Hioki 3930 Instruction Manual

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Introduction i Inspection Safety Notes Notes on Use
Chapter Summary
Chapter 1 Overview 1
1.1 Product Introduction 1
1.2 Features
1.3 Names and Functions of Parts
1.3.1 Front panel 3
1.3.2 Rear panel 4
1.3.3 9615-01, 9615-02 H.V. TEST LEAD (Accessories) 5
1.4 External Dimensions 6
Chapter 2 Testing Arrangements 7
2 3
2.1 Terms 7
2.2 Installation of the Unit
2.3 Connection
2.3.1 Connecting the Protective Ground Terminal 11
2.3.2 Setting the Mode 12
2.3.3 Setting the ID 12
2.3.4 Control Connector Connection 13
2.3.5 High-voltage Input Cord and H.V. TEST LEAD Connection 14
2.3.6 Powering On and Off the Unit 15
2.4 Startup Inspection 16
10 11
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Chapter 3 Control Signal and Control Mehod 17
3.1 Control Signal 17
3.1.1 Control Input Connector Pin Arrangement 18
3.1.2 Control Output Connector Pin Arrangement 21
3.2 Control Timing and Signal Levels 23
3.3 Internal Register
3.4 Control Method
3.4.2 When Connected to a Device Other Than the 3153 AUTOMATIC INSULATION/WITHSTANDING HiTESTER 27
25 26
Chapter 4 Specifications 29
Chapter 5 Maintenance and Service 31
5.1 Maintenance and Inspection 31
5.2 Cleaning
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Thank you for purchasing the HIOKI 3930 HIGH VOLTAGE SCANNER. To obtain maximum performance from the product, please read this manual first, and keep it handy for future reference.
When you receive the product, inspect it carefully to ensure that no damage occurred during shipping. In particular, check the connectors and accessories. If damage is evident, or if it fails to operate according to the specifications, contact your dealer or Hioki representative.
Control input connector connection cable (50-50 pin) 1 9615-01 H.V.TEST LEAD (HIGH side) 8 9615-02 H.V.TEST LEAD (LOW side) 1 Grounding cable 1 Instruction Manual 1
Before using the product the first time, verify that it operates normally to ensure that the no damage occurred during storage or shipping. If you find any damage, contact your dealer or Hioki representative.
Before using the product, make sure that the insulation on the test leads is undamaged and that no bare conductors are improperly exposed. Using the product in such conditions could cause an electric shock, so contact your dealer or Hioki
resentative for repair.
Shipment of the unit
Use the original packing materials when reshipping the product, if possible.
HIOKI cannot be responsible for losses caused either directly or indirectly by the use of the 3930 with other equipment, or if ownership is transferred to a third party.
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Safety Notes
This product is designed to conform to IEC 61010 Safety Standards, and
has been thoroughly tested for safety prior to shipment. However, mishandling during use could result in injury or death, as well as damage to the product. Be certain that you understand the instructions and precautions in the manual before use. We disclaim any responsibility for accidents or injuries not resulting directly from product defects.
This manual contains information and warnings essential for safe operation of the product and for maintaining it in safe operating condition. Before using the product, be sure to carefully read the following safety notes.
Safety Symbols
The symbol printed on the product indicates that the user should
refer to a corresponding topic in the manual (marked with the symbol) before using the relevant function.
In the manual, the symbol indicates particularly important
information that the user should read before using the product.
Indicates that dangerous voltage may be present at this terminal.
Indicates a fuse.
Indicates AC (Alternating Current).
Indicates a protective conductor terminal.
Indicates the ON side of the power switch.
Indicates the OFF side of the power switch.
The following symbols in this manual indicate the relative importance of cautions and warnings.
Indicates that incorrect operation presents an extreme hazard that
could result in serious injury or death to the user.
Indicates that incorrect operation presents a significant hazard that could result in serious injury or death to the user.
Indicates that incorrect operation presents a possibility of injury to the user or damage to the product.
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Advisory items related to performance or correct operation of the product.
Overvoltage Categories
This product conforms to the safety requirements for CAT I measurement products. To ensure safe operation of measurement products, IEC 60664 establishes safety standards for various electrical environments, categorized as CAT I to CAT IV, and called overvoltage categories. These are defined as follows.
Secondary electrical circuits connected to an AC electrical outlet through a transformer or similar device.
Primary electrical circuits in equipment connected to an AC electrical outlet by a power cord (portable tools, household appliances, etc.)
Primary electrical circuits of heavy equipment (fixed installations) connected directly to the distribution panel, and feeders from the distribution panel to outlets.
The circuit from the service drop to the service entrance, and to the power meter and primary overcurrent protection device (distribution panel).
Higher-numbered categories correspond to electrical environments with greater momentary energy, so a measurement product designed for CAT III environments can endure greater momentary energy than one designed for CAT II. Using a measurement product in an environment designated with a higher-numbered category than that for which the product is rated could result in a severe accident, and must be carefully avoided.
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Notes on Use
Follow these precautions to ensure safe operation and to obtain the full benefits of the various functions.
To avoid electric shock, do not remove the product's case. The
internal components of the product carry high voltages and may become very hot during operation. The vinyl shield on the 9615-01 H.V. TEST LEAD alligator clip is not high voltage insulated. Do not touch when high voltage is applied.
To avoid electric shock, do not allow the product to get wet, and do not use it when your hands are wet. To avoid electric shock, be sure to connect the protective ground terminal to a grounded conductor. Before turning the product on, make sure the source voltage matches that indicated on the product's power connector. Connection to an improper supply voltage may damage the product and present an electrical hazard.
To avoid damaging the power cord, grasp the plug, not the cord, when unplugging the cord from the power outlet. To avoid damaging the 9615-01, 9615-02 H.V. TEST LEAD, do not kink or pull on the leads. For safety reasons, when taking measurements, only use the 9615-01, 9615-02 H.V. TEST LEAD provided with the product. To avoid damage to the product, protect it from vibration or shock during transport and handling, and be especially careful to avoid dropping.
Do not use the product near a device that generates a strong electromagnetic field or electrostatic charge, as these may cause erroneous measurements.
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Chapter Summary
Chapter 1 Overview
Describes an overview, features, and the names and functions of the parts of the product.
Chapter 2 Testing Arrangements
Describes particulars of testing arrangements.
Chapter 3 Control Signal and Control Method
Describes the control signal and control method when using a device other than the 3153 as the master unit.
Chapter 4 Specifications
Contains the unit specifications such as the general specifications, measurement accuracy, etc. of the unit.
Chapter 5 Maintenance and Inspection
Covers the maintenance, inspection and ultimate disposal.
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Chapter 1
1.1 Product Introduction
The 3930 is a passive auxiliary tester that is connected to and controlled by a master unit (the 3153 AUTOMATIC INSULATION/WITHSTANDING HiTESTER, or a sequencer). The 3930 cannot operate on a standalone basis. This auxiliary tester is designed to safely permit testing of multiple locations with a minimum of connection changes. This unit can output from any channel high voltage that is input through a high-voltage input cord simply by turning the internal high-voltage relays on and off. Up to four of these units can be connected to a single master unit, with each unit identified by a unique ID.
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1.1 Product Introduction
1.2 Features
In order to prevent electric shock, use voltage to ground that is at or
less than the SELV* on the LOW side of the high-voltage input cords. Although the LOW side of the high-voltage input cords is functionally insulated from ground, there is no withstand voltage. *: SELV (separated external low voltage): effective value of 30 V, peak
value of 42.4 V
(1) Direct connection to the 3153
The 3930 can be directly connected to the 3153 AUTOMATIC INSULATION/WITHSTANDING HiTESTER. Because the 3153 supplies power to the 3930, no separate power supply is needed.
(2) Single mode and Multi-mode
The 3930 has two operation modes: single mode and multi-mode. Single mode permits testing of eight channels using the one COM channel and eight high-output channels. Multi-mode permits testing of four pairs of two different high-output channels.
(3) Multiple channels
In single mode, the 3930 can test eight channels. In multi-mode, the 3930 can test four channel pairs. In addition, a unique ID can be set for each unit, allowing a maximum of four 3930s to be connected to a single master unit.
(4) Output channel indicators
The LEDs on the front panel indicate the current mode and the channels that are being output.
(5) Insulated design
The power supply, the high-voltage inputs and outputs, and the control input connector signal wires are all functionally insulated.
(6) Signal level from 5 to 24 V
Devices ranging from general logic to a sequencer can be connected by selecting the supply voltage for the control signal system.
(7) Safe design that avoids duplicate IDs
When multiple 3930s are connected, the unit can detect incorrect (duplicate) ID settings. When a mistake is detected, all output is shut off.
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1.2 Features
1.3 Names and Functions of Parts
1.3.1 Front panel
In order to avoid electric shock, never touch the high-voltage output
terminals (high, low), high-voltage test leads or the device being tested while high voltage is being applied.
POWER switch
Channel output indicator LEDs
Channel output indicator LEDs
Mode indicator LED
ID error indicator LED
ID setting dial
Mode setting switch
POWER switch
Mode indicator LED
ID error indicator LED
ID setting dial
Mode setting switch
These LEDs light when the relay for the corresponding channel is on. (Red: voltage output; green: COM connected)
Indicates the mode that is set by the mode setting switch. (Red: single mode; green: multi-mode)
Lights red if a duplicate ID is detected when multiple 3930s are connected.
Sets the ID of this 3930.
Sets the mode of this 3930 (single mode or multi-mode).
Turns on the 3930.
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1.3 Names and Functions of Parts
1.3.2 Rear panel
In order to avoid electric shock, never touch the high-voltage output
High-voltage input cord
Control input connector
terminals (high, low), high-voltage test leads or the device being tested while high voltage is being applied.
High voltage output terminal when multiple units are connected
Control output connector
Ground terminal
High-voltage input cord
Control input connector
Control output connector
Ground terminal
COM terminal
High voltage output terminals for measurement
COM terminal when multiple units are connected
High voltage output terminal when multiple units are connected
COM terminal
High voltage output terminals for measurement
COM terminal when multiple units are connected
This cord is used to input high voltage. Use voltage to ground that is at or less than the SELV* on the LOW side.
This connector is used to control the 3930.
This connector is used to connect multiple 3930s.
This terminal grounds the 3930 case.
This terminal is connected to the LOW side of the high­voltage input cord. In single mode, this terminal is the LOW side common input.
These are the output terminals that are connected to the device being measured.
This is the LOW side output terminal when multiple 3930s are connected.
This is the high-voltage output terminal when multiple 3930s are connected.
*: SELV (separated external low voltage): effective value of 30 V, peak
value of 42.4 V
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1.3 Names and Functions of Parts
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