HID Global 6042AA Users manual

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.XX = + /- .03” DWN G. FO SSEN 120799 IRVINE, CALIFORNIA
.XXX = + /- .010” CHK Installation Procedure
ANGLES = +/- 1
APVD ProxTrak Po r tal Reader
FINISH N/A P/N 6042-901-01 REV 7
ProxTrakTM Portal Reader Installation Procedure 6042-901-01 Rev 7
HID Corporation 9292 J eronimo Road Irvine, CA 92618 USA T EL ( 949) 598- 1600 ( 800) 237- 7769 FAX (949) 598- 1690 Web page –
– ProxTrak Port al Reader Installation Procedure 6042-901-01 Rev 7
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Table of Content s
1. AMP100 ProxTrakTM Portal Reader Installation Manual.............................................................. 4
1.1 Scope..................................................................................................................................4
1.2 Functional Summary..............................................................................................................4
1.3 Reference Documents...........................................................................................................4
2. Site Requirements ..................................................................................................................... 4
2.1 Physical Requirements..........................................................................................................4
2.1.1 Floor............................................................................................................................. 4
2.1.2 Mounting........................................................................................................................ 5
2.2 Power Requirements............................................................................................................. 5
2.3 Host or Panel Communication Requirements ...........................................................................5
2.4 Environmental Limits..............................................................................................................5
2.5 Materials.............................................................................................................................. 5
3. Physical Installation................................................................................................................... 5
3.1 Unpacking............................................................................................................................. 5
3.2 AMP100 Portal Reader Dimensions with mounting points .........................................................6
3.3 Mechanical Assembly Procedure............................................................................................ 7
3.4 Electrical Assembly ............................................................................................................... 8
3.4.1 Cable Connections..........................................................................................................8
3.5 Door Frame Mounting............................................................................................................9
3.5.1 Installation Accessory Kit................................................................................................ 9
3.5.2 Mechanical Mounting Procedure...................................................................................... 9
4. System Checkout and Test.......................................................................................................10
4.1 Power Supply Check...........................................................................................................10
4.2 Exciter Tuning ..................................................................................................................... 10
4.3 Receiver Null....................................................................................................................... 10
4.4 System Performance...........................................................................................................10
5. Installation into an Asset Management System.........................................................................10
5.1 Input and Output Signal Information ...................................................................................... 10
5.1.1 Serial cable for Host communications..............................................................................10 Maximum Cable Lengths.............................................................................................10 Communications Pin Assignments................................................................................11
5.1.2 Relays..........................................................................................................................11
5.1.3 Wiegand Inter f ace .........................................................................................................11
5.1.4 Second FSK Reader ......................................................................................................11
6. Setup and Configuration...........................................................................................................12
6.1 Configuration Jumpers on the DSP Controller Board.............................................................. 12
6.2 Serial Communication.......................................................................................................... 12
6.2.1 RS485..........................................................................................................................12
6.2.2 RS232..........................................................................................................................12
6.2.3 RS485 and RS232 Connector Terminal Assignments.......................................................12
6.2.4 Baud Rate and Node Address ........................................................................................13
6.3 Polled mode....................................................................................................................... 13
6.4 Simplex mode ..................................................................................................................... 13
6.5 LCD interface..................................................................................................................... 13
6.6 Tag Command options......................................................................................................... 13
6.6.1 Default Tag commands ..................................................................................................13
6.6.2 Failsafe Tag commands.................................................................................................13
6.6.3 Host controlled Tag commands.......................................................................................13
6.6.3. 1 Individual ProxTrakTM Commands................................................................................14
6.6.3. 2 Global ProxTrakTM Commands....................................................................................14
HID Corporation 9292 J eronimo Road Irvine, CA 92618 USA T EL ( 949) 598- 1600 ( 800) 237- 7769 FAX (949) 598- 1690 Web page –
– ProxTrak Port al Reader Installation Procedure 6042-901-01 Rev 7
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6.7 Indicators........................................................................................................................... 14
6.7.1 Red/Green LED and Beeper in the Access contr ol Reader ...............................................14
6.7.2 Red/Green LED and Beeper located on the DSP controller electr onics..............................14
6.7.3 Relay 1 and Relay 2......................................................................................................14
6.8 EEPROM Configurat io n informat ion...................................................................................... 14
6.8.1 Indicators (LED's, Beeper, Relays) duration's ..................................................................14
6.8.2 Programmable indicator responses on major events.........................................................15
6.8.3 Default tag command.....................................................................................................15
6.8.4 Failsafe activation timeout..............................................................................................15
6.8.5 Failsafe tag command....................................................................................................15
6.8.6 Multiple Adjacent Unit Interface (Maui) ............................................................................15
6.9 Wiegand Output.................................................................................................................. 15
6.10 Download new Acquisition Processor (AP) c ode.................................................................... 15
6.11 Diagnostics......................................................................................................................... 16
6.11.1 Set Calibration command...............................................................................................16
6.11.2 Status Request Command..............................................................................................16
6.11.3 H/W Configuration.........................................................................................................16
6.11.4 Reset Command...........................................................................................................16
7. T ab les – Switc h s ettings , EEPROM Se t tings and Indica t o r ac t ions ..........................................17
7.1 Acquisition Processor switches............................................................................................ 17
7.2 Communication Processor Switches: .................................................................................... 18
7.3 EEPROM Me mor y map table............................................................................................... 20
7.4 Indicator actions.................................................................................................................. 22
8. Portal Functional Description ...................................................................................................23
8.1 Operating Cycle .................................................................................................................. 23
8.2 RFID Tag and card types................................................................................................... 23
8.2.1 Asset tags....................................................................................................................23 Asset tag types..........................................................................................................23
8.2.2 Access cards ................................................................................................................23
8.3 Acquisition functions............................................................................................................ 24
8.3.1 Asset tag Reception......................................................................................................24
8.3.2 Access Card Options.....................................................................................................24
8.3.2. 1 Presentation Access Control Reader ...........................................................................24
8.3.2. 2 Hands Free Access Card Reader................................................................................24
8.3.3 Exciter ..........................................................................................................................24
8.3.3. 1 125kHz exciter description..........................................................................................24
9. General Interference Guidelines...............................................................................................25
10. Location of other HID Proximity Readers ..............................................................................25
11. Environmental Radio Frequency Noise Test..........................................................................26
11.1 Required Equipment............................................................................................................ 26
11.2 Test Procedure................................................................................................................... 26
HID Corporation 9292 J eronimo Road Irvine, CA 92618 USA T EL ( 949) 598- 1600 ( 800) 237- 7769 FAX (949) 598- 1690 Web page –
– ProxTrak Port al Reader Installation Procedure 6042-901-01 Rev 7
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1. AMP100 ProxTrakTM Portal Reader Installation Manual
1.1 Scope
This document describes the information necessary for physical installation, setup and programming for an HID Portal Reader. The dimensional, cabling, configurat ion and progr amming requirements ar e described in detail to pr ovide assistance for the installation process.
1.2 Functional Summary
The AMP100 ProxTrak Por tal Reader will p erf or m all applicable RF operations (transactions) on any HID AMT100 Asset tags and HID Prox family Access cards. In addition, the Portal can detect individuals pass ing t hro ugh the Port al. This gives the integrator the ability t o c o ntrol the actions ar o und a doo rw ay that is monitored by a Port al Reader. Also included are indicator s in the for m of a Beeper, LED’s and an LCD Display module. Contact c losures fr om 2 low voltage relays are available, if r equired by t he application, for CCTV, door strikes or ot her f unctions.
The exciter circuit in the Reader produces a nominal 125KHz current in the exciter coil resulting in a 125KHz electromagnetic field which provides power and a fundamental clock to a tag. Commands ar e sent to the tag by an amplitude modulation sequence of this current resulting in modulation of the field. The ProxTrakTM Portal Reader is designed for approval under all applicable emissions regulations.
1.3 FCC Notices
The FCC approval requires that this device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules; O peration is subject to the f ollowing two conditions: 1) This device may not cause harmful inter f er ence, 2) T his device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.
Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the part y responsible for compliance could void the user’s aut hor ity t o oper at e the equipment.
1.4 Reference Documents
ProxTrakTM Multi-drop Prot oc ol Specification HID P/N 0200-636 ProxTrak Wiegand Specificat ion for ProxTrak Atmel Cor po r a t io n specification for AT24 RF08 As se t Id entification EEPROM Asset IDTM Programming Specification, IBM PC Company
Utilities So ft war e Manual HID P/N xxxx-xxx
Portal HID P/N 0200-635
2. Site Requirements
Because of the high sensitivity r equired to acquire asset and access tags in a volume the size of a Portal, some preliminary inspection of the property is required to determine if the site is suitable to install the ProxTrak Portal Reader. There may be electrical noise generators in the area of the installation that could prohibit the use of a Portal unless the noise generator can be moved, shielded or replaced. Refer t o the General Interference Guidelines and “Location of other Proximity Readers” sections at the end of this manual. In addition there is a detailed “Environmental Radio Frequency Noise Test” t hat can be performed to verify the site complies with Portal requirements.
2.1 Physical Requirements
2.1.1 Floor
Floor must be level to within .1” over the footprint of the unit (approx. 42” X 42”) also the floor must be solid a nd not have any give. T he ceiling must be 9 2 ” high at the location of the por tal.
HID Corporation 9292 J eronimo Road Irvine, CA 92618 USA T EL ( 949) 598- 1600 ( 800) 237- 7769 FAX (949) 598- 1690 Web page –
– ProxTrak Port al Reader Installation Procedure 6042-901-01 Rev 7
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2.1.2 Mounting
The portal must be secured to the floor using Redhead or similar anchors and at least one point along either of the vertical tubes or the crossover tube or at four points along the uprights.
2.2 Power Requirements
110V AC, 60Hz, 15A dedicated service within 6 feet of one corner of the unit AC cable exit position must be specified at the time of ordering. Options include: High or low, Exit or Entrance, front or side exit. See the “ProxTrak - How to Order Guide” for details
2.3 Host or Panel Communication Requirements
Maximum cable lengths RS232 is 150 feet (46 meter s) RS485 is 4000 feet (1230 meter s) Wiegand is 500 feet ( 154 met er s)
2.4 Environmental Limits
Operation outside of the following parameters can result in improper operation and/or void the manufacturers warranty.
Operat ing Temperature Range -0oC to 50oC (32oF to 122oF) Storage Temperat ure Range -20oC to 65oC (-30oF to 149oF) Operat ing Humidity Range 5% t o 95% non-condensing Operat ing Vibration Limit .01 g2/Hz 20-2000Hz Operat ing Shock Limit 10g, 11mS, Half Sine Electromagnetic Environment See Sect ions 4 and 5
2.5 Materials
Enclosure Mater ial UL Listed ABS Size 40.5” W x 38” D x 89” H Weight 226 lbs. 102.5 Kg
3. Physical Installation
3.1 Unpacking
Each unit will be s hipped in several boxes. Each box will be ma r k e d wit h: Model number Serial number Majo r a s s e mbly included This informa tion will b e needed if t echnical support is required.
Packing List: Controller assembly ………………………… P/N 6042-350 Antenna panel assembly, primary side …… P/N 6042-360 Antenna panel assembly, secondary side… P/N 6042-370 Threshold assembly ………………………… P/N 6042-380 Accessory kit – Controller assembly ……… P/N 6042-390 Accessory kit – Threshold assembly ……..P/N 6042-391 Accessory kit – Mounting ………………….. P/N TBD Accessory kit – Misc ……………………….. P/N TBD(manual, t est t ags/ cards RS232 cable)
HID Corporation 9292 J eronimo Road Irvine, CA 92618 USA T EL ( 949) 598- 1600 ( 800) 237- 7769 FAX (949) 598- 1690 Web page –
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3.2 AM P 100 P ortal Reader Dimensions wit h mounting points
k ID
HID Corporation 9292 J eronimo Road Irvine, CA 92618 USA T EL ( 949) 598- 1600 ( 800) 237- 7769 FAX (949) 598- 1690 Web page –
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3.3 M echanical Assembly P rocedure
The portal must be assembled in an area where there is at least 96 inches of clearance between the floor and the ceiling.
Start with the Portal assemblies located near where the Portal will be installed. The portal will be assembled on one side and then tipped upright. It may then be moved into place.
On each major compo nent there will be a r e d d ot indicating the do o r way s id e or edge.
Support the base perpendicular to the floor with the doorway edge up (the doorway edge is the edge nearest from the crossover wires embedded in the bottom). Stand the Primary Panel assembly on its entrance edge (the primary panel assembly is the one with the LCD module), red dot up, and f asten it to the Threshold assembly with the LCD facing towards t he inside of t he portal. Use 8 of the t aper ed machine screws, four in each of the corner supports in the uprights. Repeat for the secondary panel assembly. Install cross over tubes and route cables as shown in Figure 1
Note - Use precautions to guard against static discharges to any exposed electronics when handling the Controller assembly.
Place the Controller assembly on its entrance edge and slide the left and right edges onto the Panel assemblies gray mounting blocks. Note that the fans are located closest t o the Primary side. Use t he hex key head 10-20’s (4 each with washers), screw ed into the threaded insert in the controller assembly. Add the 4 1”, 6-32 pan-heads in the through-holes, with the washer and nut on the top, to each gray brack et .
The Portal can now be stood upright. Be sure to lift t he t op end st r aight up, wit hout str es sing t he Port al by tilting it to the right or left; lift using the lower gray structural pieces. Do not lift the white antenna assemblies or the upper gray members. The Portal is not designed to be put into use without structural support provided at the doorway. ( See “Door f r ame mounting”), below.
HID Corporation 9292 J eronimo Road Irvine, CA 92618 USA T EL ( 949) 598- 1600 ( 800) 237- 7769 FAX (949) 598- 1690 Web page –
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3.4 Electrical Assembly
3.4.1 Cable Connections
Connect cables as shown.
+ 5VDC
A1-Portal Electronics Assembly
A3 - Sensor
I/O Bd
- 40VDC +40VDC
P4 P7 P8 P9
P1 P1
A2 - Exciter Amplifier
P2 P2
P 1
A1 - DSP Bd Assembly
+/- 12VDC
P12P10 P11
Fan Power TB
A3 - Secondary Antenna Panel A2 - Primary Antenna Panel
Door Side
P 2
P 1
P 3
Summing Bd
P 1
P 2
P 1
P 3
A2-Rcvr Antenna
Summing BdA1-Rcvr Antenna
P 1
P 2
P 1
P 3
A3-Rcvr Antenna
Summing Bd
A1-FSK Rdr
P 1
P 2
P 1
P 3
A4-Rcvr Antenna
Summing Bd
P 1
Exciter Antenna
HID Corporation 9292 J eronimo Road Irvine, CA 92618 USA T EL ( 949) 598- 1600 ( 800) 237- 7769 FAX (949) 598- 1690 Web page –
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3.5 Door Frame Mounting
3.5.1 Installation Accessory Kit
Each unit will be s upplied wit h an installa tion acce s s o ry k it cont aining the f o llo wing: Mounting screws Mounting washers Mounting spacers Cable egress/fit t ing kit
3.5.2 Mechanical Mounting Procedure
The Portal requires a external support structure such as a doorway frame, a structural wall nearby or external supports designed to support t he Portal f rame from movement caused by incidental forces such as people, cart s, dollies or other it ems that ma y come into co nta ct w ith the Porta l in gener al use. The most common method of mounting is attaching the Portal to the doorframe. This method includes positioning the Portal Reader close to the doorframe, allow ing for a direct mount t o the framework via the appropriate f as t eners for wood, steel or aluminum.
With this mounting method, t he doorframe must be 35 t o 41 inches inside width f or an effect ive mounting struct ure . The AC line cor d must not e xit o n t he f a c e o f t he Port al fr a me that will be used for mounting. The position of the AC cord can be specified at the time of ordering. An example of a doorframe mount is shown below.
Door frame mount - viewed from the top
Portal Threshold
Lag bolt
frame detail
1/2" Spacers
Door Frame
Definition of “exit” and “entrance” - Since the Portal is mostly used as an exit reader, you enter the Por tal on the end away from t he door, and you exit the Portal at the doorway end. The two uprights that are on the exit end of the Reader are devoid of cables between in a cer t ain span of 51 inches in the center of t he vertical dimensions of the Portal. This is the space available for mounting the Port al to the doorfr ame. Lag bolts, w ashers and the spacers ( See insert) are included with the Accessory kits. The Lag bolts, w asher,
HID Corporation 9292 J eronimo Road Irvine, CA 92618 USA T EL ( 949) 598- 1600 ( 800) 237- 7769 FAX (949) 598- 1690 Web page –
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