HIKOKI C 8FSHG Handling Instructions Manual

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fr it nl es pt sv da no el pl hu cs tr ro sl
Handling instructions
Mode d’emploi
Istruzioni per l’uso
Instrucciones de manejo
Instruções de uso
Οδηγίες χειρισμού
sk bg sr hr
@ #
4 – ø9 mm
214 mm
214 mm
230 mm
13 14
15 16
• i
17 18
20 21
17 mm
6 mm
110V 463 230V C
English Deutsch Français Italiano
Lower guard Unterer Schutz Carénage inférieur Protezione inferiore
Switch handle Schaltergri Poignée de contacteur Manico di commutazione
Motor head Motorkopf Tête du moteur Testa del motore
Gear case Getriebegehäuse Carter d'engrenage Cassa ingranaggi
Dust bag Staubbeutel Sac à poussière Sacca per la polvere
Slide securing knob Führungssicherungsknopf
Slide carriage Führungsträger Chariot coulissant Carrello slitta
Bevel pointer Schrägschnittanzeiger Pointe de biseau Puntatore smussatura
Holder (A) Halter (A) Support (A) Supporto (A)
Vise assembly Schraubstocksatz Ensemble de l'étau Gruppo morsa
Sub fence Hilfsgitter Butée secondaire Guida secondaria
Lock knob Sperrknopf Bouton de verrouillage Manopola di blocco
Fence (A) Gitter (A) Butée (A) Guida di appoggio (A)
Vise lock knob Schraubstocksperrknopf
Left extention table Linker Anbautisch
Base Basis Base Base
Miter pointer Gehrungsanzeiger Pointe d'onglet Puntatore quartabuono
Turntable Drehscheibe Plateau tournant Piatto girevole
Positive stop locking lever
Miter handle Gehrungsgri Poignée d'onglet Manico per quartabuono
Table insert Tischeinsatz Plaque d'insertion Inserimento tavola
Fence (B) Gitter (B) Butée (B) Guida di appoggio (B)
Laser marker Lasermarker Marqueur laser Marcatore laser
Rotation direction Drehrichtung Sens de rotation Direzione di rotazione
Laser marker switch Schalter für Lasermarker
Trigger switch Auslöseschalter Interrupteur à détente Interruttore a grilletto
Blade guard locking lever
Blade Sägeblatt Lame Lama
Quick-cam locking lever Schnellspannhebel
Spindle lock Spindelsperre Verrouillage de broche Blocco dell’alberino
Motor Motor Moteur Motore
Anchor plate Ankerplatte Plaque d'ancrage Piastra di ancoraggio
Extention wing lock knob
Right extention table Rechter Anbautisch Plateau de rallonge droit
Mounting hole Montagebohrung Trou de montage Foro di montaggio
Locking pin Sicherungsstift Goupille de verrouillage Perno di bloccaggio
Bevel lock knob
Hinge Scharnier Charnière Cardine
Sperrhebel für den Festanschlag
Sperrhebel für den Sägeblattschutz
Verriegelungsknopf für den Anbaufl ügel
Bouton de fi xation coulissant
Bouton de verrouillage de l'étau
Plateau de rallonge gauche
Levier de verrouillage d'arrêt positif
Contacteur de marqueur laser
Levier de verrouillage du protège-lame
Levier de verrouillage à came rapide
Bouton de blocage de la rallonge
Bouton de blocage de biseau
Manopola di fi ssaggio slitta
Manopola di blocco morsa
Tavola di estensione sinistra
Leva di blocco arresto positivo
Interruttore marcatore laser
Leva di blocco protezione lama
Leva di blocco camma rapida
Manopola di blocco ala di estensione
Tavola di estensione destra
Manopola di blocco smussatura
English Deutsch Français Italiano
Stop knob Anschlagknopf Bouton d'arrêt Manopola di arresto
Dust port
Work bench Werkbank Établi Banco di lavoro
8 mm nut 8-mm-Mutter Écrou de 8 mm Dado da 8 mm
25 mm thick work bench 25 mm dicke Werkbank
8 mm nut 8-mm-Mutter Écrou de 8 mm Dado da 8 mm
Holder Halter Support Supporto
Hole Loch Trou Foro
Screw Schraube Vis Vite
Combination square Kombi-Winkelmaß Équerre combinée Squadra universale
Lock nut Sicherungsmutter Contre-écrou Controdado
Adjustment bolt Einstellschraube Boulon de réglage Bullone di regolazione
Bevel pointer screw
Lock nut Sicherungsmutter Contre-écrou Controdado
Bolt Schraube Boulon Bullone
Screw Schraube Vis Vite
Stop block Anschlagblock Bloc d'arrêt Blocco di arresto
Stop seat Anschlagsitz Butée du siège Sede di arresto
4 mm machine screw 4-mm-Maschinenschraube Vis à métaux de 4 mm Vite da macchina da 4 mm
Laser line Laserlinie Ligne de laser Linea laser
Cutting line Schnittlinie Ligne de coupe Linea di taglio
Workpiece Werkstück Pièce à usiner Pezzo da lavorare
Top view Draufsicht Vue de dessus Vista superiore
Rivet Stift Rivet Rivet
Laser housing Lasergehäuse Boîtier laser Alloggiamento laser
Set screw Einstellschraube Vis de réglage Vite di fi ssaggio
Line Linie Ligne Linea
Warning sign Warnschild Signe d'avertissement Segnale di avvertenza
Hole Loch Trou Foro
Knob Knopf Bouton Manopola
Vise plate Schraubstockplatte Plaque d'étau Piastra della morsa
Workpiece Werkstück Pièce à usiner Pezzo da lavorare
Marking (pre-marked) Markierung (vormarkiert) Marquage (pré-marqué) Marcatura (pre-marcata)
(Front view) (Vorderansicht) (vue de face) (Vista anteriore)
Adjusting line Einstelllinie Ligne de réglage Linea di regolazione
Pull forward Nach vorn ziehen Tirer vers l'avant Tirare in avanti
Press down Herunterdrücken Appuyer vers le bas Premere in basso
Push backward Nach hinten drücken Pousser en arrière Spingere indietro
Bevel scale Schrägschnittskala Échelle de biseau Scala di smussatura
Miter scale Gehrungsskala Échelle à onglets Scala di quartabuono
Turn the turntable
Cut grooves with saw
Anschluss für Staubabsaugung
Drehen Sie die Drehscheibe
Nuten mit dem Sägeblatt schneiden
Sortie d'évacuation de poussière
Établi de 25 mm d'épaisseur
Vis à pointe biseautée Vite puntatore smussatura
Tourner le plateau tournant Ruotare il piatto girevole
Couper les rainures avec une lame de scie
Porta per la polvere
Banco di lavoro da 25 mm di spessore
Tagliare le scanalature con la lama sega
English Deutsch Français Italiano
Bottom line of the groove Untere Linie der Nut
Aluminum sash Aluminiumrahmen Cadre en aluminium Telaio in alluminio
Wood plate Holzplatte Plaque en bois Piastra di legno
Clamp Klemme Dispositif de serrage Morsetto
Cover plate screw
Cover plate Abdeckplatte Couvercle Piastra coperchio
8 mm bolt 8-mm-Schraube Boulon de 8 mm Bullone da 8 mm
Blade spanner Sägeblattschlüssel Clé à lame Chiave per lama
Washer (B) Unterlegscheibe (B) Rondelle (B) Rondella (B)
Washer (A) Unterlegscheibe (A) Rondelle (A) Rondella (A)
Wear limit line Verschleißgrenzlinie Ligne de limite d'usure Linea limite di usura
No. of carbon brush Nr. der Kohlebürste
Brush cap Bürstenkappe Capuchon de la brosse Tappo spazzola
Carbon brush Kohlebürste Brosse en carbone Spazzola al carbonio
Air gun Druckluftpistole Pistolet à air Pistola ad aria compressa
Schraube für die Abdeckplatte
Ligne inférieure de la rainure
Vis de couvercle Vite piastra coperchio
N° de brosse en fi bres de carbone
Linea inferiore della scanalatura
N. di spazzola di carbone
Nederlands Español Português Svenska
Onderste afscherming Protección inferior Guarda inferior Undre skydd
Schakelaarhendel Manecilla del interruptor Punho de comutação Brytarhandtag
Motorkop Cabezal del motor Cabeça do motor Motorhuvud
Versnellingsbak Caja de engranajes Caixa de engrenagens Växellåda
Stofzak Bolsa para el polvo Saco de pó Dammpåse
Schuifwagen Carro deslizante Carro da corrediça Glidvagn
Schuine wijzer Puntero del bisel Ponteiro do bisel Faspekare
Houder (A) Soporte (A) Suporte (A) Hållare (A)
Geleider Guía secundaria Guia secundária Subanslag
Vergrendelknop Perilla de bloqueo Botão de bloqueio Låsvred
Geleider (A) Guía (A) Guia (A) Anslag (A)
Linker verlengingstafel
Basis Base Base Bas
Verstekwijzer Puntero del inglete Ponteiro de esquadria Geringspekare
Draaischijf Mesa giratoria Plataforma giratória Vridplatta
positieve stop Verstekhandvat Mango del inglete Pega de esquadria Geringshandtag
Tafelinzetstuk Inserto de mesa Calço da mesa Bordinsats
Geleider (B) Guía (B) Guia (B) Anslag (B)
Lasermarkering Marcador láser Marcador a laser Lasermarkör
Rotatierichting Dirección de rotación Direção de rotação Rotationsriktning
Trekschakelaar Interruptor de disparo Gatilho Avtryckare
mesbeschermer Blad Hoja Lâmina Blad
nokvergrendelingshendel Spil vergrendelen Bloqueo del husillo Bloqueio do fuso Spindellås
Motor Motor Motor Motor
Ankerplaat Placa de anclaje Placa de ancoragem Förankringsplatta
Rechter verlengingstafel
Bevestigingsgat Orifi cio de montaje Orifício de montagem Monteringshål
Borgpen Pasador de bloqueo Pino de bloqueio Låsstift
vergrendelingsknop Scharnier Bisagra Dobradiça Gångjärn
Perilla de fi jación del pasador
Conjunto del tornillo de carpintero
Perilla de bloqueo del tornillo de carpintero
Mesa de extensión izquierda
Palanca de bloqueo de parada positiva
Interruptor del marcador láser
Palanca de bloqueo del protector de la cuchilla
Palanca de bloqueo de la leva rápida
Perilla de bloqueo del ala de extensión
Mesa de extensión derecha
Perilla de bloqueo del bisel Botão de bloqueio do bisel Faslåsratt
Botão de segurança da corrediça
Conjunto do torno Skruvstäd
Botão de bloqueio de torno Skruvstädslåsknapp
Mesa de extensão esquerda
Alavanca de bloqueio de paragem positiva
Interruptor de marcador a laser
Alavanca de bloqueio da proteção da lâmina
Alavanca de bloqueio de came rápida
Botão de bloqueio da asa de extensão
Mesa de extensão direita Höger förlängningsbord
Glidande säkringsratt
Vänster förlängningsbord
Positiva stoppets låsspak
Klingskyddets låsspak
Förlängningsvingens låsratt
Nederlands Español Português Svenska
Stopknop Perilla de parada Botão de paragem Stoppvred
Stofpoort Puerto del polvo Orifício do pó Dammutsläpp
Werkbank Banco de trabajo Bancada de trabalho Arbetsbänk
8 mm moer Tuerca de 8 mm Porca de 8 mm 8 mm mutter
25 mm dikke werkbank
8 mm moer Tuerca de 8 mm Porca de 8 mm 8 mm mutter
Houder Soporte Suporte Hållare
Gat Agujero Orifício Hål
Schroef Tornillo Parafuso Skruv
Combinatievierkant Cuadrado de combinación Quadrado de combinação Kombinationsvinkel
Borgmoer Tuerca de bloqueo Contraporca Låsmutter
Stelbout Perno de ajuste Parafuso de ajuste Justerbult
Schuine aanwijzerschroef
Borgmoer Tuerca de bloqueo Contraporca Låsmutter
Bout Perno Perno Bult
Schroef Tornillo Parafuso Skruv
Stopblok Bloque de parada Bloco de paragem Stoppblock
Stopknop Asiento de parada Assento de paragem Stoppsäte
4 mm machineschroef
Laserlijn Línea láser Linha de laser Laserlinje
Zaaglijn Línea de corte Linha de corte Skärlinje
Werkstuk Pieza de trabajo Peça de trabalho Arbetsstycke
Bovenaanzicht Vista superior Vista do topo Sedd uppifrån
Klinknagel Remache Rebite Nitarna
Laserbehuizing Carcasa del láser Carcaça do laser Laserhus
Stelschroef Tornillo de ajuste Parafuso de ajuste Inställningsskruven
Lijn Línea Linha Linje
Waarschuwingsbord Señal de advertencia Sinal de aviso Varningsskylt
Gat Agujero Orifício Hål
Knop Perilla Alavanca Knapp
Werkstuk Pieza de trabajo Peça de trabalho Arbetsstycke
Markering (vooraf
gemarkeerd) (Vooraanzicht) (Vista frontal) (Vista frontal) (Vy framifrån)
Stellijn Línea de ajuste Linha de ajuste Justeringslinje
Vooruit trekken Empujar hacia delante Puxar para a frente Dra framåt
Duw naar beneden Presionar Pressionar para baixo Tryck ned
Duw naar achteren Empujar hacia atrás Empurrar para trás Tryck bakåt
Schuine schaal Escala del bisel Escala do bisel Fasskala
Verstekschaal Escala del inglete Escala de esquadria Geringsskala
Draai aan de draaitafel Gire la mesa giratoria Rode a plataforma giratória Vrid vridplattan
Banco de trabajo de 25 mm de grosor
Tornillo del puntero biselado
Tornillo de la máquina de 4 mm
Placa del tornillo de carpintero
Marcado (marcado previamente)
Bancada com 25 mm de espessura
Parafuso de ponteiro de inclinação
Parafuso de 4 mm para máquina
Placa de torno Skruvstädsplatta
Marcação (pré-marcada) Märkning (förkodad)
25 mm tjock arbetsbänk
4 mm maskinskruv
Nederlands Español Português Svenska
Snijd groeven met
zaagblad Onderste lijn van de groef Línea inferior de la ranura Linha de fundo do entalhe Spårets bottenlinje
Aluminium raamwerk Marco de aluminio Faixa de alumínio Lösramar av aluminium
Houten plaat Placa de madera Placa de madeira Träplatta
Klem Abrazadera Grampo Tving
Afdekplaat Placa de cubierta Placa de cobertura Täckplatta
8 mm bout Perno de 8 mm Perno de 8 mm 8 mm bult
Steekringsleutel Llave de la cuchilla Chave de lâmina Bladnyckel
Tussenring (B) Arandela (B) Anilha (B) Bricka (B)
Tussenring (A) Arandela (A) Anilha (A) Bricka (A)
Lijn slijtagelimiet Línea límite de desgaste Linha limite de desgaste Slitagegränslinje
Aantal koolborstels Núm. de cepillo de carbón N.º da escova de carvão Antal kolborstar
Borstelkap Tapa del cepillo Tampa da escova Borstskydd
Koolborstel Escobilla de carbón Escova de carbono Kolborste
Persluchtspuit Pistola de aire Pistola de ar Tryckluftspistol
Corte surcos con la cuchilla de la sierra
Tornillo de la placa de cubierta
Cortar entalhes com lâmina de serra
Parafuso da placa de cobertura
Skära spår med sågblad
Dansk Norsk Suomi Ελληνικά
Nedre afskærmning Nedre vern Alasuojus Κάτω προφυλακτήρας
Skiftehåndtag Bytt håndtak Kytkinkahva Λαβή διακόπτη
Motorhoved Motorhode Moottoripää Κεφαλή μοτέρ
Gearkasse Girkasse Vaihdelaatikko Θήκη ταχυτήτων
Støvpose Støvpose Pölypussi Σακούλα σκόνης
Glidesikringsgreb Skyv sikringsbryteren Liukukiinnitysnuppi
Skydervogn Skyvevogn Liukuteräkelkka Φορείο ολίσθησης
Skråmarkør Skråviser Kaltevuudenosoitin Δείκτης κλίσης
Holder (A) Holder (A) Pidike (A) Στήριγμα (A)
Skruestik Skrustikkemontering Ruuvipenkkiyhdistelmä
Under-anlægsfl ade Føringshjelp Apusuojus Δευτερεύων οδηγός
Låsegreb Låseknapp Lukitusnuppi Λαβή ασφάλισης
Hegn (A) Fører (A) Suojus (A) Οδηγός (A)
Låsegreb til skruestik Låseknapp for skrustikke
Venstre forlængerplade Venstre forlengelsesbord
Base Base Jalusta Βάση
Geringsmarkør Gjæringsviser Viistekulman osoitin Δείκτης λοξοτομής
Drejeplade Dreieskive Tasauspöytä
Låsehåndtag for positivt
stop Geringshåndtag Gjæringshåndtak Viistekulman lukituskahva Λαβή λοξοτομής
Maskinbordsindsats Bordinnsats Pöydän pisto-osa Τεμάχιο τροφοδοσίας
Hegn (B) Fører (B) Suojus (B) Οδηγός (B)
Laserindikator Lasermarkør Lasermerkitsijä Δείκτης λέιζερ
Rotationsretning Rotasjonsretning Pyörimissuunta Κατεύθυνση περιστροφής
Laserindikatorkontakt Lasermarkørbryter Lasermerkitsimen kytkin Διακόπτης δείκτη λέιζερ
Aftrækker-kontakt Bryterknapp Liipaisukytkin Πληκτροδιακόπτης
Låsehåndtag til
klingeafskærmning Klinge Blad Terä Λεπίδα
Låsehåndtag for hurtig
knast Spindellås Spindellås Karan lukitus Ασφάλεια άξονα
Motor Motor Moottori Μοτέρ
Ankerplade Ankerplate Ankkurilevy Πλάκα αγκύρωσης
Låseknap til
Højre forlængerplade Høyre forlengelsesbord Oikeanpuoleinen jatkotaso
Monteringshul Monteringshull Kiinnitysreikä Οπή συναρμολόγησης
Låsestift Låsestift Lukitustappi Περόνη ασφαλείας
Skrålåseknap Skrålåseknapp
Hængsel Hengsel Sarana Μεντεσές
Positiv stopp-låsespak
Sperrehåndtak til sagbladvern
Hurtiglåsespak Pikalukitusvipu
Vingelåseknapp til forlengelse
Ruuvipuristimen lukitusnuppi
Vasemmanpuoleinen jatkotaso
Positiivisen pysähdyksen lukitusvipu
Teränsuojuksen lukitusvipu
Jatkotason lukitusnuppi
Kaltevuuskulman lukitusnuppi
Λαβή ασφάλισης ολίσθησης
Μέγγενη συναρμολόγησης
Κουμπί ασφάλισης μέγγενης
Επιφάνεια εργασίας επέκτασης στα αριστερά
Περιστροφική πλάκα Μοχλός ασφάλισης
θετικού στοπ
Μοχλός ασφάλισης προστατευτικού λεπίδας
Μοχλός ασφάλισης
Κουμπί ασφάλισης πτερυγίου επέκτασης
Επιφάνεια εργασίας επέκτασης στα δεξιά
Κουμπί ασφάλισης κλίσης
Dansk Norsk Suomi Ελληνικά
Stophåndtag Stoppeknott Pysäytysnuppi Λαβή τερματισμού
Støvport Støvåpning Pölyportti Θύρα σκόνης
Arbejdsbænk Arbeidsbenk Työstöpöytä Πάγκος εργασίας
8 mm-møtrik 8 mm mutter 8 mm:n mutteri Παξιμάδι 8 mm
25 mm tyk arbejdsbænk 25 mm tykk arbeidsbenk 25 mm paksu työstöpenkki
8 mm-møtrik 8 mm mutter 8 mm:n mutteri Παξιμάδι 8 mm
Holder Holder Pidike Στήριγμα
Hul Hull Reikä Οπή
Skrue Skrue Ruuvi Βίδα
Kombinationsfi rkant Kombinasjonsfi rkant Yhdistelmäkulmamittain Γνώμονας συνδυασμού
Låsemøtrik Låsemutter Lukkomutteri Παξιμάδι ασφάλισης
Justeringsbolt Justeringsbolt Säätöpultti Μπουλόνι ρύθμισης
Skråindikatorskrue Skråskrue Kaltevuuden osoitinruuvi Βίδα δείκτη κλίσης
Låsemøtrik Låsemutter Lukkomutteri Παξιμάδι ασφάλισης
Bolt Bolt Pultti Μπουλόνι
Skrue Skrue Ruuvi Βίδα
Stopblok Stoppeblokk Pysäytyslohko Μπλοκ τερματισμού
Stopsæde Stoppesete Pysäytyspaikka Έδρα τερματισμού
4 mm-maskinskrue 4 mm maskinskrue 4 mm:n koneruuvi Μηχανική βίδα 4 mm
Laserlinje Laserlinje Laserlinja Γραμμή λέιζερ
Skærelinje Skjærelinje Leikkauslinja Γραμμή κοπής
Arbejdsstykke Arbeidsstykke Työkappale Προς κατεργασία κομμάτι
Set ovenfra Grunnriss Ylhäältä Κατοψη
Nitte Nagle Niitti Πριτσίνι
Laserkabinet Laserhus Laserkotelo Περίβλημα λέιζερ
Indstillingsskrue Setteskrue Kiristysruuvi Σετ βιδών
Linje Linje Linja Γραμμή
Advarselsskilt Varselskilt Varoitusmerkki Προειδοποιητική πινακίδα
Hul Hull Reikä Οπή
Greb Knapp Nuppi Λαβή
Skruetvingeplade Skrustikkplate Ruuvipuristin levy Πλάκα διάταξης
Arbejdsstykke Arbeidsstykke Työkappale Προς κατεργασία κομμάτι
(forhåndsmærket) (Set forfra) (Forfra) (Edestä) (Μπροστινή όψη)
Justeringslinje Justeringslinje Säätölinja Γραμμή ρύθμισης
Træk fremad Dra fremover Vedä eteenpäin Τραβήξτε προς τα εμπρός
Tryk ned Trykk ned Paina alas Πιέστε προς τα κάτω
Skub baglæns Skyv bakover Työnnä taaksepäin Σπρώξτε προς τα πίσω
Skråningsskala Skråskala Kaltevuusasteikko Κλίμακα κλίσης
Geringsskala Gjæringsskala Viistekulman asteikko Κλίμακα λοξοτομής
Drej drejebordet Drei på dreieskiven Käännä tasauspöytää
Skær riller med savklinge Kutte riller med sagblad Leikkaa urat sahanterällä
Merking (pre-merket) Merkintä (ennalta merkitty) Σημάδι (προσημειωμένο)
Πάγκος εργασίας πάχους 25 mm
Γυρίστε την περιστροφική πλάκα
Κόψτε αυλακώσεις με την οδοντωτή λεπίδα
Dansk Norsk Suomi Ελληνικά
Bundlinje for rillen Bunnlinjen av sporet Uran alalinja
Aluminiumsramme Aluminiumramme Alumiinikehys Αψίδα αλουμινίου
Træplade Treplate Puulevy Πλάκα ξύλου
Låseanordning Klemme Kiinnike Σφιγκτήρας
Skrue til dækselplade Dekkplateskrue Suojalevyn ruuvi Βίδα πλάκας κάλυψης
Dækselplade Dekkplate Suojalevy Πλάκα κάλυψης
8 mm-bolt 8 mm bolt 8 mm:n pultti Μπουλόνι 8 mm
Klingeskive Bladnøkkel Terän avain Κλειδί λεπίδας
Spændeskive (B) Skive (B) Aluslevy (B) Ροδέλα (B)
Spændeskive (A) Skive (A) Aluslevy (A) Ροδέλα (A)
Linje for slidgrænse Linje for slitasjegrense Kulumisrajan merkki Γραμμή ορίου φθοράς
Antal kulstofbørster Antall kullbørster Hiiliharjan nro Αρ. ανθρακικής ψήκτρας
Børstehætte Børstehette Harjan suojus Καπάκι βούρτσας
Kulstofbørste Kullbørste Hiiliharja Ανθρακική ψήκτρα
Trykluftpistol Luftpistol Ilmapyssy Αεροπίστολο
Κάτω γραμμή της αυλάκωσης
(Original instructions)
WARNING Read all safety warnings, instructions, illustrations and specifi cations provided with this power tool.
Failure to follow all instructions listed below may result in electric shock, fi re and/or serious injury.
Save all warnings and instructions for future reference.
The term “power tool” in the warnings refers to your mains­operated (corded) power tool.
1) Work area safety
a) Keep work area clean and well lit.
Cluttered or dark areas invite accidents.
b) Do not operate power tools in explosive
atmospheres, such as in the presence of ammable liquids, gases or dust.
Power tools create sparks which may ignite the dust
or fumes.
c) Keep children and bystanders away while
operating a power tool.
Distractions can cause you to lose control.
2) Electrical safety
a) Power tool plugs must match the outlet. Never
modify the plug in any way. Do not use any adapter plugs with earthed (grounded) power tools.
Unmodifi ed plugs and matching outlets will reduce
risk of electric shock.
b) Avoid body contact with earthed or grounded
surfaces, such as pipes, radiators, ranges and refrigerators.
There is an increased risk of electric shock if your
body is earthed or grounded.
c) Do not expose power tools to rain or wet
Water entering a power tool will increase the risk of
electric shock.
d) Do not abuse the cord. Never use the cord for
carrying, pulling or unplugging the power tool.
Keep cord away from heat, oil, sharp edges or
moving parts.
Damaged or entangled cords increase the risk of
electric shock.
e) When operating a power tool outdoors, use an
extension cord suitable for outdoor use.
Use of a cord suitable for outdoor use reduces the
risk of electric shock.
f) If operating a power tool in a damp location
is unavoidable, use a residual current device (RCD) protected supply.
Use of an RCD reduces the risk of electric shock.
3) Personal safety
a) Stay alert, watch what you are doing and use
common sense when operating a power tool.
Do not use a power tool while you are tired
or under the infl uence of drugs, alcohol or medication.
A moment of inattention while operating power tools
may result in serious personal injury.
b) Use personal protective equipment. Always
wear eye protection.
Protective equipment such as a dust mask, non-skid
safety shoes, hard hat or hearing protection used for appropriate conditions will reduce personal injuries.
c) Prevent unintentional starting. Ensure the
switch is in the off -position before connecting to power source and/or battery pack, picking up or carrying the tool.
Carrying power tools with your fi nger on the switch
or energising power tools that have the switch on invites accidents.
d) Remove any adjusting key or wrench before
turning the power tool on.
A wrench or a key left attached to a rotating part of
the power tool may result in personal injury.
e) Do not overreach. Keep proper footing and
balance at all times.
This enables better control of the power tool in
unexpected situations.
f) Dress properly. Do not wear loose clothing or
jewellery. Keep your hair and clothing away from moving parts.
Loose clothes, jewellery or long hair can be caught in
moving parts.
g) If devices are provided for the connection of
dust extraction and collection facilities, ensure these are connected and properly used.
Use of dust collection can reduce dust-related
h) Do not let familiarity gained from frequent use
of tools allow you to become complacent and ignore tool safety principles.
A careless action can cause severe injury within a
fraction of a second.
4) Power tool use and care a) Do not force the power tool. Use the correct
power tool for your application.
The correct power tool will do the job better and safer
at the rate for which it was designed.
b) Do not use the power tool if the switch does not
turn it on and off .
Any power tool that cannot be controlled with the
switch is dangerous and must be repaired.
c) Disconnect the plug from the power source and/
or remove the battery pack, if detachable, from the power tool before making any adjustments, changing accessories, or storing power tools.
Such preventive safety measures reduce the risk of
starting the power tool accidentally.
d) Store idle power tools out of the reach of
children and do not allow persons unfamiliar with the power tool or these instructions to operate the power tool.
Power tools are dangerous in the hands of untrained
e) Maintain power tools and accessories. Check
for misalignment or binding of moving parts, breakage of parts and any other condition that may aff ect the power toolʼs operation. If damaged, have the power tool repaired before use.
Many accidents are caused by poorly maintained
power tools.
f) Keep cutting tools sharp and clean.
Properly maintained cutting tools with sharp cutting
edges are less likely to bind and are easier to control.
g) Use the power tool, accessories and tool bits
etc. in accordance with these instructions, taking into account the working conditions and the work to be performed.
Use of the power tool for operations diff erent from
those intended could result in a hazardous situation.
h) Keep handles and grasping surfaces dry, clean
and free from oil and grease.
Slippery handles and grasping surfaces do not
allow for safe handling and control of the tool in unexpected situations.
5) Service a) Have your power tool serviced by a qualifi ed
repair person using only identical replacement parts.
This will ensure that the safety of the power tool is
PRECAUTION Keep children and infi rm persons away. When not in use, tools should be stored out of reach of children and infi rm persons.
a) Miter saws are intended to cut wood or wood-like
products, they cannot be used with abrasive cut­off wheels for cutting ferrous material such as bars, rods, studs, etc.
Abrasive dust causes moving parts such as the lower
guard to jam. Sparks from abrasive cutting will burn the lower guard, the kerf insert and other plastic parts.
b) Use clamps to support the workpiece whenever
possible. If supporting the workpiece by hand, you must always keep your hand at least 100 mm from either side of the saw blade. Do not use this saw to cut pieces that are too small to be securely clamped or held by hand.
If your hand is placed too close to the saw blade, there is
an increased risk of injury from blade contact.
c) The workpiece must be stationary and clamped or
held against both the fence and the table. Do not feed the workpiece into the blade or cut "freehand" in any way.
Unrestrained or moving workpieces could be thrown at
high speeds, causing injury.
d) Push the saw through the workpiece. Do not pull
the saw through the workpiece. To make a cut, raise the saw head and pull it out over the workpiece without cutting, start the motor, press the saw head down and push the saw through the workpiece.
Cutting on the pull stroke is likely to cause the saw blade
to climb on top of the workpiece and violently throw the blade assembly towards the operator.
e) Never cross your hand over the intended line of
cutting either in front or behind the saw blade.
Supporting the workpiece “cross handed” i.e. holding
the workpiece to the right of the saw blade with your left hand or vice versa is very dangerous.
f) Do not reach behind the fence with either hand
closer than 100 mm from either side of the saw blade, to remove wood scraps, or for any other reason while the blade is spinning.
The proximity of the spinning saw blade to your hand
may not be obvious and you may be seriously injured.
g) Inspect your workpiece before cutting. If the
workpiece is bowed or warped, clamp it with the outside bowed face toward the fence. Always make certain that there is no gap between the workpiece, fence and table along the line of the cut.
Bent or warped workpieces can twist or shift and may
cause binding on tile spinning saw blade while cutting. There should be no nails or foreign objects in the workpiece.
h) Do not use the saw until the table is clear of all
tools, wood scraps, etc., except for the workpiece.
Small debris or loose pieces of wood or other objects
that contact the revolving blade can be thrown with high speed.
i) Cut only one workpiece at a time.
Stacked multiple workpieces cannot be adequately
clamped or braced and may bind on the blade or shift during cutting.
j) Ensure the miter saw is mounted or placed on a
level, fi rm work surface before use.
A level and fi rm work surface reduces the risk of the miter
saw becoming unstable.
k) Plan your work. Every time you change the bevel or
miter angle setting, make sure the adjustable fence is set correctly to support the workpiece and will not interfere with the blade or the guarding system.
Without turning the tool “ON” and with no workpiece
on the table, move the saw blade through a complete simulated cut to assure there will be no interference or danger of cutting the fence.
I) Provide adequate support such as table extensions,
saw horses, etc. for a workpiece that is wider or longer than the table top.
Workpieces longer or wider than the miter saw table
can tip if not securely supported. If the cut-off piece or workpiece tips, it can lift the lower guard or be thrown by the spinning blade.
m) Do not use another person as a substitute for a
table extension or as additional support.
Unstable support for the workpiece can cause the
blade to bind or the workpiece to shift during the cutting operation pulling you and the helper into the spinning blade.
n) The cut-off piece must not be jammed or pressed
by any means against the spinning saw blade.
If confi ned, i.e. using length stops, the cut-off piece could
get wedged against the blade and thrown violently.
o) Always use a clamp or a fi xture designed to properly
support round material such as rods or tubing.
Rods have a tendency to roll while being cut, causing the
blade to "bite" and pull the work with your hand into the blade.
p) Let the blade reach full speed before contacting the
This will reduce the risk of the workpiece being thrown.
q) If the workpiece or blade becomes jammed, turn the
miter saw off . Wait for all moving parts to stop and disconnect the plug from the power source and/ or remove the battery pack. Then work to free the jammed material.
Continued sawing with a jammed workpiece could cause
lass of control or damage to the miter saw.
r) After fi nishing the cut, release the switch, hold
the saw head down and wait for the blade to stop before removing the cut-off piece.
Reaching with your hand near the coasting blade is
s) Hold the handle fi rmly when making an incomplete
cut or when releasing the switch before the saw head is completely in the down position.
The braking action of the saw may cause the saw head
to be suddenly pulled downward, causing a risk of injury.
1. Keep the fl oor area around the machine level. Well maintained and free of loose materials e.g. chips and cut-off s.
2. Provide adequate general or localized lighting.
3. Do not use power tools for applications other than those specifi ed in the handling instructions.
4. Repairing must be done only by authorized service facility. Manufacturer is not responsible for any damages and injuries due to the repair by the unauthorized persons as well as the mishandling of the tool.
5. To ensure the designed operational integrity of power tools, do not remove installed covers or screws.
6. Do not touch movable parts or accessories unless the power source has been disconnected.
7. Use your tool at lower input than specifi ed on the nameplate; otherwise, the fi nish may be spoiled and working effi ciency reduced due to motor overload.
8. Do not wipe plastic parts with solvent. Solvents such as gasoline, thinner, benzine, carbon tetrachloride, alcohol, may damage and crack plastic parts. Do not wipe them with such solvent. Clean plastic parts with a soft cloth lightly dampened with soapy water.
9. Use only original HiKOKI replacement parts.
10. This tool should only be disassembled for replacement of carbon brushes.
11. The exploded assembly drawing on this handling instructions should be used only for authorized service facility.
12. Never cut ferrous metals or masonry.
13. Adequate general or localized lighting is provided. Stock and fi nished workpieces are located close to the operators normal working position.
14. Wear suitable personal protective equipment when necessary, this could include:
Hearing protection to reduce the risk of induced hearing
Eye protection to reduce the risk of injuring an eye. Respiratory protection to reduce the risk of inhalation of
harmful dust.
Gloves for handling saw blades (saw blades shall be
carried in a holder wherever practicable) and rough material.
15. The operator is adequately trained in the use, adjustment and operation of the machine.
16. Refrain from removing any cut-off s or other parts of the workpiece from the cutting area whilst the machine is running and the saw head is not in the rest position.
17. Never use the slide compound miter saw with its lower guard locked in the open position.
18. Ensure that the lower guard moves smoothly.
19. Do not use the saw without guards in position, in good working order and properly maintained.
20. Use correctly sharpened saw blades. Observe the maximum speed marked on the saw blade.
21. Do not use saw blades which are damaged or deformed.
22. Do not use saw blades manufactured from high speed steel.
23. Use only saw blades recommended by HiKOKI.
Use of saw blade comply with EN847-1.
24. The saw blades should be from 210 mm to 216 mm external diameter ranges.
25. Select the correct saw blade for the material to be cut.
26. Never operate the slide compound miter saw with the saw blade turned upward or to the side.
27. Ensure that the workpiece is free of foreign matter such as nails.
28. Replace the table insert when worn.
29. Do not use the saw to cut other than aluminium, wood or similar materials.
30. Do not use the saw to cut other materials than those recommended by the manufacturer.
31. Blade replacement procedure, including the method for repositioning and a warning that this must be carried out correctly.
32. Connect the slide compound miter saw to a dust collecting device when sawing wood.
33. Take care when slotting.
34. When transporting or carrying the tool, do not grasp the holder. Grasp the handle instead of the holder.
35. There is the danger of the holder slipping out of the base. Grasp the handle instead of the holder.
36. Start cutting only after motor revolution reaches maximum speed.
37. Promptly cut OFF the switch when abnormality observed.
38. Shut off power and wait for saw blade to stop before servicing or adjusting tool.
39. During a miter or bevel cut the blade should not be lifted until it has stopped rotation completely.
40. During slide cutting operation, the saw must be pushed and slided away from the operator.
41. Take all the possibility of residual risks in cutting operation into your consideration, such as the laser radiation to your eyes, the inadvertent access to moving parts on slide mechanical parts on machine and so on.
42. Ensure before each cut that the machine is stable.
Use only saw blades whose maximum permitted speed
is higher than the no-load speed of the power tool.
Do not replace the laser with a diff erent type.
43. Do not stand in a line with the saw blade In front of the machine. Always stand aside of the saw blade. This protects your body against possible kickback. Keep hands, fi ngers and arms away from the rotating saw blade.
Do not cross your arms when operating the tool arm.
44. If the saw blade should become jammed, switch the machine o comes to a complete stop. To prevent kickback, the workpiece may not be moved until after the machine has come to a complete stop.
Correct the cause for the jamming of the saw blade
before restarting the machine.
and hold the workpiece until the saw blade
WARNING The following show symbols used for the machine.
Be sure that you understand their meaning before use.
C 8FSHG: Slide Compound Miter Saw
To reduce the risk of injury, user must read instruction manual.
Always wear eye protection.
Always wear hearing protection.
Only for EU countries Do not dispose of electric tools together with household waste material! In observance of European Directive 2012/19/ EU on waste electrical and electronic equipment and its implementation in accordance with national law, electric tools that have reached the end of their life must be collected separately and returned to an environmentally compatible recycling facility.
V volts
Hz hertz
A amperes
no load speed
Class II Construction
---/min revolutions per minute alternating current
216 mm TCT Saw blade (mounted on tool) ...................1
Dust bag .......................................................................1
13 mm Box wrench .......................................................1
Vise Assembly ..............................................................1
Holder ...........................................................................1
Miter Handle .................................................................1
Standard accessories are subject to change without notice.
Cutting various types of aluminium sash and wood.
1. Slide Compound Miter Saw
Item Model C 8FSHG Motor Series commutator motor
Maximum output <0.39mW CLASS 1M Laser Product
Laser Marker
Applicable saw blade
Voltage (by areas)* Power Input* 1030 W 1100 W No load speed 5300 min
Max. sawing dimension
Max. sawing dimension
Miter sawing range Left 0° – 48° Right 0° – 48° Bevel sawing range Left 0° – 47° Right 0° – 2°
Compound sawing range
Machine Dimensions (Width × Depth × Height) 528 mm × 725 mm × 495 mm Weight (Net)** 13.8 kg
* Be sure to check the nameplate on product as it is subject to change by areas. ** According to EPTA-Procedure 01/2014
Wave length 400 – 700 nm Laser medium Laser Diode
Outside Dia. 216 mm Hole Dia. 30 mm
110 V
Head Turntable Max. sawing dimension
(With anchor plate) Max. Height
Bevel Left 45° 0
Compound Left 45°
Left 45°
Right 45°
Left 48°
Right 48°
Left 45°
Right 45°
Max. Width (Without anchor plate) Max. Height Max. Width
(With anchor plate) Max. Height Max. Width
(Without anchor plate) Max. Height Max. Width
(With anchor plate) Max.Height Max.Width
(Without anchor plate) Max.Height Max.Width
(With anchor plate) Max. Height Max. Width (Without anchor plate) Max. Height Max. Width
(With anchor plate) Max. Height Max. Width
(Without anchor plate) Max. Height Max. Width
Left (Bevel) 0° – 45°, Left (Miter) 0° – 45° Right (Bevel) 0° – 45°, Right (Miter) 0° – 45°
230 V
65 mm
280 mm
54 mm
305 mm
65 mm
203 mm
54 mm
210 mm
65 mm
192 mm
54 mm
199 mm
38 mm
280 mm
26 mm
305 mm
38 mm
203 mm
26 mm
210 mm
Make all necessary adjustments before inserting the
plug in the power source.
1. Power source
Ensure that the power source to be utilized conforms
to the power requirements specifi ed on the product nameplate.
Do not use with direct current, or transformers such as
boosters. Doing so may result in damage or accidents.
2. Power switch
Ensure that the power switch is in the OFF position. If the
plug is connected to a receptacle while the trigger switch is in the ON position, the power tool will start operating immediately, inviting serious accident.
3. Extention cord
When the work area is removed from the power source,
use an extension cord of suffi cient thickness and rated capacity. The extension cord should be kept as short as practicable.
4. Remove all packing materials attached or connected to the tool before attempting to operate it.
5. Releasing the locking pin (Fig. 2)
When the power tool is prepared for shipping, its main
parts are secured by a locking pin.
Press the handle slightly down and pull out the locking
pin to disengag the cutting head.
Lowering the handle slightly will enable you to disengage
the locking pin more easily and safely. The lock position of the locking pin is for carrying and storage only.
6. Installing the dust bag and vise (Fig. 1)
Install the dust bag onto the dust port on the miter saw.
Fit the connecting tube of dust bag and the dust port together.
To empty the dust bag, pull out the dust bag assembly
from dust port. Open zipper on underside of bag and empty into waste container. Check frequently and
empty the dust bag before it gets full.
The dust bag should be angled toward the right side
of the saw for best results. This will also avoid any interference during the saw operation.
Empty the dust bag frequently to prevent the duct and
the lower guard from becoming clogged.
Sawdust will accumulate more quickly than normal
during bevel cutting.
Do not use this saw to cut and/or sand metals. the
hot chips or sparks may ignite saw dust from the bag material.
(Attach the vise assembly as shown in Fig. 1 and Fig. 28.)
7. Installation (Fig. 3)
Ensure that the machine is always fi xed to bench. Attach the power tool to a level, horizontal work bench. Select 8 mm diameter bolts suitable in length for the
thickness of the work bench.
Bolt length should be at least 40 mm plus the thickness
of the work bench.
For example, use 8 mm × 65 mm bolts for a 25 mm thick
work bench.
8. Installing the holder (Fig. 4)
The holder attached to the rear of the base helps
stabilize the power tool.
Align the holder with the two holes under the rear of the
base, and tighten two screws with a Philip screwdriver.
9. Check the lower guard for proper operation
Lower guard is designed to protect the operator from
coming into contact with the saw blade during operation of the tool.
Always check that the lower guard moves smoothly after
releasing the blade guard locking lever, and covers the saw blade properly.
guard does not function smoothly.
10. 90° (0°) Bevel adjustment (Fig. 5) WARNING
To ensure accurate cuts, alignment should be checked
and adjustments made prior to use.
(1) Loosen bevel lock knob and tilt the cutting arm
completely to the right. Tighten the bevel lock knob.
(2) Place a combination square on the miter table with the
ruler against the table and the heel of the square against the saw blade as show in Fig. 5.
(3) If the blade is not 90° square with the miter table, loosen
the bevel lock knob, tilt the cutting head to the left, loosen the lock nut on the bevel angle adjustment bolt and use a 10 mm spanner to adjust the bevel angle adjustment bolt depth in or out to increase or decrease the bevel angle.
(4) Tilt the cutting arm back to the right at 90° bevel and
recheck for alignment. (5) Repeat steps 1 through 4 if further adjustment is needed. (6) Tighten bevel lock knob and lock nut when alignment is
11. 90° Bevel pointer adjustment (Fig. 6)
(1) When the blade is exactly 90° (0°) to the table, loosen
the bevel pointer screw using a #2 Phillips screwdriver. (2) Adjust bevel pointer to the “0” mark on the bevel scale
and retighten the screw.
12. 45° Left bevel adjustment (Fig. 7)
(1) Loosen the bevel lock knob and tilt the cutting head
completely to the left. (2) Using a combination square, check to see if the blade is
45° to the table. (3) If the blade is not at 45° to the miter table, tilt the cutting
arm to the right, loosen the lock nut and use a 10 mm
spanner to adjust the stop bolt depth in or out to increase
or decrease the bevel angle. (4) Tilt the cutting arm to the left to 45° bevel and recheck for
alignment. (5) Repeat steps 1 through 4 until the blade at 45° to the
miter table. (6) Tighten bevel lock knob and lock nut when alignment is
13. Miter angle adjustment
The slide compound miter saw scale can be easily read,
showing miter angles from 0° to 48° to the left and right.
The miter saw table has nine of the most common angle
settings with positive stops at 0°, 15°, 22.5°, 31.6°,
and 45°. These positive stops position the blade at the
desired angle quickly and accurately. Follow the process
below for quickest and most accurate adjustments.
Adjusting miter angles: (Fig. 8)
(1) Lift up the quick-cam locking lever to unlock the
(2) Move the table while lifting up on the positive stop
locking lever to align the pointer to the desired degree measurement.
(3) Lock the table into position by pressing down the
quick-cam locking lever.
Miter pointer adjustment:
(1) Move the table to the 0° positive stop.
(2) Loosen the screw that holds the miter pointer with a
Phillips screwdriver.
(3) Adjust the pointer to the 0° mark and retighten the
14. Adjusting cutting depth
The maximum depth travel of the cutting head was set at
the factory.
(1) Setting the maximum width travel of the cutting head,
follow the below steps: (Fig. 9-a)
Turn the stop knob counterclockwise until the stop knob
is not protruding out of the stop seat while moving the
cutting head upward. Rotate the anchor plate clockwise. Recheck the blade depth by moving the cutting head
front to back through the full motion of a typical cut along
the control arm. (2) Setting the maximum height travel of the cutting head,
follow the below steps: (Fig. 9-b) Turn the stop knob counterclockwise until the stop knob
is not protruding out of the stop seat while moving the
cutting head upward. Rotate the anchor plate counterclockwise to touch the
stop block. Make sure the stop seat touches the anchor plate
15. Setting the cutting depth (Fig. 9-b)
The depth of cut can be preset for even and repetitive
shallow cuts. (1) Adjust the cutting head down until the teeth of the blade
are at the desired depth. (2) While holding the upper arm in that position, turn the stop
knob until it touches the anchor plate. (3) Recheck the blade depth by moving the cutting head
front to back through the full motion of a typical cut along
the control arm.
If the anchor plate becomes loose, it can interfere with
raising and lowering the cutting head. The anchor plate
must be tightened in horizontal position as shown in
Fig. 9-b.
1. Positioning the table insert
Table inserts are installed on the turntable. When
shipping the tool from the factory, the table inserts are
so fi xed that the saw blade does not contact them. The
burr of the bottom surface of the workpiece is remarkably
reduced, if the table insert is fi xed so that the gap
between the side surface of the table insert and the saw
blade will be minimum. Before using the tool, eliminate
this gap in accordance with the following procedure. (1) Right angle cutting Loosen the three 4 mm machine screws, then secure
the left side table insert and temporarily tighten the 4 mm
machine screws of both ends. Then fi x a workpiece (about
200 mm wide) with the vise assembly and cut it off . After
aligning the cutting surface with the edge of the table
insert, securely tighten the 4 mm machine screws of both
ends. Remove the workpiece and securely tighten the
4 mm center machine screw. Adjust the right hand table
insert in the same way. (2) Left bevel angle cutting Adjust the table insert in the manner shown in Fig. 10-b
following the same procedure for right angle cutting.
After adjusting the table insert for right angle cutting, the
table insert will be cut to some extent if it is used for bevel
angle cutting. When bevel cutting operation is required, adjust the
table insert for bevel angle cutting.
2. Use of sub fence WARNING
The sub fence must be extended when making any left
angle bevel cut. Failure to extend the sub fence will not allow enough space for the blade to pass through which could result in serious injury. At extreme miter or bevel angles the saw blade may also contact the fence.
This power tool is equipped with a sub fence. In the case of direct angle cutting use the sub fence.
Then, you can realize stable cutting of the material with a wide back face.
When left angle cutting, loosen the lock knob, then slide
the sub fence outward, as shown in Fig. 11.
When transporting the saw, always secure the sub fence
in the collapsed position and lock it.
3. Securing the workpiece WARNING
Always clamp or vise to secure the workpiece to the
fence; otherwise the workpiece might be thrust from the table and cause bodily harm.
4. Slide carriage system (Fig. 12) WARNING
To reduce the risk of injury, return slide carriage to the
full rear position after each crosscut operation.
For chop cutting operations on small workpieces, slide
the cutting head assembly completely toward the rear of the unit and tighten the slide securing knob.
To cut wide boards up to 305 mm, the slide securing
knob must be loosened to allow the cutting head slide freely.
5. Quick-cam locking lever operation (Fig. 13)
If miter angles required are NOT one of the nine positive
stops, the miter table can be locked at any angle between these positive stops by using the quick-cam locking lever.
Unlock the miter table by lifting up on the quick-cam
locking lever. While holding the positive stop locking lever up, grasp the miter handle and move the table left or right to the desired angle. Release the positive stop locking lever. Press down on the quick-cam locking lever until it locks the table in place.
6. The laser guide WARNING
For your own safety, never connect the plug to power source outlet until the adjustment steps are complete and you have read and understood the safety and operational instructions.
Your tool is equipped with a laser guide using a Class 1M laser guide. The laser guide allows you to preview the saw blade path on the workpiece to be cut before starting the miter saw. The saw must be connected to the power source and the laser on/off switch must be turned on for the laser line to show.
(1) Avoid direct eye contact (Fig. 14)
* AVOID EXPOSURE Laser radiation is emitted from this aperture.
Use of controls or adjustments or performance of procedures may result in hazardous radiation exposure.
The use of optical instruments with this product will increase eye hazard.
Do not attempt to repair or disassemble the laser. If
unqualifi ed persons attempt to repair this laser product, serious injury may result. Any repair required on this laser product should be performed by a qualifi ed service dealer.
(2) Checking laser line alignment (Fig. 15) (a) Set the saw to a 0° miter and 0° bevel setting. (b) Use a combination square to mark a 90° angled running
across the top of a board. This line will serve as the pattern line to adjust the laser. Place the board on the saw table.
(c) Carefully lower the saw head down to align the saw blade
with the pattern line. Position the saw blade to the left, side of the “pattern line” depending on your preference for the laser line location. Lock the board in place with the hold-down clamp.
(d) With the saw plugged in, turn on the laser guide. Your
saw has been preset with the laser line to the left side of the blade.
(e) Lower saw blade to pattern line and if blade is not fl ush
with the pattern line, adjust as follow the instructions listed below under “Adjusting the angle of the laser line” paragraph and “Aligning the laser line” paragraph.
(3) Adjusting the angle of the laser line (Fig. 16, 17) (a) After sliding the motor head forward, remove two rivets
on two sides of the laser housing and take the laser housing off to reveal the laser marker. (Fig. 16)
(b) Turn the laser marker in the desired direction to adjust
the laser angle. (Fig. 17)
Do not adjust the laser more than ¼ turn in either
direction as this may damage the laser.
(4) Aligning the laser line. (Fig. 16, 18) (a) Loosen only ½ turn at a time the four set screws.
(Fig. 18)
(b) Adjust laser marker by turning the left side set screws
clockwise to shift the laser line to the right. To shift the laser line to the left, turn the right side set screws ½ turn at a time.
(c) Once alignment of the laser is achieved, tighten only ½
turn at a time the four set screws.
(d) After fi nishing the laser adjustment, replace the laser
housing on the laser marker and then tighten the two rivets. (Fig. 16)
To avoid personal injury, never remove or place a
workpiece on the table while the tool is being operated.
Never place your limbs inside of the line next to warning
sign while the tool is being operated (see Fig. 19). This may cause hazardous conditions.
It is dangerous to remove or install the workpiece while
the saw blade is turning.
When sawing, clean o the shavings from the turntable. If the shavings accumulate too much, the saw blade from
the cutting material will be exposed. Never subject your hand or anything else to go near the exposed blade.
Prior to operating the switch, make sure to check the
stability of the tool by setting the angle and turn to conduct a trial cutting run without using a workpiece.
1. Switch operation (Fig. 20)
(1) Turning the saw on This miter saw is equipped with a trigger switch. Squeeze
the trigger switch to turn the miter saw ON. Release the
trigger switch to turn the saw OFF. (2) Turning the laser guide on Press the laser switch to turn it ON, and press again to
turn it OFF.
Make the ON/OFF switch childproof. Insert a padlock,
or chain with padlock, through the hole in the trigger
and lock the tool’s switch, preventing children and other
unqualifi ed users from turning the machine on.
2. Using the Vise Assembly (Standard accessory)
(1) The vise assembly can be mounted on the base. (2) Turn the vise lock knob and securely fi x the vise
(3) Turn the upper knob and securely fi x the workpiece in
position (Fig. 21).
When using the vise, make sure that the tool is free of
any excessive contact when the unit is swing or slide.
Always fi rmly clamp or vise to secure the workpiece to
the fence; otherwise the workpiece might be thrust from the table and cause bodily harm.
3. Cutting Operation
(1) As shown in Fig. 22 the width of the saw blade is the
width of the cut. Therefore, slide the workpiece to the right (viewed from the operator’s position) when length is desired, or to the left when length is desired.
If a laser marker is used, align the laser line with the left
side of the saw blade, and then align the ink line with the laser line.
(2) Once the saw blade reaches maximum speed, push the
handle down carefully until the saw blade approaches the workpiece.
(3) Once the saw blade contacts the workpiece, push the
handle down gradually to cut into the workpiece.
(4) After cutting the workpiece to the desired depth, turn the
power tool OFF and let the saw blade stop completely before raising the handle from the workpiece to return it to the full retract position.
Increased pressure on the handle will not increase the
cutting speed.
On the contrary, too much pressure may result in
overload of the motor and/or decreased cutting effi ciency.
Confi rm that the trigger switch is turned OFF and the power plug has been removed from the receptacle whenever the tool is not in use.
Always turn the power o and let the saw blade stop completely before raising the handle from the workpiece.
If the handle is raised while the saw blade is still rotating,
the cut-off piece may become jammed against the saw blade causing fragments to scatter about dangerously.
Every time one cutting or deep-cutting operation is nished, turn the trigger switch off , and check that the saw blade has stopped. Then raise the handle, and return it to the full retract position.
Be absolutely sure to remove the cut material from the top of the turntable, and then proceed to the next step.
Continued cutting operation can result in overload of the motor. Touch the motor and if it's hot, stop your cutting operation at once and rest for 10 minutes or so, and then restart your cutting operation.
4. Cutting wide workpieces (Slide cutting)
(1) Workpieces up to 65 mm high and 280 mm wide: Loosen the slide securing knob (see
handle and slide the saw blade forward.
Then press down on the handle and slide the saw blade
backward to cut the workpiece as indicated in Fig. 23. This facilitates cutting of workpieces of up to 65 mm in height and 280 mm in width.
(2) Workpieces up to 54 mm high and 305 mm wide: Workpieces of up to 54 mm in height and up to 305 mm
in width can be cut in the same manner as described in paragraph 4-(1) above on page 25.
Fig. 1), grip the
If the handle is pressed down with excessive or lateral force, the saw blade may vibrate during the cutting operation and cause unwanted cutting marks on the workpiece, thus reducing the quality of the cut.
Accordingly, press the handle down gently and carefully.
In slide cutting, gently push the handle back (rearwards) in a single, smooth operation.
Stopping the handle movement during the cut will cause
unwanted cutting marks on the workpiece.
For slide cutting, follow the procedures indicated above in Fig. 23.
Forward slide cutting (toward the operator) is very
dangerous because the saw blade could kick upward from the workpiece. Therefore, always slide the handle away from the operator.
Always return the carriage to the full rear position after each crosscut operation in order to reduce the risk of injury.
Never put your hand on the miter handle during the cutting operation because the saw blade comes close to the miter handle when the motor head is lowered.
5. Bevel cutting procedures
The sub fence must be extended when making any
bevel cut. Failure to extend the sub fence will not allow enough space for the blade to pass through which could result in serious injury. At extreme miter or bevel angles the saw blade may also contact the fence.
(1) When a bevel cut is required, loosen the bevel lock knob
by turning it clockwise. (Fig. 24)
(2) Tilt the cutting head to the desired angle, as shown on
the bevel scale.
(3) The blade can be positioned at any angle, from a 90°
straight cut (0° on the scale) to a 45°. Tighten the bevel lock knob to lock the cutting head in position. Positive stops are provided at 0° and 45°.
(4) Turn the laser guide on and position the workpiece on
the table for pre-alignment of your cut.
When the workpiece is secured on the left or right side
of the blade, the short cut-off portion will come to rest on the right or left side of the saw blade. Always turn the power off and let the saw blade stop completely before raising the handle from the workpiece.
If the handle is raised while the saw blade is still rotating,
the cut-off piece may become jammed against the saw blade causing fragments to scatter about dangerously.
When stopping the bevel cutting operation halfway, start
cutting after pulling back the motor head to the initial position.
Starting from halfway, without pulling back, causes the
lower guard to be caught in the cutting groove of the workpiece and to contact the saw blade.
If not tightened fi rmly enough the motor head might suddenly move or slip, causing injuries. Be sure to tighten the motor head section enough so it will not move.
Always check that the bevel lock knob is secured and the motor head is clamped. If you attempt angle cutting without clamping the motor head, then the motor head might shift unexpectedly causing injuries.
6. Miter cutting procedures (Fig. 25)
(1) Unlock the miter table by lifting up on the quick-cam
locking lever.
(2) While raising the positive stop locking lever up, grasp
the miter handle and rotate the table left or right to the desired angle.
(3) Release the positive stop locking lever and set the table
at the desired angle, making sure the lever snaps into place.
(4) Once the desired miter angle is achieved, press down
on the quick-cam locking lever to secure the table into position.
(5) If the desired miter angle is NOT one of the nine positive
stops noted above, simply lock the table at the desired angle by pressing down on the quick-cam locking lever.
(6) Turn the laser guide on and position the workpiece on
the table for pre-alignment of your cut.
Always check that the miter handle is secured and the
turntable is clamped.
If you attempt angle cutting without clamping the
turntable, then the turntable might shift unexpectedly causing injuries.
Positive stops are provided at the right and left of the 0°
center setting, at 15°, 22.5°, 31.6° and 45° settings.
Check that the miter scale and the tip of the indicator are
properly aligned.
Operation of the saw with the miter scale and indicator
out of alignment will result in poor cutting precision.
7. Compound cutting procedures
Compound cutting can be performed by following the
instructions in 4 to 6 above. For maximum dimensions for compound cutting, refer to “SPECIFICATIONS” table on page 22.
Always secure the workpiece with the right or left
hand and cut it by sliding the round portion of the saw backwards with the other hand.
It is very dangerous to rotate the turntable to the left
during compound cutting because the saw blade may come into contact with the hand that is securing the workpiece.
In case of compound cutting (angle + bevel) by left bevel,
extend the sub fence fully before cutting operation.
Please confi rm that sub fence does not interfere with
other parts before attempting compound cutting.
8. Groove cutting procedures
Grooves in the workpiece can be cut as indicated in
Fig. 26 by adjusting the stop knob.
Cutting depth adjustment procedure:
(1) Turn the anchor plate on the direction shown in
Fig. 27.
Lower the motor head, and turn the stop knob by
hand. (where the head of the stop knob contacts the anchor plate.)
(2) Adjust to the desired cutting depth by setting the
distance between the saw blade and the surface of the turntable (see in Fig. 27).
When cutting a single groove at either end of the
workpiece, remove the unneeded portion with a chisel.
9. Cutting easily-deformed materials, such as aluminum sash
Materials such as aluminum sash can easily deform
when tightened too much in a vise assembly. This will cause ineffi cient cutting and possible overload of the motor.
When cutting such materials, use a wood plate to protect
the workpiece as shown in Fig. 28-a. Set the wood plate near the cutting section.
When cutting aluminum materials, coat the saw blade
with cutting oil (non-combustible) to achieve smooth cutting and a fi ne fi nish.
In addition, in case of a U-shaped workpiece, use the
wood plate as shown in Fig. 28-b to ensure stability in the lateral direction, and clamp it near the cutting section of the workpiece and tighten it using both the vise assembly and the clamp available in the market.
To prevent an accident or personal injury, always turn o the trigger switch and disconnect the power plug from the receptacle before removing or installing a saw blade.
If cutting work is done in a state where the 8 mm bolt is
not suffi ciently tightened, the 8 mm bolt can get loose, the blade can come off , and the lower guard can get damaged, resulting in injuries.
Also, check that the 8 mm bolts are properly tightened
before plugging the power plug into the receptacle.
If the 8 mm bolts are attached or detached using tools other than the 13 mm wrench (standard accessory), excessive or improperly tightening occurs, resulting in injury.
1. Dismounting the blade (Fig. 29-a, Fig. 29-b, Fig. 29-c and Fig. 29-d)
(1) Unplug the power cord from the outlet. (2) Raise the cutting head to the upright position and slide
the cutting head completely toward the rear of the unit and tighten the slide securing knob.
(3) Push slightly on the blade guard locking lever and then
raise the lower guard to the uppermost position.
(4) While holding the lower guard, remove the cover plate
screw with a Phillips screwdriver.
(5) Rotate the cover plate to expose the 8 mm bolt. (6) Place the blade end spanner over the 8 mm bolt. (7) Locate the spindle lock on the motor. (8) Press the spindle lock, holding it in fi rmly while turning
the blade clockwise. The spindle lock will then engage and lock the arbor. Continue to hold the spindle lock, while turning the spanner clockwise to loosen the 8 mm bolt.
(9) Remove the 8 mm bolt, washer (B) and the blade. Do not
remove the washer (A).
If the spindle lock cannot be easily pressed in to lock the
spindle, turn the 8 mm bolt with 13 mm wrench (standard accessory) while applying pressure on the spindle lock.
The saw blade spindle is locked when the spindle lock is
pressed inward.
Pay attention to the pieces removed, noting their position
and direction they face. Wipe the washer (B) clean from any sawdust before installing a new blade.
When mounting the saw blade, confi rm that the rotation
indicator mark on the saw blade and the rotation direction of the lower guard (see Fig. 1) are properly matched.
Confi rm that the spindle lock has returned to the retract position after installing or removing the saw blade.
Tighten the 8 mm bolt so it does not come loose during operation.
Confi rm the 8 mm bolt has been properly tightened
before the power tool is started.
2. Mounting the saw blade
Unplug the miter saw before changing/installing the
(1) Install a 216 mm blade with arbor, making sure the
rotation arrow on the blade matches the clockwise rotation arrow on the lower guard, and the blade teeth are pointing downward.
(2) Place washer (B) against the blade. Thread the 8 mm
bolt on arbor in a counterclockwise direction.
Make sure the ats of the washers are engaged with the
ats on the arbor shaft. Also, the fl at side of the washer
must be placed against the blade.
(3) Place the blade spanner on the 8 mm bolt. (4) Press the spindle lock, holding it in fi rmly while turning
the blade counterclockwise. When it engages, continue to press the spindle lock in, while tightening the 8 mm bolt securely.
(5) Rotate the cover plate back to its original position until
the slot in the cover plate engages with the hole of cover plate screw.
While holding the lower guard at the uppermost position,
tighten the cover plate screw with a Phillips screwdriver.
(6) Lower the lower guard and verify that operation of the
guard and blade guard locking lever do not bind or stick.
(7) Be sure the spindle lock is released so the blade turns
Never attempt to install saw blades larger than 216 mm
in diameter.
Always install saw blades that are 216 mm in diameter or
To avoid an accident or personal injury, always confi rm
that the trigger switch is turned OFF before performing any maintenance or inspection of this tool.
Report to qualifi ed person as soon as possible, if you
discover the fault of machine including guards or blade saw.
1. Inspecting the saw blade
Always replace the saw blade immediately upon the fi rst
sign of deterioration or damage.
A damaged saw blade can cause personal injury and
a worn saw blade can cause ineff ective operation and possible overload to the motor.
Never use a dull saw blade. When a saw blade is dull,
its resistance to the hand pressure applied by the tool handle tends to increase, making it unsafe to operate the power tool.
2. Inspecting the mounting screws
Regularly inspect all mounting screws and ensure that
they are properly tightened. Should any of the screws be loose, re-tighten them immediately. Failure to do so could result in serious hazard.
3. Inspecting the carbon brushes (Fig. 30)
Replace both carbon brushes when either has less than
6 mm length of carbon remaining, or if the spring or wire is damaged or burned. To inspect or replace brushes, rst unplug the saw. Then remove the brush cap on the side of the motor. Remove the cap cautiously, because it is springloaded. Then pull out the brush and replace.
Replace for the other side. To reassemble reverse the
procedure. The ears on the metal end of the assembly go in the same hole the carbon part fi ts into. Tighten the cap snugly, but do not overtighten.
To reinstall the same brushes, fi rst make sure the
brushes go back in the way they came out. This will avoid a break-in period that reduces motor performance and increases wear.
4. Maintenance of the motor
The motor unit winding is the very “heart” of the power
tool. Exercise due care to ensure the winding does not become damaged and/or wet with oil or water.
5. Replacing supply cord
If the supply cord of Tool is damaged, the Tool must be
returned to HiKOKI Authorized Service Center for the cord to be replaced.
6. Inspecting the lower guard for proper operation
Before each use of the tool, test the lower guard (Fig. 1)
to assure that it is in good condition and that it moves smoothly.
Never use the tool unless the lower guard operates
properly and it is in good mechanical condition.
7. Storage
After operation of the tool has been completed, check
that the following has been performed:
(1) Trigger switch is in OFF position, (2) Power plug has been removed from the receptacle,
When the tool is not in use, keep it stored in a dry place out of the reach of children.
In the operation and maintenance of power tools, the
safety regulations and standards prescribed in each country must be observed.
8. Lubrication
Lubricate the following sliding surfaces once a month
to keep the power tool in good operating condition for a long time.
Use of machine oil is recommended. Oil supply points: * Rotary portion of hinge * Rotary portion of holder (A) * Rotary portion of vise assembly
9. Cleaning (Fig. 31)
Clean the machine, duct and lower guard by blowing
with dry air from an air gun or other tool.
Periodically remove chips, dust and other waste material
from the surface of the power tool, especially from the inside of the lower guard with a damp, soapy cloth. To avoid a malfunction of the motor, protect it from contact with oil or water.
If the laser line becomes invisible due to chips and the
like adhered onto the window of the laser marker’s light­emitting section, wipe and clean the window with a dry cloth or a soft cloth moistened with soapy water, etc.
The accessories of this machine are listed on page 171.
Repair, modifi cation and inspection of HiKOKI Power
Tools must be carried out by a HiKOKI Authorized Service Center.
Especially laser device should be maintained by the
authorized agent by laser manufacturer.
Always assign the repair of laser device to HiKOKI
Authorized Service Center.
In the operation and maintenance of power tools, the
safety regulations and standards prescribed in each country must be observed.
Due to HiKOKI’s continuing program of research and development the specifi cations herein are subject to change without prior notice.
Information concerning airborne noise
The measured values were determined according to EN62841 and declared in accordance with ISO 4871.
Measured A-weighted sound power level: 107 dB (A). Measured A-weighted sound pressure level: 94 dB (A). Uncertainty K: 3 dB (A).
Wear hearing protection.
The declared noise emission value has been measured in accordance with a standard test method and may be used for comparing one tool with another; It may also be used in a preliminary assessment of exposure.
The noise emissions during actual use of the power tool
can diff er from the declared values depending on the ways in which the tool is used especially what kind of workpiece is processed.
Identify safety measures to protect the operator that
are based on an estimation of exposure in the actual conditions of use (taking account of all parts of the operating cycle such as the times when the tool is switched off and when it is running idle in addition to the trigger time).
Information for power supply system to be used with electric tools provided with rated voltage 230 V~
Switching operations of electric apparatus cause voltage uctuations. The operation of this electric tool under unfavorable mains conditions can have adverse eff ects to the operation of other electric apparatus. With a mains impedance equal or less than 0.29 Ohms there will probably be no negative eff ects. Usually, the maximum permissible mains impedance will not be exceeded when the branch to the power outlet is fed from a junction box with a service capacity of 25 ampere or higher. In case of power failure, or when the power plug is pulled out, immediately return the switch to OFF position. This prevents an uncontrolled restart.
We guarantee HiKOKI Power Tools in accordance with statutory/country specifi c regulation. This guarantee does not cover defects or damage due to misuse, abuse, or normal wear and tear. In case of complaint, please send the Power Tool, undismantled, with the GUARANTEE CERTIFICATE found at the end of this Handling instruction, to a HiKOKI Authorized Service Center.
Use the inspections in the table below if the tool does not operate normally. If this does not remedy the problem, consult your dealer or the HiKOKI Authorized Service Center.
Power tool
Symptom Possible cause Remedy
Tool doesn’t run Trigger switch is in OFF position Turn on the switch.
The power cord is not plugged in properly. Plug the power cord correctly.
Tool suddenly stopped Tool was overburdened. Get rid of the problem causing the
Cannot be tilted The clamp lever has not been loosened. Loosen the clamp lever and then tilt the tool.
Sawblade is dull The sawblade is worn down or missing
Cannot cut with precision The operation parts of the tool are not fully
Motor head cannot be lowered
teeth. Bolt is loose. Tighten the bolt. The sawblade has been installed in reverse. Install the sawblade in the correct direction.
xed. Material cannot be fi xed in the correct
Blade guard locking lever is not released. Release the blade guard locking lever and
After adjusting the loosened component, make sure to tighten it once again.
Exchange with a new sawblade.
Fully fi x the clamp lever and bevel lock knob.
Remove any foreign material from the fence or turntable.
In some cases, proper position cannot be xed due to a curve in the material. Try to fi x a fl at surface with the fence or turntable.
then lower the motor head.
(Übersetzung der Original-Gebrauchsanweisung)
WARNUNG Bitte beachten Sie sämtliche mit diesem Elektrogerät gelieferten Sicherheitshinweise, Anweisungen, Illustrationen und technischen Angaben.
Wenn die nachfolgenden Anweisungen nicht befolgt werden, kann es zu Stromschlag, Brand und/oder ernsthaften Verletzungen kommen.
Bitte bewahren Sie alle Warnhinweise und Anweisungen zum späteren Nachschlagen auf.
Der Begriff „Elektrowerkzeug“ in den Warnungen bezieht sich auf Ihr netzbetriebenes (kabelgebundenes) Elektrowerkzeug.
1) Sicherheit im Arbeitsbereich
a) Sorgen Sie für einen sauberen und gut
ausgeleuchteten Arbeitsbereich.
Zugestellte oder dunkle Bereiche ziehen Unfälle
förmlich an.
b) Verwenden Sie Elektrowerkzeuge niemals an
Orten, an denen Explosionsgefahr besteht, wie zum Beispiel in der Nähe von leicht entfl ammbaren Flüssigkeiten, Gasen oder Stäuben.
Bei der Arbeit mit Elektrowerkzeugen kann es zu
Funkenbildung kommen, wodurch sich Stäube oder Dämpfe entzünden können.
c) Sorgen Sie bei der Arbeit mit Elektrowerkzeugen
dafür, dass sich keine Zuschauer (insbesondere Kinder) in der Nähe befi nden.
Wenn Sie abgelenkt werden, können Sie die
Kontrolle über das Werkzeug verlieren.
2) Elektrische Sicherheit
a) Elektrowerkzeuge müssen mit passender
Stromversorgung betrieben werden. Nehmen Sie niemals irgendwelche Änderungen am Anschlussstecker vor. Verwenden Sie bei Elektrowerkzeugen mit Schutzkontakt (geerdet) niemals Adapterstecker.
Stecker im Originalzustand und passende
Steckdosen reduzieren das Stromschlagrisiko.
b) Vermeiden Sie Körperkontakt mit geerdeten
Gegenständen wie Rohrleitungen, Heizungen, Herden oder Kühlschränken.
Bei Körperkontakt mit geerdeten Gegenständen
besteht ein erhöhtes Stromschlagrisiko.
c) Setzen Sie Elektrowerkzeuge niemals Regen
oder sonstiger Feuchtigkeit aus.
Wenn Flüssigkeiten in ein Elektrowerkzeug
eindringen, erhöht sich das Stromschlagrisiko.
d) Verwenden Sie das Anschlusskabel nicht
missbräuchlich. Tragen Sie das Elektrowerkzeug niemals am Stromkabel, ziehen Sie es nicht damit heran und ziehen Sie den Stecker nicht am Anschlusskabel aus der Steckdose.
Halten Sie das Anschlusskabel von Hitzequellen,
Öl, scharfen Kanten und beweglichen Teilen fern.
Beschädigte oder verdrehte Anschlusskabel
erhöhen das Stromschlagrisiko.
e) Verwenden Sie, wenn Sie ein Elektrowerkzeug
im Freien benutzen, ein für den Außeneinsatz geeignetes Verlängerungskabel.
Ein für den Außeneinsatz geeignetes Kabel
vermindert das Stromschlagrisiko.
f) Falls sich der Betrieb des Elektrowerkzeugs
in feuchter Umgebung nicht vermeiden lässt, verwenden Sie eine Stromversorgung mit Fehlerstromschutzeinrichtung (Residual Current Device, RCD).
Durch den Einsatz einer
Fehlerstromschutzeinrichtung wird das Risiko eines elektrischen Schlages reduziert.
3) Persönliche Sicherheit a) Bleiben Sie wachsam, achten Sie auf das, was
Sie tun, und setzen Sie Ihren Verstand ein, wenn Sie mit Elektrowerkzeugen arbeiten.
Benutzen Sie keine Elektrowerkzeuge, wenn
Sie müde sind oder unter Einfl uss von Drogen, Alkohol oder Medikamenten stehen.
Bei der Arbeit mit Elektrowerkzeugen können bereits
kurze Phasen der Unaufmerksamkeit zu schweren Verletzungen führen.
b) Benutzen Sie eine persönliche
Schutzausrüstung. Tragen Sie immer einen Augenschutz.
Schutzausrüstung wie Staubmaske, rutschfeste
Sicherheitsschuhe, Schutzhelm und Gehörschutz senken bei angemessenem Einsatz das Verletzungsrisiko.
c) Vermeiden Sie unbeabsichtigtes Einschalten.
Achten Sie darauf, dass sich der Schalter in der Aus- (Off -) Position befi ndet, ehe Sie das Gerät mit der Stromversorgung und/ oder Batteriestromversorgung verbinden, es aufheben oder herumtragen.
Das Herumtragen von Elektrowerkzeugen mit
dem Finger am Schalter oder das Herstellen der Stromversorgung bei betätigtem Schalter zieht Unfälle regelrecht an.
d) Entfernen Sie sämtliche Einstellwerkzeuge
(Einstellschlüssel), ehe Sie das Elektrowerkzeug einschalten.
Ein an einem beweglichen Teil des Elektrowerkzeugs
angebrachter Schlüssel kann zu Verletzungen führen.
e) Überstrecken Sie sich nicht. Achten Sie jederzeit
darauf, sicher zu stehen und das Gleichgewicht zu bewahren.
Dadurch haben Sie das Elektrowerkzeug in
unerwarteten Situationen besser im Griff .
f) Tragen Sie geeignete Kleidung. Tragen Sie
keine lose Kleidung oder Schmuck. Halten Sie Ihr Haar und Ihre Kleidung von beweglichen Teilen fern.
Lose Kleidung, Schmuck oder langes Haar kann von
beweglichen Teilen erfasst werden.
g) Wenn Anschlüsse für Staubabsaug- und -
sammelvorrichtungen vorhanden sind, sorgen Sie dafür, dass diese richtig angeschlossen und eingesetzt werden.
Durch Entfernen des Staubes können
staubbezogene Gefahren vermindert werden.
h) Lassen Sie es nicht zu, dass die durch häufi gen
Gebrauch von Werkzeugen erworbene Vertrautheit Sie nachlässig macht und Sie die Sicherheitsrichtlinien für das Werkzeug ignorieren.
Eine unvorsichtige Handlung kann in
Sekundenbruchteilen zu schweren Verletzungen führen.
4) Einsatz und Pfl ege von Elektrowerkzeugen a) Überbeanspruchen Sie Elektrowerkzeuge nicht.
Benutzen Sie das richtige Elektrowerkzeug für Ihren Einsatzzweck.
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