Hioki MR8880-20 User Manual

Instruction Manual
September 2013 Revised edition 5 MR8880B980-05 13-09H
Confirming Package Contents....................................................4
Safety Information ............................. ............................... ... ... ....5
Operating Precautions................................................................8
Chapter 1 Overview ____________________________________23
1.1 Product Overview and Features .............................23
1.2 Names and Functions of Parts ...............................24
1.3 Screen Configuration and Display .........................26
Chapter 2 Measurement Preparations_________________33
2.1 Using the Alkaline Battery Box (Accessory) or
Battery Pack (Option) ............................................ ..34
Installing the Alkaline Battery Box and Replacing the Batteries 35
Install the Battery Pack .............................................................36
Charge the Battery Pack ..........................................................38
2.2 Connecting the AC Adapter ....................................39
2.3 Connecting Measurement Cables to the Memory
HiCorder ...................................................................40
Connecting Connection Cords (to record voltage waveforms) .40
Connecting a Clamp Sensor (to record current waveforms) ....41
Connecting the Logic Probe (to record logic signals) ...............42
2.4 Connecting Printer and Loading Recording Paper
(Options) ...................................................................43
Connecting the Printer ..............................................................43
Loading the Recording Paper ...................................................44
2.5 Attaching the Carrying Strap ..................................46
2.6 Turning the Power On and Off ...............................47
2.7 Using CF Card or USB Flash Drive
(for Saving Data) ......................................................48
CF Card Insertion & Removal ..................................................49
1 2
USB Flash Drive Insertion & Removal .....................................49
Formatting a CF Card/USB Flash Drive ..................................50
2.8 Compensating for Input Circuit Offset
(Zero Adjustment) .......... ............................... ... .. ..... 51
Chapter 3 Basic OperatingProcedures ________________ 53
3.1 Pre-Operation Inspection....................................... 53
3.2 Measurement Flow ................................................. 54
3.3 Basic Operation ...................................................... 57
Checking Input State (Monitor) ................................................57
Configuring Settings (Changing Settings) ................................59
Starting and Stopping Measurement .......................................60
Viewing Measurement Results
(Scrolling Waveforms & Displaying Measurement Values) ..... 62
Saving Data .............................................................................63
Printing Data ............................................................................64
Disabling Key Operations (Key-Lock Function) .......................64
3.4 Measurement Using Setting Wizard
(PRESETS key) ........................................................ 65
Configuring Settings by Following Instructions in Navigation
(Basic Guide) ...........................................................................65
Selecting Application and Configure Settings
(Measurement Guide) ..............................................................66
Loading Setting Configuration Data .........................................67
Chapter 4 Setting the Measurement Conditions (When you want to customize the settings)69
4.1 Flow of Configuring Settings Individually ............ 69
4.2 Recording Methods (Measurement Functions) ... 70
4.3 Using High-speed Function
(Instantaneous Recording) ............................... ..... 72
Selecting the Function (High-speed Function) ........................72
Setting the Horizontal Axis (Time Base Range) ......................73
Setting Recording Length (no. of divisions) .............................76
Set the Recording Length for Repeated or One-time
Recording ................................................................................77
Configuring Settings Automatically (Auto Range) ....................78
4.4 Using Real-time Function
(Fluctuation Recording) ........ ... ... ............................80
Selecting the Function (Real-time Function) ............................80
Setting the Interval for the Data to Record (Recording Interval) 81
Setting the Recording Time ......................................................83
Setting the Repeat Operation (Repeat Measurement or Single
Measurement) ..........................................................................85
Retaining Records of Maximum and Minimum Values
(Envelope) ................................................................................86
4.5 Setting the Input Conditions ..................................88
Setting the Input Channel (Instantaneous Value/Effective
Value & Measurement Range) .................................................88
Selecting a Low-Pass Filter (L.P.F.) .........................................90
Selecting the Input Coupling Method .......................................90
4.6 Setting the Screen Display ...................... .. ... ..........91
Expanding and Compressing in the Horizontal Axis (Time Axis)
Direction ...................................................................................91
Setting Display Range in Vertical Axis Direction ......................93
Setting the Display Format
(Screen Splitting/Synthesis/Graph Assignment) ......................96
Setting Waveform Display Colors & Turning On/Off Display ....98
Converting Measurement Values (Scaling Function) ...............99
Setting Logic Channel Display Colors ....................................102
Setting Logic Channel Display Positions ................................102
Setting the Recording Width of Logic Waveforms ..................103
4.7 Setting Automatic Saving ........ ... .. ... .. ... ................104
Replacing CF Card or USB Flash Drive during Saving
([Realtime] only) .....................................................................108
4.8 Setting Automatic Printing ...... ... .. ........................110
4.9 Recording Using Specific Conditions
(Trigger Function) .................................................112
What is a Trigger? ..................................................................112
Enabling the Trigger Function ................................................113
Setting the Trigger Timing ......................................................113
Setting AND/OR Trigger Application Conditions ....................115
Recording Data Before Trigger Applied (Pre-trigger) .............117
Setting the Trigger Type for Analog Input Signals ..................118
Applying a Trigger at a Specified Value (Level Trigger) .........119
2 3 4
Applying a Trigger Using Range Specified by Upper & Lower Limit
Values (Window Trigger) .......................................................121
Detecting Instantaneous Power Failure of Commercial Power
Supply (Voltage Drop Trigger) (High-speed Function only) ...122
Monitoring Commercial Power Supply
(Waveform Judgment Trigger) (High-speed Function only) ..123
Applying Trigger with Logic Input Signal (Logic Trigger) ....... 126
Applying Trigger at Fixed Time Interval (Interval Trigger) .....128
Applying Trigger with External Input Signal (External Trigger) 129
4.10 Entering Comments and Titles ....................... ..... 130
Setting the Title and Comments ............................................130
Printing the Title and Comments ...........................................132
Chapter 5 Waveform Analysis ________________________133
5.1 Observing Waveforms .......................................... 133
Displaying Waveforms (Display Descriptions) .......................133
Scrolling Waveforms ..............................................................134
Verifying Waveform Display Position .....................................135
Displaying Gauges .................................................................136
Magnifying and Compressing Horizontally ............................137
Viewing Any Waveform Location (Jump Function) ................139
Displaying Cursor Values ......................................................140
Specifying a Waveform Time Span .......................................142
5.2 Marking Waveforms and Searching Marks
(Search Function) .. ... ............................... .. ... ........ 143
Inserting Event Marks While Viewing Waveforms .................143
Inserting Event Marks Using External Input Signals ..............144
Searching Event Marks ..........................................................145
Viewing Events in Text Format (CSV) ...................................146
5.3 Synthesizing Waveforms (X-Y Synthesis) .......... 147
Synthesizing All Acquired Data ..............................................147
Synthesizing Part of the Data ................................................148
Chapter 6 Managing Data_____________________________149
6.1 Saving & Loading Data ......................................... 149
About the File Hierarchy ........................................................149
About File Types & Saving/Loading .......................................150
Preparations and Settings for Power Outages during Long-term
Measurements ........................................................................151
6.2 Saving Data ..... ............................... ... .. ...................152
Selecting & Saving Data with the SAVE Key [Select&Save] ..154
Saving immediately with the SAVE Key [Quick Save] ............155
Saving Setting Configuration Data .........................................157
6.3 Loading Data on the HiCorder ..............................158
Loading a Setting Configuration .............................................158
Loading Waveform Data and Screen Images ........................160
6.4 Data Management ..................................................161
Switching Removable Storage ...............................................161
Viewing Folder Contents and the Parent Folder ....................161
Deleting Data ..........................................................................162
Renaming Files and Folders ..................................................163
Sorting Files ...........................................................................164
Chapter 7 Printing____________________________________ 165
7.1 Printing Waveform after Measurement
(Manual Print) .........................................................166
Printing Whole Waveform .......................................................166
Specifying the Range to Print (Partial Print) ...........................167
7.2 Printing the Screen Display (Screen Hardcopy) .168
7.3 Printing the Setting Information (List Print) ........169
7.4 Print Examples .......................................................170
7.5 Various Print Settings ...........................................171
Printing the Channel Number or Comment (Channel Marker) 171
Setting the Grid Type .............................................................172
Setting the Print Density .........................................................173
Printing Setting List and Gauge (List & Gauge) .....................173
Specifying the Range to Print (Print Range) ..........................174
7.6 Feeding ............................ ....................... ................ 175
7.7 Performing a Printer Check ..................................175
4 5
6 7
Chapter 8 Numerical Calculations ___________________177
8.1 Calculation Methods ........ ... ............................... ... 177
8.2 Calculating Automatically (Auto Calculation) .... 179
Calculating at Specified Interval (Interval Calculation) ..........181
8.3 Calculating after Measurement
(Manual Calculation) ............................................. 182
Performing Calculation for All Data ........................................182
Apply Calculations to a Specific Time Span ..........................183
8.4 Numerical Value Calculation Expressions ......... 184
Chapter 9 Scheduling Measurement _________________187
9.1 Starting & Stopping Measurement on a
Specified Day ...... .................................................. 187
9.2 Starting & Stopping Measurement Periodically . 189
9.3 Canceling a Schedule ........................................... 191
9.4 About Schedule Function Operation .................. 193
9.5 Setting Examples .................................................. 195
Chapter 10 System Environment Settings_____________197
10.1 Operation Settings ........................................... .. ... 198
Using the Auto-Resume Function
(Resume After Power Restoration) ........................................198
File Protection Level Setting ..................................................198
10.2 Screen Key Operation Settings ........................... 199
Enabling and Disabling the Backlight Saver ..........................199
Adjust Backlight Brightness ...................................................199
Selecting Black or White Screen Background .......................200
Enabling or Disabling the Beeper ..........................................200
Selecting the Horizontal (Time) Axis Display .........................201
Display of Start/Stop Confirmation Messages .......................201
Setting the SAVE Key Action .................................................202
Selecting the Display Language ............................................202
10.3 CSV File Saving Settings ..................................... 203
CSV File Data Decimal and Separator Characters ................203
10.4 Making System Settings ............... ... .....................204
Setting the Date and Time ......................................................204
Initializing the HiCorder (System Reset) ................................204
Self-Test .................................................................................205
Chapter 11 Connection to a PC _______________________ 207
11.1 USB Settings and Connections ............................207
11.2 Importing Data to a Computer ..............................208
Select the USB Drive Mode ....................................................208
Connecting the Instrument and Computer .............................209
11.3 Communication Using Commands ......................210
Setting Communication ..........................................................210
Installing the USB Driver ........................................................211
Connecting the Instrument and Computer .............................214
Uninstalling the USB Driver ....................................................216
Chapter 12 External Control __________________________ 217
12.1 Connecting to the External Control Terminals ...217
12.2 External Signal Input (External Trigger Input) ....219
12.3 External Signal Output (Trigger Output) .............221
12.4 Controlling Instrument Using External Inputs
(START/IN1 and STOP/IN2) ...................................223
12.5 Using External Outputs (ALM/OUT) ..... ... .. ... .. ... ...225
12.6 Synchronous Measurements with Multiple
Instruments ....................... ..................................... 226
13 14
8 9
Chapter 13 Specifications_____________________________ 227
13.1 MR8880-20 Specifications ....................................227
13.2 High-speed Function .............................................235
13.3 Real-time Function ................................................236
13.4 Other Functions ... ... .. ................................ .. ... ........239
13.5 Monitor Functions .................................................243
13.6 Setting Wizard Function (PRESETS) ...................243
11 12
Chapter 14 Maintenance and Service _________________245
14.1 Inspection, Repair, and Cleaning ........................ 245
14.2 Troubleshooting ................................................... 249
14.3 Disposing of the Instrument . .. ... .. ... ..................... 251
Appendix ______________ A1
Appendix 1 Error Messages and Remedial Actions.......A1
Appendix 2 List of Default Settings .................................A7
Appendix 3 File Naming ..................................................A12
Appendix 4 Text File (CSV File) Internal Format...........A13
Appendix 5 Waveform File Size......................................A15
Appendix 6 Maximum Recordable Time........................A16
Appendix 7 Supplemental Technical Information.........A19
Appendix 8 Frequently Asked Questions......................A21
Appendix 9 Options.........................................................A26
Appendix 10 Installing Waveform Viewer........................A28
Index___________________________________Index 1


Setup (p. 65)
Preparation (p. 33)
Inspection (p. 53)
You can customize the settings as necessary (p. 69).
Start of Measurement
View Input State (p. 57)
End of Measurement
Analyze with Instrument (p. 133)
Save (p. 149) and Print (p. 165)
Analyze with computer
You can also automatically save (p. 104) and print (p. 110) data.
You can configure the settings easily with Setting Wizard.


Thank you for purchasing the HIOKI Model MR8880-20 Memory HiCorder. To obtain maximum performance from the instrument, please read this manual first, and keep it handy for future reference.
The inputs of the instrument are specifically for voltage input. An optional clamp-on probe is required for current measurement w ith the Memory HiCorder. In this manual, all models of these probes are collectively referred to as "clamp sensors." For details, refer to the instruction manual of the particular clamp sensor to be used.
Registered Trademarks
• Windows and Excel are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.
• CompactFlash is a registered trademark of Sandisk Corporation (USA).
Confirm that these contents are provided.
Model MR8880-20 Memory HiCorder
.......................................................... 1
Model Z1002 AC Adapter ................ 1
with supplied power cord
Alkaline Battery Box........................ 1
(p. 39)
(p. 34)
Instruction Manual (This document)1
USB cable..........................................1
Strap ..................................................1
Application program CD
(Waveform Viewer (Wv),
Communication command).............1
(p. 209)
(p. 46)
The latest version can be down­loaded from our web site.
Use the original packing materials when transporting the instrument, if possible.

Confirming Package Contents

Confirming Package Contents
When you receive the instrument, inspect it carefully to ensure that no damage occurred during shipping. In particular, check the accessories, panel switches, and connectors. If damage is evident, or if it fails to operate according to the specifica­tions, contact your dealer or Hioki representative.
For information about options: (p. A26)
Contact your dealer or Hioki representative for details.

Safety Information

Safety Information
This instrument is designed to comply with IEC 61010 Safety Stan­dards, and has been thoroughly tested for safety prior to ship­ment. However, mishandling during use could result in injury or death, as well as damage to the instrument. Using the instrument in a way not described in this manual may negate the provided safety features. Be certain that you understand the instructions and precautions in the manual before use. We disclaim any responsibility for acci­dents or injuries not resulting directly from instrument defects.
This manual contains information and warnings essential for safe operation of the instrument and for maintaining it in safe operating condit ion . Bef ore usin g it, b e sure to carefully read the following safety precautions.
Safety Symbols
In the manual, the symbol indicates particularly important information that the user should read before using the instrument.
The symbol printed on the instrument indicates that the user should refer to a corresponding topic in the manual (marked with the symbol) before using the relevant function.
Indicates a burn hazard if touched directly.
Indicates a double-insulated device. Indicates a grounding terminal.
Indicates DC (Direct Current). Indicates the ON side of the power switch.
Indicates the OFF side of the power switch.
Safety Information
The following symbols in this manual indicate t he relative importance of cautions and warnings.
Indicates that incorrect operation presents an extreme hazard that could result in serious injury or death to the user.
Indicates that incorrect operation presents a significant hazard that could result in serious injury or death to the user.
Indicates that incorrect operation presents a possibility of injury to the user or damage to the instrument.
Indicates advisory items related to performance or correct operation of the instrument.
Symbols for V arious Standards
This symbol indicates that the product conforms to safety regulations set out by the EC Directive.
This is a recycle mark established under the Resource Recycling Promotion Law (only for Japan).
WEEE marking: This symbol indicates that the electrical and electronic appliance is put on the EU market after August 13, 2005, and producers of the Member States are required to display it on the appliance under Article 11.2 of Directive 2002/96/ EC (WEEE).
Other Symbols
Indicates the prohibited action.
( p. )
[ ] The names of setting objects and buttons on the screen are indicated by
(Bold charac-
• Unless otherwise specified, "Windows" represents Windows 2000, Windows XP, Win­dows Vista, or Windows 7.
• Dialog box represents a Windows dialog box.
• Click: Press and quickly release the left button of the mouse.
• Double click: Quickly click the left button of the mouse twice.
Indicates the location of reference information. Indicates that descriptive information is provided below.
square brackets [ ].
Bold characters within the text indicate operating key labels.
Safety Information
We define measurement tolerances in terms of f.s. (full scale), rdg. (reading) and dgt. (digit) values, with the following meanings:
(maximum display value or scale length) The maximum displayable value or scale length. In this instrument, the maximum displayable value is the range (V/div) times the number of divi­sions (10) on the vertical axis. Example: For the 1 V/div range, f.s. = 10 V
(reading or displayed value) The value currently being measured and indicated on the measuring instru­ment.
(resolution) The smallest displayable unit on a digital measuring instrument, i.e., the input value that causes the digital display to show a "1" as the least-signifi­cant digit.
Measurement categories
This instrument complies with CAT IV (300 V AC/DC), CAT III (600 V AC/DC) safety requirements. To ensure safe operation of measurement instruments, IEC 61010 establishes safety standards for various electrical environments, categorized as CAT II to CAT IV, and called measurement categories.
CAT II Primary electrical circuits in equipment connected to an AC electrical outlet by a
CAT III Primary electrical circuits of heavy equipment (fixed installations) connected
CAT IV The circuit from the service dr op to the service entranc e, and to the power mete r
Using a measurement instru­ment in an environment desig­nated with a higher-numbered category than that for which the instrument is rated could result in a severe accident, and must be carefully avoided. Use of a measurement instru­ment that is not CAT-rated in CAT II to CAT IV measurement applications could result in a severe accident, and must be carefully avoided.
power cord (portable tools, household appliances, etc.) CAT II covers directly measuring electrical outlet receptacles.
directly to the distribution panel, and feeders from the distribution panel to out­lets.
and primary overcurrent protection device (distribution panel).

Operating Precautions

Operating Precautions
Follow these precautions to ensure safe operation and to obtain the full benefits of the various functions.
Before Use
Before using the instrument the first time, verify that it operates normally to en sure that no damage occurred during storage or shipping. If you find any damage, contact your dealer or Hioki representative.
Before using the instrument, make sure that the insulation on the probes, connection cords, and clamp sensor leads is unda maged and that no bare conductors are improperly exposed. Using the instrument in such conditions could cause an electric shock, so contact your dealer or Hioki representative for replacements.
Instrument Installation
Operating temperature and humidity Temperature: -10°C to 50°C (14 to 122°F), Humidity: -10°C to 40°C (14 to 104°F) at 80%RH or less (non-condensating)
40°C to 45°C (104 to 113°F) at 60%RH or less (non-condensating) 45°C to 50°C (113 to 122°F) at 50%RH or less (non-condensating)
• During battery operation: 0°C to 40°C (32 to 104°F) at 80% RH or less (non-con­densating)
• During batt ery charging : 10°C to 4 0°C (50 to 104°F) at 80% RH or less (non-co n­densating)
Temperature and humidity range for guaranteed accuracy: 23±5°C 80%RH or less (non-condensating)
Operating Precautions
Avoid the following locations that could cause an accident or damage to the instrument.
Exposed to direct sunlight Exposed to high temperature
Exposed to water, oil, other chemicals, or solvents Exposed to high humidity or condensation
Exposed to high levels of particulate dust
Subject to vibration
Handling the Instrument
• Do not allow the instrument to get wet, and do not take measure­ments with wet hands. This may cause an electric shock.
• To avoid electric shock, do not remove the instrument's case. The internal components of the instrument carry high voltages and may become very hot during operation.
• Do not attempt to modify, disassemble or repair the instrument; as fire, electric shock and injury could result.
• Avoid obst ructi ng the ventil ation holes on the sides of the instru­ment, as it could overheat and be damaged, or cause a fire.
In the presence of corro­sive or explosive gases
Exposed to strong electro­magnetic fields Near electromagnetic radi­ators
Near induction heating sys­tems (e.g., high-frequency induction heating systems and IH cooking utensils)
Operating Precautions
• The operating temperature range of the instrument is -10°C to 50°C. Do not use the instrument in an environment that is out of this range.
• To avoid damage to the instrument, protect it from physical shock when transporting and handling. Be especially careful to avoid physi­cal shock from dropping.
• This instrument may cause interference if used in residential areas. Such use must be avoided unless the user takes special measures to reduce electromagnetic emissions to prevent interference to the reception of radio and television broadcasts.
• Before transporting the instrument, disconnect all cables and remove any CFcard, USB flash drive and recording paper.
• Do not slant the device or place it on top of an uneven surface. Drop­ping or knocking down the device can cause injury or da mage to the device.
• The instrument is equipped with a protector. The physical shock pro­tection provided by the protector does not fully prevent instrument fail­ures. Be sufficiently careful when handling the instrument.
Correct measurement may be impossible in the presence of strong magnetic fields, such as near transformers and high-current condu c­tors, or in the presence of strong electromagnetic fields such as near radio transmitters.
Handling the Cords and Cables
• Avoid stepping on or pinching cables, which could damage the cable insulation.
• To avoid breaking the cables, do not bend or pull them.
• To avoid damaging the power cord, grasp the plug, not the cord, when unplugging it from the power outlet.
• When disconnecting the BNC connector, be sure to release the lock before pulling off the connector. Forcibly pulling the connector without releasing the lock, or pulling on the cable, can damage the connector.
• To prevent an electric shock accident, confirm that the white or red portion (insulation layer) inside the cable is not exposed. If a color inside the cable is exposed, do not use the cable.
Operating Precautions
• Use only the specified connection cables. Using a non-specified cable may result in incorrect measurements due to poor connection or other reasons.
• Before using a clamp sensor or logic probe, read the instruction man­ual supplied with it.
Operating Precautions
Alkaline Battery Box (Accessory) and Battery Pack (Option)
About installation procedure: "2.1 Using the Alkaline Battery Box (Accessory) or Battery Pack (Option)" (p. 34)
Be sure to observe the following precautions. Incorrect handling may result in liquid leaks, heat generation, ignition, bursting and other hazards.
• For the battery pack, use the optional Z1000 Battery Pack. We do not take any re sponsib ility for accident s or damage related to the use of any other batteries.
• When using the alkaline battery box, use commercially available eight LR6 alkaline batteries.
• To avoid the possibility of explosion, do not short circuit, disas­semble or incinerate battery pack/battery. Handle and dispose of batteries in accordance with local regulations.
• When storing the instrument, make sure no objects that could short-circuit the connectors are placed near them.
• The battery pack and alkaline dry cell batteries contain lye, which can cause blindness if comes into contact with the eyes. Should battery liquid get into your eyes, do not rub your eyes but rinse them in plenty of water and seek the immediate atten­tion of a physician.
• To avoid electric shock, turn off the power switch and discon­nect the cables before replacing the batteries or battery pack.
• After installing or replacing the batteries or battery pack, replace the battery compartment cover and screws.
• Handle and dispose of batteries or battery pack in accordance with local regulations.
About alkaline dry cell batteries
• Do not mix old and new batteries, or different types of batteries. Also, be careful to observe battery polarity during installation. Otherwise, poor performance or damage from battery leakage could result.
• Do not use LR6 alkaline batteries together with commercially avail­able nickel hydride batteries or other types of batteries.
• To avoid corrosion an d damage to this instrument from battery leak­age, remove the batteries from the instrument if it is to be stored for a long time (several months or more).
When using battery pack
Observe the following to avoid damage to the instrument.
• Use the battery pack in an ambient temperature range of 0 to 40°C and charge it in an ambient temperature range of 10 to 40°C.
• If the battery packs fails to complete charging within the stipulated time, disconnect the AC adapter from the pack to stop charging.
• Consult your dealer or nearest service station should liquid leaks, strange odor, heat, discoloration, deformation and other abnormal conditions occur during use, charging or storage. Should these condi­tions occur during use or charging, turn off and disconnect the instru­ment immediately.
• Do not expose the instrument to water and do not use it in excessively humid locations or locations exposed to rain.
• Do not expose the instrument to strong impacts and do not throw it around.
Operating Precautions
Operating Precautions
• The battery pack is a consumable. If the battery capacity remains very low after correct recharging, the useful battery life is at an end.
• When a battery pack that has not been used for a long time is used, charging may end before the battery pack is fully charged. In such a case, repeat charging and discharging a number of time before use. (A battery pack may also be in such a state immediately after pur­chase.)
• The life of the battery pack (when capacity is 60% or more of initial capacity) is approximately 500 charge-discharge cycles. (The life dif­fers depending on the conditions of use.)
• To prevent battery pack deterioration when the battery will not be used for 1 month or longer, remove it and store it in a dry location with an ambient temperature range of between -20 to 30°C. Be sure to dis­charge and charge it every two months. Long-term storage when capacity has decreased will make charging impossible and reduce performance.
• When a battery pack is used, the instrument turns off automatically when the capacity drops. Leaving the instrument in this state for a long time may lead to over discharge so be sure to turn off the power switch on the instrument.
• The charging efficiency of the battery pack deteriorates at high and low temperatures.
Using the AC Adapter
• Use only the supplied Model Z1002 AC Adapter. AC adapter input voltage range is 100 to 240 V AC (with ±10% stability) at 50/ 60 Hz. To avoid electrical hazards and damage to the instrument, do not apply voltage outside of this range.
• Before connecting to a power supply, make sure the supply volt­age matches that indicated on the AC adapter. Connection to an improper supply voltage may damage the instrument or AC adapter and present an electrical hazard.
• Turn the instrument off before connecting the AC adapter to the instrument and to AC power.
• To avoid electrical accidents and to maintain the safety specifi­cations of this instrument, connect the power cord provided only to a 3-contact (two-conductor + ground) outlet.
• If you wish to use a UPS (uninterruptible power supply) or DC-AC inverter to power the instrument, do not use a UPS or DC-AC inverter with square wave or pseudo sine wave output. Doing so may damage the instrument.
• To avoid damaging the power cord, grasp the plug, not the cord, when unplugging it from the power outlet.
Operating Precautions
• After use, always turn OFF the power.
• Brief power interruptions of 40 ms or less will not cause this instru­ment to malfunction. However, Longer interruptions may cause the Memory HiCorder to shut itself off, so consider local power conditions before installing, as appropriate.
• To ensure that recording is not interrupted by power outages, you can use the Z1002 AC Adapter and Z1000 Battery Pack together.
Measurement cables
Maximum input voltage
Maximum rated voltage to earth
Model 9197 Model L9197
600 V AC/DC 600 V AC/DC (CAT III, II)
300 V AC/DC (CAT IV)
Model L9198 Model L9217
300 V AC/DC 600 V AC/DC (CAT II)
Model L9790 600 V AC/DC
When using Model L9790-01 Alligator clip and Model 9790-03 Contact Pin 600 V AC/DC (CAT II) 300 V AC/DC (CAT III) When using Model 9790-02 Grabber clip 300 V AC/DC (CAT II) 150 V AC/DC (CAT III)
Model 9322 2000 V DC,
1000 V AC
When using the Grabber clip 1500 V AC/DC (CAT II) 600 V AC/DC (CAT III) When using the Alligator clip 1000 V AC/DC (CAT II) 600 V AC/DC (CAT III)
Operating Precautions
Connecting to the Terminals
Connecting to the Analog Input Terminals
• Note the following maximum input voltage and maximum rated voltage to earth. 600 V AC/DC (CAT III, II), 300 V AC/DC (CAT IV) If their voltages are exceeded, this device will be damaged and personal injury will result. Therefore, do not perform measure­ment in this case. The maximum allowable input voltage is the smaller of that of the instrument or of the measurement cables.
• The relationship between the maximum allowable input voltage and the maximum rated voltage to earth of the combined Mem­ory HiCorder and measurement cables is as follows. To avoid electric shock or damage to the instruments, do not apply input voltage above the lowest maximum. The maximum rated voltage to earth in the table applies when measuring through input attenuators.
Measurement Object Memory HiCorder
Other instrument
Operating Precautions
Connect the clamp-on sensors or connection cords to the instru­ment first, and then to the active line s to be measured. Observe the following to avoid electric shock and short circuits.
• To avoid short circuits and potentially life-threatening hazards, never attach the clamp to a circuit that operates at more than the maximum rated voltage to earth, or over bare conductors.
• Do not allow the connection cord clips to touch two wires at the same time. Never touch the edge of the metal clips.
• When the clamp sensor is opened, do not allow the metal part of the clamp to touch any exposed metal, or to short between two lines, and do not use over bare conductors.
• Do not leave the Memory HiCorder connected to test objects in environments where a voltage surge might exceed the dielectric withstand voltage. Doing so could result in damage to the Mem­ory HiCorder, bodily injury or fatal accident.
• Do not connect a cable to the instrument while it is connected to the object to be measured. Otherwise, an electric shock accident may occur.
• To avoid short-circuit accidents, make certain that connections are secure.
To prevent damage to the instrument and sensor, never connect or dis­connect a sensor while the power is on, or while th e sensor is cla mped around a conductor.
• Lay the connection cords and various cables away from the power supply line and ground wire.
• Connecting the connection cords and various cables in a parallel con­figuration with the inputs of another device (see the figure be low) may result in variations in measurement values and incorrect operation of the instrument. When connecting with another device in a parallel configuration, be sure to verify operation.
Measurement Object
Memory HiCorder
Logic Probe
Operating Precautions
Connecting to the logic terminals
To avoid electric shock and short circuit accidents or damage to the instrument, pay attention to the following:
• Maximum logic probe input voltages are as follows. Do not measure if the maximum voltage would be exceeded, as damage the instrument or personal injury may result. Model 9320-01 Logic Probe: +50 V DC Model MR9321-01 Logic Probe: 250 Vrms (HIGH range), 150 V rms (LOW range)
• The ground terminal for the 9320­01 Logic Probe is not isolated from the Memory HiCorder's ground (chassis ground). There­fore, if the measurement object connect to AC, it should have a grounded, polarized plug, and be connected to the same power outlet as the Memory HiCorder ’s AC adapter. If the Memory HiCorder and measurement object are connected to different mains circuits, or if an ungrounded power cord is used, the potential difference between the different grounding paths may result in current flow through a logic probe that could damage the measurement object or Memory HiCorder.
• Do not allow the metal tip of a logic probe to cause a short between conductors on the measurement object. Never touch the metal tip of a probe.
When connecting USB cable
• To prevent a malfunction, do not disconnect the USB cable during communication.
• The Memory HiCorder and computer should be connected to the same earth ground. If grounded separately, potential difference between the ground points can cause malfunctions or damage when connecting the USB cable.
This instrument cannot be powered by the bus of a PC or USB hub. When using the instrument, connect the AC adapter or install batteries.
When connecting to external control terminals
To avoid electric shock or damage to the equipment, always observe the following precautions when connecting to external control terminals.
• Always turn off the power to the instrument and to any devices to be connected before making connections.
• Be careful to avoid exceeding the ratings of external control ter­minals.
• Ensure that devices and systems to be connected to the exter­nal control terminals are properly isolated.
• The ground of external control terminals and the ground of the instrument are common and not isolated. To prevent damage to the instrument, use a grounded power cord for the device to be connected with the external control ter­minals and this instrument, and supply power from the same line. Using different lines or an ungrounded power cord may result in a potential difference between the grounds depending on the wiring state, and current flowing through the wiring mate­rial may lead to damage of the measurement object or instru­ment.
• To prevent an electrical accident, use wiring material that has more than enough dielectric strength and current-carrying capacity.
Operating Precautions
If a cable of 3 meters or longer is connected, the instrument may be susceptible to the interference of external noise and other EMC envi­ronmental factors.
Measurement data (data captured to internal buffer memory) is cleared when new measurements are started. If you want to keep any data, be sure to save it to external media.
Operating Precautions
About the Printer
• The printer head and metal parts nearby become very hot. Be careful not to touch them because doing so may result in a burn.
• Be careful not to cut a finger with the paper cutter.
• To prevent a malfunction o f the instrument, turn off the power when connecting the instrument and printer unit.
• Do not directly touch the printer head because there is the risk of it being damaged by static electricity.
As much as possible, avoid printing in hot and humid environments. Otherwise, printer life may be severely shortened.
Using a CF Card/ USB Flash Drive
• Inserting a CF card/USB flash drive upside down, backwards or in the wrong direction may damage the CF card, USB flash drive, or instru­ment.
• Never remove a CF card or USB flash drive during measurement while the instrument is accessing the CF card or USB flash drive. The CF card or USB flash drive and/or the data on it may be damaged. (The icon of the CF card or USB flash drive on the bottom left of the screen is displayed in red during access.)
• Do not transport the instrument while a USB flash drive is connected. Damage could result.
• Some USB flash drives are susceptible to static electricity. Exercise care when using such products because static electricity could dam­age the USB flash drive or cause malfunction of the instrument.
• With some USB flash drives, the instrument may not start up if power is turned on while the USB flash drive is inserted. In such a case, turn power on first, and then insert the USB flash drive. It is recommended to try out operation with a USB flash drive before starting to use it for actual measurements.
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