CHAPTER 6 IE LIVE VIEW ................................................................................80
6.1 ENABLE ACTIVEX CONTROL ................................................................................80
6.2 ENTER THE SERVER IPADDRESS ........................................................................82
6.3 LIVE VIEW REMOTE VIDEO....................................................................................85
APPENDIX I MENU STRUCTURE.....................................................................86
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Important Information
For optimal performance of your system, it is important to follow these recommendations.
1. It is strong recommended that dividing your hard disk into two partitions(C: and D:) at
least. The first partition will be used to install Windows OS and other applications, and
left partitions will be used to store recording files.
2. Please choose NTFS (NT File System) as the file system format when formatting hard
3. Please use appropriate motherboard and video card. Contact with our support engineers
ATI Radeon 9250 128MB ATI Radeon 9550 128MB nVidia GeForce 6200
128MB nVidia GeForce 6600 128MB
Intel Pentium 4 2.4GHz or better
512MB minimum
Decoder Card
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Chapter 1 Hardware & Software Installation
1.1 Hardware Installation
1.1.1 Hardware Driver Installation
Here is a demo installation of DS-40xxHCI card of Hik Vision.
Before installing hardware, be sure that the computer is power off.
To install the DS-40xxHCI card to your PC, follow these steps:
1. Insert the DS-40xxHCI card into an empty PCI slot, and fasten it.
2. Turn on your PC and start Windows OS.
3. A Hardware Installation Wizard for this newly installed card will appears. Ignore the wizar d window.
4. In Windows Resource Management, locate and unfold the folder-DS-40xxHCI Driver,
double click to run Driver Install.exe. A Driver Installer dialog box appears.
5. Click [Install or Update Driver] to install/update the driver. Window OS will pop up a
window ,it is as following :
Figure 1-1. Driver Install
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Figure 1-2. Hardware Installation on Windows 2000
Figure 1-3. Hardware Installation On Windows XP
6. Click [Yes]/[Continue Anyway] to continue the hardware installation, If there are more than
one board are inserted in the PC or more than one DSP in one board, the operation system
will remind you of repeating the above process.
7. When the installation is done, this message will appear: Driver Installed Successfully!
Figure 1-4. Driver Installed Successfully
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8. Click [OK] to quit the driver installation.
9. At last you will find the detail information of the board on the windows Device Manager (it
depends on the total number of boards you installed in the computer).
Figure 1-5. Driver’s installed on Windows 2000
Figure 1-6 Driver’s installed on Windows XP
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1.1.2 Connection Wizard
The following card and cable should be ready for connection:
1. DS-40xxHCI card:
Figure 1-7 DS-4004HCI card front view
Figure 1-8 DS-4008HCI card front view
2. External video input and audio input cable. Red cables are for video input, and the white
ones are for audio input:
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Figure 1-9 Video & Audio Input Cable
3. Internal audio connection cable between DS-40xxHCI compression boards:
Figure 1-10 Internal Audio Cable 1
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4. Internal audio cable, connecting the DS-40xxHCI compression board with PC motherboard:
Figure 1-11 Internal Audio Cable 2
5. Boards internal audio connection: Connect audio output of first HCI board with the audio
input of second HCI board, connect the audio output of the second HCI board with the
audio input of the third HCI boar, the rest may be deduced by analogy.
Figure 1-12 Internal Audio Cables Connection Example
6. Connect the last audio output of HCI board with the CD IN of PC motherboard /PCI sound
Page 10 of 86
Figure 1-13 Internal Audio Cables Connection Example
1.1.3 Video and Audio Input Ports Description
The DS-4004HCI provides a DB 15-pin female connector to input 4 channels’ video and
audio signal (DB1).
9 15
Figure 1-14 15-pin DB port description of DS-4004HCI
1 8
Page 11 of 86
Pin Signal Description
1 Video 1
2 Video 2
3 Video 3
4 Video 4
5 Audio 1
6 Audio 2
7 Audio 3
8 Audio 4
10 GND
11 GND
12 GND
13 GND
14 GND
15 GND
DB1 pins description
The DS-4004HCI also provides optional internal PIN for video and audio input (DB2) .
Figure 1-15 DB2 of DS-4004HCI
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Figure 1-16 DB2 of DS-4004HCI
Description Pin Description
1 Video 1 2 GND
3 Video 2 4 GND
5 Video 3 6 GND
7 Video 4 8 GND
1. Insert the installation CD into the CD-ROM drive.
2. In the installation CD folder, locate the file-Setup.exe, double click it to run this application,
then the startup window appears:
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Figure 1-20 DVR Startup Window
Figure 1-21 DVR Installation Process
Click [Next] and use default installation directory.
3. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation. It will create a shortcut on
Note: To uninstall the software, please enter software folder and execute UNWISE.exe, then
Figure 1-22 DVR Installation Process
Page 16 of 86
follow the on-screen instructcess.ions to complete the un-installation pro
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Chapter 2 System Configuration
2.1 Overview
Follow these steps to begin to configure your system:
Step 1
The picture followed will appears when you start up the DVR system by double-click the
shortcut of DVR in the desktop.
It means the system is loading.
Step 2
Then you will be prompted to enter the username and password:
Figure 2-1 System Star up Window
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■ Username: super
■ No Password
Figure 2-2 DVR Authorization
By default, you can input the username with “super” and null password to pass the
Usage Tips: you can modify the password in this menu: [Others] - [User Management] [Local]
Step 3
When entered correct username and password, you will see the main interface as follows:
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Figure 2-3 DVR Main Interface
Main Interface Description:
1. Date/Time: shows the current date and time, which will be written in recording files.
2. Camera Name: The defined name of each camera. By default, it is the Camera number.
3. Digital Matrix: You can output the video to monitors beside DVR by using digital matrix
4. Preview: To preview all the channels’ or cameras’ videos in one screen simultaneously,
press [Preview] to unfold [Preview] button, then preview configuration panel appears. All
the camera numbers will list in this panel. For example, you have inserted two DS4008HCI cards, so 16 numbers (from 1 to 16) will be listed here.
A number in bight green background means that this number’s camera video is
previewed in the screen. You can click on the number to change the preview state of
one camera, or click [All]/[None] to select all the cameras to change state.
For detailed information and configurations about preview, please refer to 2.3.1 Camera
Preview Configuration.
Note: System supports preview all the cameras in one divided screen at the same time.
5. Record: It shows and enable control the recording status of all the cameras.
Press [Record] button to unfold record configuration panel, in which the recording status
of all the cameras shows. A number in bight green background means that this number’s
camera is in recording. To start or stop recording a camera, just click on the number to
change the recording status of one camera, or click [All]/[None] to select all the cameras
to change state.
When a camera is in recording or recorded, you can find recording files in the disk.
For detailed information and configurations about record, please refer to 2.3.2 Record
6. Alarm: here you can control the alarm detection for each camera.
Press [Alarm] button to unfold alarm configuration panel, in which the alarm detection
status of all the cameras shows. A number in bight green background means that this
number’s camera is in alarm detection status. To start or stop alarm detection of a
camera, just click on the number to change the status of one camera, or click [All]/[None]
to select all the cameras to change state.
The number will turn red on alarm.
For detailed information and configurations about alarm, please refer to 2.3.3 Alarm
7. Color: Adjust the color configuration here, such as brightness, contrast, saturation, hue.
Press [Color] button to unfold color configuration panel. Drag the slider to change the
Page 20 of 86
parameter, and it will take effect in the video picture at once.
For detailed information and configurations about color pattern, please refer to 2.3.6
Color Configuration.
8. PTZ Control: Control the movement of your PTZ camera. Click to unfold the panel and
enter the control interface.
9. System Control Panel
Control the main system functions. Click the panel and enter the control interface.
For detailed information and configurations about system control panel, please refer to
2.2 System Control Panel.
10. Active Time: Displays the current date and time, time length that this system has been
11. Login/Lock System: Login the system or exchange user. You also can lock the system
when you are away, so other people do not enter the system.
12. Screen Division: to choose screen divisions or layout modes here.
13. Exit System: Exit the system, you can select [return to desktop] or [Shut down the PC].
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2.2 System Control Panel
Figure 2-4 System Control Panel
1. System Configuration: Configure system parameters, including camera preview
settings, alarm settings, schedule setting, and system server settings, etc.;
For detail information, please refer to 2.3 Camera Setup, 2.4 System Setup, and 2.5
Digital Matrix.
2. Schedule: Press [Schedule] button to start or stop predefined schedule.
3. Playback: Playback the local record files or the record files at remote DVRS.
For detail information, please refer to Chapter 3 Playback Configuration.
4. Monitor: Listen to the real time audio. Press this button to turn on / off this option.
5. Capture: To snapshot current picture, press [Capture].
Note: system capture picture in bmp format.
6. Circulation: Preview the video images circularly. Press [Circulation] to configure it:
7. Others: to manage your DVR system, such as user management, disk management,
click [Others].
For detail information about system management, please refer to Chapter 4 System
2.3 Camera Setup
Click [System Configuration], then choose [Camera Setup] submenu, you will enter the DVR
Camera Setup interface as follows:
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Figure 2-5 DVR Camera Setup Window
The left column lists the camera numbers and their names installed in this DVR. You can
choose to configure one camera’s parameters by clicking to select the camera number.
The right column shows all the functions and parameters related to camera setup. You can
specify detailed parameter to configure each camera. There are six tabs under [Camera
Preview: specify the parameters about how to preview the camera’s video.
Record: specify the settings about recording quality, storage parameters, networking
transmission method, and so on.
Alarm: customize alarm trigger types, corresponding actions and so on.
Schedule: you can define and save automatic work schedules here
PTZ: specify the setting of PTZ here, such as product model, baud rate, COM port
and so on.
Color: create and modify display color patterns here.
2.3.1 Preview configuration
To enter the Preview Configuration Interface, click [Preview] tab in the right column under
DVR camera Setup. See details in Figure 2-6.
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Figure 2-6 DVR camera preview configuration interface
1) Click to select one camera to modify the configuration.
Notice: you can select one camera only at a time. But you can copy or apply a camera’s
configuration to multiple cameras or channels by using [Copy to] feature.
2) Channel name: describes the camera’s name here. Camera name should be less than
20 characters.
3) Video Format: click to choose the video format here: NTSC or PAL.
4) Display Camera Name: click to select this option to display camera name on the video
5) Display Date and Time: click to select this option to display date and time on the video
6) High Contrast Font Color: click to select this option to ensure camera information such
as camera name, date and time good visibility either in weak or strong light video.
7) Enable Privacy Mask: users can set a specific area as mask area to prevent important
information to be seen by other people, for example, preventing password input area to
be seen in the video. You can drag a rectangular area as the mask area by keep clicking
left key on mouse.
8) Default: click [Default] button to recover back to default preview configuration.
9) Copy to: click [Copy to] to enter Select channel as figure 2-7. You can click [select all] to
select all the cameras or channels, or you can click the channel number to select the
camera you want to copy configuration to, then press [OK] or [Cancel] to apply or cancel
these changes.
Page 24 of 86
Figure 2-7 Select channel Interface
2.3.2 Record configuration
To enter Record Configuration interface, click [Record] tab under DVR Camera Setup. See
details as Figure 2-8.
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Figure 2-8 Recording Configuration
Under Recording Quality:
¾ Set record Resolution: click to choose from CIF, 2CIF, DCIF or D1 (4CIF) under
Recording Quality.
¾ Set record quality: click to choose from Highest, Level1, Level2, Level3, Level4 or
Level5 as need.
¾ Set frame rate: set the appropriate Frame Rate per Second by using up or down
arrow under Recording Quality.
¾ Record audio: To record audio and video simultaneously, click to select [Record
Audio] under Recording Quality.
Under Storage:
¾ Set storage drives: under [Storage], set appropriate start and end partitions that you
want to store your video files.
¾ Set Maximum Recording Time: By default, every 30 minutes’ video will be created to
a video file. You can change the value here to control the video file size.
¾ Enforce Storage limits: By click to select this checkbox, you can set a recording rate
upper limit. It is recommended to use in small hard disk circumstance.
Under Networking:
¾ Dual Stream: click to choose this checkbox to enable Dual stream function.
¾ Set network transmitted video quality: click to choose from Highest, Level1, Level2,
Level3, Level4 or Level5 as needed.
¾ Set network transmitted video frame rate: set the appropriate Frame Rate per
Second by using up or down arrow under Recording Quality.
¾ Maximum Files Size: choose an appropriate value to set the maximum recording files
size in an hour. You can adjust this parameter to adapt to network media
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