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HID GLOBAL, HID, the HID logo, iCLASS, iCLASS SE, OMNIKEY, and Seos are the trademarks or
registered trademarks of HID Global Corporation, or its licensors, in the U.S. and other countries.
MIFARE, MIFARE DESFire and MIFARE DESFire EV1 are registered trademarks of NXP B.V. and are
used under license.
Revision History
DateDescription Version
03/01/2014Software Release 2.4 (SP1)A.3
09/13/2013Software Release 2.3.6 (Prox update)A.2
08/22/2013First ReleaseA.1
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The CP1000 iCLASS SE Encoder is a smart card provisioning product that consolidates most of HID’s
existing encoding products including the CP400 iCLASS Programmer, CP600 DESFire Encoder,
iCL-ELITE programmer, and 1050 ProxProgrammer.
Included are the following features:
• Encode HID Access Control Application with Standard, Elite, and custom Security on to iCLASS
and MIFARE® cards and tokens
• Encode HID Secure Identity Objects with Elite Security on iCLASS, MIFARE, MIFARE DESFire
EV1®, and Seos
• Encode HID Access Control Application on to HID Prox cards and tokens
• Encode Custom Data Objects on iCLASS, MIFARE, MIFARE DESFire EV1, and Seos
• Roll keys on existing card populations from a revoked key set to a new active key set
• Migrate existing iCLASS and MIFARE Standard Security (applications) card populations to SE
• Configure encoders for various Security models and Custom Data model interpreters
Chapter 1
Other Features and Use Cases:
• Create and manage custom media and application keys
• Export and Import custom keys
• Import keys from HID Secure Key Management Platform (SDI)
• Port custom Elite keys imported from CP400 iCLASS Programmer
• Configure blank iCLASS cards and tokens
• Manage all card and reader transactions through work orders scripted from instruction sets
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Overview Page 1-2
1.1Main Concepts
To get the most out of the CP1000 iCLASS SE Encoder, there are several concepts that should be
• Key Management
• Credential Credit Management
• Formats
• Plugin Architecture
• Work Orders
• Work Instructions
• Creating Custom Applications
1.1.1Key Management
iCLASS SE Encoder is an HID Global product that provides solution to encode user credentials and
reader configuration data. In order to provide a high level of security the encoder device uses a
smart card chip (an ISO 7816 compliant device) to perform the key management as well run the
encoding applications. This component of the encoder device is called Secure Access Module
A typical encoding operation requires knowledge of default/transport keys of the card, the user
credential or reader configuration data and the new keys to be used to protect the credential. The
keys that are involved in encoding operation could be ones that are managed by HID or the ones
created by the customer and provisioned in SAM.
In order to do a secure key management we follow state of the art security practices and use
cryptographic algorithms and practices that have been validated by industry to provide secure
solutions for us and our customers. The rest of the document will describe different types of keys
and their management.
1.1.2Administration Keys
In order to load, update and delete configuration data and keys used during encoding operation we
use Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) version 3. SNMP is an internet-standard protocol
for managing devices on IP networks and defined by RFC 3411-RFC 3418. Though the protocol is
intended for IP devices we make use of it over other transport and application protocols such as ISO
7816-3 (APDU) for PC/SC readers.
A typical SNMP message is encrypted and signed using 16 byte keys and also contains metadata
about the cryptographic mechanism used to protect the message. The message defines its actions
using set of verbs, such as GET, SET etc. The key that is used for encryption is called SNMP
encryption/privacy key and key used for signing is called SNMP signing/authentication key.
A device or a software application implementing the SNMP standard is called an SNMP endpoint or
engine and is identified using one or more engineId/username pairs.
The encoder SAM is an SNMP endpoint that has two identities. The first identity is that of HID Admin
and other is that for OEM Admin. Each identity is recognized using an engineId and username pair
as described in the SNMP standard, and with each identity are two associated keys (SNMP
encryption and signing keys).
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Purpose of HID Admin identity is to manage the keys and configuration data that originate from HID
Vault where as the OEM Admin identity can be used to create custom keys and perform operations
that do not require high level of security.
When a customer receives an encoder it has OEM Admin SNMP keys that are set to default/public
values. When the host application is started the first time it prompts the user to change them to the
ones managed by the user. The host application then stores the changed OEM Admin keys in the
local database and the keys are encrypted using the password of the user of the desktop
1.1.3Media Keys
The keys that are used to authenticate to a card to perform read/write operations are called media
keys. For example, the debit and credit keys for a page in PicoPass (iCLASS) cards will be the media
keys. In case of MIFARE Classic, the Key A and Key B of a sector are the media keys and for DESFire
the application keys as well as PICC master key will be the examples of media keys.
The lengths of these types of keys as well as the cryptographic algorithms such as authentication
algorithm that make use of these keys are dependent upon the card/media technology.
A typical encoding operation will use the default/known media key to first authenticate to the blank
card, create the application, write the credential and change the value of the key to the one
specified by the user. It is important to make a note that the new value will be a diversified key so as
to reduce the surface area of attack. In other words, all the cards/media will have different values of
the media keys. For the newer and more secure credentials (for example: Secure Objects) we make
use of NIST 108 key diversification algorithm whereas the older/legacy credentials make use of
proprietary key diversification algorithms invented by HID and/or chip vendor such as NXP.
For all the card/media, the keys could fall in one of these categories:
• HID Managed Standard Media Keys: These keys are managed securely in the HID vault and are
intended for general customer base.
• HID Managed Elite Media Keys: These keys are managed securely in the HID vault and are
specific to customers who participate in the Elite program. For example an Elite customer
identified using an ICE 0120 will have a different set of media keys than the one identified using
• Customer Generated and Managed Keys: These keys are either generated using encoder
solution and/or entered by the customer. The keys reside in the encoder SAM, and can be
exported in encrypted form to be archived. Once created, knowledge of the plain text key is the
responsibility of the administrator. Custom Keys are not archived in the HID vault.
All the HID managed keys are delivered in the form of static SNMP messages targeted to the
encoder, for which they were requested. Typically, the customer will read the engineId of the
encoder device using the host application and request HID for the appropriate key set (for example:
standard, ICEXXX etc.). The keys are delivered in the form of a file that will contain the static
messages, and the host application provides necessary user interface to load them in the encoder
Custom keys can be exported from the encoder device. The export format is again an SNMP
message that is protected using OEM Admin keys.
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Overview Page 1-4
1.1.4Secure Object Keys
The newer and more secure credentials used by HID readers are based on the Secure Object (SO)
technology. While it is outside the scope of this document to describe SO technology in detail, in
simple words, a SO is a structured credential that is based on state of the art industry standards to
ensure extensibility of credential structure and use industry validated and approved security
algorithms and mechanisms. The most important aspect of a SO is that it provides an additional
security for the credential and therefore we do not only rely on the security mechanisms of the
chip/media silicon vendor.
Very much like an SNMP message a SO also has a notion of encryption and signature. In order to
reduce the size of a secure object credential we make use of an Authenticated Encryption with
Associated Data (AEAD) algorithm called EAX’ (read as EAX prime). In simple words, EAX’ one key
can be used to perform both encryption and signing of the SO credential. This key is called SO
encryption key. Please note it is called an encryption key but it also performs signature verification.
The SO encryption key could be managed by HID as a standard key and/or an Elite key, which is
similar to the management of Media keys described earlier. We also provide the support to create a
customer managed SO encryption key, however a SO credential that is protected using such a key is
not managed via the HID vault and will also have an additional signature using HID’s license key.
More information about secure objects can be requested from HID.
1.1.5Secure Channel Key
The messages that are exchanged between a host application and the encoder device are
transferred over a mandatory secure channel5. The secure channel ensures the confidentiality and
authenticity of the messages between the host application and the encoder device.
The encoder comes with a default value of the secure channel key, and very much like the OEM
Admin keys, the host application prompts the user to provide the new value of the secure channel
key. This secure channel key is stored in the local database, which is managed by host application,
and is encrypted using the user’s password.
The secure channel mechanism is based on a slightly modified Global platform SCP 03 secure
channel protocol. You can request more information about the secure channel from HID.
SIO: Secure Identity Objects; request information from HID
HID Secure Channel version 0.87
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Page 1-5Overview
1.1.6Credential Credit Management
All transactions with smart cards are enabled by credential credits. These are discrete tokens that
are consumed after every transaction until none remain or until additional credits are ordered
(topped up).
The following attributes, are the building blocks to define a transaction which is enabled by a
Credential Credit Token.
TechnologyApplication SecurityMedia
iCLASSHIDStandardGenuine HID
MIFARE ClassicSIOEliteThird Party
MIFARE DESFire EV1CustomCustom
For example: To encode iCLASS with HID Access Control application and Standard keys, this
transaction would require a different credential credit token than the same transaction using Elite
Things to know about credential credits:
• Each credit token type is managed by its respective credit counter.
• Credit top up messages are delivered in a secure SNMP message that is targeted for a specific
device by diversifying the keys with the device UID.
• Credit top up messages can be loaded only once.
• A cap (100 credits) is placed on the number of credits that can be ordered at a time. This is to
limit the monetary value that can be loaded into a single encoder device which can be lost or
The CP1000 includes a format interpreter capable of parsing all open and custom formats
developed and maintained by HID.
Format fields are presented to the user in the desktop UI for the purpose of assigning data to each
Formats must be ordered from Customer Service. Most formats are custom to a specific OEM and
end users, and are not freely distributed.
The H10301 is the default format delivered with the desktop application.
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Overview Page 1-6
1.1.8Plugin Architecture
The CP1000 includes a plugin architecture which makes it highly configurable with minimal
maintenance and few releases. There are two types of plugins:
• Technology
• Configuration
Technology plugins are a packaged bundle that includes an applet which is loaded to the encoder
device and a UI plugin for the desktop application that is customized for the associated applet.
• Applets are small C# applications designed to run on the .NET framework that is native to the
encoder device. These applets manage the interface to the smart card and provide an API to the
desktop application. Applets can be tailored for a specific use case.
• The UI plugin manages the interface to the encoder device and provides the user with inputs
and information specific to the applet loaded on the device. For example, each technology
applet comes with a unique set of wizard pages gathering user input for work order creation.
Configuration plugins expose a UI for gathering inputs and creating reader configuration cards.
Reader configuration plugins are released as groups that organize parameters.
Things to know about plugins:
• Each plugin is digitally signed by a key managed by HID and known by all encoder devices
(global key). This identifies the applet as Genuine HID. Only Genuine HID plugins are recognized
by the encoder device.
• Initially, one applet/plugin is created for each of the four supported technologies (iCLASS,
MIFARE Classic, MIFARE DESFire EV1, Prox, and Seos).
• Custom plugins can be created on a CPO basis.
1.1.9Work Orders
All credential encoding activity is managed through Work Orders. Each Work Order includes a set of
Work Instructions to be executed on every card or token presented to the encoder.
• Work orders execute a work flow that you design
• Work Orders are technology independent
• Work Orders can be limited in scope or open-ended
1.1.10Work Instructions
Each Work Instruction represents one step of an overall work flow that is executed on every card or
token presented to the encoder.
• Work Instructions are analogous to scripts
• Work Instructions are technology specific
• Work Instructions are wholly independent operations
1.1.11Custom Applications
Custom Applications can be written to cards. The iCLASS SE Encoder supports two types of custom
application; Custom Host and Data Mapper.
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Page 1-7Overview
1.1.12Custom Host Applications (Transparent Mode)
• Access to the card application data is managed from the host versus autonomously by the
reader (OK5427UE Desktop Encoder).
• Host sends APDU serial commands through the reader to communicate to the card.
• Host loads authentication keys and sends read commands
1.1.13Data Mapper Applications (HF Migration)
• Reader accesses custom card application data autonomously and reports data on
communications ports
• Reader is configured with necessary authentication and encryption keys to access the raw card
• Reader is configured with instructions for manipulating the raw data into a format that can be
managed by the host or access control system
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Application Navigation
The CP1000 iCLASS SE Encoder consists of two main tabs with multiple options along the left pane.
2.1File Tab
The File tab contains all the Administrative, UI configuration,
and management functions.
2.1.1Install Plugin Package
The Install Plugin Package installs all necessary plugins for a
particular technology. Technologies include iCLASS, MIFARE
Classic, MIFARE DESFire EV1, Seos, and Prox.
2.1.2Install Format
Chapter 2
The Install Format imports an encrypted file determining how
a PACS credential is formatted.
2.1.3Upload Encoder Configuration Package
The Upload Encoder Configuration Package uploads a
combination of counters and keys.
2.1.4Upload Credential Credits
The Upload Credential Credits uploads individual credit files.
2.1.5Load HID Keys to Encoder
The Load HID Keys to Encoder uploads keys managed by HID
to the iCLASS SE Encoder.
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2.1.6Log Out / Switch User
The Log Out / Switch User logs out the current user and displays the User Login window for a user
to log in.
The Recent option on the File tab, displays the Recent Work Orders, for quick reference. Work
Orders can quickly be opened by double-clicking on a Work Order listed.
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Page 2-3Application Navigation
2.1.8Plugins / Users
This window contains the two following areas:
Installed Plugins - Displays the plugins installed, and allows the user to uninstall and refresh the list
from this location.
Users - The Users management allows viewing, creating, deleting of users, and the modification of
passwords. For more detailed information on Users, see Chapter 8: Administrative.
April 2014PLT-01067, Version: A.3
The Formats window displays all the formats currently loaded, and allows the selection, deletion,
and restoral of formats provided to the customer from HID Global.
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Page 2-5Application Navigation
The Options window allows the user to set a few preferences, regarding Work Orders.
• Load work order from last session at startup
• Automatically focus next row in grid after executing the last row in a work order
• Automatically add a new row after executing the last row in a work order
• Prompt user between each card that is encoded during batch encoding
April 2014PLT-01067, Version: A.3
The Check SAM Firmware Compatibility feature allows the user to check and upgrade the SAM
firmware version.
When the desktop application is launched, it checks for the current SDK version of the encoder
device. If there is a mismatch, higher or lower, the desktop application will boot load the version of
the SDK that is built into the assembly file to ensure compatibility.
The SAM SIO Firmware Version can be checked on the File tab > Help window.
Application Navigation Page 2-6
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Page 2-7Application Navigation
The Database window allows a user to see the location of the database, as well as view/clear the
following items:
• Database Location - Displays the path to iCLASS SE Encoder database.
• Sync to Encoder - This will launch a form that will analyze and synchronize to the current
iCLASS SE Encoder.
Note: See Section 9.3.1: Synchronize Database to Encoder for more information.
• Secured Encoder/User Records - Lists the number of secure devices and users connected to
this application.
Warning: If you clear the Encoders, it will be necessary to enter the generated Admin Keys to
reconnect to the iCLASS SE Encoder with the loaded keys/credits.
• Known HID Keys - Lists the number of HID Keys loaded on the database.
• Custom Keys - Lists the number of custom keys that are on the database.
• Key Set Type Fields - Lists the number of Key Set Type fields
Note: Clearing the database items, does not clear this data from the iCLASS SE Encoder. A future
release will include database syncing to allow multiple databases to be managed with the iCLASS
SE Encoder devices.
April 2014PLT-01067, Version: A.3
The Help window displays the current software/firmware information. Also from this location the
user can view the log file, for troubleshooting information.
Application Navigation Page 2-8
Log File
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Page 2-9Application Navigation
2.2Home Tab
The Home tab contains all the configuration and implementation of Work Orders, Work Instructions,
Key Management and Reader Configuration.
2.2.1Work Order Manager
The Work Order Manager allows you to define and save an encoding profile for your credential
deployment. Each work order defines the number of data fields encoded, as well as the data type
and field size. These data fields are concatenated into a single data stream and encoded into an
application, and are defined by the selected format.
April 2014PLT-01067, Version: A.3
2.2.2Key Manager
The Key Manager window has multiple options for managing HID and Custom keys.
• Manage keys for the HID access control application and SIOs
• Manage user defined keys for Custom Applications
• Import/export Custom keys
• Load keys to the iCLASS SE Encoder
Application Navigation Page 2-10
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Application Navigation Page 2-11
2.2.3Reader Configuration
The Reader Configuration window is used to create the Reader Data configuration cards (for both
keys and reader limited settings).
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Application Navigation Page 2-12
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Setup and Configuration
3.1System Requirements
Chapter 3
Hard Disk
Software Environment
3.2General Workflow
The following is the general workflow for setting up the iCLASS SE Encoder:
• Plug the iCLASS SE Encoder device to your PC.
• Plug the USB Flash Drive from iCLASS SE Encoder Kit to your PC.
• Install the iCLASS SE Encoder application and follow the wizard installation instructions.
• Launch the iCLASS SE Encoder application.
• Change the Default Administration keys from the factory when prompted (save plain text key
values in a secure archive).
• Install the Technology Plugins files when prompted.
• Install Formats, if required.
• Upload the Configuration file to install Credits (credentials).
• Load HID Keys to the iCLASS SE Encoder using the Key Manager.
• Create Custom keys (if desired)
• The iCLASS SE Encoder is now ready to start creating and executing Work Orders, and
configuring SE iCLASS readers.
300 MHz or higher Pentium-compatible CPU
USB Ports
1 GB of RAM or higher
500 MB free space
BGA or higher resolution monitor
Latest Operating System service pack
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Setup and Configuration Page 3-2
3.3Installing the iCLASS SE Encoder Software
1.Plug the iCLASS SE Encoder device into a USB port on a PC.
2. Wait for the correct Windows USB drivers to install, if necessary.
3. Plug the HID USB flash drive into a second USB port on the PC.
4. Locate and launch the iCLASS SE Encoder zip file on the USB flash drive.
5. Unzip the file and double-click on the executable file to launch the installation.
6. On the installation wizard click Next to begin the installation.
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Page 3-3Setup and Configuration
7.On the License Agreement Window, read the license agreement, and if you agree, select the I accept the license agreement box.
8. Click Next.
April 2014PLT-01067, Version: A.3
Setup and Configuration Page 3-4
9. Modify the destination installation Folder path, modify if required. Click Next.
10. Select Create Desktop Shortcut, if needed. Click Next.
PLT-01067, Version: A.3April 2014
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