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HDC10200 Rev. 4.1
Working with the MDR
One completing the initial MDR configuration steps the MDR
is ready for use allowing simultaneous usage of a single smartcard
with multiple PCs.
Smartcard Removal Behavior
Removing the smartcard from the MDR immediately de-associates the MDR
from all coupled PCs. As a result, smartcard-aware applications will notice the
smartcard absence and respond accordingly.
For example, a Windows PC that is configured to require smartcards for
user logon may be set to lock the user’s desktop once the smartcard is
Re-associating the MDR after Smartcard Removal
In order to continue using the smartcard (after it’s been removed from the
MDR), the user has to insert the smartcard into the MDR and complete steps
6-8 in order to re-associated the MDR with all the corresponding PCs.
De-associating the MDR from a Specific PC
Long pressing a PC Number But ton is the equivalent of removing the
smartcard only from the PC which corresponds to that button without
effecting other associated PCs. To re-associate that PC with the MDR, press
the PC Number Button to initialize the MDR (as described in step 7).
The de-association option is useful in any case a user wants to de-associate
the MDR from a specific PC, without interfering with other PCs which are
associated with the MDR.
For example, when a user has to lock PC#1 by removing the smartcard
yet remain logged-on to PC#2, or when a certain PC is not successfully
associated with the MDR and the user wants to re-associate it.
MDR Operational Modes
Operational Mode settings determines how Active/Passive PC Modes are
set. For example, when the MDR Operational Mode is set to Manual, the
user has to manually press the PC Number Button corresponding to the PC
that requires access to the smartcard.
When the MDR Operational Mode is set to dynamic, auto-association
methods are used to determine which PC will be set as Active.
For example, when the MDR operational mode is set to Activity-Detection
Auto Association, the MDR will automatically actively associate itself to the
computer which requires smart card access based on an activity detection
To preset which MDR Operational Mode is in use (Manual / Auto...etc), there is
a hardware dual in-line package (DIP) switch situated in the underside of the
base. See the switch configuration settings in Table 02, column DIP Switch.
DIP Switch Configuration
1. To change the DIP switch settings, hold the
MDR with the underside facing you. In this
position, the DIP switch should be at the
upper right corner.
2. Gently remove the DIP switch cover.
3. The switch includes 8 slides numbered
from 1 to 8, ordered from lef t to right.
4. When pulled down, slide status is OFF.
When pulled up, slide status is ON.
5. To activate an operation mode, pull down its
corresponding slide.
6. Multiple slides can be turned OFF (pulled down)
at the same time.
7. Refer to Table 02 to adjust DIP switch settings with your work scenario.
Table 02 Operational Modes:
# Mode Description DIP Switch
1 Manual
The user has to ma nually press the PC Number Bu tton corresponding to t he PC that requires access to the sma rt card.
For exampl e: Once the MDR is simultaneo usly connected to two co mputers (PC#1 and PC#2) and a user needs to
authentica te securely via smart ca rd in front of PC#1, by pressing PC Nu mber Button #1 the MDR becom es actively
associated w ith PC#1 and the user c an authenticate successfu lly.
Then when t he user wants to digitally sig n an email on PC#2, pressing PC Number B utton #2 will actively as sociate the
MDR to PC#2 making th e smart card available to th e email application on tha t computer.
Activit y-Detection Au to
MDR will automa tically associate itse lf to the computer which requir es smart card access base d on its activity detecti on algorithm. Once an app lication attempts to inter act with the smart c ard the MDR automatically associates
itself to the computer that h osts it.
Power-Detec tion Auto
MDR will automa tically associate itse lf to the computer which requir es smart card access base d on its powerdetecti on algorithm. Once the M DR detects an increase in p ower it automatically ass ociates itself to the compu ter
that initiated i t.
4 Device Manager Mode
Determine s whether the MDR remains map ped to the computer’s devi ce manager, or not, upon smar t card removal.
Once enable d, the MDR remains mapped to t he computer’s device manag er upon smartcard remov al, just as a
standard smart card reader would.
When not in use, t he MDR is disconnected f rom the computer’s device man ager upon smart card re moval. This
equals to disconn ecting the USB cables b etween the MDR and the a ssociated PCs but might ca use computability
issues with so me smart card applicat ions.
This option is o nly applicable
when used in co njunction with
other mode s, for example 2+4.
Auto-Asso ciation Safe
Applicati on errors and usabilit y issues may occur due to the smar t card being switched to an other computer in the
middle of a smar t card operation ru nning on the active compu ter.
When enabl ed, automatic switching of the smart c ard between computer s will only occur when the sma rt card is idle
(not in use). Auto-Ass ociation Safe Mode prev ents the Auto-Associa tion algorithm from sw itching the smart card in
case it is busy – h ence being used.
When disab led, upon the detect ion of a smart card reque st the MDR immediately sw itches the smart card to th e
requesti ng computer, regardless of whet her the smart card is in use by t he currently active comp uter or not.
This option is o nly applicable
when used in co njunction with
other mode s, for example 2+4+5
Activit y & Power Auto
Associati on with Device
Manager Mo de and Safe
(This is th e default mode)
MDR will automa tically associate itse lf to the computer which requir es smart card access base d on either activit y or
power detec tion (depending on the s mart card type). Automati c switching of the smart c ard between computer s will
only occur wh en the smart card is idle (not in us e).
Upon smar t card removal the MDR remains m apped to the computer’s de vice manager, just as a standard sm art card
reader would.
2 + 3 + 4 + 5
Power Requirements: External, wall-mounted power supply 12VDC, 5W maximum