Hioki 2301-20, 2302-20, 2303-20, 2304-20, 2304-21 Instruction Manual

Instruction Manual
February 2011 Revised edition 5 2300A981-05 11-02H
Safety Notes............... .. .. ... .. ................. .. ... .. ... ................ ... .. ... .. ..1
Notes on Use.. .. .. ... ................................. ... .. ... .. ................. .. ... .. ..4
Service .......................................................................................7
1 2301-20 HUMIDITY MODULE___________________ 9
1.1 Overview .......................................................................9
1.1.1 Product Overview ............................................................9
1.1.2 Major Features ................................................................9
1.1.3 Name and Function of the Parts ...................................12
1.1.4 Dimension Diagrams .................................................. ...1 3
1.1.5 Accessory and Option .................................. ..... ............13
1.2 Settings .......................................................................14
1.2.1 Setting the Module ID ....................................................14
1.3 Preparations................................................................15
1.3.1 Installing the Module .....................................................15
1.3.2 Connecting Input/Output Cables ...................................16
1 2
3 4 5 6
1.4 Others .........................................................................19
1.4.1 Alarm output ........................................ ..... .....................19
1.4.2 Insulation of Internal Circuit ...........................................21
1.5 Specifications..............................................................22
1.5.1 Basic Specifications ......................................................22
1.5.2 Function Specifications .................................................22
1.5.3 General Specifications ..................................................23
1.5.4 9764-50 HUMIDIDTY SENSOR Specifications .............24
2 2302-20 Pt MODULE_________________________ 25
2.1 Overview .....................................................................25
2.1.1 Product Overview ..........................................................25
2.1.2 Major Features ..............................................................25
2.1.3 Name and Function of the Parts ...................................28
2.1.4 Dimension Diagrams .................................................. ...2 9
2.1.5 Accessory and Option .................................. ..... ............29
2.2 Settings .......................................................................30
2.2.1 Setting the Module ID ....................................................30
7 8 9
2.3 Preparations................................................................31
2.3.1 Installing the Module .....................................................31
2.3.2 Connecting Input/Output Cables ...................................31
2.4 Others......................................................................... 34
2.4.1 Alarm output .................................................................34
2.4.2 Insulation of Internal Circuit ..........................................36
2.5 Specifications ............................................................. 37
2.5.1 Basic Specifications ......................................................37
2.5.2 Function Specifications ....................... .... ..... ..... ............37
2.5.3 General Specifications ..................................................38
3 2303-20 TC MODULE ________________________39
3.1 Overview..................................................................... 39
3.1.1 Product Overview .........................................................39
3.1.2 Major Features ..............................................................39
3.1.3 Name and Function of the Parts ..................................42
3.1.4 Dimension Diagrams ....................................................43
3.1.5 Accessory and Option ...................................................43
3.2 Settings....................................................................... 44
3.2.1 Setting the Module ID ...................................................44
3.3 Preparations...............................................................45
3.3.1 Installing the Module .....................................................45
3.3.2 Connecting Input/Output Cables ...................................45
3.4 Others......................................................................... 49
3.4.1 Alarm output .................................................................49
3.4.2 Insulation of Internal Circuit ..........................................51
3.5 Specifications ............................................................. 52
3.5.1 Basic Specifications ......................................................52
3.5.2 Function Specifications ....................... .... ..... ..... ............53
3.5.3 General Specifications ..................................................53
4 2304-20 PULSE MODULE_____________________55
4.1 Overview..................................................................... 55
4.1.1 Product Overview .........................................................55
4.1.2 Major Features ..............................................................56
4.1.3 Name and Function of the Parts ..................................58
4.1.4 Dimension Diagrams ....................................................59
4.1.5 Accessory and Option ...................................................59
4.2 Settings....................................................................... 60
4.2.1 Setting the Module ID ...................................................60
4.3 Preparations...............................................................61
4.3.1 Installing the Module .....................................................61
4.3.2 Connecting Input/Output Cables ...................................61
4.4 Others .........................................................................66
4.4.1 Examples of Voltage/Contact Output Dev ice Connection 66
4.4.2 Alarm output ........................................ ..... .....................68
4.4.3 Insulation of Internal Circuit ...........................................70
4.5 Specifications..............................................................71
4.5.1 Basic Specifications ......................................................71
4.5.2 Function Specifications .................................................72
4.5.3 General Specifications ..................................................72
5 2304-21 PULSE MODULE ____________________ 75
5.1 Overview .....................................................................75
5.1.1 Product Overview ..........................................................75
5.1.2 Major Features ..............................................................76
5.1.3 Name and Function of the Parts ...................................78
5.1.4 Dimension Diagrams .................................................. ...7 9
5.1.5 Accessory and Option .................................. ..... ............79
5.2 Settings .......................................................................80
5.2.1 Setting the Module ID ....................................................80
1 2 3 4 5
5.3 Preparations................................................................81
5.3.1 Installing the Module .....................................................81
5.3.2 Connecting Input/Output Cables ...................................81
5.4 Others .........................................................................85
5.4.1 Examples of Connections According to Type of Device
Coupled .........................................................................85
5.4.2 Alarm output ........................................ ..... .....................87
5.4.3 Insulation of Internal Circuit ...........................................89
5.5 Specifications..............................................................90
5.5.1 Basic Specifications ......................................................90
5.5.2 Function Specifications .................................................90
5.5.3 General Specifications ..................................................91
6 2305-20 INSTRUMENTATION MODULE _________ 93
6.1 Overview .....................................................................93
6.1.1 Product Overview ..........................................................93
6.1.2 Major Features ..............................................................94
6.1.3 Name and Function of the Parts ...................................96
6.1.4 Dimension Diagrams .................................................. ...9 7
6.1.5 Accessory and Option .................................. ..... ............97
6 7 8 9
6.2 Settings .......................................................................98
6.2.1 Setting the Module ID ....................................................98
6.3 Preparations................................................................99
6.3.1 Installing the Module .....................................................99
6.3.2 Connecting Input/Output Cables ...................................99
6.4 Others....................................................................... 102
6.4.1 Alarm Output ...............................................................102
6.4.2 Insulation of Internal Circuit ........................................104
6.5 Specifications ........................................................... 105
6.5.1 Basic Specifications ....................................................105
6.5.2 Function Specifications ....................... .... ..... ..... ..........105
6.5.3 General Specifications ................................................106
7 2306-20 MULTIFUNCTION MODULE___________107
7.1 Overview................................................................... 107
7.1.1 Product Overview .......................................................107
7.1.2 Major Features ............................................................108
7.1.3 Name and Function of the Parts ................................110
7.1.4 Dimension Diagrams ..................................................111
7.1.5 Accessory and Option .................................................111
7.2 Settings..................................................................... 112
7.2.1 Setting the Module ID .................................................112
7.3 Preparations.............................................................113
7.3.1 Installing the Module ...................................................113
7.3.2 Paste the seal to the terminal block. ...........................114
7.3.3 Connecting Input/Output Cables .................................114
7.3.4 Procedure for connecting to the terminal ....................115
7.4 Digital filter................................................................ 120
7.5 Others....................................................................... 121
7.5.1 Insulation of Internal Circuit ........................................121
7.5.2 Measurement method .................................................121
7.5.3 Pre-heating time before the start of recording ............122
7.5.4 Function to detect broken wires when using a
thermocouple .............................................................. 123
7.6 Specifications ........................................................... 124
7.6.1 Basic Specifications ....................................................124
7.6.2 Function Specifications ....................... .... ..... ..... ..........125
7.6.3 General Specifications ................................................126
8 2321-20 WAVEFORM MODULE _______________127
8.1 Overview................................................................... 127
8.1.1 Product Overview .......................................................127
8.1.2 Major Features ............................................................128
8.1.3 Name and Function of the Parts .................................130
8.1.4 Dimension Diagrams .................................................. .132
8.1.5 Accessory and Option .................................. ..... ..........133
8.2 Settings .....................................................................133
8.3 Preparations..............................................................134
8.3.1 Installing the Module ...................................................134
8.3.2 Connect the signal input cable ....................................135
8.3.3 Connect the trigger input signal ...................................138
8.3.4 Connect the trigger output signal ... ..... ..... .... ...............139
8.4 Recording dat a..... ................. ............................... .....141
8.5 Insulation of Internal Circuit.......................................144
1 2
8.6 Trigger applicatio n ex am p le.............. .. ................. .. ...1 4 5
8.7 Specifications............................................................153
8.7.1 Basic Specifications ....................................................153
8.7.2 Function Specifications ...............................................154
8.7.3 General Specifications ................................................157
8.8 Disposing of the Instrument ......................................158
9 2331-20 POWER METER MODULE____________ 159
9.1 Overview ...................................................................159
9.1.1 Product Overview ........................................................159
9.1.2 Major Features ............................................................160
9.1.3 Name and Function of the Parts ..................................166
9.1.4 Dimension Diagrams .................................................. .167
9.1.5 Accessory and Option .................................. ..... ..........168
9.2 Settings .....................................................................169
9.2.1 Setting the Module ID ..................................................169
3 4 5 6 7 8
9.3 Preparations..............................................................170
9.3.1 Installing the Module ...................................................170
9.3.2 Connecting the Clamp Sensor to Module ....................171
9.3.3 Connecting the Voltage Cable to the Module ..............172
9.3.4 Connecting Alarm Output ............................................173
9.3.5 Connecting to the Measured Line ...............................174
9.4 Others .......................................................................178
9.4.1 Alarm Output .................................. ..... ..... ...................178
9.4.2 Insulation of Internal Circuit .........................................179
9.5 Specifications............................................................180
9.5.1 Basic Specifications ....................................................180
9.5.2 Function Specifications ...............................................182
9.5.3 General Specifications ................................................183
10 2332-20 POWER METER MODULE ____________185
10.1 Overview................................................................... 185
10.1.1 Product Overview .......................................................185
10.1.2 Major Features ............................................................186
10.1.3 Name and Function of the Parts .................................192
10.1.4 Dimension Diagrams ..................................................194
10.1.5 Accessory and Option .................................................195
10.2 Settings..................................................................... 196
10.2.1 Setting the Module ID .................................................196
10.3 Preparations.............................................................197
10.3.1 Installing the Module ...................................................197
10.3.2 Connecting the Clamp Sensor to Module ...................198
10.3.3 Connecting the Voltage Cable to the Module .............200
10.3.4 Connecting to the Measured Line ...............................201
10.4 Others....................................................................... 205
10.4.1 Alarm Assessment ......................................................205
10.4.2 Insulation of Internal Circuit ........................................205
10.5 Specifications ........................................................... 206
10.5.1 Basic Specifications ....................................................206
10.5.2 Function Specifications ..................................... .... ......208
10.5.3 General Specifications ................................................209
11 2341-20 INPUT MODULE ____________________211
11.1 Overview................................................................... 211
11.1.1 Product Overview .......................................................211
11.1.2 Major Features ............................................................211
11.1.3 Name and Function of the Parts .................................212
11.1.4 Dimension Diagrams ..................................................214
11.1.5 Accessory and Option .................................................214
11.2 Settings..................................................................... 215
11.3 Preparations.............................................................216
11.3.1 Installing the Module ...................................................216
11.3.2 Connecting Input/Output Cables .................................217
11.4 Others....................................................................... 219
11.4.1 Internal Circuit ................................................... .... ......219
11.4.2 Examples of Connections According to Type of Device
Coupled ......................................................................220
11.4.3 Insulation of Internal Circuit ........................................222
11.5 Specifications ........................................................... 223
11.5.1 Basic Specifications ....................................................223
11.5.2 Function Specifications ..................................... .... ......223
11.5.3 General Specifications ................................................224
12 2342-20 OUTPUT MODULE _______________ 225
12.1 Overview ...................................................................225
12.1.1 Product Overview ........................................................225
12.1.2 Major Features ............................................................225
12.1.3 Name and Function of the Parts ..................................226
12.1.4 Dimension Diagrams ................................ .... ..... ..... .....227
12.1.5 Accessory and Option ............................................ .... .227
12.2 Settings .....................................................................228
11 12
12.3 Preparations..............................................................229
12.3.1 Installing the Module ...................................................229
12.3.2 Connecting Input/Output Cables .................................229
12.4 Others .......................................................................231
12.4.1 Output Circuit .................................................... ..... .... .231
12.4.2 Examples of Connections According to Type of Device
Coupled .......................................................................233
12.4.3 Insulation of Internal Circuit .......................... ...............237
12.5 Specifications............................................................238
12.5.1 Basic Specifications ....................................................238
12.5.2 Function Specifications ...............................................238
12.5.3 Each Channel Output Function ...................................239
12.5.4 General Specifications ................................................239
13 2343-20 RS LINK MODULE __________________ 241
13.1 Overview ...................................................................241
13.1.1 Product Overview ........................................................241
13.1.2 Major Features ............................................................241
13.1.3 Name and Function of the Parts ..................................242
13.1.4 Dimension Diagrams ................................ .... ..... ..... .....243
13.1.5 Accessory and Option ............................................ .... .243
13.2 Settings .....................................................................244
13.2.1 Setting the Module ID ..................................................244
13.3 Preparations..............................................................245
13.3.1 Installing the Module ...................................................245
13.3.2 Connecting RS-232C Cable to the Module .................246
13.4 Specifications............................................................247
13.4.1 Basic Specifications ....................................................247
13.4.2 Function Specifications ...............................................247
13.4.3 General Specifications ................................................248
14 2351 AIR MODULE 2352-20 WIRE MODULE ____________________ _249
14.1 Overview................................................................... 249
14.1.1 Product Overview .......................................................249
14.1.2 Major Features ............................................................250
14.1.3 Name and Function of the Parts .................................251
14.1.4 Dimension Diagrams ..................................................252
14.1.5 Accessory and Option .................................................252
14.2 Settings..................................................................... 253
14.2.1 Setting the COM ID .....................................................253
14.3 Preparations.............................................................254
14.3.1 Installing the Module ...................................................254
14.3.2 Connecting Sending/Receiving
Antenna to Module (2351 Only) ..................................255
14.3.3 How to install the antennae ........................................256
14.3.4 Connecting RS-232C Cable to Module .......................258
14.4 Specifications ........................................................... 259
14.4.1 Basic Specifications ....................................................259
14.4.2 Function Specifications ..................................... .... ......260
14.4.3 General Specifications ................................................260
14.5 Disposing of the Instrument...................................... 261
15 2353-20 LAN MODULE ______________________263
15.1 Overview................................................................... 263
15.1.1 Product Overview .......................................................263
15.1.2 Major Features ............................................................263
15.1.3 Name and Function of the Parts .................................264
15.1.4 Dimension Diagrams ..................................................265
15.1.5 Accessory and Option .................................................265
15.2 Settings..................................................................... 266
15.2.1 Setting the COM ID .....................................................266
15.3 Preparations.............................................................267
15.3.1 Installing the Module ...................................................267
15.3.2 Connecting the LAN Cable .........................................268
15.3.3 Setting the IP Address ................................................269
15.4 Specifications ........................................................... 270
15.4.1 Basic Specifications ....................................................270
15.4.2 Function Specifications ..................................... .... ......270
15.4.3 General Specifications ................................................270
15.5 Disposing of the Instrument...................................... 271
16 2354-20 MEMORY MODULE _________________ 273
16.1 Overview ...................................................................273
16.1.1 Product Overview ........................................................273
16.1.2 Major Features ............................................................274
16.1.3 Name and Function of the Parts ..................................274
16.1.4 Dimension Diagrams ................................ .... ..... ..... .....276
16.1.5 Accessory and Option ............................................ .... .276
16.2 Settings .....................................................................277
16.2.1 Setting the COM ID .....................................................277
16.3 Preparations..............................................................278
16.3.1 Installing the Module ...................................................278
16.3.2 Connecting the LAN Cable ..........................................279
16.4 Other .........................................................................280
16.4.1 For CF card ............. ............................ ..... .... ..... ..........280
16.4.2 Recording operation ....................................................283
16.4.3 Setting the IP Address ................................................285
16.5 Specifications............................................................286
16.5.1 Basic Specifications ....................................................286
16.5.2 Function Specifications................................................286
16.5.3 Data recorded Specifications ................... .... ..... ..........287
16.5.4 General Specifications ................................................287
16.6 Disposing of the Instrument ......................................288
17 2361-20 AC POWER MODULE _______________ 289
17.1 Overview ...................................................................289
17.1.1 Product Overview ........................................................289
17.1.2 Major Features ............................................................289
17.1.3 Name and Function of the Parts ..................................290
17.1.4 Dimension Diagrams ................................ .... ..... ..... .....291
17.1.5 Accessory and Option ............................................ .... .291
14 15 16 17
17.2 Preparations..............................................................292
17.2.1 Installing the Module ...................................................292
17.2.2 Connecting Power Cable .............................................293
17.3 Specifications............................................................295
17.3.1 Basic Specifications ....................................................295
17.3.2 Function Specifications ...............................................295
17.3.3 General Specifications ................................................295
18 2362-20 DC POWER MODULE________________297
18.1 Overview................................................................... 297
18.1.1 Product Overview .......................................................297
18.1.2 Major Features ............................................................297
18.1.3 Name and Function of the Parts .................................298
18.1.4 Dimension Diagrams ..................................................299
18.1.5 Accessory and Option .................................................299
18.2 Preparations.............................................................300
18.2.1 Installing the Module ...................................................300
18.2.2 Connecting Power Cable ............................................301
18.3 Specifications ........................................................... 303
18.3.1 Basic Specifications ....................................................303
18.3.2 Function Specifications ..................................... .... ......303
18.3.3 General Specifications ................................................303
19 2391-01, 2391-02, 2391-03 MODULE BASE _____305
19.1 Overview................................................................... 305
19.1.1 Product Overview .......................................................305
19.1.2 Major Features ............................................................306
19.1.3 Name and Function of the Parts .................................306
19.1.4 Dimension Diagrams ..................................................308
19.1.5 Accessory and Option .................................................310
19.2 Preparations.............................................................311
19.2.1 Installing the Module ...................................................311
19.2.2 Connecting Power Supply Output Cord
(2391-01 only) .............................................................314
19.2.3 Connecting the CAN Cable .........................................315
19.3 Specifications ........................................................... 317
19.3.1 Basic Specifications ....................................................317
19.3.2 Function Specifications ..................................... .... ......318
19.3.3 General Specifications.................................................318
20 2392-01/02 MODULE BASE __________________319
20.1 Overview................................................................... 319
20.1.1 Product Overview .......................................................319
20.1.2 Major Features ............................................................319
20.1.3 Name and Function of the Parts .................................320
20.1.4 Dimension Diagrams ..................................................323
20.1.5 Accessory and Option .................................................324
20.2 Preparations.............................................................325
20.2.1 Installing the Module ...................................................325
20.2.2 Connecting Power Supply Output Cord
(2392-01 only) .......................................... .... ..... ..... .....328
20.2.3 Connecting the CAN Cable .........................................329
20.3 Specifications............................................................331
20.3.1 Basic Specifications ....................................................331
20.3.2 Function Specifications ...............................................331
20.3.3 General Specifications ................................................331
21 Maintenance and Service ___________________ 333
21.1 Cleaning....................................................................333
21.2 Servicing ...................................................................333
11 12 13 14 15 16 17
18 19


Thank you for purchasing the HIOKI “2300 Smart Site”. To obtain maximum performance from the instrument, please read this man­ual first, and keep it handy for future reference.
When you receive the instrument, inspect it carefully to ensure that no damage occurred during shipping. In particular, check the accessories, panel switches, and connectors. If damage is evident, or if it fails to operate according to the specifications, contact your dealer or Hioki representative.

Safety Notes

This instrument is designed to comply with IEC 61010 Safety Standards, and has been thoroughly tested for safety prior to shipment. However, mishandling during use could result in injury or death, as well as damage to the instrument. Using the instrument in a way not described in this manual may negate the provided safety features. Be certain that you understand the instructions and precautions in the manual before use. We disclaim any responsibility for accidents or injuries not resulting directly from instrument defects.
1 2
2 3
3 4
5 6
This manual contains information and warnings essen tial for safe operation of the instrument and for maintaining it in safe operating condition. Before using it, be sure to carefully read the following safety precautions.
Safety Symbols
In the manual, the symbol indicates particularly important information t hat the u ser sh ou ld read be fo re u s ing the instrument.
The symbol printed on the instrument indicates that the user should refer to a corresponding topic in the manual
(marked with the symbol) before using the relevant function. Indicates a grounding terminal.
Indicates a protective conductor terminal.
Indicates DC (Direct Current). Indicates AC (Alternating Current).
Indicates the ON side of the power switch.
7 8
8 9
9 10
10 11
Indicates the OFF side of the power switch.
Safety Notes
The following symbols in this manual indicate the relative impor­tance of cautions and warnings.
Indicates that incorrect operation presents an extreme hazard that could result in serious injury or death to the user.
Indicates that incorrect operation presents a sig­nificant hazard that could result in seriou s injury or death to the user.
Indicates that incorrect operation presents a pos­sibility of injury to the user or damage to the instrument.
Indicates advisory items related to perfo rmance or correct operation of the instrument.
Other Symbols
Indicates the prohibited action.
Indicates the reference.
We define measurement tolerances in terms of f.s. (full scale), rdg. (reading) and dgt. (digit) values, with the following meanings:
(maximum display value or scale lengt h)
(reading or displayed value)
The maximum displayable value or scale length. This is usually the name of the currently selected range.
The value currently being measured and indi­cated on the measuring instrument.
The smallest displayable unit on a digital mea­suring instrument, i.e., the input value that causes the digital display to show a "1" as the least-significant digit.
Safety Notes
Measurement categories (Ove rvoltage categories)
Model 2301-20, 2302-20, 2303-20, 2304-20, 2304-21 and 2305-20 comply with CAT I safety requirements. Model 2331-20 and 2332-20 comply with CAT III safety require­ments. To ensure safe operation of measurement ins truments, IEC 61010 establishes safety standards for various electrical environments, categorized as CAT I to CAT IV, and calle d measurement catego­ries. These are defined as follows.
CAT I Secondary electrical circuits connected to an AC electrical
outlet through a transformer or similar instrument.
CAT II Primary electrical circuits in equipme nt connected to a n AC
electrical outlet by a power cord (portable tools, household appliances, etc.) CAT II covers directly me asuring el ectrical outle t recept acles.
CAT III Primary electrical circuits of heavy equipment (fixed installa-
tions) connected directly to the distribution panel, and feeders from the distribution panel to outlets.
CAT I V The circui t from the service d rop to t he service e ntrance, and
to the power meter and prim ary overcur ren t protec tion inst ru­ment (distribution panel).
1 2
2 3
3 4
Higher-numbered categories correspond to electrical environments with greater momentary energy. So a measurement instrument designed for CAT III environments can endure greater momentary energy than a instrument designed for CAT II. Using a measurement instrument in an environment designated with a higher-numbered category than that for which the instrument is rated could result in a severe accident, and must be carefully avoided. Never use a CAT I measuring instrument in CAT II, III, or IV envi­ronments. The measurement categories comply with the Overvoltage Catego­ries of the IEC60664 Standards.
6 7
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10 11

Notes on Use

Notes on Use
Follow these precautions to ensure safe operation and to obtain the full benefits of the various functions.
Instrument Installation
Operating temperature and humidity: 0 to 50°C (32 to 122°F), 80% RH (non-condensating)
Avoid the following locations that could cause an accident or dam­age to the instrument.
Exposed to direct sunlight Exposed to high temperature
Exposed to liquids Exposed to high humidity or con­densation
Exposed to high levels of particulate dust
When the module is used in a dusty environment, place it in a dustproof case and take measures to ensure heat dissipation.
Do not allow the instrument to get wet, and do not take measure­ments with wet hands.
The instrument may be damaged.
In the presence of corrosive or explosive gases
Exposed to strong electrom agnetic fields Near electromagnetic radiators
Subject to vibration
To avoid damage to the instrument, protect it from physical shock when transporting and handling.
Be especially careful to avoid physical shock from dropping.
Do not obstruct the ventilation holes.
Ventilation holes for heat radiation are provided on the top and rear panels of the instrument. Leave sufficient space around the ventilation holes and install th e instrum ent wi th the ho les uno bstru cted. Installation of the instrument with the ventilation holes obstructed may cause a malfunction or fire.
When using the instrument in the case, drill ventilation holes.
Drill ventilation holes or install a ventilation fan to p revent heat buildup.
Notes on Use
Only use sensors dedicated to the type of module.
To avoid damaging the ins trument, do not connec t any other sensors than those dedicated to the instrument to its input terminals. Furth er, do not connect any other signal sources to the terminals, as such signals may lead to module damage due to excessive voltage or current.
• A qualified electrician shall perform the wiring to prevent electric shock.
• Avoid live-line electrical work to prevent electric shock and accidents due to short-circuiting.
• Ensure that the power supply, input, and output are cor­rectly wired according to the wiring diagram. (See the sec­tion on "Preparations" for each module.) This will prevent fire, malfunction, and errors. Connect the module to a power source that matches the rating in order to prevent fire.
• Do not work on live lines. Such work may result in electric shock or short-circuiting.
• Use cables of the proper sizes for the rated current. This will prevent entire system errors and fire resulting from broken wire.
• Use crimp connectors suitable for the cable sizes. This will prevent module errors and fire due to broken wires.
• When tightening the screws, confirm that all screws are securely tightened. A loose screw may result in module errors, fire, or electric shock.
• Tighten the screws within the s pecified torque. Excessive torque may damage the terminals. Inadequate torque may result in module errors, fire, or electric shock.
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• Ensure that the power supply module and input are OFF until all wiring work is finished. This will prevent module trouble and electric shock.
• Ensure that the power supply module and input are OFF when connecting or disconnecting the module to the sys­tem. This will prevent electric shock, errors, and malfunc­tion.
• Avoid using an unused terminal for relaying or any other purpose to prevent electric shock, errors, and malfunction.
9 10
10 11
Notes on Use
• If power supply noise poses a problem, use of a noise filter is recommended.
• When the power and sig nal lines may be subject to a lightning­induced surge, install a lightning arrester between another instrument or module connected to this module and line to pro­tect the system.
• Avoid stepping on or pinching cables, which could damage the cable insulation.
• Keep the cables well aw ay from heat sources, as bare conduc­tors could be exposed if the insulation melts.
Preliminary Checks
Before using the instrument, make sure that the insulation on the cables is undamaged and that no bare conductors are improperly exposed. Using the product in such conditions could cause an electric shock, so contact your dealer or Hioki representative for repair.
To prevent an electric shock accident, confirm that the white or red por­tion (insulation layer) inside the cable is not exposed. If a color inside the cable is exposed, do not use the cable.
Before using the instrument the first time, verify that it operates normally to ensure that the no damage occurred during storage or shipping. If you find any damage, contact your dealer or Hioki rep­resentative.


To clean the instrument, wipe it gently with a soft cloth moistened with water or mild detergent. Never use solvents such as benzene, alcohol, acetone, ether, ketones, thinners or gasoline, as they can deform and discolor the case.
1 2
Never modify the instrument. Only Hioki service engineers should disassemble or repair the instrument. Failure to observe these precautions may res ult in fire, electric shock, or injury.
• If the instrument seems to be malfunctioning, confirm that the cables are not open circuited before contacting your dealer or Hioki representative.
• When sending the instrument for repair, pack carefully to prevent damage in transit. Include cushioning materia l so the instrument cannot move within the package. Be sure to include details of the problem. Hioki cannot be responsible for damage that occurs during shipment.
• When transporting the module or a 2300 Smart Site, tape the front of the module or take similar measures to avoid losing inter­nal components.
• The instrument contains a built-in backup lithium battery, which offers a service life of about five years. If the da te and time devi­ate substantially when the instrument is switched on, it is the time to replace that battery. Contact your dealer or Hioki representa­tive.
3 4
5 6
6 7
7 8
8 9
9 10
10 11
(Conceptual image)

1.1 Overview

1 2

1.1.1 Product Overview

• The 2301-20 is a measurement module of Hioki "Smart Site" (remote measurement system).
• This module measures and records temperature and humidity at regular intervals.
• The 2301-20 is used with the power supply module, communica­tions module, and module base.
Number of measurement channels
Measurement range -40.0 to 85.0°C, 0.0 to100.0%RH
3 4 5
Temperature 1 CH + Humidity 1 CH
6 7 8

1.1.2 Majo r Fe atures

The recordin g interval is selectable from 1 secon d to 60 minutes.
The maximum, minimum, and average measurements during the recording interval can be recorded (with sampling once a second).
The module has an alarm output terminal.
The capacitive humidity sensor for this module has the following features relating to humidity measure­ment:
• Stable characteristics
• Wide measurement range
• Long service life
• Quick response
• Resistance to condensation
Rough Estimate of Storable Data Quantity and Time
Action at memory full: Continue recording (Endless)
Quantity of
storable data
Recording Mode
MAX/MIN/AVE Instantaneous V alue
26000 13000 10000
Recording interval
1 sec. 7.5 hours 3.5 hours 2.5 hours 2 sec. 14.5 hours 7 hours 5.5 hours
5 sec. 1.5 days 18 hours 14.5 hours 10 sec. 3 days 1.5 days 1 day 15 sec. 4.5 days 2 days 1.5 days 20 sec. 6 days 3 days 2 days 30 sec. 9 days 4.5 days 3.5 days
1 min. 18 days 9 days 7 days
2 min. 36 days 18 days 14 days
5 min. 92 days 46 days 36 days 10 min. 184 days 92 days 73 days 15 min. 277 days 138 days 110 days 20 min. 369 days 184 days 147 days 30 min. 554 days 277 days 221 days 60 min. 1109 days 554 days 443 days
When the alarm log is ON, the higher the number of alarms gen­erated, the smaller the recording period. (A pprox. 1 of the data per alarm)
Action at memory full: Stop recording (Memory full stop)
Recording Mode
Quantity of
storable data
30000 15000 12000
MAX/MIN/AVE Instantaneous V alue
Recording interval
1 sec. 8.5 hours 4 hours 3 hours 2 sec. 17 hours 8.5 hours 6.5 hours
5 sec. 1.5 days 21 hours 17 hours 10 sec. 3.5 days 1.5 days 1.5 days 15 sec. 5 days 2.5 days 2 days 20 sec. 7 days 3.5 days 2.5 days 30 sec. 10 days 5 days 4 days
1 min. 21 days 10 days 8 days
2 min. 42 days 21 days 17 days
5 min. 106 days 53 days 42 days 10 min. 213 days 106 days 85 days 15 min. 319 days 159 days 127 days 20 min. 426 days 213 days 170 days 30 min. 639 days 319 days 255 days 60 min. 1279 days 639 days 511 days
When the alarm log is ON, the higher the number of alarms gen­erated, the smaller the recording period. (Approx. 1 of the data per alarm)
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
TEMP terminal
Module ID setting dial
ALARM terminal
HUM terminal
Mark area

1.1.3 Name and Function of the Parts

POWER LED Goes on or flashes when power is supplied to the module.
Remains on, flashe s, or chan ges to another color accordi ng to the state of the module.
POWER LED indication
Lit in green : Data being recorded. Flashing in green : Standing by. Lit in yellow : Alarm output. Flashing in yellow: Overrange detected.
Lit in red : Non-recoverable error occurred. Flashing in red : Recoverable error occurred.
Mark area Use this area to make a note of the object to measure or the module ID. TEMP terminal Connect the temperature sensor to this terminal.
HUM terminal Connect the humidity sensor to this terminal. ALARM terminal Connect the alarm output cable to this terminal. Module ID setting dial Use the dial to set the module's identification No.
Use an ink pen, since pencil lead may rub off.
*1: The module needs r e pai r . Co ntact your dealer or H ioki r ep res en tative . *2: The same module ID may be used by another module.

1.1.4 Dimension Diagrams

(Unit: mm)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

1.1.5 Accessory and Option

Ferrite clamp ................................................................................. 1
Terminal block ............................................................................... 3

1.2 Settings

1.2.1 Setting the Module ID

You can connect up to 63 measurement modules to one communi­cations module.
Setting Proced u re
Use the module ID setting dial to set the ID No. of the module to a number from 01 and to 63. (You cannot set a number other than the above.)
• Ensure that the set ID is not used for any other module con­nected to the same communications module.
• The ID numbers of modules need not be consecutive.
• Setting the ID to 99, then turning on the power resets all inter­nal settings to the defaults.
• The module ID and COM ID are not related and can be set independently.

1.3 Preparations


1.3.1 Installing the Module

(1) Installing the Module Base
Do not mount the module base on the ceiling where it may fall off.
Fasten the module base to a DIN rail or the wall a ccording to the procedure described in the
BASE"(P.305) or 20 "2392-01/02 MODULE BASE"(P.319) series
MODULE BASE instruction manual.
(2) Mounting a Module on the Module Base
Mount a module on the module base as shown below. Ensure that the lever clicks.
19 "2391-01, 23 91-0 2, 239 1-03 MODU LE
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Blue RedBlack Green
White Yellow
Sensor cable of the 9764-50
Terminal block
TEMP terminal
HUM terminal

1.3.2 Connecting Input/Output Cables

(1) Connecting Sensor Cables to the Terminal Block
• The TEMP terminal and HUM terminal are not insulated from each other. Avoid short-circuiting.
• Be sure to connect the cables to matching connectors to prevent damage to the module or sensor.
Connect the 9764-50 HUMIDIDTY SENSOR to the module by fol­lowing the procedure below.
1. Use a flat blade screwdriver to loosen the screws on the t ermi-
nal block.
2. Insert a cable into the terminal block, then tighten the screws
(at a tightening torque of 0.25 N•m).
Connect the terminal block to the TEMP terminal, and HUM terminal.
• In case of external noise, wind the cable around the ferrite clamp supplied as an accessory as shown below.
• Note that measurement may be adversely affected by external noise or the electromagnetic environment when using a cable longer than 3 meters.
Single-wire : 0.14 to 1.5 mm
Stranded-wire : 0.14 to 1.5 mm
AWG : 26 to 16 Cable strip length : 5 mm (0.2")
Terminal block
Terminal block
TEMP terminal
Blue White Black
HUM terminal
Red Yellow Green
ALARM terminal
Alarm output Common Alarm output
(2) Connecting Cables to the ALARM Terminal (Alarm output)
Recommended Cable
1. Use a flat blade scre wdriver to loosen the screws on the termi-
1 2
nal block.
2. Insert a cable for alarm output into the terminal block, then
tighten the screws (at a tightening torque of 0.25 N•m).
3. Connect the ter minal block to the ALARM terminal.
(3) The Location of the Input/Output Cable
3 4 5 6 7 8
The TEMP and HUM terminals are used to connect the optional 9764-50 HUMIDIDTY SENSOR.
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