Hioki LR8432-20 Instruction Manual

Instruction Manual
Jan. 2016 Edition 1 LR8432B980-00 16-01H
Introduction ..............................................................................1
Confirming Package Contents.................. ..............................2
Safety Information....................................................................4
Operating Precautions............................ .................................8
Chapter 1 Overview ____________________________________15
1.1 Product Overview and Features .............................15
1.2 Measurement Flow ................................... ... ............16
1.3 Names and Functions of Parts ...............................18
1.4 Screen Configurations ................... .........................20
1.5 Basic Operation .......................................................23
Screen Operations ...........................................................23
Starting and Stopping Recording .....................................24
Disabling Key Operations (Key-Lock Function) ...............25
Saving Data ................................................ ......................25
Verifying the Input Level (Level Monitor) ..........................26
Chapter 2 Measurement Preparations_________________ 27
2.1 Using the Battery Pack (Option) ............................28
Install the Battery Pack ....................................................32
Charge the Battery Pack ..................................................32
2.2 Connecting the AC Adapter ....................................33
2.3 Connecting Measurement Cables to the Instrument
Connecting Measurement Leads or Thermocouples
(for voltage or temperature, respectively) ........................36
Connect the Heat Flow Sensor (Heat flow measurement) 37Connecting the Optional Model 9641 Connection Cable
(for Pulse Signal Input) .....................................................39
2.4 Turning the Power On and Off ...............................40
2.5 Zero Adjustment ......................................................41
Chapter 3 Setting before Measurement _______________ 43
3.1 Pre-Operation Inspection ....................................... 43
3.2 Operating Flow Overview .......................................44
3.3 Setting Configuration 1 – Recording Settings ..... 48
Specify the Recording Interval .........................................48
Setting the Display Time Base
(horizontal axis magnification, set as needed) .................49
Selecting the Recording Start/stop Method .....................51
Set the Recording Length for Repeated or
One-time Recording .........................................................52
Enable Digital Filtering (noise suppression) (as needed) 52
Automatic Saving .............................................................53
Replacing Removable Storage During Real-Time Saving 55
3.4 Setting Configuration 2 – Input Channel Settings 56
Voltage Measurement Settings ........................................58
Temperature Measurement Settings ...............................59
Heat Flow Measurement Settings ....................................61
Integration (Count) Measurement Settings ......................63
Revolution Measurement Settings ...................................64
3.5 Display Settings ...................................................... 66
Selecting Waveform Display Color ..................................66
Specifying Vertical Display Range by Magnification and
Zero Position (vertical axis expansion/compression) .......66
Specifying the Vertical Display Range by Upper and
Lower Limits (expansion/compression) ............................67
Converting Units (Scaling function) ..................................69
3.6 Entering Comments ................................................ 72
3.7 Viewing All Channel Settings in a List ..................74
Switching Channel Display Settings ................................75
Batch Copying Channel Settings .....................................76
Batch Setting Waveform Display/Hide and
Waveform Color Settings for All Channels .......................77
Initializing Settings (to factory defaults) ...........................77
Aligning Zero Positions on the Grid .................................78
Display Celsius (°C) temperature values as Fahrenheit (°F)
.......................................................................................... 79
Chapter 4 Specifying Criteria for Measurements (Triggering, Alarm and Timer) ______________81
4.1 Setting Criteria to Start and Stop Recording ........82
Setting the Input Signal Trigger Threshold (Level Trigge r) 83Setting Lower and Upper Trigger Thresholds
(Window Trigger) ...... ........................................................85
Selecting Trigger Sources and Combinations ..................86
Setting Criteria for Pre-Trigger Recording (Pre-Trig) .......87
4.2 Alarm Output ............................................................88
4.3 Confirming Trigger and Alarm Criteria Settings
(List) ..........................................................................91
4.4 Starting and Stopping Recording by Timer ..........92
4.5 About Recording Operation ...................................94
Chapter 5 Waveform Analysis__________________________97
5.1 Viewing Waveforms .................................................98
Scrolling Waveforms ........................................................98
Verifying Waveform Display Position ...............................98
Magnifying and Compressing Horizontally .......................99
Viewing Any Waveform Location (Jump Function) ..........99
5.2 Selecting Display Options ....................................100
Displaying Gauges .........................................................100
Displaying Cursor Values ...............................................101
Specifying a Waveform Time Span ................................103
Viewing Input Signals as Numerical Values ...................104
5.3 Inserting Event Marks (Search Function) ............106
Inserting Event Marks While Viewing Waveforms ..........106
Inserting Event Marks Using External Input Signals ......107
Searching Event Marks ..................................................108
Chapter 6 Saving & Loading Data ___________________ 109
6.1 About Saving and Loading Data ..........................109
6.2 Using a CF Card/USB flash drive .........................111
CF Card Insertion & Removal ........................................112
USB flash drive Insertion & Removal .............................112
Formatting a CF Card/USB flash drive ..........................113
6.3 Saving Data ........................................................... 114
Automatic Saving ...........................................................115
Selecting the Manual Saving Method
[Quick Save]/[Select & Save] .........................................116
Saving Waveform Data (with the SAVE Key) ................117
Capturing a Screen Image (With the SAVE Key) ...........118
Saving Numerical Calculation Results
(With the SAVE Key) ......................................................119
Saving Setting Configurations ........................................120
6.4 Loading Data on the Instrument .......................... 121
Loading a Setting Configuration .....................................121
Loading Waveform Data and Screen Images ................122
6.5 Data Management ................................................. 123
Switching removable storage .........................................123
Viewing Folder Contents and the Parent Folder ............124
Deleting Data .................................................................124
Renaming Files and Folders ..........................................125
Copying Data .................................................................126
Sorting Files ...................................................................127
6.6 Transferring Data to a Computer
(USB Drive Mode) .................................................128
Select the USB Drive Mode ........................................... 128
Connecting the USB Cable ............................................129
Chapter 7 Numerical/Waveform Calculations ________ 131
7.1 Performing Numerical Calculation ...................... 131
Key Operation During Setting ........................................133
Calculating values in real time during measurement
(Automatic calculation) ..... ..............................................134
Manual Calculation ........................................................137
Apply Calculations to a Specific Time Span
(Manual Calculation Only) ..............................................138
7.2 Numerical Value C al cu l ati o n Expressions ... ... ... 139
7.3 Performing Waveform Calculation ...................... 141
Key Operation During Setting ........................................141
Setting the Waveform Display Color ..............................144
Setting the Display Format .............................................144
Setting the Display Range in the Vertical Axis Direction
Using Upper/Lower Limit Values ....................................144
7.4 Waveform Calculation Formula ............................145
Chapter 8 System Environment Settings ____________ 147
8.1 Screen and Key Operation Settings ....................148
Using the Auto-Resume Function
(Resume After Power Restoration) ................................148
Adjust Backlight Brightness ............................................148
Enabling and Disabling the Backlight Saver ..................149
Setting the Screen Color Scheme ..................................149
Enabling or Disabling the Beeper ...................................149
Selecting the Horizontal (Time) Axis Display .................150
Selecting the Display Language .....................................150
8.2 CSV File Saving Settings ......................................151
CSV File Data Decimal and Separator Characters ........151
8.3 Making System Settings .......... .............................152
Setting the Date and Time .............................................152
Initializing the Instrument (System Reset) ......................153
Switching the USB mode ...............................................154
Self-Test ...................................................................... ... 155
Chapter 9 External Control __________________________ 157
9.1 Connecting to the External Control Terminals ...157
9.2 External Trigger Input ...........................................159
9.3 External Signal Output (Trigger Output) .............160
9.4 Alarm Signal Output (Alarm Output) ...................162
9.5 Synchronous Measurements with
Multiple Instruments .............................................163
Chapter 10 Specifications_____________________________ 165
Chapter 11 Maintenance and Service _________________ 175
11.1 Troubleshooting ...................................................175
11.2 Cleaning ................................................................. 178
11.3 Disposing of the Instrument ........................ ........ 179
Appendix____________________________________ A1
Appendix 1 Error Messages and Remedial Actions.........A1
Appendix 2 File Naming ......................................................A7
Appendix 3 Text File (CSV) Internal Format......................A9
Appendix 4 Binary File Size Calculation ..........................A10
Appendix 5 List of Default Settings..................................A11
Appendix 6 Maximum Recordable Time ..........................A1 2
Appendix 7 Reference .......................................................A13
Appendix 8 Concerning Noise Countermeasures ..........A14
Appendix 9 Using the Application Program....................A20
Installing Logger Utility ....................................................A22
Installing the USB Driver .................................................A25
Connecting the Instrument to the Computer
with a USB Cable ............................................................A28
Starting and Ending Logger Utility ..................................A31
Uninstalling the Logger Utility .........................................A31
Appendix 10Frequently Asked Questions.......................A32
Installation and Settings ..................................................A32
Triggering ........................................................................ A 34
Measuring ....................................................................... A35
Data Saving .................................................................... A36
Logger Utility ...................................................................A40
Appendix 11Pulse Input Circuit Diagram.........................A41
Appendix 12Heat Flow.......................................................A42
Index ___________________________________ Index 1


Thank you for purchasing the HIOKI “Model LR8432-20 Heat Flow Logger.” To obtain maximum performance from the instrument, plea se read this manual carefully, and keep it hand
Registered trademarks
• Windows® is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and other countries.
• CompactFlash® is a registered trademark of Sandisk Corpora­tion (USA).
• Microsoft Excel tion in the United States and other countries.
y for future reference.
is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corpora-
When you receive the instrument, inspect it carefully to ensure tha t no damage occurred during shipping. In particular, check the accessories, panel switches, and connectors. If damage is evident, or if it fails to operate according to the specifications, contact your authorized Hioki distributor or reseller.
Confirm that these contents are provided.
Model LR8432-20 .........................1
Heat Flow Logger
Model Z1005 AC Adapter............ 1
with supplied power cord
(p. 33)
Measurement Guide....................1
USB Cable....................................1
• Instruction Manual (PDF) (This document)
• Logger Utility Instruction Manual (PDF)
• Logger Utility (Data acquisition application program)
(p. A28)
The latest version can be downloaded from our web site.

Confirming Package Contents

Confirming Package Contents
About options:
Contact your authorized Hioki distributor or reseller for details.
Model 9780 Battery Pack Model Z1005 AC Adapter Model 9641 Connection Cable (for pulse inputs) Model 9782 Carrying Case Model 9812 Soft Case Model 9728 PC Card 512M Model 9729 PC Card 1G Model 9830 PC Card 2G
Model 9809 Protection Sheet Z2012 Heat Flow Sensor Z2013 Heat Flow Sensor Z2014 Heat Flow Sensor Z2015 Heat Flow Sensor Z2016 Heat Flow Sensor Z2017 Heat Flow SensorZ5008 Thermally Conductive
Confirming Package Contents
Applying any excessive force to the Heat Flow Sensor can damage the sensor. When transporting the Heat Flow Sensor in a case, store the sensor in the pocket of the 9782 Carrying Case. Do not store the Heat Flow Sensor in the 9812 Soft Case.

Safety Information

Safety Information
This instrument is designed to conform to IEC 61010 Safety Stan­dards, and has been thoroughly tested for safety prior to shipment. However, usi ual may negate the provided safety features. Before using the instrument, be certain to carefully read the follow­ing safety notes:
Mishandling during use could result in injury or death, as well as damage to the instrument. Be cer tain that you understand the instructions and precaution s in the manual before use.
With regard to the electricity supply, there are risks of electric shock, heat generation, fire, and arc flash due to short cir­cuits. If persons unfamiliar with electricity measuring instru­ment are to use the instru ment, another person fa miliar with such instr
Safety Symbols
ng the instrument in a way not described in this man-
uments must supervise operations.
Indicates cautions and hazards. When the symbol is printed on the instrument, refer to a corresponding topic in the Instruction Manual.
Indicates DC (Direct Current). Indicates AC (Alternating Current).
Indicates the ON side of the power switch. Indicates the OFF side of the power switch.
Safety Information
In this document, the risk seriousness and the hazard levels are classified as fol­lows.
Indicates an imminently hazardous situation that will result in death or serious injury to the operator.
Indicates a potentially hazardous situation that may result in death or serious injury to the operator.
Indicates a potentially hazardous situation that may result in minor or moderate injury to the operator or damage to the instrument or mal­function.
Indicates advisory items related to performance or correct operation of the instr
Indicates information related to the operation of the instrument or maintenance tasks with which the operators must be fully familiar.
Symbols for Various Standards
This symbol indicates that the product conforms to regulations set out by the EC Directive.
This is a recycle mark established under the Resource Recycling Promotion Law
(only f
or Japan).
WEEE marking: This symbol indicates that the electrical and electronic appliance is put on the EU
mark required to display it on the appliance under Article 11.2 of Directive 2002/96/ EC (WEEE).
et after August 13, 2005, and producers of the Member States are
Other Symbols
Indicates the prohibited action.
(p. #)
[ ]
(Bold characters)
Unless otherwise specified, “Windows Windows
Click: Press and quickly release the left button of the mouse. Double click: Quickly click the left button of the mouse twice.
7, Windows® 8, or Windows® 10.
Indicates the location of reference information. Indicates that descriptive information is provided below. The names of setting objects and buttons on the screen are indicated
by square brackets [ ]. Bold characters within the text indicate operating key labels.
” represents Windows® XP, Windows Vist a®,
Safety Information
We define measurement tolerances in terms of f.s. (full scale), rdg. (reading) and dgt. (digit) values, with the following meanings:
f.s. (maximum display value or scale length)
The maximum displayable value or scale length. This is usually the name of the cur­rently selected range.
Example: For the 1 V range, f.s. = 1 V
rdg. (reading or displayed value)
The value currently being measured and indicated on the measuring instrument.
dgt. (resolution)
The smallest displayable unit on a digital measuring instrument, i.e., the input value that causes the digital display to show a “1” as the least-significant digit.
Measurement categ o ries
To ensure safe operation of measurement instruments, IEC 61010 establishes safety standards for various electrical environments, catego­rized as CAT II to CAT IV, and called measurement categories.
• Using a measuring instrument in an environment desig­nated with a higher-n umbered category tha n that for which the instrume and must be carefully avoided.
• Never use a measuring instrument that lacks category label­ing in a CAT II to CAT IV measurement environment. Doing so could result in a serious accident.
nt is rated could result in a severe accident,
When directly measuring the electrical outlet receptacl es of the prim ary elec­trical circuits in equipment connected to an AC electrical outlet by a power cord (por
When measuring the primary electrical circuits of heavy equipment (fixed install the distribution panel to outlets
When measuring the circuit from the service drop to the service entrance, and to the power meter and primary overcurrent protection device (distribu­tion panel)
table tools, household appliances, etc.)
ations) connected directly to the distribution panel, and feeders from
Safety Information
Difference between “Measurement” and “Recording”
The measurement and recording processes are distinguished as follows for the purposes of these instructions.
Measured data (data acquired in internal memory) is erased whenever a new measurement start
s. To retain data, always record (save) it.
The acquisition of input values into the instrument’s internal memory or to a PC vi
a communications.
Storing measurement data on a CF card, USB flash drive or on a PC via dat
a commu

Operating Precautions

Operating Precautions
Follow these precautions to ensure safe operation and to obtain the full benefits of the various functions.
Before Use
• Before using the instrument for the first time, verify that it operates normal ensure that no damage occurred during storage or shipping. If you find any dam­age, contact your authorized Hioki distributor or reseller.
• Before using the instrument, make sure that the insulation on the cables is undam­aged and that no bare conductors are improperly exposed. Using the instrument in such c
onditions could cause an electric shock, so contact your authorized Hioki
distributor or reseller for replacements.
ly to
Instrument Installation
Installation environment
• This instrument is not drip-proof. Install the instrument with the measurement cables hanging lower than the instrument to pre­vent water or other fluid from entering the instrument through the measurement cables and terminal block.
• The maximum operating (ambient) temperature for the LR8432­20 is 40°C. D ments.
• Correct measurement may be impossible in the presence of strong magnetic fields, such as near transformers and high-cur­rent conductors, or in the presence of strong electromagneti fields such as near radio transmitters.
• If liquid enters the enclosure through an air vent or other opening, it may damage the instrument’s internal circuitry . Exercise caution con­cerning the surrounding environment when installing the instrument.
o not attempt to use in higher temperature environ-
Do not place the instrument on an unstable table or an inclined place. Dropping or knocking down the instrument can cause injury or damage to the instrument.
Installation Precautions
Horizontal placement Upright placement
• If the instrument is used in any state other than the following, the measurement accuracy may not satisfy the device specifications.
• Leave sufficient space around the ventilation holes and install the instrument with the holes unobstructed.
• Avoid temperature changes around the terminal block. Especially avoid di vent. Thermocoup le inp ut s are pr one to me asure ment error s.
• When the instrument is moved to a location with significantly dif­ferent ambient temperature, allow at least 30 minutes for thermal equalization be
rected airflow such as from an electric fan or air conditioner
Handling the Instrument
Operating Precautions
fore measuring.
• Do not allow the in strum ent to g et we t, and do no t take mea­surements with wet hands. This may cause an electric shock.
• Do not attempt to modify, disassemble or repair the instru­ment; as fire, electric shock and injury could result.
To avoid damage to the instrument, protect it from physical shock when transporting and handling. Be especially careful to avoid physical shock from dropping.
This instrument may cause interference if used in residential areas. Such use must be avoided unless the user takes special measures to reduce electromagnetic emissions to prevent interfer ence to the reception of radio and television broadcasts.
Operating Precautions
Handling the Cords and Cables
The cable is hardened under the 0°C or colder environment. Do not bend or pull it to avoid tearing its shield or cutting cable.
Before Turning Power On
Using the Battery Pack
• For battery operation, use only the HIOKI Model 9780 Battery Pack. We do not take any responsibility for accidents or damage related to the use of any other batteries.
Refer to “2.1 Using the Battery Pack (Option)” (p. 28).
Using the AC Adapter
• Use only the supplied Model Z1005 AC Adapter. AC adapter input voltage range is 100 V to 240 VAC at 50 Hz/60 Hz. To avoid electrical hazards and dam age to the instrument, do not apply voltage outside of this range.
• Tur n the instrument off bef ore connec ting the AC adapter to th
e instrum
• T o avoid electrical accidents and to maintain the safety spec­ifications of this instrument, connect the power cord pro­vided only to a 3-contact (two-conductor + ground) outlet.
• Use only the designated power cord with this instrument. Use of othe
• Before turning the instrument on, make sure the supply volt­age matches that indicated on its power connector. Connec­tion to an improper supply voltage may damage the instrument and present an electr ical hazard.
ent and to AC power.
r power cords may cause fire.
• Do not connect the supply voltage improperly. Doing so may damage the instrument’s internal circuitry.
• Avoid using an uninterruptible power supply (UPS) or DC/AC inverter with rectangular wave or pseudo-sine-wave output to power the instrument. Doing so may damage the instrument.
• When the power is turned off, do not apply voltage or current to the terminals.
Doing so may damage the instrument.
• After use, always turn OFF the power.
Select Hioki 9641 Connection Cable for use as a cable for the pulse input connector.
• Brief power interruptions of 40 ms or less will not cause this instrument to malfunction. However, Longer interruptions may cause the instrument to shut itself off, so consider local power conditions before installing, as appropriate.
• To ensure that recording is not interrupted by power outages, you can use the Z1005 AC Adapter and 9780 Battery Pack tog ether.
About Inputs and Measurement
• Do not use the instrument with circui ts that exceed its rat­ings or specifications. Doing so may cause it to become hot, resulting in bodily injury.
• To av oid electrical hazards and damage to the instrument , do not apply voltage exceeding the rated maxim um to the input terminals.
• The maximum input voltage (and the maximum r ated volt­age to earth) for the analog input terminals is 30 V AC rms (or 60 V may be damaged and perso nal injury or death co uld occur, so do not attempt measurement.
• Do not leave the instrument connected to test objects in envi­ronments where a voltage surge m ight exceed the dielec tric wi instrument, bodily injury or fatal accident.
• Channels are insulated by semiconductor relays. When a voltage beyond the channels, the semiconductor relay may short circuit. Please ensure that a voltage beyond specification, especially a surge such as a lightning, is never applied. When an abn or­mal measurement value is observed, please contact your authorized Hioki distributor or reseller for inspection.
DC). If these limits are exceeded, the instrument
nd voltage. Doing so could result in damage to the
Operating Precautions
specification is applied between the
The waveform for an open channel may sometimes appear to b e influenced by the signals of the other channels being measured. If you do not like this, please set the waveform display of the open channel to OFF or short-circuit the input terminals of the open channel by connecting the positive and negative terminal.
Operating Precautions
CD Handling
CD precautions
• Exercise care to keep the recorded side of discs free of dirt and scratches. When writing text on a disc’s label, use a pen or marker with a soft tip.
• Keep discs inside a protective case and do not expose to direct sunlight, high temperature, or h
• Hioki is not liable for any issues your computer system experi­ences in the course of using this disc.”
Using a CF Card/USB flash drive
• Inserting a CF card/USB flas h drive upside down, backwards or i n the wrong direction may damage the CF card, USB flash drive, or instrument.
• Never eject a CF card /USB flash drive while measuring or when the instrum
ent is or accessing the card. Data on the CF card/USB flash drive may be destroyed. (The CF icon/USB flash drive icon at the lower right is red while the card is being accessed.)
• Do not transport the instrument while a USB flash drive is connected. D
amage cou
• As the CF card/USB flash drive is sensitive to static elect ricity, damage to the CF card/USB flash drive or wrong operations by the instrument may occur due to static electricity. Please be careful when handling it.
• With some USB flash drives, the instrument may not start up if power is tur power on first, and then insert the USB flash drive. It is recommended to try out operation with a USB flash drive before starting to use it for actual measurements.
ld result.
ned on while the USB flash drive is inserted. In such a case, turn
igh humidity.
USB method of use
Connector used
[System] screen USB
mode setting Use a USB flash drive. Type A USB Memory (Default) Communicate with the LR8432-20
and initiate measurem ent using the Logger Utility software from a com­puter (using a USB ca bl e).
Type B USB Communication
Read files o n a CF card that is con­nected to the LR8432-20 from a computer (using a USB cable) .
Type B USB Drive
Operating Precautions
• The Flash memory in a CF card/USB flash drive has a limited operat­ing life. After long-term usage, data storage and retrieval beco me diffi­cult. In this case, replace the CF card/USB flash drive with a new one.
• We cannot provide compensation for data loss in a CF card/USB flash drive,
regardless of content or cause of the damage. Data is also cleared from memory if a long time passes after measuring. Always maintain a backup of important data stored on a CF card/USB flash drive.
• Although real-time saving to USB flash drive is supported, a CF card is r
when using storage media other than a Hioki-sp ecified C F card optio n.
• Use a USB flash drive whose continuous current consumption does not exceed 300 m Power” under the USB flash drive self -test on the [System] screen.)
• Depending on how USB is used, the USB connector and i nst r um ent set­tings may vary as shown in the chart below.
• The three USB methods of use described in the chart below involve exclusive set
ed for data preservat ion. Perf ormance can not be gu aranteed
A (peak 500 mA). (The peak value is displayed as “Max
tings and cannot be used simultaneou sly.
Heat Flow Sensor (Models Z2012, Z2013, Z2014, Z2015, Z2016, Z2017)
Do not subject the Heat Flow Sensor to excessive force.
Refer to the instruction manual included with the Heat Flow Sensor for details.
Thermally Conductive Tape Z5008
Stop using double-sided Thermally Conductive Tape immediately if it touches the human body and causes an abnormality.
Operating Precautions
Record anomalies
Abnormal events ca n be ana­lyzed by recording with the trigger function (p. 81) Use the alarm function to ou t­put signals when anomalies occur (p. 88).
Measurement data and setting configurations are stored, read and managed as data files
Measuremen t d ata c a n be s to re d to and read from a CF card or USB flash drive (p. 109).
Waveform analysis
mV A
Cursor Measurements (p. 101)
Using the A/B cursors, values at cursor locations on waveforms and the tim e at trigger positions can be displayed.
Performs seven calculation types, including max­imum and average values.
Numerical Calculations (p. 131)
Acquire pulse signals
Measure integrated pulses or revolutions from sensors and pulse output devices such as watt-hour meters.
Gauge dis­play (p. 100)
Zoom in/out (p. 99)
Numerical dis­play
(p. 104)
Analysis on a PC
Monitor and anal yze m easu re me nt data with the supplied application program (p. A20).
Event search (p. 106)
Display in converted units
Using the scaling function, in put val­ues can be displayed in units of the actual physical quantity being mea­sured, such as current or flow vol­ume (p. 69).
Observe voltage fluctuations, temperature, and heat flow
Just connect measurement leads, thermocouples, or heat flow sen­sors to perform measurement as needed.
Waveform Calculations (p. 101)
Performs five types of calculations, in­cluding four arit hm etic operations and a moving average, a nd disp lays results in a waveform format.
1 2

1.1 Product Overview and Features

Overview Chapter 1

1.1 Product Overview and Features
The Hioki LR8432-20 Heat Flow Logger is a compact, lightweight, easy-to­operate waveform recorder. It can run on batteries, and can be quickly deployed when a power anomaly occurs. Measurement data can be m onitored, subjected t o calculations and ana lyzed o
n a perso
nal computer using the sup plied application program.
Chapter 1 Overview
To save data, insert a CF card or USB flash drive. (p. 112)
AC adapter connection (p. 33)
Install the Battery Pack (option) (p. 28)
Connect to the Model LR8432-20 (p. 27), and Set Up (p. 9)
Turn the Power On (p. 40)
Measurement cables connections (p. 34)
Configure Recording Settings (p. 44)
Using a previously saved
setting configuration
Reload a previously stored setting con ­figuration from Model LR8432-20 memory or a CF card or USB flash drive, and measure (p. 121)
Set the data acquisition (recording) inter­val, and recording length (time span). Select the type of measurement data to save when automatically saving to a CF card or USB flash drive. Remaining data stored in the instrument can be saved when finished measuring.
Move to a setting item
Open the setting options
Select Apply

1.2 Measurement Flow

1.2 Measurement Flow
Installing, Connecting and Turning On
1.2 Measurement Flow
Configure Input Channe ls (p. 44)
Select input channels, and set input types and measurement ranges. Make other settings as desired.
Move to a setting item
Open the setting options
Select Apply
Press the START/STOP Key (p. 24)
Record once, and stop.
[Repeat]: Off
When recording using the trigger function, recording occurs only when the input waveform satisfies specified trigger criteria.
Record repeatedly.
[Repeat]: On
(default setting)
View Measurement Data (p. 97)
Waveforms can be zoomed and numerical values confirmed.
Save Data (p. 109)
Measurement data, waveform data, screen images and numerical calculation results can be saved.
Calculate (p. 131)
Numerical measurement data can be applied to calculations.
View on a Computer (p. A20)
Analyze recorded data using the supplied application program.
Turn the Instrument O ff (p. 40)
Sta rting and Stopping Measurement
Chapter 1 Overview
Data Analysis
When Finished
Front Panel
Operating Keys
Rear Panel
Battery Compartment (p. 28)
The optional Model 9780 Battery Pack is installed here.[ :(p. 10)]
Manufacturer’s Serial No.
Shows the serial number. Do not remove this label, as it is required for product support.
Display Screen (p. 97)
4.3-inch TFT color LCD Screen Configurations (p. 20)
Selects among waveform screen displays (p. 20).
Displays the Settings screens, and switches among the screen tabs with each press (p. 22).
Displays file information (p. 21).
Select channels.
Cancels changes to settings.
Cursor Keys
Moves the position of the cursor (blinking selection) on the screen.
Accepts displayed settings.
Disables keypad op­erations. Press and hold the left and right cursor keys simultaneously for three seconds to lock and un­lock the keys.
(Zero Adjust )
Performs zero adjust­ment. Press the up and down keys simul­taneously to execute (p. 41).
Press to save data manu­ally (p. 114).
Press the center key to select waveform scrolling or A/B cursor movement, then press the left and right cursor keys to scroll or move (p. 23).
Setup and display
Saving operations
Scroll waveforms and
read cursor values
Choose a screen
Start and stop measure­ment. The LED at the left lights green while mea­suring (p. 24).
Start and stop
Operating Keys

1.3 Names and Functions of Parts

1.3 Names and Functions of Parts
Top Panel
AC Adapter Socket
Connect the supplied Model Z1005 AC Adapter (p. 33). [ :(p. 10)]
CF Card Slot
Insert an optional CF card. (p. 111)
Analog Input Terminals
Connect measurement leads for voltage mea­surement, and thermocouples for temperature (p. 34).[ :(p. 11)]
This LED lights when the battery is charging (p. 32).
Pulse Input Connector
Connect an optional 9641 cable (p. 39) .
External Control Terminals
Control signals can be received from and output to external devices (p. 157).
Right Side
POWER Switch
Turns the instrument on and off (p. 40)
Power Off
Power On
USB Port
(USB 2.0 mini-B receptacle)
• Using the included Logger Utility applica­tion software, you can monitor measure­ment data on the computer and transfer settings to the instrument. (p. A28) (To use, set the USB mode on the [System] screen to [USB Comm.].)
• You can transfer data on the instrument’s CF card to a computer. (p. 128) (To use, set the USB mode on the [System] screen to [USB Drive].)
USB flash drive Slot (Type A USB 2.0 receptacle)
Used to save data to a USB flash drive. (p. 112) (To use, set the USB mode on the [System] screen to
[USB Memory].)
1.3 Names and Functions o f Parts
Chapter 1 Overview
The [USB Memory ], [USB Comm.], and [USB Drive] US B mo d e settings are exclusive and cannot be used simultaneously.
Selects between seven display types.
The screen switches each time you press the key.
Operational infor­mation is displayed along the bottom of the screen.
[Wave] Screen
Measurement data is displayed as waveforms (p. 97).
[Value+Cmnt] Screen
Measurement data is displayed as numerical values with com­ments (p. 104).
[Wave+Calc] Screen
Measurement data is displayed as waveforms with calculation results (p. 137).
[Gauge+Wave] Screen
Measurement data is displayed as waveforms with gauges (p.
[Wave+Value] Screen
Measurement data is displayed as waveforms and numerical values (p. 104).
[Value] Screen
Measurement data is displayed as numerical values (p. 104).
[Wave+Crsr] Screen
Measurement data is displayed as waveforms with cursor val­ues (p. 101).
Waveform/Numerical Screens
Selection is also available from the name of the current screen displayed near the bottom right
[Wave] [Wave+Value] [Value+Cmnt]
[Wave+Calc] [Wave+Crsr]

1.4 Screen Configurations

1.4 Screen Configurations
Icons (Commonly used on all of the screens)
“Setting the Date and Time” (p. 152).
Power source indicator
Indicates the instrument’s power source.
AC adapter operation Battery pack operation
Fully charged battery pack) Battery pack operation Battery pack operation
(Low battery indicator)
CF card
Displayed when a CF card is inserted. The icon appears red when accessing the card.
USB source indicator
Indicates the USB status.
USB flash drive inserted in USB Memory mode.
Operating in USB Communication mode.
File Screen
View and manage files on the CF card or USB flash drive (p. 109).
File Screen
Operational infor­mation is displayed along the bottom of the screen.
1.4 Screen Configurations
Chapter 1 Overview
[CH] Screen
Make input channel settings while viewing the monitor dis­play (p. 56).
[Conv/Calc] Screen
Make these settings to convert measured values to arbitrary units for display (p. 69).
[Comment] Screen
Enter channel comments (p. 72)
[Setting] Screen
[Range] Screen
Make settings while viewing all channel settings (p. 74).
[Trig & Alm] Screen
Recording criteria (triggering) and warning sounds can be set for each channel (p. 81).
[System] Screen
Configure the system environ­ment (p. 147).
Settings Screens
Press the left/right cursor keys to se­lect between the Settings screens.
Selects between seven display types.
The screen switch­es each time you press the key.
Operational infor­mation is displayed along the bottom of the screen.
Make settings for recording (p .
48). Set numerical calculation, auto-saving and timers.
1.4 Screen Configurations
+ 208 hidden pages