HID Global 1050 Users manual

Operation Manual - 1050-904 Rev A
HID ProxProgrammer
HID Corporation
9292 Jeronimo Road
Irvine, CA 92618-1905 USA
949-598-1600 800-237-7769
Fax: 949-598-1690
e-mail: www.prox.com
Table of Contents
Introduction.............................................................................................. 1
Operational Requirements.................................................................................... 1
HID ProxProgrammer System Description ......................................................... 1
System Equipment List ......................................................................................... 1
Setting up the HID ProxProgrammer System........................................ 2
Hardware Setup..................................................................................................... 2
Software Setup....................................................................................................... 2
Customer Configuration ....................................................................................... 3
Getting Started ......................................................................................... 4
Starting HID ProxProgrammer Software ............................................................ 4
Selecting a COM Port............................................................................................ 5
Using the ICC (Intelligent Control Card) ............................................................ 6
Main Menu - Prox Programmer Software........................................................... 7
File Menu.............................................................................................................................. 7
Card Order Operation Menu .............................................................................................. 7
Card Order Report Menu.................................................................................................... 7
Programmer Options Menu................................................................................................. 7
Programming............................................................................................ 7
Creating a New Order ........................................................................................... 8
Programming a Card Order ................................................................................. 8
Printing ................................................................................................... 10
Printing tags ........................................................................................................ 10
Layout ................................................................................................................. 12
Manipulate placement of tag number and prefic.............................................................. 12
Change the font size of the tag number and prefix ............................................................ 12
Change the printer settings................................................................................................. 13
Read Tags ............................................................................................... 13
Table of Contents
Fallout Replacement............................................................................... 14
Card Order Reports............................................................................... 15
Cross Reference List............................................................................................ 15
ProxProgrammer Option....................................................................... 16
Select a Format.................................................................................................... 16
Present an ICC..................................................................................................... 17
Troubleshooting...................................................................................... 18
Troubleshooting COM port selection................................................................. 18
Troubleshooting the ICC..................................................................................... 18
CD to floppy......................................................................................................... 18
This manual is copyrighted by HID Corporation with all rights reserved. Under the copyright laws, this manual may not be reproduced in any form, in whole or part, without the prior written consent of HID Corporation.
HID Corporation has reviewed this manual thoroughly to make it an easy to use guide to your ProxProgrammer. All statements, technical information, and recommendations in this manual or related documents are believed reliable, but the accuracy and completeness thereof are not guaranteed or warranted, and they are not intended to be, nor should they be understood to be, representations or warranties concerning the products described.
If you have any questions regarding your ProxProgrammer contact Customer Service @ 1-800-237-PROX (7769)
HID ProxProgrammer System Description
The HID ProxProgramming system is a contactless card and key tag programmer. The ICC (Intelligent Control Card) contains the security and customer formats. This card will activate the programmer and allow the system to be used. Without the ICC, the HID Field Programmer will not function.
By using the HID ProxProgrammer PC software, the user is able to program and verify programmable HID card and key tag products.
The software also allows HID proximity cards to be numbered (printed) using a Windows printer designed for PVC card printing. System Reports can be printed on any standard Windows printer.
System Equipment List
*HID ProxProgrammer (model # 1050AGN00) w/attached DB9 Serial Cable *Power Supply (12v 500mA) *ICC Intelligent Control Card
*HID ProxProgrammer PC software *Customer Specific disk
Operational Requirements
* IBM1 compatible Personal Computer with a Windows 952 or NT3 operating system.
* The selected serial port must be available for exclusive use by the HID Field
Programmer software.
IBM is a registered trademark of International Business Machines
Windows 95 is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation
Windows NT is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation
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Setting up the HID ProxProgrammer System
Hardware Setup
1. After unpacking, check to make sure that you have all of the equipment listed in the System Equipment List on page 1. Make sure your PC is off.
2. Connect the HID ProxProgrammer DB9 cable to the selected Serial Port on the target PC. (The HID Field Programmer software uses COM1 as a default setting.) To change the COM port
setting, refer to the section: Selecting a COM Port, pg. 5.
3. Connect the power supply to the HID ProxProgrammer. The power jack is located on the back of the HID ProxProgrammer.
4. When you plug the power supply into the wall, you will hear a single Beep that indicates the HID Field Programmer is on. The LED on the front of the unit will flash green once then turn red and remain on after the power is supplied to the unit.
5. Boot up your PC.
Software Setup
1. Insert the HID ProxProgrammer Install CD into the disk drive. From the CD directory copy the NETSETUP folder to your desktop.
2. Open the NETSETUP folder. Execute the SETUP.EXE program. This will begin the installation.
3. Setup will initialize, ask a few questions, and then complete the setup. A program group entitled HID will be created and accessible from the START menu.
4. After the programmer software is successfully installed, proceed to the Customer Configuration. Customer Configuration.
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Customer Configuration
The HID Field Programmer software system is customized for each customer. The system file sysdb.sys contains validation keys for each specific customer and their HID Field Programmer hardware. Once Customer Specifics have been installed, the programmer and the software system should be ready to go.
1. Insert the HID Field Programmer Customer Specific Floppy into the disk drive. At the Start menu select RUN and type A:\ Install.bat.
2. The batch file assumes that the target system hard drive is C:. If the assumption is incorrect, edit the batch file, Install.bat and replace the C: with the appropriate designator before executing the batch file.
3. The DOS shell that executes the batch file will indicate that files have been copied.
4. Close the DOS shell. The software has been successfully installed.
Be sure to make a backup of the following files:
If your system crashes, you will need these files to restore your customer card format information.
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Getting Started
Starting HID ProxProgrammer Software
1. On the Start Menu, locate and highlight the Program group HID. Click on the HID ProxProgrammer icon. This will launch the program.
2. Once the program is launched a COM Port selection screen will appear. If your HID ProxProgrammer is attached to the default COM Port (1) and it is plugged in, press OK to continue.
3. If the program does not detect the HID ProxProgrammer in the default COM port 1, you will receive an error message. Press OK.
4. If you are not using the default settings, you must a select a different COM Port.
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