The images, photographs and texts in the accompanying materials (in the
form of a user's manual, operator's manual, Statement of Work document
and all other document types, support texts, documentation, etc.) are
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Important notes
Utmost care was/is given in the preparation of the documentation at hand
consisting of a user's manual, operating manual and any other document
type and accompanying texts. However, errors cannot be ruled out.
Therefore, we cannot assume any guarantee or legal responsibility for
erroneous information or liability of any kind. You are hereby made aware
that descriptions found in the user's manual, the accompanying texts and
the documentation neither represent a guarantee nor any indication on
proper use as stipulated in the agreement or a promised attribute. It cannot
be ruled out that the user's manual, the accompanying texts and the
documentation do not completely match the described attributes, standards
or any other data for the delivered product. A warranty or guarantee with
respect to the correctness or accuracy of the information is not assumed.
We reserve the right to modify our products and the specifications for such
as well as the corresponding documentation in the form of a user's manual,
operating manual and/or any other document types and accompanying
texts at any time and without notice without being required to notify of said
modification. Changes shall be taken into account in future manuals and do
not represent an obligation of any kind, in particular there shall be no right
to have delivered documents revised. The manual delivered with the
product shall apply.
Under no circumstances shall Hilscher Gesellschaft für Systemautomation
mbH be liable for direct, indirect, ancillary or subsequent damage, or for
any loss of income, which may arise after use of the information contained
NXHX 90-JTAG | Device description
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The hardware and/or software was created and tested by Hilscher
Gesellschaft für Systemautomation mbH with utmost care and is made
available as is. No warranty can be assumed for the performance or
flawlessness of the hardware and/or software under all application
conditions and scenarios and the work results achieved by the user when
using the hardware and/or software. Liability for any damage that may have
occurred as a result of using the hardware and/or software or the
corresponding documents shall be limited to an event involving willful intent
or a grossly negligent violation of a fundamental contractual obligation.
However, the right to assert damages due to a violation of a fundamental
contractual obligation shall be limited to contract-typical foreseeable
It is hereby expressly agreed upon in particular that any use or utilization of
the hardware and/or software in connection with
·Flight control systems in aviation and aerospace;
·Nuclear fusion processes in nuclear power plants;
·Medical devices used for life support and
·Vehicle control systems used in passenger transport
shall be excluded. Use of the hardware and/or software in any of the
following areas is strictly prohibited:
·For military purposes or in weaponry;
·For designing, engineering, maintaining or operating nuclear systems;
·In flight safety systems, aviation and flight telecommunications systems;
·In life-support systems;
·In systems in which any malfunction in the hardware and/or software
may result in physical injuries or fatalities.
You are hereby made aware that the hardware and/or software was not
created for use in hazardous environments, which require fail-safe control
mechanisms. Use of the hardware and/or software in this kind of
environment shall be at your own risk; any liability for damage or loss due
to impermissible use shall be excluded.
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Hilscher Gesellschaft für Systemautomation mbH hereby guarantees that
the software shall run without errors in accordance with the requirements
listed in the specifications and that there were no defects on the date of
acceptance. The warranty period shall be 12 months commencing as of the
date of acceptance or purchase (with express declaration or implied, by
customer's conclusive behavior, e.g. putting into operation permanently).
The warranty obligation for equipment (hardware) we produce is 36
months, calculated as of the date of delivery ex works. The aforementioned
provisions shall not apply if longer warranty periods are mandatory by law
pursuant to Section 438 (1.2) BGB, Section 479 (1) BGB and Section 634a
(1) BGB [Bürgerliches Gesetzbuch; German Civil Code] If, despite of all
due care taken, the delivered product should have a defect, which already
existed at the time of the transfer of risk, it shall be at our discretion to
either repair the product or to deliver a replacement product, subject to
timely notification of defect.
The warranty obligation shall not apply if the notification of defect is not
asserted promptly, if the purchaser or third party has tampered with the
products, if the defect is the result of natural wear, was caused by
unfavorable operating conditions or is due to violations against our
operating regulations or against rules of good electrical engineering
practice, or if our request to return the defective object is not promptly
complied with.
Costs of support, maintenance, customization and product care
Please be advised that any subsequent improvement shall only be free of
charge if a defect is found. Any form of technical support, maintenance and
customization is not a warranty service, but instead shall be charged extra.
Additional guarantees
Although the hardware and software was developed and tested in-depth
with greatest care, Hilscher Gesellschaft für Systemautomation mbH shall
not assume any guarantee for the suitability thereof for any purpose that
was not confirmed in writing. No guarantee can be granted whereby the
hardware and software satisfies your requirements, or the use of the
hardware and/or software is uninterruptable or the hardware and/or
software is fault-free.
It cannot be guaranteed that patents and/or ownership privileges have not
been infringed upon or violated or that the products are free from third-party
influence. No additional guarantees or promises shall be made as to
whether the product is market current, free from deficiency in title, or can be
integrated or is usable for specific purposes, unless such guarantees or
promises are required under existing law and cannot be restricted.
NXHX 90-JTAG | Device description
DOC170202HW03EN | Revision 3 | English | 2019-01 | Released | Public
The customer hereby expressly acknowledges that this document contains
trade secrets, information protected by copyright and other patent and
ownership privileges as well as any related rights of Hilscher Gesellschaft
für Systemautomation mbH. The customer agrees to treat as confidential all
of the information made available to customer by Hilscher Gesellschaft für
Systemautomation mbH and rights, which were disclosed by Hilscher
Gesellschaft für Systemautomation mbH and that were made accessible as
well as the terms and conditions of this agreement itself.
The parties hereby agree to one another that the information that each
party receives from the other party respectively is and shall remain the
intellectual property of said other party, unless provided for otherwise in a
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The customer must not allow any third party to become knowledgeable of
this expertise and shall only provide knowledge thereof to authorized users
as appropriate and necessary. Companies associated with the customer
shall not be deemed third parties. The customer must obligate authorized
users to confidentiality. The customer should only use the confidential
information in connection with the performances specified in this
The customer must not use this confidential information to his own
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purpose of a third party, nor must it be used for commercial purposes and
this confidential information must only be used to the extent provided for in
this agreement or otherwise to the extent as expressly authorized by the
disclosing party in written form. The customer has the right, subject to the
obligation to confidentiality, to disclose the terms and conditions of this
agreement directly to his legal and financial consultants as would be
required for the customer's normal business operation.
Export provisions
The delivered product (including technical data) is subject to the legal
export and/or import laws as well as any associated regulations of various
countries, especially such laws applicable in Germany and in the United
States. The products / hardware / software must not be exported into such
countries for which export is prohibited under US American export control
laws and its supplementary provisions. You hereby agree to strictly follow
the regulations and to yourself be responsible for observing them. You are
hereby made aware that you may be required to obtain governmental
approval to export, reexport or import the product.
Terms and conditions
Please read the notes about additional legal aspects on our netIOT web
site under
NXHX 90-JTAG | Device description
DOC170202HW03EN | Revision 3 | English | 2019-01 | Released | Public
2.3.1S400 – Slide switches for console mode and alternative boot mode
For identifying the switches on the board, see position (2) in section
Positions of interfaces and operating elements [}page12].
Standard boot mode
In standard boot mode, the ROM code searches for a valid firmware and
– if available – starts it. If the ROM code cannot find a valid “regular”
firmware, it tries to start a valid “maintenance” firmware instead. If neither
“regular” nor “maintenance” firmware is found, the ROM code automatically
enters console mode.
S400 settings for standard boot mode:
Switch 5 = OFF
Switch 6 = OFF
Console mode
The ROM code of the netX 90 features a console mode that enables the
handling of firmware programming depending on the selected console
mode interface, e.g. via UART, via Ethernet, etc. Thus you can download a
firmware file to the flash memory of the device, e.g. from your development
PC by using the “flasher tool” of netX Studio CDT.
The verification of the ROM code using the final silicon chip is not
yet completed. Therefore, initially, we recommend using the default
console mode by keeping switches 1, 2 and 3 of S400 in OFF
position. A full description of the console modes will be provided
after the verification.
Note also that downloading a firmware to the netX 90 is possible via
the JTAG interface. You can use the on-board JTAG-to-USB
connection, as described in the Getting started: netX Studio CDT –
netX 90 development, DOC170504GSxxEN, (in chapter How to ...
Use the Flasher tool).
S400 settings for console mode:
Switch 5 = ON
Switch 6 = OFF or ON
NXHX 90-JTAG | Device description
DOC170202HW03EN | Revision 3 | English | 2019-01 | Released | Public
In alternative boot mode, the ROM code starts the “maintenance”
firmware instead of the “regular” firmware. The maintenance firmware is
capable of programming a new firmware (firmware update).
Potential use cases are:
·Firmware update procedures:
A new firmware received via web server or host interface is stored
either on-chip in INTFLASH1 or off-chip in an externally connected SQI
Flash. A software reset cycle initiated by a software command or a
hardware reset cycle (by S401 reset button or power-on) while switch 6
is at ON position starts a maintenance firmware, which programs the
new firmware.
·Multiple firmware versions:
The netX 90 has a maintenance firmware stored in INTFLASH1 and
holds multiple firmware versions for different Real-Time Ethernet
protocols in an externally connected SQI Flash. The maintenance
firmware programs the firmware selected by the system integrator, e.g.
via a rotary DIP-switch (or other ways).
The alternative boot mode is not yet supported because the
required “maintenance firmware“ is still under development.
Note also that if console mode and alternative boot mode are both
enabled (i.e. if switch 5 and 6 are both in ON position), the console
mode always has priority over the alternative boot mode.
If e.g. a power loss disrupts the programming of the new firmware,
the ROM code detects that the procedure is incomplete and restarts the maintenance firmware without prior selection.
S400 settings for alternative boot mode:
Switch 5 = OFF
Switch 6 = ON
Description of the S400 switches
S400SwitchSignalPositionConnects toFunction
1SQI_SIO2OFFInternal pull-upReserved for future use (keep switches in
ONGND via 4.7 kΩ
2SQI_SIO1OFFInternal pull-up
ONGND via 4.7 kΩ
3SQI_SIO0OFFInternal pull-up
ONGND via 4.7 kΩ
4Not used---
5RDYOFFInternal pull-upDisables console mode
ONGND via 1 kΩEnables console mode
6RUNOFFInternal pull-upDisables alternative boot mode
ONGND via 1 kΩEnables alternative boot mode
Table5: S400 for configuring console mode and alternative boot mode
OFF position).
Note: In the final version of the netX 90
ROM code, these switches will configure the
console mode.
(currently only UART)
(not yet supported)
NXHX 90-JTAG | Device description
DOC170202HW03EN | Revision 3 | English | 2019-01 | Released | Public
JTAG MIPI-20 connector X400. For identifying the connector on the board,
see position (9) in section Positions of interfaces and operatingelements [}page12].
To enable this interface, put switch 1 of S701 into ON position (see
position (6) in section Positions of interfaces and operatingelements [}page12]).
7Not connectedNot connected
8TDINot connected
12Not connectedTRACE_CLK
Table9: Pin assignments MIPI-20 JTAG connector
NXHX 90-JTAG | Device description
DOC170202HW03EN | Revision 3 | English | 2019-01 | Released | Public
Two RJ45 jack Ethernet connectors X500. For identifying the connectors on
the board, see position (20) for channel 0 and position (19) for channel 1 in
section Positions of interfaces and operating elements [}page12].
1TX+Transmit data positive
2TX–Transmit data negative
3RX+Receive data positive
4Term 1 Connected and terminated to FE via RC
5Term 1
6RX–Receive data negative
7Term 2 Connected and terminated to FE via RC
8Term 2
Table10: Ethernet RJ45 pin assignment
For a description of the LEDs of the Ethernet connector, see section
LEDs [}page33].
* Bob Smith Termination
NXHX 90-JTAG | Device description
DOC170202HW03EN | Revision 3 | English | 2019-01 | Released | Public
Host interface connector X600. For identifying the connector on the board,
see position (22) in section Positions of interfaces and operatingelements [}page12].
The netX 90 offers many pin sharing options, which – for better overview –
are grouped into three tables:
·Host interface mode
–Parallel DPM
–Extension bus
–Serial DPM
·MMIO and internal signals
·Communication interfaces and digital I/O
–IO Link
The pinning of the X600 host interface was especially designed to fit
the different pinning layouts of the various host interface modules
offered by Hilscher, therefore some of the pins share the same
Connect at this interface only modules that are listed in section
Devices for host interface [}page35].
NXHX 90-JTAG | Device description
DOC170202HW03EN | Revision 3 | English | 2019-01 | Released | Public