hilscher EU5C-SWD-ETHERCAT User Manual

User Manual
SmartWire-DT Gateway
Hilscher Gesellschaft für Systemautomation mbH
DOC140901UM01EN | Revision 1 | English | 2015-03 | Released | Public
Table of Contents 2/98
SmartWire-DT Gateway | EU5C-SWD-ETHERCAT DOC140901UM01EN | Revision 1 | English | 2015-03 | Released | Public © Hilscher 2015
Table of contents
1 INTRODUCTION.........................................................................................................5
1.1 About this document ...................................................................................................5
1.1.1 Description of the contents...................................................................................5
1.1.2 List of revisions.....................................................................................................5
1.1.3 Conventions in this document ..............................................................................6
1.2 Versions of devices, firmware, software tools, drivers and device description files....7
1.3 Software package .......................................................................................................8
1.3.1 Contents of the product DVD ...............................................................................8
1.3.2 How to use the product DVD..............................................................................10
1.3.3 Notes on installing the USB Driver.....................................................................11
1.4 Documentation overview ..........................................................................................12
1.5 Legal notes ...............................................................................................................13
1.5.1 Copyright ............................................................................................................13
1.5.2 Important notes...................................................................................................13
1.5.3 Exclusion of liability ............................................................................................14
1.5.4 Warranty .............................................................................................................14
1.5.5 Export regulations...............................................................................................15
1.5.6 Registered trademarks .......................................................................................15
2 SAFETY ....................................................................................................................16
2.1 General note .............................................................................................................16
2.2 Intended use .............................................................................................................16
2.3 Personnel qualification..............................................................................................16
2.4 References safety.....................................................................................................16
2.5 Safety instructions to avoid personal injury ..............................................................17
2.5.1 Electrical shock hazard ......................................................................................17
2.5.2 Danger of unintended starting up of machines ..................................................17
2.6 Safety instructions to avoid property damage...........................................................18
2.6.1 General safety instructions concerning supply voltage ......................................18
2.6.2 Device destruction by exceeding allowed supply voltage ..................................18
2.6.3 Electrostatic sensitive device .............................................................................19
2.7 Labeling of safety messages ....................................................................................20
3 DESCRIPTION OF THE EU5C-SWD-ETHERCAT GATEWAY ................................21
3.1 Function ....................................................................................................................21
3.2 Configuration ............................................................................................................22
3.2.1 SmartWire-DT configuration...............................................................................22
3.2.2 EtherCAT configuration ......................................................................................23
3.3 Interfaces ..................................................................................................................23
3.4 Diagnosis ..................................................................................................................23
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SmartWire-DT Gateway | EU5C-SWD-ETHERCAT DOC140901UM01EN | Revision 1 | English | 2015-03 | Released | Public © Hilscher 2015
3.5 Firmware and device description files.......................................................................23
4 REQUIREMENTS FOR OPERATION.......................................................................24
4.1 Network systems ......................................................................................................24
4.2 Power supply ............................................................................................................24
4.2.1 POW power connection......................................................................................25
4.2.2 AUX power connection.......................................................................................25
5 DEVICE PICTURE, CONNECTORS AND LEDS ......................................................26
5.1 Device picture ...........................................................................................................26
5.2 Positions and meaning of the LEDs..........................................................................27
5.2.1 Positions of the LEDs .........................................................................................27
5.2.2 Descriptions of the LEDs....................................................................................28
5.3 Pinning of the Real-Time Ethernet interface.............................................................30
5.4 Device type label ......................................................................................................31
6 GETTING STARTED................................................................................................. 32
7 INSTALLING GATEWAY...........................................................................................33
7.1 Safety messages ......................................................................................................33
7.2 Mounting gateway.....................................................................................................34
7.2.1 Mounting gateway onto top hat rail ....................................................................34
7.2.2 Removing gateway from top hat rail...................................................................36
7.3 Connecting gateway to power supply .......................................................................37
7.4 Connecting SmartWire-DT........................................................................................39
7.5 Connecting EtherCAT...............................................................................................40
7.6 EMC-conformant wiring of the network.....................................................................41
8 CONFIGURING GATEWAY ...................................................................................... 42
8.1 Configuring SmartWire-DT network in gateway (creating target configuration)........42
8.1.1 Overview.............................................................................................................42
8.1.2 Prerequisites.......................................................................................................43
8.1.3 Step-by-step instructions....................................................................................44
8.2 Configuring gateway in EtherCAT ............................................................................45
8.2.1 Overview.............................................................................................................45
8.2.2 Configuring gateway in TwinCAT .......................................................................45
9 PARAMETERIZATION..............................................................................................52
9.1 Process data.............................................................................................................52
9.2 Configuring SmartWire-DT Coordinator....................................................................53
9.2.1 Overview.............................................................................................................53
9.2.2 Prerequisites.......................................................................................................55
9.2.3 Step-by-step instructions....................................................................................55
9.3 Configuration data of the SWD devices....................................................................58
9.3.1 Overview.............................................................................................................58
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9.3.2 Configuring device options of SmartWire-DT devices in TwinCAT....................59
9.3.3 Configuring device parameters (sensor parameters of I/O modules) ................66
10 ACYCLICAL COMMUNICATION ..............................................................................73
10.1 Overview...................................................................................................................73
10.2 Read request: reading data of an SWD Slave..........................................................75
10.2.1 Activating read request.......................................................................................75
10.2.2 Querying the state of the read request...............................................................76
10.2.3 Example of a read request .................................................................................77
10.3 Write request: writing data in an SWD Slave............................................................78
10.3.1 Activating write request ......................................................................................78
10.3.2 Querying the state of the write request ..............................................................79
10.3.3 Example of a write request.................................................................................80
10.4 Error messages (emergency telegrams) ..................................................................82
10.4.1 Overview.............................................................................................................82
10.4.2 Diagnosis code ...................................................................................................82
10.4.3 Error flags ...........................................................................................................83
11 UPDATING FIRMWARE WITH TWINCAT SYSTEM MANAGER .............................84
11.1 Overview...................................................................................................................84
11.2 Prerequisites.............................................................................................................84
11.3 Step-by-step instructions ..........................................................................................84
12 FIRMWARE RECOVERY VIA HTTP.........................................................................87
12.1 Overview...................................................................................................................87
12.2 Prerequisites.............................................................................................................87
12.3 Step-by-step instructions ..........................................................................................88
13 TECHNICAL DATA ...................................................................................................93
13.1 Technical data EU5C-SWD-ETHERCAT gateway ...................................................93
13.2 Technical data EtherCAT slave ................................................................................95
14 ANNEX......................................................................................................................96
14.1 List of figures ............................................................................................................96
14.2 List of tables..............................................................................................................97
14.3 Contacts....................................................................................................................98
Introduction 5/98
SmartWire-DT Gateway | EU5C-SWD-ETHERCAT DOC140901UM01EN | Revision 1 | English | 2015-03 | Released | Public © Hilscher 2015
1 Introduction
1.1 About this document
1.1.1 Description of the contents
This manual describes the Hilscher EU5C-SWD-ETHERCAT
SmartWire-DT Gateway. Here you will find information on how to install, configure and operate the gateway.
This manual is intended for automation technicians and engineers. Detailed
knowledge of the EtherCAT
Real-Time Ethernet protocol is presumed. In
addition, readers should also be familiar with the TwinCAT System
Manager and the SmartWire-DT system.
To avoid personal injuries or damage of electrical devices, please read
this manual carefully before installing and using the EU5C-SWD­ETHERCAT Gateway.
Please first read the Safety chapter on page 16 ff.
1.1.2 List of revisions
Revision Date Chapter Revisions
1 2015-03-17 All Created
Table 1: List of revisions
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SmartWire-DT Gateway | EU5C-SWD-ETHERCAT DOC140901UM01EN | Revision 1 | English | 2015-03 | Released | Public © Hilscher 2015
1.1.3 Conventions in this document
Notes, operation instructions and results of operation steps are marked as follows:
Important: <important note>
Note: <note>
<note, where to find further information>
Operating Instructions
1. <Operating step>
2. <Operating step>
<Operating instruction>
For a description of the labeling of Safety Messages, see Labeling of
safety m
essages section on page 20.
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SmartWire-DT Gateway | EU5C-SWD-ETHERCAT DOC140901UM01EN | Revision 1 | English | 2015-03 | Released | Public © Hilscher 2015
1.2 Versions of devices, firmware, software tools, drivers and device description files
The hardware revisions and software versions functionally belong together. This means that certain revisions of the hardware of the gateway need certain versions of firmware, software and drivers, in order to function properly. This section lists the hardware revisions and the versions of the firmware, the configuration software and the drivers which functionally belong together and to which all instructions in this manual refer.
Device and firmware
This manual refers to the following hardware revision and firmware version of the EU5C-SWD-ETHERCAT Gateway:
Device type name Protocol Part number
Hardware revision
Firmware version
EU5C-SWD-ETHERCAT EtherCAT® slave 9233.922 3 E030F0U0.nxf 1.0.x.x
Table 2: Reference to hardware and firmware
Software tools
This manual refers to the following software versions:
Software Manufacturer Version
SWD-Assist Eaton 2.xx
TwinCAT System Manager Beckhoff Automation GmbH 2.11
Table 3: Reference to software tools
This manual refers to the following driver versions:
Driver File name Version
Windows USB Driver usbser.sys
Depending on Windows version
Table 4: Reference to drivers
Device description files
This manual refers to the following device description files (ESI ­EtherCAT
Slave Information files):
Device description file File name
ESI for SWD participants Eaton_EU5C-SWD-ETHERCAT_Modules_XXXXXXXX.xml
ESI for SWD partner devices by Phoenix Phoenix_EU5C-SWD-ETHERCAT_Modules_XXXXXXXX.xml
ESI for SWD partner devices by Wöhner Woehner_EU5C-SWD-ETHERCAT_Modules_XXXXXXXX.xml
Table 5: Reference to device description files
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SmartWire-DT Gateway | EU5C-SWD-ETHERCAT DOC140901UM01EN | Revision 1 | English | 2015-03 | Released | Public © Hilscher 2015
1.3 Software package
Hilscher offers the optional software package EU5C-SWD-SW (part number
3233.920) for SmartWire-DT Gateways. The package features the
SmartWire-DT Gateway Solutions product DVD and a Mini-USB cable. The SmartWire-DT Gateway Solutions product DVD contains the
Slave Information files (ESI) necessary for configuring the
EU5C-SWD-ETHERCAT gateway within the EtherCAT
network. If you do not need the whole package with the USB cable, you can download the contents of the product DVD separately and free of charge as ZIP file from our website www.hilscher.com
under Products > Product Groups >
Partner Products > SmartWire-DT > EU5C-SWD-ETHERCAT > Downloads > Software.
Note: The TwinCAT System Manager used in the commissioning example
in this document is not included on the product DVD. TwinCAT can be obtained from the Beckhoff Automation GmbH.
1.3.1 Contents of the product DVD
The SmartWire-DT Gateway Solutions product DVD contains software for
all types of SmartWire-DT gateways. Depending on the gateway type you are using, you will need only certain features of the DVD.
The product DVD includes:
Device description files
Eaton SWD-Assist software
Wizard for installing the software available on the DVD and for
downloading the latest version of the SWD-Assist software from the internet
Installation program for USB driver (USB driver is needed for connecting
the gateway to a PC in order to use the Eaton SWD-Assist software)
Installation program for the Hilscher Ethernet Device Configuration Tool
Documentation in PDF format
Installation program for Adobe Reader
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The product DVD has the following directories:
Directory Contents
Documentation PDF manuals in German and English and installation program for Adobe Reader
Electronic device description files and bitmaps, to be imported directly into Master/Controller configuration software.
Firmware Loadable gateway firmware
fscommand Files for start screen of product DVD
Setups & Drivers
SWD-Assist software Folder: SWD-Assist
Wizard for installing the software available on the DVD and for downloading the latest version of the SWD-Assist software from the internet Folder: Setup
Installation program for Ethernet Device Configuration Tool Folder: EnDeviceCfg
Installation program (setup.exe) and .INF- and .CAT- files for Windows USB driver. Folder: USB Driver
Table 6: Directory of the product DVD
Note: You can use the wizard on the product DVD to download updates of
the Eaton SWD-Assist software, or you can download SWD-Assist directly
from the www.moeller.net website under Support > Download Center.
Direct link:
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SmartWire-DT Gateway | EU5C-SWD-ETHERCAT DOC140901UM01EN | Revision 1 | English | 2015-03 | Released | Public © Hilscher 2015
1.3.2 How to use the product DVD
Insert the SmartWire-DT Gateway Solutions product DVD into the DVD
drive of your configuration PC. If the auto start function of your DVD drive is enabled, the start screen of the DVD automatically opens. You can also start the DVD by double­clicking the SmartWire.exe file in the root directory of the DVD.
In the menu of the start screen of the DVD, click Install Planning and Configuration Tools to open a wizard for installing the software programs
stored on the DVD. The wizard also helps you to download the latest version of the Eaton planning software SWD-Assist from the internet. It automatically checks for already installed software components (which e. g. might have been installed for an earlier project), and lists the missing components accordingly. The following options might be offered:
USB Driver: installs USB driver for Windows on your PC.  Download Center SWD-Assist (manual update): connects your
browser to a web page where you can download the latest version of the
SWD-Assist software.
SWD Planning Software SWD-Assist Vx.xx: installs the SWD-Assist
software version provided on the DVD.
Ethernet Device Scanner/Configuration Tool: installs the Hilscher
Ethernet Device Configuration Tool.
GSDML, EDS, ESI files (HTML page): opens a web page containing
links to the device description files.
In the main menu of the start screen of the DVD, you can furthermore open a web page which provides an overview of all available documents (menu
Documentation). You can also directly open the folder containing the device description files (menu Open Electronic Device Description Files Directory).
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1.3.3 Notes on installing the USB Driver
If you intend to use the SWD-Assist software, you should first install the USB driver on your PC before you connect the EU5C-SWD-ETHERCAT Gateway via USB.
To install the USB driver from the DVD, choose Install Planning and Configuration Tools in the DVD menu to open the installation wizard, and then select the USB driver option. As an alternative, you can use the Windows Explorer to open the Setups & Drivers\USB Driver folder on the DVD, and then double-click the setup.exe file. Just follow the
instructions of the installation routine afterwards.
Note: Under Windows XP, the installation process is not yet finished by the setup. The installation process has to be completed in the Found new Hardware Wizard, which automatically opens when you connect the
gateway to a PC via USB cable for the first time (see below).
Windows XP
When you connect the gateway via USB for the first time to a PC running
under Windows XP, the Found New Hardware Wizard opens: Answer the question Can Windows connect to Windows Update…?,
with No, not this time. Then click Next button.
If you have already carried out the setup of the USB driver (as
recommended), you can ignore the wizard’s request to insert a CD or
floppy disk. Answer the What do you want the wizard to do? question by selecting the Install the software automatically option, then click Next button.
After the installation is complete, click Finish button.
Windows 7 and 8
The USB connection is instantly operative under Windows 7 and 8 if you have carried out the setup of the USB driver before first connecting the USB cable (as recommended).
Uninstall USB Driver
If you want to remove the USB driver from a PC running under Windows
XP, choose Start menu > Control Panel > Add or Remove Programs,
then select:
Windows Driver Package – Hilscher GmbH (hilusbser) Ports entry. Click Change/Remove button to uninstall the driver.
Under Windows 7 and 8, choose Start menu > Control Panel > Uninstall
a program, then select: Windows Driver Package – Hilscher GmbH (hilusbser) Ports entry. Click Uninstall/Change button to uninstall the driver.
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1.4 Documentation overview
Besides this user manual at hand (path on product DVD:
Documentation\english\2. Hardware\EU5C-SWD-ETHERCAT UM xx EN.pdf), the following documents are also relevant for the user of the
Title Contents Publisher Document ID Path on product DVD
SmartWire-DT Units
Information on engineering, installation and programming of the individual SmartWire-DT slaves.
05/11 MN05006001Z-EN
3.SmartWire-DT\SmartWire­DT – Units\ MN05006001Z_EN.pdf
SmartWire-DT The System
Information on function, installation, commissioning and diagnostics of the SmartWire-DT system.
02/11 MN05006002Z-EN
3.SmartWire-DT\SmartWire­DT - The System\ MN05006002Z_EN.pdf
SWD-Assist Online help
Online help for SWD­Assist planning software
Eaton - Included in SWD-Assist software
TwinCAT System Manager Online help
Online help TwinCAT System Manager
Beckhoff - Included in TwinCAT software
Wiring Instructions EtherCAT
Wiring instructions for EtherCAT
DOC121104UMxxEN Documentation\english\5.In
stallation Instructions\ Wiring Instructions EtherCAT UM 01 EN.pdf
Table 7: Documentation overview
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1.5 Legal notes
1.5.1 Copyright
© Hilscher 2015, Hilscher Gesellschaft für Systemautomation mbH
All rights reserved.
The images, photographs and texts in the accompanying material (user manual, accompanying texts, documentation, etc.) are protected by German and international copyright law as well as international trade and protection provisions. You are not authorized to duplicate these in whole or in part using technical or mechanical methods (printing, photocopying or other methods), to manipulate or transfer using electronic systems without prior written consent. You are not permitted to make changes to copyright notices, markings, trademarks or ownership declarations. The included diagrams do not take the patent situation into account. The company names and product descriptions included in this document may be trademarks or brands of the respective owners and may be trademarked or patented. Any form of further use requires the explicit consent of the respective rights owner.
1.5.2 Important notes
The user manual, accompanying texts and the documentation were created for the use of the products by qualified experts, however, errors cannot be ruled out. For this reason, no guarantee can be made and neither juristic responsibility for erroneous information nor any liability can be assumed. Descriptions, accompanying texts and documentation included in the user manual do not present a guarantee nor any information about proper use as stipulated in the contract or a warranted feature. It cannot be ruled out that the user manual, the accompanying texts and the documentation do not correspond exactly to the described features, standards or other data of the delivered product. No warranty or guarantee regarding the correctness or accuracy of the information is assumed.
We reserve the right to change our products and their specification as well as related user manuals, accompanying texts and documentation at all times and without advance notice, without obligation to report the change. Changes will be included in future manuals and do not constitute any obligations. There is no entitlement to revisions of delivered documents. The manual delivered with the product applies.
Hilscher Gesellschaft für Systemautomation mbH is not liable under any circumstances for direct, indirect, incidental or follow-on damage or loss of earnings resulting from the use of the information contained in this publication.
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1.5.3 Exclusion of liability
The software was produced and tested with utmost care by Hilscher Gesellschaft für Systemautomation mbH and is made available as is. No warranty can be assumed for the performance and flawlessness of the software for all usage conditions and cases and for the results produced when utilized by the user. Liability for any damages that may result from the use of the hardware or software or related documents, is limited to cases of intent or grossly negligent violation of significant contractual obligations. Indemnity claims for the violation of significant contractual obligations are limited to damages that are foreseeable and typical for this type of contract.
It is strictly prohibited to use the software in the following areas:
for military purposes or in weapon systems;
for the design, construction, maintenance or operation of nuclear
in air traffic control systems, air traffic or air traffic communication
in life support systems;
in systems in which failures in the software could lead to personal injury
or injuries leading to death.
We inform you that the software was not developed for use in dangerous environments requiring fail-proof control mechanisms. Use of the software in such an environment occurs at your own risk. No liability is assumed for damages or losses due to unauthorized use.
1.5.4 Warranty
Although the hardware and software was developed with utmost care and tested intensively, Hilscher Gesellschaft für Systemautomation mbH does not guarantee its suitability for any purpose not confirmed in writing. It cannot be guaranteed that the hardware and software will meet your requirements, that the use of the software operates without interruption and that the software is free of errors. No guarantee is made regarding infringements, violations of patents, rights of ownership or the freedom from interference by third parties. No additional guarantees or assurances are made regarding marketability, freedom of defect of title, integration or usability for certain purposes unless they are required in accordance with the law and cannot be limited. Warranty claims are limited to the right to claim rectification.
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1.5.5 Export regulations
The delivered product (including the technical data) is subject to export or import laws as well as the associated regulations of different counters, in particular those of Germany and the USA. The software may not be exported to countries where this is prohibited by the United States Export Administration Act and its additional provisions. You are obligated to comply with the regulations at your personal responsibility. We wish to inform you that you may require permission from state authorities to export, re-export or import the product.
1.5.6 Registered trademarks
Adobe Reader ® is a registered trademark of Adobe Systems Incorporated.
is registered trademark and patented technology, licensed by
Beckhoff Automation GmbH, Germany.
is a registered trademark of Eaton Corporation.
is registered trademark of Beckhoff Automation GmbH,
XP, Windows® 7 and Windows® 8 are registered trademarks of
the Microsoft Corporation.
All other mentioned trademarks are property of their respective legal owners.
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2 Safety
2.1 General note
The user manual, all accompanying texts and the documentation are written for the use of the products by educated personnel. When using the products, all safety instructions, property damage messages and all valid legal regulations have to be observed. Technical knowledge is presumed. The user has to assure that all legal regulations are obeyed.
2.2 Intended use
The purpose of the EU5C-SWD-ETHERCAT Gateway described in this user manual is to create a connection between SmartWire-DT slaves and an EtherCAT
master in an overriding EtherCAT® network.
2.3 Personnel qualification
The EU5C-SWD-ETHERCAT Gateway must be installed, configured and removed by qualified personnel only. Job-specific technical skills for people professionally working with electricity must be present concerning the following issues:
Safety and health at work
Mounting and connecting of electrical equipment
Measurement and analysis of electrical functions and systems
Evaluation of the safety of electrical systems and equipment
Installing and configuring IT systems
2.4 References safety
ANSI Z535.6-2006 American National Standard for Product Safety Information in Product Manuals, Instructions, and Other Collateral Materials
IEC 60950-1, Information technology equipment - Safety - Part 1: General requirements, (IEC 60950-1:2005, modified); German Edition EN 60950-1:2006
[S3] EN 61340-5-1 and EN 61340-5-2 as well as IEC 61340-5-1 and IEC 61340-5-2
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2.5 Safety instructions to avoid personal injury
To ensure your own personal safety and to avoid personal injury, you must read, understand and follow the following safety instructions in this manual and all warning messages before you install and operate the EU5C-SWD­ETHERCAT Gateway.
2.5.1 Electrical shock hazard
Take care of the following safety measures before installing or uninstalling the gateway:
First disconnect the power plug of the device.
Make sure that the device is disconnected from the power supply.
Cover or enclose neighboring units that are live.
Devices that are designed for mounting in housings or control cabinets must only be operated and controlled after they have been installed with the housing closed. Desktop or portable units must only be operated and controlled in enclosed housings.
2.5.2 Danger of unintended starting up of machines
Install automation devices and related operating elements in a way that
they are well protected against unintentional operation.
Emergency stop devices complying with IEC/EN 60204-1 must be
effective in all operating modes of the automation devices. Unlatching the emergency-stop devices must not cause restart.
You must take safety precautions (emergency switching off) in the
external circuitry of the EU5C-SWD-ETHERCAT and any power modules type EU5C-SWD-PF1-1 or EU5C-SWDPF2-1 that are used. To do so, plan to switch off the power supply to the contactor coils AUX.
Measures should be taken to ensure the proper restart of programs
interrupted after a voltage dip or failure. This should not cause dangerous operating states even for a short time. If necessary, emergency stop devices should be implemented.
Wherever faults in the automation system may cause damage to
persons or property, external measures must be implemented to ensure a safe operating state in the event of a fault or malfunction (for example, by means of separate limit switches, mechanical interlocks etc.).
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2.6 Safety instructions to avoid property damage
To avoid damage to your EU5C-SWD-ETHERCAT Gateway or your communication system, you must read, understand and follow the following safety instructions and all safety instructions and warnings in this manual concerning property damage, before you install and operate the gateway.
2.6.1 General safety instructions concerning supply voltage
In safety-relevant applications the power supply providing power to the
SmartWire-DT system must feature a PELV power feed module (protective extra low voltage).
Switch off the power supply if you are reconnecting slaves in the
SmartWire-DT system or reconnecting the ribbon cable connection. Otherwise the SmartWire-DT slaves can be destroyed!
The gateway has protection against polarity reversal for the 24-V-DC-
POW supply. However, if the gateway is connected via the serial interface to an earthed device (for example to a PC), the gateway can be destroyed, if the polarity of the power supply is reversed!
The functional earth (FE) must be connected to the protective earth (PE)
or to the potential equalization. The system installer is responsible for implementing this connection.
Connecting cables and signal lines should be installed so that inductive
or capacitive interference does not impair the automation functions.
Suitable safety hardware and software measures should be
implemented for the I/O interface so that a line or wire breakage on the signal side does not result in undefined states in the automation devices.
2.6.2 Device destruction by exceeding allowed supply voltage
The EU5C-SWD-ETHERCAT Gateway must only be operated with the specified supply voltage.
Make sure that the limits of the allowed range for the supply voltage are
not exceeded. A supply voltage above the upper limit can cause severe damage of the gateway!
A supply voltage below the lower limit can cause malfunction of the
Ensure a reliable electrical isolation of the low voltage for the 24 volt
supply. Only use power supply units complying with IEC 60364-4-41 (VDE 0100 Part 410) or HD 384.4.41 S2.
The allowed range for the supply voltage is indicated in the Technical data
D-ETHERCAT gateway section on page 93.
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2.6.3 Electrostatic sensitive device
The EU5C-SWD-ETHERCAT Gateway is sensitive to electrostatic discharge, which can cause internal damage and affect its normal operation. Therefore adhere to the necessary safety precautions for components that are vulnerable to electrostatic discharge when you install or remove the gateway. Follow the guidelines listed hereafter when you handle the gateway:
Touch a grounded object to discharge potential static before you handle
the gateway.
Wear an approved grounding wrist strap.
If possible, use a static-safe workstation.
When not in use, store the device in appropriate static-safe packaging.
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2.7 Labeling of safety messages
In this document the safety instructions and property damage messages are designed according both to the internationally used safety conventions as well as to the ANSI Z535 standard.
The Section Safety Messages at the beginning of a chapter are
pinpointed particularly. They are highlighted by a specific safety symbol and a signal word according to the degree of endangerment. In the safety message, the nature of the hazard is indicated.
The Integrated Safety Messages embedded in operating instructions
are highlighted by a signal word according to the degree of endangerment and possibly by a safety symbol. In the safety message, the nature of the hazard is indicated.
Safety symbol
Sort of warning or principle
Warning of personal injury
Warning of property damage by electrostatic discharge
Principle: Disconnect the power plug
Table 8: Safety symbols and sort of warning or principle
Signal word Meaning Meaning USA
Indicates a direct hazard with high risk, which will have as consequence death or grievous bodily harm if it is not avoided.
Indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, will result in death or serious injury.
Indicates a possible hazard with medium risk, which will have as consequence death or (grievous) bodily harm if it is not avoided.
Indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result in death or serious injury.
Indicates a minor hazard with medium risk, which could have as consequence personal injury, if it is not avoided.
Indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, may result in minor or moderate injury.
Indicates a property damage message.
Indicates a property damage message.
Note Indicates an important note in the
Indicates an important note in the manual.
Table 9: Signal words
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SmartWire-DT Gateway | EU5C-SWD-ETHERCAT DOC140901UM01EN | Revision 1 | English | 2015-03 | Released | Public © Hilscher 2015
3 Description of the EU5C-SWD-ETHERCAT gateway
3.1 Function
The EU5C-SWD-ETHERCAT gateway integrates a SmartWire-DT network into an EtherCAT
network. The gateway creates a data connection between the participants (the slave devices) of the subordinate SmartWire­DT network and the master device or PLC of the super ordinate EtherCAT
The gateway acts as master (a.k.a. “Coordinator”) in the SmartWire-DT network on the one hand, and on the other hand as modular slave in the EtherCAT
network. It thereby presents each connected SmartWire-DT
participant as individual module to the EtherCAT
The cyclic process data is exchanged transparently between both networks. 1000 Bytes of process input/output data can in sum be exchanged with up to 99 SmartWire-DT participants (slaves). The maximum number of cyclic input data as EtherCAT
slave is 800 bytes,
maximum number of cyclic output data is 641 bytes.
Figure 1: Data flow EU5C-SWD-ETHERCAT Gateway
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3.2 Configuration
3.2.1 SmartWire-DT configuration
The EU5C-SWD-PROFINET Gateway is easily commissioned by an automated configuration function: On pushing the configuration button on the front of the gateway, the gateway scans the current SmartWire-DT network configuration, the so-called actual configuration. It then stores the actual configuration as target configuration zero voltage-safe in the device, thus making the target configuration available for a comparison of actual and targeted SmartWire-DT configuration, which takes place each time the gateway is being switched on.
When the gateway is switched on after a target configuration has already been stored, the gateway automatically rescans the connected actual configuration and checks it against the target configuration. If the gateway recognizes that a required SmartWire-DT slave cannot be reached or a wrong slave type is determined, it will not go into operation. If the actual configuration complies with the target configuration, the gateway gets ready for EtherCAT
and waits for the EtherCAT® configuration. The gateway
checks the project configuration, which it receives from the EtherCAT
master, against the target configuration. Discrepancies between target and
project configuration are indicated by the Config LED of the gateway.
Eaton SWD-Assist planning software
Despite the fact that you can configure the SmartWire-DT network in the gateway simply by using the configuration button, it is nevertheless recommended to use the SWD-Assist software to plan, dimension and document the SmartWire-DT network.
For further information, please refer to the SWD-Assist online help.
Note: You will find the Eaton SWD-Assist software on the product DVD,
which is included in the EU5C-SWD-SW software package (order number
3233.920) available from Hilscher. You can use the wizard on the product DVD to download updates of the Eaton SWD-Assist software, or you can download SWD-Assist directly from the www.moeller.net website under
Support > Download Center.
Direct link:
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3.2.2 EtherCAT configuration
The gateway is commissioned in EtherCAT® by using an EtherCAT® engineering tool (e. g. TwinCAT System Manager) and device description files in XML format, (the so-called EtherCAT
Slave Information or ESI
files). These files are to be imported into the engineering tool. The device description files of the gateway are stored in the EDS\EU5C-SWD- ETHERCAT\Vx.x.x.x directory of the product DVD. The files contain all configuration data and all possible SmartWire-DT slaves as I/O modules.
Note: The device description files contain only I/O information for
SmartWire-DT slaves which were listed as sales products at the time of the creation of the file.
3.3 Interfaces
The gateway features a SmartWire-DT interface (plug, 8-pole), a 2-port switch Ethernet interface (RJ45) and a Mini-USB interface. Via the Mini­USB interface, the gateway can be accessed, configured and diagnosed with the SWD-Assist software.
3.4 Diagnosis
The gateway can be diagnosed by connecting the SWD-Assist software to the Mini-USB interface. For further information, please refer to the SWD­Assist online help.
The EtherCAT
protocol also provides diagnostic functions. For further
information, see section Error messages (emergency telegrams) on page
3.5 Firmware and device description files
The EU5C-SWD-ETHERCAT Gateway is shipped with its most recent firmware already loaded. Which firmware version is loaded in the gateway at the time of delivery can be inferred from the device type label (see
Device type label section
on page 31).
allows you to update the firmware via Ethernet connection by
using the TwinCAT System Manager. For more details on this, please refer
to chapter Updating firmware with TwinCAT System Manager on page 84.
In case of a
missing or defective firmware, a firmware “recovery” process is
possible via HTTP. Please refer to chapter Firmware recovery via HTTP on
page 87 ff.
Device description f
iles (ESI) for the gateway and the SWD participants
(SWD devices) are included on the product DVD in the EDS\EU5C-SWD- ETHERCAT\Vx.x.x.x folder. As an alternative, you can download latest versions of the ESI files from our website www.hilscher.com
under Products > Product Groups > Partner
Products > SmartWire-DT > EU5C-SWD-ETHERCAT > Downloads.
Requirements for operation 24/98
SmartWire-DT Gateway | EU5C-SWD-ETHERCAT DOC140901UM01EN | Revision 1 | English | 2015-03 | Released | Public © Hilscher 2015
4 Requirements for operation
The following prerequisites must be fulfilled to operate the EU5C-SWD­ETHERCAT Gateway:
4.1 Network systems
SmartWire-DT network with maximum number of up to 99
participants/stations/slaves and maximum extension of up to 600 meters.
network with EtherCAT® PLC (master device). Maximum cable length for one segment (i. e. cable between two devices or hubs) is 100 meters.
4.2 Power supply
In safety-relevant applications the power supply providing power for the SmartWire-DT system must feature a PELV power feed module (protective extra low voltage).
Ensure a reliable electrical isolation of the low voltage for the 24 volt supply. Only use power supply units complying with IEC 60364-4-41 (VDE 0100 Part 410) or HD 384.4.41 S2.
You must take safety precautions (emergency switching off) in the external circuitry of the EU5C-SWD-ETHERCAT and any power modules type EU5C-SWD-PF1-1 or EU5C-SWDPF2-1 that are used. To
do so, plan to switch off the power supply to the contactor coils AUX.
Please take into consideration the total power consumption of your SmartWire-DT network and, if necessary, plan for an additional feeder module EU5C-SWD-PF2. You can find information on the power consumption in the operating manuals of the SmartWire-DT devices.
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4.2.1 POW power connection
A Power supply of 24 V DC for the coupling unit and for the Smart-Wire-DT
slave electronics is needed at the connection POW. On the SmartWire-DT gateway, connect the POW and AUX supply
voltages via separate miniature circuit-breakers or fuses:
Miniature circuit-breaker 24 V DC for POW
Cable protection in accordance with DIN VDE 0641 Part 11, IEC/EN
60898: Miniature circuit-breaker 24 V DC rated operational current 3 A; trip
types C or Fuse 3 A, utilization class gL/gG
Cable protection for cable AWG 24 in accordance with UL 508 und CSA-
22.2 No. 14: Miniature circuit-breaker 24 V DC rated operational current 3 A; Tripping characteristics C or Fuse 3 A
4.2.2 AUX power connection
If any switching devices are also to be connected, for example via the DIL­SWD-32-001/002 SmartWire-DT slaves, a 24 V DC supply will also be
required at the AUX power connection. This provides the supply for
activating the contactor coils. This supply must be protected by an automatic circuit-breaker (3A gG/gl or 3 A miniature circuit-breaker with a Z characteristic). If switching devices with an activation power greater than 3 A are connected, an additional feeder module EU5C-SWD-PF1 or EU5C-SWD­PF2 must be used.
On the SmartWire-DT gateway, connect the POW and AUX supply
voltages via separate miniature circuit-breakers or fuses:
Miniature circuit-breaker 24 V DC for AUX
Cable protection in accordance with DIN VDE 0641 Part 11, IEC/EN
60898: Miniature circuit-breaker 24 V DC rated operational current 3 A; trip type
Z or Fuse 3 A, utilization class gL/gG
Cable protection for cable AWG 24 in accordance with UL 508 und CSA-
22.2 No. 14: Miniature circuit-breaker 24 V DC rated operational current 2 A; Tripping
characteristics Z or Fuse 2 A
Device Picture, Connectors and LEDs 26/98
SmartWire-DT Gateway | EU5C-SWD-ETHERCAT DOC140901UM01EN | Revision 1 | English | 2015-03 | Released | Public © Hilscher 2015
5 Device Picture, Connectors and LEDs
5.1 Device picture
24 V power supply POW
EtherCAT® interface (RJ45)
LEDs EtherCAT® communication status (see subsequent section for details)
Mini-USB interface
Configuration button
LEDs gateway functions (see subsequent section for details)
24 V power supply AUX
SmartWire-DT connection (plug, 8-pole)
Figure 2: Front view EU5C-SWD-ETHERCAT gateway
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5.2 Positions and meaning of the LEDs
5.2.1 Positions of the LEDs
POW: System status APL: Application status Config.: Configuration status
SWD: SmartWire-DT status RUN: EtherCAT
bus status
bus error
L/A: LINK/Activity for channel 0
Receive/Transmit (RX/TX) for channel 0
L/A: LINK/Activity for channel 1
Receive/Transmit (RX/TX) for channel 1
Figure 3: LEDs EU5C-SWD-ETHERCAT Gateway
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5.2.2 Descriptions of the LEDs
LED Color State Meaning
Duo-LED yellow/green
On Operating system running, firmware has been started.
Blinking green/yellow
Second Stage Bootloader is waiting for firmware.
Backup firmware is active. The gateway needs a firmware recovery as described in chapter
Firmware recovery via HTTP on pa
ge 87.
POW System status
Number in picture:
Off Power supply for device is missing or hardware is defect.
Duo-LED red/green
Communication on EtherCAT
and SmartWire-DT is in cyclic data
exchange and the gateway function is executed.
Blinking 1 s off, 1 s on
Gateway is initialized, but the communication on EtherCAT® or SmartWire-DT is not in cyclic data exchange.
Blinking 1 s off, 1 s on
Gateway is initialized, but the SmartWire-DT configuration is missing or in error.
Application status
Number in picture:
Gateway has detected an error during the initialization: Missing configuration, error in configuration or internal error.
Duo-LED red/green
The project configuration complies with the target configuration. Data exchange between gateway and PLC via EtherCAT
The project configuration does not comply with the target configuration, but is compatible with it. Data exchange between gateway and PLC via EtherCAT
is possible.
The project configuration and the target configuration are not compatible. Data exchange between gateway and PLC via EtherCAT
is not possible.
Configuration status
Number in picture:
No communication with the EtherCAT
PLC, or the gateway does
not have a project configuration.
Duo-LED red/green/orange (orange = red/green at same time)
The actual configuration complies with the target configuration. Data exchange between gateway and SmartWire-DT slaves takes place.
The gateway misses its target configuration or a necessary SmartWire-DT slave is missing or the target configuration does not comply with the actual configuration. No data exchange between gateway and SmartWire-DT slaves.
Slave addressing is active (after power-on or download of a project configuration containing empty modules). No data exchange between gateway and SmartWire-DT slaves.
Short-circuit on the 15 V power supply or no SmartWire-DT slave is connected.
No data exchange between gateway and SmartWire-DT slaves.
Status SmartWire-DT
Number in picture:
After having pressed the configuration button: The gateway reads the actual configuration and stores it as target configuration.
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LED Color State Meaning
Duo-LED red/green
INIT: The device is in state INIT
Single flash
Bus Status
Number in picture:
OPERATIONAL: The device is in state OPERATIONAL
Duo-LED red/green
No error: The EtherCAT
communication of the device is in
working condition
Invalid Configuration: General Configuration Error (Example: State change commanded by master is impossible due to register or object settings.)
Single flash
Unsolicited State Change: Slave device application has changed the EtherCAT
state autonomously: Parameter "Change" in the AL status register is set to 0x01:change/error (Example: Synchronization Error, device enters Safe-Operational automatically.)
Double flash
Application Watchdog Timeout: An application watchdog timeout has occurred. (Example: Sync Manager Watchdog timeout)
EtherCAT® Bus Error
Number in picture:
PDI Watchdog Timeout: A PDI Watchdog timeout has occurred (Example: Application controller is not responding any more)
LED green
On Link: Gateway has connection to EtherCAT
Flashing Activity: Gateway sends/receives EtherCAT frames
L/A (RJ45) Ch0 & Ch1
Numbers in picture:
Gateway has no connection to EtherCAT
LED yellow (RJ45)
Ch0 & Ch1
Numbers in picture:
- This LED is not used
Table 10: Description of the LEDs
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5.3 Pinning of the Real-Time Ethernet interface
The following picture shows the pinning of the Real-Time Ethernet (EtherCAT
) interface of the Gateway:
Figure 4: Pinning of the Ethernet interface (RJ45)
Pin Signal Description
1 TX + Transmit Data +
2 TX – Transmit Data –
3 RX + Receive Data +
Bob Smith Termination
6 RX – Receive Data –
Bob Smith-Termination
Table 11: Ethernet interface channel 0 and channel 1 pin assignment (RJ45)
Note: The Ethernet interface supports auto crossover.
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