Hioki 3455 Instruction Manual

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Introduction ...................................................... 1
Verifying Package Contents / Open the case ..1
Safety Infor ma tion ............ .. ........................... .. 5
Operating Precautions .....................................8
1 Overview 13
1.1 Product Overview .................................13
1.2 Features .............. ............. .............. ......15
1.3 Measure me nt Overview ......... .. ............17
1.4 Names and Functions of Parts .............24
1.5 Screen Setup .......................................28
2 Measurement Preparations 31
2.1 Supplying Power ..................................31
2.1.1 Installing or Replacing the Battery ......31
2.1.2 Installing the Battery Pack (Rechargeable nickel-hydrogen battery) 34
2.1.3 Connecting the AC Adapter ................39
2.1.4 Charging the Battery Pack .................41
2.2 Turning Power On and Off ...................44
2.2.1 Auto Power Off ...................................45
2.3 Setting and Checking Date and Time ..46
2.3.1 Setting Date and Time ........................46
2.3.2 Checking Date and Time ....................49
2.4 Connecting Test Lead ..........................50
2.5 Connecting Temperature Sensor .........52
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3 Measurement 53
3.1 Pre-Operation Inspection .....................53
3.2 Measuring Insulation Resistance .........56
3.2.1 Starting Measurement .........................58
3.2.2 Ending Measurement ..........................64
3.2.3 Checking and Deleting Held Data .......66
3.2.4 Automatic Discharge Function ............67
3.2.5 Switching to Leakage Current Indication 68
3.2.6 Insulation Resistance Measurement
Basis ...................................................69
3.2.7 Use of GUARD Terminal .....................71
3.3 Measuring Voltage ...............................73
3.4 Measuring Temperature .......................76
3.4.1 Measurement Procedure ....................76
4 Advanced Measurement 79
4.1 Using Time r .... .............. .............. ..........79
4.1.1 Setting Timer/Conducting Insulation
Resistance Measurement ...................79
4.2 Displaying PI and DAR .........................83
4.3 Temperature Correctio n ( T C ) ... ............87
4.3.1 Performing Temperature Correction ...88
4.3.2 Exiting Temperature Correction Mode 92
4.4 Step Voltage Test .................................93
4.4.1 Setting and Conducting a Step Voltage
Test .....................................................94
4.4.2 Viewing Detai led Da ta o f Each Ste p af ter
Step Voltage Test .......................... .....97
4.4.3 Exiting Step Voltage Test Mode ..........99
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5 Recording Measurement Data
(Memory Function) 101
5.1 Recording Measurement Data ...........103
5.1.1 Manual Recording (Recording result
of one measurement session) ..........103
5.1.2 Logging Recording (Recording at
regular intervals) ...............................106
5.2 Checking Recorded Data ...................115
5.3 Deleting Recorded Data .....................120
5.3.1 Deleting Data of Chosen No. ............120
5.3.2 Deleting all Data ...............................121
6 Other Functions 123
6.1 Changing and Checking Interval Setting
for PI Calculation ................................123
6.1.1 Changing Interval Setting .................123
6.1.2 Checking Interval Setting .................125
6.2 Changing and Check i ng Vol tag e Application Time for Step Voltage Test .126
6.2.1 Changing Time Setting ..................... 126
6.2.2 Checking Time Setting .....................128
6.3 Entering Temperature and Humidity Measured with External Thermometer
and Hygrometer .................................129
6.3.1 Entering and Saving .........................130
6.3.2 Clearing Indications of Temperature
and Humidity Stored Data ................133
6.4 Communicating with PC ..................... 134
6.4.1 Installing Data Analysis Software for
3455 .................................................135
6.4.2 Installing Driver .................................136
6.4.3 Downloading Data to Save to PC/
Setting up Tester on PC ...................145
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7 Specifications 147
7.1 General Specifications .......................147
7.2 Measurement Specifications .............. 152
7.2.1 Insulation Resistance Measurement .152
7.2.2 Leakage Current Measurement ........155
7.2.3 Voltage Measurement .......................156
7.2.4 Temperature Measurement ..............157
8 Maintenance and Service 159
8.1 Troubleshooting .................................160
8.2 Cleaning ............................................. 162
8.3 Error Display ......................................162
8.4 Performing System Reset ..................165
8.5 Discarding the Instrument ..................166
Appendix 169
Appendix 1 Test Voltage Characteristic
Graph ......................................169
Appendix 2 Example of Insulation Resistance
Criteria ..................................... 170
Appendix 3 Example of PI Criteria
(Polarization Index) ................. 170
Appendix 4 Temperature Correction Table 171
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Thank you for purchas i ng the HIOKI “Model 3455 HIGH VOLTAGE INSULATION HiT­ESTER” To obtain maximum performance from the instrument, please read this man­ual first, and keep it handy for future refer­ence.
• Windows and Internet Explorer are regis­tered trademark of Microsoft Corp oration in the United States and/or other countries.
• Adobe and Adobe Reader are registered trademark of Adobe Systems Incorporated.
V erifying Package Contents / Open the case
When you receive the instrument, inspect it carefully to ensure that no damage occurred during shipping. In particular, check the accessories, panel switches, and connectors. If da mage is evide nt, or if it f ails to operate according to the specifications, contact your dealer or Hioki representative.
Open the case by releasi ng the two latc hes. (See next page.)
Registered trade mark
Open the case
Appearance of Case
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Verifying Package Contents / Open the case
1. Draw the latch outwards with your fin-
2. While raising the entir e latch, place a
finger on the top of th e latch and pull it out.
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Verifying Package Contents / Open the case
Main Unit
9750-01,-02,-03 TEST LEAD (Red, Black, Blue) Lead length Approx. 3 m 1 each
LR6 alkaline battery 6Instruction Manual
(This book) 1
USB Cable 1
9751-01,-02,-03 ALLIGATOR CLIP(Red, Black, Blue)
1 each
CD-R (Data Analysis Software for 3455) 1
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Verifying Package Contents / Open the case
9750-11,-12,-13 TEST LEAD (Red, Black, Blue Lead length Approx. 10 m) The specifications for the 9750-11 and 9750-12 models differ from the standard specifications in regards to temperature characteristics.
See 7.2"Measurement Specifications" (page
9631-01,-05 TEMPERATURE SENSOR Used for temperature measurement. 9631-01: Lead length Approx. 1 m 9631-05: Lead length Approx. 6 cm
9459 BATTERY PACK (Rechargeable nickel-hydrogen battery) The 9753 AC ADAPTER is required for charging.
9753 AC ADAPTER Input : 100 to 240 VAC Output: 12 VDC 3.33 A
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Safety Information
Safety Information
Safety Symbols
This manual contains information and warn­ings essential for safe operation of the instrument and for maintaining it in safe operating conditi on. Before using it, be su re to carefully read the following safety pre­cautions.
The following symbols in this manual indi­cate the relative i mp or tance of cautions and warnings.
This instruments designed to comply with IEC 61010 Saf ety Standard s, an d has been thoroughly tested for safety prior to shipment. However, mishandling during use could result in injury or death, as well as damage to the instrument. Be certain that you understand the instructions and precautions in the manual before use. We disclaim any responsibility for accidents or injuries not resulting directly from instrument defects.
In the manual, the symbol indicates particularly impor­tant information that the user should read before using the instrument. The symbol printed on the instrument indicates that the user should refer to a corresponding topic in the manual (marked with the symbol) before using the relevant func­tion.
Indicates that dangerous voltage may be present at this ter­minal.
Indicates a double-insulated device.
Indicates DC (Direct Current). Indicates AC (Alternating Current).
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Safety Information
Other Symbols
We define measurement tolerances in terms of rdg. (re ading) and dgt. (dig it) val­ues, with the following meanings:
Indicates that incorrect operation presents an extreme hazard that could result in serious injury or death to the user.
Indicates that incorrect operation presents a significant hazard that could result in serious injury or death to the user.
Indicates that incorrect operation presents a possibility of injury to the user or damage to the instrument.
Indicates advisory items related to performance or cor­rect operation of the
Indicates a prohibited action.
Indicates the location of reference information. Indicates quick references for operation and
remedies for troublesh oo t i ng .
Indicates that descriptive information is provided below.
dgt. (resolution)
The smallest displayable unit on a digital measur­ing instrument, i.e., the input value that causes the digital display to show a "1" as the least-sig­nificant digit.
rdg. (reading or displayed value)
The value currently being measured and indicat­ed on the measuring instrument.
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Safety Information
Measurement categories (Overvoltage categories)
This instrument complies with CAT IV (600 V), CAT III (1000 V) safety requirements. To ensure safe operation of measurement instruments, IEC 61010 establishes safety standards for various electrical environment s, categorized as CAT I t o CAT IV, and called measurement categories. These are defined as follows.
Higher-numbere d catego rie s cor res pond to electrical envir onments with greater momentary energy. So a measurement device designed for CAT III environments can endure greater momentary ene rgy than a device desi gned for CAT II.
Using a measurement instrument in an environment designated with a higher-num­bered category than that for which the instrument is rated could result in a severe accident, and must be carefu l ly avoi de d. Never use a CAT I measuri ng i nstrument in CAT II, III, or IV environments. The measurem ent categories comply with the Overvoltage Categories of the IEC60664 S tandards.
CAT I Secondary electrical circuits connected to an AC electri-
cal outlet through a transformer or similar device.
CAT II Primary electrical circuits in equipment connected to an
AC electrical outlet by a power cord (portable tools, household appliances, etc.)
CAT III Primary electrical circuits of heavy equipment (fixed in-
stallations) connected directly to the distribution panel, and feeders from the distribution panel to outlets.
CAT IV The circuit from the service drop to the service entrance,
and to the power meter and primary overcurrent protec­tion device (distribution panel).
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Operating Precautions
Operating Precautions
Follow these precautions to ensure safe operation and to obtain the full benefits of the various functions.
Before using the instrument the first time, verify that it operates normally to ensure that the no damage occurred during stor­age or shipping. If you find any damage, contact your dealer or Hioki representative.
Preliminary Checks
Before using the instrum ent, make sure that the insulation on the test leads and cables is undamaged and that no bare conductors are improperly exposed. Using the product in such conditions could cause an electric shock, so contact your dealer or Hioki representative for replacements. (Model 9750-01,-02,-03 TEST LEAD, Model 9751-01,-02,-03 ALLIGATOR CLIP)
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Operating Precautions
• Operating t em pe rature and humidity: 0 to 40°C (32 to 104
90%RH or less (no condensation)
• Temperature and humidity range for guaran­teed accuracy:
Insulation resistance measurement / leak­age current measurement
0 to 28°C (32 to 82
90%RH or less (no condensation)
Voltage measurement / temperature mea­surement
23±5°C (73± 9
90%RH or less (no condensation)
To avoid malfunctions and accidents, do not place the tester where it will be exposed to any of the following:
•Direct sunlight
•High temperature
•Corrosive or explosive gas
• Sprayed/ splashed water
• High humidity with condensation
• Strong electromag­netic fields
• Electrically charged objects
• Mechanical vibration
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Operating Precautions
Observe the following to avoid electric shock and short circuits.
• Before connecting or disconn ecting the test leads to/from the tester, be sure to disconnect the test leads from the object under test and turn off power.
• Do not perform measurement with the battery cover r emoved
• Do not use the shut­ter if it is broken.
• Do not rem ove the case from the main unit. (High-voltage/high-temperature parts are present wi thin)
• Do not use the tester in environments containing ignitable gases, explosiv e powders, etc. (Risk of explosion)
• Do not place the tester on an unstable or uneven surfac e. (If the tester falls, electric shock or tester malfunction may result)
• This tester handles high voltages. To avoid electric shock, always wear appropriate insulated protection, such as rubber gloves, rubber b oots, as well as a safety helme t, as specified in the Ordinance on Industrial Safety and Health.
• Before using the tester, inform those around you of your intention to do s o.
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Operating Precautions
• This instrument is designed for use ind oor s. It can be operated at temperatures between 0 and 40° C (32 a nd 104
) without
degrading sa fety.
• To avoid damage to the instrument, protect it from physical shock when transporting and handling. Be especially careful to avoid physical shock from dropping.
• If the protective functions of the instrument are damaged, either remove it from service or mark it clearly so that others do not use it inadvertently.
• Calibration and repair of this instrument should be performed only under the super­vision of qualified technicians knowledge­able about the dangers involved.
• Never modify the instrument. Only Hioki service engineers should disassemble or repair the instrument. Failure to observe these precautions may result in fire, electric shock, or injury.
• Place the cover on the tester when not in use.
• After use, always turn OFF the power.
• To avoid damage to the tester, do not connect an external device to the USB terminal or the temperature sensor terminal.
Standby State
The use of "standby state" in this manual means that measurement is not being performed and that no parameters are set. This includes the state in which
is on.
• If the tester is exposed to an abrupt large
variation in temperature, condensation may occur, resulting in measurement errors. Leave the tester in a new environment for a while before starting measurement.
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Operating Precautions
1 TΩ (Tera ohm) =1000 GΩ =1012 Ω 1 GΩ (Giga ohm) =1000 MΩ =10
1 MΩ(Mega ohm) = 1000 kΩ =10
1 mA (Milliampere) =0.001 A =10
1 μA (Micro ampere) =0.001 mA =10
1 nA (Nano ampere) =0.001 μA=10
Electrical Units
Care and Handling of CD-R
• Alw ays hold the disc by the edges, s o as not to make fingerprints on the disc or scratch the printing.
• Never touch the recorded side of the disc. Do not place the disc directly on anything hard.
• Do not wet the disc with volatile alcohol o r water, as there is a possibility of the label printing disappearing.
• To write on the disc label surface, use a spirit­based felt pen. Do not use a ball-point pen or hard-tipped pen, because there is a danger of scratching the surface and corrupting the data. Do not use adhesive labels.
• Do n ot expose the disc directly to the sun's rays, or keep it in condition s of high tempera­ture or humidity, as there is a danger of warp­ing, with consequent loss of data.
• To remove dirt, dust, or fingerprints from the disc, wipe with a dry cloth, or use a CD cleaner. Always wipe radially from the inside to the outside, and do no wipe with circula r movements. Never use abrasi ves or solvent cleaners.
• Hioki shall not be held liable for any problems with a computer sy stem that arises f rom the use of this CD-R, or for any proble m related to the purchase of a Hioki product.
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1.1 Product Overview
The 3455 is an insulation resistance tester with a wide measurement range, for use in such environments involving low to high voltage.
The tester has the functions and purposes given below.
Overview 1
1.1 Product Overview
Function Purpose
(Basic) Insulation
resistance measurement
To test the insulation resistance of an electrical facility.
3.2 (P.56)
Voltage measurement
To measure the voltage of an exter­nal circuit, e.g., commercial power supply.
3.3 (P.73)
Temperature measurement
To measure a temperature ❖3.4 (P.76)
(Applied) Timer To automatically end measurement
after a predetermined time.
4.1 (P.79)
Display PI and DAR values
To check whether the insulation re­sistance increases with time after a voltage is applied. [When the PI (polarization index) value or the DAR (dielectric absorp­tion ratio) value is close to 1, the tester determines that the insula­tion of the object to be measured has deteriorated.]
4.2 (P.83)
Temperature correction (TC)
To obtain the insulation resistance at various temperatures varied from the actual environmental tempera­ture at which measurement is per­formed.
4.3 (P.87)
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1.1 Product Overview
Step voltage test
To determine whether the insula­tion resistance of an object chang­es according to test voltage applied.
4.4 (P.93)
To save the measurement data.
5 (P.101)
PC Communica­tion
To create tables or graphs of the data saved in the memory for re­ports, etc.
6.4 (P. 134)
Function Purpose
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1.2 Features
Generates a wide range of test voltages, from 250 V to 5 kV The voltage may be chosen from the com­monly used presets of 250 V, 500 V, 1 kV, 2.5 kV, and 5 kV; or set to a desired level by increments or decrements of 25 V or 100 V.
3.2 "Measuring Insulation Resistance" (page 56)
For automatic ca lculation and indic ation of PI (polarization index) and DAR (dielectric absorption ratio), step voltage testing, and temperature correction.
4 "Advanced Measurement" (page 79)
Stores up to 100 manual records and 10 logging records. The stored data may be displayed on the LCD or downloaded to a PC.
5 "Recording Measurement Data (Memory Func-
tion)" (page 101)
6.4 "Communicating with PC" (page 134)
The large display provides easy viewing. Measurements may also be displayed using a logari thmic bar graph, offeri ng the feel of an analog meter. The LCD is backlit, enabling measurement in poor lighting condi t i on s .
The tester has a USB interface. Data stored in the memory may be downloaded to PC using the data download softwar e. The same softw are also en ables re ports to be created and printed with ease.
6.4 "Communicating with PC" (page 134)
1.2 Features
Wide test voltage range
Insulation diagnoses
Large memory
Large, clear display
PC software with report creation/ printing feature
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1.2 Features
The case is durable-designed to withstand the toughest of working conditions, com­pact, and highly portable.
The tester may be powered by either alka­line or rechargeabl e ni ckel -hydro gen ba tter ­ies. (Selectable via switch)
2.1.1 "Installing or Replacing the Battery" (page
2.1.2 "Installing the Battery Pack (Rechargeable nickel-hydrogen battery)" (page 34)
Compact hard case
Dual battery power supply
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1.3 Measurement Overview
This tester is designed for measurement of the following:
Measurement condition
When measuring insulation resistance, ensure that power supply to the object under test is turned off.
Performing Measurement
• LR6 alkaline battery, or 9459 BATTERY PACK
• 9750-01,-02,-03 TEST LEAD
• 9751-01,-02,-03 ALLIGATOR CLIP
• 9631-01,-05 TEMPERATURE SENSOR (for temperature measurement)
1.3 Measurement Overview
Purpose : Inspection of high-voltage electrical
Location : High-voltage receiving station or trans-
forming station
Test object : Large motors, transformers, cables,
• Measures insulation resistance, voltage and tem­perature.
• Stores measurement data in the internal memory.
• Downloads data to a PC for table, graph, or report creation.
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1.3 Measurement Overview
Flow of measurement
Before startin g mea surem ent, che ck th e f ol­lowing:
• The power supply method.
• The power ON/OFF method.
• That date and time are set.
• Connection of test leads, temperature sensor, and USB cable .
Insulation Resistance Measurement
3.2 "Measuring Insulation Resistance" (page 56)
1 Prepare for measurement
2 "Measurement Preparations" (page 31)
2 Start measurement.
Make sure that powe r supply to the object under test is turned off.
Press the key to turn on the tester.
2.2 (page 44)
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1.3 Measurement Overview
Connect the test leads into the "+" and "-" terminals of the tester and to the object to be tested.
2.4 (page 50)
3.2.1 (page 58)
Press the key and set the test voltage.
3.2.1 (page 58)
GUARD terminal
Warning: Confirm that the power supply to the
object under test has been turned off.
Object to be measured (Ex.: Motor)
+ terminal
- termina
Test lead (Red)
Attach to a metal chassis or a ground terminal.
Test lead (Black)
Attach to a metal part of the power supply terminal.
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1.3 Measurement Overview
Press the key to gener­ate a voltage and start measure-
3.2.1 (page 58)
Read the indication.
3.2.1 (page 58)
Press the key to stop voltage generation and measure-
3.2.2 (page 64)
The automatic discharge func tion is activated.
3.2.4 (page 67)
Measurement is terminated when the voltage falls below 10 V.
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1.3 Measurement Overview
Voltage Measurement
3.3 "Measuring Voltage" (page 73)
Connect the test leads into the "+" and "-" termi­nals of the tester and to the object to be tested.
Read the indication.
+ terminal
- terminal
GUARD terminal
Test lead (Red) Test lead (Black)
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1.3 Measurement Overview
Temperature Measurement
3.4 "Measuring Temperature" (page 76)
Insert the temperature sensor into the tempera­ture sensor terminal of the tester.
Read the indication.
Press the key to stop temperature mea­surement.
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1.3 Measurement Overview
Insulation resistance and temperat ure mea­surement data are held after measu rement is completed. This data will be cleared if power is turned off. To store the data, use the memory func­tion.
3 Record measurement data
5 "Recording Measurement Data (Memory Function)
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1.4 Names and Functions of Parts
1.4 Names and Functions of Parts
1. 2.
Slide the shutter.
Operating panel
(page 26)
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1.4 Names and Functions of Parts
Name Function
AC adapter terminal
Connect the AC adapter to this terminal.
2.1.3 "Connecting the AC Adapter" (page
2 USB terminal
Connect the USB Cable to this terminal.
6.4.3 "Downloading Data to Save to PC/
Setting up Tester on PC" (page 145)
Temperature sensor terminal
Connect the temperature sensor to this termi­nal.
2.5 "Connecting Temperature Sensor"
(page 52)
4 Shutter
Prevents connection to other terminals when test leads are connected to the measurement terminals-a safety feature.
+measurement terminal
Connect the red test lead to this terminal.
2.4 "Connecting Test Lead" (page 50)
-measurement terminal
Connect the black test lead to this terminal.
2.4 "Connecting Test Lead" (page 50)
GUARD terminal
Connect the blue test lead to this terminal.
3.2.7 "Use of GUARD Terminal" (page 71)
*These are referred to simply as + and - terminals.
Battery cover
Set screw
Battery pack compartment (Under the battery cover)
Battery selector switch (Under the battery cover)
Selects the type of battery.
LR6 alkaline battery compartment (Under the battery cover)
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+ 151 hidden pages