For information about the Installation of the Software refer to the User Manual „Software
Installation for PC Cards cifX“ [DOC120207UMXXEN].
For information about the Wiring of the Protocol Interface refer to the „Wiring
Instructions“ [DOC120208UMXXEN].
The devices described in this manual are listed in the sections Devices described in this
Manual (page
Installation and Uninstalling (page
and Switches (page
24). The devices are described in detail in the chapters Hardware
57), LED Descriptions (page 66), Device Connections
1.1.1 Obligation to read and understand the Manual
To avoid personal injury and to avoid property damage to your system
or to your PC card, you must read and understand all instructions in the
manual and all accompanying texts to your PC card, before installing
and operating your PC card.
First read the Safety Instructions in the safety chapter.
Obey to all Safety Messages in the manual.
Keep the product DVD providing the product manuals.
70E-CO, CIFX 70E-DN) added.
Note how to use the Software added in the sections Requirements for
Operation of the PC Card cifX and
cifX. Section
CIFX 50-2DP added, indication for the fieldbus interfaces for 2-channel
devices changed to “channel 0” and “channel 1”, as it is displayed in Device Assignment ,
CIFX 50-CP, CIFX 50E-CP revised (current card layout).
Sections Overview LEDs Fieldbus Systems and AS Interface Master revised
(ibidem, indication for the fieldbus interfaces for 2-channel devices changed to
“channel 0” and “channel 1”).
LED description in section
B10) revised.
Section Technical Data PC Cards cifX Dimensions (L x W x D) for CIFX 50CC/CP 120 x 85,4
Technical data protocols updated in the sections
sercos Slave,
CANopen Master.
Sections DeviceNet Master and DeviceNet Slave updated.
(1.) S/IP protocol is now supported,
(2.) Maximum number of cyclic input or output data (Tx) of all Slaves
(netx100, netx500) 128 bytes (including Connection Control and IO Status) ,
(3.) Maximum number of slave devices: 8 (now no limitation for netX100/500
any more)
Use of Hubs and Switches updated.
Device Drawings revised and completed (drawing for front plate for
Device Drawings CIFX 50-CC, CIFX 50E-CC and Device Drawings
EtherCAT Slave updated,
Pin Assignment for PCI Express Bus CIFX 100EH-RE\CUBE (Pin
x 18,5 mm, for CIFX 50E-CC/CP 120 x 89,9 x 18,5 mm,
Technical Data PC Cards cifX revised.
sercos Slave updated (reference to firmware/stack version V3.1.x.x):
manual, accompanying texts, documentation, etc.) are protected by
German and international copyright law as well as international trade and
protection provisions. You are not authorized to duplicate these in whole or
in part using technical or mechanical methods (printing, photocopying or
other methods), to manipulate or transfer using electronic systems without
prior written consent. You are not permitted to make changes to copyright
notices, markings, trademarks or ownership declarations. The included
diagrams do not take the patent situation into account. The company
names and product descriptions included in this document may be
trademarks or brands of the respective owners and may be trademarked or
patented. Any form of further use requires the explicit consent of the
respective rights owner.
1.2.2 Important Notes
The user manual, accompanying texts and the documentation were created
for the use of the products by qualified experts, however, errors cannot be
ruled out. For this reason, no guarantee can be made and neither juristic
responsibility for erroneous information nor any liability can be assumed.
Descriptions, accompanying texts and documentation included in the user
manual do not present a guarantee nor any information about proper use
as stipulated in the contract or a warranted feature. It cannot be ruled out
that the user manual, the accompanying texts and the documentation do
not correspond exactly to the described features, standards or other data of
the delivered product. No warranty or guarantee regarding the correctness
or accuracy of the information is assumed.
We reserve the right to change our products and their specification as well
as related user manuals, accompanying texts and documentation at all
times and without advance notice, without obligation to report the change.
Changes will be included in future manuals and do not constitute any
obligations. There is no entitlement to revisions of delivered documents.
The manual delivered with the product applies.
Hilscher Gesellschaft für Systemautomation mbH is not liable under any
circumstances for direct, indirect, incidental or follow-on damage or loss of
earnings resulting from the use of the information contained in this
The software was produced and tested with utmost care by Hilscher
Gesellschaft für Systemautomation mbH and is made available as is. No
warranty can be assumed for the performance and flawlessness of the
software for all usage conditions and cases and for the results produced
when utilized by the user. Liability for any damages that may result from the
use of the hardware or software or related documents, is limited to cases of
intent or grossly negligent violation of significant contractual obligations.
Indemnity claims for the violation of significant contractual obligations are
limited to damages that are foreseeable and typical for this type of contract.
It is strictly prohibited to use the software in the following areas:
• for military purposes or in weapon systems;
• for the design, construction, maintenance or operation of nuclear
• in air traffic control systems, air traffic or air traffic communication
• in life support systems;
• in systems in which failures in the software could lead to personal injury
or injuries leading to death.
We inform you that the software was not developed for use in dangerous
environments requiring fail-proof control mechanisms. Use of the software
in such an environment occurs at your own risk. No liability is assumed for
damages or losses due to unauthorized use.
1.2.4 Warranty
Although the hardware and software was developed with utmost care and
tested intensively, Hilscher Gesellschaft für Systemautomation mbH does
not guarantee its suitability for any purpose not confirmed in writing. It
cannot be guaranteed that the hardware and software will meet your
requirements, that the use of the software operates without interruption and
that the software is free of errors. No guarantee is made regarding
infringements, violations of patents, rights of ownership or the freedom from
interference by third parties. No additional guarantees or assurances are
made regarding marketability, freedom of defect of title, integration or
usability for certain purposes unless they are required in accordance with
the law and cannot be limited. Warranty claims are limited to the right to
claim rectification.
The delivered product (including the technical data) is subject to export or
import laws as well as the associated regulations of different counters, in
particular those of Germany and the USA. The software may not be
exported to countries where this is prohibited by the United States Export
Administration Act and its additional provisions. You are obligated to
comply with the regulations at your personal responsibility. We wish to
inform you that you may require permission from state authorities to export,
re-export or import the product.
1.2.6 Registered Trademarks
Windows® XP, Windows® Vista and Windows® 7 are registered trademarks
of Microsoft Corporation.
Linux is a registered trademark of Linus Torvalds.
QNX is a registered trademark of QNX Software Systems, Ltd.
VxWorks is a registered trademark of Wind River Systems, Inc.
IntervalZero RTX ™ is a trademark of IntervalZero.
is a registered trademark of the Adobe Systems
is a registered trademark of CAN in AUTOMATION -
International Users and Manufacturers Group e.V (CiA), Nürnberg.
is a registered trademark of Mitsubishi Electric Corporation,
Tokyo, Japan.
, DeviceNet
und EtherNet/IP® are trademarks of ODVA (Open
DeviceNet Vendor Association, Inc).
Beckhoff Automation GmbH, Verl, Germany
is a registered trademark and a patented technology of
, formerly Elektro Beckhoff
is a trademark of ODVA (Open DeviceNet Vendor
Association, Inc).
is a registered trademark of Schneider Electric.
MPI is a registered trademark of Siemens AG, Berlin and Munich.
Powerlink is a registered trademark of B&R, Bernecker + Rainer Industrie-
Elektronik Ges.m.b.H, Eggelsberg, Austria
PROFIBUS und PROFINET are registered trademarks of PROFIBUS
International, Karlsruhe.
sercos interface
Suessen, Germany.
is a registered trademark of sercos International e. V.,
PCI, PCI Express, and PCIe are trademarks or registered trademarks of
All other mentioned trademarks are property of their respective legal
EtherCAT® is registered trademark and patented technology, licensed by
Beckhoff Automation GmbH, Germany.
To get details and restrictions regarding using the EtherCAT technology
refer to the following documents:
“EtherCAT Marking rules”
“EtherCAT Conformance Test Policy”
“EtherCAT Vendor ID Policy”
These documents are available at the ETG homepage
or directly over
A summary over Vendor ID, Conformance test, Membership and Network
Logo can be found within the appendix section of this document under
EtherCAT Summary over Vendor ID, Conformance test,
Membership and Network Logo on page
1.3 Licenses
If a PC Card cifX is used as a Slave, neither for the firmware nor for the
configuration software a license is required.
Licenses will be required if the PC Card cifX is used with
•a firmware with master functionality*.
* The master license includes the PC Card cifX operating as master and
the license for the configuration software for the respective
1.3.1 License Note about VARAN Client
In order to use the PC Card cifX with VARAN, you need a license which
you can acquire at the VNO (VARAN Bus-Nutzerorganisation, Bürmooser
Straße 10, A-5112 Lamprechtshausen, after getting a
member of VON.
The license as well as the Vendor ID and the Device ID can be adjusted
with the configuration software or with the netX Configuration
1.5 Reference on Hardware, Firmware, Software and Driver
Note on Software Update: The hardware revisions and the versions for
the firmware, the driver or the configuration software listed in this section
functionally belong together. For existing hardware installation the
firmware, the driver and the configuration software must be updated
according to the details listed in this section.
For the software upgrade system overview refer to section
Firmware, Driver and Software on page
Driver and Software Version
netX Configuration Tool-Setup
cifX Device Driver
Bootloader (is included in the cifX Device Driver Setup)
cifX TCP/IP Server for
US Driver
2 Channels
CIFXMPI.NXF PROFIBUS MPI Device 2.4.x.x from
CIFXCOM.NXF CANopen Master 2.9.x.x from
CIFXCOS.NXF CANopen Slave 3.2.x.x from
CIFXDNM.NXF DeviceNet Master 2.3.x.x from
CIFXDNS.NXF DeviceNet Slave 2.3.x.x from
CIFX2ASM.NXF AS-Interface Master, 2 Channels 2.3.x.x CIFXCCS.NXF CC-Link Slave 2.7.x.x CIFXCPS.NXF CompoNet Slave 1.0.x.x -
Table 4: Reference on Firmware
2.1.45.x (V2)*,
3.4.x.x (V3)
for USB Support
The downloadable cifX firmware runs on PC Cards cifX PCI, PCI Express
and Low Profile PCI Express. The firmware automatically detects whether it
is running on a PC Cards cifX PCI, PCI Express or Low Profile PCI Express.
On the Communication Solutions DVD you will find these installation
instructions about the software installation and the necessary configuration
software, the documentation, the drivers and software for your PC Card
cifX, and additional auxiliary tools.
1.6.1 Installation Guide, Documentation Overview
The installation guide Software Installation and Documentation Overview on the Communication Solutions DVD are in the directory
Documentation\0. Installation and Overview. The installation guide
An overview on the Content of the Communication Solutions DVD (in
the section What is on the Communication Solutions DVD?)
Overviews listing the available Documentations for PC cards cifX (in
chapter PC Cards cifX, Software and Documentation).
1.6.2 Device Description Files cifX
The Communication Solutions DVD EDS directory includes the device
description files for the PC Cards cifX. The device description file is
required to configure the used Master device. The Real-Time Ethernet
system Open Modbus/TCP does not use device description files. The
description files for the EtherNet/IP Master device is needed, when an
additional EtherNet/IP Master device shall communicate to a Hilscher
EtherNet/IP Master device via EtherNet/IP.
PC Cards cifX System File Name of the Device Description File
All current version information for hardware and software described in this
manual are provided in the folder \Documentation\What's New - Communication Solutions DVD RL XX EN.pdf on the Communication
Solutions DVD.
1.7.1 PROFINET IO Device Firmware Versions 2.1 und 3.4
The PROFINET IO Device firmware was revised and expanded and is
available in version 3.4.x.x since June 2010. The PROFINET IO Device
firmware V3.4.x.x compared to V2.1.x.x has the following main changes:
• IRT (Class 3 synchronized) is supported (only for netX 100/500)
• ChannelInit is also supported now (V2.1.x.x supports only SystemReset)
• The API was revised and is only compatible regarding cyclic data
If you want to change to V3.4.x.x, then you can read in the PROFINET IO Device Migration Guide which changes are necessary in the application
program to use version 3.4.x.x. V1.210.x.x and V1.300.x.x can configure PROFINET IO Device
Firmware V2.1.x.x as well as V3.4.x.x.
The development of the PROFINET IO Device firmware V2.1.x.x will not be
continued and delivered.
On the Communication Solutions DVD are both versions V3.4.x.x and
V2.1.x.x available in the directory firmware.
PROFINET IO Device V3 (Directory on the DVD \ File) PROFINET IO De vice V2 (only on request)
Migration Guide: PROFINET IO Device - Version 2 to
Version 3 MG xx EN.pdf
Table 6: PROFINET IO Device Firmware Version 2.1 and 3.4, further Header, GSDML and
Protocol API
PROFINET IO RT Device V2 Protocol API xx EN.pdf
Important! The PROFINET IO Device Firmware V2.1.x.x cannot be
configured by the netX Configuration Tool from version 1.0500.1.1564 on
any more, but only the PROFINET IO Device firmware versions from
V3.x.x.x on and higher. The firmware version 2.1.x.x can only be
configured with the netX Configuration Tool up to the Version
For the PROFINET IO Device Firmware with V3.4.19.0 the GSDML-V2.2-
The documentation in the form of a user manual, an operating instruction
manual or other manual types, as well as the accompanying texts have
been created for the use of the products by educated personnel. When
using the products, all Safety Messages, Safety Messages, Property
Damage Messages and all valid legal regulations have to be obeyed.
Technical knowledge is presumed. The user has to assure that all legal
regulations are obeyed.
2.2 Intended Use
The PC Cards cifX described in this user manual are PC cards for the RealTime Ethernet or fieldbus communication. Depending from the loaded
firmware, the Real-Time Ethernet or fieldbus systems listed in the following
table can be realized using the respective PC Card cifX.
PC Cards cifX Real-Time Ethernet System PC Cards cifX Fieldbus System
The PC Card cifX must only be installed, configured and removed by
qualified personnel. Job-specific technical skills for people professionally
working with electricity must be present concerning the following topics:
• Safety and health at work
• Mounting and connecting of electrical equipment
• Measurement and Analysis of electrical functions and systems
• Evaluation of the safety of electrical systems and equipment
To ensure your own personal safety and to avoid personal injury, you
necessarily must read, understand and follow the following safety
instructions and safety messages in this manual about danger causing
personal injury, before you install and operate your PC card cifX.
2.4.1 Electrical Shock Hazard
The danger of a lethal electrical shock caused by parts with more than 50V
may occur if you open the PC cabinet to install the PC Card cifX.
• HAZARDOUS VOLTAGE is present inside of the PC or of the connecting device, into which the PC Card cifX is integrated. Strictly obey to all
safety rules provided by the device’s manufacturer in the documentation!
• First disconnect the power plug of the PC or of the connecting device,
before you open the cabinet.
• Make sure, that the power supply is off at the PC or at the connecting
• Open the PC cabinet and install or remove the PC Card cifX only after
disconnecting power.
An electrical shock is the result of a current flowing through the human
body. The resulting effect depends on the intensity and duration of the
current and on its path through the body. Currents in the range of
approximately ½ mA can cause effects in persons with good health, and
indirectly cause injuries resulting from startle responses. Higher currents
can cause more direct effects, such as burns, muscle spasms, or
ventricular fibrillation.
In dry conditions permanent voltages up to approximately 42.4 V peak or
60 V are not considered as dangerous if the contact area is equivalent to
the size of a human hand.
To avoid property damage respectively device destruction to the PC card
cifX and to your system, you necessarily must read, understand and follow
the following safety instructions and safety messages in this manual about
danger causing property damage, before you install and operate your PC
2.5.1 Device Destruction by exceeding allowed Supply Voltage
To avoid device destruction due to high supply voltage to your PC Card
cifX, you must observe the following instructions. These instructions apply
to all PC Cards cifX described in this manual.
The PC Card cifX may only be operated with the specified supply voltage.
Make sure that the limits of the allowed range for the supply voltage are not
exceeded. A supply voltage above the upper limit can cause severe
damage to the PC Card cifX! A supply voltage below the lower limit can
cause malfunction in the PC Card cifX. The allowed range for the supply
voltage is defined by the tolerances specified in this manual.
For the PC cards listed hereafter adhere specifically: The PC Card cifX
2.5.2 Device Destruction by exceeding allowed Signaling Voltage
To avoid device destruction due to high signal voltage to your PC Card cifX,
you must observe the following instructions. These instructions apply to all
PC Cards cifX described in this manual.
• All I/O signal pins at the PC Card cifX tolerate only the specified
signaling voltage!
• Operating of your PC Card cifX with a signaling voltage other than the
specified signaling voltage may lead to severe damage to the PC Card
The data on the mandatory signaling voltage for the PC Cards cifX
described in this manual you find in the section
Signaling Voltage on page
27. There the required and permitted signaling
Supply Voltage and
voltage is provided by device type.
2.5.3 Electrostatically sensitive Devices
This equipment is sensitive to electrostatic discharge, which cause internal
damage and affect normal operation. Therefore adhere to the necessary
safety precautions for components that are vulnerable with electrostatic
discharge if you install or replace your device. Follow the guidelines listed
hereafter when you handle this equipment:
• Touch a grounded object to discharge potential static.
• Wear an approved grounding wriststrap.
• Do not touch connectors or pins on the PC Card cifX.
• Do not touch circuit components inside the equipment.
• If available, use a static-safe workstation.
• When not in use, store the equipment in appropriate static-safe
• The Section Safety Messages at the beginning of a chapter are
pinpointed particularly. They are highlighted with a specific safety
symbol and a signal word according to the degree of endangerment.
Inside the safety message the danger is exactly named.
• The Integrated Safety Messages within an instruction description are
highlighted with a signal word according to the degree of endangerment
and possibly by a principle symbol. Inside the safety message the
danger is exactly named.
USA Sort of Warning or Principle
Warning of Personal Injury and Propert y Damage Message
USA: Warning of Personal Injury
As in the scope of the ANSI Z535 Standard (for USA) instructions to a property damage
message may not contain a warning triangle, this property damage messages are listed
separately for the USA.
Warning of Lethal Electrical Shock
Warning of Damages by Electrostatic Discharge
Principle: Disconnect the Power Plug
Meaning Meaning (USA)
Indicates a direct hazard with high risk, which
will have as consequence death or grievous
bodily harm if it isn't avoided.
Indicates a possible hazard with medium risk,
which will have as consequence death or
(grievous) bodily harm if it isn't avoided.
Indicates a minor hazard with medium risk,
which could have as consequence simple
battery if it isn't avoided.
Indicates a Property Damage Message. Indicates a Property Damage Message.
Indicates an important note in the manual. Indicates an Important Note in the Manual.
Table 8: Safety Symbols and Sort of Warning or Principle
Indicates a Hazardous Situation Which if not
Avoided, will Result in Death or Serious Injury.
Indicates a Hazardous Situation Which if not
Avoided, could Result in Death or Serious
Indicates a Hazardous Situation Which if not
Avoided, may Result in Minor or Moderate
Table 9: Signal Words
In this document all Safety Instructions and Safety Messages are designed
according both to the international used safety conventions as well as to
the ANSI Z535 standard, refer to reference safety [S1].
2.7 References Safety
ANSI Z535.6-2006 American National Standard for Product Safety Information in
Product Manuals, Instructions, and Other Collateral Materials
IEC 60950-1, Information technology equipment - Safety - Part 1: General
requirements, (IEC 60950-1:2005, modified); German Edition EN 60950-1:2006
[S3] EN 61340-5-1 and EN 61340-5-2 as well as IEC 61340-5-1 and IEC 61340-5-2
The PC Cards cifX are communication interfaces of the cifX product family
of Hilscher on the basis of the communication controller netX 100 for the
Real-Time Ethernet or fieldbus communication. Depending of the loaded
firmware, the protocol specific
the corresponding Real-Time Ethernet or fieldbus system.
The used Real-Time Ethernet systems are:The used fieldbus systems
The PC Card cifX handles the complete data exchange between the
connected Ethernet or fieldbus devices and the PC. The data exchange is
proceeded via dual-port memory.
PC Card cifX PCI for Real-Time Ethernet Master or Slave
PC Card cifX PCI PROFIBUS DP Master or Slave and PROFIBUS MPI Device
PC Card cifX PCI 2 channel PROFIBUS DP Master and PROFIBUS MPI Device
2 channel AS-Interface Master
2 channel AS-Interface Master
PC Card cifX PCI CC-Link Slave
PC Card cifX PCI Express CC-Link Slave
PC Card cifX PCI CompoNet Slave
PC Card cifX PCI Express CompoNet Slave
PC Card cifX Low Profile PCI Express Real-Time-Ethernet Master or Slave
(Low Profile PCIe with RTE)
PC Card cifX Low Profile PCI Express PROFIBUS DP Master or Slave
und PROFIBUS MPI Device (Low Profile PCIe with PROFIBUS)
PC Card cifX Low Profile PCI Express CANopen Master or Slave
(Low Profile PCIe with CANopen)
PC Card cifX Low Profile PCI Express DeviceNet Master or Slave
(Low Profile PCIe with DeviceNet)
PC Card cifX PCI Express for Real-Time Ethernet Master or Slave,
(low-profile card) exclusively for the installing in KEBA KeControl industry PCs series CP 3XX
Table 10: PC Cards cifX
3.1.2 The Function „Slot Number (Card ID)“
Device revisions equipped with a Rotary Switch Slot Number (Card ID)
are listed separately in section
Table 2.
The Slot Number (Card ID) must be set at the PC Card cifX using the Rotary SwitchSlot Number (Card ID). The Slot Number (Card ID) will
serve to distinguish PC Cards cifX from each other clearly, especially if
several PC Cards cifX are installed into the very same PC. The application
program requests the Slot Number (Card ID) from the PC card cifX via the
cifX Device Driver.
For further information refer to section
(Card ID) on page
For the application program is able to identify a PC Card cifX via its Slot
Number (Card ID) explicitly and to distinguish it from other PC Cards cifX in the PC, for device revisions equipped with a Rotary Switch for Slot
Number (Card ID) the required versions of the firmware, the driver, the
Table 11: Firmware Versions for the Function Slot Number (Card ID)
From Firmware
Driver and Software Version or higher
cifX Device Driver
Bootloader (is included in the cifX Device Driver Setup)
cifX Device Driver Setup.exe
SYCONnet netX setup.exe
Table 12: Versions Driver, Bootloader and for Function Slot Number (Card ID)
• The cifX Device Driver from version 0.950 on identifies PC Cards cifX
alternatively via its Slot Number (Card ID).
• The cifX Device Driver up to version 0.94x identifies PC Cards cifX via
its device and serial number. For the device exchange service
respectively a manual intervention is required.
The PC card CIFX 100EH-RE\CUBE may not be installed in standard PCs.
The pin assignment of the PCI Express bus does not meet the standard [bus spec 3]. By consequence
malfunction can occur at the PCI express bus.
Install the PC card CIFX 100EH-RE\CUBE exclusively in KEBA KeControl industry PCs series CP 3XX
Table 15: Slot for the PC Cards cifX PCI, PCIe and Low Profile PCIe
PCI slot (3.3 V)
PCI Express x1 slot (3.3 V),
x13 = One Lane [bus spec 3]
PCI Express x4 slot (3.3 V) ,
x43 = Four Lane
In the PCI Express x4 slot only lane 0 is used. For further details
refer to section
RE\CUBE on page
Pin Assignment for PCI Express Bus CIFX 100EH-
3.2.2 Supply Voltage and Signaling Voltage
For the supply and signaling voltage for the PC Cards cifX PCI, PCIe and
Low Profile PCIe the following data are valid:
PC Cards cifXSupply Voltage
CIFX 50-2DP, CIFX 50-2ASM +3,3 V ±5 %/ Typ. 700 mA 5 V or 3,3 V
The data in the Table 10: PC Cards cifX on page 24 have the following
Supply Voltage
The required and permissible supply voltage at the PC Cards cifX PCI, PCIe and Low Profile PCIe
Signaling Voltage Host Interface
The required or tolerated signaling voltage at the I/O signal pins at the PCI
bus of the PC Cards cifX PCI or at the PCI express bus of the PC Cards
cifX PCIe and Low Profile PCIe.
Host Interface (PCI slot) Type of the host interface
3.2.3 System Requirements
• PC with 1 GHz processor or higher
• Windows
• Administration rights
• Internet Explorer 5.5 or higher
XP SP3, Windows® Vista (32 bit) SP2, Windows® 7 (32 bit) or
7 (64 bit)
• Free disk space: min. 400 MByte
• DVD ROM drive
• RAM: min. 512 MByte, recommended 1024 MByte
• Graphic resolution: min. 1024 x 768 pixel
• Keyboard and Mouse
• USB (optional)
Note: If the project file is saved and opened again or if it is used on
another PC, the system requirements must match. Particularly the DTM
must be installed on the used PC.
3.2.4 System Requirements for netX Configuration Tool
The system requirements necessary for the application of the netX
Configuration Tool are these:
1. Driver for the Host Interface
Host Interfaces: PCI and PCI Express
• The device driver cifX Device Driver must be installed (from V1.0.x.x).
If you install the device into a PC, in general Windows
case the cifX Device Driver must be installed to communicate to the device and to exchange data
via the dual-port memory,.
Important! Upgrade older versions of the cifX Device Driver necessarily on the current
version indicated in section Reference on Driver and Software on page 14.
• If Windows
is not available as operating system, an own driver must be developed using the cifX
Driver Toolkit and this driver must be installed.
• For the operating systems Linux, Windows® CE, VxWorks, QNX and IntervalZero RTX ™ you can
buy Device Driver at the company Hilscher Gesellschaft für Systemautomation mbH
2. The configuration software or alternatively the simple Slave configuration tool netX Configuration Tool must be installed or another application program by which the PC Card cifX
(Slave) can be parameterized.
How to use the
On how to use the software for the configuration, the firmware download and for the diagnosis, note
the following notice:
Important! The USB interface, the serial interface as well as the cifX Device Driver may
only be used exclusively by one software, that is
- the configuration software (with integrated ODMV3) or
- the netX Configuration Tool or
- the cifX Test Application or
- the cifX Driver Setup Utility or
- the application program.
Never use the listed software simultaneously, otherwise this will result in communication
problems with the device.
If the configuration software was used on the PC, then stop the ODMV3
service before you use one of the other software listed above. Therefore, select Service
> Stop from the context menu of the ODMV3 system tray icon.
3. Using the configuration software or for the Slave alternatively the Slave configur ation
tool netX Configuration Tool, the user must select and download the firmware to the PC Card
4. The PC Card cifX must be parameterized using one of the following options:
The following table describes the steps for the software and hardware
installation and for the configuration of a PC Card cifX (Master and Slave)
Real-Time Ethernet and fieldbus as it is typical for many cases. The Slave
device can be configured using the corresponding Slave DTM in the
configuration software Alternatively, you can also use the
simple Slave configuration tool netX Configuration Tool. The Master
device can be configured using the corresponding Master DTM in the
configuration software
# Step Description
1.2 Installi ng For PC Cards cifX Master or Slave:
3 Hardware Settings Installing cifX. Take required safety
3.2 Open cabinet
Installing Driver and
cifX Device Driver
Configuration Tool
Preparing Hardware
Take precautions on
sensitive Devices
Glue sticker on the
front plate.
Set the Slot Number (Card ID)
Take safety
Enter the Communication Solutions DVD in
the PC and follow to the instructions of the
installation wizard, to install the driver.
Run the and follow to the
instructions of the installation wizard.
For PC Cards cifX Slave:
Start the netX Configuration Tool setup
program to install the netX Configuration
Electrostatically sensitive
Make sure, that the PC card cifX
is grounded via the endplate and
the PC and make sure, that you
are discharged when you install/
uninstall the PC Card cifX.
Value 0 or a value from 1 to 9 Rotary Switch for Slot
Lethal Electrical Shock caused
by parts with more than 50V!
Disconnect the power plug of the
PC or of the connecting device.
Make sure, that the power supply is
off at the PC or at the connecting
Now open the cabinet of the PC or of the
connecting device.
For detailed
information see
manual / section
Refer to User Manual
Software Installation for
the PC Cards cifX
Electrostatically sensitive
Fix Front Plate Sticker 59
Number (Card ID)
Hardware Installation
and Uninstalling
Electrical Shock Hazard
Installing PC Card cifX PCI,
PCIe, Low Profile PCIe