OMNIKEY Smart Card Rea der Install ation Guid e
This guide describes physical behavior and conformities of the OMNIKEY Smart Card Readers.
1021 USB
- Desktop smart card reader in a small form factor for desktop and mobile usage.
3021 USB
- High-performance smart card reader, with a USB interface and small form factor for
desktop and mobile usage.
3121 USB
- High-performance smart card reader for desktop use with multiple standing base
options in a robust housing.
Mobile PC MCIA
- High-perfor mance smart card reade r for mobile use in laptops and PDAs
with PCMC IA interf ace.
4121 CL - Mobile ExpressCard 34mm
- Contactless Reader with ExpressCard® in terface for
Laptops and mobile devices that reads/writes to 13.56 MHz s mart cards.
4321 M obile Express Card 54
- High- performance sm art card r eader for mobil e use in laptops and
mobile de vices with the E xpressCard interf ace.
5125 / 5325 USB Prox
- Dual interface PC-linke d re ader t hat r eads contactless (125kHz ) HI D Pr ox
cards and re ads/writ es virtually any cont act smart card .
5022 CL/ 5121 / 5321 / 5421 / 5422 USB
- Dual interface PC-linked reader that reads/writes to
13.56 MHz c ontactless c ards and virtu ally any c ontact smart ca rd.
5127 / 5427 CK/ 5427 UE USB
- Co ntactless 1 3.56MHz/1 25kHz reader with CCID /Keyboard wed ge
5021 / 5022 / 5023 / 5027 / 5321 CL USB
- Contactless Reader with USB interface for desktop
use that reads/writes to 13.56 MHz smart cards.
5023 USB
- Contactless Read er with USB interf ace f or des kt op use that reads/writes to 13.56 MHz
smart c ar ds. With iCLASS and Seos sup port.
5027 USB
- Contactless Read er with USB interface for desktop use that reads/writes to 13.56 MHz
smart c ar ds. With iCLASS and Seos sup port.
- Contactless Reader with U SB CCI D-compliant interface for desktop use that reads
contactle ss (125 kHz) Prox cards . With iCLASS/Seos s upport and Keyboard wedge.
- Dual interf ace PC-linked reader that reads/writes to 13.56 MHz contactless
cards and virt ually any SIM-sized contact s mart card.
5326 DF R USB
- Cont actless Du al Frequency (1 3.56MHz/12 5kHz) Reader with CCID interf ace.
6121 Mobile USB
- Dongle-sized smart card reader for SIM-sized smart cards, especially well
suited for use with mobile devices.
6221 USB
- Dongle-sized reader for SIM-sized smart cards and Micro-SD cards, especially well
suited for use with mobile devices.
6321 Mobile USB
- Dongle-sized Dual interface PC li nked reader that reads/writes to 13.56 MHz
contactless smart card and virtually any SIM-sized contact smart card.
• Smart C ard Reader
• Installation Guide
Find drivers, reader documentation supporting various operating systems at: y
See the applicat ion not e for c ard load ing and h andling instruc tions at : y
3120-906 B.6.