11.4 System Reset ...... ..................... ...................... ......... 198
Appendix _________________________________ A 1
Appendix1 Remote Control Box..........................................A 1
Appendix2 List of Optional Functions .................................A 5
Index__________________________________ Index i
Thank you for purchasing the HIOKI “Model 3174, 3174-01 AC Automatic Insulation/Withstanding H iTester.” To obtain maximum performance from the instrument, please read this manual first, and keep it handy for future reference.
Confirming Package Contents
• When you receive the in strument, inspect it c arefully to ensu re that no damage occurred during shipping. In particular, check the accessories, panel
switches, and connec tor s. If d amage is evident, or if it fails to op er ate acc ording to the specifications, contact your dealer or Hioki representative.
• When transporting the in stru ment, u se the orig inal packing ma terials in wh ich
it was shipped, and pack in a double carto n. Damage oc curring during tr ansportation is not covered by warranty.
Model 3174 (-01) AC Automatic Insulation/Withstanding HiTester
Power Cord.......................................1 Slip Prevention Plate.........................1
Instructi on Manual.......................... 1
* The 3174-01 AC A utomatic Insul ation/ Withstan ding H iTester can be used with
Options 9613 Remote Control Box (Single)
9614 Remote Control Box (Dual)
9615 H.V.Test Lead
9616 Warning Lamp
9267 Safety Test Data Management Software
9637 RS-232C Cable (1.8 m, 9-pin to 9-pin)
9638 RS-232C Cable (1.8 m, 9-pin to 25-pin)
9151-02 GP-IB Connector Cable (2 m)
9151-04 GP-IB Connector Cable (4 m)
Model 9615 H.V.Test Lead
.......................... (HIGH/ LOW, 1 each)
Safety Information
Safety Information
This instrument is desi gned to comply with IEC 61010 Safety Standards,
and has been thoroughly tested for safe ty prior t o shipment. How ever, mishandling during use could result in injury or death, as well as damage to
the instrument. Using this instrument in ways other than those specified in
this manual may damage functions which guarantees the safety of this
instrument. Be certain that you understand the instructions and precautions in the manual before use. We disclaim any responsibility for accidents or injuries not resulting directly from instrument defects.
Safety Symbols
This manual contain s information and warnings essential for safe operation of
the instrument and for ma intainin g it in safe ope rating condi tion. Befo re using it,
be sure to carefully read the following safety precautions.
In the manual, the symbol indicates particularly important information that the user should read before using the instrument.
The symbol printed on the instrument indicates that the user
should refer to a cor responding topic in the manual (marked with the
symbol) before using the relevant function.
Indicates that dangerous voltage may be present at this terminal.
Indicates DC (Direct Current).
Indicates AC (Alternating Curre nt).
Indicates a grounding terminal.
Indicates a protective conductor terminal.
Indicates the ON side of the power switch.
Indicates the OFF side of the power switch.
The following symbols in this manual indicate the relative importance of cautions
and warnings.
Indicates that incorrect operati on pres en ts an extreme haz ard that could result in serious injury or death to the user.
Indicates that incorrect operation presents a significant
hazard that could result in serious injury or death to the
Indicates that incorrect operation presents a possibility of
injury to the user or damage to the instrument.
Indicates advisory ite ms related to performance or corre ct
operation of the instrument.
Other symbols
Safety Information
This symbol indicates that the product conforms to safety regulations
set out by the EC Directive.
Indicates a prohibited action.
( p. )
Indicates the location of reference information.
Indicates quick references for operation and remedies for trouble-
Indicates that descriptive information is provided below.
We define measurement tolerances in terms of f.s. (full scale), rdg. (reading) and
dgt. (digit) values, with the following meanings:
f.s. (maximum display value or scale length)
The maximum d isplaya ble v alue o r scal e len gth. This is usually the na me of t he
currently selected range.
rdg. (reading or displayed value)
The value currently being measured and indicated on the measuring instrument.
dgt. (resolution)
The smallest dis playable unit on a digital measurin g instrument, i.e., the input
value that causes the digital display to show a "1" as the least-significant digit.
Measurement categories (Overvoltage categories)
This instrument complies with CAT I, CAT II safety requirements.
To ensure safe operation of measurement instrument, I
safety standards for various electrical environments, categorized as CAT I to
CAT IV, and called measurement categories. These are defined as follows.
Secondary electrical circuits connected to an AC electrical outlet
through a transformer or similar instrument.
Primary electrica l circui ts in equip men t connec ted to an AC ele ctr ica l
outlet by a power cord (portable tools, household appliances, etc.)
Primary electrical circuits of heavy equipment (fixed installations)
connected directly to the distribution panel, and feeders from the distribution panel to outlets.
The circuit from the se rvice drop to the servi ce entrance, and to the
power meter and primar y overcu rrent pr otection in strum ent (di stribution panel).
EC 61010 establishes
Higher-numbered categories correspond to electrical environments with
greater momentary
energy. So a measurement
instrument designed for
CAT III environments can
endure greater momentary energy than a instrument designed for CAT II.
Using a measurement instrume nt in an environment designated with a hi ghernumbered category than that for which the instrument is rated c ould result in a
severe accident, and must be carefully avoided.
Never use a CAT I measuring instrument in CAT II, III, or IV environments.
The measurement categories comply with the Overvoltage Categories of the
IEC60664 Standards.
Operating Precautions
Operating Precautions
Instrument Installation
Operating temperature and humidity:
Temperature and humidity range for guaranteed accuracy:
Avoid the following locations that could cause an accident or damage
to the instrument.
0 to 40°C at 80% RH or less (no condensation)
23±5°C, 80%RH or less (no condensation)
after 10 minutes minimum warm-up
Exposed to direct sunlight
Exposed to high temperature
Exposed to liquids
Exposed to high humidity or condensation
Exposed to high levels of particulate dust
• The instrument should be operated only with the bottom side downwards.
In the presence of corrosive or explosive
Exposed to strong
electromagnetic fields
Near electromagnetic
Subject to vibration
Spacing of more
than 10 cm
• Vents must not be obstructed.
Spacing of more
than 10 cm
Ventilation holes
Ventilation holes
Operating Precautions
Before Use
Before using the instrument the first time, verify that it operates normally to
ensure that the no damage oc curred during sto rage or shipping. If y ou find any
damage, contact your dealer or Hioki representative.
Before using the instrument, make sure that the insulation on the test
leads is undamaged and that no bare conductors are improperly exposed.
Using the instrument in su ch c o ndi tions co uld cause an elec tric sh ock, so
contact your dealer or Hioki representative for repl acements. (Model 9615
H.V.Test Lead)
Handling the Instrument
• To avoid electric shock, do not remove the instrument's case. The inter-
nal components of the instrument carry high voltages and may become
very hot during operation.
• To avoid damage to the instrument, protect it from physical shock when
transporting and handling. Be especially careful to avoid physical shock
from dropping.
Handling the test leads
• For safety reasons, when taking mea surements, only use the 9615 H.V. Test
Lead provided with the instrument.
• To avoid breaking the test leads, do not bend or pull them.
Safety Precautions during Testing
To prevent electric sho ck, whe n the DANGER lamp is lit or during the test,
never touch the voltage output terminals, test lead, or the tested object.
Tested object
Operating Precautions
1.1 Product Overview
OverviewChapter 1
1.1Product Overview
Inaccuracies i n measurements ha ve been noted to occur during th e withstandvoltage and insulatio n-resistance tests bec ause of variations in the tes t voltage
caused by fluctuations in the voltage supply, breaking of the test leads and
improper connection.
Model 3174, 3174-01 AC Automatic Insulation/Withstanding HiTester is an
affordable insu lation/withstanding testing instrument equipped with stab le voltage supply and c ontact check fu nction s t o preven t a decr ease in te stin g reliab ility caused by these factors.
In addition, to improve the efficiency of the testing process on the production
line, it allows testing setti ngs to be retrieve d from b oth RS-232 C (GP-IB) as well
as EXT I/O.
Front PanelRear Panel
Carry out standards-based tests with simple operations
Once test conditions have been pre-set beforehand, withstanding and insulationresistance tests w hich meet indu strial st andards ca n be carried out with just the
simple push of a button. Functions such as PASS-FAIL evaluation based on
upper-limit and lower-limit test values, testing time timer, ramp-up/ramp-down
time timer to control voltage fluctuations ensure accurate test results are
Saving and loa ding test conditions
Once test conditi ons required for th e various ind ustrial standards and device to
be tested have been saved, tests can be carried out smoothly by just switching
to the required te st conditions. Up to 8 conditions can be saved for the withstanding and insu lation-re sistance te sts respec tively. In a ddition, tes t conditi ons
for the last test are automatically retrieved when the power is switched on.
1.2 Features
Automatically carry out consecutive withstanding and insulationresistance tests
Withstanding and insulation-resistance tests can be carried out consecutively
when the respective test conditions have been pre-set. Pressing the W→I key
will automaticall y run th e withstand ing test f ollowed by the insu lation-resi stance
test, pressing the I→W key will automatically run the insulation-resistance test
followed by the withstanding test.
Contact check function to increase testing reliability
With the contact chec k functi on, the re lia bility o f tests carried o ut impr oves wi thout the need to incr ease t esting ti me (Ano ther s et of t he 9615 H.V. Tes t Lead is
Real execution value shown
By showing t h e r e al ex ec u ti o n v al u e, te st s f a ith f ul t o in dustrial s t an d ar ds ar e carried out.
Cutting out influence from supply voltage fluctuations
By using PWM switching power supply, the desired voltage supply can be set so
even if the supply voltage flu ctuates within ±10% of the preset value, the test
voltage will not be affected. This improves the reliability of the test results.
Continuation of testing even after test failure makes analysis of
sample possible (Test Continuation status)
Under normal conditions, testing immediately stops when the test fails, making it
impossible to determine whether the cause is because of a short circuit or a
value exceeding the thresho ld value. The Test Continuation Status allows the
test to continue even after a FAIL r esult is obtained, thus making it possi ble to
analyze the problem.
EXT I/O in standard package
This instrument is equipped with EX T I/O as a standa rd package. This enab les
signal transmissions fro m E XT I/O, start and stop controls of tes ts an d retr i evals
of saved test conditions.
RS-232C (Standard Package)/GP -IB Interface (Standard Package
for 3174-01 only)
This instrument is equipped with RS-232C as a standard package and the 317401 is also equipped with GP -IB as a sta ndard package. By connecting to a computer, they allow for auto testing to be carried out and test results to be read.
Easy-to-see big screen
Big-sized fluo rescent dis play tubes are use d for the disp lay, allow ing te st c onditions and test results to be confirmed easily.
Remote Control Box for safer test administrations (optional)
When the optional Rem ote Co ntrol Box is conne cted to the instrument, test start
or test stop functions ca n be performed without touching the instrument, thus
making test adm inistr ations s afer. The 961 3 R emote C ontrol B ox ( Single) , 961 4
Remote Control Box (Dual) are available.
1.3 Names and Functions of Parts
1.3Names and Functions of Parts
1.3.13174 (3174-01)
Explanations on names and parts of instrument.
Front Panel
Light blinks to warn of voltage supply.
To prevent electric shock, when the
DANGER lamp is lit, never touch
the voltage output terminals, test
lead, or the tested object.
(p. 12)
Please carry out the test regularly on th e instrument
by following the test procedures in "2.6 Pre-test
Check" (p. 26).
See "6.1.3 Double Action" (p. 81)
Start a test.
(Functions only when the lamp is lit.)
Terminate a test.
Operation Keys
(p. 10)
Connection terminal for
remote control
Connect the remote control box (optional)
HIGH Voltage output terminal
The HIGH terminal is a high-voltage terminal for voltage outputs.
LOW Voltage output terminal
The LOW terminal is a low-voltage terminal for voltage outputs.
It has the same electric potential
as the unit body.
POWER Switch
Turns the instrument on and off.
: Power on
: Power off
(The diagram shows a 3174 AC Automatic Insulation/Withstanding
1.3 Names and Functions of Parts
Operation Keys
Moves the flashing cursor to the left.
Moves the flashing cursor to the right.
Raise the selected value with the flashing cursor.
Lower the selected value with the flashing cursor.
Change the ON/OFF for the selected setting with the flashin g
cursor. If turned off, the set value is not used in testing.
• The following item can't perform the switching on/off:
Withstand-voltage test:
Test-voltage value, Test-voltage frequency, Upper-limit test
Insulation-resistance test:
Test-voltage value, Lower-limit test value
Used to lock the keys.
Only the following keys are available during Key Lock. (p. 79)
STOP key
• In the remote state, this key functions as a LOCAL key.
It cancels the remote state.
Used in combination with other keys.
• SHIFT + key
Displaying the loading screen.(p. 102)
• SHIFT + key
Displaying the saving screen.(p. 99)
• SHIFT + LOCK key
Cancels the key lock.
When GP-IB is used for communication, go to LOCAL state.
• SHIFT + / key
Changing the increment size of setting values.
Performs withstand-voltage tests and settings.
"Chapter 3 Withstand- Voltage Test" (p. 29)
Tests for withstand-voltage, then insulation-resistance.
"Chapter 5 Automatic Test" (p. 69)
Tests for insulation-resistance, then withstand-voltage.
"Chapter 5 Automatic Test" (p. 69)
Rear Panel
1.3 Names and Functions of Parts
RS-232C connector
Used for remote control with RS-232C.
Power Inlet
Connect the supplied power cord
Protective conductor terminal
Used to earth a protective
ground wire. Be sure to make
grounding connections before
starting a test.
Status Out Relay Terminal
When conditions pre-set in the Status
Out setting are met, the relay connection gets switched ON.
EXT I/O connector
For output of 3174 state
and input of start and stop
GP-IB connector (3174-01)
Used for remote con trol with
HIGH voltage output terminal
A high-voltage terminal for voltage output. Connected to the
HIGH terminal on the front panel.
LOW voltage output terminal
A low-voltage terminal for voltage
output. Contains the sa me electrical
potential as this units casing.
HIGH contact check terminal
A high-voltage terminal for c ontact check.
Use the Slip Prevention Plate.
Buzzer adjustment knob
Used for buzzer sound adjustment.
Two knobs are prov ided: one for PASS
screening and one for FAIL screening.
The diagram shows a 3174- 01 (wi th GP- IB) AC A utomati c Ins ulatio n/With standing HiTester.
LOW contact check terminal
A low-voltage terminal for contact check.
1.3 Names and Functions of Parts
Test setting conditions and current status of the instrument are shown in the
panel on front of the instrument.
Test type
Test-voltage value
Initial voltage for ramp-up
SAVE: Saving screen
LOAD: Loading screen
Test type
Test-voltage value
Upper-limit value icon Lights up when indicating the upper-limit test value.
Lower-limit value icon Lights up when indicating the lower-limit test value.
Upper-limit test value
Lower-limit test value
Test time
Ramp-up time
Ramp-down time
Delay time
Initial voltage for
Upper-limit value icon
Lower-limit value icon
Upper-limit test value
Lower-limit test value
Indicates the current condition of the instrument
: The instrument is ready for starting a test
: The instrument is in the TEST state.
: The tested object passed the test.
: The tested object failed to pass the test.
“AC” lights up during withstanding testing.
“DC” lights up during insulation-resistance testing.
During testing and READY:
Monitors and indicates the voltage of the output terminal.
During voltage setting:
Indicates the ea ch item set. (output voltage, Con -
tact Check upper (lower)-limit voltage)
Reverse current cannot b e detected bec ause monitor
shows voltage and residual voltage.
Indicates the upper-limit test value when the upperlimit value icon lights up and indicate s the lower-limit
test value when the lower-limit value icon lights up.
Also indicates the Contact Che ck upper-limit voltage
when [Hi] is shown in Test Frequency and Initial
Ramp-up Voltage, and indicates the Contact Check
lower-limit voltage with [Lo].
Indicates testing time.
Indicates the ramp-up time when [UP] is shown in T est
Frequency and Initi al Ramp -up Voltage, and indicates
the ramp-down time together with [dn].
Indicates the delay time together with [dL] during insulation-resistance testing.
Indicates Test Frequency (50 Hz/60 H z) when [Hz] is
shown. Indicates the Initial Voltage (proportion to Testing Voltage) when Ramp-up Timer is being used
within the range of 0 to 1.0.
Test time
Ramp-up time
Ramp-down time
Delay time
1.3 Names and Functions of Parts
1.3.3Model 96 15 H.V.Te st Lead
Explanations on names and parts of Test Lead.
To prevent electric sho ck, whe n the DANGER lamp is lit or during the test,
never touch the voltage output terminals, test lead, or the tested object.
There is no insulation/withstand-voltage on the Alligator clip vinyl covering.
Tested object
9615 H.V.Test Lead
Alligator Clip
Connect to a test point on the tested object.
High-voltage output plug
Connect to the HIGH voltage output
terminal on the instrument.
Alligator Clip
Low-voltage output plug
Connect to the LOW voltage output
terminal on the instrument.
1.4 External Dimensions
1.4External Dimensions
Model 3174, 3174-01 AC Automatic Insulation/Withstanding HiTester
1.5 Testing Process
1.5Testin g Proc e ss
Explanation of the basic flow of withstanding and insulation-resistance tests.
Testing Arrangements
(p. 17)
1. Connect the protective conductor terminal.
2. Connect the power cord.
3. Connect the test lead. (Voltage output terminal, Contact check terminal)
4. T u rn on the power.
5. Carry out pre-test check.
Tested object
Withstand-voltage test (p. 29)Insulation-resistance test (p. 47)
Select the test typePress the W key.Press the I key.
Set test conditions1. Set the test voltage value.
(p. 32)
2. Set the upper (lower) limit value.
(p. 33)
3. S et the tes t time timer .
(p. 34)
4. Set the ramp-up (ramp-down)
timer. (p. 35)
5. S et the tes t- freque nc y. (p. 36)
6. Set the Initial voltage for ramp-up.
(p. 37)
Set the upper-limit voltage and lower-limit voltage for Contact Check, if necessary.
(p. 38) (p. 55)
1. Set the test voltage value.
(p. 50)
2. Set the upper (lower) limit value.
(p. 51)
3. Set the test time timer.
(p. 53)
4. Set the delay time. (p. 54)
Executing a testPress the START key. (p. 40 )Press th e START key. (p. 57)
Displaying the test result
or is displayed.
(p. 44)
or is displayed.
(p. 61)
1.5 Testing Process
2.1 Arrangements Work Flow
ArrangementsChapter 2
2.1Arrangements Work Flow
Getting ready to start the test.
Tested object
To carry out a safer test
• The Remote Control Box to start or stop the test can be used.
"Appendix1 Remote Control Box" (p. A1)
The instrument can be controlled with EXT I/O, RS-232C or GP-IB (only
for 3174-01).
"Connecting the Protective Conductor Terminal" (p. 18)
"Connecting the Power Cord" (p. 19)
"Connecting the Test Lead" (p. 20)
"Turning the Power On and Off" (p. 24)
"Pre-test Check" (p. 26)
Without Contact Check
Rear panel
2.2 Connecting the Protective Conductor Terminal
2.2Connecting the Protective Conductor Terminal
To carry out the test safel y, connect the protectiv e conductor termin al found on
the back of the instrument to earth.
If the ground-type dou ble- pole po wer cord that is suppl ied with th e inst rumen t is
used, the instrument is automatically grounded.
T o avoid electric shock, observe the following.
• Connect the protective conductor terminal to earth (earth ground) before
making any other connections.
• Be sure to connect the protective conductor to earth (earth ground).
Connect to
Phillips-head screwdriver,
Earth wire or cable
1.Make sure that the power switch is turned
2.Using a Phillips-head screwdriver, remove
the protective conductor terminal from the
rear of the instrument.
3.Connect an electric wire with a sufficient
current capacity to the protective conductor terminal.
A wire with a diameter of more than
is recommended.)
4.Secure the wire using a Phillips-head
5.Ground the other end of the wire or cable.
Protective conductor terminal
2.3Connecting the Power Cord
Connect the power cor d to the p owe r inl et on the b ack o f the ins trument and the
plug to the wall socket to provide power to the instrument.
To avoid electrical accid ents and to maintain the safety specificati ons of
this instrument, connect the power cord only to a 3-conta ct (two-conduc tor
+ ground) outlet.
Make sure the po wer i s turned off befo re c onn ectin g or disconnecting the power
Rear panel
1.Make sure that the power switch is turned
2.3 Connecting the Power Cord
2.Connect the power cord provided to the
power inlet on the back of the instrument.
3.Insert the plug into the grounded outlet.
Power inlet
2.4 Connecting the Test Lead
2.4Connecting the Test Lead
Connect the 9615 H.V. Test Le ad to the Vo ltage O utput T erminal on the fron t of
the instrument. When using Contact Ch eck, connect to th e Contact Check Te rminal on the back as well.
• Before using the instrument, make sure that the insulation on the test
leads is undamaged and that no bare conductors are improperly
exposed. Using the instrument in such conditions could cause an electric shock, so contact your dealer or Hioki representative for replacements. (Model 9615 H.V.TEST LEAD)
• To avoid shock and short circuits, turn off power before connecting test
• To avoid electric shock, make sure the test lead is secur ely connected
before starting a test, as a loose test lead can cause a hazard when a
voltage is output.
• Never touch the voltage output term inals, test lead, or th e tested object
during a test (when is light up).
• Voltage may still remain on the voltage output terminal even after the test
has completed. Confirm that no more voltage is left on the voltage output
terminal when touching the voltage output terminals, test lead, or the
tested object.
• To av oid ele ctric sho ck, mak e su re t he power is switched off befor e co nnecting a ferrite or resistor to remove noise.
• Inaccuracy in meas urement m ay occu r during insulati on-resistance test if the
instrument is put in a humi d plac e so try t o avoid d oin g so. If th ere i s a poss ibility of the test lead becoming too humid, protecting the test lead with desiccant is recommended. If the test lead touches other metals, leakages in
electric current may i ncreas e so be ca reful when coi ling the test lea d to avoid
touching other parts.
• Do not allow the test l ead used for Contact Check (HIGH, LOW terminal s) to
directly touch the test lead for the voltage output terminals (HIGH, LOW terminals) as this may make detecting loose conn ection difficult.
• If the HIGH and LOW voltage output terminals short-circuit or a dielectric
breakdown occurs in the tested object during the test, noise will be generated
and such noise m ay lead to a malfunction of this instrument or o f a nearby
electronic device . If t his p robl em oc cu rs , connect a ferrite core or a r es istor to
the H. V. Test Lead (high voltage side). When using a r esistor, choose one
appropriate for the power rating and withstand voltage. Also, b e alert to any
drop in test voltage.
2.4 Connecting the Test Lead
2.4.1When using the Contact Check Function
When using the Contact Check Function, connect the test lead as follows.
On the usage of Contact Check,
ting the Confirmation Voltage used for upper and lower-limits for Contact Check".
To prevent electric sho ck, whe n the DANGER lamp is lit or during the test,
never touch the voltage output terminals, test lead, or the tested object.
Tested object
see "2.6 Pre-test Check" "3 .1.7" "4.1.5 S et-
When the front terminal is used
The H.V. Test Lead
(low voltage side)
When the back terminal is used
Remove the LOW voltage output terminal b
turning it counterclockwise.
2.As shown in the left figure, insert the plug o
the H.V. Test Lead (low voltage side).
3.Secure the LOW voltage output terminal b
turning it clockwise.
4.Connect the plug on the H.V. Test Lead (hig
voltage side) to the HIGH voltage output te
5.Connect in the same way when using th
voltage output terminals on the back of th
instrument as well.
Tested object
6.Connect the test lead of the LOW voltag
output terminal to the tested object.
Ensure the connection is secure so that it w
not come off during the test.
7.Connect the test lead of the HIGH voltag
output terminal to the tested object as well.
2.4 Connecting the Test Lead
Tested object
Contact check function
By measuring the t erminal voltage of th e tested object, it i s possible to confir m
whether a test voltage is supplied to the tested object or not (Contact check function).
To use the Contact check function, besides the test output terminal, a set of
9615 H.V. Test Lead for test is necessary. (optional)
For this instrument, th e voltage detected by the Contact ch eck terminal will be
differentiated from the test voltage and referred to as the contact voltage.
When the Contact voltage is smaller than the pre- set lowe r-lim it voltage fo r contact check, broken wire or poor connection is suspe cted and a contact error wil l
be displayed (Refer to "3.1 .7", "4.1.5 Setting the Confirmation Volta ge used for
upper and lower-limits for Con tac t Che ck", "11 .3 Err or Indi c ati on" for erro rs) . By
setting an upper-lim it voltage for Contact check, d etection for any abnormality
(supply of voltage higher than the pre-set value) in the output voltage is possible.
When the Contact check terminal is conn ected to the test ed object, ens ure that
the test lead for the Contact check do es not directly touch the test lea d for the
test as shown in the di agram (ensure that the test lead for the C ontact check
touches the test lead for the test through the terminal for the tested object).
If the test lead for the Cont act ch eck d irectl y touches the tes t lead for the te st, a
broken wire will be detected but a supply of test voltage to the tested object cannot be confirmed.
• When the contact chec k terminal on the LOW side is connected not to the
• A voltage of approximately DC15 V runs thr ough the contact chec k term inals.
Remove the slip protection plate of the term
nals for Contact Check and connect the te
leads in the same way as steps 2 to 4.
9.Connect the test lead of the LOW Conta
Check terminal to the tested object.
Make sure the probe on the LOW Conta
Check terminal side does not directly touc
the probe on the LOW Voltage Output Term
nal side during this process.
Ensure the connection is secure so that it w
not come off during the test.
10.Connect the probe on the HIGH Conta
Check terminal side to the tested object a
11.Put back the slip protection plate after con
tested object but to GND , an accurate contact check cannot be carried out.
Ensure that the contact c heck terminal on the LOW side does not touch th e
GND even when it is removed.
During insulation-resistance measurements, when the LOW Contact Check
terminal is connected to the HIGH measurement terminal, a voltage of approximately 15 V will be indicated however this is not a malfunction.
2.4 Connecting the Test Lead
When the front terminal is used
2.4.2When not using the Contact Check Function
When not using the Contact Check Function, connect the test lead as follows.
The H.V. Test Lead
(low voltage side)
When the back terminal is used
1.Remove the LOW voltage output terminal
by turning it counterclockwise.
2.As shown in the left figure, insert the plug
on the H.V. Test Lead (low voltage side).
3.Secure the LOW voltage output terminal
by turning it clockwise.
4.Connect the plug on the H.V. Test Lead
(high voltage side) to the HIGH voltage
output terminal.
5.Connect in the same way when using the
voltage output terminal s on the back of the
instrument as well.
6.Connect the test lead of the LOW voltage
output terminal to the tested object.
Ensure the connection is secure so that it
will not come off during the test.
7.Connect the test lead of the HIGH voltage
output terminal to the tested object as
2.5 Turning the Power On and Off
2.5Turning the Power On and Off
Before turning the instrument on, make sure the supply voltage matches
that indicated on the its power connector. Connection to an improper supply voltage may damage the instrument and present an electrical hazard.
To avoid dam aging the power cord, grasp the plug, not the cord, when unpl ugging it from the power outlet.
• Allow 10 minutes warming up after powering on.
The Remote Control Box, extern al I/O device, RS- 232C interface, and GP-IB
interface are active only when they are connected prior to startup. If these
devices are connected after the power is turne d on, thus causing a malfunction.
• After the power has been switched off, wait for about 5 minutes before turning
on the power again.
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