This User’s Manual includes all the information required for installing
and operating Hi-G-T ek Electronic DataSeals and DataReaders.
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is against the law to copy the software on any medium except as speci fi cally
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Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 What Products are Covered by this Manual
This manual covers the DataReader (both Indoor and Outdoor versions),
Dat aSeal, Dat aT ag and th e Magnet icDat a Seal p roduct s.
The DataTerminal, DataPort, MicroDataReader, T rackingDataReader and
Smart DataReader are Hi-G-T ek products that are referred to in some places
in the manual, but are not covered by it.
1.2 About the Product
Thank you for choosing Hi-G-T ek quality product s. The Hi-G-T ek range of
product s provides a h igh ly reliable and secure car go an d asse t monitoring
system utilizing stat e-of-the-art RFID technologies.
Cost-effective, more reliable and more secure than their mechanical
counterparts, the Hi-G-Tek product range will const ant ly monitor your
assets and alert you to any potential problems at all times.
The Hi-G-Tek syst em was developed in order to fill the requirement for
fast, automatic processing of secured cargoes and to provide real t ime
mon ito r ing and im pr ov ed managem ent of cargoes bot h in t ransit an d in
The basis of the system is a family of reusable electronic seals named
DataSeal. Th is family of p ro duct s in cludes t he DataSeal, DataT ag and t he
- 10 -Hi-G-Tek Ltd. Micro el ec tro nic s & A sset Tra ck ing Te ch no logy
Chapter 1 Introduction
Note: T his manual uses the t erm DataSeal to refer to any member of this
fam ily o f p ro duct s, unless oth erwise sp ecified.
The most significant purposes of the Dat aSeal are:
Track any attempts of opening, bypassing or tampering.
Record events when tamper occurs.
Write and read user data.
The reusable electronic seal automates the processing of secured cargoes
enabling the organization to effectively and economically process t he
increasing numbers of containers’ traffic in the ports and between inland
The DataSeal includes a transmitter / receiver unit, real-time clock,
processor, memory and sensing circuitry for sealing verification. The
Sealing Wire
prevents any attempt of opening, bypassing or tampering
with the seal without alert ing the syst em and recording of the event. The
system combines t he technological and operat ional advantages of both low
frequency close-range AND high frequency (UHF) long range for sealing
verification and other communications with the DataSeal.
The low frequency (short range) communication protocol is used by the
DataTerminal, t he DataPort and t he MicroDataReader. This channel of
communication is useful for writing the electronic manifest of the sealed
cargo into the DataSeal's memory. For example: this information can
In t he case o f DataT ag, there's a “ S ensor Plate” instead o f t he Sealing Wire, and
in the case of the MagneticD ataS eal , there's a “ Magnet Element”.
include the vehicle ID, container and invoice numbers, cargo description,
etc. It is also useful for reading the DataSeal's event records, and t o reset
the DataSeal for a new use (an operation called "Set").
The low frequency protocol, the DataTerminal, DataPort and
MicroDataReader devices are not covered by this manual.
The high frequency protocol is used by devices of the DataReader family of
products. This family includes the DataReader it self, which connects to a
controlling computer (normally a PC) t hrough an RS-232/485 interface; the
TrackingDataReader which cont ains a GPS and GSM modules and is
usually installed on a truck; and t he SmartDat aReader which contains an
embedded PC and connects to an Ethernet network. This manual covers
only th e DataReade r device itself. The high frequen cy pr otocol is use f ul for
monitoring the presence and status of one or more DataSeals constantly or
periodically. It is capable of communicating with multiple DataSeals
simultaneously and even with DataSeals in high speed motion, for
example: on a train.
The DataSeal and DataReader devices are capable of communicating in
distances of up to 30 meters, and in some cases even more.
The use of the high frequency/long range protocol enables applications
such as: tracking and sealing verification of containers in transit; protection
of containers in storage; remote automatic data collection from secured
cargoes as they pass through check points, etc.
The DataReader is able t o detect which DataSeals are present in its area,
and their statuses (open/close, tampered, etc). It can also receive messages
from DataSeals in real-time, for example when the DataSeal is tampered.
These types of messages that the Dat aSeal transmit s are called "Burst
Messages" .
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Chapter 1 Introduction
Multiple DataReaders can be connect ed to a single controlling computer
using the RS-485 interface. This allows to maximize the coverage area of
the DataReaders while keeping them synchronized. The Dat aReader is
av ailable in both in doo r and o utdoor mo dels.
A set of Mount ing Fix t ures has been de v eloped for t he Dat aSeal syst em
which allow convenient mounting and removal of the DataSeal from a
co ntainer when ev er r equir e d. Th e v ario us Mount ing Fix t ures differ in the
level of protection they provide to the DataSeal as may be required in
various environments.
The Dat aReade r may be used in bo th station ary and mobile configurat ions.
In the st ationary configuration, the unit is mounted on a flat surface such as
a wall or pole. A typical installation of this configuration is at the point of
exit from ports, customs t erminals, warehouses, etc. This operation mode
allows monitoring of the Dat aSeal at predetermined sites and checkpoints.
In the mobile configur at ion, t he unit is mount ed in t he t ruck cabin . T he
DataReader monitors the seal during t he entire journey, and reports its
status via the vehicle’s communication system to the control center in realtime. T his configurat ion requires an addit ional 3rd party controlling device
to cont rol the Dat aReader, or to use the T rackingDataReader which is not
covered by this manual.
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Chapter 1 Introduction
The DataReader is mast ered by a controlling computer. Once installed, the
unit waits for commands coming from the controlling computer.
1.3.5 Indoor
Data Re ader
Similar to the outdoor
version, the Indoor
DataReader uses state-of-the-
art technology to secure and
monitor secured cargoes in
an indoor environment.
The Indoor DataReader may
be use d in st at io n ary
configuration only.
The unit is mounted on a flat
surface such as a wall or
pole. A typical installation of
this configuration is at the
point of closed warehouses, offices, etc.
Unlike the Outdoor DataReader, the Indoor version does not have the lower
compart ment. Instead it has 3 connectors.
- 18 -Hi-G-Tek Ltd. Micro el ec tro nic s & A sset Tra ck ing Te ch no logy
Chapter 2 Quick Start
The aim of this chapter is to lead you step-by-step in the quickest way to
the stage where you can verify that the Demo System is working properly,
an d that yo u h ave a simp le sy stem that yo u can p lay with , in o r der t o
ev aluat e the p otent ial of th e pro duct s. Th is guide a ssum es t hat t he
parameters of the DataReader and DataSeal are the factory defaults, and it
refers only to the Demo System. For installation instructions for a
DataReader that is not a Demo System, see chapter 5.
2.1 Be fore you begin
Before you begin, make sure that you have the following items available:
1. The Hi-G-Tek DataReader
2. DataReader Antenna.
3. At least one Hi-G-Tek DataSeal device.
4. The Seal ID of the DataSeal (printed on t he sticker on the bottom side
of the DataSeal).
5. Sealing W ire( s) (accordin g to the number of DataSeals. I f yo u are usin g
DataTags you need Sensor Plate(s) instead of the Sealing Wires)
6. P C runnin g one o f the following op erat ing sy st ems:
• Windows 98 or above.
• Windows NT 4.0 or above.
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Chapter 2 Quick Start
This computer must have at least one available serial communication
port, a CD-ROM drive, and at least 20MB of free hard disk space. T he
computer must use an Intel Pentium
or compatible processor.
7. CD-ROM with Evaluation Software.
2.2 Setting up the DataReaders
First, connect the antenna to the DataReader. The antenna connects to the
TNC connector at the top side of the Dat aReader.
Then, connect the DB9 female connector to a serial communication port in
t he PC. T ake not e of which p ort you ar e using (for examp le COM2). It is
good practice to connect and disconnect cables only when the computer is
Plug the power chord of the Dat aReader into a power outlet. You should
see the POWER LED blinking red and green. Aft er about 30 seconds it
should remain green. If it remains red, or isn't lit at all, there is a problem
with the DataReader. Refer to the chapter 0 for troubleshooting.
2.3 Installing the Evaluation Software
If the computer is not turned on, turn it on now, and wait until the operating
system is loaded completely.
Insert the CD-ROM labeled "Hi-G-T ek" into t he CD-ROM drive.
From the Start menu, choose "Run". Assuming your CD-ROM drive is
drive E, type "E:\DataSeal Evaluation Software\Setup.EXE" in the "Run"
dialog box. If your CD-ROM drive lett er is not E, replace t he fir st E wit h
your CD-ROM drive letter. Click OK to st art installing t he DataSeal
Evaluation Software.
Follow t he instructions on the screen until it says that the software is
successfully installed.
If you're using Windows 98, restart your computer (even if you're not
requested to by t he installation soft ware).
The Evaluat ion Soft war e is now in st alled. A new short cut icon "
Dat aSeal E v aluat ion" is added t o yo ur St art - >Pro gr ams m enu.
2.4 Configuring the System
Run the Evaluation Software by clicking on that icon. The Rea de rs
Admini stration Window shown in Figure 2-1 will be displayed.
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Chapter 2 Quick Start
Figure 2-1 - The Readers Administration Window.
If you connect ed the Reader to a serial port other than COM1, choose the
appropriate COM port from the Comm Port drop do wn list , an d t hen click
on the Se t Comm Port butt on. Click OK to close t he message window that
says "Comm port was set successfully".
Click on the Au to De tec t button on the bottom of the window, to
automatically find the Reader ID of t he DataReader. The message shown in
Figure 2-2 will be displayed.
Because you're using the Demo System that includes only one DataReader,
click Ye s .
If everything is connect ed appropriately, a message window will appear
saying "Reader was added successfully". Click OK to close this message.
If inst ead of this message, a "T imeout " message appears, check your
connections and verify that the communication port setting corresponds to
t he on e yo u're usin g. Remember t o click on Set Comm Port each t ime you
change the communication port setting.
If a different message appears, refer to chapter 9 for troubleshooting.
The DataReader's ID is now added to the list with a Reader Address of 1.
Click on the Close button to close the Re a de rs A dmini str ati on win do w.
2.5 Preparing the DataSeal/DataTag
DataSeals provided by Hi-G-T ek leave the factory in a special power
saving mode called "Deep Sleep Mode". Before you can communicate
normally with a DataSeal, you must send it a special command called
"Hard Wakeup" that returns the DataSeal into its normal mode of
operation. You will t hen have t o close the Sealing Wire (as will be
- 24 -Hi-G-Tek Ltd. Micro el ec tro nic s & A sset Tra ck ing Te ch no logy
Chapter 2 Quick Start
explained below), and send another command called "Set" that prepares t he
DataSeal for normal operation.
This section describes how to prepare a single DataSeal. If you have more
than one DataSeal, repeat all the instructions in this section for each
Dat aSeal yo u have.
In order to send the Hard Wakeup command to the DataSeal or DataSeals
do the following:
From the Command Code dr op do wn list , select Har d Wakeu p.
Copy the Seal ID of the DataSeal you want to wake up into the Seals/Tags ID t ext box. The Seal ID is pr int ed o n the st icker on the bottom o f t he
Click the Command Execution button. The mouse cursor will change to
an hourglass icon for about 11.5 seconds and then return to a normal
pointer cursor.
If the DataSeal received the message, The Res ult box will show the
message "Command OK" in green letters. If not, verify that you typed the
Seal ID correctly in the Seals/Tags ID box, and that the DataSeal is nearby,
and try again. If you still don't get the green "Command OK" message, or
you see a different r ed m essage in th e Re su l t box, refer to chapter 9 for
If yo u're usin g a DataSeal (as op po sed to a Dat aTag), y o u no w h ave t o
close the Sealing Wire by inserting its 2 ends t o the 2 socket s in the
DataSeal. Push the ends inside the sockets as far as you can. (You should
hear a 'Click' when the wire end is fully inserted). If you're using a
DataTag, you should place the Sensor Plate in its appropriate place at the
bott om of the Dat aT ag.
From the Command Code drop down list , select Set and then click the Command Execution button. After about 4 seconds, a green "Command
OK" message should appear in the Re sul t box.
Congratulations! Now your DataSeal is prepared for normal operation!
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Chapter 2 Quick Start
2.6 Executing a Verify command
As a m att er of fact, if everyt h ing worked fine up to th is point , yo u can be
sure t hat your Demo System is workin g. Nevertheless, yo u pro bably wan t
to know how to perform some basic operations.
The most commonly used command is the Verify command. The main
purpose of this command is to detect which DataSeals are currently around,
and their status (opened/closed, tampered/not tampered).
In order to execute a Verify command, open the Ve ri fy & S e t window, by
Note that there are 2 buttons labeled "Single Interrogation": the upper one
resides in a rectangle labeled "Broadcast Verify", and the lower one in a
rect angle labeled "Address Verify and Set ". In this guide, we'll on ly use t he
upper one (Broadcast Verify). Click this button now. After about 5 seconds,
one or more lines will be added to the list, according to the number of
DataSeals that were detect ed.
Figure 2-5 shows an example of a list with 5 detect ed DataSeals.
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Chapter 2 Quick Start
Figure 2-5 - 5 DataSeals Detected.
Clicking the Single Interrogation button again will add another one or
more lines to the list. To clear the list, click on the Rese t butto n at t he
bottom of the window.
A complete explanation about the results you see is out of the scope of this
Quick-Start chapter. Nevertheless, t here are 2 flags in t he DataSeal's Short
Status that are worth a brief explanation here.
2.7 A Brief Tutorial Through the States of the DataSeal
The DataSeal has many flags that determine its state, as well as Parameters,
Event Records and User Data. Even though most of these feat ures are out
of the scope of this chapter, 2 of the flags represent the most fundamental
concepts of the DataSeal. T hese flags are the Tampered flag (shown in
Figure 2-5 as "S/T"), and t he Opened flag (shown in Figure 2-5 as "O/C").
Note that in the Evaluation Soft ware, flags that are set appear in red, while
unset flags appear in black.
If you have followed t his guide st ep by step up to t his po int, y ou should
have both flags off (black). If you cleared the list, click Single
Interrogation (the upper one) again to see the flags.
The Opened flag is set (on) whenever the Sealing Wire is open, and unset
(off) whenever it is closed. That explains why the O/C flag appears black.
Now, open the Sealing Wire by pulling one of its ends out of the socket.
Click t he Single Interrogation button again to see that the O/C flag has
turned red (on).
You may have not iced that also the S/T flag has become red. This indicat es
that the DataSeal was Tam pered. If you now close the Sealing Wire, this
flag will remain on, even t hough the Opened flag will turn off again. Try it
now: close the wire, and click the Single interrogation once more. You
should see the O/C flag black again, but the S/T remains red.
No matter how many times you would open and close the wire now, the
Tampered flag remains set, to indicate that it was opened at least once.
Yo u can try it if yo u want.
Yo u may be won derin g by now, whet her this tutorial led y o u to a st at e
where the DataSeal is irreversibly tampered, meaning t hat the DataSeal is
no longer usable! Well, you can relax because the Hi-G-Tek Dat aSeal is a
reusable seal, meaning that you can c l ea r th at Tampered flag. The Tampered flag can be cleared only when the Sealing Wire is closed, and it
is done by sending a Set command to the DataSeal. That’s right, that's the
same command you sent aft er the Hard Wakeup in the "Preparing the
Seal/T ag" sect ion.
You can send this command from the Ve ri fy & S e t windows too. After
performing a Single In te rrogation, click on the line in the list that shows
the Seal ID of the DataSeal you want to Set. Notice that the Seal ID now
appears in the Seal ID box at the top part of the window. You may also
type the Seal ID there manually if you prefer. Make sure that the Sealing
Wire is closed, and then click on the Set button (inside the Addresse d
Ve rify and Set frame).
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