Hioki MR6000, MR6000-01 Instruction Manual

Instruction Manual
MR6000 MR6000-01
Feb. 2018 Edition 1 MR6000A966-00 18-02H


Introduction ................................................ 1
HowtoRefertoThisManual .................... 2
1 MeasurementMethod 3
1.1 MeasurementProcedure ................. 3
1.2 ConguringMeasurement
Conditions ........................................ 5
Sampling rate setting guideline .....................7
Using the envelope .......................................9
1.3 Setting Input Channels ...................11
Analog channels .........................................13
Logic channels ............................................17
1.4 Setting the Sheets .......................... 18
Switching sheets on the waveform
screen .........................................................19
1.5 Starting/Stopping the
Measurement .................................. 20
2 Operating the
Waveform Screen and Analyzing Data 21
2.1 ReadingMeasuredValues
(Trace Cursors) ............................... 22
2.2 Specifying the Waveform Range
(Section Cursor) ............................. 26
Changing the display magnication of
the waveforms while moving the section
cursor ..........................................................27
2.3 Displaying Vertical Scales
(Gauge Function) ........................... 28
2.4 Scrolling Waveforms ...................... 30
Scrolling waveforms ....................................30
Checking a position of waveforms with
the scroll bar ...............................................31
2.5 Changing the Display Position
Waveforms ...................................... 32
Differentiating the waveform display
position and display magnication for
each analog channel ...................................33
2.6 Operating the Rotary Knob ........... 36
2.7 Enlarging a Part of the
Waveform (Zoom Function) ........... 37
3 Advanced Functions 39
3.1 Overlaying New Waveforms With Previously Acquired
Waveforms ...................................... 40
3.2 Converting Input Values
(Scaling Function) .......................... 42
When using Model U8969 Strain Unit .........47
3.3 Fine-Adjusting Input Values
(Vernier Function) .......................... 48
3.4 Inverting the Waveform
(Invert Function) ............................. 49
3.5 Copying Settings
(Copy Function) .............................. 50
3.6 ConguringModule-Specic
Settings ........................................... 51
Setting Model 8968 High Resolution
Unit .............................................................51
Setting Model 8967 Temp Unit ....................52
Setting Model U8969 Strain Unit ................54
Setting Model 8970 Freq Unit .....................56
Setting Model 8971 Current Unit ................59
Setting Model 8972 DC/RMS Unit ..............61
Setting Model MR8990 Digital Voltmeter
Unit .............................................................62
Setting Model U8974 High Voltage Unit .....64
4 Saving/Loading Data
andManagingFiles 65
4.1 Data That Can Be Saved and
Loaded ............................................ 66
4.2 Saving Data ..................................... 67
Save types and setting procedure ..............67
Saving waveform data automatically ..........68
Real-time save ............................................72
Freely selecting data items to be saved
and save les (SAVE key) ..........................74
4.3 Loading Data .................................. 77
Data loading procedure ..............................77
Loading the settings automatically
(Auto-setup function) ..................................78
4.4 ManagingFiles ............................... 79
5 Setting the Trigger 81
5.1 Trigger Setting Procedure ............. 82
5.2 Enabling the Trigger Function ...... 83
5.3 Setting the Trigger Timing ............. 84
5.4 Setting the Pre-trigger and
Post-trigger ..................................... 86
To observe the input waveforms while
the instrument is waiting for a trigger ..........90
5.5 Setting the Trigger Logical Conditions (AND/OR) among
Trigger Sources .............................. 91
5.6 Triggering the Instrument Using
Analog Signals ............................... 93
5.7 Triggering the Instrument With
Logic Signals (Logic Trigger) ...... 102
5.8 Triggering the Instrument at Regular Intervals
(Interval Trigger) ........................... 104
5.9 Triggering the Instrument
Externally (External Trigger) ....... 106
5.10 Triggering the Instrument
Manually(ForcibleTrigger) ......... 106
6 Search Function 107
6.1 Searching For Peak Values ......... 108
6.2 Searching For the Positions Where Trigger Condition Is
Satised .........................................110
6.3 Searching For Differences from the Fundamental Wave
(MemoryHiConcierge) ..................114
6.4 Allowing the Display to Jump to
theSpeciedPosition ...................116
7 Numerical Calculation
Function 119
7.1 Numerical Calculation
Procedure ..................................... 120
7.2 Setting Numerical Calculation .... 122
Displaying the numerical calculation
results .......................................................131
7.3 Evaluating the Calculation
Results on a Pass/Fail Basis ....... 132
Displaying the evaluation results and
outputting signals externally .....................135
7.4 Numerical Calculation Types
and Descriptions .......................... 136
9.3 Sending Data to a PC With the
FTP Client Function ..................... 158
Setting up an FTP server on a PC ............159
Setting the FTP client with the
instrument .................................................163
9.4 Operating the Instrument with a
Browser Installed in a PC ............ 164
Connecting the PC to the instrument
with Internet browser ................................165
Operating the instrument remotely ...........166
Starting/Stopping the instrument ..............167
Setting the comment .................................168
Acquiring data from the instrument ...........169
Setting the clock .......................................170
Handling les ............................................170
9.5 Sending Emails ............................ 171
Conguring the basic setting for sending
email .........................................................172
Setting email contents ..............................173
Setting authentication, compression,
and encryption for emails to be sent .........174
9.6 Controlling the Instrument with Command Communications
(LAN) ............................................. 176
10 Controlling the
Instrument Externally 179
10.1 External Input and Output ........... 180
External input (IN1), (IN2) .........................180
External output (OUT1), (OUT2) ...............181
Trigger output (TRIG.OUT) .......................183
External trigger terminal (EXT.TRIG) ........ 185
10.2 External Sampling
(EXT.SMPL) ................................... 187
8 Setting the System
Environment 143
9 Connecting the
Instrument to PCs 149
9.1 ConguringtheLANSettings
and Connecting to the
Network ......................................... 150
Conguring the LAN settings with the
instrument .................................................150
9.2 ManagingDataintheInstrument
With the FTP Server Function .... 155
Setting the FTP sever with the
instrument .................................................156
Operating the instrument with a PC
(FTP server function) ................................157
11 Appendix 189
11.1 Information for Reference
Purposes ....................................... 189
Waveform le size (for reference) .............189
Maximum recording time when the
real-time save is on (reference) ................193
Scaling method for strain gauges .............199
Example of a waveform text le ................200
Index Ind.1


Thank you for purchasing the HIOKI MR6000, MR6000-01 Memory HiCorder. To obtain maximum performance from the instrument over the long term, be sure to read this manual carefully and keep it handy for future reference. Model MR6000-01 Memory HiCorder is a model of Model MR6000 equipped with the following calculation functions (options):
Digital lter calculation
• Real-time waveform calculation
Following manuals are provided along with these models. Refer to the relevant manual based on the usage.
Type Contents Print PDF
Operating Precautions Information on the instrument for safe operation
Quick Start Manual Basic instructions and instrument specications
Instruction Manual (this document)
Calculation Guide (Options)
Functions and instructions for the instrument
Method to use the calculation functions, etc. available only with Model MR6000-01
(p. ) Indicates the location of reference information.
[ ]
Additional information is presented below.
Indicates the initial setting values of the items. Initialization sets the items to these values.
Indicates the names and keys on the windows in boldface.
Menus, dialogs, buttons in a dialog, and other names on the screen are indicated in brackets.
Unless otherwise specied, “Windows” represents Windows 7, Windows 8, and
Windows 10.
Current sensor Sensors measuring current are referred to as “current sensor.”
The number of times per second the analog input signals are digitized by the
instrument is expressed in terms of “samples per second (S/s).” Example: “20 MS/s” (20 megasamples per second) indicates that the signal is digitized
20 × 10
times per second.
We dene measurement tolerances in terms of f.s. (full scale), and rdg. (reading) with the following
(maximum display value or scale length) The maximum displayable value or scale length.
(displayed value) The value presently being measured and indicated on the measuring instrument.

How to Refer to This Manual

How to Refer to This Manual
How to open a screen
Indicates the order of tapping the screens.
The button setting key.
Sequence numbers
Numbered same as a corresponding step-by-step instruction.
Options and explanations
Describes selectable settings when an item is tapped. The icon default setting of the item.
represents the
indicates the

Measurement Method

1.1 Measurement Procedure

Inspecting the instrument before measurement
Conguring the basic settings for measurement
Measurement Method
Set the sampling rate.
Set the recording length.
Advanced settings: “Using the envelope” (p. 9)
“3.1 Overlaying New Waveforms With Previously
Acquired Waveforms”
Setting the input channels
Set the analog channels.
Set the logic channels.
Advanced settings: “3.2 Converting Input Values (Scaling Function)” (p. 42)
“3.3 Fine-Adjusting Input Values (Vernier Function)” (p. 48)
“3.4 Inverting the Waveform (Invert Function)” (p. 49)
Setting the sheets
Set the display format of waveforms.
(p. 5)
(p. 6)
(p. 40)
(p. 11)
(p. 13)
(p. 17)
(p. 18)
Setting the triggers
Starting a measurement
Finishing the measurement
Advanced operation: “2.2 Specifying the Waveform Range (Section Cursor)” (p. 26)
“Scrolling waveforms” (p. 30)
“2.5 Changing the Display Position and Display
Magnication of the Waveforms”
“4 Saving/Loading Data and Managing Files” (p. 65)
“7 Numerical Calculation Function” (p. 119)
(p. 81)
(p. 20)
(p. 47)
Measurement Procedure
To perform the automatic setup
On the waveform screen, tap [Auto range] to set the sampling rate, measurement range, and zero position of input waveforms automatically, and then start a measurement. Refer to “3.7 Measurement With the Auto-range Setting” in Quick Start Manual.
To load settings registered previously
Load the settings le on the le screen.
Refer to “4.3 Loading Data” (p. 77).
To load saved settings automatically at the time of startup
Congure the setting for the instrument so as to load the le containing the instrument settings at
the time of startup. Refer to “Loading the settings automatically (Auto-setup function)” (p. 78)
To initialize the instrument (restoring the basic settings)
Restore the instrument settings to the factory default by tapping [Initialize], which is accessible by proceeding in the following order:
> [System] > [Initialize]
The setting after the initialization is suitable for simple measurement. If any unexpected or complicated behavior is observed, initialize the instrument. Refer to “6.2 Initializing the Instrument” in Quick Start Manual.
Conguring Measurement Conditions
1.2 Conguring Measurement Conditions
Congure conditions required for measurement including the sampling rate ([Sampling]) and recording length ([Shot]).
> [Status] > [Condition]
Measurement Method
2 3
4 5
Type a comment in the [Title comment] box.
Number of characters: up to 40
Set [Sampling].
Refer to “Sampling rate setting guideline” (p. 7).
200 MS/s 500 kS/s, 200 kS/s, 100 kS/s, 50 kS/s, 20 kS/s, 10 kS/s, 5 kS/s, 2 kS/s, 1 kS/s, 500 S/s, 200 S/s, 100 S/s, 50 S/s, 20 S/s, 10 S/s, 5 S/s, 2 S/s, 1 S/s
, 100 MS/s, 50 MS/s, 20 MS/s, 10 MS/s, 5 MS/s, 2 MS/s, 1 MS/s,
When the real-time waveform calculation (Model MR6000-01 only) is set to [On], a sampling rate of 200 MS/s cannot be selected. When the real-time save is set to [On], due to the combination of the number of channels to be used and save destinations, the maximum sampling rate that can be set varies as follows:
Maximum sampling rate that can be set
Number of channels to be used
1 channel to 2 channels 20 MS/s 10 MS/s 5 MS/s
3 channels to 4 channels 10 MS/s 5 MS/s 2 MS/s
5 channels to 8 channels 5 MS/s 2 MS/s 1 MS/s
9 channels to 16 channels 2 MS/s 1 MS/s 500 kS/s
17 channels to 32 channels 1 MS/s 500 kS/s 200 kS/s
Only if the following Hioki-designated options are used, the real-time save operation with the instrument is guaranteed:
• Model U8332 SSD Unit
• Model U8333 HD Unit
• Model Z4006 USB Drive
• Model Z4001 and Model Z4003 SD Memory Card
USB ash drive
SD card
FTP transmission
Conguring Measurement Conditions
Set [External sampling].
The external sampling is disabled when the envelope is used.
On Select this option to sample data at a sampling rate dened by a signal input into the
Set [Shot].
Tap [Points] to set the number of measurement points.
2.5 k
, 5 k, 10 k, 20 k, 50 k, 100 k, 200 k, 500 k, 1 M, 2 M, 5 M, 10 M, 20 M, 50 M, 100 M, 200 M,
500 M, 1 G
Enabling [Any] and tapping [Points] allows you to set the number of points in increments of 100. When the real-time save is set to [On], [Shot] cannot be set in terms of [Points]. Set [Recording time] on the [Save] screen. (p. 73) The maximum recording length that can be set varies depending on the number of channels to be measured.
Disables the external sampling function.
external sampling terminal (EXT.SMPL).
Samples data at rising edges of the input signal.
Samples data at falling edges of the input signal.
Set [Mode].
Single Measures waveforms only once. Pressing the START key starts recording waveforms,
and then stops when the specied recording length of the waveforms have been acquired.
When [Repeat] mode is set and [Count] is set to [On], the specied number of measurements are performed. Only [Single] mode can be selected when [Realtime save] is set to [On].
Set [Overlay].
Refer to “3.1 Overlaying New Waveforms With Previously Acquired Waveforms” (p. 40).
Set [Realtime save] to [On].
Data can be recorded in the optional storage device while measuring waveforms. Refer to “Real-time save” (p. 72).
Measures waveforms repeatedly. Pressing the STOP key stops the measurement in progress.

Sampling rate setting guideline

Select a sampling rate using the following table as a guideline.
Conguring Measurement Conditions
Maximum display
8 MHz 200 MS/s 400 Hz 10 kS/s
4 MHz 100 MS/s 200 Hz 5 kS/s
2 MHz 50 MS/s 80 Hz 2 kS/s
800 kHz 20 MS/s 40 Hz 1 kS/s
400 kHz 10 MS/s 20 Hz 500 S/s
200 kHz 5 MS/s 8 Hz 200 S/s
80 kHz 2 MS/s 4 Hz 100 S/s
40 kHz 1 MS/s 2 Hz 50 S/s
20 kHz 500 kS/s 0.8 Hz 20 S/s
8 kHz 200 kS/s 0.4 Hz 10 S/s
4 kHz 100 kS/s 0.2 Hz 5 S/s
2 kHz 50 kS/s 0.08 Hz 2 S/s
800 Hz 20 kS/s 0.04 Hz 1 S/s
Sampling rate
Maximum display
Sampling rate
If the instrument plots non-existent waveforms (aliasing)
If a measured signal oscillates at a higher frequency compared to the specied sampling rate, the instrument may plot non-existent waveforms oscillating at a lower frequency than that of the actual signal when the signal frequency reaches a certain level. This phenomenon is called aliasing.
Measurement Method
Actual input signal
A sampling interval longer than the cycle of the input signal causes aliasing.
Sampling interval
To plot a sign wave that allows you to observe the peaks of the sine wave on the LCD without any aliasing, the instrument needs to sample the waveform at a minimum of 25 points per cycle.
Observed waveform
: Sampled points
To set the sampling rate automatically
Refer to “3.7 Measurement With the Auto-range setting” in Quick Start Manual.
Conguring Measurement Conditions
Update rate of each module
The data update rate is not allowed to exceed the maximum sampling rate of each module. The same data are measured until they get updated, causing the instrument to plot a stair-step waveform. In addition, even though the same signal is measured simultaneously, values may vary due to
differences in the sampling rate, frequency range, and frequency characteristics of modules.
Module Sampling rate of module Reference
Model 8966 Analog Unit 20 MS/s (50 ns)
Model 8967 Temp Unit
Model 8968 High Resolution Unit 1 MS/s (1 µs)
Model U8969 Strain Unit 200 kS/s (5 µs) p. 54
Model 8970 Freq Unit Varies according to the setting. p. 56
Model 8971 Current Unit 1 MS/s (1 µs) p. 59
Model 8972 DC/RMS Unit Varies according to the response setting. p. 61
Model 8973 Logic Unit 20 MS/s (50 ns)
MR8990 Digital Voltmeter Unit
Model U8974 High Voltage Unit 1 MS/s (1 µs) p. 64
Model U8975 4ch Analog Unit 5 MS/s (200 ns)
Model U8976 High Speed Analog Unit 200 MS/s (5 ns)
Varies according to the data refresh setting.
Varies according to the NPLC setting. p. 62
p. 52

Using the envelope

> [Status] > [Condition]
Conguring Measurement Conditions
Measurement Method
Set [Measurement method] to [Envelope].
Envelope Uses the envelope.
• Normal:
• Envelope:
Values to be acquired using the envelope
A set of sampled data acquired using the envelope consists of two values: the maximum value and the minimum value. These values are taken from the measured values acquired at an over-sampling rate during
the recording interval set in [Sampling]. When shown on the screen, they are displayed as if they range in amplitude. When saved in an external storage device, the data of the maximum and minimum values are stored for a single instance of measurement.
The instrument records data at the specied sampling rate.
At the specied recording interval, the instrument records the maximum and minimum values among data sampled within each specied recording interval at an over-sampling rate* of 100 MS/s. Hence, even though a relatively longer recording interval is set, peaks of uctuations can be recorded without being missed.
*: Over-sampled data (indicated by blue dots
Oversampling interval (10 ns)
Does not use the envelope.
in the gure) are not saved.
: Over-sampled data : Stored data (data of the maximum and minimum
: Waveform shown on the screen
Conguring Measurement Conditions
Set [Sampling].
The following are the sampling rates that can be selected when the envelope is used.
10 MS/s 5 kS/s, 2 kS/s, 1 kS/s, 500 S/s, 200 S/s, 100 S/s, 50 S/s, 20 S/s, 10 S/s, 5 S/s, 2 S/s, 1 S/s, 30 S/min, 12 S/min, 6 S/min, 2 S/min, 1 S/min
Set [Shot].
Tap [Points] to set the number of measurement points.
2.5 k 500 M, 1 G
Enabling [Any] and tapping [Points] allows you to enter [Points] in increments of 100 points. When the real-time save is set to [On], [Shot] cannot be set in terms of [Points]. Set [Recording time] on the [Save] screen. (p. 73) The maximum recording length that can be set varies depending on the number of channels to be measured.
, 5 MS/s, 2 MS/s, 1 MS/s, 500 kS/s, 200 kS/s, 100 kS/s, 50 kS/s, 20 kS/s, 10 kS/s,
, 5 k, 10 k, 20 k, 50 k, 100 k, 200 k, 500 k, 1 M, 2 M, 5 M, 10 M, 20 M, 50 M, 100 M, 200 M,

1.3 Setting Input Channels

Congure the settings of the analog and logic channels.
Setting Input Channels
> [Channel]
Operation available on the [Channel] screen
• Adding a comment to a channel
• Setting measurement conditions for a channel
• Setting the display method of waveforms
Converting measured values into physical quantities and displaying them
Measurement Method
Setting Input Channels
Channel setting procedure
Analog channels (CH1 through CH32) setting procedure
Conguring input settings
Set the measurement mode.
Select an appropriate range for measurement.
Convert input values. (Scaling function)
Set the input coupling.
Set the low-pass lter (if noise is observed).
Conguring the display settings
Set the display color of waveforms.
Convert input values. (Scaling function)
Logic channels (Model 8973 Logic Unit) setting procedure
(p. 13)
(p. 14)
(p. 16)
(p. 15)
(p. 15)
(p. 16)
(p. 16)
Conguring the display settings
Set the logic recording width.
Set the display positions of waveforms.
Set the display colors of waveforms.
(p. 17)
(p. 17)
(p. 17)
Setting Input Channels

Analog channels

For details on setting each module, refer to “3.6 Conguring Module-Specic Settings” (p. 51).
> [Channel] > [UNIT]
Measurement Method
9 8
3 5
The waveform screen is displayed during measurement. When no measurement is not performed, the presently input waveforms are displayed on the monitor.
Set [Use] to [On] or [Off].
Off Does not set the module as the measurement device.
Sets the module as the measurement device.
Since no data is acquired, nothing can be displayed or saved.
Type a comment in the [Comment] box.
Number of characters: up to 40
Set [Mode].
Temperature Measures a waveform in temperature mode.
Settings vary depending on the installed modules.
Refer to “3.6 Conguring Module-Specic Settings” (p. 51).
Measures a waveform in voltage mode.
Setting Input Channels
Set [Range (f.s.)].
Set the measurement range for each channel. The value of the range represents its maximum displayable value (f.s.). See the following table for the full-scale resolution of each module. If the input voltage exceeds the measurable range (overrange occurs), change the measurement range to one having a lower sensitivity. After changing [Range (f.s.)], check the [Level], [Upper], [Lower], and other values of the trigger, search, and numerical calculation functions.
Module Resolution [LSB]
Model 8966 Analog Unit, Model 8971 Current Unit, Model 8972 DC/RMS Unit 2,000
Model 8967 Temp Unit 20,000
Model 8968 High Resolution Unit, Model U8974 High Voltage Unit, Model U8975 4ch Analog Unit
Model U8976 High Speed Analog Unit 1,600
Model U8969 Strain Unit 25,000
Model 8970 Freq Unit (Power frequency mode) 2,000
Model 8970 Freq Unit (Count mode) 40,000
Model 8970 Freq Unit (Frequency mode, rotation speed mode, duty ratio mode, pulse width mode)
Model MR8990 Digital Voltmeter Unit 1,000,000
*: For the Model 8967 Temp Unit, the valid range varies depending on the thermocouples. For more
information about resolution, refer to “Model 8967 Temp Unit” in “5.2 Specications for Options” in Quick
Start Manual.
Set [Coupling], [L.P.F.], and [Probe ratio].
Tap the screen to open the settings dialog box.
Setting Input Channels
Measurement Method
(1) Set [Coupling].
The input signal coupling method can be specied. In general, use the DC coupling.
AC Measures an AC component only of an input signal. A DC component can be
GND Connect the input terminal to the ground (Enables you to check the zero position).
Measures both DC and AC components of an input signal.
(2) Set [L.P.F.] (low-pass lter).
Enabling the low-pass lter installed in the module allows elimination of unwanted high-frequency components. The lters that can be set varies depending on the type of modules. Select a lter according to the
characteristics of the input signals. Example: For Model 8966 Analog Unit
, 5 Hz, 50 Hz, 500 Hz, 5 kHz, 50 kHz, 500 kHz
(3) Set [Probe ratio].
Select this setting when the measurement is to be performed with a connection cable or probe.
1:10 Select this option when using Model 9665 10:1 Probe.
Select this option when using Model L9197, Model L9198, Model L9790, or Model L9217 Connection Cord.
1:100 Select this option when using Model 9666 100:1 Probe, Model P9000-01 Differential
Probe, or Model P9000-02 Differential Probe.
1:1000 Select this option when using Model 9322 Differential Probe, Model P9000-01
Differential Probe, or Model P9000-02 Differential Probe.
Setting Input Channels
Set [Display].
Displays the waveforms on the waveform screen.
Color Allows you to select display colors of the waveforms. You can also select the
same color as the lines acquired through other channels.
, On)
Vernier Allows you to ne-adjust the input voltage freely on the waveform screen
Off Displays no waveforms.
Set [Scaling].
Refer to “3.2 Converting Input Values (Scaling Function)” (p. 42).
Switch the channels.
Tap the corresponding location to switch the channels.
Set [Digital lter] for each channel. (Model MR6000-01 only)
The [Df] setting is displayed for only channels with [Digital lter] set to [On], allowing you to set the digital
lter for each channel.
For more information, refer to “Setting the Digital Filter Calculation” in Calculation Guide.
When the signs of displayed waveforms are reversed, the waveforms can be inverted. Refer to “3.4 Inverting the Waveform (Invert Function)” (p. 49).
(display adjustment only). When recording physical values such as noise, temperature, and acceleration with sensors, you can adjust those amplitudes,
facilitating calibration.
Refer to “3.3 Fine-Adjusting Input Values (Vernier Function)” (p. 48).
Setting Input Channels

Logic channels

The logic sheet is displayed when the screen is in Single, Dual, Quad, Octa, or Hexadeca mode.
> [Channel]
Measurement Method
The waveform screen is displayed when a logic channel is selected. Positions of the logic display can be checked.
Set [Use] to [On] or [Off].
Off Does not set the module as the measurement device.
Set [Logic width].
You can change the display width of the logic waveforms. Making waveforms narrower can enhance the readability of a display that contains a large number of waveforms. This setting is shared by all installed logic modules.
Wide Increases the width of the waveforms.
Narrow Reduces the width of the waveforms.
Select a display method for each probe (LA through LD).
Position Allows you to set the position of the logic waveforms within the display range. The
Sets the module as the measurement device.
Since no data is acquired, nothing can be displayed or saved.
Displays the waveforms in normal width.
position of the waveforms can be set in increments of one percent point. This setting is shared by all probes (LA through LD). You can move the logic position freely within the screen limits.
Display Sets whether to display each logic waveform.
Color Allows you to select a display waveform of each waveform. You can also select the
same color as the lines acquired through other channels.
Comment Allows you to type a comment for each channel.
Number of characters: up to 40
Setting the Sheets

1.4 Setting the Sheets

You can dene the display format of waveforms on the sheet. You can dene different display
formats for each of the 16 sheets. You can also switch the sheets to be displayed on the waveform screen.
> [Sheet]
Select a sheet.
Set [Type].
Time sequence waveform
2 3
Displays time-sequence waveforms.
Set [Divide].
You can divide the screen into multiple screens (graphs). The options when [Type] is set to [Time sequence waveform] are as follows:
Assign channels to the graph.
Tap the display panel of each graph to open the [Select the channel] dialog box.
, Dual, Quad, Octa, Hexadeca
Setting the Sheets
Select the channels to be displayed on the graph.
All channels are selected in the default setting. Tap a button to deselect a channel (Tap it again to select it).
Measurement Method
Tap [OK].
The selection is conrmed.
Tapping [Cancel] closes the dialog box without your selection conrmed.

Switching sheets on the waveform screen

Select the sheet numbers to be displayed.
Starting/Stopping the Measurement

1.5 Starting/Stopping the Measurement

Starting a measurement
Pressing the START key starts a measurement.
• Waveform data displayed on the screen is cleared once the measurement starts.
• You can also start the measurement by inputting signal into the external control terminal.
Refer to “10 Controlling the Instrument Externally” (p. 179).
Waveform display during measurement
In general, the waveforms are displayed after the specied recording length of data has been acquired. When the measurement is performed at a relatively slow speed, the waveforms are displayed while the data is being acquired.
However, even if a slow-speed range is set, the waveforms are displayed after the data of the
whole waveform has been acquired, depending on the overlay or magnication setting.
To save data automatically during measurement
Refer to “Saving waveform data automatically” (p. 68).
Stopping the measurement
Pressing the STOP key once stops the measurement after the waveforms of the specied recording
length have been acquired.
Pressing the STOP key twice stops the measurement immediately.
Operating the Waveform Screen
and Analyzing Data
You can analyze measured data with various functions including trace cursor measurement and search of input waveforms on the waveform screen. You can also change measurement conditions
or other conguration on this screen.

Operating the Waveform Screen and Analyzing Data

Operation available on the waveform screen
Use the trace cursors
• Reading measured values (p. 22)
Moving the waveform display position
• Moving waveforms by dragging them
• Moving waveforms with the scroll bar
Use the section cursors
• Specifying the waveform range (p. 26)
Changing the display magnication of
• Magnifying/demagnifying waveforms (p. 32)
• Magnifying a part of waveforms horizontally (p. 37)

Reading Measured Values (Trace Cursors)

Reading Measured Values (Trace Cursors)
Using trace cursors on the waveform screen allows you to read measured values (scaled value when the scaling is used). Up to eight trace cursors can be displayed simultaneously. You can read differences in times and measured values at any two selected among them. The time lag, for example, shows the difference in time between Trace cursor A and Trace cursor B when they are enabled.
Tap [Trace cursor].
Select one or more cursors from [Trace cursor A] through [Trace cursor H] by tapping them.
The selected trace cursors are displayed on the waveform screen. Move the trace cursors by dragging them on the waveform screen.
Tap [Back].
Reading Measured Values (Trace Cursors)
Tap [Cursor].
The cursor value display can be switched between on and off every time tapped.
Tap [Change page].
If multiple channels are displayed, switch the pages to check the cursor values of each channel. Every time it is tapped, the pages are switched.
Tap [1: Trace cursor] or [2: Trace cursor].
When the multiple trace cursors are displayed, the cursor values acquired at the two trace cursors are displayed on the waveform screen (Cursor values 1 and 2). Every time you tap [1: Trace cursor] (or [2: Trace cursor]), the values of Cursor values 1 (or Cursor values 2) switches from one to another.
Operating the Waveform Screen and Analyzing Data
Cursor values 1 Cursor values 2
Reading Measured Values (Trace Cursors)
Tap [Select cursor].
Every time you tap by one in sequence. In addition, you can activate any one of the cursors displayed on the screen by tapping it.
[Select cursor]
when the multiple trace cursors are displayed, a cursor is activated one
Changing the magnication of the waveform display while moving the trace
Sliding your nger upward on the screen while dragging the trace cursor enlarges the waveform display centered around the trace cursor in proportion to the dragging distance. Sliding your nger
downward compresses the waveform display. Once you have adjusted the display to a suitable size, move the trace cursor along the horizontal axis to change the display position.
Releasing your nger from the screen reverts the display to the original magnication.
To move the trace cursor using the rotary knob X
When [Cursor] is assigned to the rotary knob, you can move the active trace cursor with the rotary knob X.
If the trace cursor is not displayed on the screen even though it is enabled
Check the position of the trace cursor on the scroll bar. (p. 31)
Reading measured values on the waveform screen
When the trace cursor is selected
Reading Measured Values (Trace Cursors)
Trace cursor A
Cursor value 1 Cursor value 2
Trace cursor B
Difference between Cursor value 1 and Cursor value 2
The values of the points at which each cursor crosses the waveforms are displayed.
The display of the cursor values vary depending on the selected cursor type.
Cursor type Cursor value
Trace cursor
When Trace cursor A is assigned to Cursor value 1; and Trace cursor B, to Cursor value 2. Time: A period of time from the trigger point or starting point of recording until the
trace cursor selected for Cursor value 1 or Cursor value 2
B − A: Difference in measured values between Trace cursor A and Trace cursor B
Operating the Waveform Screen and Analyzing Data
B − A (Difference between measured values)
B − A (Time lag)
Horizontal cursor
When Horizontal cursor A is assigned to Cursor value 1; and Horizontal cursor B, to Cursor value 2
Cursor value 1 or Cursor value 2: Measured value of the specied cursor B − A: Difference in measured values between Horizontal cursor A and Horizontal
cursor B
B − A
When the external sampling is used, the time is replaced with the number of samples.
Specifying the Waveform Range (Section Cursor)

2.2 Specifying the Waveform Range (Section Cursor)

The range can be specied with section cursors. The specied range is applicable for le saving, the numerical calculation, and search. The range
selection remains to be common even when the waveform display format is changed.
Tap [Section cursor].
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