The resulting operation may cause bodily injury or property damage. V ated systems before use.
• When connecting the MR8904 to a CAN bus, exercise care not to connect the power sup­ply and ground lines backwards. Doing so may damage the MR8904 and measurement ta
• When measuring low-speed CAN or single-wire CAN bus ground and measurement cable ground lines are not isolated. Wire the system so that no potential difference occurs between the ground lines. Failure to do so may damage the Memory HiCorder, CAN Unit, and measurement target.
erify how CAN Unit use, both proper and inadvertent, may affect associ-
es, the Memory HiCorder
• When connecting the CAN unit to a low-speed be supplied form an external source. Since the Memory HiCorder’s ground and measure­ment cable ground lines are not isolated in this con from a circuit with the same ground. Failure to do so may damage the Memory HiCorder, CAN Unit, and measurement target.
CAN or single-wire CAN bus, power must
figuration, be sure to provide power
See: "3.2 Connecting the Unit to the Measurement Target" (p.12)
Transport and Handling
To avoid damage to the MR8904, protect it from physical shock when transporting and han­dling. Be especially careful to avoid physical shock from dropping.
This device may cause interference if used in residential areas. Such use must be avoided unless the user takes special measures to reduce electromagnetic emissions to prevent inter ference to the reception of rad
io and television broadcasts.
Before Use
Before using the MR8904 for the first time, verify that it ope damage occurred during storage or shipping. If you find any damage, contact your dealer or Hioki representative.
rates normally to ensure that no
Before using the MR8904, make sure that the insulation on the cables is undamaged and that no bare conductors are improperly exposed. Using the product in such con­ditions could cause an electric shock, so contact your dealer or Hioki representative for rep
Usage Notes

1.1 Features

Product Overview Chapter 1
The MR8904 is an input module for Memory HiCorder that captures necessary data from CAN bus sig­naling and transfers analog or logic signals to a Memory HiCorder as waveform data.
• When you connect the Memory HiCorder to a PC with a USB cable, you can configure the MR8904 from the PC with the MR8904 CAN Editor application (the USB cable and application are included with the Memory HiCorder).
• Up to 200 CAN definitions can be registered.
The MR8904 is a Memory HiCorder option. It should only be used when installed in a Memory HiCorder. Supported models: MR8875
1.1 Features
Extensive number of output channels
The MR8904 provides an extensive and a 16-bit logic channel.
number of output channels, including 15 analog channels
Two independent input ports
The device’s independent CAN1 and CAN2 ports a works with different CAN bus types or baud rates.
llow it to be connected to different net-
Support for three types of CAN bus
A single MR8904 provides support for three type CAN, and single-wire CAN.
s of CAN bus: high-speed CAN, low-speed
Automatic baud rate configuration
The MR8904 monitors the CAN bus and automatically con eliminating the need to make troublesome settings (12 baud rates are supported: 10k, 20k,
33.3k, 50k, 62.5k, 83.3k, 100k, 125k, 250k, 500k, 800k, and 1 Mbps). The baud rate can also be set manually.
figures the baud rate accordingly,
PC-accessible advanced settings
Advanced settings concerning data captured from MR8904 CAN Editor, an application featuring exceptional usability.
the CAN bus can be configured with the
Real-time waveform observation
The MR8904 converts CAN signals into analog and logic be observed as waveforms on the Memory HiCorder.
data in real time, allowing signals to
1.1 Features
Support for mixed recording
Used in combination with other Memory HiCorder optional input modules, the MR8904 can be used to implement mixed recording of sensor data and control signals on a CAN bus as well as signals that cannot be acquired on a CAN bus.
Ability to send data to the CAN bus
The MR8904 can send ACK responses to CAN messages as well as CAN messages them­selves, allowing it to be used in simple
Use of CANdb files
The MR8904 can use Vector’s CAN communications datab CANdb file, there is no need to create new CAN definitions.
ase files. If you already have a
Names and
CAN input port 1 (left) and 2 (right)
CAN signal input terminals. CAN1 and CAN2 are independent and can be connected to different networks.
• Turns green when a CAN message allo­cated to the port 1 output channel is input.
• Turns red when port 1 exp eri ences a n er ror.
• Turns green when a CAN messag e allocate d to the port 2 output channel is input.
• Turns red when port 2 experie nces an error.
Functions of PartsChapter 2
When an error is encountered, the port in question will enter ACK OFF mode, making it unable to send messages or issue ACK responses. The error state will return to normal after measurement completes. When a port enters an error state, verify that the wiring and CAN communications condi­tions are correct.

3.1 Installing and Removing the MR8904 into and from a Memory HiCorder

Mounting screws
1 Turn the Memory HiCorder POWER switch
off and unplug the AC adapter and any measurement cords.
2 With attention to the orientation of the
MR8904, insert it firmly all the way in.
3 Using the Phillips screwdriver, tighten the
two MR8904 mounting screws.
To remove the MR8904, turn off the Memory HiCorder, disconnect any cords that are connected to the MR8904, and remove the device by revers­ing the procedure described above.
Connections Chapter 3
3.1 Installing and Removing the MR8904 into and from a Memory HiCorder
Before connecting the device, be sure to read "When Installing and Removing the MR8904 into and from the Memory HiCorder" (p.4), which describes how to install a newly purchased MR8904 into a Memory HiCorder and how to switch between it and other input modules.
(Example: MR8875) Required
items: Phillips head screwdriver (No.1)
Example: Connecting the unit with the 9713-01
Wire color
Pin no.
signal name
- 1 NC
Green 2 CAN_L
Black 3 CAN_GND
- 4 NC
- 5 NC
- 6 NC
Red 7 CAN_H
- 8 NC
White 9 CAN_V+
- Shield GND
Connector D-Sub 17LE23090-27 (Manufactured by DDK Ltd.)
1 Connect the CAN cable to one of
the MR8904 CAN Unit’s ports. Take care to orient the connector properly
. Tighten the fixing screw with a Phillips head screwdriver to secure the connector to the unit.
2 Attach to the measurement object.

3.2 Connecting the Unit to the Measurement Target

3.2 Connecting the Unit to the Measurement Target
Before connecting the unit, be sure to read "When Connecting the MR8904 and the Object under Mea­surement" (p.5). Then connect the MR8904 to the measurement target with a CAN cable.
Required items: Model 9713-01 CAN Cable, Phillips head screwdriver (No.1)
High-Speed CAN
Low-Speed CAN
Single-Wire CAN
CAN bus
CAN bus
CAN bus
Memory HiCorder
Memory HiCorder
Memory HiCorder
3.2 Connecting the Unit to the Measurement Target
Connection diagram when using Model 9713-01
Depending on the environment, the dialog box may take some time to appear so please wait till it does so.

3.3 Connecting the Unit to a PC

3.3 Connecting the Unit to a PC
The MR8904 can be configured from a PC via the Memory HiCorder. Before starting the configuration process, install the USB driver and connect the PC and Memory HiCorder.

Installing the USB driver

Install the USB driver before
Do not plug in or unplug the USB cable while the Memory HiCorder is operating.
Use a user account with administrator privileges to perform the installation.
Execute the [HiokiUsbCdcDriver.msi] file in the X:\Driver folder on the CD.
(“X” indicates the CD-ROM drive. T
Click [Next].
you use the Memory HiCorder with a USB connection.
he letter varies with the PC.)
Click [Next].
When you want to change the installation destination
Click [Browse...] to change the folder to install into. Normally, there is no need to change.
Click [Next] to start installing.
3.3 Connecting the Unit to a PC
The installation of the software will begin.
1 Check
2 Click
3.3 Connecting the Unit to a PC
For Windows XP
During the installation, a message saying that the software has not passed Windows Logo testing will appear a few times, click
[Continue Anyway] to continue installing.
For Windows Vista/7/8
When a dialog box requesting your per­mission to continue the program appears, click [Y
Sometimes another dialog box requesting your permission to install the software may a
ppear. When it does, check [Always
trust software from "HIOKI E.E. COR­PORATION"] and
When installation is completed
click [Install] to contin-
and the dialog box appears,
[Close] to exit.
This completes the driver installation.
3.3 Connecting the Unit to a PC
USB cable
1 Connect one end of the USB cable to the
USB cable slot on the Memory HiCorder while making sure the plug is oriented correctly.
2 Connect the other end of the cable to a
USB port on the PC.
2 Click
1 Check

Connecting the Memory HiCorder and PC

PC Requirements: A personal computer running Windows XP, Vista, 7 or 8.
• To prevent a malfunction, do not disconnect the USB cable during communication.
• The Memory HiCorder and PC should be grounded separately, potential difference between the ground points can cause malfunc­tions or damage when connecting the USB cable.
connected to the same earth ground. If
The first time you connect the Memory PC to recognize the Memory HiCorder.
HiCorder and PC, perform the following procedure to enable the
For Windows Vista/7/8
The Memory HiCorder is recognized automatically, and the preparation to use the device completes.
For Windows XP
A [Found New Hardware Wizard] dialog box will appear and the new hardware de tection wizard will begin.
Check [No, not this time] and
2 Click
1 Check
3.3 Connecting the Unit to a PC
Check [Install the software
automatically (Recommended)]
and click [Next].
Please wait while the driver is being in­stalled.
Click [Continue Anyway].
A message saying that the software has not passed Windows Logo testing will ap­pear a few times, click [Cont
way] to continu
e installing.
inue Any-
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