Pinch the fuel line that runs to the carburetor. Pinching this line will restrict fuel flow and the
engine will quit within a few seconds. Never place your finger over the exhaust to stop the engine.
This could result in serious burns on your finger. It also causes fuel to back up in the engine,
making it harder to start the next time you run your truck,.
If the engine is difficult to turn over with the recoil starter, especially if it is brand new, loosen
the glow plug a half turn before starting the engine. This allows some compression to escape ,
but the engine will still start. Make sure you tighten the glow plug after the engine has started.
If the recoil starter is still difficult to pull, the engine is flooded-there is too much fuel inside the engine.
Remove the glow plug, then turn the buggy upside down and pull the recoil 5 or 6 times. This will
clear the engine of fuel, and you will notice the recoil pulls easier. Place the glow plug and repeat
the starting procedure.
1. Run with the body off. This will keep the engine cooler.
2. Keep the air cleaner on at ALL time.
3. Run on a smooth, hard surface. An empty parking lot is Perfect.
4. Use the same fuel that you will use for normal running.
5. Resist the urge to accelerate and decelerate quickly.
6. Break-in puts stress on the glow plug or two on hand.
7. DO NOT overheat the engine. You can check the head temperature
by using one of the temperature gauges.
Your first tank of fuel should be running the truck at a very rich needle valve setting. This allows the
fuelto carry as much oil as possible into the engine to properly lubricate the internal parts during
the break-in.
1. Open the high speed needle valve 4-1/2 turns from fully closed (counterclockwise).
This is factory set already . But check it to make sure. When closing the high-speed needle,
close until you feel some resistance. DO NOT Overtighten it will damage the engine.
2. Fill the fuel tank and start the engine.
3. Run the buggy on smooth surface with the body off.
4. Run back and forth at medium speeds accelerating and decelerating the car.
5. Run the buggy until the tank is almost out of the fuel. Do not allow the tank to run out of fuel
during break-in. This leans out the engine and can cause overheating.
6. Stop the engine and allow it too cool. This noumally takes around 10-15 minutes.
NOTE: if your engine does not stay running consistently, increase the idle speed by turning the idle
stop screw clockwise.
Lean the high-speed needle 1/2 from ‘tank 1’ Run the car for the complete tank and then let it cool.