No part of this publication may be reproduced or distributed in any form
or by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without the
prior written permission of the publisher.
Hi-flying Incorporated reserves the right to make changes in technical
and product specifications without provisional notification.
This module is limited to OEM installation only and must not be sold to
OEM integrators must be instructed to ensure that the end-user has no
manual instructions to remove or install the device.
The end-user can not remove or install this module to any other devices.
Support IEEE802.11b/g/n Wireless Standards
Support TCP/IP/UDP Network Protocols
Support UART/GPIO/Ethernet Data Interface
Support Work As STA/AP Mode
Support Router/Bridge Mode Networking
Support Internal Antenna Option
Support Transparent/Agreement Transmission Mode
Support AT+ Instruction Set for Configuration
Support Friendly Web Configuration Page
Support Palmodic Signal
Support UART Port Auto-Frame Function
Single +3.3V Power Supply
Smallest Size: 25 x 40mm
FCC/CE Certificated
Flexible Software Platform with Linux OS
Q4: Where to set HF-A11x module network protocol (TCP/UDP)?........................ .... ........ ... .... .52
Q5: How to configure transparent serial port application: Two HF-A11x modules all
configured as STA and connection through AP?........................................................................ 53
Q6: How to avoid IP address confliction when apply HF-A11x module?.................................. 54
Q7: PC works as server, all HF-A11x modules works as data acquisition card and
connect with PC, how to configure this application? ................................................................. 54
TR A N S M I T I O N M O D E ....................................................................................................................... 56
AP P E ND I X C: C O N TA C T I N F O RM AT I O N ..................................................................................... 58
If not use UART function,this 4
pins can be configured as GPIO
pins, and can change GPIO pin
status through AT command
HF-A11x V3.1 User Manual
UART receives data
transmission permission
Module reset signal RESET I “Low ( 0 )” effective reset input.
WiFi status Indication nLink O
Indicate the module
status of power on
Restore configuration nReload I
Ethernet Interface PHY_RX+ I
Ethernet Interface PHY_RX- I
Ethernet Interface PHY_TX+ O
Ethernet Interface PHY_TX- O
nReady O
The reset duration should be
kept more than 300ms
“1”- WIFI connection available,
“0”- No WIFI connection
Can be configured as GPIO.
“0” or “Palmodic Signal” - Finish
module boot up process;
“1” - Module boot up not finish.
Can be configured as GPIO.
Module will Restore factory
default configuration after set this
pin “0” more than 1s, then set
+1.8V Ethernet Data Interface
Support transformer and direct
connection (AC couple) mode.
1.2.3. Evaluation Kit
High-Flying provides the evaluation kit to promote user to familiar the product and develop the
detailed application. The evaluation kit shown as below, user can connect to HF-A11x module
with the RS-232 UART port, 100M Eth port or Wireless port to configure the parameters, manage
the module or do the some functional tests.
Figure 5. HF-A11x Evaluation Kit
The external interface description for evaluation kit as follows:
There is 100K Ohm pull-up resister internal. When module power up or some issue happened,
MCU need assert nRST signal “0” at least 300ms, then set” 1” to keep module fully reset.
nReady- Module boot up ready signal. Output. Logics “0” effective.
There is 4.7K Ohm pull-up resister internal. The module will output “0” “or “Palmodic Signal” after
normal boot up. This signal used to judge if module finish boot up and ready for application or
working at normal mode.
nLink- Module WIFI connection indication. Output.
There is 4.7K Ohm pull-up resister internal. When module connect to AP (STA mode) or some
WiFi STA connect to module (AP mode), the module will output “0”. This signal used to judge if
module already at WiFi connection status.
nReload- Module restore to factory default configuration.Input. Logics “0” effective.
There is 4.7K Ohm pull-up resister internal. User can assert nReload signal “0” more than 1s
through button or MCU pin, then release, module will restore to factory default configuration and
re-start boot up process.
UART_TXD/RXD- UART port data transmit and receive signal.
There is 1K Ohm pull-down resister internal. User can’t add pull-up resister at these pins.
1.3.2. 10/100M Ethernet Interface
HF-A11x modules provide one 10/100M Ethernet PHY layer interface for data transition or user
configuration. This Ethernet support with transformer and without transformer (PHY-to-PHY) 2
kinds of connection. Ethernet Connection with Transformer
User board put Ethernet transformer and RJ-45 connector. This is a general 10/100M Ethernet
phy layer connection. The reference design as following:
Figure 8. Ethernet Reference Design with Transformer Ethernet Connection without Transformer
For this application, Ethernet will work as internal data transmition interface and save one
transformer and RJ-45 connector. Ethernet PHY-to-PHY connection will use AC coupled
connection. This is a space and cost optimized solution. Hardware reference design as following:
Note: VCC signal at reference design shall base on user board PHY chipset voltage level, such
as 2.5V power supply for general Ethernet PHY chipset.
Figure 9. Ethernet Reference Design without Transformer
1.3.3. UART Interface
UART interface is the serial data transmition interface mainly used for HF-A11x modules.
User can add RS-232 chipset on user board and convert the signal to RS-232 voltage to
communicate with outside equipment or sensors. HF-A11x modules UART interface include 4
general signals: TXD/RXD/RTS/CTS. The hardware reference design with RS-232 chipset as
Figure 10. UART Interface Reference Design
: TXD pin is also hardware configuration pin internal module. So this pin MUST pull-down
during module power up. HF0A11x modules provide internal pull-down resister, user can’t add
pull-up/pull-down resister on user board, which may cause module can’t work.
1.3.4. Power Interface
HF-A11x module support single +3.3V power supply. The peak current shall about 350mA and
normal WiFi working current shall about 200mA. The power save (WiFi OFF) mode will about
Decoupling at power pin suggested, At least one 100uF and one 10uF capacitor required at user
board and put near module power input pin will increase the reliability and performance.
When HF-A11x modules boot up phase, the general user board MCU software flow chart will as
Figure 11. User MCU Software Flow Chart
HF-A11x modules provide two kinds of work mode and one configuration mode.
Work mode is Transparent Transmission and Agreement Transmission.
Configuration mode is through AT+instruction set to finish module setting and configuration.
When HF-A11x modules boot up, user can select one work mode base on the set t ing, an d use r
can switch to the configuration mode at any kinds of work mode.
1.4.1. Transparent Transmission Mode
HF-A11x modules support serial interface transparent transmission mode. The benefit of this
mode is achieves a plug and play serial data port, and reduces user complexity furthest. In this
mode, user should only configure the necessary parameters. After power on, module can
automatically connect to the default wireless network and server.
As in this mode, the module's serial port always work in the transparent transmission mode, so
users only need to think of it as a virtual serial cable, and send and receive data as using a
simple serial. In other words, the serial cable of users’ original serial devices is directly replaced
with the module; user devices can be easy for wireless data transmission without any changes.
The transparent transmission mode can fully compatible with user’s original software platform
and reduce the software development effort for integrate wireless data transmission.
: Transparent transmission mode as a low level phy layer data transmitting can't keep zero
error rates by itself. User can enable UART port’s hardware flow control CTS/RTS function or
though higher layer protocol such as TCP to lower error rate and mange the data completeness.
High-Flying recommend when doing large amounts of data transmitting in transparent
transmission mode, hardware flow control should be enabled, so as to fully ensure reliable data
transmission. In the applications which doesn’t need flow control, users can simply leave RTS /
CTS pin vacant.
1.4.2. Agreement Transmission Mode
If user requires keep 100% accurate data transmitting (No error rate) or user board’ MCU has
limited data processing speed compared with wireless data transmitting rate, agreement
transmission mode is suggested in this kinds of application.
Agreement transmission mode defines transmition data structure, verification mode, connection
mode between both sides, which target to fully control and mange the data transmition on the
serial port. These kinds of mode can keep accurate data transmitting.
In agreement transmission mode, user device (or MCU) send “SEND” instruction to HF-A11x
modules, HF-A11x modules reply “SEND ACK” instruction to confirm. HF-A11x modules will not
active transmit the serial port data to user device, it only can transmit the data after receive user
device’s data transmit request. HF-A11x module has 1M byte data FIFO to save data which need
to be transmitting to the user device. Agreement Transmission Data Structure
Agreement transmission mode’s command data structure and
- The 1
- The 2
Byte of each frame is command word;
Byte of each frame is serial number (SN).
agreement as following:
User device insert SN when it send command frame, the SN will increase one (SN+1)
after one frame successful transmition. SN shall reset to 0x00 after arrive 0xFF as a
cycle period.
- Data Length(Example: LLLL), which is the net length of data part .
Unit: Byte. Maximum: 1024 Bytes
- CRC Part(Example: CCCC), which is the CRC result of whole frame.
- Serial transmition sequence for “LLLL” and “CCCC”: Low byte first, then higher byte
¾ Data Transmit Command(SEND)
User device use this command to send data to HF-A11x module
“SEND” frame structure:
Command Word: 01
Serial Number: SS
Reserve Part: 0000
Data Length: LLLL
Data Content: DDDD……..DDDD
¾ Data Tran smit Acknowledge Command (SEND ACK)
HF-A11x module replies this command to acknowledge receive “SEND” frame data.
“SEND ACK” frame structure: