This instruction manual provides details on the communication interfaces of the IM3523, IM3533, IM3533-01
LCR Meter, IM3570 Impedance Analyzer and IM3590 Chemical Impedance Analyzer.
In this document, the "instrument" means the IM3523, IM3533, IM3533-01, IM3570 and IM3590.
Safety Information
This manual contains information and warnings essential for safe operation of the instrument and for maintaining it in safe operating condition. Be fo re u sing it, b e sure to ca re fully r ead the follo win g safe ty pr ecautio ns.
Safety Symbols
The following symbols in this manual indicate the relative importance of cautions and warnings.
Indicates that incorrect operation presents a significant hazard that could result in serious injury or death to the user.
Indicates that incorrect operation presents a possibility of injury to the user or damage to
the product.
Advisory items related to performance or correct operation of the product.
Symbols in this manual
Indicates the prohibited action.
*Indicates that descriptive information is provided below.
[ ]
(Bold character)
DialogueDialogue box represents a Windows dialog box.
Indicates the location of reference information.
Menus, commands, dialogs, buttons in a dialog, and other names on the screen and the keys are
indicated in brackets.
Bold characters within the text indicate operating key labels.
Unless otherwise specified, “Windows” represents Windows 95, 98, Me, Widows NT4.0, Windows
2000, Windows XP, Windows Vista, or Windows 7.
Mouse Operation
Click: Press and quickly release the left button of the mouse.
Right-click: Press and quickly release the right button of the mouse.
Double click: Quickly click the left button of the mouse twice.
While holding down the left button of the mouse, move the mouse and then release the left button
to deposit the chosen item in the desired position.
• When the data in the receive buffer exceeds 85% of
the buffer, CA(RTS) is set to OFF
notified that there is not much space remaining in the
• Processing of the data in the buffer continues, and
then CA(RTS) is set to ON
fied that there is sufficient remaining space in the buffer when the amount of data becomes less than 25%
When using software (XON/XOFF control):
• When the data in the receive buffer exceeds 75% of
the buffer, XOFF(13H) is sent
the buffer.
• Processing of the data in the buffer continues, and then XON(11H) is sent and the controller is notified
that there is sufficient remaining space in the buf fer when the amo unt of dat a becomes less than 25%
When using hardware (RTS/CTS control):
• When CB(CTS) is confirmed to be OFF, the sending of data is halted. When it is confirmed to be ON,
the sending of data is resumed.
When using software (XON/XOFF control):
• When XOFF is received, the sending of data is halted. When XON is received, the sending of data is
and the controller is
and the controller is noti-
and the controller is notified that there is not much space remaining in
1.2 GP-IB Specifications
1.2GP-IB Specifications
SH1Supports all source handshake functions.
AH1Supports all acceptor handshake functions.
T6Supports standard talker functions.
L4Supports standard listener functions.
SR1Supports all service request functions.
RL1Supports all remote/local functions.
PP0Parallel poll functions are not supported.
DC1Supports all device clear functions.
DT1Supports all device trigger functions.
C0Controller functions are not supported.
Code used: ASCII code
Supports serial poll functions.
Talk only mode is not supported.
Supports the talker cancel function by MLA (My Listen Address).
Listener only mode is not supported.
Supports the listener cancel function by MTA (My Talk Address).
1.3USB Specifications
ConnectorSeries B receptacle
Compliance standardUSB2.0 (Full Speed/High Speed)
No. of ports1
ClassCommunication class
Supported OS Windows 2000, XP, Vista, 7
1.4LAN Specifications
ConnectorRJ-45 connector ×1
Compliance standardIEEE 802.3-compliant Ethernet
Transfer system10BASE-T/ 100BASE-TX Auto detected
FunctionCommand control
Model IM3570
RS-232C communication (p. 7)
GP-IB communication (p. 9)
USB communication (p. 11)
LAN communication (p. 13)
Connection and
Overview of Communication
Setting Chapter 2
2.1Overview of Communication
You can control the instrument with communication commands from a computer via the GP-IB, RS-232C,
USB, and LAN interfaces.
There are the following four communication methods. To enable communication, the communication conditions need to be set on the instrument.
Printer can be connected to enable printing measurement values and screens.
• Commands common to IEEE-488-2 1987 (requirement) can be used.
• The instrument complies with the following standard. (Compliance standard: IEEE-488.1 1987)
• The instrument has been designed with reference to the following standard. (Reference standard:
IEEE-488.2 1987)
Chapter 2 Model IM3570 Connection and Setting
The instrument is communication class compatible.
Command control using the TCP/IP protocol is possible.
• Always turn both devices OFF when connecting and disconnecting an interface
connector. Otherwise, an electric shock accident may occur.
• To avoid damage to the instrument, do not short-circuit the terminal and do not
input voltage to the terminal.
• Failure to fasten the connectors properly may result is sub-specification performance or damage to the equipment.
When RS-232C is set
When GP-IB is set
When USB is set
When LAN is set
When printer is set
Overview of Communication
Screen Displayed while Setting Interfaces
When you set an interface, the icon for the set interface is displayed on the right side of the screen.
Male 9-pin D-sub
#4-40 attaching screws
To connect the instrument to a controller (DTE), use a crossover cable
compatible with the connectors on both the instrument and the controller.
The I/O connector is a DTE (Data Terminal Equipment) configuration.
6 7 8 9
1 2 3 4 5
BB (RxD)
BA (TxD)
BA (TxD)
BB (RxD)
Controller (DOS/V PC)
RS-232C Connection and Settings
2.2RS-232C Connection and Settings
Connecting the RS-232C Cable
Connect the RS-232C cable to the RS-232C connector.
(Recommended cable: 9637 RS-232C cable)
Connector (D-sub)
Pin No.
2Received Data104BBRDRxD
3Transmitted Data103BASDTxD
4Data Terminal Ready108/2CDERDTR
5Signal Ground102ABSGGND
7Request to Send105CARSRTS
8Clear to Send106CBCSCTS
Interchange Circuit
Circuit No.
Chapter 2 Model IM3570 Connection and Setting
Example: Connecting to a DOS/V PC
Specification: D-sub 9-pin female and female connector, reverse connection
Hardware control will not work properly if you use a cable that has CA(RTS) and CB(CTS)
LCR Measurement Screen
Interface Settings
You can configure the setting from any of mode, mode.
Press .
RS-232C Settings
Press to confirm the setting.
RS-232C Settings
Select the terminator setting.
Select the baud rate setting.
Select the handshake setting.
No flow control
Hardware (RTS/CTS control)
Software (XON/XOFF control)
Hardware + software
RS-232C Connection and Settings
Setting RS-232C
Recommended cable:
9150-02 GP-IB connection cable (2 m)
9151-04 GP-IB connection cable (4 m)
LCR Measurement Screen
Interface Settings
You can configure the setting from any of mode, mode.
GP-IB Connection and Settings
2.3GP-IB Connection and Settings
Connecting the GP-IB Cable
Connect the GP-IB cable to the GP-IB connector.
Setting GP-IB
Chapter 2 Model IM3570 Connection and Setting
Press .
GPIB Setting
GPIB Setting
Use or to set the GP-IB address.
Select the terminator setting.
LF with EOI
LF with CR+EOI
Press to confirm the setting.
GP-IB Connection and Settings
To connect the instrument to a computer the first time, a dedicated USB driver must be installed.
Before connecting the instrument to the computer, install the USB driver.
The USB driver can be downloaded from the bundled CD, or our web site.(http://www.hioki.c om)
The USB driver is compatible with the Windows XP (32-bit version), Windows Vista (32-bit, 64-bit
version), and Windows 7 (32-bit, 64-bit version) operating systems.
LCR Measurement Screen
Interface Settings
You can configure the setting from any of mode, mode.
Press .
USB Setting
USB Settings and Connection
2.4USB Settings and Connection
Setting USB
Chapter 2 Model IM3570 Connection and Setting
USB Setting
Select the terminator setting.
Press to confirm the setting.
USB cable
(commercially available product)
USB interface port of computer
Type B
USB Settings and Connection
Connecting the USB Cable
Connect a USB cable (commercially available USB cable) to the USB port of the instrument.
• To avoid faults, do not disconnect or reconnect the USB cable during instrument
• Connect the instrument and the computer to a common earth ground. Using different grounds could result in potential difference between the instrument and the
computer. Potential difference on the USB cable can result in malfunctions and
• Make these settings before connecting to a network. Changing settings while connected can
duplicate IP addresses of other network devices, and incorrect address information may otherwise be presented to the network.
• The instrument does not support DHCP (automatic IP address assignment) on a network.
Setting Items
Network Environment Configuration
IP Address_________._________._________._________
Subnet Mask_________._________._________._________
Default Gateway_________._________._________._________
LAN Settings and Connection
2.5LAN Settings and Connection
LAN Settings
You can perform command control using the TCP/IP protocol.
Set the instrument to match your network environment in advance.
Identifies each device connected on a network.
IP address
Subnet mask
Default Gateway
Each network device must be set to a unique address.
The instrument supports IP version 4, with IP addresses indicated as four decimal octets, e.g.,
This setting is for separating the IP address into the network address that indicates the network and
the host address that indicates the instrument. On this instrument, the subnet mask is represented as
four decimal numbers separated by ". " such as ""
When the computer and instrument are on different but overlapping networks (subnets), this IP address specifies the device to serve as the gateway between the networks.
If the computer and instrument are connected one-to-one, no gateway is used, and the instrument's
default setting "" can be kept as is.
Chapter 2 Model IM3570 Connection and Setting
Example 1. Connecting the instrument to an existing network
When connecting the instrument to an existing network, the network settings need to be confirmed in
An IP address which is not the same as that of another network device needs to be assigned.
Confirm the following items with the network administrator, and write them down.
Example 2. Connecting multiple instruments to a single computer using a hub
When building a local network with no outside connection, the following private IP addresses are recommended.
Example of private IP address:
(Set an IP address that differs from that of other network devices.)
Subnet Mask............
Default Gateway ......OFF(
Example 3. Connecting one instrument to a single computer using the 9642 LAN Cable
The 9642 LAN Cable can be used with its supplied connection adapter to connect one instrument to one
computer, in which case the IP address is freely settable. Use the recommended private IP addresses.
IP Address ...............Computer:
Instrument: (Set to a different IP address than the computer.)
Subnet Mask............
Default Gateway ......OFF(
LCR Measurement Screen
Interface Settings
You can configure the setting from any of mode, mode.
Use or to set the subnet mask,
and press to confirm the setting.
Any of the following 30 subnet masks can be set for th e instrument.
LAN Settings and Connection
Chapter 2 Model IM3570 Connection and Setting
LAN Settings
Select the default gateway.
If the default gateway does not need to be set, for
example, when connecting the instrument and
computer on a one-to-one basis using a cross cable, leave this set to OFF.
Default gateway Settings
Use or to set the default gateway.
Press to confirm the setting.
LAN Settings
Select the port number.
LAN Settings and Connection
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