HID v120 User Manual

EdgeSolo User's Guide - English
Document Number: 83000-902-ENEN, Rev. B.1
HID Global Corporation
15370 Barranca Parkway
Irvine, CA 92618
Copyright © 2009 HID Global Corporation. All rights reserved.
Edge Solo User's Guide Copyright © 2009 HID Global Corporation. All rights reserved. Revision History
Revision A.1 08-22-2007 Revision B.1 03-30-2009
Table of Contents
1. Getting Started ....................................................................................................................... 1
................................................................................................................................................ 1
Getting Started ..................................................................................................................... 1
About this Guide .................................................................................................................. 1
Installing the Edge Solo Jumpstart Shortcut ....................................................................... 1
Accessing the Edge Solo Management Console ................................................................ 2
Logging Off .......................................................................................................................... 4
Technical Support ................................................................................................................ 5
2. Preferences ............................................................................................................................ 6
................................................................................................................................................ 6
Setting Up Preferences ....................................................................................................... 6
3. Schedules .............................................................................................................................. 8
................................................................................................................................................ 8
Setting Up Schedules .......................................................................................................... 8
Adding a Schedule .............................................................................................................. 8
Changing a Schedule ........................................................................................................ 12
Assigning a Schedule to a Person .................................................................................... 12
Viewing a List of All Schedules ......................................................................................... 13
Deleting a Schedule .......................................................................................................... 13
Downloading Schedules for Use in a Spreadsheet ........................................................... 13
Setting Up and Editing the Door Unlock Schedule ............................................................ 13
Setting Up and Editing the Card Only Schedule ............................................................... 14
Managing Special Days ..................................................................................................... 15
4. People .................................................................................................................................. 18
.............................................................................................................................................. 18
Setting Up People Who Access the Door ......................................................................... 18
Adding People ................................................................................................................... 18
Changing a Person’s Information ...................................................................................... 20
Assigning or Changing a Person’s Card ........................................................................... 21
Assigning or Changing a Person’s Schedule .................................................................... 21
Viewing a List of All People .............................................................................................. 22
Removing People .............................................................................................................. 23
Downloading People Information for Use in a Spreadsheet .............................................. 24
5. Cards/PINs ........................................................................................................................... 25
.............................................................................................................................................. 25
Setting Up Cards/PINs ...................................................................................................... 25
Setting Up Card Formats ................................................................................................... 25
Adding Cards/PINs ............................................................................................................ 27
Reassigning a Card to a Different Person ........................................................................ 30
Viewing a List of All Cards/PINs ....................................................................................... 31
Deleting Cards/PINs .......................................................................................................... 31
Downloading Card Information for Use in a Spreadsheet ................................................. 32
6. Dashboard ............................................................................................................................ 33
.............................................................................................................................................. 33
Opening the Door and Monitoring Status .......................................................................... 33
Letting Someone In the Door ............................................................................................ 33
EdgeSolo User's
Guide - English
Unlocking and Relocking the Door .................................................................................... 33
Stopping a Door Alarm ...................................................................................................... 34
Monitoring the Door Status ................................................................................................ 34
7. Reports ................................................................................................................................. 36
.............................................................................................................................................. 36
Downloading Reports ......................................................................................................... 36
Exporting Events for Use in a Spreadsheet ...................................................................... 36
8. Utilities .................................................................................................................................. 37
.............................................................................................................................................. 37
Backing Up and Restoring Your Edge Solo Data .............................................................. 37
Backing Up Your Edge Solo Data ..................................................................................... 37
Restoring Your Edge Solo Data from a Backup ................................................................ 37
Updating Firmware ............................................................................................................ 38
Managing Multiple Doors ................................................................................................... 38
9. Installer Settings .................................................................................................................. 40
.............................................................................................................................................. 40
Installer Information ........................................................................................................... 40
Managing Alert Actions ...................................................................................................... 40
Adding an Alert Action to an Event ................................................................................... 40
Changing an Alert Action Associated with an Event ......................................................... 41
Viewing Alert Settings ........................................................................................................ 41
Deleting an Alert Action Associated with an Event ........................................................... 41
HTTP Parameter Substitutions .......................................................................................... 42
10. Troubleshooting .................................................................................................................. 44
.............................................................................................................................................. 44
Troubleshooting ................................................................................................................. 44
A. Event Reference .................................................................................................................. 46
.............................................................................................................................................. 46
Event Reference ................................................................................................................ 46
Chapter 1. Getting Started
Getting Started
Edge Solo is a cost-effective, single-door access control solution. This solution permits remote management and report generation using a web browser.
Edge Solo lets you set up and control access to your door. You set up the people who need regular access to the door and assign them a card and schedule.You can also let someone in, unlock the door, relock the door, and monitor all door activity.
The following sections describe how to get started with your Edge Solo:
• "About this Guide"
• "Installing the Edge Solo Jumpstart Shortcut"
• "Accessing the Edge Solo Management Console"
• "Logging Off"
• "Technical Support"
About this Guide
This guide describes how to use the Edge Solo to manage people, cards, and schedules.
This guide uses the following typographical conventions to help explain how to use the Edge Solo.
Convention Definition Bold Words in bold show items to select or click, such as menu items, tabs, or
Note Notes contain important information that may affect how you set up Edge
Installing the Edge Solo Jumpstart Shortcut
Before you can access the Edge Solo management console to set up schedules, people, and cards, Windows users need to install the Edge Solo Jumpstart shortcut. This shortcut lets you access the Edge Solo management console using your local area network.
Getting Started
NOTE: To install the Jumpstart shortcut, you need the Media Access Control (MAC) address of your Edge Solo. Your installer put the MAC address on the Edge Solo Quick Start card, or it is on the Edge Solo box. The MAC address is a unique number that identifies your Edge Solo.
If you are using Linux or a Mac, you need to use a static IP address.
To download and install the Jumpstart shortcut:
1. Open your web browser.
2. In the field at the top of the browser window, enter the following: www.hidglobal.com/
3. Press Enter.
4. Use the run or open option to start the installation.
• If run or open is not an option, save the file to a folder. Using My Computer on your Windows Desktop, navigate to where you downloaded the file and double-click the SoloJumpstart.exe file.
• The Welcome window displays.
5. Click Next.
6. Enter the 12-character MAC address of your Edge Solo.
• Enter just the letters and numbers without any colons or other characters.
7. Click Next.
8. Select the shortcuts that will let you access Jumpstart.
• Be sure you know where you put the shortcuts.
9. Click Next.
• Jumpstart installs and displays the successful installation window when it is finished.
10.Click Finish.
• Now you can use the Jumpstart shortcut to access the Edge Solo management console.
Accessing the Edge Solo Management Console
The Edge Solo management console is where you set up and monitor your Edge Solo. You access the management console using your web browser. Edge Solo supports the following browsers:
Getting Started
• Microsoft Internet Explorer, version 6.0 or later
• Mozilla Firefox, version 2.0 or later
NOTE: You must enable JavaScript in your browser. If it is not enabled, you will not be able to display the Edge Solo management console. For information about how to enable JavaScript, see "Enabling JavaScript in Your Browser" .
You must log in with the user name and password to access the management console. The Edge Solo has a single user name and password for anyone who needs to manage your system. The user name is: user. Be sure to enter it with the lower-case letter u.
The person who installed your Edge Solo set your password. If you do not have the password, contact your installer.
To access the management console:
1. Using the shortcut you created when you installed Edge Solo Jumpstart, start Jumpstart.
• The shortcut may be in one or more of the following locations:
• Start menu
• Windows Desktop
• Quick Launch bar
• Internet Explorer Favorites
• Jumpstart opens your default browser and accesses your Edge Solo, then the Login page displays.
2. In the User Name field, enter your user name.
• The user name is user and is case sensitive.
3. In the Password field, enter your password.
• Enter the password exactly the way the installer gave it to you. Passwords are case sensitive and contain only letters and numbers. Refer to the Edge Solo Quick Start for Customers card that your installer gave you.
4. Click OK.
• The Edge Solo management console page displays. The Home tab automatically displays whenever you log in.
• For information about the management console page, see "Understanding the Management Console Page" .
Getting Started
Enabling JavaScript in Your Browser
If the management console page does not display properly, check that you have JavaScript en­abled in your browser. The exact location of this option may vary based on the browser version you are using, but the steps below should help you find and enable the option.
To enable JavaScript in Internet Explorer:
1. Select Tools > Internet Options.
2. Click the Security tab.
3. Click Custom Level.
4. Scroll down to the Scripting options.
5. Enable Active Scripting.
6. Click OK.
7. Click OK.
To enable JavaScript in Firefox:
1. Select Tools > Options.
2. Click the Content icon.
3. Select the Enable JavaScript option.
4. Click OK.
Understanding the Management Console Page
The management console page gives you access to the things you can do to set up your Edge Solo.
Logging Off
When you are finished working with the Edge Solo, you should close your browser. This logs you off.
You may want to stay logged in all day if you need to let people in the door or want to monitor events. We recommend that you close your browser at the end of the day.
To log off:
• Close your browser.
Getting Started
Technical Support
Technical support for your Edge Solo is available by telephone:
• Americas—California, USA
• Telephone—(949) 732-2000
• Toll Free Number—(800) 237-7769
• Fax—(949) 732-2120
• South America—Mexico
• Telephone— +52 477 779 1492
• Fax— +52 477 779 1493
• Europe, Middle East, and Africa—Haverhill, England
• Telephone—+44 1440 714 850
• Fax—+44 1440 714 840
• Asia Pacific—Hong Kong
• Telephone—(852) 3160 9800
• Fax—(852) 3160 4809
Chapter 2. Preferences
Setting Up Preferences
You can set up the following:
• "Password to access the management console"
• "Display formats for names, dates, and times"
• "Date and Time settings"
Changing Your Password
You use a single password to manage your Edge Solo. More than one person can be logged in at a time with the password.
To change your password:
1. Click the Password text link.
• The Password page displays.
2. Enter the new password in both fields.
• The new password must be at least 6 characters long, but not more than 10 characters. Use only letters and numbers. We recommend making the password difficult to guess by mixing numbers, lower case letters, and upper case letters and not spelling an actual word.
3. Click Save.
Defining How Information is Displayed
You can define the way names, dates, and times are displayed within the Edge Solo Management Console. You can also define two custom fields for storing information about people. By default, these fields are called Custom 1 and Custom 2.
Use one or both of these fields for a department name or number, supervisor’s name, or other information that you want to maintain for people who use this door.
If you do not want to use these fields, enter a few blank spaces in them.
To define the displays:
1. Click the Displays text link.
• The Displays page displays.
2. Use the list boxes to select the desired formats for names, dates, and times.
3. In the first custom field, select the "Custom Heading 1" text and enter what you want to call the field.
• You can enter up to 25 characters.
• If you do not want to use the field, enter a few blank spaces in the field.
4. If you want to define the second custom field, select the “Custom Heading 2” text and enter what you want to call the field.
• You can enter up to 25 characters.
• If you do not want to use the field, enter a few blank spaces in the field.
5. Click Save.
• Names, dates, times, and headings for the custom fields will now display when you view,
enter or edit information.
Changing the Date and Time
You can change the following related to the time that the Edge Solo uses for events, reports, and at the top of each management console page:
• Current date
• Current time
To change the date and time:
1. Click the Date and Time text link.
• The Date and Time page displays.
2. Set the current date and time, if needed.
3. Click Save.
• All time displays change to use the new settings. All events that occur after the change will
use the new settings. If you changed the time zone, only new event times will reflect the new time zone.
Chapter 3. Schedules
Setting Up Schedules
Before anyone can use a card to access the door, you must set up at least one schedule and assign a schedule to each person.
The Edge Solo comes with the following schedules already set up for your use:
• 24x7—Sunday through Saturday, 00:00 to 24:00.
• 8:00–17:00—Monday through Friday 08:00 to 17:00.
• 7:00–19:00—Monday through Friday 07:00 to 19:00, Saturday 08:00 to 12:00.
• 15:00–24:00—Monday through Friday 15:00 to 24:00, Saturday 15:00 to 19:00.
• 23:00 to 8:00, Sunday through Friday 23:00 to 24:00, Monday through Friday 00:00 to 08:00,
Saturday 00:00 to 03:00.
You can use these schedules as they are or edit them to meet your needs. You can also create your own schedules.
If needed, you can also set a door unlock schedule. This is a special type of schedule that auto­matically unlocks the door at a specific time and relocks the door at a specific time.
The following sections describe how to set up schedules:
• "Adding a Schedule"
• "Changing a Schedule"
• "Assigning a Schedule to a Person"
• "Viewing a List of All Schedules"
• "Deleting a Schedule"
• "Downloading Schedules for Use in a Spreadsheet"
• "Setting Up and Editing the Door Unlock Schedule"
• "Setting Up and Editing the Card Only Schedule"
• "Managing Special Days"
Adding a Schedule
Before anyone can use a card to open the door, you must set up at least one schedule and assign a schedule to each person.
A schedule controls the time of day people can access the door. You can have up to eight sched­ules to accommodate different work hours.
When setting the times, take into account people who arrive before their normal workday starts. For example, if people work from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., people may begin arriving at 7:45 a.m., or possibly earlier.
You can add holidays and other special days to any schedule. The holidays and special days let you determine whether people using a schedule have access on those special days.
To add a schedule:
1. Click Add Schedule.
• The Add Schedule page displays.
2. In the Schedule Name field, enter a name for this schedule.
• You can enter up to 25 characters, including spaces.
• Give the schedule a name that you will easily recognize when you need to assign a schedule.
3. If you need to set up each weekday with different times, click the Change to show each week- day separately text link to add a row for each weekday, then set the time for each day.
4. In the Monday - Friday row or in the row for each day, set the time that people assigned to this schedule will have access, in the Time 1 column.
• If one of the autofill options meets your needs, select that option. The times on the right will
automatically populate.
• If you need to set up a split schedule, enter the split times in the Time 1 and Time 2 columns.
You might need a split schedule if people need access to the door from 8 a.m. to noon, no access from 12:01 p.m. to 1:00 p.m., then need access again from 1:01 p.m. until 5:00 p.m. For more information, see "Example Schedule 1: Shift That Has Split Times".
• If you require more than two time blocks for Monday - Friday, click Add Time 3 to add a
new column.
5. Set the access times for the Saturday and Sunday rows.
6. If you want holidays or other special days to have different access times or no access, click Add Row for Special Day.
• For more information, see "Adding a Special Day" or "Assigning a Special Day to a Schedule"
7. Click Save.
• You can now assign this schedule to a person.
Example Schedule 1: Shift That Has Split Times
A schedule with split times would accommodate a situation where people need access to the door during certain times, but not other times in any given day. For example, if people need access from 8 a.m. to noon, do not need access from 12:01 p.m. to 1:00 p.m., then need access again from 1:01 p.m.until 5:00 p.m.
The timeline below shows a split shift example.
To create a schedule for the split shift above, you would set the times in the schedule as follows:
Days Time 1 Time 2
Monday through Friday 8:00 to 12:00 13:01 to 17:00
NOTE: People using the schedule above will not be able to enter the door between 12:01 p.m. and 1:00 p.m. Be sure that this is what you intend.
If you need another time block, you can click Add Time 3 to add a third column to the schedule.
Example Schedule 2: Shift That Spans Midnight
A schedule that spans midnight would accommodate shifts that start one day and end the next, for example, a third shift that starts at 11 p.m. and ends at 7 a.m.
The timelines below show an example of a schedule that spans midnight.
To create a schedule for the shift above, you would set the times in the schedule as follows:
Days Time 1 Time 2
Sunday 23:00 to 23:59 Monday through Friday 00:00 to 7:00 23:00 to 23:59 Saturday 00:00 to 7:00
Assigning a Special Day to a Schedule
To assign a special day to a schedule:
1. From the schedule you are adding or editing, click Add Row for Special Day.
• A new row displays at the bottom of the schedule.
2. In the new row, click the Select Existing Special Day list box.
• A list of existing special days is displayed.
3. Select the day you want from the Select a Special Day drop-down list.
4. In the Time 1 column, set the time that people assigned to this schedule will have access on this special day.
• If you do not want people to have access on this special day, use the “No access” option
in the autofill area.
• If you need to set up a split schedule, enter the split times in the Time 1 and Time 2 columns.
You might need a split schedule if people need access to the door from 8 a.m. to noon, no access from 12:01 p.m. to 1:00 p.m., then need access again from 1:01 p.m. until 5:00 p.m. For more information, see "Example Schedule 1: Shift That Has Split Times".
• If you require more than two time blocks for the special day, click Add Time 3 to add a new
5. If you wish to add additional Special Days to this schedule, repeat steps 1 through 4.
6. Click Save.
Changing a Schedule
You can change a schedule any time you need to adjust the access times, add or remove a holiday, or make any other adjustments. You should review your schedules at least once a year to check that they are correct and reflect holidays for the next twelve months.
NOTE: Changing a schedule affects all people the schedule is assigned to.
To change a schedule:
1. Click the schedule you want to change.
• A pop-up menu displays.
2. Select Edit.
• The Edit Schedule page displays, with the schedule you selected.
3. Make the changes you need.
• For more information, see "Adding a Special Day" , "Assigning a Special Day to a Schedule"
, "Example Schedule 1: Shift That Has Split Times" , and "Example Schedule 2: Shift That Spans Midnight" .
4. Click Save.
• Changes to the schedule take effect immediately.
Assigning a Schedule to a Person
After you set up a schedule, you can assign it to a person and assign a card to the person. You can start by either setting up the card or the person. For more information see "Assigning or Changing a Person’s Schedule" .
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