1.4.2 Important Notes...............................................................................................................................10
1.4.3 Exclusion of Liability........................................................................................................................ 11
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1 Introduction
1.1 Migration from netX 50 to netX 51/52
This manual describes the differences between the netX 50 and netX 51/52 with the aim to support
and lead you during the migration from netX 50 to netX 51/52.
Real-Time-Ethernet / Fieldbus
8x IO-Link
2x I2C
672 KB
Channel 1
netX 51 / 52
* netX 52:
None external Memory Bus
100 MHz
ARM 966
100 MHz
Channel 2
Figure 1: Functionality and Price of netX 6/50/51/52
Within the netX network controller family the netX 50 support all Real-Time-Ethernet systems. After
a few years in the market it was necessary to upgrade the communication functionality to support
PROFINET in the version 2.3. Together with some other enhancement we are offering the pin
compatible controller netX 51. This can be placed on already existing netX 50 PCBs without
modifications. It also supports IO-Link version 1.1 and includes much more RAM and an additional
32-Bit Risc Controller, CAN controller and a MAC.
The same functionality is available as netX 52 without an external memory bus in a smaller
package for a lower price.
The netX 6 with the same housing as the netX 52 is designed as network access controller. This
means it needs additional a host CPU to run the protocol stack. It includes only the 32-Bit Risc
controller and less memory to realize only the Real-Time-Switch functionality.
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With the netX 52 you can build up a very compact (30 x 30 mm) 2-Port Real-Time-Ethernet
Interfaces for a very low price. With the loadable firmware the whole interface works a black box
with a configurable 8-/16-/32-Bit Dual-Port-Memory or a SPI slave interface.
The following block diagram gives you an overview. The detailed schematic you will find in the
annex of this Migration Guide.
Material Cost per Interface in quantities of 10.000 pcs. without PCB 16,00 €
Table 1: Material Costs
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1.2 List of Revisions
Rev Date Name Chapter Revision
0 2012-02-01 AO All Created.
1 2012-02-08 HJH All Reviewed.
2 2012-04-25 HJH Added some additional explanation.
3 2012-11-28 HH 1.3.1 Signal name for MII interface starts with MII (instead of ETH) in Table 4.
2.1.1 Figure 4: MAC (to PHY) mappable into Host Interface.
3.1.2 Corrections
3.2 Section Alternative Function at Host Interface added.
All variables, parameters, and data used in this manual have the LSB/MSB (“Intel”) data format.
This corresponds to the convention of the Microsoft C Compiler.
All IP addresses in this document have host byte order.
I2C_SCL I2C Serial Clock Line
I2C_SDA I2C Serial Data Line
USB_VDDC USB Power Supply Core 1.5 V
USB_VDDIO USB Power Supply IO 3.3 V
BSCAN_TRST Reset Boundary Scan Controller
TEST Activate Test Mode (left open)
TMC1 Test Mode 1 (left open)
TMC2 Test Mode 2 (left open)
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TACT_TRST Reset Test Controller
MEM_IF_OM Memory Interface Output Mode, Connect to GND for normal operating mode
MMIO0...48 Multiplex Matrix IO 0...48
Fieldbus Interface
XM0_TX XMAC0 Transmit Data
XM0_ECLK External Clock input for XM0_TX / output from XMAC0
XM0_TX_ECLK XMAC0 Transmit Data, clocked with external clock
FB0_CLK Clock output of fb0_clk
XM1_TX XMAC1 Transmit Data
XM1_ECLK External Clock input for XM1_TX / output from XMAC1
XM1_TX_ECLK XMAC1 Transmit Data, clocked with external clock
FB1_CLK Clock output of fb1_clk
Ethernet MAC MII Interface
MII_RXCLK Ethernet MAC Rx Clock
MII_RXD0...3 Ethernet MAC Rx Data 0...3
MII_RXDV Ethernet MAC Rx Data Valid
MII_RXER Ethernet MAC Rx Error
MII_TXCLK Ethernet MAC Tx Clock
MII_TXD0...3 Ethernet MAC Tx Data 0...3
MII_TXEN Ethernet MAC Tx Enable
MII_TXER Ethernet MAC Tx Error
MII_COL Ethernet MAC Collision
MII_CRS Ethernet MAC Carrier Sense
Memory Interface
MEMSR_CS0...2n SRAM Chip Select 0...2
MEMSR_OEn SRAM Output Enable
MEMSR_WEn SRAM Write Enable
MEMDR_WEn SDRAM Write Enable
MEM_DQM0 Memory Data Qualifier Mask D0-7
MEM_DQM1 Memory Data Qualifier Mask D8-15
MEM_DQM2 Memory Data Qualifier Mask D16-23
MEM_DQM3 Memory Data Qualifier Mask D24-31
MEM_D0...31 Memory Data 0-31
MEM_A0...23 Memory Addre ss 0-23
PHY0_RXN PHY 0 Receive Input negative
PHY0_RXP PHY 0 Receive Input positive
PHY0_TXN PHY 0 Transmit Output negative
PHY0_TXP PHY 0 Transmit Output positive
FO0_RD Fiberoptic Ethernet channel 0, Receive Data
FO0_TD Fiberoptic Ethernet channel 0, Transmit Data
FO0_EN Fiberoptic Ethernet channel 0, Enable
FO0_SD Fiberoptic Ethernet channe l 0, Signal Detect
PHY0_VSSAT1 PHY 0 Analog Ground Supply
PHY0_VSSAT2 PHY 0 Analog Ground Supply
PHY0_VSSAR PHY 0 Analog Ground Supply
PHY0_VDDCART PHY 0 Analog TX/RX Power Supply 1.5 V
PHY1_RXN PHY 1 Receive Input negative
PHY1_RXP PHY 1 Receive Input positive
PHY1_TXN PHY 1 Transmit Output negative
PHY1_TXP PHY 1 Transmit Output positive
FO1_RD Fiberoptic Ethernet channel 1, Receive Data
FO1_TD Fiberoptic Ethernet channel 1, Transmit Data
FO1_EN Fiberoptic Ethernet channel 1, Enable
FO1_SD Fiberoptic Ethernet channe l 1, Signal Detect
PHY1_VSSAT1 PHY 1 Analog Ground Supply
PHY1_VSSAT2 PHY 1 Analog Ground Supply
PHY1_VSSAR PHY 1 Analog Ground Supply
PHY1_VDDCART PHY 1 Analog TX/RX Power Supply 1.5 V
PHY_EXTRES Reference Resistor 12.4 k / 1%
PHY_ATP Leave open!
PHY_VSSACP PHY Analog Central Ground Supply
PHY_VDDCAP PHY Analog Central Power Supply 1.5 V
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PHY_VDDIOAC PHY Analog Central Power Supply 3.3 V
PHY_VSSAT PHY Analog Test Ground Supply
PHY_VDDIOAT PHY Analog Test Power Supply 3.3 V
VSS Ground Supply (except PHY and Oscillator)
VDDC Power Supply, Core 1.5 V (except PHY and Oscillator)
VDDIO Power Supply, IO Buffer 3.3 V (except PHY and USB)
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1.4 Legal Notes
1.4.1 Copyright
2012-2013, Hilscher Gesellschaft für Systemautomation mbH
All rights reserved.
The images, photographs and texts in the accompanying material (user manual, accompanying
texts, documentation, etc.) are protected by German and international copyright law as well as
international trade and protection provisions. You are not authorized to duplicate these in whole or
in part using technical or mechanical methods (printing, photocopying or other methods), to
manipulate or transfer using electronic systems without prior written consent. You are not permitted
to make changes to copyright notices, markings, trademarks or ownership declarations. The
included diagrams do not take the patent situation into account. The company names and product
descriptions included in this document may be trademarks or brands of the respective owners and
may be trademarked or patented. Any form of further use requires the explicit consent of the
respective rights owner.
1.4.2 Important Notes
The user manual, accompanying texts and the documentation were created for the use of the
products by qualified experts, however, errors cannot be ruled out. For this reason, no guarantee
can be made and neither juristic responsibility for erroneous information nor any liability can be
assumed. Descriptions, accompanying texts and documentation included in the user manual do
not present a guarantee nor any information about proper use as stipulated in the contract or a
warranted feature. It cannot be ruled out that the user manual, the accompanying texts and the
documentation do not correspond exactly to the described features, standards or other data of the
delivered product. No warranty or guarantee regarding the correctness or accuracy of the
information is assumed.
We reserve the right to change our products and their specification as well as related user
manuals, accompanying texts and documentation at all times and without advance notice, without
obligation to report the change. Changes will be included in future manuals and do not constitute
any obligations. There is no entitlement to revisions of delivered documents. The manual delivered
with the product applies.
Hilscher Gesellschaft für Systemautomation mbH is not liable under any circumstances for direct,
indirect, incidental or follow-on damage or loss of earnings resulting from the use of the information
contained in this publication.
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1.4.3 Exclusion of Liability
The software was produced and tested with utmost care by Hilscher Gesellschaft für
Systemautomation mbH and is made available as is. No warranty can be assumed for the
performance and flawlessness of the software for all usage conditions and cases and for the
results produced when utilized by the user. Liability for any damages that may result from the use
of the hardware or software or related documents, is limited to cases of intent or grossly negligent
violation of significant contractual obligations. Indemnity claims for the violation of significant
contractual obligations are limited to damages that are foreseeable and typical for this type of
It is strictly prohibited to use the software in the following areas:
for military purposes or in weapon systems;
for the design, construction, maintenance or operation of nuclear facilities;
in air traffic control systems, air traffic or air traffic communication systems;
in life support systems;
in systems in which failures in the software could lead to personal injury or injuries leading to
We inform you that the software was not developed for use in dangerous environments requiring
fail-proof control mechanisms. Use of the software in such an environment occurs at your own risk.
No liability is assumed for damages or losses due to unauthorized use.
1.4.4 Export
The delivered product (including the technical data) is subject to export or import laws as well as
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2 Comparison netX 50 with netX 51/52
2.1 Overview
2.1.1 Block Diagrams
Block Diagram netX 50
Figure 3: Block Diagram of netX 50
Block Diagram netX 51/52
Figure 4: Block Diagram of netX 51/52
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2.1.2 Key Features
The netX 51 and netX 52 is an enhancement of the existing netX 50 to fulfil the increasing
demands of performance and functionality of industrial networks. These controllers are supporting
the PROFINET Specification 2.3 with the new option of Dynamic Frame Packaging and the IO-Link
Version 1.1 with long telegrams.
We followed the successful strategy of the netX 10 controllers and implemented a second RISC
CPU. This can be programmed by the user to work parallel with the ARM CPU handling very fast
IO signals without interfering the communication tasks.
Further more we increased the application interface with a dedicated CAN Controller and an
Ethernet MAC. Very often these communication lines were the reason to use the more expensive
three channel controller netX 100.
To increase the over all performance of the netX 51 / 52 and to allow real single chip solutions the
internal memory is dramatically enlarged from 96 KByte to 672 KByte.
netX 50 51 52
CPU ARM 966-200 MHzARM 966-100 MHz
Secondary CPU xPIC-100 MHz
SRAM / ROM / ITCM / DTCM [kByte] 96 / 64 / 8 / 8 672 / 64 / - / Separate External Memory Bus X X DPM parallel [Data Width] 8 / 16 / 32
DPM serial - X
Host Interface PIOs 54 58
Host Interface usable as
ExtMemBus / SDRAM / MAC
Communication Channels 2
Internal PHYs 2
CAN Controller / Ethernet MAC - / - X / X
IO-Link: Channels/Version 8 / V1.0 8 / V1.0, V1.1
USB Host / Device X / X - / X
UARTs / I2C / SPI / QSPI 3 / 1 / 2 / - 3 / 2 / 1 / 1
IEEE 1588 System Time X
IOs (without Host Interface PIOs) 32 40 24
Pins / Package 324 / PBGA 244 / PBGA
Grid / size [mm] 1.0 mm / 19x19 0.8 mm / 15x15
Fieldbus / RTE (w/o PN IRT with DFP and FTS) X / X
Support PROFINET IRT with DFP - X
Support Fast Track Switching (FTS) - X
Table 5: Key Features
- / - / -
X / - / X
X / X / X
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2.1.3 Enhancements of netX 51/52 against netX 50
Significant more internal memory available to accelerate tasks
High performance access to INTRAM blocks via TCM channels of ARM CPU
Reduced Power Consumption with higher Performance based on lower System Clock with
ARM CPU high speed Memory Access via two TCM channels
Improved ARM performance on SDRAM
Performance of communication channel doubled to support high performance RTE-systems
as PROFINET IRT with Dynamic Frame Packing or Fast-Track-Switching
xPIC as additional 100 MHz RISC CPU for time-critical tasks
Separate CAN Controller in addition to two communication channels
Separate Ethernet MAC in addition to two communication channels (Datalink layer done by
New generation of Renesas’ internal PHYs for shortening cut-through delays
Dual-Port Memory: minimized access times, can run without Wait / Busy-line
Serial access to internal DPM via SPI/QSPI Slave interface without interfering of ARM CPU
Support IO-Link V1.1 specification
Dedicated Quad SPI Controller instead using internal communication controller for fast
loading of program code
Support of XiP (Execution in Place). Execution of program code directly out of serial flash
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Package, Pinning, Pad Cells 15/56
3 Package, Pinning, Pad Cells
The netX 51 comes in a 324 pin PBGA package and has the same pinning and size as the netX 50
has. It is designed to replace the netX 50 without changing the PCB (drop-in-replacement).
The netX 52 comes in a smaller 244 pin PBGA package with 0.8mm grid.
3.1 netX 52
3.1.1 netX 52 Package
Figure 5: Mechanical Dimensions of the netX 52
Symbol Min Type Max
A1 0.29 mm 0.35 mm 0.41 mm
A2 1.11 mm
b 0.40 mm 0.50 mm 0.55 mm
E 14.90 mm 15.00 mm 15.10 mm
e 0.80 mm
D 14.90 mm 15.00 mm 15.10 mm
Table 6: Mechanical Dimensions of the netX 52
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Package, Pinning, Pad Cells 17/56
Pin Pad
A09 IOU9 IO DPM_D24 DPM Dual-Port Memory Data 24
A08 IOU9 IO DPM_D25 DPM Dual-Port Memory Data 25
A06 IOU9 IO DPM_D26 DPM Dual-Port Memory Data 26
B07 IOU9 IO DPM_D27 DPM Dual-Port Memory Data 27
A02 IOU9 IO DPM_D28 DPM Dual-Port Memory Data 28
A04 IOU9 IO DPM_D29 DPM Dual-Port Memory Data 29
D03 IOU9 IO DPM_D30 DPM Dual-Port Memory Data 30
H17 IOU9 IO DPM_D31 DPM Dual-Port Memory Data 31
D16 IOU9 IO DPM_DIRQn DPM Dual-Port Memory Data Interrupt
B15 IOU9 IO DPM_RDn DPM Dual-Port Memory Read
C15 IOU9 IO DPM_WAITn DPM Dual-Port Memory Wait
C08 IOD9 IO DPM_SIRQn DPM Dual-Port Memory Sync Interrupt
B16 IOU9 IO DPM_WRHn/BE3n DPM Dual-Port Memory Byte Enable 3
B14 IOU9 IO DPM_WRn/WRLn DPM Dual-Port Memory Write
E03 IDS I BSCAN_TRST GENERAL Reset Boundary Scan Controller
V07 PLL power supply I OSC_VDDC GENERAL Oscillator Power Supply Core 1.5V
U07 PLL power supply I OSC_VSS GENERAL Oscillator Power Supply Ground
U08 Ocsillator pad I OSC_XTI GENERAL 25 MHz Crystal Input
V08 Ocsillator pad O OSC_XTO GENERAL 25 MHz Crystal Output
C01 IUS I PORn GENERAL Power on Reset
F01 IOD6 IO RDYn GENERAL RDY-LED / Boot start option
D01 OZ6 O RSTOUTn GENERAL Reset Output
F02 IOD6 IO RUNn GENERAL RUN-LED / Boot start option
G02 IDS I TACT_TRST GENERAL Reset Test Controller
B10 ID I TEST GENERAL Activate Test Mode (left open)
F03 Internal Test pin, tmc1 I TMC1 GENERAL Test Mode 1 (left open)
G03 Internal Test pin, tmc2 I TMC2 GENERAL Test Mode 2 (left open)
H18 IOZUS9 (5K pull up) IO I2C_SCL I2C I2C Serial Clock Line
H16 IOZUS9 (5K pull up) IO I2C_SDA I2C I2C Serial Data Line
J03 IUS I JT_TDI JT AG JTAG Test Data Input
M03 OZ6 O JT_TDO JTAG JTAG Test Data Output
K03 IUS I JT_TMS JTAG JTAG Test Mode Select
T13 - - n. c. - Reserved
T10 1,5V Core Power VDDC POWER Power Supply Core 1.5V
T12 1,5V Core Power VDDC POWER Power Supply Core 1.5V
T11 3,3V IO Power VDDIO POWER Power Supply IO 3.3V
U14 3,3V IO Power VDDIO POWER Power Supply IO 3.3V
U10 - - n. c. - Reserved
V10 - - n. c. - Reserved
U12 - - n. c. - Reserved
V12 - - n. c. - Reserved
U11 - - n. c. - Reserved
V11 - - n. c. - Reserved
U13 - I- n. c. - Reserved
Signal Group Description
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DOC120109MG05EN | Revision 5 | English | 2013-08 | Released | Public 2012-2013
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