LIST OF FIGURES ................................................................................................................................... 6
LIST OF TABLES .................................................................................................................................... 7
HISTORY .................................................................................................................................................. 8
example. Correct AT+WADHCP、AT+WSKEY、AT+NTPTM、AT+WAP command description. Add
AT+SMTLKVER(LPB100U). Modify company address.
Ed. V1.9 07-20-2015. Delete the reserved function description(PWR pin function description
and so on). Modify the module label. Add 3 more PWM Channel.
The HF-LPB100 is a fully self-contained small form-factor, single stream, 802.11b/g/n Wi-Fi module,
which provide a wireless interface to any equipment with a Serial/SPI interface for data transfer.HFLPB100 integrate MAC, baseband processor, RF transceiver with power amplifier in hardware and all
Wi-Fi protocol and configuration functionality and networking stack, in embedded firmware to make a
fully self-contained 802.11b/g/n Wi-Fi solution for a variety of applications.
The HF-LPB100 employs the world's lowest power consumption embedded architecture. It has been
optimized for all kinds of client applications in the home automation, smart grid, handheld device,
personal medical application and industrial control that have lower data rates, and transmit or receive
data on an infrequent basis.
The HF-LPB100 integrates all Wi-Fi functionality into a low-profile, 23.1x32.8x 2.7mm SMT module
package that can be easily mounted on main PCB with application specific circuits. Also, module
provides built-in antenna, external antenna option.
1.1.1 Device Features
Single stream Wi-Fi @ 2.4 GHz with support for WEP security mode as well as WPA/WPA2
Based on Self-developed High Cost Performance MCU
Ultra-low-power operation with all kinds of power-save modes.
Includes all the protocol and configuration functions for Wi-Fi connectivity.
Support STA/AP/AP+STA Mode
Support Smart Link Function
Support Wireless and Remote Firmware Upgrade Function
Support Max 8 Channel PWM/GPIO Output
Integrated pcb antenna, antenna connector options.
Compact surface mount module 23.1mm x 32.8mm x (3.45±0.3)mm.
Full IPv4 stack.
Low power RTOS and drivers.
CE/FCC/TELEC Certified.
RoHS compliant.
Single supply – 3.3V operation.
1. When this pin is set to “low” during module boot up, the module will enter wireless
firmware and config upgrade mode. This mode is used for customer manufacture.
(See Appendix D to download software tools for customer batch configuration and
upgrade firmware during mass production)
2. After module is powered up, short press this button ( “Low” < = 2s ) to make the
module go into “Smart Link “ config mode, waiting for APP to set password and
other information. (See Appendix D to download SmartLink APP)
3. After module is powered up, long press this button ( “Low” >= 4s ) to make the
module recover to factory setting.
High-Flying strongly suggest customer fan out this pin to connector or button for
“Manufacture” and “ Smart Link” application.
nLink Pin (LED) function:
1. At wireless firmware and config upgrade mode , this LED used to indicate configure
and upgrade status.
2. At “Smart Link “ config mode, this LED used to indicate APP to finish setting.
3. At normal mode, it’s Wi-Fi link status indicator
High-Flying strongly suggest customer fan out this pin to LED.
1.2.4. On-board PCB Antenna
HF-LPB100 module support internal on-board PCB antenna option. When customer select internal
antenna, you shall comply with following antenna design rules and module location suggestions:
For customer PCB, RED color region (8.3x18.4mm) can‟t put componet or paste GND net;
Antenna must away from metal or high components at least 10mm;
Antenna can‟t be shielded by any metal enclosure;
Figure 5. Suggested Module Placement Region
High-Flying suggest HF-LPB100 module better locate in following region at customer board, which to
reduce the effect to antenna and wireless signal, and better consult High-Flying technical people when
you structure your module placement and PCB layout.
1.2.5. External Antenna
HF-LPB100 module supports internal antenna and external antenna(I-PEX or SMA) option for user
dedicated application.
If user select external antenna, HF-LPB100 modules must be connected to the 2.4G antenna
according to IEEE 802.11b/g/n standards.
The antenna parameters required as follows:
UART to USB debug interface. (For PC without
RS232, need load driver). Can be Power input.
USB2.0 data interface.(Reserved)
DC Jack
DC jack for power in, 5~18V input.
DC jack for power in, 5~18V input.
2 Li-Battery Power Supply.
HF-LPB100 GPIO function extend interface
1.2.6. Evaluation Kit
High-Flying provides the evaluation kit to promote user to familiar the product and develop the detailed
application. The evaluation kit shown as below, user can connect to HF-LPB100 module with the RS232 UART, RS485, USB (Internal USB to UART convetor) or Wireless port to configure the
parameters, manage the module or do the some functional tests.
Figure 6. HF-LPB100 Evaluation Kit
Notes: User need download USB to UART port driver from High-Flying web or contact with technical
support people for more detail.
The external interface description for evaluation kit as follows:
There is pull-up resister internal and no external pull-up required. When module power up or some
issue happened, MCU need assert nRST signal “0” at least 10ms, then set” 1” to keep module fully
nLink- Module WIFI connection status indication. Output.
(This pin is recommend to connect to LED, indicate status when the module in wireless
upgrade mode)
When module connects to AP (AP associated), this pin will output “0”. This signal used to judge if
module already at WiFi connection status. Thers is pull-up resister internal and no external pull-up
required. If nLink function not required, can leave this pin open.
nReady- Module boot up ready signal. Output. Logics “0” effective.
The module will output “0” after normal boot up. This signal used to judge if module finish boot up and
ready for application or working at normal mode. If nReady function not required, can leave this pin
nReload- Module restore to factory default configuration.Input. Logics “0” effective.
(This pin is recommend to connect to button, is used to enter wireless upgrade mode)
User can de-assert nReload signal “0” more than 4s through button or MCU pin, then release, module
will restore to factory default configuration and re-start boot up process.. If nReload function not
required, can leave this pin open.
UART0_TXD/RXD- UART port data transmit and receive signal.
HF-LPB100 module can be configured as both wireless STA and AP base on network type. Logically
there are two interfaces in HF-LPB100. One is for STA, and another is for AP. When HF-LPB100
works as AP, other STA equipments are able to connect to HF-LPB100 module directly. Wireless
Networking with HF-LPB100 is very flexible.
AP: that is the wireless Access Point, the founder of a wireless network and the centre of the network
nodes. The wireless router we use at home or in office may be an AP.
STA: short for Station, each terminal connects to a wireless network (such as laptops, PDA and other
networking devices) can be called with a STA device.
2.1.1. Basic Wireless Network Based On AP (Infrastructure)
Infrastructure: it‟s also called basic network. It built by AP and many STAs which join in.
The characters of network of this type are that AP is the centre, and all communication between STAs
is transmitted through the AP. The figure following shows such type of networking.
When module enables AP+STA function, Module‟s STA interface can connect with router and connect
to TCP server in the network. At the same time, module‟s AP interface is also active and permit
phone/PAD to connect through TCPB, then phone/PAD can control user device and and setting the
module parameters,
The advantage of AP+STA mode is:
Users can easily setting and track user device through Phone/PAD and not change the
orginal network setting.
Users can easily setting module‟s parameters through WiFi when module works as STA
2.2. Work Mode : Transparent Transmission Mode
HF-LPB100 module support serial interface transparent transmission mode. The benefit of this mode
is achieves a plug and play serial data port, and reduces user complexity furthest. In this mode, user
should only configure the necessary parameters. After power on, module can automatically connect to
the default wireless network and server.
As in this mode, the module's serial port always work in the transparent transmission mode, so users
only need to think of it as a virtual serial cable, and send and receive data as using a simple serial. In
other words, the serial cable of users‟ original serial devices is directly replaced with the module; user
devices can be easy for wireless data transmission without any changes.
The transparent transmission mode can fully compatible with user‟s original software platform and
reduce the software development effort for integrate wireless data transmission.
Protocol Type
Link Type(Server or Client)
Target Port ID Number
Target Port IP Address
Serial Port Parameters
Baud Rate
Data Bit
Parity (Check) Bit
Stop Bit
Hardware Flow Control
2.3. UART Frame Scheme
2.3.1. UART Free-Frame
HF-LPB100 support UART free-frame function. If user select open this function, module will check the
intervals between any two bytes when receiving UART data. If this interval time exceeds defined value
(50ms default), HF-LPB100 will think it as the end of one frame and transfer this free-frame to WiFi
port, or HF-LPB100 will receive UART data until 1000 bytes, then transfer 1000 bytes frame to WiFi
HF-LPB100‟s default interval time is 50ms. (If the UART data interval is less than 300ms, the data
may be packaged into one fragment ) User can also set this interval to fast through AT command. The
UART data may be divided as fragment.
Through AT command: AT+UARTTE=fast/normal, We recommend to use just normal parameter.
2.3.2. UART Auto-Frame
HF-LPB100 support UART auto-frame function. If user select open this function and setting auto-
frame trigger length and auto-frame trigger time parameters, then module will auto framing the data
which received from UART port and transmitting to the network as pre-defined data structure.
Auto-frame trigger length: The fixed data length that module used to transmitting to the
Auto-frame trigger time: After the trigger time, if UART port received data can‟t reach auto-
frame trigger length, then module will transmitting available data to the network and bypass
the auto-frame trigger length condition.
Detailed UART auto-frame function can refer to AT+instruction set “UARTF/UARTFT/UARTFL”
Encryption is a method of scrambling a message that makes it unreadable to unwanted parties,
adding a degree of secure communications. There are different protocols for providing encryption, and
the HF-LPB100 module supports following:
HF-LPB100 module supports two methods to configuration parameters: Web Accessing and
AT+instruction set.
Web accessing means users can configure parameters through Web browser. When HF-LPB100
module connected to wireless network, parameters configuration is done on a PC connected to the
same wireless network.
AT+instruction set configuration means user configure parameters through serial interface command.
Refer to “AT+instruction set” chapter for more detail.
2.6. Firmware Update
HF-LPB100 module supports two on-line upgrade methods:
Webpage Wi-Fi Upgrade
Remote Upgrade
Webpage based Wi-Fiupgrade,please refer to 3.1.8 firmware upgrade page , user can upload
firmware file from PC to HF-LPB100.
HF-LPB100 module also support upgrade from remote HTTP server, keep module connects to AP
router before excute remote HTTP upgrade. Remote upgrade have two methods: Direct Download and Upgrade, Configure File Based Upgrade.
Configure File Based Upgrade
AT+UPURL command to set the remote directory which the configuration file located, such as
Notes: The last ‟/‟ can‟t be remove
AT+UPFILE command to set the configuration file name, such as AT+UPFILE=config.txt
AT+UPST command to start remote Application upgrade. After excuate this command, the module will
firstly download configuration file (“config.txt”), then download the upgrade file base on the URL
address listed in the configure file.
General “config.txt” file format as following example:
AT+UPURL command to set the remote directory and file name, such as:
After excuate this command, the module will directly download the “lpb.bin” file from remote directory
and start upgrade Application.
Notes: please contact with high-flying technical people before upgrade firmware, or maybe damage
the module and can‟t work again.
2.7. GPIO/PWM Function
HF-LPB100 module can provide many GPIOs, which include max 6 PWM/GPIO control pins. User
devices can read/write GPIO/PWM pins status.
Table 7 HF-LPB100 GPIO/PWM Pin Mapping Table
When module works at PWM mode, PC and other devices can setup connection (TCP/UDP) through
WiFi, then read/write GPIO/PWM information through command data.
GPIO n OUT 0, Set GPIOn as output and output „0‟, Response GPIO OK or GPIO NOK;
GPIO n OUT 1, Set GPIOn as output and output „1‟, Response GPIO OK or GPIO NOK;
GPIO n GET, Read GPIOn pin status, Response +ok=1 or GPIO NOK
GPIO n SET, Save GPIOn set, Response GPIO OK or GPIO NOK
PWM n frequency duty, Set PWMn Channel output, Response GPIO OK or GPIO NOK
PWM n GET, Read PWMn Channel set, Response +ok=frequency duty or PWM NOK
PWM n SET, Save PWMn Channel set, Response PWM OK or PWM NOK
Notes: Please refer to Appendix B for details to use GPIO/PWM.
2.8. SOCKET B Function
HF-LPB100 support double socket communication, the socket B function is disabled by default.
When HF-LPB100 module SOCK A configured as TCP Server, it supports Multi-TCP link connection,
and maximum 5 TCP clients permitted to connect to HF-LPB100 module. User can realize multi-TCP
link connection at each work mode.
Multi-TCP link connection will work as following structure:
Upstream: All dates from different TCP connection or client will be transmitted to the serial port as a
Downstream: All data from serial port (user) will be replicate and broadcast to every TCP connection
or client.
Detailed multi-TCP link data transmission structure as following figure:
Figure 12. Multi-TCP Link Data Transmition Structure