A Truly “State Of The Art” New
Design In Digital Audio Players.
Brought to you exclusively by Head-Direct
HiFiMAN Owners Manual
Congratulations o n your purch ase of one of the finest sounding ,
most uniqu e pr oduct s in the audio compo nent market that h as com e
about in ye ars!
Not on ly have you proud ly purchased a pr oduct th at was carefully
innovated using some o f the f inest components that money can buy,
but you have place d yourse lf in th e in the front row o f a ne w product
that is going to c hange the porta ble audio ma rket as we now know i t.
This is not ju st yo ur father's music listening device. You have just
invested in a ground break ing, earth shattering, "ch angin g life as we
know it" music device that is going to transform the way that
audiophiles l i ste n t o mu sic , " whi l e on t he go " .
Rem ember when everyone laugh ed at us when we were wearing a
"Walkman©" typ e of devi ce in the '80's when it w as unheard of to w alk
around w hile playing music on our heads,and the naysayers and
Doubting Thomas' s aid tha t it would never t ake off? We ll lo ok at us
now. There isn't a street corner or mall that can't be found without
someone enjoying his or her tu nes whilst doin g e veryd ay tasks .
Well, welc ome to the third gener ation of musi cal enlightenment
(t he secon d being the in novation of th e portab le CD pl aye r).
Introducing, the HiFiMAN.The HiFiMAN, is a new, state of the art design music listening device, for the m ost
discerning music listener, w hich incorporates a high quality f lash based trans port, which uses a state of the ar t
16bit 48kHz digital to ana log co nverter (DAC), customer swappable amp lifie r to ca ter to any customer's tastes,
along with a user replaceable recha rgeab le 1 8 volt battery, which allows the use r to c arry around a music al
library with as many 32 GB Secur e Dig ital HC ca rds as required, for an endless supply of l ossy to lo ssles s mus ic
files. The possibilities are endless.
Welcome to the newest way to listen to the highest quality music, outside of Carne gie Hal l.
● DAC function: Coaxial (44.1kHz, 96kHz)
● USB DAC (16bit, 48kHz)
● DAC Chip: Burr-Brown PCM1704U (for Player, Coaxial and USB)
● Please note: due to shortage of chips, some models may contain
Burr-Brown PCM1704 DAC Chip
● Op-Amp: OPA627
● Size: 114 mm X 78mm X 25.5 mm or 4.49” X 3.07” X 1.00”
● Output: Headphone Out and a separate non-amplified Line Out
● Exchangeable Module Battery Life = 7 to 8 hours (Depending upo n
which Modular Amplifier board is mounted)
● Charger for Charging and External Power supply
30 day refund. 90 day fre e re place ment and 1 year repai r.
Additionally, customers have the option to p urcha se a 2-ye ar free
repair warranty plan.
A Truly “State Of The Art” New
Design In Digital Audio Players.