Message Format
Output Queue and Input Buffer
Status Byte Register
Event Registers
Measurement Value Formats
Initialization Items
Command Execution Time
Errors During Communications
2 Message List .......................................................................................................................................... 17
) BIN ............................................................................................................................................... 46
(15) Hold ............................................................................................................................................. 49
In this publication, items relevant only to the DM7275-01, DM7275-02, DM7275-03, DM7276-01, DM7276-02, and
DM7276-03 are indicated as “the instrument.”
If the communication monitoring function is used at the time of program creation, commands and responses will be
conveniently displayed on the measurement screen. For information on the communication monitoring function, see
the instruction manual of the instruments.
Various messages are supported for controlling the instrument through the interfaces.
Messages can be either program messages, sent from the controller such as PC to the instrument, or response
messages, sent from the instrument to the controller.
Response Messages
Message types are further categorized as follows.
When issuing commands that contain data, make sure that the data is provided in the specified format.
Message Format
Program Messages
Program messages can be either Command Messages or Query Messages.
(1) Command Messages
Instructions to control the instrument, such as to change settings or reset
Example: (instruction to set the measurement range)
Header portion
Space Data portion
(2) Query Messages
Requests for responses relating to results of operation or
measurement, or the state of instrument settings
Example: (request for the current measurement range)
When a query message is received, its syntax is checked and a response message is generated.
If an error occurs when a query message is received, no response message is generated for that query.
Command Syntax
Command names are chosen to mnemonically represent their function, and can be abbreviated. The full
command name is called the “long form”, and the abbreviated name is called the “short form”.
The command references in this manual indicate the short form in upper-case letters, extended to the long form in
lower case letters, although the commands are not case-sensitive in actual usage.
Response messages generated by the instrument are in long form and in upper case letters.
OK (long form)
OK (short form)
Headers must always be prefixed to program messages.
(1)Command Program Headers
There are three types of commands: Simple, Compound and Standard.
• Headers for Simple Commands
This header type is a sequence of letters and digits
• Headers for Compound Commands
These headers consist of multiple simple command type headers separated by colons “:”
• Headers for Standard Commands
This header type begins with an asterisk “*”, indicating that it is a standard command defined by IEEE 488.2.
(2) Query Program Header
These commands are used to interrogate the instrument about the results of operations, measured values and
the current states of instrument settings.
As shown by the following examples, a query is formed by appending a question mark “?” after a program
Characters within square brackets [ ] may be omitted.
Either form is valid.
Message Terminators
This instrument recognizes the following message terminators (delimiters).
• CR
• LF
• LF with EOI
Depending on the instrument’s interface settings, the following can be selected as the terminator for response
For information on settings, see “Delimiter Setting” (p.58).
• LF with EOI (default setting)
• CR+LF with EOI
(1) Message Unit Separator
Multiple messages can be written in one line by separating them with semicolons “;”.
• When messages are combined in this way and if one command contains an error, all subsequent messages up
to the next terminator will be ignored.
(2) Header Separator
In a message consisting of both a header and data, the header is separated from the data by a space “ ” (ASCII
code 20H).
(3) Data Separator
In a message containing multiple data items, commas are required to separate the data items from one another.
Data Formats
The instrument uses character data, decimal numeric data and character string data depending on the command.
(1) Character Data
Character data always begins with an alphabetic character, and subsequent characters may be either
alphabetic or numeric. Character data is not case-sensitive, although response messages from the instrument
are only upper case. When the command data portion contains <1/0/ON/OFF>, the operation will be similar to
when 0 is OFF and 1 is ON.
(2) Decimal Numeric Data
Three formats are used for numeric data, identified as NR1, NR2, and NR3. Numeric values may be signed or
unsigned. Unsigned numeric values are handled as positive values. Values exceeding the precision handled by
the instrument are rounded to the nearest valid digit.
• NR1 Integer data (e.g.: +12, -23, 34)
• NR2 Fixed-point data (e.g.: +1.23, -23.45, 3.456)
• NR3 Floating-point exponential representation data (e.g.: +1.0E-2, -2.3E+4)
The term “NRf format” includes all three of the above numeric decimal formats.
The instrument accepts NRf format data. The format of response data is specified for each command, and the
data is sent in that format.
:STATus:OPERation:ENABle 49
(3) Character string data
• Character string data is enclosed by quotation marks.
• This type of data consists of 8-bit ASCII characters
• Characters that cannot be handled by the instrument cause an error.
• The following two characters are different for the instrument setting and communications setting. (Scaling Unit
and Label Display Function)
Instrument setting Communication setting
*Only Scaling Unit and
with remote command.
• As for quotation marks, the sender form the instrument uses double quotes (”) only, while the receiver receives
both double quotes and single quotes (’).
Label Display Function are supported. About other functions, Ω and °C cannot be set
:SYSTem:LABel “LABEL_01”
The instrument does not fully support IEEE 488.2. As much as possible, please use the data formats shown in
the Reference section.
Compound Command Header Omission
When several commands having a common header are combined to form a compound command
(e.g., :CALCulate:SCALe:PARameterA and :CALCulate:SCALe:PARameterB) if they are written together in
sequence, the common portion (here, :CALCulate:SCALe) can be omitted after its initial occurrence.
This common portion is called the “current path” (analogous to the path concept in computer file storage), and until it
is cleared, the interpretation of subsequent commands presumes that they share the same common portion.
This usage of the current path is shown in the following example:
This portion becomes the current path, and can be omitted from the messages immediately following.
The current path is cleared when the power is turned on, when reset by key input, by a colon “:” at the start of a
command, and when a message terminator is detected.
Standard command messages can be executed regardless of the current path. They have no effect upon the
current path.
A colon “:” is not required at the start of the header of a Simple or Compound command. However, to avoid
confusion with abbreviated forms and operating mistakes, we recommend always placing a colon at the start of a
Output Queue and Input Buffer
Output Queue
Response messages are stored in the output queue until read by the controller. The output queue is also cleared
in the following circumstances:
• Power on
• Device clear [GP-IB]
• Query Error
Input Buffer
The input buffer capacity of the instrument is 256 bytes.
If 256 bytes are allowed to accumulate in this buffer so that it becomes full, the USB and GP-IB interface bus enters
the waiting state until space is cleared in the buffer.
The RS-232C interface may not process data beyond 256 bytes.
Note: Ensure that the no command ever exceeds 256 bytes.
Service Request
Standard Event Register Description
Error occurrence information
Service Request
SRQ occurrence
Output Queue data information
Standard Operation Register information
Status Query Register information
Status Byte Register
This instrument implements the status model defined by IEEE 488.2 with regard to the serial poll function using
the service request line. The term “event” refers to any occurrence that generates a service request.
↓ ↑ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓
↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑
ESB1 0
The Status Byte Register contains information about the event registers and the output queue.
selected from this information by masking with the Service Request Enable Register. When any bit selected by the
mask is set, bit 6 (MSS; the Master Summary Status) of the Status Byte Register is also set, which generates an
SRQ (Service Request) message and dispatches a service request.
ESB MAV ESB0 ERR Unused Unused
← & & & & & &
ESB MAV ESB0 ERR Unused Unused
Overview of Service Request Occurrence
Status Byte
Register (STB)
Enable Register
Required items are
Note: SRQ (Service Request) is a GP-IB function only.
However, STB (Status Byte Register) information can be acquired with RS-232C, USB or
LAN using the *STB? command.
STB (Status Byte Register) information can be acquired using the *STB? command.
RS-232C/USB/LAN does not provide a function for issuing service requests. Still, SRER setup and STB reading
are available.
Event Status (logical sum) bit 1
This is the logical sum of the Standard Operation Register.
Set to 1 when a service re
This is the logical sum of the other bits of the Status Byte Register.
Standard Event Status (logical sum) bit
This is logical sum of the Standard Event Status Register.
Message available
Indicates that a me
Event Status (logical sum) bit 0
This is the logical sum of the Status Query Register.
Error bit
Set to 1 when error information is present.
Reset using :SYSTem.ERRor?to output error information.
Status Byte Register (STB)
During serial polling, the contents of the 8-bit Status Byte Register are sent from the instrument to the controller.
When any Status Byte Register bit enabled by the Service Request Enable Register has switched from 0 to 1, the
MSS bit becomes 1. Consequently, the SRQ bit is set to 1, and a service request is dispatched.
The SRQ bit is always synchronous with service requests, and is read and simultaneously cleared during serial
polling. Although the MSS bit is only read by an *STB?query, it is not cleared until a clear event is initiated by the
*CLS command.
Bit 7 ESB1
Bit 6
Bit 5 ESB
Bit 4 MAV
Bit 3 ESB0
Bit 2 ERR
Bit 1
Bit 0
quest is dispatched.
ssage is present in the output queue.
Service Request Enable Register (SRER)
This register masks the Status Byte Register. Setting a bit of this register to 1 enables the corresponding bit of the
Status Byte Register to be used.
Returns bit status at the time of query receipt
rather than the held value.
Each bit is not cleared even if the query
result is returned.
When 1 is set for each bit, the status is held
until the query result is returned.
When 1 is set for each bit, the status is held
until the query result is returned.
Returns bit status at the time of query receipt
rather than the held value.
Each bit is not cleared even if the query result is
When 1 is set for each bit, the status is held
until the query result is returned.
Returns the status when *STB? is received.
Each bit is not cleared even if the *STB query result is
returned. (It is necessary to perform a query for each
event register and clear the occurrence or execute *CLS.)
AND output of EV and EN
AND output of
EV and EN
AND output of
EV and EN
AND output of
EV and EN
Event Registers
Power-On Flag
Set to 1 when the power is turned on, or upon recovery from an
Command error (The command to the message terminator
This bit is set to 1 when a received command contains a
• Received a command not supported by the instrument
This bit is set to 1 when a received command cannot be
Execution is prevented by some other operation being
This bit is set to 1 when a command cannot be executed due to
or an
execution error.
This bit is set to 1 when a query error is detected by the output
• When data in the output queue has been lost
Request Control
It indicates the completion of operations of all messages up to
the “*OPC” command
Standard Event Status Register (SESR)
The Standard Event Status Register is an 8-bit register. If any bit in the Standard Event Status Register is set to 1
(after masking by the Standard Event Status Enable Register), bit 5 (ESB) of the Status Byte Register is set to 1.
See: “Standard Event Status Register (SESR) and Standard Event Status Enable Register
The Standard Event Status Register is cleared in the following situations:
• When a *CLS command is executed
• When an event register query (
• When the instrument is powered on
” (p.10)
*ESR?) is executed
Bit 7 PON
Bit 6
Bit 5 CME
Bit 4 EXE
Bit 3
Not used by this instrument
User Request
is ignored.)
syntactic or semantic error:
• Program header error
• Incorrect number of data parameters
• Invalid parameter format
Execution Error
executed for some reason.
• The specified data value is outside of the set range
• The specified setting data cannot be set
Not used by this instrument
Device-Dependent Error
some reason other than a command error, a query error
Query Error (the output queue is cleared)
Bit 2 QYE
queue control.
• When the data overflows the output queue
Bit 1
Bit 0 OPC
Not used by this instrument
Operation Complete
・It indicates the execution of an “
*OPC” command.
Status Byte Register (STB)
Standard Event Status Enable Register (SESER)
Standard Event Status Enable Register (SESER)
Setting any bit of the Standard Event Status Enable Register to 1 enables access to the corresponding bit of the
Standard Event Status Register.
Standard Event Status Register (SESR) and Standard Event Status Enable Register (SESER)
bit6 bit5 bit4
MSS Standard Event Status Register (SESR)
bit7 bit6 bit5 bit4 bit3 bit2 bit1 bit0
↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓
Logical sum ← & & & & & & & &
↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑
bit7 bit6 bit5 bit4 bit3 bit2 bit1 bit0
Bit 15
Bit 14
Set to 1 when an error occurs (cleared when details are acquired
from :SYSTem.ERRor?).
Bit 12
Set to 1 when autohold is completed.
Bit 11
Set to 1 when measurement is completed.
Bit 10
Set to 1 when the instrument is in the Remote state.
Set to 1 when the number of memory data reaches the number set
in :DATA:POINts:EVENt:THReshold.
or the last
normal measurement.
Bit 7
Bit 6
Bit 5
Set to 1 when the instrument is in the trigger waiting state.
Bit 4
Set to 1 when the instrument is in the measurement state.
Bit 3
Bit 2
Bit 1
Bit 0
Status Byte Register (STB)
↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑
Enable register of the Standard Operation Register Group (:STATus:OPERation:ENABle)
Device-Specific Event Status Registers
This instrument provides two Event Status Registers for controlling events. Each Event Status Register is a 16-bit
When any bit in one of these Event Status Registers enabled by its corresponding Enable Register is set to 1, the
following happens:
• For Standard Operation Register, bit 7 (ESB1) of the Status Byte Register is set to 1.
• For Status Query Resister, bit 3 (ESB0) of the Status Byte Register is set to 1.
Event Status Registers 0 and 1 are cleared in the following situations:
• When a
• When an Event Status Register query is executed
Set to 1 when the internal measurement memory is full (5000 data).
Bit 13
Set to 1 when the BIN measurement result is OUT OF BIN.
Bit 12
Set to 1 when the comparator result is upper threshold FAIL.
Bit 11
Set to 1 when the comparator result is lower threshold FAIL.
Bit 10
Bit 9
Bit 8
Bit 7
Bit 6
Bit 5
Bit 4
Bit 3
Set to 1 when the measurement temperature is outside the measurement range.
Bit 2
Bit 1
Bit 0
Set to 1 when the measurement voltage is outside the measurement range.
Status Byte Register (STB)
↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑
Enable register of the Status Query Register Group (:STATus:OPERation:ENABle)
Status Query Register
Event register of the Status Query Register Group (:STATus:QUEStionable:EVENt?) and
enable register of the Status Query Register Group (:STATus:QUEStionable:ENABle)
bit4 bit3 bit2
← & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &
Event register of the Status Query Register Group (:STATus:QUEStionable:EVENt?)
Cancels the Remote state and enters the Local state.
Local Lock Out
Disables all keys, including the Local key.
Device CLear
Clears the input buffer and the output queue.
Device Clear
selected, processes one sampling.
Register Reading and Writing
Status Byte Register
Service Request Enable Register
Standard Event Status Register
Standard Event Status Enable Register
Event register of the Standard Operation Register Group
Event Register of Standard Operation Register Group
Enable Register of Standard Operation Register Group
Event Register Query of Status Query Register Group
Event Register Query of Status Query Register Group
(Event data)
Enable Register of Status Query Register Group
GP-IB Commands
The following commands can be used for performing interface functions.
SDC Selected
GET Group Execute
Clears the input buffer and the output queue.
When an external trigger (trigger source <EXTERNAL>) is
Measurement Range
Measured Value
Measurement Fault
100 mV
± □□□.□□□□□E-03
1 V ± □□□□.□□□□E-03
10 V ± □□.□□□□□□E+00
100 V ± □□□.□□□□□E+00
1000 V
± □□□□.□□□□E+00
Measured Value
Measurement Fault
± □.□□□□□□□□E±0□
Measurement Value Formats
In the measured value format settings, the measurement format that can be acquired from :FETCh?, :READ?,
• Voltage: Unit V (When :SYSTem:COMMunicate:FORMat FIX is set)
Note:•Position of the decimal point and exponent is changed by setting of the scalling.
Please refer to instruction manual of the instruments about the scalling.
When the number of digits for the integer is short, 0 is entered.
Example) When the measurement value is 1 V in 1000 V range, the measurement value is
•The mantissa changes depending on the setting number of digits.
• Voltage: Unit V (When :SYSTem:COMMunicate:FORMat FLOAT is set)
can be changed.
presented as +0001.0000E+00.
Note: The measurement value is presented as a floating-point value with eight decimal places.
The format of measurment values can be changed in any of the following settings.
• By communications commands
Change the format in
:SYSTem:COMMunicate:FORMat FLOAT/FIX. (See: Data Output Settingsp.36)
• In the instrument screen
GP-IB Address
- 1 - - -
RS-232C setting (baud rate)
9600 - - - 9600
LAN IP Address
- - -
LAN sub-net mask
- - -
LAN default gateway
- - -
LAN port
23 - - - 23
Device-specific functions (range, etc.)
Output Queue
Input Buffer
Status Byte Register
●*2 ●
Event Registers
Enable Register
- - -
Current path
Response message terminator (GP-IB)
LF+EOI - -
*3. Except the PON bit (bit 7).
Initialization Items
Initialization Method
*1. Only the MAV bit (bit 4) is cleared.
*2. All bits except the MAV bit are cleared.
● ●
Device Clear
(GP-IB only)
Execution time (except communication time)
700 ms or less
2 ms or less
10 ms or less
Measurement time + 15 ms or less
700 ms or less
20 ms or less
Commands other than those above
10 ms or less
Command Execution Time
Command execution time indicates the time for analyzing and processing long form commands.
However, the command execution time for commands with data is the time described according to the data format
specified in the <data portion>.
• Display delays may occur depending on the frequency of communication processes and process contents.
• All commands except *TRG and :INIT are processed sequentially.
• In communications with the controller, time must be added for data transmission. USB and GP-IB transfer time depends
on the controller.
The RS-232C transfer time, with start bit 1, data length 8, no parity, and stop bit 1, has a total of 10-bit. When the transfer
speed (baud rate) setting is N bps, the general result will be as follows:
Transfer time T [1 character/sec] = Baud rate N [bps]/10 [bits]
Since a measurement value is 17 characters, a 1 data transfer time will be 17/T.
(Example) For 9600 bps, 17/(9600/10) = Approx. 17 ms
• Wait until measurements stabilize after a change before using a setting command.
Errors During Communications
An error occurs when messages are executed in the following cases:
• Command Error
When message syntax (spelling) is invalid
When the data format in a command or query is invalid
• Query Error
When a
• Execution Error
When any character or numerical data that is not specified is set
message cannot be sent from the instrument as the controller cannot receive it
123456789, software version 1.00. The <Model name> will be
The value returned by : SYSTem:IDNStr can be changed to any character string.
Identify Installed Options
• When the GP-IB board is installed
Initialize Device
Resets the instrument to its initial state.
The communications conditions and panel data are not initialized.
Execute Self-test and Query Result
(1) System Data Commands
The Device ID is HIOKI DM7275-01,
the following.
For DM7275-01: DM7275-01
For DM7275-02: DM7275-02
For DM7275-03: DM7275-03
For DM7276-01: DM7276-01
For DM7276-02: DM7276-02
For DM7276-03: DM7276-03
• When the RS-232C board is installed
• When the option board is not installed
(2) Internal Operation Commands
The Event Status Register is not cleared.
Performs the instrument self-check and returns the result.
Returns PASS when no error occurs and FAIL when an error occurs.
An error occurred. Correct measurement may not be possible. Request repairs before further use.
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