hilscher NIOT-E-TIJCX-GB-RE User Manual

User manual
netIOT Edge Gateway
Hilscher Gesellschaft für Systemautomation mbH
DOC160402UM07EN | Revision 7 | English | 2019-07 | Released | Public
Table of contents 2/292
1 Introduction .............................................................................................................................. 7
1.1 About the user manual .....................................................................................................7
1.2 List of revisions ................................................................................................................7
2 Brief description ...................................................................................................................... 8
3 Device drawings..................................................................................................................... 10
3.1 Positions of the interfaces ..............................................................................................10
3.2 Dimensions ....................................................................................................................12
4 Connectors and mounting .................................................................................................... 13
4.1 Mounting ........................................................................................................................13
4.2 LED sticker.....................................................................................................................13
4.3 Power supply..................................................................................................................14
4.4 LAN connectors..............................................................................................................14
4.5 Real-Time Ethernet connectors .....................................................................................14
4.6 USB connectors .............................................................................................................14
4.7 Serial interfaces COM1 and COM2................................................................................15
4.7.1 RS-232............................................................................................................15
4.7.2 RS-422............................................................................................................16
4.7.3 RS-485............................................................................................................16
4.8 Wi-Fi...............................................................................................................................17
4.9 Preparing gateway for cellular communication ..............................................................17
4.10 Monitor connectors.........................................................................................................20
5 LEDs........................................................................................................................................21
5.1 Positions of the LEDs on the gateway ...........................................................................21
5.2 Gateway status LEDs.....................................................................................................22
5.3 LEDs of the LAN interface..............................................................................................23
5.4 LEDs of the PROFINET IO Device interface..................................................................24
5.5 LEDs of the EtherNet/IP Adapter interface ....................................................................25
6 Commissioning the Edge Gateway ...................................................................................... 27
6.1 Establishing the IP address communication ..................................................................27
6.2 Using the web browser to establish a connection with the Edge Gateway ....................29
6.2.1 Using the host name ....................................................................................... 29
6.2.2 Access to the Edge Gateway in the Windows network environment .............. 30
6.2.3 Using the IP address....................................................................................... 31
7 Edge Gateway Manager......................................................................................................... 32
7.1 Calling the Edge Gateway Manager ..............................................................................32
7.2 Edge Gateway Manager web page................................................................................33
8 Control Panel.......................................................................................................................... 35
8.1 Opening the control panel ..............................................................................................35
8.1.1 First login ........................................................................................................ 36
8.1.2 Secure connection .......................................................................................... 37
Edge Gateway | NIOT-E-TIJCX-GB-RE (On-Premise) DOC160402UM07EN | Revision 7 | English | 2019-07 | Released | Public
© Hilscher 2016 – 2019
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8.2 Overview and main menu ..............................................................................................41
8.3 System information and system time ............................................................................. 43
8.3.1 Displaying system information ........................................................................ 43
8.3.2 License Manager ............................................................................................ 44
8.3.3 Displaying the system log files........................................................................ 47
8.3.4 Setting the system time................................................................................... 51
8.3.5 Configure ports for HTTP/HTTPS communication.......................................... 53
8.3.6 Backup and restore......................................................................................... 55
8.3.7 Rebooting the system ..................................................................................... 62
8.3.8 System shutdown............................................................................................ 63
8.4 Packet management ......................................................................................................63
8.4.1 Managing packets........................................................................................... 63
8.5 Network ..........................................................................................................................64
8.5.1 Configuring Ethernet communication (LAN) ................................................... 64
8.5.2 Configuring wireless communication (Wi-Fi)................................................... 67
8.5.3 Field ................................................................................................................ 73
8.5.4 Configuring cellular communication ................................................................ 74
8.5.5 Configuring IP Routes..................................................................................... 78
8.5.6 Configuring Firewall ........................................................................................ 82
8.5.7 Hostname........................................................................................................ 84
8.6 Services .........................................................................................................................85
8.6.1 Starting, stopping and configuring services .................................................... 85
8.7 User management..........................................................................................................89
8.7.1 Managing user roles ....................................................................................... 89
8.7.2 Managing user accounts................................................................................. 91
8.8 Security ..........................................................................................................................92
8.8.1 Public Key Infrastructure................................................................................. 92
8.9 Help................................................................................................................................95
8.10 Session ..........................................................................................................................95
8.10.1 User profile...................................................................................................... 95
8.10.2 Logout ............................................................................................................. 96
9 Node-RED - The wiring editor ............................................................................................... 97
9.1 Modelling IoT flows with nodes ......................................................................................98
9.2 Opening Node-RED .......................................................................................................99
9.3 Graphical user interface ...............................................................................................101
9.4 Working with Node-RED .............................................................................................. 103
9.4.1 Using Git hub repository to store flows (projects) ......................................... 105
9.4.2 Menu Deploy................................................................................................. 106
9.4.3 Dashboard .................................................................................................... 108
9.5 List of nodes.................................................................................................................119
9.6 MQTT input node .........................................................................................................122
9.7 MQTT output node .......................................................................................................126
10 Examples for Node-RED...................................................................................................... 128
10.1 Example 1: Inject and debug node...............................................................................128
10.2 Example 2: MQTT input node ......................................................................................130
10.3 Example 3: MQTT output node ....................................................................................134
10.4 Example 4: Fieldbus input node...................................................................................138
Edge Gateway | NIOT-E-TIJCX-GB-RE (On-Premise) DOC160402UM07EN | Revision 7 | English | 2019-07 | Released | Public
© Hilscher 2016 – 2019
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10.5 Example 5: Fieldbus output node.................................................................................146
11 Configuring and using the fieldbus node.......................................................................... 154
11.1 Overview ......................................................................................................................154
11.2 Configuring the fieldbus and defining the signals.........................................................156
11.2.1 Creating a new fieldbus configuration........................................................... 156
11.2.2 Changing the existing fieldbus configuration ................................................ 161
12 Configuring PROFINET and defining signals.................................................................... 166
12.1 User interface...............................................................................................................166
12.2 Menu commands..........................................................................................................166
12.2.1 Project - Save ............................................................................................... 167
12.2.2 GSDML Download ........................................................................................ 167
12.2.3 Printing the configuration .............................................................................. 167
12.2.4 Help - Contents ............................................................................................. 168
12.2.5 Help - Information ......................................................................................... 168
12.3 Configuration tree.........................................................................................................169
12.3.1 PROFINET configuration .............................................................................. 169
12.3.2 IO and signal configuration ........................................................................... 170
12.3.3 Signal definitions overview............................................................................ 179
12.3.4 Download of the GSDML file......................................................................... 180
12.3.5 Help............................................................................................................... 180
13 Configuring EtherNet/IP and defining signals .................................................................. 181
13.1 User interface...............................................................................................................181
13.2 Menu commands..........................................................................................................181
13.2.1 Project - Save ............................................................................................... 182
13.2.2 EDS Download.............................................................................................. 182
13.2.3 Printing the configuration .............................................................................. 183
13.2.4 Help - Contents ............................................................................................. 183
13.2.5 Help - Information ......................................................................................... 183
13.3 Configuration tree.........................................................................................................184
13.3.1 EtherNet/IP configuration.............................................................................. 184
13.3.2 IO and signal configuration ........................................................................... 185
13.3.3 Signal definitions overview............................................................................ 194
13.3.4 Download of the EDS file .............................................................................. 195
13.3.5 Help............................................................................................................... 195
14 Edge Server .......................................................................................................................... 196
14.1 Function principle .........................................................................................................196
14.1.1 Communication with IT-network and mobile devices.................................... 196
14.1.2 Communication with the OT-network............................................................ 198
14.1.3 Access rights to the REST API ..................................................................... 198
14.1.4 Functions of the Edge Server ....................................................................... 199
14.1.5 Internal structure of the Edge Server ............................................................ 200
14.2 Edge Server Control Center.........................................................................................201
14.2.1 Starting the Edge Server Control Center ...................................................... 201
14.2.2 Functions ...................................................................................................... 201
14.2.3 Service list..................................................................................................... 202
14.3 Configuration of the Edge Server.................................................................................204
14.3.1 The configuration of IP address area............................................................ 204
14.3.2 Selecting the protocols to scan for field devices ........................................... 207
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© Hilscher 2016 – 2019
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15 Isolated application execution with Docker ...................................................................... 208
15.1 Docker, Image, Container and Repository ...................................................................208
15.2 Prerequisites for working with Docker..........................................................................210
15.3 Working with Docker via the web GUI..........................................................................211
15.3.1 The portainer.io interface .............................................................................. 211
15.3.2 Commissioning ............................................................................................. 211
15.3.3 Starting the portainer.io interface for working with the containers ................ 213
15.3.4 Functions for working with containers........................................................... 216
15.3.5 Example: Execute web server NGINX as a container .................................. 217
15.3.6 User management ........................................................................................ 218
15.3.7 Registry management................................................................................... 222
15.3.8 Stack management ....................................................................................... 231
16 Public Key Infrastructure .................................................................................................... 237
16.1 Asymmetric encryption.................................................................................................237
16.2 Certificates and keys....................................................................................................239
16.2.1 Structure of a certificate according to X.509 ................................................. 239
16.2.2 Hierarchy of trust........................................................................................... 240
16.2.3 File formats for certificate and key files......................................................... 241
16.3 Use cases ....................................................................................................................242
16.3.1 Use case 1: Verification of the authenticity of the communication partner
(Server) ......................................................................................................... 242
16.3.2 Use case 2: Server certificates for Edge Gateway services ......................... 243
16.3.3 Use case 3: Client certificates for specific servers........................................ 245
16.4 Verification of the authenticity of the communication partner using trustworthy
certificates ....................................................................................................................247
16.4.1 Display the list of trustworthy root certificates stored within the Edge Gateway ..
16.4.2 Upload a trustworthy certificate into the Edge Gateway ............................... 248
16.4.3 Download of certificates from the Edge Gateway into a file.......................... 249
16.4.4 Removing certificates no longer considered as trustworthy.......................... 249
16.5 Working with server certificates for inbound connections ............................................ 250
16.5.1 Uploading a a pair of certificate file and key file for HTTPS und OPC UA Server
16.5.2 Working with certificates for HTTPS and OPC UA Server............................ 253
16.5.3 Working with key files for HTTPS and OPC UA Server ................................ 255
16.6 Working with client authentication certificates for outbound connections .................... 256
16.6.1 Uploading a pair of certificate and corresponding key file for client
authentication................................................................................................ 257
16.6.2 Working with certificates for client authentication ......................................... 260
16.6.3 Working with key files for client authentication ............................................. 263
17 Firmware recovery ............................................................................................................... 265
17.1 Overview ......................................................................................................................265
17.2 Prerequisites ................................................................................................................265
17.3 Step-by-step instructions..............................................................................................266
18 Technical data ...................................................................................................................... 274
18.1 Technical data NIOT-E-TIJCX-GB-RE.........................................................................274
18.2 Technical data PROFINET IO Device..........................................................................276
18.3 Technical data EtherNet/IP Adapter.............................................................................277
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© Hilscher 2016 – 2019
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19 Decommissioning, dismounting and disposal ................................................................. 278
19.1 Putting the device out of operation...............................................................................278
19.2 Removal of battery .......................................................................................................278
19.3 Disposal of waste electronic equipment.......................................................................279
20 Appendix............................................................................................................................... 280
20.1 Legal notes...................................................................................................................280
List of figures ....................................................................................................................... 284
List of tables......................................................................................................................... 289
Contacts................................................................................................................................ 292
Edge Gateway | NIOT-E-TIJCX-GB-RE (On-Premise) DOC160402UM07EN | Revision 7 | English | 2019-07 | Released | Public
© Hilscher 2016 – 2019
Introduction 7/292

1 Introduction

1.1 About the user manual

This user manual describes the installation, configuration and functionality of the device NIOT-E-TIJCX-GB-RE.

1.2 List of revisions

Revision Date Author Revision
5 13.08.2018-
6 2018-10-08 RGö, HHe
7 2019-07-03 HHe, RGö,
RGö, HHe
Table1: List of revisions
Section Displaying the system log files [}page47] added.
Section Security [}page92] added.
Section Public Key Infrastructure [}page237] added.
Section Configuring wireless communication (Wi-Fi) [}page67] updated.
Section Public Key Infrastructure [}page237] updated.
Section Configure ports for HTTP/HTTPS communication [}page53] added.
Section Managing packets [}page63] updated.
Section Configuring Ethernet communication (LAN) [}page64] updated and DHCP server added.
Section Configuring wireless communication (Wi-Fi) [}page67] updated.
Section Configuring cellular communication [}page74] added.
Section Configuring IP Routes [}page78] added.
Section Configuring Firewall [}page82] added.
Section Graphical user interface [}page101] updated.
Sections MQTT input node [}page122] and MQTT output node [}page126] updated.
Sections Example 4: Fieldbus input node [}page138] and Example 5: Fieldbus output node [}page146] updated.
Section Configuring the fieldbus and defining the signals [}page156]updated.
Chapter Isolated application execution with Docker [}page208] updated.
Edge Gateway | NIOT-E-TIJCX-GB-RE (On-Premise) DOC160402UM07EN | Revision 7 | English | 2019-07 | Released | Public
© Hilscher 2016 – 2019
Brief description 8/292

2 Brief description

Hilscher's netIOT Edge Gateway NIOT-E-TIJCX-GB-RE securely connects Real-Time Ethernet automation networks with a „Cloud“ or any IoT-directed application. As a field device, it is performing a cyclic I/O data exchange with the PLC and communicates with further IoT-capable field devices within the automation network. These key field data exchanged in real-time form the basis for intelligent higher-level IoT applications for cyber-physical processes and M2M solutions.
The gateway is designed for continuous operation in environments with permanent intranet or Internet connection. Security mechanisms such as the physical separation of automation and IT network, a secure operating system, the execution of signed firmware and packets, as well as encryption techniques of the latest standards secure the data integrity and offer protection against data theft.
The gateway base function forms the web-based Thing Wiring editor Node­RED, which serves to model the flows in the devices. Data apps and data profiles are created within minutes with predefined function blocks of the editor. OPC UA and MQTT functions address objects in IoT-capable field devices or in the cloud via standardized IoT protocols.
The Hilscher netIOT Service offers additional software packets to extend the Edge Gateway base functions by further applications or accesses to specific clouds.
Figure1: Edge Gateway communication structure
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© Hilscher 2016 – 2019
Brief description 9/292
The open source software „Docker“ by Docker, Inc. allows the user to execute own applications on the secured Linux operating system of the Edge Gateways while all protection mechanisms are fully preserved. The applications are executed in protected, isolated runtime environments. To accomplish this, Docker uses special techniques from virtualization of operating systems.
Edge Gateway | NIOT-E-TIJCX-GB-RE (On-Premise) DOC160402UM07EN | Revision 7 | English | 2019-07 | Released | Public
© Hilscher 2016 – 2019
Device drawings 10/292

3 Device drawings

3.1 Positions of the interfaces

Figure2: Positions of the interfaces of NIOT-E-TIJCX-GB-RE front and top view
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Device drawings 11/292
Pos. Interface For details see
(1) Antennas (Wi-Fi antennas are included in the delivery;
cellular radio antennas are not included)
(2) Gateway state LEDs (12 x)
(3) Connector for digital LCD display (DVI-I)
(4) Connector for display (DisplayPort)
(5) LAN connector (RJ45 jacket) port 2 / Eth1
(6) USB connectors (3x USB 2.0)
(7) LAN connector (RJ45 jacket) port 1 / Eth0
(8) USB connector (1x USB 3.0)
(9) Serial interface connector COM1 (RS-232/422/485, can be
(10) Serial interface connector COM2 (RS-232/422/485, can be
(11) +24 V DC supply voltage connector (Combicon)
(12) Power button On/Off -
(13) Real-Time Ethernet connector (RJ45 jacket) channel 1
(14) LED communication state of Real-Time Ethernet.
LED communication state of Real-Time Ethernet connection. Name und function depends on used RTE protocol: PROFINET IO Device = BF (Bus failure) EtherNet/IP Adapter = NS (network status)
(15) Real-Time Ethernet connector (RJ45 jacket) channel 0
(16) LED communication state of Real-Time Ethernet
LED communication state of Real-Time Ethernet connection. Name und function depends on used RTE protocol: PROFINET IO Device = SF (System failure) EtherNet/IP Adapter = MS (module status)
(17) SMA connector for WiFi or cellular radio antenna
(18) SMA connector for WiFi or cellular radio antenna
(19) Remote push button connector (without function) -
(20) SIM card holder (under removable cover) Preparing gateway for cellular
(21) SD card holder (under removable cover, without function) -
Table2: Positions of the interfaces of NIOT-E-TIJCX-GB-RE
Wi-Fi [}page17]
Preparing gateway for cellular communication [}page17]
Gateway status LEDs [}page22]
Monitor connectors [}page20]
LAN connectors [}page14]
USB connectors [}page14]
LAN connectors [}page14]
USB connectors [}page14]
Serial interfaces COM1 and COM2 [}page15]
Power supply [}page14]
Real-Time Ethernet connectors [}page14]
LEDs of the PROFINET IO Device interface [}page24]
LEDs of the EtherNet/IP Adapter interface [}page25]
Real-Time Ethernet connectors [}page14]
LEDs of the PROFINET IO Device interface [}page24]
LEDs of the EtherNet/IP Adapter interface [}page25]
Wi-Fi [}page17]
Preparing gateway for cellular communication [}page17]
communication [}page17]
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Device drawings 12/292

3.2 Dimensions

Figure3: Dimensions
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Connectors and mounting 13/292

4 Connectors and mounting

4.1 Mounting

Mount the Edge Gateway with 4 screws into the control cabinet. The following figure shows the distance of the mounting holes.
Figure4: Drilling template

4.2 LED sticker

Each fieldbus system uses its own names for the LED displays. Therefore, an LED sticker with the names of the respective fieldbus system is included within the delivery of the Edge Gateway. Stick the sticker of the fieldbus system to be used to the I/O shield of the fieldbus interface of the Edge Gateway.
Figure5: LED sticker
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4.3 Power supply

DC 24V Pin Signal Description
+ +24 V DC +24 V DC
- GND Ground (Reference potential)
FE Functional earth
Table3: Power supply connector

4.4 LAN connectors

The Edge Gateway has two LAN connectors for connecting it to the cloud network, positions (7) and (5) (see section Positions of the interfaces [}page10]).
The MAC addresses of the LAN interfaces are printed on the device label.
Section Configuring Ethernet communication (LAN) [}page64] describes, how you can set the IP address parameters of the LAN interfaces.

4.5 Real-Time Ethernet connectors

The Edge Gateway has 2 RJ45-connectors to connect the fieldbus to a Real-Time Ethernet network (OT network), positions (15) and (13) (see section Positions of the interfaces [}page10]).
For data exchange at the fieldbus, use the fieldbus input and output in node Node-RED. Sections Example 4: Fieldbus input node [}page138] and Example 5: Fieldbus output node [}page146] describe how to access the cyclic I/O data of the fieldbus in Node-RED.

4.6 USB connectors

The Edge Gateway has 4 USB connectors (1), positions (6) and (8) (see section Positions of the interfaces [}page10]).
You do not need the USB connectors for operation of the Edge Gateway. You need the USB connector if you connect a keyboard in order to change settings in the BIOS or if you do a firmware recovery with a USB stick.
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Connectors and mounting 15/292

4.7 Serial interfaces COM1 and COM2

The Edge Gateway has 2 configurable serial interfaces COM1 (position (9)) and COM2 (position (10)). You can use each serial interface as RS-232, RS-422 or RS-485 interface.
You have to set the interface type in the BIOS. For this, you need a keyboard with USB connector and a monitor with DVI-I or DP connector.
NUse only 1:1 DVI or DP connectors. Adapters like DVI-I to VGA or DP to VGA are not supported by the gateway.
BIOS settings
In the BIOS, select Advanced > IT8786 Super IO Configuration > Serial Port 1 Configuration for COM1 or Serial Port 2 Configuration for COM2.
Serial Port Configuration Parameter
Serial Port Enabled
Device Settings Display only
Serial Port 1 (COM1): IO=248h; IRQ=5 Serial Port 2 (COM2): IO=2F8h; IRQ=3
Onboard Serial Port Mode RS232
RS422 RS485 (do not use this setting) RS485 Auto (use this setting for RS-485 only, because RTS control is active)
Table4: Parameters of the serial interface

4.7.1 RS-232

RS-232 Pin Signal Description
1 DCD Data Carrier Detect
2 RXD Receive signal
3 TXD Send signal
4 DTR Data Terminal Ready
5 ISO_GND Ground (reference potential)
6 DSR Data Set Ready
7 RTS Request to Send
8 CTS Clear to Send
9 RI Ring Indicator
Table5: RS-232 D-Sub
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4.7.2 RS-422

RS-422 Pin Signal Description
1 Tx‑ Send signal negative
2 Tx+ Send signal positive
3 Rx‑ Receive signal negative
4 Rx+ Receive signal positive
5 ISO_GND Ground (reference potential)
6 n.c. -
7 n.c. -
8 n.c. -
9 n.c. -
Table6: RS-422 D-Sub

4.7.3 RS-485

RS-485 Pin Signal Description
1 Rx/Tx‑ Send/receive signal negative
2 Rx/Tx+ Send/receive signal positive
3 n.c. -
4 n.c. -
5 ISO_GND Ground (reference potential)
6 n.c. -
7 n.c. -
8 n.c. -
9 n.c. -
Table7: RS-485 D-Sub
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Connectors and mounting 17/292

4.8 Wi-Fi

The Edge Gateway NIOT-E-TIJCX-GB-RE\WF (article number 1321.301) is equipped with a Wi-Fi interface. It supports 2 Wi-Fi operating modes: Access Point and Client. Operating mode Access Point allows the Edge Gateway to connect to other Wi-Fi devices in order to configure the Edge Gateway from a mobile device for example. Operating mode Client allows the Edge Gateway to be connected to any Wi-Fi Access Point.
Section Configuring wireless communication (Wi-Fi) [}page67] describes how you activate the antennas and how to set the Wi-Fi operating mode.

4.9 Preparing gateway for cellular communication

The NIOT-E-TIJCX-GB-RE\4EU gateway (article number 1321.302) is equipped with a cellular modem for transmitting data into the cloud via 2G/3G/4G standard.
To use the cellular interface of the gateway, you require the following items (not included in the delivery of the Edge Gateway):
· Contract for mobile data with mobile communications provider
· SIM card of provider with registration credentials (SIM-Pin, password
· Two GSM/UMTS/LTE antennas with the following recommended characteristics (passive):
Direction: omnidirectional
Gain: > -3dBi (Avg)
Input impedance: 50 ohm
Efficiency: > 50%
VSWR: < 2
Connector type: SMA plug
If you are using the older GSM (2G) standard only, a single (main) antenna is sufficient.
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Installing SIM card in gateway
Ø Remove the screws and the cover of the card holder slot:
Figure6: Removing cover of card holder slot
Ø Press the little yellow button with your screwdriver to release the SIM
card holder tray. The tray is thereby slightly ejected in upward direction:
Figure7: Releasing SIM card holder tray
Ø Pull the SIM card tray out of the slot:
Figure8: Pulling out SIM card holder tray
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Ø Place the SIM card into the tray. If necessary, use an adapter to fit a
Nano or Micro SIM format into the Mini SIM format of the tray:
Figure9: SIM card in tray
Ø Re-insert the tray with the SIM card into the card holder slot:
Figure10: Inserting SIM card
Ø Re-attach the cover of the card holder slot.
Connecting the antennas
Recommended type and positioning of your antennas depend on the quality of your local radio signal. If your Edge Gateway is stationed inside a control cabinet, you should place the antennas outside the cabinet and connect the antennas via cable to the SMA sockets of the gateway.
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Ø Connect both antennas to the SMA sockets of the gateway:
Figure11: SMA sockets
If you are using solely the older GSM (2G) standard, you need only one antenna, which is to be connected at the "main" interface of the two SMA sockets. For identifying the main antenna interface on the gateway, see section Positions of the interfaces [}page10].

4.10 Monitor connectors

The Edge Gateway has a DVI-I and a DP connector to connect a monitor. You do not need a monitor for „normal“ operation of the Edge Gateway. If you want to change settings in the BIOS or want to do a firmware recovery, you need a monitor.
Use only 1:1 DVI or DP connectors. Adapters like DVI-I to VGA or DP to VGA are not supported by the gateway.
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5 LEDs

5.1 Positions of the LEDs on the gateway

Figure12: Positions of the LEDs on NIOT-E-TIJCX-GB-RE
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5.2 Gateway status LEDs

LEDs indicating voltage supply, hard disk access, battery state and activity of operating system, serial interfaces and GPIOs. The position of the LEDs is indicated by position (1) in section Positions of the LEDs on the gateway [}page21].
LED Color Meaning
green Voltage supply is OK
yellow Hard disk drive is accessed
yellow State of CMOS-RAM (BIOS) battery
PG0 yellow GPIO 4: can be programmed, currently not used.
TX1 green Transmission of data at serial interface COM1
RX1 yellow Receiving data at serial interface COM1
TX2 green Transmission of data at serial interface COM2
RX2 yellow Receiving data at serial interface COM2
PG1 green GPIO 0. Blinks when data is being copied from USB stick into gateway during firmware recovery.
PG2 yellow GPIO 1: can be programmed, currently not used.
PG3 yellow GPIO 2: can be programmed, currently not used.
PG4 yellow GPIO 3: can be programmed, currently not used.
Table8: Description of gateway status LEDs
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5.3 LEDs of the LAN interface

LEDs indicating state of the LAN communication. For the positions of the LAN LEDs, see section Positions of the LEDs on the gateway [}page21].
LED Color State Meaning
See positions (2) and
See positions (3) and
Duo LED green/orange
LED yellow
Table9: LEDs LAN interface
On 1 GBit network connection
On 100 MBit network connection
Off 10 MBit or no network connection
On The device does not send/receive Ethernet frames.
Flickering (load dependent)
Off The device does not send/receive Ethernet frames.
The device sends/receives frames.
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5.4 LEDs of the PROFINET IO Device interface

LED Color State Meaning
SF (System Failure)
Position in the device drawing: (10)
BF (Bus Failure)
Position in the device drawing: (7)
CH0 (11) , CH1 (8)
CH0 (9) , CH1 (6)
Duo LED red/green
Duo LED red/green
LED green
LED yellow
Table10: LED states for the PROFINET IO-Device protocol
(Off) No error
Flashing (1 Hz, 3 s)
On Watchdog timeout; channel, generic or extended diagnosis
Off No error
Flashing (2 Hz)
On No configuration;
On The device is linked to the Ethernet.
Off The device has no link to the Ethernet.
Flickering (load dependent)
Off The device does not send/receive Ethernet frames.
DCP signal service is initiated via the bus.
present; system error
No data exchange
or low speed physical link; or no physical link
The device sends/receives Ethernet frames.
LED state Definition
Flashing (1 Hz, 3 s)
Flashing (2 Hz)
Flickering (load dependent)
The indicator turns on and off for 3 seconds with a frequency of 1 Hz: “on” for 500 ms, followed by “off” for 500 ms.
The indicator turns on and off with a frequency of 2 Hz: “on” for 250 ms, followed by “off” for 250 ms.
The indicator turns on and off with a frequency of approximately 10 Hz to indicate high Ethernet activity: "on" for approximately 50 ms, followed by "off" for 50 ms. The indicator turns on and off in irregular intervals to indicate low Ethernet activity.
Table11: LED state definitions for the PROFINET IO-Device protocol
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5.5 LEDs of the EtherNet/IP Adapter interface

LED Color State Meaning
(module status)
Position in the device drawing: (10)
NS (Network status)
Position in the device drawing: (7)
Duo LED red/green
(green/red/ green)
Duo LED red/green
On Device operational: The device is operating correctly.
Flashing (1 Hz) Standby: The device has not been configured.
Flashing green/red/ green
Flashing (1 Hz) Major recoverable fault: The device has detected a major
On Major unrecoverable fault: The device has detected a major
Off No power: The device is powered off.
On Connected: An IP address is configured, at least one CIP
Flashing (1 Hz) No connections: An IP address is configured, but no CIP
Flashing green/red/off
Flashing (1 Hz) Connection timeout: An IP address is configured, and an
On Duplicate IP: The device has detected that its IP address is
Self-test: The device is performing its power-up testing. The module status indicator test sequence occurs before the network status indicator test sequence, according to the following sequence:
· Network status LED off.
· Module status LED turns green for approximately 250 ms,
turns red for approximately 250 ms, and again turns green (and holds that state until the power-up test has completed).
· Network status LED turns green for approximately 250 ms, turns red for approximately 250 ms, and then turns off (and holds that state until the power-up test has completed).
recoverable fault. E.g., an incorrect or inconsistent configuration can be considered a major recoverable fault.
unrecoverable fault.
connection (any transport class) is established, and an Exclusive Owner connection has not timed out.
connections are established, and an Exclusive Owner connection has not timed out.
Self-test: The device is performing its power-up testing. Refer to description for module status LED self-test.
Exclusive Owner connection for which this device is the target has timed out.
The network status indicator returns to steady green only when all timed out Exclusive Owner connections are reestablished.
already in use.
CH0 (11), CH1 (8)
CH0 (9), CH1 (6)
Edge Gateway | NIOT-E-TIJCX-GB-RE (On-Premise) DOC160402UM07EN | Revision 7 | English | 2019-07 | Released | Public
LED green
LED yellow
Table12: LED states for the EtherNet/IP Adapter protocol
(Off) Not powered, no IP address: The device does not have an
IP address (or is powered off).
On The device is linked to the Ethernet.
Off The device has no link to the Ethernet.
Flickering (load dependent)
Off The device does not send/receive Ethernet frames.
The device sends/receives Ethernet frames.
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LED state Definition
Flashing (1 Hz)
Flashing green/red/ green
Flashing green/red/off
Flickering (load dependant)
Table13: LED state definitions for the EtherNet/IP Adapter protocol
The indicator turns on and off with a frequency of 1 Hz: “on” for 500 ms, followed by “off” for 500 ms.
The MS LED indicator turns on green on for 250 ms, then red on for 250 ms, then green on (until the test is completed).
The NS LED indicator turns on green on for 250 ms, then red on for 250 ms, then off (until the test is completed).
The indicator turns on and off with a frequency of approximately 10 Hz to indicate high Ethernet activity: on for approximately 50 ms, followed by off for 50 ms. The indicator turns on and off in irregular intervals to indicate low Ethernet activity
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6 Commissioning the Edge Gateway

6.1 Establishing the IP address communication

An IP address is required to address the Edge Gateway in the LAN network.
The following figure shows the factory setting of the LAN interfaces and the assignment to the connectors.
Figure13: Default settings of the Ethernet network connectors
You have two possibilities of establishing a connection with the Edge Gateway (factory setting):
NetNetwork connection - alternative 1: DHCP server available
If a DHCP server is available in the network: Ø Use an Ethernet cable to connect the LAN connection port 1 (eth0)
(see position (7) in section Positions of the interfaces [}page10]) with a network in which a DHCP server is available.
ð The Edge Gateway obtains an IP address from the DHCP server.
Access to the Edge Gateway is possible now.
The Edge Gateway sends a request to a DHCP server once after switching on the device or after each connection of the Ethernet cable, i.e. when the Edge Gateway detects a link signal. If you want to activate a request of the Edge Gateway to the DHCP server manually, pull off the Ethernet cable from the Edge Gateway and reconnect it to the Edge Gateway.
Read section Using the web browser to establish a connection with the Edge Gateway [}page29] to find out how to access the Edge Gateway.
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Network connection - alternative 2: Direct connection and adaptation of the IP address of the PC or notebook used for commissioning
The IP address of the Edge Gateway (factory setting) is and the subnet mask is at LAN connection port 2 (eth1, see position (5) in section Positions of the interfaces [}page10]).
If no DHCP server is available, you can set an IP address on your PC or notebook, which suits the same subnet:
Ø Use an Ethernet cable to connect the LAN connection port 2 (eth1)
directly with your PC or notebook.
Ø Open the Control panel. Ø Click on Network and Sharing Center. Ø Click on Change adapter settings. Ø Double click the name of the network connection: Local Area
Connection. (The name of the network connection may be different on your PC.)
Ø Click on Properties. Ø Double click on Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4). Ø Set the following IP address, e.g. and subnet mask
Ø Click on Ok and then click on Close. ð Now you can access the Edge Gateway from your PC or notebook.
Read section Using the IP address [}page31] to find out how to access the Edge Gateway.
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6.2 Using the web browser to establish a connection with the Edge Gateway

You have three possibilities to access the Edge Gateway:
1. by means of the host name (see section Using the host name [}page29])
2. by access via the Windows network (see section Access to the Edge Gateway in the Windows network environment [}page30]),
3. by using the IP address (see section Using the IP address [}page31]).

6.2.1 Using the host name

The Edge Gateway has a host name you can use to access the device.
Where do you find the host name on the device?
The device is delivered (factory setting) with a label printed at its bottom. In the figure below the host name has a red frame.
Figure14: Device label: Hostname
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Establishing a connection with the host name
Ø Enter the following address in the address line of your browser:
https://<hostname> Example: For the device with the host name NTB827EB1D9D94 enter https:// NTB827EB1D9D94
ð The Edge Gateway Manager opens.
You can now use the Edge Gateway manager to configure the device. For this purpose, read section Edge Gateway Manager web page [}page33].

6.2.2 Access to the Edge Gateway in the Windows network environment

To be located easily in the network, the Edge Gateway uses the UPnP technology (Universal Plug and Play). This technology will display the Edge Gateway in the Windows network environment.
Ø To display all devices in the network, click on Network in the Windows
Ê You will find the Edge Gateway under Other Devices:
Ø Open the context menu of this entry and select Properties. Ê The menu provides information on the Edge Gateway, e.g. serial
number, MAC address, host name or die IP address.
Ø Click on the link under Device web page. ð The Edge Gateway manager opens. Ø To open the Edge Gateway manager, you can also double-click on the
device icon.
ð The Edge Gateway manager opens.
You can now use the Edge Gateway manager to configure the device. For this purpose, read section Edge Gateway Manager web page [}page33].
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