Hioki 3290 Instruction Manual

Inspection ............................................................... 2
Safety Notes ...........................................................3
Usage Notes........................................................... 6
Organization of This Manual .................................10
Chapter 1 Overview 13
1.1 Product Overv iew ........................... ......13
1.2 Features ................................................13
1.3 Parts Names and Functions .................16
1.3.1 3290
1.3.2 9691, 9692, 9693
1.4 Flowchart Of Key Operations ................25
1.4.1 Current Measurements Mode .......... 25
1.4.2 Frequency Mode ..............................28
1.5 Modes ...................................................29
Chapter 2
Basic Measure ment Procedures 35
2.1 DC Measurement (DC A) ......................36
2.2 AC Measurement (AC A) ......................38
2.3 Peak Measurement In AC+DC A Mode 39
CLAMP ON AC/DC SENSOR .......... 24
Chapter 3 Measurem en t Proc edu re s 43
3.1 Preparations ..........................................43
3.2 Current Measurement ........................... 45
3.2.1 Measuring DC Current (DC A) ..........46
3.2.2 Measuring AC Current (AC A) ..........47
3.2.3 Measuring AC + DC Current (AC+DC A)
3.2.4 Bar Graph .........................................50
3.2.5 Peak Measur ement ...........................51
3.2.6 Output Function
(Current Measu rem en t) ............... ..... .53
3.3 Frequency Measurement ......................57
3.3.1 Frequency Measurement ..................57
3.3.2 Output Function
(Frequency Measurement) ................58
3.4 Auto-Zero Adjustment Function .............60
3.5 Data Hold Function ................................61
3.6 Changing the Screen Update Rate .......61
3.6.1 SLOW Mode ......................... ...... ..... .61
3.6.2 FAST Mode .......................................62
3.7 Recording Function ...............................63
3.7.1 Measurement Reading ......................63
3.7.2 Display of Elapsed Time ...................64
3.7.3 Interrupting the Recording Function ..64
3.7.4 Clearing Recorded Data ...................64
3.7.5 Disabling the Recording Function .....65
3.8 Measurement Method
Switching Function ................................66
3.8.1 RMS Measurement ........................... 66
3.8.2 MEAN Measurement .........................66
3.9 Measurement Response Speed
Switching Function ................................67
3.9.1 NORMAL Mode ................................67
3.9.2 SLOW Mode ............................... ......67
3.9.3 FAST Mode ...................................... 67
3.10 Filter Function ....................................... 70
3.11 Ke y Loc k Fun cti on ................................71
3.12 Bar Graph Enlargement Function .........71
3.13 Battery Check Function ........................72
3.14 MON Output Filter Function ..................73
3.15 Auto Power Off Function .......................74
3.16 Setting the Save Function .....................75
3.17 Battery-Low Warning ............................76
3.18 Beep Tone ............................................77
Chapter 4 Batteries Replacement 79
Chapter 5 AC Adapter 81
Chapter 6 Attaching the Strap 83
Chapter 7 Specifications 85
7.1 Measurement Specifications .................85
7.2 General Specifications ..........................88
Chapter 8 Clamp Sensor Specifications 93
8.1 9691 CLAMP ON AC/DC SENSOR ......93
8.2 9692 CLAMP ON AC/DC SENSOR ......96
8.3 9693 CLAMP ON AC/DC SENSOR ......99
Chapter 9 Carrying Case 103
Chapter 10 Troubleshooting 105
Chapter 11 After - sale Servi ce 111
11.1 Cleaning ..............................................111
11.2 Service ................................................111
Chapter 12 Appe ndix 113
12.1 Combined Accuracy ............................113
12.1.1 Accuracy Tables .............................113
12.1.2 Method of Calculation .....................118
12.2 Use of Intermediate Cable ...................119
Thank you for purchasing the HIOKI "3290 CLAMP ON AC/DC HiTESTER". To obtain maximum performance from the product, please read this manual first, and keep it handy for future refer ence. This manual describes the operation of the 3290 when used with the 9691, 9692, or 9693 CLAMP ON AC/DC SENSOR.
We have tried to bring this manual as close to perfection as we could achieve. If perchance you find any unclear portions, mistakes, omissions, or the like, we would be most obliged if you could please notify us of them via any HIOKI agent, or directly.
• When you receive the product, inspect it carefully to ensure that no damage occurred during ship­ping. In particular, check the accessories, panel switches, and connectors. If damage is evident, or if it fails to operate according to the specifications, contact your dealer or Hioki representative.
• Before using the product the first time, verify that it operates normally to ensure that the no damage occurred during storage or shipping. If you find any damage, contact your dealer or Hioki representa­tive.
Strap .........................................................................................................1
LR6 Manganese battery............................................................................4
Instruction Manual.....................................................................................1
Safety Notes
This manual contains information and warnings essential for safe operation of the product and for maintaining it in safe operating condition. Before using the product, be sure to carefully read the following safety notes.
This product is designed to conform to IEC 61010 Safety Standards, and has been thor­oughly tested for safety prior to shipment. However, mishandling during use could result in injury or death, as well as damage to the product. Be certain that you understand the instructions and precautions in the man­ual before use. We disclaim any responsibil­ity for accidents or injuries not resulting directly from product defects.
Safety Symbols
In the manual, the symbol indicates particu­larly important information that the user should read before using the product.
The symbol printed on the product indicates that the user should refer to a corresponding topic in the manual (marked with the symbol) before using the relevant function.
Indicates a double-insulated device.
Indicates DC (Direct Current). Indicates AC (Alternating Current).
Indicates both DC (Direct Current) and AC (Alter­nating Current).
Indicates that the instrument may be connected to or disconnected from a live circuit.
The following symbols in this manual indicate the relative importance of cautions and warnings.
Indicates that incorrect operation presents an ex­treme hazard that could result in serious injury or death to the user.
Indicates that incorrect operation presents a sig­nificant hazard that could result in serious injury or death to the user.
Indicates that incorrect operation presents a pos­sibility of injury to t he user or damage to the prod­uct.
Advisory items related to performance or correct operation of the product.
Other Symbols
Indicates the prohibited action
We define measurement tolerances in terms of f.s. (full scale), rdg. (reading) and dgt. (digit) values, with the following meanings:
(maximum display value or scale length)
The maximum displayable value or the full length of the scale. This is usually the maximum value of the currently selected range.
(reading or displayed value) The value currently being measured and indicated on the measuring product.
The smallest displayable unit on a digital measur­ing product, i.e., the input value that causes the digital display to show a "1".
Measurement categories (Overvoltage categories)
This product complies with CATIII (600 V), CATII (1000 V) safety requirements. To ensure safe operation of measurement products, I 61010 establishes safety standards for various electrical environments, categorized as CAT I to CAT IV, and called measurement categories. These are defined as follows.
Secondary electrical circuits connected to an AC electri­cal outlet through a transformer or similar device.
Primary electrical circuits in equipment connected to an AC electrical outlet by a power cord (portable tools, household appliances, etc.)
Primary electrical circuits of heavy equipment (fixed in­stallations) connected directly to the distribution panel, and feeders from the distribution panel to outlets.
The circuit from the service drop to the service entrance, and to the power meter and primary overcurrent protection device (distribution panel).
Higher-numbered categories correspond to electrical environments with greater momentary energy. So a measurement device designed for CAT III environments can endure greater momentary energy than a device designed for CAT II. Using a measurement product in an environment designated with a higher-numbered category than that for which the product is rated could result in a severe accident, and must be careful ly avo ided . Never use a CAT I measuring iproduct in CAT II, III, or IV environments. The measurement categories comply with the Overvoltage Categories of the IEC60664 Standards
Usage Notes
Follow these precautions to ensure safe operation and to obtain the full benefits of the various functions.
To avoid short circuits and potentially life-
threatening hazards, never attach the product to a circuit that operates at more than the 600V, or over bare conductors.
Clamp sensor should only be connected to
the secondary side of a breaker, so the breaker can prevent an accident if a short circuit occurs. Connections should never be made to the primary side of a breaker, because unrestricted curr ent flo w could cause a serious accident if a short circuit occurs.
Use only the specified Model 9445-02 AC
ADAPTER (SA10-0910N, SINO-AMERI­CAN) or 9445-03 (for EU) AC ADAPTER (SA10-0910G, SINO-AMERICAN). AC adapter input voltage range is 100 to 240 VAC (with ±10% stability ) at 50/60 Hz. To avoid electr ica l h az ards an d da ma ge to the product, do not apply voltage outside of this range.
To avoid electric shock, do not allow the
product to get wet, and do not use it when your hands are wet.
Do not use the product where it may be
exposed to corrosive or combustible gases. The product may be damaged or cause an explosion.
The top part of the clamp sensor above the barrier (including the clamps, but not the lever) is provided with double insulation to ensure safety. Be careful not to drop the sensor or othe rwis e s ub jec t i t to im p act. A damag ed sens or may result in el ectric shock during measurement. In case of sensor damage, contact us immediately for repa ir or disc ard the dam ag ed se nso r to avoid su bse qu ent use .
To avoid damage to the product, do not exceed the maximum input current rating, which depends on the frequency of the current being measured (see Chapter 8 Clamp Sensor Specifications - Frequency­dependent del eti on cha r ac teri sti cs) Be careful about the evolution of heat, when the input frequ enc y is high.
To avoid electri c s ho ck when rep lac in g th e batteries, first disconnect the clamp from the object to be measu red.
After replacing the batteries, replace the cover and screws before usi ng the product.
Do not mix old and new batteries, or different types of batteries. Also, be careful to observe battery polarity during installation. Otherwise, poor performance or damage from battery leakage could result.
To avoid the possibility of explosion, do not short circuit, disassemble or incinerate batteries.
Handle and dispose of batteries in accordance with local regulations.
Do not use the product when the battery is depleted ( lights on the LCD). When
is on, accuracy and other specifications cannot be guaranteed.
For the inside memory prot ection, make sure the power is turned off before plugging in or unplugging the AC adapter.
Adjust ments and repairs should be made only by technically qualified personnel.
If the protective functions of the product are damaged, either remove it from service or mark it clearly so that others do not use it inadvert­ently.
To avoid corrosion from batter y leakage, remo ve the batteries from the product if it is to be stored for a long time.
Observe the following to avoid damage to the
Installation and Operating Environment Between 0°C and 40°C; 80% RH or less; indoors only.
High temper ature, high humidity, du
etic radiatio
Do not store or use the product where it could be exposed to direct sunlight, high temperature or humidity, or condensation. Under such condi­tions, the product may be damaged and insula­tion may deteriorate so that it no longer meets specifications.
This product is not designed to be entirely water- or dust-proof. To avoid damage, do not use it in a wet or dusty environment.
Do not use the product near a device that gener­ates a strong electromagnetic field or electro­static charge, as these may cause erroneous measurements.
To avoid damage to the product, protect it from vibration or shock during transport and handling, and be especially careful to avoid dropping.
• Accurate measurement may be impossible in the
• To clean the product, wipe it gently with a soft
presence of strong magnetic fields, such as near transformers and high-current conductors, or in the presence of strong electromagnetic fields such as near radio transmitters.
cloth moistened with water or mild detergent. Never use solvents such as benzene, alcohol, acetone, ether , ketones, thinners or gasoline, as they can deform and discolor the case.
Organization of This Manual
Chapter 1 Product Ov erview
Provides an overview of the product and describes the parts and functions.
Chapter 2 Basic Measurement Procedure
Describes the basic measurement procedure for quick reference and the peak measurement procedure in DC current (DC A) mode, AC current (AC A) mode, and AC+DC A mode.
Chapter 3 Measurement Procedure
Describes the measurement procedure for the 3290 CLAMP ON AC/DC HiTESTER when combined with the 9691, 9692, or 9693 CLAMP ON AC/DC SENSOR.
Chapter 4 Battery Replacement
Explains how to replace the battery used for the 3290 Clamp On AC/DC HiTESTER.
Chapter 5 AC Adapter
Explains how to use the 9445-02 AC Adapter (optional).
Chapter 6 Attaching the Strap
Explains how to attach the strap.
Chapter 7 Specifications
Lists the specifications of the 3290 CLAMP ON AC/DC HiTESTER.
Chapter 8 Clamp Sensor Specifications
Lists the specifications of the 9691, 9692, and 9693 CLAMP ON AC/DC SENSORs.
Chapter 9 Carrying Case
Explains how to use the 9400 CARRYING CASE (optional).
Chapter 10 Troubleshooting
Lists common symptoms that may indicate a malfunction. If you encounter a problem, be sure to read this chapter before requesting repair.
Chapter 11 Service
Describes our customer support service.
Chapter 12 Appendix
• Provides the accuracy table and explains how to
calculate accuracy for the 3290 CLAMP ON AC/ DC HiTESTER when combined with the 9691, 9692, or 9693 CLAMP ON AC/DC SENSOR.
• Describes how to use the intermediate cable.
Chapter 1 Overview
Overview Chapter 1
1.1 Product Overview
The 3290 CLAMP ON AC/DC HiTESTER is used with the 9691, 9692, or 9693 CLAMP ON AC/DC SENSOR. These sensors are interchangeable and any model can be used with the 3290. The 3290 automatically detects the sensor connected and sets up the appropriate range. When combined with the 9691, 9692, or 9693 Sensor, the 3290 HiTESTER can perform DC, AC, and AC+DC measurement of a live power line. Various functions are available (using the SHIFT key) to make the 3290 suitable for various current measurement applications. The 3290 is also equipped with two output terminals to enable a variety of advanced measurements, such as simultaneous output of both monitor and rms record. Moreover, the 3290 can operate using battery power or the AC adapter (for long-term measurement use).
1.2 Features
The 3290 has the following features:
Multif unc tion Microcom puter
The 3290 both compact and multifunctional thanks to the built-in microcomputer and use of the SHIFT key.
Large-Screen LCD
The large-screen LCD employed is easy to read.
Clamp Sensor
The 3290 is compatible with three clamp-on AC/DC sensors (9691, 9692, and 9693) having different ratings. Because the 3290 automatically detects the sensor connected, you need not edit the setting each time you change the sensor.
Chapter 1 Overview
Multif unc tion Microcom puter
The 3290 both compact and multifunctional thanks to the built-in microcomputer and use of the SHIFT key.
Large-Screen LCD
The large-screen LCD employed is easy to read.
Clamp Sensor
The 3290 is compatible with three clamp-on AC/DC sensors (9691, 9692, and 9693) having different ratings. Because the 3290 automatically detects the sensor connected, you need not edit the setting each time you change the sensor.
Two Output Terminals
Two signals are output simultaneously from among the four following: current (REC = record and MON = monitor), current frequency (REC = record), and low battery warning signal.
• Current monitor & low battery warning signal
• Current monitor & current record
• Current record & low battery warning signal
• DC component & AC component (AC/DC sepa­rate output)
• Frequency record & current record
Method of measurement
In AC A mode, you can select either the true rms (RMS) or average rectified rms indication (MEAN).
Measurement Response Speed
For RMS measurement, you can select a response speed from FAST, NORMAL, or SLOW.
Low-frequency Current Measurement
In AC+DC A mode, you can measu re curr en t from 1 Hz when the measurement response speed is set to SLOW.
Filter Function
This function turns on and off a low-pass filter (LPF) of approximately 500 Hz.
Setting Save Function
This function saves the current measurement conditions so that settings are retained even after power is turned OFF.
Key Lock Function
This locks all keys including the POWER key (except the keys used to unlock).
Chapter 1 Overview
AC+DC Measurement
The 3290 measures AC superimposed on DC, half-wave rectified, and full-wave rectified.
Peak Measurement
The peak hold current can also be measured.
REC Function
You can select whether the maximum or minimum measurement value is displayed.
Dual-power supply
The 3290 run s on either battery power or an AC power source.
Dustproof Cap
The dustproof cap is provided for use in a dusty environment.
Intermediate Cable
In case the 9691, 9692, or 9693 sensor cable (about 2 m long) is too short, an interme diate cable can be used to extend connection length. Insert the intermediate cable between the 3290 and the sensor cable.
Chapter 1 Overview
1.3 Parts Names and Functions
6, 11
8,16 9,17
4, 13
3, 12
Chapter 1 Overview
Keys for Basic Measurement
1. POWER Key
• Turns power ON/OFF.
• Holding down the CLEAR key and turning power on initializes the setting save function and restores the default settings.
• Holding down the HOLD key and turning power on disables the auto power-off function.
• Holding down the PEAK/Hz key and turning power on turns off the buzzer.
2. SHIFT Key
• Pressing this key causes to light, indicating that the additional function (in blue letters) allo-
cated to each key is available. To turn off, press the SHIFT key again.
• Some keys may be locked when is on.
Chapter 1 Overview
3. MODE Key
• Selects the current measurement mode.
4. RANGE Key
• Selects auto range or manual range.
• Selects a measurement range when manual range is selected.
• The current ranges for the 9691 and 9692 are 20 A and 200 A; the ranges for the 9693 are 200 A and 2000 A. The frequency ranges are 10 Hz, 100 Hz, and 1000 Hz.
• Sets the output (for current and frequency mea­surement). Two outputs are available. The settings avail­able for each current measurement mode are fixed.
M (Hz only)
• Disables the auto power-off function.
6. CLEAR Key
• Clears data to “0” during peak measurement.
• Clears data to “0” during activation of the record­ing function.
• Holding down the CLEAR key and turning power on initializes the setting save function and restores the default settings.
7. HOLD Key
• Suspends or deactivates the screen-updating function. (See 15 under “Keys for Advanced Measurement” for details of the key lock func­tion.)
• Holding down the HOLD key and turning power on disables the auto power-off function.
8. PEAK/Hz Key
• PEAK performs peak measurement of wave­forms (peak hold).
• Hz performs frequency measurement (in AC A mode).
• Holding down the PEAK/Hz key and turning power on turns off the buzzer.
9. MAX/MIN Key
• Activates the recording function and displays the maximum value (MAX), minimum value (MIN), mean value of both maximum & minimum values (AVE), and elapsed time (TIME).
• Pressing this key immediately activates the recording function.
• MAX displays the maximum value of measure­ments taken after the recording function is acti­vated.
Chapter 1 Overview
• MIN displays the minimum value of measure­ments taken after the recording function is acti­vated.
• AVE displays the mean value of the maximum and minimum values measured after the record­ing function is activated.
• TIME displays the time elapsed after the record­ing function is activated.
• The auto power-off function is deactivated.
10. SAMPL Key
• Selects a screen-updating rate from NORMAL (twice/sec.), SLOW (once/3 sec. ), or FAST (4 times/sec.). Each time this key is pressed, the rate changes in the order above.
Measurement value
• The rate is usually set to NORMAL. (Note that
• SLOW decelerates the speed of updating on-
• FAST accelerates the speed of updating on-
there is no indication for NORMAL.) screen measurement (with SLOW on). screen measurement (with FAST on).
Chapter 1 Overview
• During RMS measurement in AC mode or when in AC+DC mode (with RMS on), the measure­ment response speed changes according to the screen-updating rate (SLOW, FAST, or NOR­MAL).
• Y ou can only change the measurement response speed. For details, see 18 under “Keys for Advanced Measurement.”
11. 0 ADJ Key (SHIFT CLEAR Keys)
• Performs auto zero adjustment in DC A or AC+DC A mode.
Keys for Advanced Measurement
• Selects the true rms measurement (RMS) or average rectified rms indication (MEAN) in AC A mode. RMS provides accurate measurement of distorted waveforms. MEAN only provides accu­rate measurement of undistorted sine waves.
• Enlarges the range of a bar graph.
• Turns on a low-pass filter of approx. 1 Hz when MON is selected for OUT1 in DC A mode.
• Turns on a low-pass filter of approx. 1 Hz when MON is selected for OUT1 (REC for OUT2) in AC+DC A mode. This enables separate output of the DC component (OUT1) and AC compo­nent (OUT2). (The value of the AC component is indicated on the LCD.)
Chapter 1 Overview
15. LOCK Key (SHIFT HOLD Keys)
• Locks all keys including the POWER key.
• To unlock, press the same keys again (SHIFT HOLD keys).
• Turns on a low-pass filter of approx. 500 Hz in AC A or AC+DC A mode .
• To turn the filter off, press the same keys again (SHIFT PEAK/H z key s).
• Indicates remaining battery power. When power is depleted to 0%, the low battery warning (  )
goes on.
19. LCD
• Selects a measurement response speed inde­pendently from the screen-updating rate when RMS is selected in AC A mode or when AC+DC mode is selected.
• Press the SAMPL key to return to the measure­ment response speed that matches the selected screen-updating rate.
The letter of LCD is clearest, when it sees from the front side.
Chapter 1 Overview
  
Direct Current (DC) Alternating Current (AC) Alternating Current and Direct Current (AC+DC)
Auto zero adjustment is active. Low battery war ning
OUT1 Setting of OUT1 OUT2 Setting of OUT2
Data hold function
Monitor is active. 1 Hz filter for monitor is active.
REC Record is active.
Auto power-off is active.
AUTO Auto-range L Current/frequency low range M Frequency mid range H Current/frequency high range FAST Screen-updating 4 times/sec. SLOW Screen updating approx. once/3 sec. FILTER 500 Hz filter is active. MAX Maximum value MIN Mini mum value AVE Average value TIME Elapsed time MEAN Average rectified rms indication RMS True root mean squar e value PEAK Wave peak value Hz Frequency
Key lock is active.P
A Current hour 100 hours/segment (bar graph)
Input over (bar graph) SHIFT
Chapter 1 Overview
20. Sensor Connector (SENSOR)
Connect the 9691, 9692, or 9693 CLAMP ON AC/DC SENSOR to this connector.
21. AC Adapter Connection Terminal
Connect the 9445-02 AC ADAPTER (optional) to this terminal when not using the battery or for long-term measurement.
22. Output Terminal 1 (OUT1)
Connect the 9094 OUTPUT CORD (optional) to this terminal to obtain output during current or frequency measurement.
23. Output Terminal 2 (OUT2)
Connect the 9094 OUTPUT CORD (optional) to obtain output during current measurement or at detection of the low battery warning signal.
24. Dustproof Caps (4 pcs.)
Used to protect the terminals in a dusty environment.
25. Strap
Used to hang the 3290 around neck so as not to drop it.
26. Top Case
Cover the 3290 with this case when not in use to protect the LCD, keys and terminals.
27. Top Case Clasp
Insert the clasp into the top case to attach the case. Move the top case to the rear during measurement.
28. Battery Cover
Unfasten the screw, then remove the case to replace the battery.
Chapter 1 Overview
1.3.2 9691, 9692, 9693 CLAMP ON AC/DC SENSOR
Output connector
+ 100 hidden pages